02x14 - Frozen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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02x14 - Frozen

Post by bunniefuu »

2x14 - Frozen

[Toothless roars]

Let's go, bud.


[adventurous music]




Whoa, nice!

[wind blowing]

So as you can see by the chart, proper wing control can be achieved by...

[grunts] Okay. Okay, who shot that fireball?



Why are you looking at me?

Come on, guys.

I don't want to be here any more than you do.

Can we just get back to training, please?

I say we play 20 questions instead. Anyone? Anyone?

Astrid, why do you love me so much, huh?

[retches] Ugh.

Me, me, me. Okay, I'll go first. Question number one.

[crash, grumbling]

How do you play 20 questions?

Uh, can we try to stay focused, even for a second?

We've been stuck inside for a week straight, because of this crazy weather.

We're all starting to go a little nuts.



Ooh, Mr. Pinky, don't tell the others, but you are my favorite. [growling]



Barf and Belch just found out they have tails.

It looks like they really hate that idea.

Yeah, I got the same way when I found out I had a tail.

You can't hide from me forever, invisible tail.

I'll get you. [laughter]

I may have told Tuff he has a tail too.

You can't hide from me for long.

[grunting] Odin's ghost! It's cold out there.

Worst freeze in the history of Berk.

My... my beard is frozen solid.

So, father, what brings you to the academy?

Trader Johann hasn't reported to port.

If he's trapped out in the storm, he won't last through the night.

I was think...

Oh, yes, I can go.

Uh, you know, Toothless can help find Johann's ship in the darkness.

He is the perfect dragon for the job.


Uh, I don't know.

Please, Dad. If you ever cared for me at all, the way a father cares for his son, then you will let me leave.





[sighs] Bolt the door behind you when you leave, please.



It's pretty dark out here, bud. Do your thing.


Wow! Look at that.

I've never seen the ocean frozen solid before.

No wonder trader Johann can't get to port.

No one could get through this.



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I don't know what that was, bud, but I'm glad we're up here, and it's down there.


Found something? Let's take a better look.

There he is!

Oh, master Hiccup!

You're a welcome sight for these weary eyes.

In all my years on the briny deep, I have never witnessed a freeze quite like this one.

Ice as thick as Thor's hammer.

I even considered abandoning my ship and traveling to Berk on foot.

Well, you won't have to worry about that now, Johann.

Just enjoy the ride.


We shall pass the time with stories of my grand adventures that are sure to warm your heart and stoke the fires of your imagination.

Did I ever tell you about the time I found myself up against the man-eating metal masons of minori majore?

Oh, it was spring.

The smell of fresh jasmine was in the air.

...but it was not a yak.

It was his daughter! I could not believe.

She looked like a yak, and her name was Yakmine.

And that, master Hiccup, is how the King of Ennuden made me an honorary member of his royal court.

Oh, look. We're here. Thank Odin.


Hmm. Not the welcome I'm accustomed to, but nonetheless.

Where is everyone?

This reminds me of the time I landed on the island of the red...

Hello? Anyone?


[dramatic music]


Oh! [fluttering]

What in the name of Thor is going on?

Johann, anything?

The whole town, master Hiccup. It's empty.

I know. It's very weird.

I don't like this one bit.

There was one time I was on a trade run with a man who claimed to be a warlock, and...

Let's go, Toothless. Johann, stay here.



Yo! Don't ever do that again!

Hiccup! Oh, thank Thor. I-I'm so sorry I fell on you.

Okay, Fishlegs. [groans]

They're fast. Really fast. Too fast. Speedy.

Oh, and their sting. Paralyzing sting.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, Fishlegs.

What are you talking about?

Speed Stingers.

Speed Stingers? Here?


It all started just after nightfall.

They don't fly, but they're fast.

Faster than any dragon I've ever seen.


And they hide in the shadows.

They're scavengers, looking for any food they can find.

One drop of their venom can paralyze a human or dragon in an instant.


They move in a pack, following the leader...

[chittering] who directs them like a w*r chief.





By the time Stoick ordered everybody to the cove, the entire village had been overrun.

Well, where are the Speed Stingers now?

[panting] I don't know.

The sun came up, and they disappeared.

But they'll be back. They come out at night.

I-I-I don't understand. Why did you come back here, Fishlegs?

Why not just stay with everyone at the cove?

Just look at her up there. So majestic.

How did I miss that?

She tried to draw them away so I could escape.

I just couldn't leave her.

How did we miss that?

[all grunting]

So she eats rocks, you say? That makes sense.

[flatulence] Oof!

Oh, dear. That's quite an effect.

Movement, this is very good.

It means the paralysis is only temporary.

Come up and help, Hiccup.

Uh, where's Johann?

I'm okay, boys. I actually landed on me fluffy bits.

Fishlegs, what's the deal with this paralysis?

How long does it last?

I don't know, Hiccup.

There's nothing about it in the Book of Dragons or Bork's papers.

How do you think the Speed Stingers got here?

They can't fly.

If I had to guess, I would say it was because the ocean was frozen solid, creating an ice bridge from their island to ours.

We need to get to the cove, right away.


Oh, no. Oof!

I'm all right.



He gave as good as he got, Hiccup.

It took six of those Speed Stingers to freeze the poor bugger.


You betcha, chief.

What'd he say?

No clue. Don't want to make him feel worse than he does.

I should've been here. Toothless and I could've helped.

Nonsense, boy. There were too many of them.

Nothing would've mattered.

Tell you one thing, those Stingers would be dining on smoked sturgeon and yak jerky tonight, if it weren't for your father. [grumbling]

Couldn't agree with you more, Stoick.


[grunts] Oh, Astrid. How's everyone else?

Everyone's fine. Well, except for...

Oh, stop hitting yourself.

Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.

Stop picking your own nose. Stop scratching yourself.

Actually, when you think about it, it's really not so bad.

Aw, come on. Your face isn't that ugly.

[smacking] Oh, wait.


It's gonna be dark soon.

The Speed Stingers will be back for the rest of the food.

Everyone wants to know what we're gonna do.

Gather the other dragon riders. We're heading out.

Okay, we're ready.

Guys, these dragons only come out at night, so we need to find where they sleep during the day.

The only problem is we need to find their nest before sundown, or...

Can we not think about the "or," please?

Yeah. They came out of nowhere, like a pack of wild badgers, scavenging, and... and...

And "badge-ge-ging."


That's what a badger does. It badges.

Well, thanks for that. Uh, let's go.

Hold up!

You're not going on a Stinger hunt without me.


Whoa, that is seriously creepy.

His paralysis is wearing off. Lucky us.

Snotlout, unless you plan on flying Hookfang with your teeth, you're not going anywhere.

What do you mean? I'm fine.



Stupid arms and stupid legs.

Hey, Gustav, get your butt over here.

Snotlout Jorgenson, reporting for duty.

What the...

I'm Snotlout's arms and legs, Hiccup. And together, we are...

Both: "Gust-lout!"

Stop with the hands.

Hiccup, you need as much dragon power as you can get.

I can't believe I'm actually about to say this, but he's right.

You're kidding, right?

You heard what Gobber said.

There are hundreds of them.

Oh, all right, fine.

Yes! Move my arm.


Let's split up and search Berk for possible Speed Stinger hiding spots.

Okie-dokie, Hiccup. [grunting]

Come on. Little bit further.

Move with me.

Fishlegs, how's Meatlug doing?

She is raring to go, Hiccup. Look at her.


So what's the actual plan?

Fishlegs, you said they follow their leader in a giant pack, right?

Exactly. That's what I saw.

So the plan is, find the Speed Stingers, capture their leader, use it to lure them away.

[dramatic music]

It's okay. [grunts]

It's okay. You're doing your best.




[panting] I've been stung. I can't feel my tail!


When this paralysis wears off, you're dead.

Okay, up, up.

Up is where the sky is, down is where the land is.

I can't see, Snotlout. Your head's too big.



There will definitely be repercussions for this.

So, anything?

Not a single Stinger.

Us neither.

I got stung.

No, you didn't.

Have we checked every cave?

Snotlout, did you check your caves?

Really? I'm insulted, Hiccup.

Of course, I did. Do you think I fell off my dragon and spent hours trying to get out of the sand?

[laughs] I didn't.

He fell off his dragon, and we spent hours trying to get him out of the sand.

Gustav, make me punch you!

[laughter] Never gets old.

Well then, we know where to look. Let's go.


Thanks, Gustav. You stay here with Snotlout and Hookfang.

Right. Hey! [laughs] I did that all by myself.



Okay, g*ng, we have to move fast, because it will be sundown soon, and we need to get that lead Stinger out of there.

Without him, the pack is useless.

[whispering] Hiccup, there he is.

Got him.


[muffled growls]


[growling] Um, Hiccup?

[all chittering]

Get this Stinger into the cage right away.





That's right! Snotlout, Snotlout, oy, oy...


[muffled] Oh, come on!

[both growling]

He's too fast, Hiccup.

Not for a Night Fury.



Thanks, bud.




Astrid, follow us. [howls]

I think I know where you're going with this.


Stormfly, time to spike that Stinger.


[growls] Yes! Got him!


Hiccup, there's just too many of them.

We're surrounded.

Dad, you're okay.

Well, you didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, did you?

Remember me? [growls]

Now, get him off my island.

You heard the chief.

With pleasure.


Uh-oh. [grunting]

We'll get the cage. Ruff, Tuff, cover Astrid.


Here we go!



Weren't expecting the old metal leg, were you?

There, the ice bridge!

Toothless, we're going down!

[all laughing]


No, no, no! Out of bolas.

Toothless. [breathy shriek]

And no plasma blast. Great.

[howls] Ready, Toothless?

[all chittering]

Hookfang fire!


Nice sh**ting, Snotlout!

Ha! No problem, Hiccup.


Yeah, no problem, Hiccup.

Hey! Put me down! Repercussions. Repercussions!

Nasty creatures, those Speed Stingers.

Aye. But we have a few nasty creatures of our own around here.

Yeah, come on.

Hey. Whoa.

You better start running now, because when my leg wakes up, I'll...

Hey! Stop that! [laughter]

Repercussions. Repercussions!

Thank you again for the rescue, master Hiccup.

No problem, Johann.

I'm just glad everything's back to normal.

Oh, before you go, I have something for you.

A little token of my appreciation.

Pure squid ink, wrestled from the colossal squid of the Northern waters.

Wow. Thanks, Johann.

Yes, there is actually a wonderful story that goes along with that bottle.

[Toothless groans]

Ten summers ago, deep under the currents of the Northern waters, I was staring directly...

Hey, bud, what do you say we get our of here? [roars]

Wait. Where are you going? I haven't finished my story yet.

He was about to ingest me. Way big teeth!
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