01x15 - Twinsanity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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01x15 - Twinsanity

Post by bunniefuu »

1x15 - Twinsanity

Let's go, bud.

[Toothless roars]






Wow, nice.

He's pretty good.

They say two heads are better than one, which is often true.

But four heads? Eh, that's a few heads too many.

How are we supposed to see up here?

You're not... that's the whole point.

Oh. No, I still don't get it.

When you two can't see, you have to trust Barf and Belch to see for you.

Like this.

Why does he always have to speak in riddles?

I say we trust us.

Yeah, I'm with you, sister.

Barf, up.

Belch, down.

[both groaning]


[branch crackling]

Belch, get me down.

Barf, go for help.

[dragons grumble]



It worked. I can't believe it actually worked.

[branch crackling]


What was that hand thing you were doing?

If you must know, I have been crafting some rudimentary hand signals for Meatlug just in case we get separated, and they seem to have been well-received.

Hmm, hand signals. That's incredible, Fishlegs.

Yeah, I know.

We need to start working on those right away.

[dragon grumbling]

Toothless, battle ready.

Toothless, plasma blast.

Good job, bud. Smile.

Not bad. Stormfly, spine shot!

Well, that's better than last time.


Hookfang, annihilate!




Meatlug, hug.


Hmm, that could actually be useful. Ruff, Tuff, your turn.

Belch, come.

Barf, go.

Belch, ground.

Barf, sky.

Ha ha, I win!

What do you think you're doing to my dragon?

Your dragon? Puh-lease.

You've been breathing in Barf's gas again.

Yeah, so?

Guys, guys.

Barf and Belch is one dragon.

You have to use one signal at a time.

Good idea. Barf, attack Tuffnut.

Heh, how was that?

I don't think it's what Hiccup...

Belch, eat Ruffnut.

[groans] Uh, ow.

Tuff, come on.

Whatever. Belch, drop Ruffnut.

[shudders] Ugh. I can't work like this.

Ugh, it's completely unprofessional.

I'm taking my dragon and going home.

You touch that dragon, and I'll...

You'll what?

I... I don't know. Don't rush me.

Just, uh... uh...

Tell you tomorrow.

Ugh, come on, Barf.

Guys, come on. Stop, please. Leave the dragon out of it. It's over.

Oh, it's over.

Yeah, it's so over, it's under.


What was that about?

Eh, they'll be back.

Agh, suck in your gut, Stoick.

It's sucked, Gobber. It doesn't suck any more than this.

Ah, the ceremonial belt. Is it that time again?

Yep. Tomorrow's the annual treaty signing with the Berserker tribe.

They gotta change that name. When your Chief's Osvald the Agreeable and you haven't been to w*r in 50 years...

Oh. Please tell me he's not bringing that lunatic kid of his.

Dagur? Oh, he'll be here.

Oh, great, and let me guess, I get to keep him from breaking things.

Actually, I have a more important job for you.

You get to hide all the dragons.

From Osvald the Agreeable? Why?

Hiccup, just because we've had peace for 50 years doesn't mean they still can't go, well...



The dragons could be seen as a sign of aggression.

Better blissful than bloody, I always say.

And the last thing we want is another Berserker skirmish.

They tend to play for keeps.

Just hide the dragons, son.


Back in line! Back in line!

Everybody, in line, in line.

Is Dagur coming? He's so cool.

Cool? Last time he was here, he used me as a knife-throwing target.

That guy should be locked up in a cage.

That's what he did to me. He wouldn't let me eat for three days.


Then he force-fed you rotten cod heads.

Thanks. I almost erased that from my memory.

Look out, incoming Zippleback!

Where's Ruffnut and Tuffnut?

Someone get that dragon.

I'm on it.

Snotlout, you need two riders. Fishlegs, get in there.

Ha, I'm not sure this is really the best...


I don't feel so good.

It's the gas. Just try not to breathe any in.

Yeah, that ship has sailed.

Whoa. Oh, hey!

Somebody tell me how to work this thing!

Whatever you do, Snotlout, don't spark.

[both screaming]

Okay, now I feel worse.

Then if I were you, I would not think about that rotten cod head sliding down your throat.


Oh, that is disgusting.

Wait here. I need to find the twins to get that Zippleback under control before the Berserkers...

[horn bellows]

Are here.

Great. Just great.

Hey, Dad... there's something...

Not now, son. Osvald is here.


Presenting the high Chief of the Berserker tribe... cr*cker of skulls, slayer of beasts, the great and fearsome...

Osvald the Agreeable?

Dagur the Deranged!

[spits, chuckles]



Oh, no.


Oh, perfect.

Dagur, where's you father?

My father has been... retired.

He lost his taste for blood.

I, on the other hand, am starving.


So... where are you hiding them, Stoick?

Hiding what, Dagur?

Do I look stupid to you?

Trick question. Don't answer it.

We both know what's going on here.

I have it on excellent authority that you're amassing an army of dragons.

Excellent authority? And who would that be, Dagur?

Never mind. Just know that if I find it to be true, then my armada will attack with the force of 50,000 brave Berserker soldiers.

Stand down, Dagur. There won't be any need for the armada.

Now let's get to the treaty.

Yes. Let's.

According to the treaty, my visit starts with a tour of Berk, the armory, the feast in the great hall, the k*lling arena.

You do still k*ll dragons here, hmm?

Your father never found the tour necessary.

As you can see, I'm not my father. Am I?

Not in front of the armada.

Ah, this is bad, this is bad. This is really bad.

I have to find that Zippleback.

Hiccup, we have a problem.

Oh, yeah? You're telling me.

Dagur's the new Berserker Chief.


Yeah, his father "retired." And he thinks we're hiding dragons.

Well, we kind of are. Which brings us to our next problem.

Huh? Barf? Belch? Here?

[dragon groans]

And we're walking, walking.

Here, we have our food storage.

It's where we, well...

Oh, oh, let me guess...

Store your food.

No wonder they made him Chief.

Barf, Belch, come back here!

Bo-ring! I want see the dragon k*lling things.

Follow me.

Where did it go?

I have no idea.

Uh, you keep looking, and I'll go warn my Dad.

[sword whooshing through air]

You want some of this, Gronckle? Unh!

How 'bout you, Nadder?

Unh! That's right, plead! Plead for your pathetic dragon life!

He's really got a handle on that whole deranged thing.

[maniacal laughter]

I'm about to make him eat this sword.

Why don't we see to signing that treaty now?

Sounds like my father.

"Sign the treaty, Dagur. Leave that chicken alone, Dagur."

"Ooh, put down that axe, Dagur!"

Your father is a great man, and I'll not have you disrespect him.

My father was... a coward. I intend to return the Berserkers to their former glory... something he was incapable of doing.


I knew it! Where is it?

[laughs] Oh, let me k*ll it!

He's joking, Dagur.

Let me k*ll it!

That Stoick, always the prankster.

Tell me, Dagur, what are some of your deranged plans for the Berserker tribe?

[quietly] Barf? Belch?

Guys, you can't be here. Oh, come on, what did they do?

Okay. Uh, think like Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

I can't believe I just said that.

Barf, Belch, sky!

Nice weapons, very clean, no blood stains. Pity.

Ah, Hiccup, there you are.

Dagur! I was just thinking about you.

Hey, remember that time we went swimming, and you tried to drown me?


Oh, the laughs we had. Bored again!

Just a moment. Something is going on here.

I can explain Where is it?

Look, it's just one drag...

Your leg.

Never mind. I heard all about it.

You heard all about what?

You. The red death.

Defeated it all on your own.

Me? Look at me. How is that even possible?

Right? That's what I thought too.

But then I heard about the trained dragons, and it got me, well, kind of tingly.

Trained dragons? I do...

I don't even... how would you train a dragon?

I don't know. How would you?

All right, then, who's hungry?

It's this way, Dagur.

[thud, groans, roar]

Arrgh, aaaar. Oh, boy, am I hungry.

I said this way, Dagur.

Get that dragon out of here.

[dragons growling]

We need the twins.

What are you guys doing here?

Hey, Tuffnut, feel like talking?

Um, can you come down?



Whoa, yeah. I love that part.

Look, about Barf and Belch... We need you and Ruffnut to help us get your dragon under control.

Uh-uh. No. No, thank you.

I am officially out of the dragon business.

And the sister business.

And the dragon and sister business. The "drastesirness"...

What's going on with you two?

Simple. You know what this is?

Uh, a spoon?

No, it's our spoon.

Just like this is our dish and our axe and our well-groomed stuffed yak.

Everything ours. I'm sick of "ours".

Just once I want something to be just mine.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go pack up my half of the yak.

Go? Where?

I don't know, to my dark, soggy alone place, not to cry.

This house has too many memories.


"Dark, soggy alone place"? Ugh.

Yeah, I really don't want to know.

[low conversations]

Did you get that Zippleback under control?

We're working on it.

A toast to death in battle.

To your father!

To Osvald!

To Osvald!

Fine. Whatever. "To Osvald! To Osvald! To Osvald!"

Bladdity bladdity blah! Unh!

Well, on that cheery note, shall we sign the treaty and send you on your way?

Great idea! Let's sign that treaty.

Bring us the dragon's blood!

Uh, did you say dragon's blood?

Heh heh. Don't be ridiculous, Dagur.

Your father and I haven't signed a treaty in dragon's blood for years.

Why would that be a problem, Stoick?

Unless, of course, you don't k*ll dragons anymore.

We still k*ll dragons.

The problem is we've k*lled so many, there isn't a dragon within 200 miles...

[crash at door]


Except that one.


The Zippleback! It's a sign!

A head for each Chief! [laughs]

It's gonna be amazing. Tonight we hunt dragon!

[whoosh, thud]

Yeah! Yeah! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

You need to find that Zippleback before he does.

Hiccup, you heard Tuffnut.

He went to his dark, soggy alone place. That could be anywhere.

Not really. That could only be one place.


Why didn't you say something?

Why didn't you ask?

Snotlout, we've been looking for them all day.


And if you don't tell us right now, I'm gonna throw you off that dragon!

No need to get violent. He's probably at the lost cavern.

They used to play "hide and go k*ll" there when they were kids.

Astrid, you and Snotlout take the south entrance of the cavern.

Fishlegs and I will take the north.

Let's go.


All right, bud, do your thing. Search.

[guttural grumble]

Pretty dark in here. If you need to hold my hand, Astrid, it's okay.

Sure, Snotlout.

Ooh, soft as I thought it would be.

[dragon growls]



Oh, you guys again.

Would you quit following me!


Would you quit following me!

Did you guys hear that?

Duh. It's called an echo.

Toothless, plasma blast!

What are you doing in my soggy place?

This is my soggy place, and I'm not sharing it with you!

Okay, listen, please. We need to get you guys to your dragon... it's important!

Barf and Belch are in real trouble.

I'll go, but not with her.

I'm not going anywhere with her either.

Yeah! Wait. What?

You don't understand, you both have to go!

Guys, listen.

Like it or not, you're connected to each other.

And the two of you are connected to that dragon.

Just like me with Toothless.

And me with Stormfly.

Us too.

We can get you another spoon, another dish, another stuffed yak.

What we can't get you is another Barf and Belch.


Do you think they got any of that?


[both spit]

You know, I did spit a little more in my hand.

They got it.

Okay, let's go.

We're out of time.

So why is this so important, anyway?

The Berserkers are hunting down your dragon to use its blood for ink.

What? Is that not what's happening?

[trees snap, crunch]

[dragons gurgling]

There they are. We gotta get you guys down there.

[dragon screeches]


Hold him down!

What are we doing here? We have to get our dragon.

We can't afford to be spotted by the Berserkers.


How dare you.

How dare you?

We're supposed to slay this dragon together, and that's what we'll do...

In the arena, where dragon k*lling is done.

To the arena!

The Chiefs aren't gonna let them k*ll our dragon...

Both: Is he?

He won't have a choice, unless we can figure out a plan.

I have a plan. One word...

Annihilate! Uhh!


Or not.

Actually, that could work.

According to the treaty, the k*lling of the dragon... [yawns]

Must be...

Bored. I want the head on the right.

I'm putting a stop to this. If it means w*r, it means w*r.


Help! Dragon attack! [dragons roaring]

The dragons are attacking!
Run for your life!

We gotta get out of here![/i]

What is going on?

Gobber... dragon attack!

Oh. Dragon attack! Everyone out of here!

[indistinct shouting]

Run! Run! Move out of the way!

We must protect our honored guests.

Run if you want, but Dagur the deranged will not retreat!

Barf, gas.

Belch, spark.





A Night Fury. They do exist!

[growling] Back, you... fiend, you!

You'll not harm my friend Dagur.

Please, Dagur, save yourself.


You owe it to your people!

Berserkers, to the boats!

What about the treaty?

Consider it signed!

Well done, Hiccup.

I doubt we'll be seeing much more of Dagur the Deranged.

Let's hope not.

I used to think that four heads was a little crazy.

And I wasn't wrong.

I still think Dagur's pretty cool.

Ooh... unh!

But I'll still take "crazy" over "berserk" any day of the week.
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