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02x13 - Til Death Do Us Part

Posted: 09/02/14 20:48
by bunniefuu
They're after you, Paul... the F.B.I. They're onto you.

Previously on Mistresses...

Who the hell are you?

I'm April's lawyer.

I'm sick.

We should probably go see your doctor.

A man I slept with just tested H.I.V. Positive.

Greta just texted me that we're moving the soft opening to next weekend.

Harry, my engagement party's next Sunday.

I'm sorry I forgot about your party, okay?!

But it's just a party!

Please, you barely know this guy!

And I'm not about to lose this restaurant because of your first marriage.

So, you know, just whatever.

Everything Savi said about you was right.

You're mean as a snake, Harry.

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

Welcome to Wunderbar!

All: Wunderbar!

♪ I got to stay ♪

[Cheers and applause]

♪ I got to stay ♪

This is Josslyn carver, event planner extraordinaire.

Thank you so much for coming. We welcome your feedback.

[Cheers and applause]

Man of the hour, everyone... Chef Harry Davis!

Something happen between you and Harry?

Nope. All's good.




Isabel, wake up, darling. Get a shot of the whole team.

Uh, Scott, Josslyn, get in.

♪ Need someone to numb the pain ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

If you'll just get in a little closer.

Scott: Sure.

♪ Where the fun ain't got no end ♪

[Camera shutter clicking]

♪ Oh-oh, can't go home alone again ♪

Smile, baby. It's a party.

Mm-hmm, just take the damn picture.

♪ You're gone, and I got to stay high all the time ♪

Harry, if you'll just relax a little bit.

♪ To keep you off my mind, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, high all the time ♪
♪ To keep you off my mind ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

[muzak plays]

Nurse: Dr. Rothman's office.

Yes, I'm waiting for my test results.

Which test?

Patient number 0607842.

Okay. Let me see here.

[Keyboard clacking]



Ah, yes. Found it.


Did the doctor not call you?

No. Why?

There seems to have been some contamination at the lab.

Your results were inconclusive.

You'll have to come in for a re-draw.

I don't get what you're saying.

The bureau holds Ms. Malloy responsible for the ground we've lost against Olivos.



Well, you're not gonna get her for obstruction of justice, so what do you want... an apology?

Apologize, April.


We good?

Listen to me, you son of a bitch.


How about accessory after the fact?

She didn't know what Paul was into.

He never specifically told her.

Or... or didn't you listen to your own tapes?

We told her, Mr. Taylor. Opinion, allegation... anything you needed to tell her to get her to play along.

You're right. We should probably just call it a day and leave this innocent woman alone.

But you know what... what continues to gnaw at me is this issue of Paul's fraudulent death and subsequent wife and child, how you looked the other way on all of it.

It's pretty pathetic, really, unless, of course, you were getting a cut of his action.

A cut of his action?!

All right. This meeting is over.

I was trying to protect my daughter!

You know who you protected by tipping off Paul?

The man who did this.

And this. And this.

Those are Olivos' victims... innocent people who got in his way.

I will sue you for intimidation and harassment of my client.

Now get the hell out of this office.


You'll be hearing from us.


Don't worry.

If they are gonna show up at my doorstep, I have to tell Lucy everything now.

They have nothing on you, okay?

I should call Daniel. He owes me.

He'll get his partner to ease up.

He can't help you now. Daniel's... Been fired.

Are you feeling anything at all?

Anger will do me no good.

Something happened with Zack.

You slept with him?



He gave me a ride on his motorcycle, and he started going really, really fast... were you wearing a helmet?

Yeah, I was wearing a... what does that matter?

Anyway, we were speeding, and he was weaving.

And I thought, "oh, my God."

"This guy is trying to cheat death again."

"He is Jeff bridges in 'fearless' and I am..."

You're Rosie O'Donnell.

Rosie Perez.

Can I continue?

Sorry. So, you're speeding.

And then all of a sudden, everything just goes white, and I thought, "well, this is it."

"I am going to die."

But you're okay.

Do you remember after the accident when Harry came to my bedside and he pledged his love for me?

Of course.

I didn't trust him because I thought maybe it was some guilt-inspired flood of romanticism or something.

Well, it wasn't.

It was clarity.

And I know this because I had it on the motorcycle with Zack.


Had a flash.

And I flashed on Harry.

[Tires screech]


And this means to you what?

I don't know. I don't know.

My life flashed before my eyes, and it wasn't my life before Harry, and it wasn't my life after Harry.

It was my life with Harry.


Should I tell him?

What for?

I don't know!

Maybe just to validate what he said to me?

Just to test the waters to see if there's anything left there between you?


Don't go opening that door unless you plan to walk through.


You guys did an incredible job last night.

You did yourselves proud. Well done. Heads up.

Lady at the door.

A lady at the...

Hey, uh, guys, take a break, please.

Just five minutes. Thanks.

Oh. [Sighs]

Well, I can get the... the comment cards later.

Just... just wait, please.

No, no, no, no. I'm really...

I'm not in the mood for a scene here.

I know. I-I won't make a scene, okay? I promise.

Where's Greta?

I thought you two were celebrating in Ojai today.

I broke it off with Greta.

You b... [Sighs] Oh, God, Harry.

What the hell? You know what this is gonna do?

P... God, I told you not to sleep with her.

It's okay... we're both professionals, we're both adults. Our working relationship is gonna be fine, okay? Don't worry.

It's okay.

What happened?

My heart wasn't in it. [Sighs]

She knew it, and I knew it.




I want... I want to apologize.

No, there's nothing...

There's nothing you can say, okay?

W-what you said to me the other day was brutal...

Yeah, I know... And it was cruel.

And, you know, you're just... you're not the person that I thought you were. I know... and... no, you crossed a line that can't be uncrossed, and there's just nothing you can say, Harry.

You know what? You're right. There are no words.

Oh, my God.


Keep 'em coming, Mac. [Sighs]



You can't just text "S.O.S." You're scaring me!

What happened?


I'm not drunk enough to tell you yet.

Boilermaker, Mac.

What's a boilermaker?

It's, like, beer and lighter fluid.


[Sighs] Harry kissed me.

Oh, my God. What?


Boilermaker, Mac. Like, on the cheek?

On the lips. On the mouth. In the mouth.

Ew, stop.


Did you invite it?


Lead him on?

No! And no.

[Both sigh]

So, Harry has feelings for you.

As opposed to who?

No one. No.

Um, did you tell Savi he kissed you?

Are you fricking high?! No! Of course not!

And neither can you. Not a word to anyone, Karen.

Do you have feelings for him?

I can't! I'm engaged to Scott.

I love Scott. And Harry's my sister's ex-husband.

But do you?


I can't.

Well, this is Harry's problem to deal with, not yours.

You know that?


What he did wasn't fair.

[Chuckles] It was impulsive and selfish and reckless, is what it was, just breezing in and taking what he wants without a thought to the consequences, without a thought to how his actions could ruin your life!

Are we still talking about my problem?

I have anger.

I'm getting that.

I love you, but I have to go. I'll call you later.

[Pats leg] Oh... Wh... uh...

Okay, fine! Just leave! I'm all good.

Crisis averted. Problem solved.



[TV chatter]

[Knock on door]


Geez, mom. It's just the door.

I'll get it.


[Chatter continues]

Who is it?

It's Daniel.

It's Daniel?

Stay right there.

We should take this outside.

I'll be right back, sweetie.

[Sighs] I heard you were fired.

April, they haven't found Paul.

They found his car in a motel in Fresno.

Now, either he was in a hurry, or he got taken. I don't know.


Your life may be in danger, yours and Lucy's.

What? Why?

Olivos now knows you've been talking to the feds.

Oh, my God.

Okay, it's his M.O. To get rid of outsiders that know details about his operations.

I mean, he is brutal.

I've seen pictures.


I know that you felt violated when the bureau was watching you, but at least then you had protection.

No one's protecting you now.

Except for you?

I know I haven't earned your trust.

Just tell me what to do.

[Crickets chirping]

[Keys jingle]

Okay. Come on in.

Awesome. Isn't is awesome, mom?

April: It's, uh, cozy.

I'm so glad you guys decided to give it another shot, and I promise I'll give you guys some alone time if you want this weekend.

Oh, I don't know about all that, sweetie.

Hey, Lucy. Check that out. Called a potbelly stove.

Cool. It burns wood!

Enough room for our stuff?

Yeah. Uh, plenty. [Chuckles]

Hey! Um, why don't you go and find our bedroom?



I thought you said we were safe here.

We're safer with my g*n.

Lucy: There's a fireplace in here, too! Come see it!




Joss: You've reached Josslyn carver and events by Josslyn.

Please leave a message at the beep and party on.


Hey, Joss, it's me again.

Uh... Could you please just give me a call back so that we can talk, okay?



[Knock on door]

Oh... [sighs]

[Inhales sharply]

You got a sec?




You want to come in?


Cold one?

Hmm? No. No, just, uh... you go right ahead, though.

This is weird.

Um, I don't know how to say this, but you and Joss... actually you and Savi... but you and Joss were family.




Her mother's k*lling me, brother.

Her mum?

Yeah! I mean, you know, she hasn't R.S.V.P'd to the engagement party.

You know, I've written. I've e-mailed. I've called. I get nothing.

[Chuckles] Right.

Good, old Janet. She is flaky.

It's... it's not personal, Scott.

Well, it is to Joss.

Truth is, if it were just an engagement party, I don't think I'd be sweating it so much, but the thing is, I'm, uh, you know...

I'm gonna surprise her with a wedding.

I know. [Chuckles] I know.

Look. It sounds completely insane, right?

But this whole engagement's got her all stressed-out, right?

And why wouldn't it? I mean, she plans parties for a living.

The last thing she needs is for her own wedding to feel like work.

Plus, you know, quite frankly, I can't stand not being married to her for another minute.

It's like when you find the right one, you know, you just... uh, w-why you telling me this, Scott?

Right. Um, 'cause I need your advice on something.


The girls... Savi, Karen, April... do I tell them what I have planned?

'Cause Janet's got me freaking out, man, and I just want to make sure that, you know, Joss' key people show up.

Yeah, well... I-I-I think if you really want it to be romantic, you know, um, effortless for her, do not tell them. [Chuckles]

Her ladies cannot keep a secret to save their lives, but they... they will show up for her.

They always do.

Well, yeah, no, that's... that's... that's real good.

That's good stuff. I... you...

You are a pal.



Or what is it they say down under... mate?

Yeah. Mate. [Chuckles]

You're a real mate. All right?

Thank you.

No worries.


We'll see you at the wedding?

Oh, for... for sure.

All right. Thanks again.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


I want to be sober for this.

You care if I get drunk?

How could you lie to me, Ben, misrepresent yourself like that?

Sleep with me, then tell me you sleep with hookers all the time?!

I don't know, Rebecca.

Don't pretend it's the same thing.

You slept with random men. And was careful every time.

Not the whole time every time.

If only I hadn't met you.

You were fine with my history when I first told you.

That was before you infected me, Ben.


No, did you get the results?

Not yet, but I have it.

I know I do.

Of course I do!

Don't say that.

Don't do that! Don't comfort me! Please!

[Voice breaking] I'm not looking for you to convince me otherwise. I'm telling you the facts.

Everything I've done to find love...

Everything I touch...

It all ends in death. [Exhales shakily]


[Sighs] Don't leave.


Take care of yourself, Ben.

[Exhales sharply]

Okay, sweetheart. Come on.

[Whirring, sputtering]

Come on, baby. Come on. Come on!



Yep, that's about right. [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

[Groans] What in God's name do you want?!

[Dog barking in distance]



Uh, this clearly isn't a good time, so I'll just come back another time.

Uh, what... what are you doing here?


Okay... uh, d-do you mind if Do you mind if I just...?

No, no, no. Go ahea... go ahead. It's... Hot.

Yep. [Sighs]


Uh... I don't know how to say this, and I know I probably don't have a right to say it after everything I've done in the past. But I just...


Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Are you okay?!

Yeah, no, I'm good. I'm fine. I'm all right.

Are you s... oh, that's look, that's the bone.

Yeah. I'm taking you to the E.R.

No, I can't.

I-I've been drinking quite a bit. I can't drive.

Yeah, that's why you can't drive.


That was... that was definitely a four.

No way! You cheated! That was three, not a four!

I did not cheat. Look, look, do you want me to roll again?

I'll do over. Yeah? Sure. Fine. You're such a che... uh, you can't just go Stealing money out of the till.

See, that's why you can't be banker!


That's why you can't be banker!

I'm telling you. That's why you can't be...

[Fire cracks]


Uptight much?

You two are perfect for each other.

It was just the fire.

How about we go and watch a movie?

That's a good idea.

I call middle of the bed.



Go ahead.

I want to do one last check outside.

Babe, I'm telling you, this house is ridiculous, okay?

It's perfect for the party.

The thing is so close to the ocean, one high tide, it's gonna be swept away to China, and it's big enough for all of our friends to stay over, so everybody can drink.

Are you coming to bed? Just gonna brush my teeth.

No, don't brush.

Can I floss?

[Sighs] Scott, what are we doing?

What do you mean?

Are you gonna k*ll me if we cancel the engagement party?

Not the engagement, just the party. Please.

It's just... [Sighs]

It's really stressing me out, not to mention what it's gonna cost, and wouldn't... wouldn't you rather just slip off to Cabo, the two of us?

I love Cabo. I think Cabo's great, but we can afford to do both.

Yeah, but there, I don't have to face people.

Which people?

Just the one.

Uh, like, um...

Uncle Wilson, for instance, who carries his own spork and whistles at girls through his front teeth.


You're totally freaking out.

No, it's... I just did this whole restaurant opening, and the wedding planning's gonna be a whole other year.

And frankly, I'd rather marriage-plan than wedding-plan.

Wouldn't you rather sit on a beach and contemplate our future instead of throwing some catered cage match for our relatives?

Name one... one large family affair that hasn't ended in tears. Hmm?

The one at my mom's last week.

Yeah, that was pretty great. Fun, right?


Listen, I don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to do, okay?

All I'm saying is, grandma June's getting a little older.

I don't know if she'll be around next year.


I'm just saying, look, this might be her last chance to celebrate us.

Did you just dangle grandma June's mortality in my face?


You bastard. Come on.

Fine. [Sighs] We'll throw the party.

But no toasts.

No toasts.

People rhyme. It's bad.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Siren wails in distance]


[Inhales sharply]


Is it broken?

Yeah. Small fracture. Non-displaced.


Forgot to ask what that means.


Surprised you waited for me.

Thought you were mad.

Mad? Mad at you?

Why would I be mad at you?

Uh, w-well, no... no... no reason.

I just... [Chuckles] Yeah, I thought you were mad.


Look, Harry, I know...

Deep down, you still hate me.

No. No, I don't.

You don't?

No. No, I'm past it all, Sav. I'm...

I'm over it, every bit. Uh...

I may not have known that until... Recently, but I am.

It's... [Chuckles] It's all good.

[Rachel Robinson's "miracle" plays]

It's getting late, huh?

We should get going, and you should get home to Dom.

Hey. Do you want to... do you want to have a drink sometime with me and maybe catch up?

♪ Sleep, my darling, tonight ♪

It's okay. [Chuckles]

Oh, sure. Yeah.

♪ I don't want to wake you ♪

Yeah, come on.

♪ Dream of celluloid heroes and flying machines ♪
♪ Kiss me slowly, 'cause you never know ♪
♪ Where tomorrow might take you ♪
♪ Things are never as far or as close as they seem ♪

Oh, hey.

♪ It'll be a miracle ♪

Go back to sleep. I'm gonna take the couch.

♪ It'll be a miracle ♪
♪ Pieces of heaven ♪
♪ Falling like rain ♪
♪ If I ever ♪


♪ Touch you again ♪
♪ Yeah, I want nothing less ♪
♪ Than your miraculous kiss ♪
♪ But it'll be a miracle ♪
♪ It'll be a miracle ♪
♪ Love's tricky magic ♪

Are you sure?

♪ Dissolving the pain ♪
♪ It'll be a miracle ♪
♪ It'll be a miracle ♪
♪ If I ever touch you again ♪
♪ If I ever touch you again ♪

[Telephone ringing]

[TV chatter]


Savi: Hey, love, it's me.

I tried your cell, and there was no answer, so I'm trying you at home.

What are you wearing to the engagement party?

[Sighs] I hate all my clothes.

And do we have to bring bathing suits?

Ugh. I'm so not in the mood.

Oh, and things went well with Harry.

Okay. Call me.


[TV turns off]




[Cellphone ringing]


Anna: Dr. Kim. It's Anna. How are you?

Anna, everything all right?

It's 4:00 A.M. where you are.

[Chuckles] I'm great.

I just haven't adjusted to the crazy time change yet, I guess.

It's good to hear your voice.

I wanted to call a million times, but my mom's so happy I'm back, I can't seem to get a moment alone.

I wanted to say...

Thank you for everything you did.

My family wants to thank you, too, my friends.

[Voice breaking] I didn't do anything.

You saved my life...

More times than you know.

The love you showed me...

You saved my life.

Thank you for calling, Anna.

Dr. Kim, is everything all right?

Yes. I'm fine.

I'm fine.


[Inhales sharply, sighs]

Damn it.

[Breathes deeply]


Joss, I'm sor...

No, just listen.

Oh, my God. What happened to you hand?

Uh... Small mishap.

You cut it with the kasumi, didn't you?

You always keep that thing too sharp. It wasn't the knife.

Were you chopping and watching the world cup?

[Chuckling] It wasn't the knife, Joss.

[Sighs shakily]

Anyway... [sighs]

Um, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet because...

This, um... this thing between us, this... this weirdness, it... it can't... it can't be.

I know. I'm sorry I kissed you, okay?

I-it was absolutely my fault, Joss...

Yeah, no, that's the thing. It's not.

You know, we've... we've been spending a lot of time together, Harry Too much time, and um...

We've gotten really close, and it's...


It's gotten confusing for me, too, so...

I decided that I'm gonna, um, quit the restaurant so we don't have to work together anymore.

Joss, no way. Come on. You've worked way t...

No, it's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna... I'm gonna let Greta know that I'm out, and, um, you know... [chuckles]

You're the star of this show anyway, so, um...

I'm gonna go back to working alone...

[Inhales shakily]

[Voice breaking] And, um...

[Sighs, sniffles]

[Clears throat]

We can't be friends anymore, okay?

And I-I just... I think that it's better if you don't come to my engagement party.

I'll just tell everyone that you're sick.

And... and I promise you, Harry, I'm not mad at you.

I just... I, uh...

I think that it's... I think it's better this way.

I think we... I think we just need a break, okay?







Have fun at your party.

I'll post pictures.

I'll be sure to look.

That looks gross. It's baba ghanoush!

Looks like bowl o' boogers.

[Gasps] [Chuckles]

That is disgusting. It does not! It kind of does.

Okay. Okay.

You're fired, both of you.

Out of my kitchen.

[Cellphone vibrates]


Let me get this.

After lunch, are we heading back home?

Oh, I don't know, honey.

But we're gonna miss Joss' engagement party.

Well, I-I think the roads might be closed.

I saw a sign yesterday.

They're starting work on that one windy street that goes down the mountain.

Daniel: You can go.

You can go to your party.

Awesome. You guys have to help me pick out which dress.

I'll model them for you. Be honest.

What is it?

They shot Olivos. It's... it's over.


April, Paul's dead.

[Nonono's "one wish" plays]

Holy house.

Welcome, miss Josslyn.

♪ One wish ♪

Oh. [Chuckles] Thank you.

♪ Whispered to the ear I want the most ♪
♪ Keep it safe from the world ♪
♪ No ill bring me harm ♪

I'll take that, miss Josslyn.

Oh! [Chuckles] Thank you.


♪ And this wish♪


♪ Will keep me sailing safe into the storms ♪
♪ No matter when that blows ♪
♪ I will reach the shore ♪

Savi: Joss!

[Gasps] Hi! [Chuckles]


Oh, I thought Scott said this party was gonna be laid-back.

Oh, by "laid-back" I think he meant you lay back and let the servitude wash over you.

[Both laugh]

You are freakishly happy.

Of course I'm happy. I'm so happy for you.

No, no, no. All this toothy whiteness... not for me.

You have a secret.

What... no, we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? Today is your day.

Well, tomorrow's my day, too, honey. It's a whole weekend thing.

Oh, Joss, wait, wait, wait. Before you enter the madness...

Oh! You didn't have to.

It's from mom.

Really? Like, the fabulous necklace was from mom?

No, this is really from mom.

Mm-hmm. "Dear, Joss, may this be the only engagement gift I ever get you."

[Chuckles] "Love, mom."



An African fertility necklace. Subtle, Janet.

This is real. No, I think it's wood.

No. This.

This is all real, what's about to happen for you.

You're engaged!

I know. [Sighs]

Oh, you're all grown up.




Now, where's the food table? Because I am starving.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Is Harry coming?

Um, no, he's sick.


[Indistinct shouting]

Newcastle, please.

I think we're just out. Uh, it's gonna take me a few minutes to run and change the keg. You cool to wait?

Yeah. Yeah, I got nowhere to be.

They said our room is the eighth door on the left.

Hi, roomies. We're in here!


Come see our digs! There's a great, big TV!

I want to go to the beach.

Scott's cousins are going with a mom.

Don't go in the water till I get there.


I'll take that. Thanks!

[Chuckles] Have fun.

How are you?

How are you?

Oh, come on.


Paul's really gone this time.

I'm so sorry.

I should have told Lucy he was alive.


No, I-I had a window of opportunity to tell her, and now it's just... it's gone.

I robbed her. I cheated her. I took away her one chance.

Chance to what... to have him and lose him all over again?

To find out her dad was m*rder*d?

The trauma of that, April... I've seen it.

You don't come back from it.

She's a happy kid now with a beautiful memory of her father that's intact.

And if you could see this how I see it...

What do you mean? How do you see it?

The lies become true.

And now you can finally be free.

[Sighing] Oh!



Live your life with Lucy.

[Sighs] And... a-and Daniel?



What did I miss?

[Indistinct conversations]


Scott: There you are.



How are you?



Is it officially time to start the party?

I just need like five minutes to change and...

It's not started yet.

Um, I want to show you something.

[Chuckling] Oh! Kindly come with me?



You ready?

[Laughs] Uh... I'm ready.



Honey, what is this?

There's a minister downstairs...


And a... and a harpist at the ready, but I figure, why not break out the Crosley a little early?

That way it's playing when you walk down the aisle.

You don't have to say yes, but, um...

You want to marry me today?


Yeah, I do.

Yeah? Okay. I mean, 'cause all this stuff is, you know, returnable. I can... oh, my God. Shut up. I said I do.

Oh, my...


[Indistinct conversations]

[TV chatter]


[Crowd cheering]

Woman: That's right! That's right! That's right! That's right!

That's right! Whoo! Eat it, kaka!

Whoo! Whoo!

[All gasp]

Damn, girl. You look gorgeous.

Breathtaking. You're a bride.

I was just getting used to you being engaged, and now you're a bride.

Oh, I can't. It's too much. I need another tartlet.

Are you sure it's not too tight? It feels too tight.

No! You look amazing.

No! It's gorgeous!

A toast?

Yes, I could drink.


Mmm. Mm-hmm-hmm.


Are you okay?

No, she's in shock! This whole thing is shocking!

I think it's romantic, him surprising her.

Though I would have liked to get my hair and makeup done for the pictures.

Yeah, 'cause you look terrible.

[Laughter] I'm just saying!

[Gasps] Another perk... no bridesmaids dresses.

[Laughs] I would have made you all wear teal.

Well, here's to Scott, then.

To Scott.

To Joss... And Scott.


Oh, come on, mate. Where did you learn to drive?

Come on, mate. Let's go.

[Horn honks]

Was that my exit? That was my exit. Oh, my...



Okay, what's... okay, stop. Short veil? Long veil.

Long one.

Short veil.

No veil.

Thank you. That's helpful. Let's try this.

[All gasp]

Oh, my God. What is this for... mosquitoes?

I can't see anything.


[Knock on door]

Ceremony's starting in five minutes!

[All gasp, squeal]

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

I'll see you down there.

[Both smooch] Short veil.

Oh, God.

You look gorgeous. Good luck.

Long one. Long one.


[Sighs] I love you.

[Voice breaking] I love you.


"Mrs. Trosman."

[Chuckles nervously]

Hey, Sav?


Did you, by chance, tell Scott about my dad's records?


You know, the crate of records I used to keep in your living room, and Harry used to trip over them and bark at me?

No, I never mentioned them.

[Sighs] Neither did I.

Are you okay?

[Sighs] Oh, yeah! I'm so good!



[Sighs, sniffles]


I need some freaking air.

[Breathing heavily]

[Truck door closes]

[Exhales shakily]


[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, do me a favor.

Can you put this on as soon as I give you the cue?

I want it on for her walk down the aisle.

You got it.

Thank you.

[Cellphone rings]

It's the doctor.

Do you want us to come with you?

[Sighs] Whatever it is, I'll be fine.


I'm sorry about Paul.

Is it terrible I'm relieved?

Oh, no. It's not terrible at all.

It's finally over.

[Inhales deeply]

Yes, I can hear you now.

Is it positive or negative?

Doctor: How soon can you come in?

Just tell me the damn results.

You're H.I.V. negative.


But something else came up.

[Skye Edwards' "love show" plays]

Hey, we need our flower girl.

Where's Lucy?

I thought she was with the cousins.


I'll find her.

And I'll help you look.


Lucy, are you out here?

♪ Sit down ♪
♪ Give me your hand ♪
♪ I'm gonna tell you the future ♪

Newscaster: The body washed up to shore was first identified as Paul Benson but is now since confirmed to be that of Paul Malloy, who was previously thought to have died in a boating accident years ago.

Crowds gathered earlier today as Malloy's body was taken away by local authorities.


Newscaster: So now the case belongs in the hands of the F.B.I.

Sweetie, he was a good man who got involved with some bad stuff.

You knew? You knew he was alive?

How long have you known?

♪ Stand still ♪

A while now, honey.

♪ Breathe in ♪

[Sighs] I'm so sorry.

♪ Are you listening? ♪

How could you?! Get away from me!

♪ You don't know ♪
♪ Somebody's aching ♪
♪ Keeping it all in ♪
♪ Somebody won't let go of his heart ♪
♪ But the truth is ♪

Harry, are you out here?

♪ It's painless ♪
♪ Letting your love show ♪
♪ Letting your love show ♪
♪ Maybe truth, maybe lies ♪
♪ Made me want you ♪
♪ Maybe dumb, maybe wise ♪
♪ I don't know ♪


♪ Somebody's aching ♪


♪ Keeping it all in ♪

What are you doing here?

I lied... when I said there were no words.

There are words. I...

Shouldn't have... shouldn't have kissed you, Joss.

I should have just said that...

That I love you...


That I am in love with you, I am crazy in love with you.

And I-I-I don't know what to do, because I know that it can't be.

♪ Somebody can't let go of his heart ♪
♪ But the truth is ♪
♪ It's painless letting your love show ♪
♪ Letting your love show ♪
♪ Love show ♪
♪ Love show ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Love show ♪
♪ Letting your love show ♪