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02x11 - Choices

Posted: 08/19/14 19:41
by bunniefuu
Josslyn Carver... Will you marry me?

Yes! Yes!

Previously on "Mistresses"...

I like to live a certain way.

Why me?

You were just the easiest target, you know?

[Engine revs]

Karen: Anna's staying with me. I don't know for how long.

You have always led with your heart, and that's why I love you.

April Malloy here to see agent Thomas.

Do you have an appointment?

I am here to find out why the FBI bugged my 12-year-old daughter's bedroom.

Do I need an appointment for that?



If we do that...

What are you doing here?


Let's go into my office so we can discuss this in private.

Your office?

April, um...

I work for the FBI.

[Exhales sharply]

What? Are you telling me this whole thing was a lie?

How is that even possible?

I met you at an art show.

You were brought there.

No, I wasn't.

I-I-I went with my girlfriends and my friend Mickey.

You used Mickey to get me there?

It wasn't...

As I told you the other day, this is an extremely important case.

Yeah, I got that.

April... if you wanted information about Paul, why didn't you just come to me in the first place?!

Why would you go through all this trouble just to humiliate me?!

Thomas: You already lied to the authorities once to protect your husband.

We didn't know if we could trust you.

Trust me?

That's funny.

This whole thing... [Sighs]

Oh. [Scoffs] I... I don't believe this.

I never meant for you to find out this way.

If you'd just let me explain...

Explain what?

That this whole thing was a lie?!

Look, all that matters now is where we go from here.

All that matters to you, maybe.


What about a receptionist for a P.R. firm?

That might be interesting.

Maybe, if they didn't require a college degree.

All the decent listings require a degree.

How did the apartment hunting go yesterday?

I went to a few. Nothing great.

I saw some of them online. Didn't look that bad.

They're not.

But with the security deposit and the first month down, the fact is I don't have enough money for anything decent, and I can't realistically stay on your couch forever.

[Sighs] It all feels like a huge dead end.

I wish I could just go home.

Anna, we discussed this.

Your apartment isn't safe enough.

I meant home to Korea.


I didn't realize that was something you were considering.

It's not. I mean, how could I?

That would mean telling my parents I've been lying to them for years.

They think I'm married and happy and successful.

Maybe if you gave them a chance, they might surprise you.

Or they might reject me.

Sorry. I'm sorry...



For being such a pain in the ass.

Seriously, I'm so grateful to you.

No one's ever shown this much interest in me.



She's not here.

Yeah, I can see that.

I'm heading out to lunch.

Do you... Need something from me?

Just enjoying the view.


Got to say, you, uh...

You look like a million bucks.

[Cellphone ringing]

Jim, hey.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Yeah, listen, I, um...

I wanted to talk to you about one of your former associates, Antonia Ruiz.

Yeah, that's right. Toni.

Are you sure it's over between you and Dom?

It seemed like there was so much good stuff between you.

I know. I know.

But all that got messed up along the way.

And it seems like we tried, but there was just nowhere to go, you know?

I'm so sorry, sweetie.

[Bell jingles]

Guess who's getting married!

And if you guessed me, you guessed right.

Oh, my God!


Married to who?

[Gasps] What? To Scott.

Who else would it be? Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Savi, why are you wearing the depressed ponytail in here?

What were you two just talking about?

Savi and Dom broke up. Have I met Scott?

Ohh. No. Are you okay?

It's okay.

We can be sad about that later.

Right now, I just want to freak out because my baby sister is getting married!

Aah! [Laughs]

Let me see the ring.

[Both gasp]

I need to get it sized 'cause it keeps falling off.

Honey, it's beautiful.

It is, isn't it?


Oh, my God!


[Bell jingles]

This is crazy! I'm so excited!

Joss just told us she's getting married!

But Savi and Dom are broken up.

Daniel's an FBI agent.

He was using me to get to Paul.

I'm never playing this game with her again.


Hello? [Door opens]

[Door closes] Hey. I have some big news.

Yeah? So do I. Greta is psychotic.

Oh, no. What happened?

Look at this e-mail from her.

We're three weeks out from the soft open.

I was literally about to have you send the menus to the printer.


And she wants to throw out everything.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. But she already approved the menus.

Exactly, and now she's not sure it's ambitious enough.

She's thinking... Ho ho ho, wait for it.



She literally used that word.

And... and look at this. Only in L.A.

Her psychic says "to avoid using all white and purple vegetables until at least the spring of 2015."

Oh, well, okay.

This is a lot of interesting information.

There's nothing interesting about it, Joss.

I'm not a short-order cook for some whack-job model who doesn't know a lentil from a snap pea.

You know what? I-I'd just rather walk out before I get fired.

Oh, my... Harry! Stop it.

You're not gonna get fired, okay?

You two just need to sit down and talk it out.

It's all a part of the process. I've seen it a million times.

Usually it's on some reality show.

But I think... you think that I'm being difficult?

What?! Of course not.

No, you're being you.

You're an amazing chef. She's being Greta.

She's difficult. What do you want? I mean...

But she needs you, Harry, and I really need you.


[Sighs] Thank you.

Okay, now come here. Breathe.

Let's just see what she's really even asking us, okay?

Sensible people.


Look, chiquino peppers are so hot right now.

What's your big news?


Your big news.

Oh! Oh.

You know what?

I don't even remember anymore.

Let's talk menu.

Uh, "without any evil white or purple vegetables."

What does that even... ?


You got a minute?

It's about Toni.

Take it to H.R.

Look, I spoke to Jim Fletcher, one of the partners at the last firm Toni worked for.

I wanted to find out why Toni left there after just a year.

You know what he said?

He said he didn't want to get into it, which means he couldn't get into it.

I'm guessing something happened there, too.

I don't know. And I don't care.

What I do know is that you had sex with two associates at this firm.

And if I were you, I'd be mighty grateful that I still had a job here.


Keep your head down.

Do your work. Stay away from both of those women.



What do you think... tie or... or no tie?

You know, it would be a lot easier to help if I knew what this interview's about.

Oh, I'm not... not telling. Don't want to jinx it.

You're nervous, aren't you?

I haven't had a job interview in over 10 years.

I'm not used to winning people over.


Really? You won me over the first five minutes I met you.

You have a natural way of putting people at ease.

That's why you're such a good therapist.

I love when you do that.

Hey, you, uh... You busy tonight?

Dinner, movie, maybe... My place?

I wish I could, but, um, I can't leave Anna that long.

Uh, definitely not overnight.

You mean Anna your... your new roommate?

I know. I know.

But at this point, all I want to do is help her.

So, Anna told me she wants to go back home to Korea, but she's afraid of how her parents will react.

I keep thinking of how I'd tell her to handle it if we were still in session.

But you're not in session anymore.

I mean, for better or worse, your relationship's completely changed.

Maybe you should think about what you'd say to her as a friend.

I've already started to call some venues, and shutters can see you as early as Friday, if you want to go beachy with the whole thing.

God, you're officially gonna take over this wedding, aren't you?

Oh, yeah, just sit back and let my organizational skills wash all over you.


Excuse me.

Oh, thanks.

Dude, that's not my car.


What is this?

"Joss, I can't wait to marry you."


"You drive me insane. Drive safe. Precious cargo. Love, Scott."


Wait, wait, he bought... he bought you this car?

Oh, my God, he bought you this car?!

Where's my car?

Your fiancé drove it back home.

Savi: Oh, my God!

This is like being in the cockpit of a private plane.


You never told me Scott was loaded.

Well, I never really thought about it.

I guess we do go to nice restaurants, and his place is really great.

Okay, you're the designated driver from now on, okay?

What's wrong?

Hmm? Hmm?

Oh, uh...

Nothing, I just... I can't believe this is my car.

[Laughs] Believe it.


Let's drive.

[Laughing] Okay, Thelma. Calm down.

Let me see if I can figure this sucker out.

I mean... I think it's that thing.

[Knock on door]

All you have to do is hear me out.

Are you even married?

[Sighs] No.

[Scoffs] Of course you're not.

Even that was a lie. Everything was...

No, not everything.

Oh, don't you dare.

No, I loved you.

I still love you.

No, you loved getting information out of me.

It wasn't like that!

Okay, yeah, I was sent to that art show to... to meet you and forge a relationship, but it... it was never supposed to become...

What? Sexual?

[Sighs] I know I crossed the line.

Were you supposed to get my little girl to fall in love with you, too?

Don't say that. You know how I feel about Lucy.

Look, we'd been tracking Paul for over a year before we met, okay?

And there were so many times that I wanted to tell you.

But you didn't!

Because your job was so much more important than me!

No, it wasn't the job, okay? It was the case.

And I've been working on it since the beginning, and there are some serious criminals involved.

And they're hurting good people every day.

Look, it really doesn't matter.

I don't care, and I'm not doing this anymore.

So you can tell agent Thomas I'm out.

Find another way to get to Paul.

It's not that simple.

It is that simple!



Now, can you please just leave my house and never come back?

Never come back, Daniel.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Cellphone ringing]

Zack. Hi.

Savi, hey, I'm glad you picked up.

Uh, did you ever get my message?

I did.

I was gonna call you back, and then I was gonna e-mail you back.

And then I just chickened out completely.

I just... I wasn't sure if you were still mad at me or not.

Oh, I was... I was never mad at you.

So, uh, do you think we should go back to being friends?

Yeah. I'd like that.

Hey, uh, before I forget, did you ever wind up moving?

No, I decided to keep my house. Why?

So your address is still the same?

Uh, yeah, h-ho... hold on one second.

What is this?

They just asked me to get your signatures.

Uh, Zack, can I call you back?

I'm at work right now.

Yeah, no problem. We'll talk soon.

Okay. Bye.

Great. Coordinate with Davis. He needs to be on the call.

Dom, can I talk to you for a second?

Uh, not really.

I just noticed I was taken off the Breitling case.

Yeah, well, you're gonna have to take it up with Mitchell.

Well, I'd rather take it up with you, since you were there when I was put on the case.


Wait a minute.

Are you seriously walking away from me right now?

I said take it up with Mitchell. There's nothing more I can do.

Look, I-I'm sorry, but I cannot be having this conversation with you right now.

Mitchell was very specific about us not...


I don't want to be having this conversation, either, okay?

I really think we could both use a little space.

Savi, I don't...

But this is my job, and you can't just screw me over on stuff like this just because you're mad at me.

I'm the one who got you on this case in the first place.

So do me a favor... Stop complaining, or feel free to find a job someplace else.

[Indistinct whispering]

I'm seriously so embarrassed that I'm even bothering you with any of this considering everything you're going through with Daniel.

No, Daniel is over.


And besides, I am so happy for the distraction.

So, what's the problem, okay?

You had a fight with Scott?

[Whimpers, sighs]


He bought me a Tesla.

I think we have different definitions of the word "problem."

April, do you remember how excited I was when I bought my coupe?

I saved every penny and I bargained my sweet little ass off to get the best deal and it's finally paid off and it's cute and it's dented and it sputters.

But it's mine, and I love it.

I could never, in a million years, afford that Tesla.

So Scott is making you pay the payments on the car?

No! That's the worst part.

It's a gift... the gift of dependency.

And you want to know the worst, worst part?

I'm already getting used to it.

What... it's okay to get used to his lifestyle.

You're marrying him. What's his is yours.


Do you know what I always thought would be the hardest part about marriage, hmm?


But you know what?

I could sleep with only Scott for the rest of my life and be totally fine.

It's stuff like this crazy Tesla thing that freaks me out.

I've been a kept woman, April.

I can't do it again.


Joss, this is not the same as being someone's mistress.

Isn't it?!

What kind of gift is that?!

It completely throws the whole balance of power out of whack!

How am I ever supposed to get mad at him when he can hold a Tesla over my head?

April, I've spent the last year trying to get my life together, and I am finally the independent woman that Destiny's Child wanted me to be.


So tell me this... what if marrying Scott changes all that, hmm?

You're not considering calling off the engagement, are you?

I don't know. I don't want to lose Scott.

But I don't want to lose myself.


I'm gonna ask my boss about picking up more shifts at the diner so I'm not in your hair so much.

You're not in my hair at all.

I was actually hoping we could discuss this idea of yours about going back to Korea a little more.

Ugh, I never should have brought that up.

I'm glad you did.

It gave me a lot to think about.

Do you know why I wanted to become a psychiatrist?

You had a temporary lapse in sanity?

No. [Chuckles]

It was because of my parents.

They wanted you to be a doctor.

Or a lawyer. As long as it was successful.

That's all that mattered to my mother.

I felt like she was always hovering around me, always pushing me, but never seeing me.

Most of the time, I was lonely.

As I was growing up, I wanted to connect with people.

I wanted to be meaningful in a way that I didn't feel with my own family.

And I thought becoming a psychiatrist would help me achieve that.

So I applied to every school on the west coast.

I wanted to get as far away as I could. [Chuckles]

And you got into Stanford.

Oh, my mother was over the moon.

It never occurred to her that she wouldn't be seeing me more than once a year.

But we didn't have much money, and flights to New York were very expensive.

As time went on, I wound up visiting less and less.

I kept thinking to myself, "I'll go next Christmas.

I'll go next summer."

Then one day, I got a call from my father that my... mother had passed away.


I'd finally become this successful woman she'd always wanted me to be, and she never got a chance to see it.

[Voice breaking] And I never got a chance to say goodbye.

Why didn't you tell me any of this before?

Well, our sessions were about you.

But we're friends now.

As my friend, I wanted you to know this because I don't want the same to happen to you.

Always fireworks with you two, huh?

Should I leave you alone for a minute?

Uh, no.

No, it's fine. I'm... I'm okay. Thank you.

Look, it's none of my business, but if I were you, I would be reporting that crap.

Yeah, you're right... it is none of your business.

He just humiliated you in front of the entire office.

Everyone knows you were screwing.

Sounds like a hostile work environment to me.

Filing a fake harassment suit doesn't get you anywhere, okay?

It's not gonna give me a leg up, and it's certainly not gonna help me make partner.

You know why?

Because that's not how a boys' club actually works.

There are easier ways to make money.

All you have to say is Dom made you feel uncomfortable after your sexual relationship ended.

Yeah, but he didn't make me feel uncomfortable.

Me, either, but that doesn't matter.

All you have to do is establish a pattern of behavior.

The rest will take care of itself.

Wow. You really are a horrible person.

Sleep on it.

Rich will look really good on you.

♪ Right, my little pooh bear, want to take a chance? ♪
♪ Want to sip this smooth air, kick it ♪

Did you bring the new menus?


Greta, I'm happy to discuss the menu with you, but I have not made any changes yet.

Why not? We are on a deadline.

Yep, I'm aware of the deadline, thank you.

Uh, but I don't think rushing through changes without thinking them through is wise at this point.

We've both got a lot riding on this.

What are you suggesting?

If we're gonna make this work, we have to find a way to compromise.

[Laughing] You don't strike me as a guy who's used to compromising, Harry.

No, I'm definitely not... not when it comes to my food, but I'm willing to give it a try if you are.

I'll try anything once.

Maybe even twice.

[Indistinct conversations]

Guess who got the new job.

[Gasps] You're kidding!

That's so great! I'm so happy for you!

Now, do I finally get to know what the job is?

[Laughing] Yeah.

So, uh, you know the studies I've been doing at UCLA on addiction therapy?

Well, an extended fellowship just got funded, and they want me to oversee the entire thing.

Oh, my God, Jacob. [Sighs] That's amazing.

Yeah, it also includes a faculty teaching position and a chance to work with patients at Boston Medical.


Yeah, the funding came from B.U., so they want the fellowship to be based at the university.

That's an incredible opportunity.

It is. It is.

And, uh, you know what would make it even more... amazing?

If you came with me.

To Boston?

Look, I-I know it sounds crazy, but...

You could practice there just as easily as L.A.

It would be a huge adventure, Karen.

Perfect opportunity for us both to start fresh, something new.

I-I know it's, uh... it's a lot to take in.

Just... Just think about it, okay?

No pressure. [Chuckles]


[Bell jingles]

Thomas: Hi, April.

I was just about to close up for the day.

Hmm, no problem. This will only take a second.

I'm sorry, but I'm actually late for an appointment with vendors.

Actually, it's not a request.

We have a problem.

We hear you're not interested in cooperating with us anymore.

That's correct.

And I think that's pretty understandable, considering everything.

Mm-hmm. Well, I'm sorry for your troubles.

But I think you may have misunderstood.

You don't really have a choice here.

What if I refuse?

First, we'd be forced to seize your bank account and all your assets until the government gets reimbursed for the insurance money you received from your not-deceased husband.

The fact is you knowingly participated in defrauding the United States government will probably result in some jail time, as well.

Then we'd want to talk to your daughter, find out what she knows about Paul.

Who knows? Maybe she's had some conversations with her father.

Can we assume now that when Paul contacts you, you'll let us know?

Great. Have a nice evening.

[Bell jingles]


Oh, hey!

Babe, we need to talk about where we're gonna go for dinner.

Because I'm starving.

Okay, but we need to talk about something important first.

What could be more important than Sushi?


I could do thai food.

What are you doing tomorrow morning?

Is Tuesday consultation or surgeries?

It's, uh, consultations, but I can carve out an hour or two.

Why? What's up?

[Exhales sharply]

[Dog barks in distance]

So, um, I was thinking that maybe we could see a lawyer...

About a prenup.

Babe... and I'm gonna say this in the nicest possible way, but you're broke.

Okay. [Chuckles]

First of all, um, I'm definitely not broke, trust me.

I've been broke before. I know broke.

You're right. That came out wrong, okay? And I'm sorry.

Um, what I meant was... Just...

Tell you what, why don't you walk me through what's going on in there?


I just think that we need to figure out what separates us as individuals before we go into this huge partnership together, right?

Money's a part of it, but it's more than that.

Why are you talking like this? I've never heard you talk like this before.

Because I've never really thought about it before.

And now I'm thinking about everything, and this is the one thing that keeps coming up is I-I just... I don't know if I'm gonna be okay losing my independence once I become Mrs. Josslyn Carver.

Oh, no, the "Mrs." is a huge concession.

Last names are a deal breaker. It's going in the prenup.

Okay, well, I've had a really long day, babe.

I don't understand what's happening.

Of course you don't.

Nothing changes for you when we get married.

But for me, it does.

Well, I don't see how.


So let's just pretend that the credit-card bills start rolling in, and then you just think it's easier to pay them through your business manager or whatever, and you don't mention anything to me.

In fact, you stop mentioning things to me altogether, and, you know, I just forget how to do the most basic of things, right?

Does that make sense?

Since when do I have a business manager?

Or you die.

Or you leave me and the electricity gets turned off because I forget to pay the bills.

And suddenly, I go into arrears.

I don't even know what arrears means, but it sounds terrible.

I'm pretty sure I understand what's going on here, and I get your point, but I think you're missing the bigger point, which is...

The fact that I actually want to take care of you.

Oh, my God! You are so not listening to me!

That's not the point at all!

Is this about the car?


This is... okay, I just think that it would be safer if we got a prenup.

That way, if this doesn't work out, there's no confusion, okay?

Well, that's not gonna happen.

I'm not entering into a marriage with you preparing for failure, okay?

That's not how my family does things.

That's not how I do things.

I love you, and I want to marry you.

Marriage is sacred.

It's something I plan on doing just one time.

So you're either in this with me 100%, or you're not.


I'm not sure I can do this.

Do you want me to talk to them first?

Would that make it easier?

Do your parents speak English?

A little. Mostly my mom.

Okay. Are you ready?

Hello? Mrs. Choi?

This is Dr. Kim.

I'm a psychiatrist in Los Angeles who's been working with your daughter, Anna.

No, she's fine. She's sitting with me now.

There's some things Anna would like to discuss with you if you're open to that.

Is now a good time?

Hold on.

Your mother wants to speak to you.

You can do this.

[Speaking Korean]


Molly: Sorry to interrupt. They're asking for you in the conference room.

Is this about the Bernardo case?

No clue.

Well, this is exciting.

Savi: Yeah, but he didn't make me feel uncomfortable.

Antonia: Me, either, but that doesn't matter.

All you have to do is establish a pattern of behavior.

The rest will take care of itself.

Anything you want to add to that, Toni?


Baby, I'm not sure I can have you leaving the house looking that gorgeous.

Mm, thank you.

I'm meeting the girls for lunch, and then I have a few errands, and I have to see Greta at the restaurant later, so I'm not sure what time I'll be home, but I will text you.

Okay. You got five minutes to discuss something?

Mm, I'm really running behind.

I'm ready to do that prenup, but only if we can do it right now.


Our version of a prenup, okay?

No lawyers, no crap about money, just non-negotiables.

While you stand there mostly naked.

I mean, you said you were in a hurry, so...

Okay, first of all, this relationship shall be equal and all-inclusive, okay?

No one's gonna have all the power, all the control.

Everything that makes you unique and individual shall be maintained, okay?


And this is really important to me...

I'm not gonna pay all your bills, okay?

So which bills... [Chuckles]

Which bills are you interested in paying?

Oh, you're se... Um, okay, phone and cable.

Okay... and cable.

So from now until the day that we die, Joss shall pay the phone and cable bill.

You want water and power, as well?

Oh, no, thank you.

I've seen how reckless you are with your sprinklers.

Which brings us to last names.

I'm gonna keep my last name.


Now, you get to keep yours.

Babies... well, they get both.



Okay, well, I was thinking one.

I was thinking four.



Is there anything else you want?

Yeah. You.

Twice a week. Guaranteed.

I'm not moving on that one.

Are you out of your freaking mind?

Give me that.

Sex at least five times a week, and always at least once on weekends.

[Pen scratches] A girl has needs.

You... Drive a hard bargain. I'm glad we cleared that up.


And no matter how old we get, you have to tell me you love me at least once a day.

That part's easy.



[Knock on door]

Looks like our little plan worked.

I never realized you were such a good actor.

All that yelling... You scared the crap out of me.


Listen, um, thanks for helping me with this.

You didn't have to.

Yeah, I did.

Even though we're not together, I'll always have your back.

And I will always have yours.

So, has Mitchell decided what he's gonna do yet?

He said it's my call.

Whatever I decide, the rest of the partners will back me.

Well, I am proud of you, fancy-pants partner.

Putting Anna on the plane was so intense, but I felt [chuckles] calm.

Then when I was driving home... and suddenly, I just broke into tears.

Ohh, honey.

I'm so happy for her, but it made me feel really sad for what I lost with my own mother.

[Sighs] My whole family, really.

I-it's silly, I know. It's been so long now.

Joss: No, there's nothing silly about it.

That girl was lucky to have you, honey.

You changed her life forever.

She changed mine.

For the first time, I felt like I made a real difference in a patient's life.

But I had to break every rule of my profession to do it, which made me realize...

I don't think this is the right profession for me, not anymore.

So I decided to quit.


What do you mean, "quit"?

I mean, I'm not gonna be a psychiatrist anymore.

So, uh, what are you gonna do instead?

I honestly have no idea.

But Jacob asked me to move to Boston with him.



I'm so confused. Where are we?

I-I know. I know.

It's a lot. It's a lot.

"A lot" is putting it mildly.

Savi: And that's kind of a big step for two people that aren't even dating.

Actually, we have been dating.

We just... Didn't tell people yet.

April: Okay, it does sound crazy and impulsive, but really romantic, too.

I think you should do it.

You do? I don't. I like you here.

Well, I'm on board with whatever you want to do, but you better be at my wedding, woman.

Savi: Yeah, yeah. And... and the bridal shower and all those other parties I'm throwing my sister.

[Laughs] And Lucy is going to insist you're here for Christmas, obviously.

You guys are freaking me out.

I haven't even made up my mind yet.

Whatever you decide to do, we will make it work.

Like we always do.



So, I just had a meeting with Greta, who is apparently back to being thrilled with you.

Gloating is not an attractive look on you, Joss.

Please! I noticed you saved your date-and-mint-crusted lamb.

Yeah, but lost my Sambuca prawns.

Harry, consider it a big win.

You managed to salvage 3/4 of that menu, which means I don't have to re-conceive our entire concept or the table decorations or the invites.

And "Japanese-y" definitely did not make the cut.

Oh, thank God.

♪ Ah, that's just not the way What is that?


I'm engaged!

I-I was gonna tell you the other day, but, um, anyway, i-it just happened.


Wow. That's... that is... that's r... That's really great news, Joss.


Yeah. [Chuckles]

Absolutely, you're getting married.

Yeah, I'm getting married.

Good stuff.

Got a second?

We don't have to do this. You already won.

You're the one who turned this into a game, which was a waste because you're a damn good lawyer.

Was a damn good lawyer.

[Sniffs] You know, um...

[Chuckles] You almost had me.

I look out for myself.

You grow up the way I did, that's the way it works.

I'm not gonna apologize for it.

The fact that I got this far...

No one ever thought it would happen.

This far as a con artist or this far as a lawyer?

[Scoffs] Please. What's the difference?

You know, when you first got here, I didn't like you.

I figured you were a one-trick pony.

And, to be honest, I didn't expect much, but you surprised me.

You actually showed real talent.

There was no doubt in my mind that you were gonna make partner... no doubt in anybody's mind, except yours.

How about you give me the chance to prove you right?

I know how much you like to be right.


I'm afraid there's no chance of you making partner here.

[Clears throat]

At least not for a good, long time.

So you're not firing me?

No, I've, uh, decided to keep you on as a junior associate.

Of course, you... you could always quit, but, I mean, the references are gonna be a giant bitch.

Why? Why would you do that?

'Cause I'm the good guy.

Also because Breitling will only work with you, and I'm not about to lose a $50 million account.

So, look, keep your head down, do your work, and stay away from Savi.

She's gonna make partner.

And she'll eat you alive.

[Door closes]

[Knock on door]

Savannah Davis?

Yes. That's me.

Thank you.

[Cellphone ringing]

♪ So I will run to you ♪
♪ but you won't run from me ♪

You got it?

I most certainly did.

I'm just a little confused as to why.

Well, just consider it a thank you for the Chili Pepper tickets.

But also, you... you kind of turned my life around.

I did?

Well, don't sound so surprised.

Well, I just... I am.

I-I thought you were mad at me.

Oh, my God, it is literally the softest leather I have ever felt in my life.

You spent too much.

That's okay. I'm working now.

You are?

Oh, that's great. That's great. Where?

Well, actually, it's kind of cool.

I'd love to tell you about it over coffee, but... uh, oh, unless your boyfriend would mind.


I don't have a boyfriend anymore.

We broke up.


Then maybe I could tell you over dinner.

So... Do I have to wait for dessert to find out how you feel about my offer to move to Boston?

I'm so sorry, but I can't go.

But... You just said you're quitting your job.

You're totally free now.

What's keeping you here?

My life, Jacob. My friends.

From what you told me, your friends are all moving forward with their lives.

You need to think about yourself for a change.

That's what I'm trying to do.

I need to figure out what I want now.

I don't know what that is, but I'm not ready to pick up and move to a city where I don't know anyone.

You'll know me.

And you'll be busy with your new job and your new colleagues, which is incredibly exciting, and I'm so proud of you.

Don't you want someone to spend your life with?

Someone who will always be there for you?

I have that.

Savi, Joss, April.

Hey. [Sighs] That's not the same.

Friends can't fill all your needs, Karen.

They're not just my friends.

They're my family.

[Voice breaking] Our timing has always been a little off, hasn't it?

♪ Giving this world everything I've got ♪
♪ Running through the woods running through these sh*ts ♪
♪ Trying to survive a day ♪
♪ and all I want is that you extend your hand to me ♪

You seem tense.

Yeah. [Scoffs]

Lots to do.

You're not still mad at me, are you?


No, we're good.

♪ And hope for a better day ♪

Oh, I think we're more than good.

♪ You know those words you wrote me ♪

In fact, I think the real reason we were fighting was because of some...

Underlying tension.

♪ You're home ♪
♪ you'll never be alone ♪
♪ oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah ♪
♪ ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh ♪



[Knocking on door]

Hi, Karen.

Ben. Wh...


I need to talk to you about something.