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02x10 - Charades

Posted: 08/11/14 20:03
by bunniefuu
I'm sorry, Daniel. I won't be calling you again.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

It's Paul.
Please don't hang up.

I'm in trouble.

And it's serious.

I got mixed up with some bad people.

April: Paul, who is after you?

You like when people need you.

Dom doesn't need you. He just loves you.

Savi doesn't deserve you.

She never did.

[Cellphone buzzes]

I needed more time.

But he said, "it's our wedding night. We have to."

He r*ped you.

[Crying] I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

[Sighs] You're okay.

You're okay.


[Chuckling] Good morning.


Did you sleep all right?

Uh, like a rock, actually.

[Chuckles lightly]

Thanks for letting me crash here.

You had a pretty grueling night.

If you want to talk some more...

I think I'm all talked out for now.

That's okay, too.

Uh, but I could really use a cup of coffee.

Would that be weird?

[Laughing] I think it's safe to say that we've passed that boundary.

[Laughs] Uh, milk and sugar?

Yes, please.

[Cellphone buzzing]

You can answer it if you want.

I can call back.

[Cellphone clicks]

So, what does your day look like?

I have work in an hour.


[Chuckles lightly]

I'm a waitress at Sammy's. It's downtown.

Oh. I don't think I've ever been.

I don't blame you. It's just a crappy diner.

Do you feel up to working today?

I need the money.

Um, they've already cut our hours like crazy.

At this point, I'm gonna have to head straight there.

Could I use your bathroom to wash up real quick?

Of course.

Let me just... let me just move some things.

And I'll get you a towel.

Hey, boss. Wanted to see me?

Yeah. Uh, close the door.

So, um... the other night...

Was the other night.

I drank too much. You drank too much.

Whatever happened, happened.

Let's just call it what it is, right?


Look, I'm not looking for anything, Dom.

You don't have to worry about me getting attached.

No, I-I didn't mean it like that.

Well, I'm telling you anyways.

And I appreciate it.

I just, um...

[Chuckles] I don't even believe I have to say this.

Uh, I need this all to stay between us.


It wouldn't look good for me, either.

Yeah, but you're leaving, though.

And gossip is the last thing I need following me.

Of course.

So, um... oh, speaking of which, when, uh, when are you planning on telling Mitchell and the other partners about that?

Today, actually.

Oh. Uh...

Okay, then.


Anything else?

No. No, that was, uh... that was it.



Can I talk to you for a second?

Someplace else?

Um... Sure.




Yeah, that is... that's really good.



Uh, the goat-cheese tarts are still a "maybe," though.

Oh, that's fine. I can just move up the grass-fed-beef carpaccio.

No problem.

Not till I tell you you can.

Oh. Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm. [Chuckles]

[Cellphone chimes, vibrates]


Oh, it's Scott.

[Gasps] Oh, my package.

He sent you a selfie?

Ew! No! This package I've been waiting for finally arrived.

Look. See?

His grandma's turning 97 tomorrow.

Yeah, so, they're having a big thing at his parents' house.

I had to get her something.

You already gave her your dog. What more does she need?

I was so nervous it wouldn't get here in time.



That's the, uh...

That's the only thing you were nervous about?

What do you mean?

Well, aren't you meeting Scott's whole family for the first time?

His mother and all? [Laughs]

That's kind of a big deal, right?

Well, I guess.

But in case you hadn't noticed, I'm kind of likable.


Yeah, my mom hated you.


Well, to be fair, she loved Savi, so her judgment might have been a bit off.

Well, I-I thought she loved me.

Well, she does now.

The point is, most mothers aren't like yours, Joss... you know, none of this hippie, free-love stuff.

They've got their own protocol, and let's face it... protocol...

[Clicks tongue] ...not your forte.

Okay, that's rude!

Oh, you know I'm saying this with love, but you're, uh...

[Inhales sharply] You're a bit of a tornado, you know?

And then all the sex jokes... it's like a tic.

Wow! Well, someone's been holding some things in.

I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was such a liability.

No, you'll be all right.

Just... just don't talk so fast or swear so much or tell your lesbian stories.

Okay, I got to go.

No, come on. Don't get mad. I'm just trying to help.

Well, you're freaking me out!

Now I have to get a different outfit and a different gift and a different everything!


Probably shouldn't drink, either.

Seriously?! Wha...

[door opens, closes]

So, uh, about last night...

Did you get my message?



I, uh, called you because I wanted to tell you that I...

I went to see my dad.

Your dad?

Um... How?

I drove to Paso Robles.

Well, you asked me to think about what I was doing with Zack, so I've been asking myself some tough questions... about me and... and men, mostly.

And I thought I'd pay a visit to the first man in my life and see if I could get any answers.

So, how'd that go?

It was like... sitting with a neighbor... an acquaintance, not a dad.

He left me when he left my mom, and he never looked back.


No, I was disposable.

No, you're not.

I am to him.

So since then, I've promised myself that I would never feel like that again.


So I-I chose men that needed me.

You know, I was... I was the together one, the stable one, the one with the drive or... or the one with the money.

But when... I started seeing you...

I mean, you had the house and the job and the... and the plan.

You were together.

You were fine.

Well, what does Zack have to do with this?

Well, Zack came to my door a sad, broken puppy, and I thought I could fix him, help him, and that made me feel good.

So, are you saying you need me to need you?


No. No.

I'm saying that I need to learn how to be with someone that just... wants me.

And I-I really want that someone to be you.




[Chuckling] Okay.

[Inhales sharply]

Brynn, hi. I know I'm running late.

Do you think you can open without me?

I am leaving the house this second, I swear.


April Malloy?

I don't know who you are, but I am calling the police right now.

Agent Adam Thomas, FBI.

I'm here to talk to you about your husband, Paul.

Have you ever heard of a man named Domingo Olivos?


Cuban. Came up in Miami.

Currently runs one of the biggest drug-distribution operations on the east coast... cocaine, marijuana, heroin most recently.

Your husband's been working for him.


For over a year.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, we've been tapping his phone.

We heard his calls to you.


This can't be. This isn't him.

I mean, Paul has affairs and gets women pregnant.

He's an idiot. He's not a gangster.

He doesn't go work for some Cuban drug lord.

He faked his own death and showed up here last year resurrected, am I right?

Well, then, let's assume you don't know everything that your husband's capable of.

We think that's how he got involved with Olivos' organization in the first place.


Well, after he blew up the boat that he was supposedly on, he needed a completely new identity, including a new social security number.

Those aren't easy to come by, except on the black market.

And where there's a black market, there's Olivos.

We believe that Olivos' people helped establish a new identity for your husband in exchange for his services.

As a drug dealer?

No... computer guy.

Hacking into bank accounts, establishing online companies for their money-laundering operation... under the name Paul Benson, as it were.

I see.

It's not really your husband we're after here, Mrs. Malloy.

We've been building a case against Domingo Olivos for almost four years.


But Paul's position in the organization has given him quite a bit of knowledge and access to Olivos' money.

Like you said, Paul's not really the hardened-criminal type, right?

[Sighs] We thought he might be receptive to a way out, so three months ago, we approached him and offered him immunity on the fraud charges in exchange for testifying against Olivos.

Did he agree?

He did.

Then he backed out.

He moved his other wife and kid to Jacksonville.

He disappeared, not a trace of him... that is, until the other day, when he called you.

So, Mrs. Malloy, as you can see, we need your help.


Need some help there?


I got it.

What is it?

I'm returning it.

Well, now I have to know.

Stop... no, careful!

That's 300 bucks you're holding, and they don't take back broken items.

300 bucks for this?


Be... it's a genuine antique Verlys soap dish in the deco tradition.

I-I thought Grandma June would like it, and then... I thought not.

You don't have to spend that kind of money.

Just put your name on my card.

Why? What did you get her?

An iPad.

An iPad?! She's like 110 years old.

Very hip lady.


Sweetheart, your presence is her gift, okay?

She and my mother are dying to meet you.

They've been talking about it all week.

Mm-kay. Want to put some more pressure on?

[Laughs] They're all gonna love you.

[Chuckles] What's not to love?


[Chuckles] And who cares?

If they hate me, screw 'em.

Not sure you have to go that far with it, right?

Why? What do you mean?

Well, I mean, this is my mother we're talking about here.

You know, I-I definitely care.


Oh. Wow. Okay.

So, you're that guy?

What guy?

If your mom doesn't like me, you're not gonna like me?

I think if my mom doesn't like you, it just makes things a little more difficult for...

Why are we arguing about this?

You're gonna make an effort tomorrow, right?

You know what? At the moment, I don't even want to go tomorrow.

Honestly, I'd rather you not go, either, if you're gonna act like this.

Wh... are you un-inviting me?

You just said...

No! I'm going!

For Grandma June.

And I'm bringing my soap dish.

It was good enough for Eleanor Roosevelt.

Remind me to call Halpern in the morning to, uh, check on those phone records.

Got it.

Tomorrow, you have a Griggs meeting at 9:30, staff meeting at 11:00, and lunch with Michael Rosen.

Great. Thanks.

Oh, and, uh, Chloe? Go home.

Got it.

I really know how to pick them, don't I?

Paul, Daniel.

Why am I such an idiot?

Honey, you're not an idiot.

Savi: Seriously, who could've imagined this?

You know, I'm not actually that surprised.

I mean, dead Paul coming back from the dead? Shocking.

Back-from-the-dead Paul working for a Cuban drug lord?

Sure. Why not?

I don't understand.

So, if the FBI is looking for this Olivos guy and not Paul, then what do you have to do with it?

They need Paul to get to Olivos, and they need me to get to Paul.

How is Paul the key witness?

Apparently, he knows where the money is.

And he's the only one who answered the door when the FBI came knocking.

Well, him and me, of course.

But you don't know where he is any more than the FBI does.

Do you?

Of course not!

But the last time he called me, I told him I needed a way to contact him in case of an emergency, and he told me he would send me something.

Like, what kind of something?

Phone number, an e-mail address.

Whatever it is and whenever it comes, the FBI knows about it, and they want it.

You know what? Screw the FBI. You don't owe them anything.



Well, actually, uh... you kind of do.

I mean, you knew that Paul was alive, so, technically, you committed fraud by keeping the insurance money, not to mention the social security benefits.

And now the FBI knows all of that.

So they may be asking for your help today, but they might not ask tomorrow.

You know, I mean, they have stuff on you now.

[Sighs, groans]

Sweetie, I'm so sorry, and I hate to say this, but, honestly, I-I don't think you have a choice.



[Bells jingle]

What's going on? Why can't you just come I...

I was thinking about what you said last night about Paul and the FBI, and one thing's bothering me about it.

[Laughs] Really? Only one thing?

If Paul disappeared on the FBI, how are they tracking his phone calls?


Yes, but if they had a trace on Paul's phone, wouldn't they know where he was?

If they really did lose him, how did they hear his calls to you?

So you think...

They must have heard it from your end, April.

You think they bugged my phone?

Your phones, your house, the shop... who knows?

They could be watching you with cameras... maybe watching Lucy.

Oh... oh, my God.

Well, how would I know?

I have a guy... a P.I. I used last year with the Elizabeth situation.

There's an endorsement.

He's smart, and he has the equipment.

I'll call him today.

In the meantime, just... watch what you say.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]

Uh, Chloe, what the hell is going on?

Mitchell: Dom.

We need to talk.

Thanks for calling me back, George.

Oh, you're out of town?

Do you know anyone who can help my friend April?

It's obviously a very sensitive situation.

[Call-waiting beep]

George, can I call you back?

[Cellphone clicks]


[Crying] I-I'm really sorry.

I-I didn't want to call, but, um...

I'm glad you did. What's going on?

I don't really know, exactly.

I-I'm supposed to be at work, but I don't think I can leave my place right now.


[Crying] I-I can't breathe.

My heart is beating so fast.

Have you taken anything? Any medication or...

No, I didn't take anything.

I'm coming to you right now, okay?

Tell me your address.

[Ringtone plays]

[Cellphone beeps]

Ready, ready.

All right.

[Indistinct conversations]

Joss! Welcome!

Oh, my goodness! We're so glad you're here!

It's so nice to finally meet you!

Mwah! How are you?

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey. You've reached Josslyn Carver at Events By Josslyn.

Please leave a message at the beep, and party on.


Hey, Joss, uh, it's me.

I, um...

Uh, I just called to say...

[Sighs] You know what?

I-I just called to apologize for being a jerk yesterday.

I didn't mean... to get into your head.

So please... just... be yourself, okay?

And... and... and definitely have a drink.

I'll have one, too.

Not sure why I'm still talking now.

Good stuff.

Hey, have fun.

[Cellphone clicks]


Okay, you... you can't be serious.

The firm takes allegations of sexual harassment very seriously, so let me ask again... did you have a sexual relationship with Antonia Ruiz?


This will go a lot faster if you just answer the questions.

Yes, technically... and did you or did you not ask Ms. Ruiz to not tell anyone of said relationship?


But this whole situation is being misinterpreted.

Listen, she asked me to get a drink, to celebrate her new job... at Gallagher, Wilmore.

Or did she not tell you about that?

I'm not aware of any new job.

Either way, Ms. Ruiz's future plans have nothing to do with the fact that she worked here when the incident occurred.

And this is not your first relationship with a subordinate.

What do you mean?

Savannah Davis.

Oh, okay. No, no. Savi and I are completely different.

We did everything right. We... we came to you.

Not initially, you didn't.

The fact remains, you were Ms. Davis' superior, as well.

There is at least the appearance of a pattern, and the firm has to protect itself.

And I think, as a partner, you understand that.

We'll, of course, have to document this incident, and we'll need you to complete an eight-hour seminar on the firm's sexual-harassment policies.

Well, do I get a chance to even defend myself?

You could submit a statement.

These things aren't worth the fight, Dom.

Just take the seminar, and let's all move on, okay?

Can I go now?

Savi, please.

Did you sleep with her?

She lied about...

Did you sleep with her?!


But it was a mistake.

Get out of my office.

[Knock on door]

[Knock on door]


[Voice breaking] Thanks for coming.

How are you feeling?

A little better.

I'm... I'm sorry for bothering you.

It wasn't a bother.

I just felt the walls were closing in on me.

I-I-I thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest.

And you're sure you didn't take anything?

I'm sure.

I-I know what you're nervous about, but it wasn't like that.

I-I just got really anxious.

Do you still feel anxious?

[Siren wailing in distance]

Not as bad.

Would you mind if I checked your pulse?


It's still a little fast.

I'd like to take you to the hospital...

Uh... to check it out a little more thoroughly to make sure it's nothing physical.

I've really got to get to work.

You're not going to work today.

If I don't show up, I'm for sure gonna get fired, and I can't afford to get fired.

I'll call your boss if I have to.

[Thudding, talking in distance]

Let's just take it one step at a time, okay?




[Clears throat]



[Ringtone plays]

[Cellphone beeps]


[Inhales deeply]

Dom slept with Toni.

Oh, my God.


We shouldn't talk about it over the phone.

...because that is so awful.

You should... get out of the office, come over here so we can talk about it in person.

I have cake.

I can't leave. I have meetings all day.

Can you have breakfast tomorrow?

Of course.


No, no. No words, though.

You can't say anything. You can't say anything.

Woman: Sounds like...

Come on. Um...

[Indistinct shouting]

I know! "Psycho"! It's "Psycho"!


Oh, my...

How did you get that?

Man: All right, all right.

Who's up? Who's up?

Joss, Joss, you're up. Your turn.

No, no, no. I haven't had any time alone with Joss.

Scotty, you go.


Come on.

All right. Okay.

All right, Scotty. Let's see what you got.

Your home is lovely.

Oh, you're so sweet. [Laughs]

I hope I'm not being too forward, but I love to shop, and I have three boys.

I love shopping!


Well, don't tell Scotty.

He'll... he'll think it's weird.

But I got you a little something.

Just a little something.


Oh. [Laughs]

It's silly, isn't it? I mean, I hope it's not weird.

I-I didn't think you needed soap.

I just... I thought they smelled so nice.

No. They're beautiful.


Thank you so much.

Everyone needs soap. [Laughs]

Well, thank you.

I don't think I have ever seen my son so happy, so thank you.


"The Proposal"!


You guys, it's "Lord of the Rings."

I was like this. I did like this.

Dude, Middle-Earth is below us, rookie.

Dude, get over here!

Stop that!

All right, who's gonna help me clean this up?

Come on, now. This is crazy.

[Indistinct talking]



You never had another offer, did you?

The meetings, the flowers, the drinks... all fake.

I warned you.

You what?

I told you you wouldn't see it happening.

You'd just suddenly find yourself here... on the losing end of this game.

[Elevator bell dings]

Not from where I sit in my partner's office.

I got a slap on the wrist, but as far as I can see, you got exactly nothing.

In a month, nobody will even remember this happened.

Until you touch me again.

Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen, so you're not gonna win.

I already have, you simple, silly man.

All the groundwork's been laid.

All you have to do is accidentally touch my knee underneath the conference table or brush against me in the hallway.

Then it will be hard to deny your pattern of disturbing behavior.

And I'll have no choice but to request some compensation for all the discomfort.

Why are you doing this?

I like to live a certain way.

Why me?

Oh, it's nothing personal.

You were just the newest partner... the easiest target, you know?

But I can't say it hasn't been a pleasure doing business with you.

Night, Dom.

[Engine turns over, revs]

[Tires squeal]



I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

You know, when we were talking about me meeting your family and how you wanted it all to go.

[Inhales sharply]

I handled it all wrong, babe.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

Honey, I don't think I even understood what you meant, because... [Chuckles] mom hated all of our grandparents, and she was only around half the time, anyway, so, usually, it was just me and Savi.

That's pretty sad.

No. No, no.

It's just... it's just different.

But if I had a family that big, who loved me that much, I would definitely care what they thought, so...


I really love you.

I love you, too.

Come here.


What did you think of them?


There aren't words.

♪ oh, won't you stay with me? ♪

I thought you guys were on a break.

Mm. On a break, not broken up.

And it doesn't make it right. You know what I mean?

And it doesn't change the fact that he chose the one person that would hurt me the most.

But it is kind of a gray area.

You guys were technically not together.

On a break.

A break you were on partly because of Zack.

Yeah, but I never slept with Zack.

You had an emotional affair. Like I said, gray area.

[Feedback, man clears throat]


Son of a bitch.

They've been in my house!


I-I, uh... I don't think the... that it was that gray... the... area.


You feel betrayed.

I get it. Believe me.

But Dom said it was a mistake, and I believe that he loves you.

Who are you, all of a sudden?

What do you mean?

Being all cool with the cheating.

[Laughs] I am not cool with the cheating.

Thought it wasn't technically...


Okay, to you, it was.

Look, I'm just saying it doesn't have to mean the end of your relationship if you don't want it to.

If you want to take him back, no one will fault you for it.

Oh, my God.

What is it?

It's Lucy's. It's in her room.

They were in her room!

What a night, huh?

All this for an anxiety attack... so embarrassing.

I'll bet you're pretty tired.

And grateful.

You don't have to put me up.

It's really fine.

You can't go back to that apartment of yours.


Just so you know, I-I'm not totally blind.

I know it's kind of crappy.

It's a health risk. I should report your landlord to the city.

It's not like I wanted to live there.

It was just... what I could afford.

I guess I just got used to it.

I know.

And I know I can't live here, either.

We'll figure it out, one day at a time, starting tonight.

I'll get you a fresh towel, and I think I have an extra toothbrush somewhere.

In the meantime...

Think of what you want for dinner.

[Knock on door]

Hey. Thanks for calling.


Thanks for coming.


Look, um...

Savi, I-I am so sorry.

I-I was drunk and pissed off, and I-I made a mistake... the worst mistake.

But it... it obviously didn't mean anything.

You know what? I-I'm sorry. I just don't think that I need to hear any more about this Toni situation.


Uh, the truth is... we have bigger issues than Toni.

We haven't been honest with each other for a while...

About a lot of things.

Mm-hmm. Like this house.


You didn't tell me that you were keeping the house.

[Chuckles lightly]

We weren't speaking when I made that decision.

But... but we were after.

You know, and it was still a decision that affected me... affected us.

We talked about a plan, remember?

Living together?

Yeah, I-I wasn't thinking about you, about not being with you.

It's not what it was about.

No, and that's the problem. It's never about me with you.

I mean, even Zack... you weren't seeing him because you were mad at me or because you were thinking that there was something I wasn't giving you.

Would that have made it better?

Yeah. Yeah, it would.

Because I'm... I'm always thinking about you.

Were you thinking about me the other night, when you were with Toni?


I was angry with you, hurt by you.

And I know that doesn't excuse it, but the truth is, for me... for me, it's always about you, [sighs]

About... about us.

And that's not the way it is for you.

It's never been.

That is not fair.

You're telling me.

No, y-you know... you're right.

I was never fully about us.

But you know why that is?

Because I didn't really have that luxury, Dom.

There was always another us that I had to worry about.

You know, I was also... I was also an us with Harry.

So there were consequences and... and... and wreckage.

I just couldn't be as... as clean and carefree, like you.

That's what you wanted from me, Savi.

I was a second chance, a clean start.

If you wanted all that other baggage...

You would have stayed.


We never had a chance, did we?

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, me too.

So? How was it?


It was horrible. Everyone was amazing.

Come again?

Oh, yeah.

His... his mom gave me these adorable little soaps, and Grandma June taught me how to play mah-jongg, and Uncle Carl invited me to cousin Katie's sweet 16 party next month.

Whew. Wow. Look at you.

From the girl who couldn't commit to a second date to cousin Katie's sweet 16.


Harry, it's like I'm suddenly in the middle of this life with this guy, and I don't even understand how I got here.

[Sighs] I just... I really don't think I can do it.

Well, I hate to break it to you, Joss, but, uh... you're already doing it.

No, because I'm obviously gonna screw it up, right?

You are, with that attitude.

But I always do, Harry.

But this time, you know, it's not just gonna be one person that gets hurt.

If Scott and I break up, I have to break up with the whole family, the whole damn clan.

I mean, my point is... you were right.

Uh, about what?


I don't do serious.


Look here.

You have found a good thing.


Just go with it.


It is good, isn't it?

I mean, Scott... h-he's great.

His family is great.

But this... don't you find it weird?

Like, why was the guy even single when I met him in the first place?

Maybe has some... some horrible thing that I don't even know about yet.

Or maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you.

They didn't have any splenda, so I got you sugar instead.

Anna's staying with me. I don't know for how long.

I gave her a bathrobe, and we shared an order of pad Thai last night.

And before you say it, yes, this is bad.


She had a severe panic attack and ended up at my house.


I couldn't help myself.

She called, and I had to go to her.

But then her apartment was just so awful that I had to, you know, get her out of there.

Then I had nowhere else to take her, so I took her.

What's wrong with me?


Did you miss the part where Anna's staying on my couch?


You... you are who you've always been, Karen, and you're doing what you've always done.

I am?

I remembered this thing from back in grad school.

Remember that patient you had as an intern...

15-year-old kid, wasn't showing up for school?


You were so frustrated 'cause nothing was really motivating him.

And I remember when you told me you realized something... that it wasn't actually about motivation.

His mom had two jobs.

He literally had nobody around to wake him up for school in the morning.

So you bought him an alarm clock.

I got in trouble for that... buying a gift for a patient.

And it worked. The kid started showing up for class on time.

And he graduated on time.

You have always led with your heart, despite the rules.

Now, whether that's the appropriate thing to do as a therapist...

Okay, it's definitely not the appropriate thing to do as a therapist, but it's who you are.


And that's why I love you.

You love me?


I think I'm gonna have to break another rule.


[Door opens, closes]



You're home early.

Yeah, well, you know, I didn't have any surgeries, so I figured I'd clear my afternoon and see what my girlfriend was up to.


Your girlfriend is up to her eyeballs in accounts payable.


Does she have time for this?

Maybe. [Laughs]

You were such a good sport yesterday, I wanted to do something to make you smile.


Hmm. I'm smiling.

[Both laugh]

Well, try them on.


There's something in this one.

Ow. Yeah.

What is it?

That's Grandma June's.

She, um...

She said that you were the only woman she would give it to.

Oh, my God.

♪ no, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't, it's true ♪

Josslyn Carver...

Will you marry me?




Oh, my God.

[Laughs, cries]


April Malloy here to see Agent Thomas.

Do you have an appointment?

I am here to find out why the FBI bugged my 12-year-old daughter's bedroom.

Do I need an appointment for that?

Yes, sir. I've got an April Malloy here...

Yes, sir.

Okay, ma'am, you can follow me.

[Indistinct conversations, telephones ringing]
