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02x09 - Coming Clean

Posted: 08/05/14 10:44
by bunniefuu
Good morning.


Previously on "Mistresses"...

April: Do I tell Lucy about Paul?

Women: No!

He's her father!

Who she thinks is dead, April.

But he's not.

Uh, wait, Harry is...

He is the new head chef!

You do an awful lot for this guy.

Oh, my God. You're not worried about Harry and me...

Should I be?

Your release from the hospital is dependent on your willingness to accept treatment.

So what?

You tricked me into telling you the truth, and now I'm just stuck here?

Please, Anna...

Just go!

Blakely: So, you had no idea the woman Jacob's been seeing is your patient?

Good night, Karen.


I wasn't expecting you.

W-w-what's going on?

Uh, I'll... I'll give you two a moment.

This is not what it looks like.

Let's go upstairs.

How do you know him?

This is all just a terrible coincidence.

Jacob and I used to work together.

Do you still work together?



What was he doing here?

We're friends.


Anna, please, let's go upstairs and talk.

Did you know we were dating?


How long?

How long have you known?

Just a few days.


Are you the reason he broke up with me?



[Footsteps receding]


[Indistinct conversations]

O-o-okay. [Chuckles]

Okay, you people are scavengers!

[Telephone ringing in distance]



[Sighing] Oh.

I missed all the good stuff.

No, there's, uh, you know, there's one blueberry left.

Uh, you can have it.

Really, it's, uh... it's yours.



Hello?! Are you even listening to me?!

We only have a few weeks until the soft open, which, I might add, officially marks the longest that I've been employed all year, and I would really like to keep it that way, so please, for the love of God, Harry, tell me that you've finally decided on what you're cooking.

Harry: I have.

[Sighing] Okay.

The curried quail!

Oh, perfect.

So, we'll pair that with a nice light red...

Or the braised rabbit.

Okay, so T.B.D., then?

Indecision is not a good look on you, by the way!

I need to see what cuts I can get my hands on.




What was I saying?

The [Stutters] so, do you want this to be a, uh, a walk-through or a, uh, seated dinner?

[Chuckles] Curried quail is not finger food.

Hmm? What'd you say?

Now, let's do a served meal, three courses.

I'm thinking a rustic pumpkin-cayenne soup.

Pumpkin-cayenne soup... perfect.

Sounds great!

Oh! Uh, what are you doing?

You're sitting on my wallet.

You okay?

Yeah [scoffs] I'm fine.

We just... we have a lot of work to do.

Let's try to focus.

Lucky the party's not tomorrow night.

Now, I don't know what you think, but I'd prefer printed menus.

Well, I'd prefer a shirt on! [Chuckles nervously]

Right. I'm sorry.

Didn't realize we were suddenly so professional.

No, it's just... it's... we're in a meeting here, and you're dripping all over me, dude.

Okay, boss, hold your horses. [Sighs]

Oh, I'm excited, Joss. [Claps hands]

I haven't felt like this since the opening of Savannah's Kitchen, and it is all thanks to you.


You're a champion.

You too.


Harry: [Laughing]



[Cellphone rings]



Paul: April, it's Paul.

Please don't hang up.

I thought I told you never to call me again.

I know. It's about Lucy.

What? What did... what...

I'm in trouble. And it's serious.

What kind of trouble?

I got mixed up with some bad people.

There's a chance that I may have to...

[Sighs] Serve jail time.

Jail time!?

April, listen.

If that happens, it'll be on the news.

So I wanted you to know so you had time to figure out what you were gonna tell Lucy.


You know what?

Um, d-don't... don't do anything.

I, um... just give me 48 hours to figure this out, okay?

And then I promise I'll call you back.

No, wait!

Sorry. I got to go.


Who was that?

Uh, nobody, sweetie... uh, wrong number.

[Chuckles] Okay.







Oh, my God! How are you?! [Sighs]

I haven't seen you in like a hundred years!

How have you been? What are you up to?

Oh, a few hair-color changes, some questionable I.V.F. Treatments...

Oh... and a divorce on my end.

Oh, I'm sorry. I heard about you and Jason.

You guys were such a cool couple.

Yeah, well...


What about you? Are the Facebook rumors true?

Are you in a relationship?

Yes, I am. I am officially cohabitating.

That's amazing!

[Squeals softly]

How did you even meet?

I feel like it's so impossible in this city.

Oh, it is.

You know, we actually met at a leukemia gala.

Charity! Why didn't I think of that?

He doesn't have any single friends, does he?

No, I don't think so... [chuckles]

[Gasps] Oh, my...

But you know what? I do.

He's perfect for you.

He's tall, he's blond, and he's just recently divorced.

I'm gonna send you his info right now.



That would be great. Thank you so much!



I'm coming.

Sorry, I-I got to go, Steph, but I'll call you later.

Yes, please.

Mwah! I was so good to see you!

Amazing, amazing!


Call him!


Do you have the defendant's statements?

Page three, but you should take a look because our witness seems to be implicating herself.

Yep, I see it. [Sighs]

[Chuckles] Good work, Toni.

Thank you!


You haven't said that in a while.

[Strained] Antonia Ruiz?

[Gasps] Oh!


Whoa. [Laughing]

[Sighs] Sign here, please.

Thank you.

New boyfriend?

Aye, qué? Would you be jealous?

I'm only kidding.

So, what's going on with you and Savannah?

You guys back together yet?

You know, let's, uh... let's keep going.

We've got a lot to cover before this afternoon's meetings.

Whatever you say, boss.

Paul is officially the worst, hands down.

What do you think he did?

I have no idea.

I hardly got a word in edgewise.

He just told me he got in with some bad people and to think about what I want to tell Lucy in case he's on the news.

On the news?!

What are you supposed to tell Lucy?

I don't know. Everything?

She's much too young. Are you crazy?!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Okay, fine.

What, you think I should just keep lying to her?

Okay, am I the only person that thinks that maybe Paul's using this as an opportunity to slither his way back into your life?

I mean, h-how do you even know that he's really in trouble?

Because he sounded scared. Really scared.

Karen: What is it?

I'm just wondering.

Do you think whoever's looking for Paul, could they be after me next?

[Inhales deeply]

All right, so, he said he's gonna call you again, right?

So we just wait.

We wait.


♪ She thinks she's all alone ♪
♪ And all her hopes are gone ♪



Did we have plans?

No, but Scott's working late, and I can't stop thinking about April.

I want to buy her a pony.


Please try not to do that.


Well, we could go halfsies.

What, are you working?

# Things were bad #


♪ She was in despair ♪

Uh, Costa Rica? When do we leave?

You, my love, are not invited.

This is for me and Dom.

Oh, did you guys get back together?

No [sighs], but this morning, he gave me his muffin!

I don't know what that means.

He loves blueberry muffins, so much so that I once saw him try to trip an associate to get to the last blueberry muffin.


And this morning, he gave it to me. [Chuckles]

Oh, so that means he's ready to get back together.

[Laughing] Exactly!

I'm so glad you're not reading too much into this.

Yep, a couple of weeks ago, he wanted to have a baby with me, and today he was very smiley and extremely generous with baked goods.

# No S.O.S. needed, no rescuing #

I can get him back.

Well, if that's what you really want.

# No S.O.S. needed, no rescuing #

It is.

Well, then, honey, I'm sure you'll get it.

You always do.

♪ She's got life in her veins ♪
♪ She don't need no rescuing ♪
♪ She's okay ♪


[Sighs] Sorry, I'm late.

No, I'm glad you came.

When I didn't hear from you, I wasn't sure...

I would have been here sooner, but the line at Starbucks was out of control.


About last night...

You know what? I'd rather not talk about it.

I'm fine.

We're fine.

All right, then there is something I'd like to discuss.

Go for it.

Uh, the other week, when you missed our session, I was worried about you, so I went to your house.

To make sure you were safe.

I don't know why you would misrepresent yourself like that.

I didn't misrepresent myself.

I lied to you.

I said I lived in Beverly Hills, and I don't.

So what? Big deal.

It's not the lie that's a big deal.

It's just that I don't understand...

Just so you know...

I lied about everything.

The whole escort thing? Never happened.

That's not what I did for a living.

That's not why I...

Why you tried to k*ll yourself?

I'm not a whore.

That's just a story I made up. One of many.

But why?

Why would you waste our time here together?

Because I don't want to tell you my story!

Then what have you been doing here?!

You made me come here!

You wouldn't discharge me from the hospital unless I agreed to these sessions!

That night, you got me to tell you the truth about what happened, but as soon I was honest with you, you tried to pawn me off on another doctor!

But I called you. I...

Only after you'd already tricked me!

[Scoffs] You seemed like a dishonest person.

Turns out my instincts were right.

So, Karen...

What should we talk about now?


[Sighs] It's your own personal stash.


Well, um, thank you.

[Inhales deeply] Let's go to Costa Rica together.


I'm sorry.

I-I-I-I practiced how I was gonna say that, a-and that totally just was not it.

Uh, but I-I have been looking at flights.

You... you want to go on a vacation?

Yeah, you always said it was your favorite place in the world.


Let's go together.

Savi, Savi, just... Stop, okay?

It's [sighs] I-I-it's sweet.

It... it is. I just, um...

What's changed here?

Well, hopefully, you're less mad at me.

N-no, no, no, really.

[Sighs] I don't know.

I was just... thinking that maybe we could work through our problems together somewhere, like on a beach in hotel robes.

I-I-I don't have any problems.

I know what I want.

Yeah, so do I.

I want you.

Do you?

Because you haven't done anything to make me think so.

Well, that's what I'm trying to do right now.

[Sighs] But it doesn't work that way, Savi.

Look, I-I asked you to think about what's going on with you... Really think...

And I-instead, you- you want to skip work and hop on a plane.

No, Dom, that's not what I'm saying.

I mean, I-I-it's running away.

You're running away.

You almost died, Savi.


You never even went to therapy.

I-instead, you struck up a friendship with a-a man who understood you.


Y-you never even talked to me about your feelings.

Y-you... we never talked about the baby... Our baby.

Y-y-you just decided that you wanted to try again.

I'm sorry.

You can't skip over all this crap, because if you do, then things are never gonna work out for us.


If you're serious about me...

Then I need you to take this seriously.

[Classical music playing]

This is part of our vintage reserve.

These are some of the finest grapes in Napa, picked in...

Mmm, I love it.

Uh, but my chef was looking for something a little lighter, something that pairs nicely with quail?

But... how did you even taste it?

[Cellphone rings] Oh, wait.

Sorry. Hold that thought.

Hey, what's up? I'm working.

Who is Stephanie, and why is she calling me?


Oh, my God. She called you already?

Yeah, she called. She texted.

She requested to follow me on instagram.

Oh. Wow. Okay.

Well, I didn't expect that, but, Harry, she's great.

We went to college together, and she's really, really smart.

Yeah, so?

So she's cool, and you should go out with her!


Because you might like her and because you haven't been on a date since Kyra.

It's time to get back out there, buddy.

No, I meant why are you doing this?


Because I'm... I'm worried about you.

Uh, I see you putting all of your energy into the restaurant and that's awesome but I know how you get.

You're a total workaholic, and it could be like a year before you look up from your griddle or whatever, and then you'll be pushing 42.

I mean, Harry, you're getting up there.

Right. Hanging up now.

Wait, d-d-did I mention that she's smoking hot?



He's gone.

Okay, quail wine... talk to me.

♪ Walked down the street on the hottest day ♪
♪ Folks were smiling at me ♪


Is there anything in particular I can help you find?

No, just looking.

Well, my name is April in case you have any questions.

Great. Thanks, April.

I'm sorry to have burdened you with all of this.

I'm just at a loss.

I feel so stupid for having missed it.

Oh, you're not stupid.

What Anna did, I-it's unfathomable.

So this has never happened to you before, either?

Oh, I've had patients distort the truth, but, Karen, this is bordering on sociopathic behavior, to lie about everything...

Where she lives, what she does for a living...

To create these fantasies.

I know, but I should've seen it coming.

You want my advice?

Refer her to another doctor.

I-it's no fault of yours, but she clearly doesn't trust you.

You've spent how many sessions?


And you still don't know anything real about her.

Which means you're not any closer to uncovering what put her in that hospital in the first place.

That last part may be true, but I think Anna does trust me.

And we made a breakthrough last night.

She was the most honest she's ever been.

Whatever really happened to her, she wants to tell me.

She needs to. I can feel it.

The connection between us, that part is real.

I'm not ready to give up on her.


You? Give up on a patient?

I'd be shocked if you did.


So, what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna try to save her life.

Have a second?

Just one.

I am so sorry, but I'm gonna have to miss this afternoon's meeting.

Something came up.

What exactly came up?

Just this appointment on the West Side of town, and you know with traffic...

I would try to make it back, but, you know, it...


No. [Chuckles]

This meeting's been scheduled for four months.

I suggest you move your appointment.

Gallagher, Wilmore & associates might be offering me a position at their law firm, and they're insisting on taking me to lunch.


The flowers were f...

From them.

Can you not say anything to the other partners, at least until it's real?

Eh. [Sighs]


Oh, and, uh, Toni?

Good luck.


[Keys jingling]


[Tires squealing]

[Door knocking]

Are you ok?


Thank you so much for coming, Harry.

I [sighs] I just didn't know who else to call.

Yeah, no worries. Where's Lucy?

Um, at a sleepover.

I'm probably being ridiculous.

There's no reason to think he followed me home.

Hey. He followed you to your car.

Have you called the police?

I... Didn't.

I think I can't.

W-what do you mean you can't? Why not?


I heard from Paul yesterday.

He just called out of the blue, and he sounded...

I don't know... panicked, like he's in real trouble.

I mean, you know, not just "secretly married to another woman "and has another kid" kind of trouble.


I really hate that guy.

All right.

Right. What did he say exactly?


Oh, honestly, not much... Just enough to put me on edge.

Yeah, you know, when Savi told me about everything with Paul last year, I... was shocked.

[Chuckles] Tell me about it.

No, I mean, I was shocked by you.

Anybody else would have turned him into the police just out of spite.

Believe me... I wanted to, but I just couldn't do that to Lucy.

You know, she still wants to get a cake for his birthday every year?

So maybe it's time to tell her.

Well, I thought so, too, but everybody else...

They think I'm crazy!

I don't... I-I just...

I don't know what's right anymore.

You know, when I found out about Savi and Dominic [Sighs] Well, it was... devastating, obviously, but the hardest part for me to grasp was how long it took for her to tell me.


How long she woke up every morning and decided to lie.

And to make matters worse [taps table] you all knew.

Harry, I am s...

No, it's okay. It's okay.

I understand you were in a tough position. It's okay.

No, we were your people, too.

I wish...

I don't know.

[Inhales deeply]

You just deserved better.

So does Lucy.

[Clicks tongue]

Don't you think?

[Birds chirping]

[Door opens]

[Sighs] Hey.

Savi: Hi.


Dom didn't go for Costa Rica.

Well, yeah.

I mean, shock.

Aw, oh, he didn't?


[Inhales deeply]

He wants me to think about things.

I mean, seriously, what world do we live in where I say, "Costa Rica," and he says, "I think you should work on your deepest, darkest problems"?

The real world?



Okay, so...

Why do you think I messed things up with Dom?

[Sighing] I don't know.

Why do you mess up every relationship?

What are you talking about?

I was with Harry for 15 years.

Ah, but it was never that simple.

First, it was long distance...

Yeah, that was only for like a year.

Yeah, because you made him move here, because you have to be in control of everything...

Buying the house, getting him the restaurant.

We were married.

That's what you do for your spouse.

Savi, it's so beyond that.

Listen to me. You like when people need you.

That's why you were hanging out with Zack.

Hot, sad Zack showed up at the house, and he needed your help.

Dom, as much as I hate to admit it, totally has it together.

He doesn't need you.

He just loves you.

My God, why wouldn't I want that?

Mm, I know you don't want to hear this, but I think it's because of your dad.

You clearly have some unresolved issues there.

Joss, I love you, but that is crap.

I mean, not every bad relationship habit boils down to daddy issues, okay?

And e-even if it did, my relationship with my dad is totally fine.

What relationship? Savi, the man left when you were 8!

I-I-I-I know, I know.

Mom drove him away. Mom is the devil.

But, honey, he didn't have to drop you when he dropped her, and he did, and now every relationship that you're in, when you find a way, to make yourself indispensable because you are terrified that the guy that you're with is gonna up and leave you, too.

We do the whole Christmas-card thing, and he calls me for my birthdays, and I swear I'm not... Angry with him at all.

You can't be angry at somebody you never see.

[Pen clicking]

[Clock ticking]

I've been wondering something.


Why just pick that lie?

The escort story.

I don't know.

One night, I got sucked into watching the Heidi fleiss biopic on TV.

Have you seen it?


Oh, you're missing out...

Some prime made-for-TV-movie acting.



I'd just gotten off the phone with my mom.

And it was the only thing on at 3:00 a.m.

Why were you talking to your mom at that hour?

No reason.

How would you describe your relationship with your mom?

It's fine.

Can we talk about something else?

Anna, I'm happy to talk about anything you want as long as it's not another lie.


You will arrive at your destination in 3 hours and 13 minutes.

Come on, mom. All my friends are going.

Tahoe isn't that far away!

I'm sorry, sweetie.

We just can't afford a trip like that right now.

[Sighs] [Cellphone ringing]

Don't answer that!

Calm down. It's just Joss.


♪ And now I'm seeing ♪

[Ringing continues]

Sorry, sweetie.


I'm just a little jumpy lately.

Did you think it was Daniel again?

# Without me #


The other day when you said it was the wrong number, it was so obviously Daniel.

# Now go on #


♪ And drift away ♪
♪ The tide can hold you out ♪

Lucy... it's okay. I get it.

You think it'd be weird or whatever for me if you got back together with him.

But it's fine.

# Go quiet now #

[Inhales deeply] Um [Clears throat]

♪ Go sound, go safe ♪

Relationships between men and women, they can be...

Confusing, and life is sometimes complicated.

Mom, I know.

I just wanted you to know that I wouldn't freak out or anything if you guys started dating again.

I can handle it.

# Anyway #

[Inhales deeply]


Can I have more apple juice, please?

♪ Anyway ♪

10 people, babe.

You have to have 10 friends that you want to invite to the soft opening, preferably 10 rich friends who are gonna eat at wunderbar every single weekend.

No, grandma June does not count!

Come on. You're part owner, Scott.

A little excitement here. [Beep]

[Sighs] Hold, please.


I'm not even sure if the words "thank you" can surf ice for that date!

Wow. You guys went out already?

Just now!

He was a total gentlemen, paid for everything, and those eyes, I mean are they real?

For a second, I thought that they were color contacts.

Uh, yeah, those are real.

He's totally amazing, Joss, and there was definitely a connection between us.

I think he's gonna call me again.

I'm... so happy to hear that.

Okay, I got to go, but let's get together soon, and thanks again.


[Beeping] Oh, sh**t!

Um, w-w... Scott?

Are you still there? I'm so sorry.

Any news?

I got it.

Yeah, I thought you would.

[Laughs] Congratulations, Toni.

It's a smart move for you.

I think you're gonna do well over there.

Thanks. I think I so, too.

And she's humble.


So, uh, you, uh, you tell anybody else yet?

I'm gonna tell the partners on Monday, and I was gonna give two weeks.

Does that sound right?

Does to me.



I think you owe me a celebratory drink.



Yeah, I-I don't think so, Toni.

I-I-I got a lot of work to do.

Oh, come on!

Just think of it as, like, my exit interview.

Just one drink.

You have arrived at your destination.

[Engine shuts off]



Hi, dad.

[Chuckling] Well, I thought that you were...

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, I t... yeah, everything's fine.

I was just in town, so I-I thought I'd come say hi to you, but you're clearly on your way out, so I...

No, no, no, no, I was just gonna go get some groceries.

You want to come in?


[Chuckles nervously] Come on.

Oh, geez, I'm sorry the place is such a mess.

Sally, uh, she went off to Arizona for her book club, and I wasn't expecting company.

Oh, it's okay. Oh, you don't have to clean for me.

Okay, well, would you like something to drink?

Would you like some water, some coffee?

I have beer.

Uh, we're [sighs] fine, right?

I mean, I-I know...

That we don't see each other enough and that I'm really bad with phone calls, but, I mean, o-our...

Relationship I-is fine, don't you think?


I... Sure.

[Chuckling] I mean, I think so, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, so do I.

You were always so mature, Savi.

I mean, you understood things at a young age.

I was real grateful for that [sighs] 'cause, you know, your mother didn't exactly make things easy.

Yeah, well, she's not exactly an easy person.

No, she's not, but...


I don't have to tell you that.

Yeah. [Laughs]

Of course. [Chuckles nervously]

Wow. This is beautiful.

Who is this girl?

Oh, that's Kaley.

Kaley is, uh, Sally's eldest, and she got married about a year ago in Kauai.

You ever been?

I thought you didn't do planes.

Well, it took a few more Bloody Marys than I'd like to admit.


Uh, you know, a special occasion...

Didn't want to miss my daughter's wedding.

You didn't make my wedding.

So, how is Harry?

Uh, we are still separated.

Actually, we're divorced.

You know, I-I think I should go.

You're angry.

I'm not angry.


You know what? Maybe... maybe I am angry.

Maybe I'm furious.

But it doesn't really matter, does it?

[Door opens, slams]

♪ Some people want me ♪

Toni: Sorpresa.

[Laughs] Oh, no.

# To be heads or tails #

[Laughing] Oh, no, no.

Oh, come on, we're celebrating.

Yeah, well, I've celebrated my way through two old fashioneds already.

Listen, I have given at least three guys my best smoldering eye, and I still don't have a number.

So, no, I am not losing my wingman.

I see.

So this is a... there's a mission happening here?

♪ I'm no fool, no ♪

Please, like you're not gonna drunk-dial Savi later?

♪ I don't take things as they come ♪

# If they bring me down #

I got to say, I can't believe she let you go so easily.

No, no, we're just, uh... We're just on a break.

Yeah, things will get back on track soon. I... I think...

Really? What track is that?

# Don't tell me what can't be done #

You know, the usual.

You know, move in, get married...

All very boring to you.


No, not at all.

I want all those things.

I want the fence and the baby.


One day.

# But it drives you insane #

But I got to say, it is very bold of you to move into her house.

That, my friend, I cannot do.

Yeah, well, t-t-that's not happening.

Yeah, that's the main reason why she's selling the house, anyway.

But she's not selling. She bought Harry out.


W-what are you... What are you talking about?

She was on the phone, talking with him about it forever.

Savi's staying in that house.

Did you really not know?

[Indistinct conversations]

You know what? Um...

I'm gonna leave, uh, but, hey, you know, good luck at the new firm.

Dom, wait. I'm sorry.

It was stupid of me to say anything.

I shouldn't have s...

No, Toni, Toni, this is not on you, okay?

It's not on you. I just... I need go.

No, you don't!

You're angry. Good. You should be.

You're finally realizing what I knew all along.

Savi doesn't deserve you.

She never did.

♪ Hungry like an animal ♪
♪ Eat you like a cannibal ♪
♪ You know I'd never get full ♪
♪ Ohhhhhhh ♪
♪ Come out of the cold and into the fire ♪

# I want to drink you like a vampire # - [Grunts]

[Cellphone buzzing]

Dom: It's Dom. Go ahead and leave that message.

[Beep] Hi, uh, Dom, it's... it's me.

And I've been doing what you asked me to do.

I think I understand some things now, so m-maybe you can call me back, okay?

I love you.





Zack: Hey, you've reached Zack.

Leave your message, and I'll call you back when I can.

[Beep] Uh, hi, Zack.

It's Savi.

And I, uh, just wanted to call a-and apologize to you.


You were right about a lot of things that I didn't realize at the time, but... but I...

Understand now, so I-I just... I'm sorry, and...

[Inhales deeply]

I hope that you'll forgive me.



Bye. [Beep]


Harry: Oy!

Oh, I'm in here!


I know, I know.

I don't need five menu mock-ups, but I literally love every single font.

Oh, and I rearranged the seating chart, so...

What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Why would you set me up on that horrible date?

The woman chews with her mouth open.


[Chuckles] Bummer.

[Chuckling] Yeah, and... wait for it.

She doesn't eat night shades.

I... Don't know what that means.

Well, the point is there was nothing about this woman, other than the fact that she also happens to be divorced, that would make us a good fit, so why did you set us up?

Uh, I-I-I told you. I was worried about you.

[Laughing] Oh, that is crap, and we both know it!

I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry.

Oh, come on, Joss, just admit it!


[Chuckling] Okay.

You feel guilty about Savi.



Yeah, m-maybe I do.

And you're in this healthy relationship now, and whenever women are in relationships, their sole purpose in life becomes about finding relationships for other people.

Wow! That is sexist and vaguely insulting.

But you don't have to, Joss.

[Claps hands]

I'm doing great.

I'm happy, and when I'm ready to find someone, I will.

It's that easy for men, isn't it?

Well, I don't know about other men, but for me, yep, it is that easy.




Scott thinks that we spend too much time together.

So, I don't know.

I thought that maybe if you were seeing someone else...

Anyway, it was stupid.

Well, wait.

Do... do you think we spend too much time together?

We work together!

Come on. And if it wasn't work...

But it is. All right, it's work.

Right, right, so whatever! Anyway, men are idiots, including you.

So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go call Stephanie and tell her that you have herpes.

The guy at the store said it welcomes good energy and peace but also possibly bees, F.Y.I.

[Both chuckle]

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

I wanted something to say goodbye.

I've decided to look for another doctor.

I don't think this is really working.

I understand.

But since you're already here today, why don't we take advantage of this hour?

[Sighs] I guess, but only if it's not as boring as our last session.

See, and I thought our last session was very interesting.

I learned a lot about you.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

Uh, the fact that your parents don't live here.

You were speaking to your mom at 3:00 a.m., which was 7:00 p.m. in Korea time.

My father lives in Korea.

Sometimes I forget the 17-hour difference before calling.

When did you move here?

A while ago.

How old were you?


That's young to move to a new country all by yourself.

I wasn't by myself.

I came with my husband.

How did you meet your husband?


He was my English teacher back home.

[Chuckles] An American from California.

I remember the first time that I saw him, I...

Thought he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen.

And he liked me, too. I could tell.

So one night, I stayed late after class, and...

He kissed me.

You fell in love.

But he was only ever supposed to stay in Korea for a few months.

And when it was time for him to go back to the States, he asked me to marry him.

And I said yes.

And your parents?

[Voice breaking] My mom was destroyed.

[Normal voice] My dad threatened to sue the school.

I was only 16 when we met.

So I left without telling them.

In the middle of the night, I just... left.

And you got married in America?

But then...

Our wedding night...

I didn't realize what it meant until...

I was in it.

I hadn't even been on a date before Elliot.

My dad was strict about stuff like that.

Anyway, I... I wasn't ready.

[Voice breaking] I needed more time to get to know him.

Uh, but he said, "it's our wedding night."

"We have to."

So he just...


He r*ped you.

I still tried.

Even after that, I tried to be a good wife, even though I could tell that he didn't love me.

[Breathes shakily] I'd already ruined it.

And then one day, he was gone.

What did you do?

[Breathes shakily] I couldn't tell my family.

So I thought...

If I could stay, find a new husband, maybe it would be okay.

I started dating, and...

I actually met someone that I think I loved.


[Chuckling] He was...

Smart and...

Funny, and...

He paid attention to me.


[Breathes shakily]

But then he left, too.

And that's when I understood.


That it's me.

Not them. There's something wrong with me.

Oh, Anna, it's not you.

It is. It's me.

[Crying] And I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

I didn't want to feel anything.



You're okay.

[Crying continues]

You're okay.

You're okay.

[Insects chirping]

♪ I am longing for your poison ♪

[Cellphone rings]

♪ Like a cancer for its prey ♪

# Shot an arrow #


It's me.

# In your harbor #

I just wanted to tell you I'm... I'm not turning myself in, so don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it?

That's all I've been doing since you called me!

I know.

I-I can't keep this from Lucy anymore. I have to tell her.

# I am Ivy #

April, please...

# I am no one #

... You have to listen to me.

You and Lucy are both safer if you think I'm dead.

Am I not safe now?

Paul, what did you do?! Who is after you?!

I'm sorry, April.

# I am longing for your love #

Just forget we ever spoke.

I can't forget it!

What if I need you? How can I contact you?

You can't just disappear on me again!

I'll come up with something...

A way to get in touch if you need me.

I'll figure it out.

How? How are you gonna figure it out?

♪ g*nsh*t ♪

# I can't take it back #

Paul? Paul?!



# Lay me down in your ocean #

Lucy: Mom!

You have five more seconds, or I'm starting the movie without you!

♪ Carry me and my burden ♪

Coming, baby!

♪ I was dreaming about you, honey ♪
♪ I was hoping you'd save me ♪
♪ And the shot ♪