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02x06 - What Do You Really Want

Posted: 07/08/14 08:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Mistresses"...

New business cards!

Oh, hey. Hey.

I guess I misread the signs.

My husband's getting the wine from the car.

You didn't have to bring anything.


I told you about Zack because I trusted you.

You are playing with fire.

I use a different name and take on a whole new persona.

April: Karen.

I'm just worried that this could be a little dangerous.

[Mr. Little Jeans' "Good Mistake" plays]

♪ Blood on your hands, and your hands still roam ♪
♪ but your secret's safe with the garden gnome ♪
♪ those marks on your neck never seem to fade ♪
♪ bring a marching band for the masquerade ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ under the sun ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ it's not what they can see ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ until it's done ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ your secret's safe with me ♪

Who are you?

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ under the sun ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ it's not what they can see ♪
♪ your secret's safe with me ♪

[Australian accent] Here's to second chances.

To leaving the past behind.

[Bottles clink] Boom.

So, when's this divorce of yours final?


Soon as the ink is dry, baby.

Papers came through this morning.


Bury the lead, why don't you?


This calls for another round.

[Chuckles] No way.

We are out of here.

You've had enough, cheeky chops.

Oh, who cares what you think?

Come on.

You'll thank me in the morning.


Excuse me.


[Sighs] Um...



How are you doing?

Who was that?

That was the guy.

Then I'm definitely buying you another drink...

Somewhere else.

Joss: [Laughs]

Okay. This is incredible.

Satisfying, right?

It's unbelievable.


It says "whitener" on the tube.

It should say "silverer."

It's one of the many things that dentists do not tell you.

You should invest in shares of crest.

Uh-huh. [Chuckles] I know.

Oh, but listen... do not tell Harry that we got this stuff at a flea market, because he's super snooty about all of it.

I just feel like since we're a profitable enterprise now, we should have our own silver.

Well, yeah. Obviously.

Do you want to go with me later when I drop this stuff off at Harry's?

He might make something yummy.

I can't tonight.

Um, I would, but I promised grandma June that I would take her to her mah-jongg game.

Yeah. It's like blood sport to them. Yeah.

Plus I sub in for one of the ladies if they get the vapors, so...

Hmm. You're sweet.

Oh, I, um...


Got you something while you weren't looking today.



What is it?


It's a tiny sling-back!

Oh, my God. You're so cute.

[Clears throat loudly]


We were just, uh, polishing some silver.

Is that what you call it nowadays?

I'll call you, uh, later.


Bye, Savi.


[Door opens]

So, are we still fighting, or can I tell you how completely adorable you and Scott are?

We are kind of cute, aren't we?

He seems nice.


Where are you going?

Uh, Zack called and said he needed to talk to me, so we're gonna go grab some pizza.

Ah. Why does he need to talk to you?

I don't know.


Yeah, okay. Later.

Good night.

I miss you, too.

I'll pick you up from the airport tomorrow.

I can't wait to see you.

Mm, I can't wait for that, too.

[Door opens]

Oh, Daniel, um, I got to go.

Lucy just got home.

[Door closes]

All right. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Hey, sweetie.

How was the party at Peyton's?


We watched a movie in her screening room that hasn't even come out yet.



What is that on your shoulder?

Oh, yeah.

Peyton's mom was cleaning out her closet, and everyone got to pick something they wanted to take home.

Isn't it pretty?

Yeah, it's pretty.

It's also a Gucci.

Oh, okay.

What kind of a mom gives an 11-year-old a purse that costs thousands of dollars?

This purse is more than your tuition.

Everything's more than my tuition. I'm on scholarship.

Do you really think a gift like this is appropriate?

I guess it is to them. They're super-rich.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to give this back.

Yeah, that's not happening.

Excuse me?

You put me in this school and told me not to pretend to be something I'm not.

Well, I didn't, and guess what. They still like me.

My friends are awesome, and so are their moms.

I'm not giving this back just because you've got issues.

I've got issues?!

Stop trying to ruin my life!

Little girl, don't you talk to me like that!

[Door slams]


♪ It's been a long time coming down ♪
♪ it's been a long time coming down ♪

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, you're right on time.

Look, I got you pepperoni and mushroom.

Only if there's beer involved.

Way ahead of you.

Good woman.

So, what did you want to tell me?

My God, you're practically beaming right now.

I bought something today, something that I've always wanted.

A '78 Ducati 900 SD Darmah motorbike.

Yeah, it's like you just strung a whole bunch of words together.

It's a motorcycle. I found it on eBay.

Won it over two jackasses who kept bidding up the price, but it's still a major steal.

I mean, it needs a little work, but it is so sweet.

And you only live once, right?

Well, I'm happy for you. That's great.

What about you?

What about me?

What would make you happy?

I am happy.

If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?

A baby.

[Insects chirping]

Harry, I'm here.

What the blonde?

Shh, shh, shh, shh. No, don't... do not wake her.

Is that Kate?


Bugger. You didn't tell me your sister was in town!

Yeah, she flew back with me.

Just let her sleep. Come on. Shh.

What's all this?

Oh, later, partner.

It's... it's... you'll love it. It's for our business.

But first, I want to hear all about the aussie Davis family reunion, huh?

Who was the most insane?

Who got drunk and embarrassed himself?

Before we get into that, Joss, I, um...

[Chuckles nervously] I have some news.

What? What's wrong?

I'm moving back to Australia.

You're what?!

I... I understand if you're upset.

I know...

[Scoffs] Why would I be upset?

I've just invested every penny I own into this company, Harry!

I know. I know you did. I know. I'm sorry. I just...

No, we were just getting going. Everything's going so good!

It is. It was. You're right. It is going great.

So, what the... what... why are you even considering this?

Harry, I just bought platters, and I bought a gravy boat.

What the hell, man?!

You know that I've loved working with you.

I have. I've absolutely loved it. It's just that...

When I went back to Australia, I...

I ran into this old friend of mine, okay?

The... the owner of this amazing seafood place right on the beach.

I used to go there all the time as a kid.

This guy was my hero growing up.

He... he had the best life.

Every day he'd surf at dawn, then open the place for lunch, and be there until, you know, midnight because there was nowhere else he'd rather be.

Cooking food that he loved, treating everyone like kings.

You know, it's... it's heaven.

And now he's retiring.

And he said the place could be mine if I want it.

It's an incredible opportunity, Joss.

It's something I've always dreamed of.

What else can I say?

This is something you've always wanted?


And you'd own the place?

Every bit of it. All mine.

Do I have to pretend to be happy for you?


Well, I am anyway, jerk.

I'm not gonna leave until the end of the month, okay?

I-I know we've got some big gigs coming up.

I won't leave you in the lurch.

A month?

[Birds chirping]


I'm so sorry.

I tried to wait up last night.

It's okay.

How'd it go with the client?

Nailed it.

But, uh, something else happened.

I, uh, ran into Harry.


I didn't see that coming.


They were leaving as I was walking in.



It was him and some woman.

Good for him.

You're not bothered?

Not bothered.


All right. Mm. [Smooches]

And your night?

It was good, actually.

I had an epiphany.

Yeah? About what?

[Doorbell rings]



Hi, Samantha. I'm so sorry to show up unannounced.

Oh, not at all.

I'm just headed out for a seaweed wrap.

Can we walk and talk?



There's no easy way to say it.

It was so kind of you to offer this purse to Lucy.

But we really can't accept it. I hope you understand.

Oh, God. I knew it. I am so sorry.

I was cleaning out my closet, and Lucy just lit up when she saw it.

Will you accept my apology?

Oh, of course. I'm just glad you understand.

Oh, please.

Half the time I don't know if I'm spoiling Peyton or not giving her enough.

It seems like she hates me either way.

I bet sweet Lucy is not like that with you.

Only every day.


Oh, I'm just so glad our girls are becoming friends.

We should make an effort to hang out more.

You're right. We should.

What are you doing tonight?

Uh, tonight, I don't know.

My boyfriend is getting back in town.

The artist?

Daniel. Yeah.

Lucy showed me his website. His work is just gorgeous.

Why don't you bring him over for dinner?

It'll be just the four of us.

Oh, I don't want to put you out.

It's no bother!

Our girls are gonna be spending so much time together, we should be getting to know each other too, right?

You know what? I'd love to.

[Chuckles] Great. I'll see you tonight.


Dom: Savi.

Savi, come on.

I could see it on your face. You hate the idea.

I don't hate the idea at all.

Look, I...

[Sighs] I don't know if I'm ready.

You were ready before.

Yeah, of course I was on board before.

Y-you were already pregnant!

You know, it... it was happening.

It... It was real.

But you have to admit, it wasn't exactly a dream scenario.


Then what is the dream scenario?

Well, that we move in together.

Not your place or mine, but a new place that we both love.

And then we would get married.

And we'd take at least one incredibly extravagant trip that we couldn't take with kids.

And then we would come home to start our family.

When did you come up with this plan?

During our first case that we were on together.

Kept having these crazy thoughts like, uh...

"Wouldn't it be amazing to have a life with that woman?"

And here we are.

I'm finally where I want to be, you know?

In my career, with you.

I don't know, I just...

I feel like the plan is finally falling into place.

Make sense?

Perfect sense.

Um, you're, like, glowing.

What's happening with you?

[Gulps] What do you mean?

You're looser and shinier.

Something's going on. Are you dating someone?


I have a new face cream. It does a dewy thing.


Daniel missed his flight. He won't be back until tomorrow.

I'm sure you can live without him for one more day.

It's not that.

But now I have to cancel dinner with Peyton's parents.


I am not showing up alone.

Have you forgotten that I went on a date with Peyton's father?


[Laughing] No, of course not!

I literally told a hundred people that story.


What? I'm kidding!


Sort of. What?

Honey, it's gonna be awkward if Daniel shows up or not.

You just got to push through the pain.

[Laughs] Yeah. I'm canceling.

I hate to side with Joss as a rule, but I think she's right about this.

[Scoffs] She thinks I should have let Lucy keep the Gucci!

Hey, I never said that. I said that you should keep it and give it to me.

I think Lucy's very aware of where you're making an effort and where you're not.

Her best friend's parents asked you over for dinner.

You should go for her sake.

We all agree it's gonna be horrible, right?


Worst night ever.

Thank you. I hate you both.

Oh. Hey. Sorry, I didn't know you were here.

I would have knocked.

Kate: No worries.

Harry's just gone to get a taco that will apparently change my life.

Oh, yeah?

Although I don't really think a taco could do that to a person.

Oh, no, no. This one can. Trust me.

I turned him on to them.

So, I'm just gonna drop some stuff off for him to take a look at... just ideas for our next gig.

Actually, it's probably our last gig, huh?

[Sighs] I can't believe that he's leaving.

Yeah. He said you guys really had a good thing going.

Oh, we did.

But you know what? It sounds like this... this restaurant back home is an incredible opportunity.

So what are you gonna do?

Yeah, it's cool, I guess.

[Chuckles] What do you mean, you guess?

Well, I wouldn't say it's incredible.

It's cute. It's fun.

It's burgers and shrimp, bare feet on the beach.

But it's not like he'll be doing any of his cavendish quail anymore.

Kind of sounds like a waste of his talent then, don't you think?


But it's super low stress, and he won't have to deal with any of this L.A. drama anymore.


And he'll be home with people who really love him.

Plenty of people love him here, by the way.

Not like we do.


Look, Joss, Harry was happy when he was back in Australia.

He had a good and comfortable life until your bitch of a sister... I'm sorry.


Sorry, but that's how I feel.

Ripped him away from everything that he loved to bring him here and transplant him and dump him for someone new.

Whoa, whoa, okay.

That's not fair, Kate.

He has no reason to stay in L.A. anymore.

He has nothing to show for his time here except for a bunch of failed dreams.

Failed dreams?

His words, nof mine.

And I told him, "buddy, I'm a black belt in karate. You really don't want to mess with me."

And he still made a move. So I... whacked him right in the eardrums to mess up his balance, and then I blocked his punch and gave him a quick jab to the jaw, but I finished it with an elbow right to the temple.

Bam! Out!

Hey, I warned him.
So... Rebecca, what happens now?

She tells you to get lost 'cause she happens to be my wife.

Wife? Uh, look, buddy, I-I had no idea.

Babe, sorry I'm late. 405 was a nightmare.

You look stunning.

What are you doing here? I was hoping to find you.

So, what do you say we go to the restaurant, we grab a bite, talk about our day?

I'm sure Francois has a table for us.

I'm all talked out. Let's get to bed.

[Doorbell rings]

[Intercom beeps] Samantha: Come on in!



In the kitchen! In here!

Walk straight, turn left!


Samantha: Hi!

Your house is beautiful.

Oh, I'm sorry you had to let yourself in.

Consuela has the night off, which is why I'm cooking.

Attempting to cook.

Can I help?

Oh, please. You're my guest.

[Clears throat] Chop the peppers?

[Both laugh]

You look gorgeous. Oh, I should go change.

No, no, no. I overdressed.

Well, I thought I would go cas, since it's just you and me tonight.

Just you and me?

Didn't you get my text?

Oh, when I got your message Daniel wasn't coming, I sent Steve off to play poker.

It's better with just us girls anyway, right?

Sure. Great.

[Zipper opens]


Aah! Earthquake! Earthquake!


[Rumbling stops]

Is it over?

What are the chances that we can pretend I didn't just squeal like a little girl?

[Both laugh]

You did whisk me into the doorway.

Well, I was using you as cover, obviously.


[Sighs] I need a drink.

You're reading my mind.



[Both laugh]

[Glasses clink]

My God.

I don't think there's any way you could be more beautiful.

I don't know what to think anymore.

The whole thing is driving me crazy.

I mean, my point is, I don't know who to trust.

Harry says he's doing it because it's a childhood dream.

Kate says it's because he has absolutely nothing here, which is a bald-faced lie.

God, she's so irritating.

Do you realize that an earthquake has come and gone since you've been talking?

Harry could totally have the career that I think he wants if he would just stick it out, you know.

What... What am I supposed to do?

Let him go back to Australia because the thing that brought him here, uh, slept with a co-worker, got pregnant with his baby, nearly died, and then, what, chose the other guy?

Or... or am I supposed to be a real friend and say something to him that he's lying to himself about what he's going back to and...

Well, it sort of sounds like Harry's just trying to find something that makes him happy after all the crap he's been through, you know?

Will it work? Who knows?

"Who knows?"

No, I-I find no comfort in "who knows?"

You know, working at some little shack on the beach.

Do you think that's gonna cut it for Harry? Probably not.

He owned one of the hottest restaurants in L.A. for two years, right?


He's a rock-star chef.

That's not a feeling a man forgets easily.

That's true.


Messenger just dropped this for you.

Oh. Great. Thanks.

You need anything else?

No. I'm good, Molly. Thank you.



You ready to go? We're the last ones here.

Yeah, I got another hour to wrap this up.

Ooh. Okay. I'll see you later, then.

Uh, your place?

No, I'll come to yours.


I just had a crazy déjà vu.

Yeah? What?

Last year when we would work late nights and everything was so loaded and tense.

[Both chuckle]

And now look at us.

We're saying "your place or mine?"

Like it's the most normal thing in the world.

It's nice, isn't it?

It is.

But if someone would have told me last year this time this is how things would end up, I would have laughed in their faces.

So, what are you saying?

I'm saying that things change.

Plans change.

The old me would never admit that.

But if everything had gone as I had intended it to go...

I wouldn't be here with you right now.

So maybe it's good to let go of plans.

Just... make room for amazing things to happen.


Wouldn't want to miss out on something amazing.

See you later.




Please make it stop.

You have to have just one.

Your body can certainly stand it.

Not a single ounce of fat.

Oh, that is not true.

[Cellphone ringing] Oh, excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry. I have to take this. It's my mother.

I would ignore it, but she just got a neck lift.

Hi, mom. How's the swelling?

Oh, good.

If you're gonna eat that, you got to do it right.

Oh. Steven. Hmm.


Oh, I lost big tonight.

Mm. Don't tell Sam, but we don't have a Tesla anymore.


Here, let me do that for you the way it's, uh, supposed to be done.

Thank you. That's enough.

Here. A little bit. Look at that.

What the hell are you doing?!

Oh, it's okay.

No, it's not okay!

You are disgusting!

April, just wait. She...

Tell your wife dinner was lovely, but I am suddenly feeling sick.

Oh, come...

[Door closes]

Hey, you.


Nice bed head. Did I wake you?

Do we have a meeting that I've forgotten about?

No. Where's Kate?

Kate is hiking, I think.

Good. Great. Come here. We need to talk.



Come here. Pull up a seat.


Oh... What... what... what is this?

This is your life, Harry Davis.

Oh, no. Joss, I've not even had coffee yet.

Ah, ah, ah. Coffee can wait.


Look at how adorable and excited you were.

Savi said you were so nervous opening night that you puked four times and you barely slept.

You remember that?


[Chuckles] But then look.

First night was a wild success.

Look at us celebrating with burgers and champagne.

And then the next week, you got a rave review in L.A. magazine.

And I quote, "L.A. has a hot, new aussie chef, "and his name is Harry Davis.

"His American contemporary cuisine is, in a word, intoxicating."

Did you make this?

No. I don't scrapbook. What? Are you crazy?

[Chuckles] OCD crafting is... is Savi's thing.

She's been collecting this stuff for years, Harry.


Why didn't she ever show me?

Mm, you know her.

Everything's always a work-in-progress.

She believed in you.

I believe in you.

When did you stop believing in yourself, huh?

Okay, Joss, look...

No, no, sit, Harry. Sit down.

Just listen to me.

[Inhales deeply] Maybe I didn't know you when you were the little surfer dude growing up in Australia wanting to be like the guy who owned the crab shack on the beach that you adored.

But I know you now.

I do.

And I am damn sure that you've surpassed all of those dreams.

Joss, you're gonna find another chef...

No, this isn't about me, stupid. This is about you.

T-t-this isn't about our partnership.

This is about the guy that you became when you were dragged here to this desperate, God-awful place.

Because I'm pretty sure that you like that guy.

That guy right here... this guy is a force to be reckoned with, working a job that he loves.

Hey, I just...

I just wanted to make sure you remembered that guy...

Before you left him behind, huh?

Well, good morning, there, sleepyhead.

Oh. Hey.

I made you some coffee.

I thought you left.

Without saying goodbye? Not a chance.

Milk, one sugar?

Black, but who cares?

Thank you.

I can't remember the last time I woke up next to someone.

Me neither.

When was the last time you woke up next to someone?

You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

No, no, I do want to.

Though I'm not sure it counts because I paid her to stay.

You paid her?

Well, I paid her for the night, and then I paid a little extra for her to stay until morning.

I hate waking up alone.

I come to this hotel a lot.

I have a few drinks, hook up with someone.

It's... It's a bit of a habit, really.

So, how about you?

He was married.

But I didn't care because I was in love.

And I'd never been happier.

And then he died.

I'm sorry.

That... must have been incredibly hard.

I can't help but think of his death as some sort of punishment.

For what?

Well, let's hope that's not how the universe works.

You can't help who you love.

Damn it. I have to get to the office.

I really want to see you again.

Ben, you don't need to...

I-I want to take you out on a proper date, okay?

I really like talking to you.

Here's my number.

I really hope you call me.

Bye, Rebecca.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]


I am so sorry, Samantha.

I know I should have told you earlier.

I just... I didn't know how.

I never would have had coffee with him in the first place had I known he was married.

Honey, it's okay.

I know you didn't know. You don't think that way.

And as for last night, well, I knew something must have happened for you to leave in such a hurry.

You're taking this so well.

It's not the first time it's happened.

Oh, it doesn't mean that you're not special or anything.

I mean, God knows you're stunning.

But there are a lot of pretty moms at the school.

And most of the time, they say yes.

Steve can be a real charmer.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand.

Oh, uh...

We have an open marriage.

Well, surely this isn't the first time you've heard of one.

I mean, I just never met anyone who admits to it so openly.

So you see other men?

No. I don't need to do that.

But if he needs another woman every now and then, well...

And Steve and I both know that you have a boyfriend, but if you are interested...

Ooh, no, please!

I mean, no judgment.

It's just...

No judgment?


'Cause you look pretty offended.

No, not offended. Just...

You think you're better than me, don't you?

Of course I don't.

With your cute, little shop and your plucky single-mom thing.

I think we need to stop now.

But at the end of the day, April, your daughter is at my house five nights a week.

She wants what's in my closet.

She looks up to my kid, not the other way around.

Thank you for the latte. Really hit the spot.

We'll give you a moment.

[Door closes]

[Sighs] Savi, I, uh...

I said a lot of things when we were fighting that I...

I shouldn't have said.

And I want you to know that...

I-I don't regret everything.

I did love you.

We had some good times, right?

[Chuckles] Yeah, we did.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

And thank you for believing in me when no one else did. I...

I never said that to you.

Yes, you did.


[Breathes deeply]

I never said it enough.


[Vacuum whirring]

[Vacuum stops] Hey, honey. How was school?



What's going on?

Did something happen today?

Do you want to talk about it?



Whatever it is, you know you can tell me.

Peyton and Chloe were really mean to Patty today.

They told every girl in the classroom to ignore her until she cried.

And then they passed around a mean poem rhyming "Patty" and "fatty."

Please don't be mad at me.

Why would I be mad at you?

Because I helped write the poem.

I know. I'm really, really sorry.

I didn't want to do it, but...

Lucy, I'm not... I'm not mad at you.

I wish you hadn't done that, but I know how hard it is when all of your friends are doing something and you want to fit in.

Sometimes you do things you shouldn't.

I know. I know it was wrong.

My stomach's been hurting all day.

That's because you're a good person.

But there are times in your life when you're gonna have to make hard decisions.

And figuring out who your real friends are is one of those times.

But Peyton's so nice to me. And her whole life is so...

Awesome? [Chuckles]

[Sighs] I get it.

You know, when I was your age, Stacey Datnow was my Peyton.

She was the coolest.

I would do anything she wanted just so she would like me, but there were times when she just ignored me.

Peyton did that to me once.

Well, guess what.

One of those days, I met Savi, and we clicked right away.

Then I realized that Stacey wasn't all that.

And Savi and I have been best friends ever since.

So, are you saying that I shouldn't be friends with Peyton?


All I'm saying is... You have to choose carefully, because the friends you have now could be your friends for life.

When we first started hanging out, I literally thought Peyton was the nicest person on the planet.

Well, sometimes the things that are shiny on the outside aren't so shiny and pretty on the inside.

Not everyone can be beautiful inside and out like you.


Now, why don't you go and call Patty and apologize right now, okay?


I heard.

[Sighs] Why am I so sad?

What's wrong with me?

Because divorce is like a death.

I've heard from mom each fricking time.


But I love Dom.

Oh, honey, your love for Dom has nothing to do with your feelings for Harry.

I asked him to have a baby with me.

Ooh. Dom? When?

The other day.

No, no.

I mean, when do you want to have a baby?

I don't know. Tomorrow?

I mean, if not now, then when?


Okay, just say whatever horrible thing you're thinking right now.

No, no, I just...

Is now the best time, Savi?

Is it ever the best time?

Look, I think signing the divorce papers was a good start... clean slate.

But don't get mad.

I-I think you really need to tell Dom about Zack.

I do.

It's just a friendship.

I know, but it... it was a friendship that you didn't think would last, and it has, and it's pretty deep, right?

I really did not expect him to still be in my life.

Okay, fine. Just...

Tell Dom and trust that he's gonna be okay with it, Sav.

Explain it to him like you explained it to us.

Just I think you should give the guy a chance to understand, is all.


I know.



Yes. I will do it.

[Knock on door]


Can we talk?

[Sighs] Okay.

Remember when I told you about my weird "dating with different names" thing?

Kind of hard to forget.

Remember how you told me to stop?

Let me guess. You didn't.

Nobody listens to me.

No, I did listen.

Everything you said was right.

I did wind up wanting to sleep with them.

Oh, lord.

And this one guy I slept with more than once and now I kind of like, but he thinks my name is Rebecca.

Or Valerie.

[Gasps] I can't remember.

When can I say "I told you so"?

You were right that I put myself in an impossible situation, but...

It opened me up, April.

It got me wanting to connect again as myself.

Okay, so now what with this guy?

Now nothing.

He asked me out on a proper date, and I was so freaked out, I ripped up his number, and now I'll never see him again.


I mean, I doubt he was my destiny, but now I'll never now.

Not unless you go and find him.

[Knock on window]

That should be good.

I just came to apologize.

Come in.


I said some things that I shouldn't have.

It's been awhile since I sat across from someone who looked at me the way you did.

The women I'm friends with, the... mothers at the school, they're not like you.

I'm sorry, April.


Oh, I've been meaning to tell you.

I met your boyfriend the other day.

How did you...

I made an appointment to see his work.

I thought I might buy a piece or two.

And when I got to his loft, um, there was a gorgeous redheaded woman there.

You can't buy that color in a bottle. Believe me. I've tried.

Did you find anything you liked?

No. But it looked like she did.

She was hovering around a piece when I got there, and she was still there when I left.

I just thought you should know, girlfriend to girlfriend.

[Bell jingles]

Joss: So, what?

Have... have I given you enough amazingly brilliant reasons to keep you here?

Because I know how incredibly convincing I can be.



Yeah. I don't know. [Chuckles]

But you know what you definitely are?

What's that?

My best mate in L.A.

I am?

Without a doubt.

But I'm not gonna stay, Joss.



Maybe you're right.

Maybe I am chasing some childhood dream I outgrew a long time ago, but I think I've got to...

I think I've got to find that out for myself, you know?


And let's face it... I do not belong in L.A. anymore.

No, see, Harry, I hate that.

I-I hate the idea of you leaving here feeling defeated.

I don't feel defeated. I feel done.

You know, I've been living here for almost 13 years.

It's been a huge part of my life.

But it's a part that was all about Savi.

And now I just...

I-I need to figure out a way to get my life back.

Are you sure?

Yep. I'm sure.

I'm gonna miss the crap out of you.

I know.



[Fink's "Looking Too Closely" plays]

[Indistinct conversations]


You sure you didn't see the guy I was here with the other night?

Tall guy, dark hair, name's Ben?

No, sorry. Haven't seen him.

You want another?

♪ This is a song about somebody else ♪

No. I'm done.

Here you go.

♪ So don't worry yourself, worry yourself ♪


♪ Devil's right there, right there in the details ♪
♪ And you don't want to hurt yourself, hurt yourself ♪

Thank you.


♪ Looking too closely ♪


♪ Looking too closely ♪


You have excellent taste, sir.

What's the occasion?

My girlfriend and I are gonna try and have a baby.

I'm gonna be a dad.

Congratulations. Good for you.

[Sighs] Dad.

It's the... It's the first time I've actually said it out loud.

[Both laugh]


Thanks again for your help.

My pleasure.


♪ Truth is like blood underneath your fingernails ♪
♪ And you don't want to hurt yourself, hurt yourself ♪
♪ Looking too closely ♪
♪ looking too closely ♪