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02x05 - Playing With Fire

Posted: 06/30/14 20:56
by bunniefuu
I am, uh, rusty with the small talk. And I don't go on a lot of blind dates.

"I think there was some confusion last night. Here is a labradoodle for your ref... "

Previously on "Mistresses"...

[Exhales sharply]

[Cellphone ringing, vibrating]

I can't talk right now.

I was supposed to be a mother by now.

I may never have that chance again.

Dom: How was your day?

[Sighs] Uneventful.

I walk by a table of men. I feel them wanting me.

What's your name?

I'm Jennifer.

Joss: It's not that I don't think you're adorable. I do.

That whole wet-nose thing... I can't get enough.

It's just not practical.

You think you're gonna break me, hmm?

Really? 'Cause you won't.

My heart is made of stone, my friend... Stone.

Okay, the truth is I would keep you.

It's just that my sister... she's mean.

[Savi chuckles]

Stop badmouthing me to that dog.

You're the one that's allergic.

Hey, little puppy.

Hi. [Smooches]

Why are you all pretty?

It's like the middle of the night.

It's 7:30.


Harry and I have a gig later.

As a matter of fact, I should get going.

Hey, will you drive me to Calabasas tomorrow?

I have a bunch of depositions, and I'm still not totally comfortable driving myself on the freeway.

Yeah. Sure, no problem.

[Cellphone ringing]

Oh, who's Zack Kilmer?

Oh. Give me that.


Hey. Guess where I just was.

Mm, the yoga class I was telling you about?

Never gonna happen.

I was at that beach that we drove past last Sunday.

The one in Malibu?


I was feeling kind of stressed-out.

So I took your advice and walked around until the sun went down.

Of course, I was listening to punk rock the whole time.


Uh, which reminds me... you remember those tickets that you bought me?

The red hot chili peppers?


Yeah, well, the concert's tomorrow night, and my buddy just bailed.

I don't know if you're into the band, but, uh... but if you want to go, I have an extra seat.

Never mind. Uh, bad idea.

No, I'd... I'd like to go.



Cool. Uh, pick you up at 7:00?

Sounds good. See you then.

[Gasps] What? See who? When? How? What?

I thought you were running late.

Oh, my God. You have secrets.

Gossip. Gossip.

Okay, tell me everything.

Okay, this is gonna sound strange, so I really need you to keep an open mind.

Zack is the guy from the accident.

He was driving the other car.

He came to visit me a couple of weeks ago.

Wait. Whoa. What? And you didn't tell me this?

There was nothing to tell.

He wanted to talk about the accident, and so we talked about the accident, and I've been speaking to him on the phone.

And in person.

No, just a few times.

We've actually, like, become friends.

Friends? I don't... Savi, how does this work?

We're talking about the guy that almost k*lled you.

And I'm the girl that almost k*lled him.

Honey, is that why you've been so M.I.A.?

You've canceled on two girls' nights this week, and April said she's been calling and leaving messages, and you haven't returned any of them.

No, no. I've just been really busy at work.

It has nothing to do with Zack.

Can you do me a favor and not say anything about this to anyone?

Because you know April and Karen... they're just gonna worry, and I don't want it to be a whole thing.

Does Dom know you're talking to this guy?

No, I'm working on it.

Hey. Look at me.


Please keep this to ourselves for right now.

Yeah, sure. No problem.

Thank you.


See? I told you she was weird.


[Dog whimpers]

Oh, God.

Daniel: I can't believe you've never made mashed-potato volcanoes before.

Playing with food is kind of against the rules.

Well, we're not playing. We're sculpting.

Go ahead. Dare ya.


All right.

[Clears throat]

I know I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing.

His idea.

It's no reflection on how good the food is.

It's strictly in the name of art.



Yeah. Okay. I've got to go wash my hands.




Mom, I need to tell you something.


I love Daniel.


I think I love him, too.

[Both gasp] Oh, my God.

Did I just say that out loud? [Laughs]

We both love him! How awesome is this?

Pretty awesome. [Both laugh]

[Imitates expl*si*n] [Both laugh]

Great job tonight.

Harry: Oh, yeah. Kitchen's clean.

Leftovers are in the fridge, although there was not a whole lot left.

Uh, that's because everybody freaking loved it.

Are you kidding me? Those... those chocolate brioche thingies?

They're good, right?

I think that half of the guests would have had sex with them if they could, especially Evelyn, the one with the cheekbones.

She wants to book us for next week, by the way.

Well, I can't.


Because I'm gonna be in Australia, remember? My family reunion.

Oh, I thought that was months away.

Yeah, it was months away.

Now it's tomorrow.

Well, can't you Skype into it or something?

Not exactly how it works.

Josslyn, before I forget, will you deposit tonight's cha-ching?


Holy check, Batman. What is this?

This is for more than we asked for.

That's what I'm talking about, baby.

The party was perfect. My compliments to the chef.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And to you.

Thank you. This is way too much.

Oh. Big tippers go to heaven. My mother taught me that.

So basically, it's... it's more of, like, a selfish gesture on my behalf.

Yes, well, while we appreciate the business, you know that you don't have to throw fancy events to see me, right?


Was it that obvious?

Just a hunch. Next time, call me.


[Siren wails in distance]

Did you feel anything?

Shock, I think.

Anything else?

I'm still processing the shock.

Okay, think I kind of undershot there 'cause was going for "weak in the knees" on that one.



But I... yeah, I give you an "A" for effort.

All right, I'll take it.

That was good.

I'll take it. And a... a date?

Perhaps maybe you give the guy a break?

Oh, man.

[Sighs] Why not? You get a date.

Okay, all right. I'll take it.


Really great work today, Ted.

I'll see you next week.



♪ Just to be here, just to feel you now ♪
♪ there's been too much pressure in the boiler ♪
♪ and I need to calm it down ♪
♪ just to breathe here, oxygen in and out ♪
♪ Got to get this out, out of my head ♪
♪ out in the air ♪
♪ got to get this out, out of my head ♪
♪ out in the air ♪

Tell me, Valerie... What made you want to teach pilates?

When I started dancing, pilates was just part of the regimen.

See? I knew you were a dancer. What kind?

Ballet, mostly. A little modern.

I bet you were phenomenal.


Well, I did dance a pretty mean "Swan Lake."

Of course, that was before my knee injury, but pilates got me back on... track.

It's great for developing lean muscle.

I can see that.

Join me in my room tonight.

♪ Turning over time here in my sleep ♪
♪ I can't breathe in this fever dream ♪

Room 319.

♪ Sleeping on the side you used to be ♪
♪ stay close by when I'm hard to keep ♪
♪ wake up one day, will you wait on me? ♪

[Elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]

Chloe, a word?

[Clears throat]

Why wasn't the partners' meeting on my schedule?

Um, I'm so sorry, but you weren't asked to that meeting.

I thought it was odd, so I already checked with Mitchell's assistant.

Should I ask again?

Um, no. No. No, it's fine.

Uh, I need the Cernik files on my desk.


He cooks. He's a good listener. He is amazing with Lucy.

It's all just so easy and effortless and perfect...

Which can't be good, right? What if it's too perfect?

Or maybe you're due. You deserve this, April.

Don't look for problems where there aren't any.

Now, where's Savi?

I need to talk to you guys about something.

I don't know. I left her two messages, and she never got back to me.

You want to wait?


Okay, so, you know how I've been trying to date more, but it's been difficult because of my... notoriety?

The Google effect.

Exactly. Well, I've found a way around that... by going out and meeting guys as someone else.

Say that again?

I use a different name and take on a whole new persona.

I've been a preschool teacher named Joan, a pilates instructor named Valerie.

Oh, once I was Annie, who owned a boutique in Culver City.

You used me!

[Both chuckle]

Wait. How many times have you done this?

A few.

Like three, four?

Uh, like, somewhere between five and seven.

Maybe nine.


[Sighs] Are you sleeping with these guys?

No, I never let it get that far...

Not that I haven't been tempted.

It's been a long time, a really long time.

Anyway, last night, this banker invited me to his room.

I didn't go.

But you still took the key.

Well, it seemed rude just to leave it on the bar.

[Sighs] Okay, I don't know much about this kind of stuff.

And I can tell that you're having fun, so...

I don't want to be miss goody-two-shoes.

Do it. Judge me. Rain on my slutty parade.

I'm not judging.

I'm just worried that this could be a little dangerous.

It's always in a public place, and I'm never alone with them.



I mean, it's not awesome.

But it's not like I'm hurting anybody.


But what happens when you do want to go further, whether it's sex or a relationship?

I mean, it might seem harmless now, but eventually, you'll want more.

And I think, deep down, you know this can't end well, which is probably why you're telling me about it now, so I can tell you to stop.


So... will you?

So, there I am, halfway around the world in Bhutan, right?

And I've come to live with these monks.

I'm having this spiritual experience.

And this old guy walks up to me... This monk.

And you have to understand, these guys...

They say like three sentences a year.


He points to his [chuckles] his neck, and he says, "what can you do about this wattle?"

He did not say "wattle."

Hand to God... he said "wattle." And then he asked me for a tummy tuck.

[Laughing] Come on. You're making this up.

I made up the tummy-tuck part, but the wattle part happened.

And then he told me that he'd pray for me every day if I fixed it.

Well, did you?

Well, yeah, of course. Yeah.

I mean, you can't say no to a monk, right?

Mm. I've said no to plenty of monks.


Yeah. They're kinky.

[Both laugh]

All right.

All right. You're funny.

Well, why do you sound surprised?

Well, it's... you know...

It's... Most girls that look like you...

They don't need to be funny, so they're not.

That didn't sound nearly as sexist in my head, just so you know.

Yeah, well, I should introduce you to my ex.

She's prettier and funnier.


[Sighs] Didn't we talk about this?


No, you said you'd never been in a long-term relationship, actually.

Well, it wasn't long, but it was my longest... almost six months.

That's great. What was she like?


Oh, we don't have to talk about it.

I'm sorry.

No. You know what? No. I want to.


Yeah. We broke up almost a year ago.

Her name was Alex. She was...

A beautiful person.

And, uh, it wasn't something I expected, but...

She meant a lot to me.

You loved her.

I did.


Don't look at... Why are you smiling at me like that?

Because I was right about you.

Oh, yeah? What? What part?

You have a lot of love in your heart.

Would you like to have dessert?





Daniel: Here we go.

And sauce...

Aah, don't be dripping that chocolate sauce on me.

I got it.

I know what you're trying to do.



[Chuckling] Mmm.

[Chuckles] I got to pick Lucy up soon, but you can sleep over again if you want.

Ah, no, I wish I could, but, uh...

I got to catch the red-eye.

You're going back to Vermont tonight?

Why didn't you...

I didn't want you to be thinking about it the whole night.

[Sighs] Your mom's again?

Yeah, the floor guys stained the wood the wrong color.

It's my fault. I should have been paying attention.

I'd leave it, but...

You want to do right by your mom.

[Sighs] You know, it's the only thing I have left to honor her memory.

[Breathes deeply] I understand, and...

[Sighs] I think it's sweet.



I'd love to see the place one day. I'm... sure it's beautiful.

Mnh. Sorry. That was presumptuous.

Oh, I'm glad you want to see it. It's just that...

It's been a long time since I've taken a woman I love back to that house.

What are you saying?

I'm saying... that I love you, too.

You heard me last night?

[Both laugh]

I did.




I love you, too.


[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, Ron.

Why wasn't I included in the partners' meeting this morning?

Because it was about you.

Look, you and Savi want to see each other, that's fine.

But it doesn't come without complications.

Somebody already made a complaint to human resources.


You know I can't disclose that information.

Then what are the allegations?

I'd at least like to know what I'm being accused of.

It's perceived that you're more lenient towards Savi.

[Chuckling] Okay. Okay. That perception is 100% wrong.

I don't really care.

Your relationship has become an issue in this office.

So you're no longer gonna be supervising Savi, and she is no longer gonna be working on your cases.

Okay, this is ridiculous.

This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

If it continues to be a problem, one of you will be gone.

Whoo-hoo! That was awesome!

[Laughs] So awesome!

Oh, "Under the bridge" really brought me back to my senior year!

Hey, are we yelling right now?!

I think so! Should we try talking softer?!

Can you hear me now?
[Horn honks]

[Tires screech]

[Gasps] [Horn honks]

Sorry. You okay?

Yeah, yeah.

I just... uh...

I know.

Took me a while to get over that one, too.

I'm still afraid to drive myself on the freeway.

Well, it's a process. You'll get there...



"Eventually" is really hard for me.

So... what should we do now?

I don't want to go home yet.

So don't.

We can keep this night going.


Okay, let's do it.

Are you up for... anything?

What did you have in mind?


And, uh... Oh, look. This is the bedroom.

Here's the bed. This is the room.

You know, pretty standard stuff.


You give good tour.

Thank you. Should have been a realtor.

I was a realtor.

Really? I knew we had a lot in common.


I cannot believe that I did that.

What... Double doubles at midnight?

[Laughing] No, not that. You know what.

You know.

So, how long am I supposed to keep this on?

Well, at least a couple of hours.

Yep, close enough.

I have ink. [Chuckles]

I am such a badass!

Well, not if you say it.

Fair enough.

I just feel like a badass.

I feel like I'm marking the beginning of something new.

I'm glad we did this.

Yeah. Me, too.

I got to tell you something.

My friend didn't just bail at the last minute.

You never invited anyone.

No, since the accident, nobody gets what I'm going through, but...

With you, it's... it's easy.

You get it.

I should probably get some rest.

Yeah. Yeah, I should go.

Hey, but, uh, don't forget to put ointment on it.

[Chuckling] I won't.

Hey, Savi?


I'm glad we're friends.


Me, too.



Fist bump.


[Both imitate explosions]

[Both chuckle]

Good night, badass.

[Door opens]

Hmm. [Sighs]

Yeah, that was...


[Exhales sharply]

You could stay if you want.

No, thanks. I...

I should probably get going.

You should... You should text me, and...

You blowing me off?



Look, I'm... I'm sorry.

You're... [Chuckles] You're a great guy.

And dinner was... dinner was awesome.

The chemistry was popping, but [sighs] that was...

That was more of a fizzle.



You agree?

I do. That was our first time, though, you know?

I feel like if we tried it again, it would be better.

There's like a learning curve, right?

Yeah, but even with the curve, it can only get so much better.

You either got it or you don't. And we don't got it, my friend.

Wow. Reduced to "friend" while naked is a new one.

Oh, I'm sorry. I just...

I feel like it's not your fault.

I-I-I should apologize, you know?


Well, I just wasn't being myself.

Who were you being?

[Chuckles] No, I mean I was holding back, you know?

I wasn't giving you my best stuff.

Scott, it's...

No, listen. I'm serious.

I have a thing.


What kind of thing?

Holy... Shoes.


What is going on here?

Oh, crap. Are you married? Because I don't do that anymore.

No, no. I'm not married.


Very much single.

W... so these... what? These are your shoes?


What... what I do...



No, no, no, no, no, no!


There's no need to explain.

[Chuckles] I-I totally get it.

And you know what? While I appreciate a man's desire to partake in some lady accessories...

I do... I-I don't think that I can swing that way.

Slow down here for a second. Pump the brakes. These...

these are my shoes, but I don't wear them. You wear them.


You wanted to know my thing.

Um... [Sighs]

Having sex with women while they're wearing designer shoes?

I like sexy shoes on sexy legs, so I loan these to women that I sleep with for the night.

[Chuckles] Kind of like a bowling alley.

I do have multiple sizes, yeah.


So why didn't I get to play?

Because I didn't want to scare you off.

Does that happen a lot, Scott?


I didn't lead with my freaky side because I like you.

I like you a lot.

Well, lucky for you, I like a little freaky.


Especially if it means I get to wear these.

I get to choose.

Okay. Which ones?

None... For tonight.


I want to date you, but you have to earn the shoes.


Reporter: Environmentalists are accusing Congress of allowing special-interest groups to erode tougher regulations for air pollution.

[TV shuts off]

♪ Doo Doo, Doo Doo ♪
♪ Doo Doo, Doo Doo ♪

What can I get you?

Vodka Martini.

♪ Doo Doo, Doo Doo ♪
♪ Doo Doo, Doo Doo ♪
♪ hey, the gate is unlocked ♪
♪ were you waiting for me? ♪
♪ Hey, the gate is unlocked ♪
♪ were you waiting here long? ♪

Do you want to open a tab?

No, no. Here.

[Cellphone chimes]



Oh, my God. [Cellphone clatters]

What's so funny?

[Chuckles] Ohh. It's just Scott.

You know, I think there might actually be something there.

Oh, my... Oh, my sweet Jesus.

What is on your neck?

Uh, do you like it?

Uh, that better be henna.

No, it's real. I got it last night.

What?! With Zack?

Yeah. Will you stop with the crazy eyes?

It's not that big of a deal.

What do you mean, "not that big of a deal," Savi?

When I got my double ear piercing, you wouldn't shut up about it for six months.

You're a lawyer. What were you thinking?

Lawyers can have tattoos.

Yeah, edgy lawyers.

No, your idea of edgy is wearing a wife-beater to brunch...

Mm. with a blazer.

Okay, so, if need be, I can just cover it for work.

Mm. And Dom? What's he gonna think, hmm?

I don't know... maybe that it's sexy?

Sexy that you got a tattoo with another man. Hmm.

You know, never thought I'd say this, but you actually worry too much.

Oh, my...


Hey, Karen. It's me. Uh, give me a call when you get this.

I think I need your help with something.

[Gasps] Karen, I was just about to call you.

[Sighs] Daniel already told you?

Told me what?

That he saw me last night.

But that's not why you were calling me, is it?

No, I was calling to tell you that Ryan Gosling came in this morning and bought a mug.

Oh! How did he look?

Perfect, obviously.

Wait. What do you mean you saw Daniel? He's in Vermont.

He is?

That's weird. It really looked like him.

Was he by himself?

Oh, my God. He was with a woman.

No, no, no, no, the person I saw was with a bunch of people.

But since that person probably wasn't Daniel, it doesn't matter, anyway.

Unless it was Daniel,
and he's lying about being in Vermont.

But why would he lie just to go out with his friends?

He wouldn't. [Scoffs] The more I think about it, I'm sure I'm mistaken. It was pretty dark.

Well, where were you?


It was dark in Starbucks?

The lighting was surprisingly poor.

I'm so sorry I said anything.

Please don't give it another thought.

If Daniel said he was going to Vermont, I'm sure that's where he is.

You can just put them on my desk. Thanks.


Hey, w-where have you been?

I've been trying to reach you since last night.

Oh, I'm sorry I missed you.

I've been dealing with depos all morning.

What's going on?

Um... I-in my office.


We have a problem.

A-apparently, someone... or a few people. I don't even know, but, um...

There have been complaints, and you've been taken off all of my cases.




[Chuckling] Well, apparently, uh, I've been favoring you, which, obviously, is total crap.

[Sighs] Okay.

What do you... what do you mean, "okay"?

Well, Dom, you have some of the most labor-intensive cases.

And technically I'm still only working part-time, so...

I don't know. Maybe it's for the best.

That's not the point, though.

No, I understand that's not the point, but we're probably not gonna be able to change it, so I am making lemonade.

Oh, well, I'm glad you can see the silver lining in all this, but I'm pissed.

I'm sorry.

I know it's probably worse for you than it is for me.

But you know what?

Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it, okay?

Ooh, I am late for my lunch with Karen.

Whoa, now might not be the best time for you to be taking personal lunches.

Oh, she said it was important, and you know everything that she's been going through lately, so...

I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?




Hello? Daniel?




What am I doing?

[Cellphone ringing]

I am so sorry. I'm running late.

I'm on my way right now.

Karen: It's open!

[Clears throat]




What's up?

Why don't you come and sit down with us?

O... kay.

You guys are freaking me out. What's going on right now?

We just... want to talk.

We're worried about you, Savi.

We're your friends.

We just want to know what's going on with you.

Nothing is going on with me. I'm fine.

[Chuckling] I-in fact, I'm... I'm great.

We're just worried because we haven't seen you as much lately.

No, I've just been really busy at work.

[Chuckles] Not too busy to get a tattoo... with Zack.

Why didn't you tell us about him?


I'm sorry.

I just didn't realize that I'm supposed to tell you guys everything that's going on in my life.

Of course you don't. It's just that, usually, you do.

You tell us when you buy a new loofah.

That's who you are, which is why we're concerned.

Okay. What do you guys want to know?

What's... what's up with Zack?

For real. Are you sleeping with him?

No, I'm not.

And you're not allowed to ask any more questions.

April: He's the guy from the accident, right?

I mean, don't you think that's strange?

I think it sounds a lot stranger than it actually feels.

But we're weirdly bonded by this thing that happened to the both of us, you know?


I don't know. It's hard to explain.

It makes perfect sense to me.

But if it's so innocent, why aren't you telling Dom?

Because Dom is a guy, and it will turn into a fight. [Chuckles]

And since this thing with Zack will probably just go away soon, anyway, I-I don't feel the need to put my relationship through that.

I mean, do you?

Look, guys, I know that I've been going through a lot of changes since the accident, but...

[Sighs] They're all good changes.

And I'm starting to feel back on track.

Because of Zack?

Well, yeah, but it's... more than that.

I mean, I'm discovering parts of myself that were probably always there, but I was always too afraid to do anything about them.

You're acting on your impulses, even when it's outside your comfort zone.

I totally get why you guys are worried, and [chuckles] I so love you for it.

Thank you. But, really, I'm fine.

Me too. I'm glad we talked.

Me too. [Chuckles]

Now, can I please see this tattoo?

Oh, yeah.


Yes. It's on my neck. See it?

[Both gasp]

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, wow!

That looks like it really hurt.

It did really hurt.

[Door slams]

You set me up.

Excuse me?

I don't know how you found out about me and Savi, but you did.

And then you told me you had feelings for me, so Savi and I had to come out.

And why would I do that?

So you could complain to human resources and get Savi kicked off all my cases, which, coincidentally, belong to you now, so we'll be spending a lot of time together. [Chuckles]

Whatever you were hoping was gonna happen between us, it won't.

I have no interest in being your girlfriend, Dominic.

Don't get me wrong... you're an attractive man.

Then what do you want?

I want what's fair.

Your relationship with Savi is getting in the way of my career.

Ever since she's back, I've gotten fewer cases.

No, you've gotten fewer cases because there's another lawyer to share the work.

You can lie to yourself all you want about your fair-minded practices.

But when you're screwing one of the players, it changes the game.

I was just leveling the field.

By being a conniving bitch?

Are you gonna talk to me like that when I make partner?

[Chuckles] W-when you...

Okay, you... you... you still think you've got a shot in hell at making partner after this, so let me be real clear.

As long as I'm at this firm, that will never happen.


It'll happen...

Slow and easy.

It'll be so subtle...

You won't even feel it... until there's no denying and there's no turning back.

I hope you're hungry.

[Cellphone ringing]

If it's Daniel, you can answer it.

If it's not, no cellphones at the dinner table.

It's Daniel.


Daniel: Hey, you.

I'm glad I caught you.

I called earlier, but your phone was off.

I'm so sorry. It's been a crazy day. [Chuckles]

How's Vermont?

It's good. It's good. Humid.

I got the floor guys working late tonight, but they promise me that they'll get it done soon.

Ain't that right, Frank?

Ask him when he's coming home.

Lucy wants to know when you're coming home.

Just Lucy?

Okay. Me too.



Uh, depends when we finish, but maybe as early as tomorrow.


I hope so.

I wish I was with you right now.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

[Car door opens] I'll call you in the morning, okay?


Who was that?

Just my brother.

[Camera shutter clicks]




[Drawer opens]

Seriously? The silent treatment?

Look, I'm sorry.

No, you're not.

You told them when I specifically told you not to, which is crazy, because I actually thought that...


You know what? Forget it.

It's not worth it.

No, no, no, no. What? Say it.

I actually thought our relationship had changed.

I told you about Zack because I trusted you.

Oh, please.

Savi, that's not why you told me about Zack.

You told me because you thought that I'd be so excited that you finally entrusted me with a secret that I would overlook how crazy you're being.

But listen to me. I don't care about keeping your secret.

I care about you, Savi.

Okay, for the last time, I'm fine.

No, you may have fooled Karen and April, but I know that something is way, way off here.

You're not discovering sides of yourself.

You're lying to yourself.

I don't have to listen to this.

You know what? And more importantly, you're lying to Dom, just like you lied to Harry.

This conversation is over.

'Cause you know I'm right.

No, because this is my life, okay?

It has nothing to do with you!

Of course it does, Savi! It has everything to do with me!

Everything that you went through last year, I was there for you.

I helped you pick up the pieces, remember?

Okay, I'm... I'm really sorry that it inconvenienced you.

Oh, my God. Don't you twist my words like that.

It broke my heart watching you suffer the way that you did.

And... what?... You think that I'm just gonna stand here and watch you make the same mistake over and over again?

You are playing with fire. I don't know why.

And I don't know how to make you stop, but you need to know that what you are doing is risky.


[Knock on door]


Who is that?

Hey, I'm Zack.


[Chuckles] Hey, Zack.

Am I early?

No, you're fine.

That's... that's my sister, Joss.

Everything okay?

Ohh, yeah. Everything's fine.

Ready for House of Pies?

I have a better idea.

And I'm driving.

Karen: Don't get me wrong. I love Paris.

But not for business.

Paris should be all about pleasure.

Oh, I couldn't agree more.

The food, the wine.

Every time I go, I make sure to bring a new perfume.

The scent of the city stays with me until next time.

♪ I can't relate to what I'm missing ♪
♪ now I've got betrayal on my mind ♪

Why don't we finish this upstairs?

I was hoping you'd say that.

♪ Heaven in life ♪
♪ but I was stupid enough to believe I was right ♪
♪ all the nails in my heart have rusted inside ♪
♪ but all along I've tried ♪
♪ and, oh, this race has run, has run, has run ♪
♪ and now I need to learn, learn, learn ♪
♪ to let you leave, to let you run into the fire ♪
♪ to make me breathe until you come and wake the liars ♪
♪ I know my heart can never stop as I let go ♪
♪ I only wanted you to let me know ♪


♪ And, oh, this race has run, has run, has run ♪
♪ and now I need to learn, learn, learn ♪
♪ to let you leave, to let you run into the fire ♪
♪ to make me breathe until you come... ♪

Are you okay?

♪ I know my heart can never stop as I let go ♪
♪ I only wanted you to let me know ♪
