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02x01 - Rebuild

Posted: 06/03/14 10:26
by bunniefuu
It's very simple.

When a person is in a relationship that isn't great, they get out of it.

Last season on "Mistresses":

What are you doing?

I'm quitting, Mona.

Do you want my frog?

[Gasps] Yes.

April: I can't believe I finally own this shop.

It's all mine.

You're the best mom in the world.

Savannah: Karen, if anyone finds out that you were sleeping with your patient, you could lose your license.

This is our son, Sam.

Dr. Kim was dad's therapist.

You love her, Sam, don't you?

Just like your father did.


Sam! Sam, no!


I cheated on Harry last night.


This guy from work, Dominic.

I'm pregnant, Harry, but it might not be yours.

[Tires screech]

I love you. I have for a long time.

You're still my love. I choose you, Savi.

Josslyn: Savi? We need help over here!

It's my sister!

Code blue.



Your sister's here. You ready to go?


Josslyn: [Clears throat] Ladies, ladies.

A toast to a clean bill of health, the end of physical therapy, and me not having to drive to Malibu anymore.


Okay, guys, I'm gonna say this quickly, because otherwise I'm gonna cry.

Josslyn: Oh, no, no, no.

Please don't cry. Because if you cry, I will cry, and April will totally fall apart.

It's true. I will.

I'll probably be okay.

Well, I'm more of a "cry on the inside" kind of a person.

Well, I just want you guys to know that I would not have survived the last eight months without you. Six surgeries...

No, not six.

Karen: Yes, it was.

Ruptured spleen, pierced liver, collapsed lung...

Oh, don't forget the brief coma.

Those were some of the best conversations you and I have ever had.

My point is, is that every time another doctor came into my hospital room and told me that there was more... more to do, more to fix... I wanted to quit.

But then one of you would call or show up or send a little care package, and I would remember why I was fighting so hard.

And it was so I could be right here with you guys.

So... [Chuckles] Thank you.

Thank you for saving my life.

We love you, Savi.

And... I think I'm drunk.


I'm switching to coffee. Anyone else?



[Clears throat]

Okay, quick. How was your baby shower?

[Gasps] Oh, my God. It was ridonks.

That's great. This is your fourth event already, right?

Fifth. Mostly for friends, but I've a meeting today with someone that I don't already know.

So that's exciting!

Savannah: What's exciting?

April's dating life.

Oooh! Are you seeing someone?

I am seeing lots of people.

That's what happens when you go online.

The dregs of society show up at your door and take you places like miniature golfing and karaoke bars.

The last guy took me to a farm.

That's original.

He made me pet his pig.


I'm guessing that's not a euphemism.

[Chuckling] No.

[Cellphone chimes]

[Sighs] So sorry, but that's work. I got to go.

You know what? I'm gonna go, too. I got to prep for this meeting.

Mm, see you later.

Love you. [Smooches]

I love you.

I love you. Good luck.


So, what are you gonna do now?

Well, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?

I mean, when you cheat death, you're supposed to carpe diem your face off, right?

But I'm not sure what that looks like or how to do it.

Wait. No, I meant what are you gonna do this afternoon?

[Inhales deeply] Oh.


Oh, no. It's the exchanger.

The who?

This woman, she comes in here every week, buys something, then comes back the next week to exchange it.

Every week, Savi. Every week.

[Chuckles] Okay, well, go deal.

I'll be right here, seizing the day.


Hey, you. It's me.

What are you doing right now?

I understand you made an impression on Dr. Foley the other day.

I hope it was a good one.

[Chuckles] It was.

Your work here at the hospital has been very well received, but your suspension was lifted over two months ago, and you still haven't said anything about returning to private practice.

That's because I don't think I will be.

You prefer working in the E.R.?

I do.

You don't miss the opportunity to delve deeper with your patients?

I was concerned about that, but I'm much happier this way.

I get to help more people.

What about outside the hospital?

Are you dating at all?

I'm not interested in dating yet.

I've been on the other side of this couch long enough to know what we're circling.

I am fully aware that I am avoiding intimacy right now, but a woman tried to k*ll me, and a young man died from my mistakes.

And in all of this, I lost the love of my life, who was never mine to begin with.

It's gonna take some time before I can handle a dinner and a movie.

But I'm okay with that.

Do you know why?


Because I've been going to sleep for the past four months without taking any medication.

I don't jump at loud noises anymore.

I don't cry in the middle of the day for no reason.

And what about the cemetery?

Are you still visiting Sam's grave every week?

No, I'm not.

Hi. Can I help you find something?

Yeah. These look nice. What do you think?

Great choice. Any special occasion?

Uh, well, they're for my lady.

Mickey: You still have the best ass in L.A.

[Gasps] Mickey!

[Gasps] What are you doing here?

I thought you were in Italy until the end of the year.

Oh, there's only so much pasta one man can consume before said man becomes so fat no other man will touch him.

Per te.

The store looks fantastic.

I see my financial contributions are no longer necessary.

Oh, it's been great. Knock on wood.

But, you know, I never could have gotten here without your help.

I'm proud of you.

So, what next?

What do you mean?

Launched a successful business... check.

But I still don't see any of your stuff here.

What? What are you talking about? It's...

It's all my stuff.

I mean, I handpicked everything I sell.

In fact, I just met this cute local artist who was showcasing her work at this coffee house, and...

Hello? You're supposed to be the cute local artist... April Ma-freaking-lloy.

I thought that's why we opened this mini anthropologie.

You should just be happy I'm not taking money from you anymore.

Well, I was never happier than when I was supporting your art.


I just don't like to see you giving up.

You're my black Martha Stewart.

I'm not giving up.

You need to get your mojo back, love.

Tomorrow night, there's a pop-up art show happening downtown.

We're going.

I'm not sure what "pop-up" means, but I don't think I lost any mojo.

Sweetie, you're wearing jeggings.

Hello, gorgeous.

Okay, this is not how I like to be greeted.

O-okay, sometimes I like to be greeted that way.

[Grunts] Apparently the pot is too big for the room.

The plant is fine, but, personally, I would ditch all those random plates.

Yeah, I'd love to, uh, take your advice on how to stage the house, Joss, but unfortunately, you're not my realtor.

Ah, unfortunately for you.

Personally, I'm thrilled to be starting a new career.

Does, uh, throwing parties actually constitute a career?

It does if you live in Los Angeles.

In that case, how about some rent?

You've only been living here for the past, whew, what is it?

10 months?

W-what do you care?

You haven't lived here in over a year.

Besides, Savi said it was okay.

Yeah, well, half the house belongs to me, and I say it's...

I say...

It doesn't matter.

Be done with it soon enough.

She's home today.

I... I left her back at April's, but she'll probably be here soon.

Just... just a heads up.

Oh, maybe you should give her a heads up that I'm working here.

Still need a few hours.

Oh, come on, Harry.

Can't this stuff wait?

It's not like you have to sell the house this second.

Actually, Joss, I needed to sell the house a couple of months ago.

I got bills piling up and less money coming in.

Well, what do you want her to do?

You know, moving is crazy stressful, and she's already so fragile.

She'll figure something out. She always does.

[Knock on door]

Is that Punky Brewster?

Shh! Just go away!

[Chuckles] Hi, Soleil.



Nice to meet you.

I'm Josslyn. Nice to meet you.

Please come in.

This is, uh, my friend Harry Davis.

He was just leaving.

Was I?

Harry Davis... I know that name.

You're that chef.

I've been to your restaurant a million times.

What's it called? Don't tell me. Don't tell me.

I-I know it. It's, uh...


Savannah's kitchen. Oh, it's fantastic.

Was fantastic.

We, uh... we closed a couple of months ago.

It's lovely meeting you, though.





Okay, I'm gonna say it.

Uh, I was nervous.

I was. I was nervous.

You were nervous?


Why were you nervous?

It's not like We haven't had sex before.

[Chuckling] Uh, one time on a desk.



Wait. That was the only time we ever had sex?

Unless you count the phone sex.

No. No, I can't count that.

I was faking it.

[Both laugh]

Oh, God, I missed you.

I wish I could have come out more often.

You came out plenty.

And I know that probably wasn't easy with your crazy work schedule, Mr. Fancy Partner.

Oh, I am fancy. It's true.

But, uh, speaking of work, everybody has been asking about you.

And nobody knows about us yet, so we are gonna have to come up with a game plan for when you come back.

When I come back.

You are planning on coming back, aren't you?

Honestly, I'm really just trying to figure out what I should do and what I want to do.

Yeah, but I thought you loved your job.

The old Savi did.

I'm just not sure the new Savi will.

I just need some time. Is that okay?

Do I sound crazy right now?

Mm, yeah.

But lucky for you, I dig crazy.

And are you currently taking any medications?

Do vitamins count?


Then no.

And when you left your house this morning, you said you were going to work, is that right?


And where do you work?


As a dancer.

Turf to psych.

Yes! Just made 20 bucks.

I'm not sure you should be gambling over the mental health of our elderly patients.

It was Doug's idea.

And you still didn't answer me about dinner tonight.

Schedule just went up and you're not on call, so you can't use that excuse.

I did answer you, Casey. I said no.

Yeah, but that's 'cause you thought you had to work, right?

Hi Anna. I'm Dr. Kim. Sorry to keep you waiting.

I don't even know what I'm still doing here.

They already fixed my wrist.

You're here because when the nurses removed your hooded sweatshirt, they saw ligature marks around your neck.

Were you aware you had them?


Can you explain how you got them?


I know this feels like an invasion of privacy, but it's fairly routine.

The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner I can send you home.

My boyfriend and I were having sex this morning.

He likes it rough.

Was the sex consensual?

Of course. He's my boyfriend.

He's just into the whole asphyxiation thing.

It's not that twisted.

Is that how you sprained your wrist?

Yeah, but... [Sighs]

That was kind of embarrassing to tell everyone.

So I made up the boxing thing.

I understand.

Is your boyfriend here now?

Here? No. He's gone.

But he dropped you off.


He just had to leave, like, immediately.

He works for this real jerk, and he can't be late, like, ever.

Hmm. Thank you, Anna.

I'll have a nurse come in to finish up the paperwork.

Hey, mom. What you doing?

I'm looking at this desk.

Did it do something wrong?

It's doing nothing for me.

That's the problem. It's just a boring white desk.

What if it wasn't?

What if...

What... if...

Are you having a stroke?


Do you know what I used to do before I had you?


I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.

Mostly, I wanted to make things people needed, but find a way to make them beautiful.

Like this desk, for instance.

It could be something special.


I don't know. [Sighs]

Which means Mickey was right.

I lost my mojo.

I only understand like half the words you're saying right now.

[Chuckles] I'm sorry, sweetheart.

How are you? How's the new school?

It's fine.

Today, I sat down at a lunch table where everyone was talking about "hunger games."

So I started talking about it, too, and no one thought it was weird.

So I stayed.

Lucy, you worked hard and you got a scholarship into one of the fanciest schools in L.A.

Those girls are lucky you sat at their table.

There were boys there, too.

See, now you're just trying to freak me out.


I'm not even 40, and I'm already on my fourth career.

The point is, If something isn't working, it's simply an opportunity to try something new.

Never be afraid to evolve.

Sister, you are preaching to the choir.

I'm all about evolving right now.

It's actually how I got into party planning.

Yeah, now, did you just start?

I only ask because your résumé's a little thin.

I've been doing it for six months or so, but I've gotten some great feedback, and I have a ton of referrals if you want.

But I don't want to waste your time talking about other people's parties.

I'd much rather talk about yours.

Me, too. [Chuckles]

Okay, so, first of all, these scarves are to die.

I want every single one of them.

Well, hopefully, after this party, you'll be able to buy them.

So we're gonna invite all the top buyers, which is why we have to go balls to the wall.

Honey, balls is what I do best.

[Laughs] Okay.

So, and I have a ton of options for florists and caterers.

Let me actually just take you through from the beginning.

We'll go step-by-step, shall we?

I'll get these uploaded as soon as I get back to the office and pick some music for the slide show.

Unless you had a preference.

No, I prefer you sell this house as quickly as possible for as much money as you can.

[Chuckles] Fantastic.

Harry, I'm so sorry.

I didn't know you'd be here.

Hi, I'm Savi.

Vanessa Cross... your realtor.


Hi, Vanessa.

It's so nice to finally meet you in... in person.

The kitchen looks beautiful.

We got some great pictures.

I should go. We'll be in touch.

Okay. Thank you.

Harry, I'm so sorry.

Joss mentioned that you might be here, but I didn't see your car in the driveway, so I-I just should've called first.

No, I got a friend picking me up.

[Door opens] Here she is now.

Harry: Hey.

Hey, babe.

You ready for dinner?


Oh, hey. Welcome home.

[Door closes]


I really wish you wouldn't do that.

I'm just so happy you're here.


You should always sleep over.

Then we could have morning sex every day.

Wouldn't that be so much fun?

Oh. [Chuckles]

Yeah, that... that would.

Be fun. Um...

But then it wouldn't be as special when I do stay over.

It's the law of diminishing returns.

Basic economic principle.

I could make it special.





I see.


That'll do it.

[Bell jingles]

Josslyn: [Clears throat]

Oh, don't mind me.

I'm just wearing my new Helmut Lang jacket and boots.

Wow. Well, hello, boots. I will be borrowing you.

Oh, my God. Wait. [Gasps]

Does this mean You got the Punky Brewster job?

Okay, I didn't get it just yet.

And, P.S., we're not allowed to call her that.

But it's for sure gonna happen. We totally hit it off.

Oh, that is so great, Joss. I'm so happy for you.

[Cellphone ringing] Oh.

Oh, it's her. Shh. Shh. Shh.

Hello. This is Josslyn.

Hey, Joss. It's Soleil.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going with someone else.

But I wanted to call because I really, really like you.

You're just a little too green.

Oh, but I... I thought you celebrated people evolving.

I do. Just not when I'm evolving.

Can I make a little suggestion?

You need a team... a stable of people you know and trust that you can bring with you.

It's overwhelming to be handed a giant stack of random résumés.

The whole reason I hire party planners is so that I don't have to look at random résumés.

That makes sense. Um, thanks for considering me.

[Cellphone beeps] [Scoffs]

Stupid Punky Brewster.

Aw. Aw.

No, no, no. Don't get lipstick on my jacket.

I have to take it back.

No, you don't. No.

Consider it an investment in your future.

Plus, you can wear it tonight.

What's tonight?

That art show downtown.

I told you about it. Savi and Karen are coming, too.

Mm, I don't know. I kind of want to go home and feel crappy about myself.

No, no. You can feel crappy about yourself tomorrow.

Tonight, we are getting all dolled up, finding my mojo, and you are gonna look fabulous.



[Hair dryer whirring]

So, what are we doing today? Same as usual?

[Sighs] If it ain't broke. [Cellphone rings]

[Cellphone beeps]


Hey. It's, uh, it's me.

Hey, you.

Listen, I'm gonna have to cancel our lunch date today.

The associate I've been working with, Tony, is completely overwhelmed with this case.

Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it.

I just...

I hate this.

I don't want to be the guy who cancels because of work.

No, you're not.

I am sorry.

It's totally okay.

[Sighs] Call you later?

Sounds good.

All right, bye.


[Sighs] You know what?


Let's try something different.

Oh, yeah? What'd you have in mind?

Karen: Has anyone even heard from her?

Are we sure she's coming?

[Sighs] She told me this morning she'd be here, but maybe it was too much.

Okay, let me text her again.


[Sighs] So, what do you think?


I lost Savi.

It happens. She's very small.

Maybe she's at the bar.

Oh, crap.

What? What's wrong?

I'm pretty sure I slept with that guy.

How many times?

Like 1 1/2? On the move.


[Sighs] Thank God.

I was about to go wait in the car.

Since when don't you like parties?

Since always. Do you not remember junior prom?

Oh, look. A pear. How meaningful.

Oh, that's a nice rendering.

Of a pear, sure.

That's what I would do if I had talent... sit around drawing freaking fruit.

Now, that's something.

It's kind of stunning, actually.

It sure is.

[Gasps] Oh, my lord.

Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.


Oh, hey. Where's Savi?

Not sure.

She was holding court with a bunch of 20-somethings who were talking about Lena Dunham.

You okay?

Maybe I should've stuck to real estate.

At least I was good at that.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

It's your first rejection.

Karen, I've been going at this for six months, and the only jobs I've gotten are from friends who pity me.

My friends who used to want to be me are now giving me sad face.

I'm that girl now.

Which girl?

The girl who still hasn't grown up. I mean, I'm almost 30, and I'm practically unemployed.

I live with my sister. I'm not married.

Since when do you want to be married?

Mnh-mnh. I don't.

I'm just saying, I want to be... More.

I just... I want to be more than what I am now.

I want a... I want a freaking team.

Talk to Harry. He's in that world.

I'm sure he knows people.

You know, that's actually not the worst idea.

[Chuckles] You should help people for a living.

You're pretty good at it.


Oh. Hello.

Apr... is everything okay?


I'm very thirsty.

You look agitated.

I'm having feelings.

What kind of feelings?

April, what are you doing hiding in the corner?

She's having feelings.

Have you talked to him yet?

Talked to who?


Come with me.

No, no, no, no, no.

Calm down.

We're just gonna dance.

That's funny. You're funny.

It's called strategy. If you don't go to him, we got to make him come to you.

Both: Who?

Sexy smoldering.


Blanche, Dorothy, zip it.

Rose and I have business to attend to.

[Chuckles] She's so Rose.

Here we go.

You are insane.

Admit it. You miss me.


[Laughs] Is he looking?

I can't find him. I don't know.

Should we stop?


She's not in the bathroom.

This is insane. I've sent her like 100 texts.

So sorry, but work called.

Uh, but if you need me to stay, I'll...

Oh, my God.


The new Savi takes selfies.

Looks like she's having a good time.

[Laughing] Where is she?

April: Hey!

Oh, you leaving?

I got to get back to the hospital.

There's some sort of emergency.

That's what happens when you work in an E.R... emergencies.


I'm sorry. I'm drunk.

[Chuckles] Did you need a ride?

No, that's okay. I'll grab an uber.

No, I'm pretty wiped out, too. I should... I should go with you.

No, no, no, no, no.

Mickey will take you home later after you talk to sexy smoldering.

No, no, no. I can't.

Do you want to pet another pig?



Uh, she's at the Standard. I'm gonna go pick her up.

I don't want her overdoing it on her first night out.

You know, for someone who hasn't grown up, you sure seem like the new den mother of the group.

Hmm. Maybe you're right.

You know, It's kind of like how Angelina used to be the chick who made out with her brother, and now she has like 100 kids and speaks out for breast cancer.

It's exactly like that.


That one's called Lucia.


I'm Daniel.


Your work is beautiful.

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.

Um, wood is a... it's a new medium for me.

I'm more comfortable with paints, acrylics, but, uh, I thought it was about time I broke out of my comfort zone.

[Laughs] Me, too.

I mean, that... that's why I'm here.

Comfort zones, mojo.

So you're showing tonight?

Me? No. No.

I'm not currently creating art.

But I do buy art for my store.

I have a store.

I also buy for my... my house, but I sell from my... my store.




Well, maybe you can come by my studio tomorrow and see some of my other collections.

You know, they might work in your store or your house.


Um, yeah. I could do that.

Uh... Here.

It's a date.


[Knock on door]

Anna: Don't bother.

Three doctors, a bunch of B.S. scans, and a social worker all for a sprained wrist?

What a scam.


I requested the social worker.



Because of the marks on your neck.

So we could rule out abuse.

[Sighs] Oh, my God.

I told you, my boyfriend loves me.

He'd never hurt me.

Is he coming to pick you up?


[Speaks Korean]

[Speaks Korean]

It's the truth.

Which part?

The sex games with your boyfriend or the fact that you have a boyfriend at all?

[Speaking Korean]

[Speaking Korean]

Anna, did someone do this to you?

Did you do this to you?




Josslyn: So, you definitely love this florist?

Harry: 100%. Jen's the only person I'll use.

Okay. What about, um, caterers?

Uh, yep. Yep. I asked around, and the only two chefs who are available right now are that guy Marco who I fired as my sous last year...

Well, if you fired him, why would I want to work with him?

Well, you wouldn't. Just telling you who's available.

Okay, well, who's the other guy?

Uh, me.


Uh, you're joking, right?

Well, why not?

You need a caterer.

I'm arguably one of the best chefs in this city.

Mm, key word... "arguably."

And we've done it before.


Remember that weird house with the toilet in the middle of the living room?

You sold that monstruosity because of me.

I don't think you're giving the ladies nearly enough credit.

Consider it a stopgap, okay?

Till the headhunters I hired get off their asses and find me a solid gig.

Okay, now, You're being picky, Harry, because that place on Ivar was...

It was me working a line.

I'm not about to go back to working a line.

Okay, why are we even having this conversation?

Obviously, you and I cannot work together.

Why not?

Because you know why not.

Because of my sister and the fact that you still hate her.


So it's a problem.

And, seriously, you still hate her?

Mm... It's just business.

Joss, our personal feelings don't have to come into play at all.

No, no, no. But they will, Harry.

And I'll be forced to choose sides, and it'll get all complicated.

And I don't need that stress right now. This is...

This is a brand-new business for me, and I-I just...

I don't want to add any extra family drama to it.

You understand that, don't you?

Yeah, whatever.

Just an idea.


[Knock on door] Karen: Hi.

Just wanted to see how you were feeling this morning.


Better than yesterday.

Thanks for staying and talking for so long last night.

Talking is what's gonna get you through this, Anna.

I'm proud of you for accepting help.

And I saw that you're meeting with Dr. Alexander.

He's excellent.

You'll be in great hands.

Wait. What? II thought you were my doctor.

In the E.R., I am.

Unfortunately, I haven't worked in private practice for several months.

Are you kidding me?

I have to talk to some random guy I don't even know?

Forget it.

If you prefer to choose someone else, a female perhaps...

I'm not doing it.


I understand You're frustrated right now.

But your release from the hospital is dependent on your willingness to accept treatment.

If you don't follow through, they may opt to hold you until...

So what? I have no choice?

You tricked me into telling you the truth, and now I'm just stuck here?

I'm sorry if you misunderstood.

Get out of my room.

Please, Anna...

Just go!

Please, just go!

Please, just...

[Meditation music playing]

I took your curling iron.

It's in the bathroom.

No problem. I'll get it later.

Oh, and I also printed out some recipes for tonight.

I thought I'd cook for us.

Okay, but if you want to talk to me when you're done meditating, I'm totally around.

It's fine. It's fine.

I'm multitasking.

Multitasking sort of flies in the face of achieving inner peace, no?

Did you know that Harry was dating Kyra?

I mean, don't get me wrong.

I'm glad he's dating, but it's just Kyra. It's just...

I don't know. It just seems like such a weird choice.

Okay, is this why you're meditating?

Oh, no. [Sighs] I'm meditating because it's 11:00 and I've already been to the supermarket, worked out, done the laundry, and cleaned out the garage.


I'm really not good at this down-time thing.

Hmm, I've got bad news for you.

You are not very good at meditating, either.


Oh, my God. I know.

I'm the worst, actually.


This whole thing is not working.

What? What is not working?

[Sighs] Me not working isn't working.

So go back to work.

Well, I'm just not sure I should still be a lawyer.

I mean, maybe new Savi should try something new.

Like what?

I don't know.

Is there another job that I could cross-examine people and yell "I object" a lot?

Because I do really enjoy that.


I also really enjoy the amount I get paid.

So we should probably factor that in, too.


Okay, so, tiny thought.

Just spit-balling here.

Maybe you're having a really hard time imagining this new life because the old one wasn't that bad, Sav.

[Cellphone chimes]

Ooh, is that a sext?

Did you hook up last night?

No, no, no, no. Savi, wait.

Whose baby is this?

Erin Salzman.

I did her, uh, baby shower a few days ago.

I'm sorry.

Why are you sorry?

Just 'cause... I don't...

We haven't talked about it, and...

I don't know What I'm supposed to say.

I don't want to cry, because I know you hate that.

It's okay, sweetie.

I'm okay.

You sure?


I just wish you would've told me about the shower.

I'm really proud of you.

Well, don't be too proud, because it's all on the verge of exploding in my face.

Harry asked if he could be my caterer the other day.

That's nuts, right?

He's the best chef I know.

And if it makes him happy... Oh, God, Joss.

I mean, that's all I want.

You are a good man, Charlie brown.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue pursuing inner peace.

Ah, yes. Leaving. Love you.

Love you. [Chuckles]

Daniel: I wish I could say I was inspired by a particular artist or famous painting, but truthfully, I'm mostly struck by things I see every day.

You know, if I had any aptitude with light, I'd venture into photography, but I'm just not that gifted.

You seem pretty gifted to me.

I was surprised when you called.

Happy, but surprised.

Why? I said I would.

Most people never do what they say they're gonna do.

At least, that's been my experience.

Well, I am nothing if not true to my word.

I think you're a lot more than that.

Well [Chuckles]

I mean, you don't know me very well.


I could get to know you.

That sounds...

I might like that.

So, basically, you cook the chicken in a plastic bag and put it under water.

Sous-vide... that means "under water."

Actually, it means "under vacuum."


Why would it mean "under vacuum" when I'm cooking it under water?


You make a great point, and an excellent meat.

Uh, w-well, I... I brought dessert, too.

Oh, no. I couldn't possibly eat any more.

I am stuffed. But thank you for coming by.

I'll be in touch.


You've got my e-mail?

I do.


Thank you.



[Clicks tongue]


Harry, hey. It's me.

Any chance you still want to be my chef?

I've never seen anyone hate a piece of furniture so bad.

It's good hate, baby. Good hate.

Ooh, you know what? Come here.

Okay, I want you to put these on.

Put them on.

There you go.

Want you to smash this like that.

[Grunts] We're doing a mosaic.

What's a mosaic?

You'll see.

You want me to break stuff?

Sometimes you got to break stuff to make stuff.

Go ahead.

[Both laugh]

Does this mean you found your mojo?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Is there anything else you'd like to talk about today?

I was actually wondering how much longer you think these sessions will be necessary.

It's entirely up to you.

If you're not finding them helpful...

No, I have.

You've been wonderful, Dr. Blakeley.

It's just that, right now, I'm...

You need a break.

I know what I'm up against.

And if I'm gonna push through to the next level, I think I need to do it alone... at least for a little while.

As usual, I agree with your assessment, Dr. Kim.

I'm always here if you need me.

Thank you.

There is one thing.

I think you'd like to know that I've decided to start up on my private practice again.

Really? What changed your mind?

I met someone.

Hi, Anna. It's Dr. Kim.

Um... If you haven't already chosen a doctor, I have some time for a session tomorrow.

Let me know if you'd like to talk.

[Cellphone beeps]

[Knocks on door] Nope. Busy.

[Chuckling] Oh, so you're the mean partner?

Oh, I'm sorry. Do I know you?

I didn't know you were coming.

Well, technically, I'm here to steal you away for dinner.

But since we're not out of the closet, officially, I'm here to say hi to everyone.

And to let Mitchell know that I think I'm ready to come back to work.



Well, I thought I'd start out part time and just see how it feels.

Unless... I don't know.

What do you... What do you think? Bad idea?

No, I think it's a brilliant idea.

In fact, I, uh, kind of want to wrap you up in my arms and show you just how brilliant an idea it is... right here, right now.


I think that's what got us in trouble in the first place, if I recall.

Oh, wait. Uh, w-when are you thinking of starting back?

Next week. Why?

It's no big deal. It's just that, you know, we downsized since you left and lost some of the offices on the third floor. So, a few of the associates are sharing space.

Oh, well, no big deal.

Half the work, half the space. Seems fair to me.

Great. Want to go meet your new roommate, Tony... the one I've been telling you about?

Tony the time suck?


Yeah, I'm gonna have to explain that your dinner hours are about to become more sacred.


Hello, boss.