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01x12 - When One Door Closes...

Posted: 09/04/13 21:14
by bunniefuu
If we don't do something, the restaurant is done.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

I fell in love with a married man.

That was the first crime I committed.

I believe Elizabeth Grey ended his life.

Did you cancel with my friend so that you could go have sex with your boss?

What kind of person does that? (Door closes)


Try to stay calm, Mrs. Malloy.

I'll be right back. We're gonna find her.

April, what are you doing here?

Where is she?

Where's who? Slow down.

Lucy! I know you took her.

Lucy? I don't have Lucy.

Stop lying to me, you son of a bitch!

Where is my daughter?

I don't have her.

April, I don't have Lucy.


Then Miranda. Miranda took her.

Miranda's in Florida with Scottie.


She called me from the landline this morning.

I know she's there.

April, talk to me. What the hell is going on?

I don't know.

I don't... I don't... I don't know.

I don't know where she is. I can't find Lucy.


(Siren wailing)

(Woman coughs)


Frankly, I'm not sure what we're doing here today.

Well, uh, Your Honor, this is in regards to the matter of Grey vs. Kim.

Thank you for stating the obvious, Mr. Taylor.

What I meant was, I see no case here.

I've examined these depositions, and the only thing that seems irrefutable is that Thomas Grey was seriously ill.

The amount of lost earnings you claim here is negligible.

As to whether or not Dr. Kim was present at the time of his death, the evidence is circumstantial at best.

Isn't that for a jury to decide?

Actually, it isn't.

I have no intention of wasting this court's time on what I perceive to be a frivolous lawsuit.

Case dismissed.

(Gavel clatters) (Gasps)

(Indistinct conversations)

That's it? It's over?

Were you hoping for more?

(Laughs) Thank you. Thank you so much.


(People speaking indistinctly)


(People continue speaking indistinctly)

Oh, no.

(Telephone ringing)


Can someone get that, please?




We lost.

Oh, my God, that is fantastic.

I mean, I mean, I'm so sorry. That really sucks.

Go ahead and do your little happy dance now so that when we get back to the office, you can act depressed with the rest of us.

You're already dancing, aren't you?

Maybe a little bit, (chuckles) But I promise I will mope it up once you guys get back to the office.

(Telephone ringing)

Hey, is there anyone out there?

Dom, I gotta go.

I think all the assistants have left the building.

All right.

Bye. Oh.

(Keypad beeps)

You answered. It's a miracle.



Uh, I'm sorry. I was just... I was really swamped.

Well, between you and your husband, neither one of you knows how to return a call.

You'd think I was an auditor instead of your business manager.

(Car alarm chirps) What can I do you for?

Well, I'm not sure how much Harry's already told you, but...

Assume he's told me nothing.

Oh, well, uh, I hate to do this over the phone, but I need an answer as soon as possible.

About what?

About whether or not you wanna close down the restaurant.


(Knock on door)

Come in!

Last time, I promise.

Oh, what is it, Harry? I'm late.

Blue hoodie.

Pretty sure it was in the dry cleaning basket.

If not, it's on the floor of the closet or possibly under the bed.

Dude, I have to get to Alex's before she leaves for class, okay?

Can't you just get it yourself?

I am not stepping foot back in that house.

Oh, my God.

You've got to get over it, okay?

I'm telling you, that guy has never been back to this house.

You don't know that, Joss.

I do know that, Harry.

The only person sleeping in Savi's bed right now is me.

Nice mattress, by the way.

Oh, the memory foam is amaze-balls.

I'll live without the hoodie.

Ugh. Harry.

(Door closes)

Is there someone I can e-mail a picture to?

I can do it on my phone.


Okay, thank you, officer.

(Exhales) Oh, sh**t.

Did you try any of the parents in her class?

I mean, maybe she went to a friend's house and didn't tell you.

No, but she knew we were going out together.

We had a plan.

Maybe she forgot.

Take me home.

I'm late for work.

Yeah, I know.

You're seriously not even gonna talk to me?

There's nothing to talk about.

Alex, come on. It was one mistake, which wasn't even a mistake technically, considering we...

Joss, I'm not doing this.


It's not worth it.

Wow. Thanks a lot.

No. No. You do not get to be hurt.

Of course I'm hurt.

Alex, you're throwing away our entire relationship. Why?

I was not the one who threw it away.

You did that all by yourself.

Will you please just ta...

(Starts engine)

(Gearshift clicks)

Stay here.

I'll text you if she's inside.




Lucy, are you here?



(Keys jangle)


(Continues crying)

(Continues crying)


Come here.

Come here. Come here.

Come here.

(Sniffles and cries)

It's okay.

It's okay.


(Cell phone rings)

Yes? Hello?

Oh, my God. Thank God.

What? What?

It's the police. They found Lucy.

Oh, thank God.

So should I come down there now or...

Right, okay.

Thank you so much, officer.

(Exhales) She's at the police station in Santa Monica.

Santa Monica?

Apparently, she took the bus down to the pier.

I don't even know how she knew which one to get on.


I don't know.

Uh, all I know is that they have her, and they're bringing her back now, so...

I'm leaving. But, April, please...

I'll call you.

I promise.


I called you this morning. Did you get my message?

Yeah. I've been with patients all day.

I haven't had a second.

Oh, good. You're both here.

I'm actually on my way out the door. Uh...

This'll just take a minute.

I couldn't let this entire day pass without celebrating Dr. Kim's acquittal, so...

There was never a trial, Lila.

Dismissal, acquittal, either way...

You won. Cheers, Dr. Kim.

I know I speak for all of us when I say, whew, what a relief.


Ahh. I'm, uh, I'm sorry I can't stay.

I have a dinner.

Congratulations, Karen.

Thank you.

I just can't believe you were put through all this.

Thanks, Lila, but I have to go, too.

Have a nice night.

(Telephone rings)


Doctor's office.

Dr. Kim?

It's a Dr. Josh Burke from the state licensing board.

He says he wants a meeting with you.

I've been trying to talk to Harry about it for weeks now, but he refuses to engage.

What exactly is the problem?

We're hemorrhaging money.

I need 25 grand to stop the bleeding.

After that, I can focus on fixing what isn't working, starting with our marketing strategy.

Why don't you just hire a publicist?

I wanted to. Your husband refused.

Clearly, I should be talking to you about this.

No, no, no, no, no.

These are all his decisions to make.

You know, it's his restaurant.

Yeah, but it's... your investment.

Restaurants are a risky business.

We knew that going in.

Obviously, this is more than a business investment.

This is your life here, your... your husband's dream.

We split up, Jeff.


We're separated.

So you can stop calling him my husband every five minutes.

It's kind of killin' me.

Savi, I'm so sorry.

I never would have come here if...

I know.

He's lost, Savi.

You're the only one that can get through to him when he's like this.

I can't be that person for him anymore.

I'm sorry.

But you're gonna have to find the money someplace else.

Or shut it down.

(Doorbell rings)

(Police radio chatter)

(Crying) Mommy, mommy, I'm so sorry.

(Voice breaking) Oh, sweetie.

It's okay, sweetie. You're okay.

(Sighs) Apparently, one of those Disney kids was giving a free concert at the pier this afternoon.

Your daughter got a little lost trying to find it.

A concert?

Luckily, she located a police officer right away.

As you can see, she's pretty shaken up.

Thank you so much, officer. Thank you for bringing her home.

Good night.

Good night. Oh, it's okay.

You're okay.



(Chuckles) Oh, God.

Now that is something I could do at least another five to seven times.

(Laughs) (Chuckles)

This office suits you.

Mm. You should see what I can do in a California king.

(Laughs) I'm just sayin'.

No, no, you misunderstand.


I would like to put your name in for the management position, hmm?


How do you feel about that?

Aren't you the manager?

No, no. I am a consultant.

I was brought in to help put the company back on track, which I did, with your assistance, of course.

Oh. Well, you're welcome.


Thank you.

But now I have to go back to Paris, so I have to...

Wait, wait, whoa. What?

I'm... I'm leaving tomorrow night.

Wh... Olivier, you're going back to Paris tomorrow evening?

I thought I'd mentioned this to you earlier.

No. No, you... you never mentioned it, Olivier, ever.

Oh. You are upset?

Yeah, I'm upset. What the hell did we even do this for?

Uh, forgive me. I don't follow.

Olivier, if you had told me 48 hours ago that you were leaving, I wouldn't have let you screw up my entire life.

What kind of arrogant jerk starts up a fling with someone two days before they leave the country?


I didn't realize. I...

Did you hope that this would turn into something more?

You and me? God, no.

Then what is the problem?

The problem is, Olivier, it's obnoxious, okay?

You knew that I was in a relationship!




Oh, my... and you didn't even think twice about it, and now because of you, Alex broke up with me, okay?

Uh, no, no, no, no.

Because of you she broke up with you.


I don't have a girlfriend or wife.

I do have an ex-wife, so I...

You know what? Never mind, okay?

I was right about you. You're a douche.

And you're still a child.

Tant pis pour toi.

Oh... (Scoffs) go back to Europe...


(Doorbell rings)

I dropped my phone in the toilet this morning.

Before you ask, I did try the rice thing, but it didn't help.

So I ended up spending all day at the grove waiting for these geniuses.

Which, are they geniuses? I think not.

But I got my upgrade, so it was worth it.

Um, so you haven't had your phone all day?


Oh. I'm sorry.

Um, did you try to call me?

I... I should have checked in.

I... I left a message for you.

Um, Lucy went missing today.


It's okay. We found her. She's fine.

Oh, thank God.



Wait. "We" who?

Paul was with me.


Yeah, it... it's a long story, and I promise to tell you all about it, but right now, I really just need to get some sleep.

Of course. I'm really sorry that I wasn't around today.

Oh, no, it's okay. You... you didn't know.

You okay?

Can I call you tomorrow?

Mm. Yeah, of course.

I... I'll have my new phone.

You can help me pick out a new wallpaper.

I can't wait.

Yeah. Bye.




(Elevator bell dings)

(Indistinct conversations)

Walk with me.

What's going on? Somebody die?

They're not making the official announcement until tomorrow, but I wanted to give you the heads-up in case you're upset.


Why would I be upset?

Oh, my God. Somebody really did die?

No. No, no. No... no one died.

No, it's, um, they're making me... partner.

Get outta here.

Are you serious?

Oh, Dom, that's amazing.

Really? You're not secretly hating me right now?

No. No, of course not. Why would I hate you?

I just know how much you wanted this.

I did want this.

But I didn't earn it.

I think we should celebrate.

Fancy dinner?

Bottle of wine that you can drink all by yourself?

(Laughs) Well, it's hard to say no to that.

Tomorrow night?

Tomorrow night sounds good.

So it's a, um... it's a date?


(People speaking indistinctly)

And while there are many doctors in the association who are sympathetic to end-of-life options for the terminally ill, the fact remains, assisted su1c1de is still illegal.

But I didn't assist him.

Did you prescribe the morphine?

Yes, but...

If you would like to deny any of these allegations, including the affair with your patient, Thomas Grey, I'd be happy to take it back to the board.


Then, unfortunately, you've crossed one too many ethical lines.

Meaning what?

There was talk of permanently revoking your license.

But because of the important work you've done in our community, the board felt that a 6-month suspension was more appropriate.

Six months?

Beginning immediately.

Hold on.

Do you realize what this means to my practice?

Forget my reputation, but my patients...

Dr. Kim...

I have several critical cases right now.

I can't just abandon them.

You should've thought of that before.

You want another glass of milk?

No, thank you.

Do you want to talk about it?

Do we have to?


But if you're not ready, we can wait.

I'm not ready.


But probably not gonna be able to go tonight, right?

Can't go where?

To Audrey Rose's slumber party.

It's her birthday.

Oh, right, right. I forgot about that.


You can go.


Mm-hmm. Promise is a promise.

You're the best mom in the world.



(Keypad beeps)

Hey, it's me.

I need a girls' night.


(Caught a Ghost's "Connected" playing)

Ooh. Love the dress.

Oh. Love yours more.

Table, or...

No, bar. I know my way.

Hi. Can I get a shot of Tequila?

Uh, top shelf?

Thank you.


♪ We're together even when we're apart ♪


♪ I'm connected to you ♪


♪ You're into my heart ♪
♪ out in the distance ♪

Buy the next round, and maybe I'll let you sit closer to me.

Two, please.


♪ In that rain ♪
♪ Oh, I wander ♪
I'm Morgan.

Ouch. That's a terrible name.


I'm gonna tell my mom you said that.

And I just brought up my mom, so...

Yeah, you did.

(Laughs) Can I start over?


Good. Thank you. Um...

Hi. I'm Morgan. What's your name?

Well, I haven't decided if I'm gonna tell you that yet.

It's a little early for Tequila, isn't it?

It's happy hour, Harry. Get into it.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine. I'm great, in fact.

I'm young, I'm single, the hostess girl loves my dress, so what more could a girl ask for?


Joss, you might wanna slow down a bit...

Uh, hey, Harry, did... did you serve some bad fish or something?

Why is it so dead in here?

Right-o. Have fun.


Hey, can I get another round, please?

(Man) Yes, coming right up.

(Sucks on teeth)

♪ We are connected ♪


(Laughs) Hey.


I wanna go first.

Oh, I think we should wait for Joss.

She didn't answer my text. She might not be coming.

Oh, then I think I should go on Joss' behalf.

You really think Joss is gonna win this game?

No, but I owe it to her to at least try.

Hi. My name is Joss.

And my life sucks the most because...

You can't even think of one reason.

No, wait. Because my girlfriend broke up with me, and I am sad.

(All) To Joss.

Okay. My turn.

Hi. I'm Karen.

My life sucks the most because my license got suspended.

And my reputation as a psychiatrist is officially mud.

Do people still say "mud"?

That sounds so old-fashioned.

I think it's dated.

Fine. My reputation is... destroyed.

So dramatic.

To me!

To Karen.

To Karen.

(Glasses clink)



Okay. Whoo!


Here we go.

Hi. I'm Savi.

(Karen and April) Hi, Savi.

Uh, my life sucks the most because I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the dad is...

(Laughing) and I just found out I'm not gonna be partner.

Would you...

And I'm going on the first date in 15 years because my marriage is dead.

And, oh, yeah, I'm pregnant.

I get to say that twice because I feel really fat.

You're not fat.

I feel really fat.

Fine. To Savi.

To Savi.

(Glasses clink)

To me.

Ooh. (Cell phone ringing)

Oh, my God, it's Paul.

I thought he was leaving town.

He was, but I needed his help when I couldn't find Lucy yesterday.

You couldn't find Lucy yesterday?

It's a long, horrible story which I will tell you about in a minute.

Hey, Paul.

Put him on speakerphone.

No. No.

I just wanna hear his voice.

Unlike you, I haven't seen him since he's... been alive.

So who are you going on the date with?

Why do you ask?

I'm curious.


Is that terrible?

Not as terrible as me sleeping with Sam.

(Karen) What did he want?

(Cell phone clatters)

He wants to come by tomorrow to talk about Lucy.

(Mutters) What did you say?

I said okay.

He was so helpful yesterday, and I promised to call him today and I didn't.

Should I have said no?

I think you have a runaway preteen daughter and a dead husband who isn't dead anymore.

Which means you win the game, April.

To April.

To me.

(Glasses clink)

You slept with Sam?


Oh, yeah.


(Laughs) Slow down, baby.

Slow down, baby.

Shh. Shh.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay, stop.

No, don't fight it.

Stop. Stop, stop, stop. Stop. Stop.

Shh. Shh. Just close your eyes. Stop.

Shut up. Shut up.

No, please don't do this.

(Both grunting)


Let's go. Joss, let's go.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Ohh. (Coughs)

(Coughs and groans)

(Groans) Oh.

(Harry) Mm.

What a delicate flower you are.

(Groans) Ugh.

Oh. Did you put this bucket here?

I did.

Glad to see you're making the most of it.

Ohh. What happened last night?

Seriously. I don't remember anything.

Probably for the best.

(Sighs) Although, maybe not.

Lessons must be learned and whatnot.

Must they?

So what's going on with you?

You were in a bit of a state last night even before the Tequila took over.

Alex broke up with me.

Sorry to hear that.

Sorry but not surprised, right?

It's not like anyone ever expected me to be relationship material.

Well, not with a woman, because... you're not a lesbian.

It shouldn't matter, Harry.

Uh, yeah.

(Laughs) It does.

No, but it shouldn't.

I'm supposed to be this sexually liberated free spirit, and... (Scoffs) maybe it's all just a load of crap.

Maybe I'm actually a self-destructive, emotionally stunted idiot.

Maybe you're both.

Seriously, I will puke on your face.

(Inhales) Uh, you do have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be, Joss, but that's what your 20s are about, I suppose.

What, being stupid?

Screwing up enough until you figure out who you are...

(Sighs) and what you want.

You know what's great about you, Joss, is that... you'll try anything.


What's not so great is that you don't know when to stop.

But you'll figure it out.


You're not broken.



Gonna sharf.



(Door closes)

(Coughs and groans)

Thanks for sitting down with me.

Um, I've just been thinking about Lucy nonstop and... wanted to make sure everything was okay.

I don't know how okay it is.

We haven't talked about anything.

Did you at least ground her?

It didn't seem like the right thing to do.

She was... so scared, and...

I don't know. It's not like when she was a baby.

Do you remember that 9-1-1 book we used to have?

(Bells on door jingle)

The green one?


I think we dog-eared every page. (Laughs)



(Voice breaks) I don't know what I'm doing.

You're doing everything you can.

You said it. I mean, she's not a baby anymore.

She probably senses something's off.

(Normal voice) Yeah, and when I try and talk to her about it, she refuses.

Maybe she needs to talk to someone else.

You mean like a therapist?

Sorry. That's probably stupid.

No, no, it's... it's not stupid.

It's not stupid at all.

(People speaking indistinctly)

(Gasps) Good morning, Joss.

I hear congratulations are in order.

Why are you smiling at me like that?

You're freaking me out.

I'm just sucking up to the new boss, who I hear has a thing for the ladies.

Truth be told... I swing.

Oh, my God. You're kidding me. I'm the new manager?

Well, yeah, Olivier announced it yesterday.

I guess you were out celebrating.



(Josslyn) Mnh-mnh.

What... what are you doing?

I'm quitting, Mona.

Do you want my frog?

Oh, yes.

Wait. But you just got promoted.


I'm getting better and better at a job that I hate.

This is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Well, what do you want to do with your life?

I don't know, but I'm not gonna figure it out selling crappy houses to crappy people.

Hey, can I have your desk?


Oh, sweetie, you missed one.

Oh. Thanks, I...

Oh, wait.

Um, that's... that's my property.


Yeah, I just gave you a frog, Mona.


Call it a parting gift.


(Auto dials)

(Phone rings)


(Rings and clicks)

You know, I'm really sick of seeing your name on my phone.

Then stop coming after me.

It's over, Elizabeth.

What are you babbling on about now?

I know you contacted the state board to have my license suspended.

And they have. So you won, okay?

You won.

I have no idea what you're saying to me.

My license is suspended.

You're saying you had no part in that?

No, actually, I didn't.

So I guess I'm not the only person who finds you a giant bitch.

Good-bye, Elizabeth.

Wait, wait, wait.

Let me get this straight.

So you ruin my life, and all that happens to you is, you get your license suspended?

What a joke.

(Line clicks, dial tone drones)

Did she just hang up on me?

(Clicks) (Scoffs) Unbelievable.


Was that Karen?

Excuse me?

Don't you mean Dr. Kim?

Or are you two that close now?

You're wasted.


Hey, don't you walk away from me!

I'm not talking to you when you're like this, mom.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

So I thought we could go back to that, uh, therapist... Dr. Foley.

You remember her?

She was the therapist you saw af...

After dad died. Yeah.

If you want to see someone else, we...

Why can't you just ground me like a normal person?

It's not supposed to be a punishment, honey.

I'm just worried about you.

And since you don't seem to want to talk to me...

Oh, my God. Are you kidding?

No, I'm not kidding.

I'm trying to figure out a way to get us back to the way we used to be.

You and me... we were the dynamic duo, remember?



Tell me what you're thinking. I can't fix it...

It's not my fault we're not the dynamic duo anymore.

You're never here.


You're right.

It's my fault, and I'm sorry, Lucy.

I'm truly sorry.

(Clicks tongue)

It's not your fault.

It's just what happens. I get it.

You get what?

You're with Richard now.

It makes sense, you don't have time for me anymore.

Oh, honey. Is that what you think?

It's obvious you like him a lot, which means you're gonna get married and...

Whoa. Whoa. Slow down.

Nobody is getting married.

Maybe not now, but someday.

Is... is that what's been worrying you?

Do you not like Richard?

I like him okay.

And Madi's nice.

I'm just not ready for a new family.

I kinda still miss our old one.

(Clicks) (Dominic) Ooh, okay.

(Laughs) Okay, blow it out.

No, you blow it out.

No, I'm scared.

Okay, why did you order this?

Because I know how much you like chocolate.

Ah. All right, all right. I'm gonna blow it out.

But if I gets all over your dress, you can't get mad. (Laughs)

Oh, I'll be mad.

Okay, so put... all right, shield up.


Shield up. Ready?


All right.

(Blowing air)

Oh, come on.

Come on! Okay, that's it. That's it.


Next time I'm picking the restaurant and I'm picking the dessert.

I mean, assuming there is a next time.


It feels like there could be.

Doesn't it?

(People speaking indistinctly)

It does to me.

Remember when we wanted this to go outside our offices?

Our failed logo.

I was so obsessed with seeing my name on the door, we hired three different companies to come up with this design.

Spent a fortune. (Laughs)

Couple a hundred bucks, I think.

It felt like a lot at the time.

I'm so sorry, Jacob.

About what?

Which part?

All of it.

About keeping things from you, putting you in this position.

I'm the one who turned you in, Karen.

I thought you should know.

But... why?

You said you understood.

I understood helping a sick patient.

Don't understand sleeping with him.

That's fine.

But to go behind my back? Why would you...

Wait. Hold on. Hold on.

Are you seriously gonna talk to me right now about going behind your back?

For months, Karen, for months, I have been sitting here like a... like a jackass... supporting you, trusting you.

And this whole time, you... you've been lying to my face?

(Crying) Jacob, I'm so sorry.

I don't believe you.

And that's the problem. I...

I don't think I can believe a word you say, ever again.

Which means... there's really no way to continue this.

Continue what?

What are you saying?

I'm... I'm saying...

I'm saying, we're done.

When your suspension is up, don't bother coming back.

(Woman) * you will never know me *

♪ like I know me, like I know me ♪
♪ and I wish that you could show me ♪
♪ how your heart works ♪

(Door closes)

♪ I will never know you ♪
♪ like you know you like you know you ♪
♪ and I wish that I could show you how my heart hurts ♪
♪ take these things in stride ♪
♪ and keep it all inside ♪


You can't keep doing this.

No, no, I'm not. I swear.

I'm not gonna be that person. (Chuckles)

I know we... we can't get back together and I know we can't be friends anymore.

I get it.


What's this?

It's not a huge space, but it's got great light, big windows.

It's in a cool up-and-coming area near Echo Park.

I think it'd make a perfect yoga studio.

I already negotiated the price down to nothing, so just give Quinn a call and tell him I sent you, okay?

♪ You will never know me ♪
♪ like I know me, like I know me ♪

I have a question.

♪ And I wish that you could show me how your heart works ♪


Why did you do this?

I mean, I know why I did it.

I... I was hoping so badly that it would work out, even though, deep down, I knew that I couldn't change you, and...

No, no, no. (Laughs)

But you did change me.


You were never gonna become a lesbian.

(Sniffles) No.

Probably not. Ugh.

♪ And no one ♪

Why did you try to be?

For you.

♪ Know me like you know me ♪

If being in a relationship was the only way that we could keep hanging out together, then... I thought I'd go for it.

♪ Never know you like I know you ♪
♪ like I know you ♪

I just wanted to be with you.


This was free. (Chuckles)

♪ Take these things in stride ♪

It shouldn't be.

♪ Your heart be why ♪
♪ if no one ever knows ♪
♪ then no one ever grows ♪


♪ La da da da, da da da da da da ♪
♪ La da da da da ♪
♪ La da da, oh oh ♪
♪ da da da ♪

(Exhales deeply)

Oh, thank you.

Thank you. This was supposed to be my treat.

Next time.

Ooh. It's cold.

You know what? Come here. Come here.


I never knew you were such a gentleman.

There's a lot of things you don't know about me.

Oh... (Exhales)

Was that not okay? I thought that, um...

Yeah, I know.

I thought so, too.

(Chuckles) It's, uh, it's okay.

I... I understand.

You're not... you're not ready.

Maybe it's just too soon?

So she'll start seeing Dr. Foley this week.

Once a week for now, and then we'll see how it goes.

That sounds great.

I'm glad Lucy was open to it.

Well, she's not thrilled about it, but it's... it's the right thing to do.


I also wanted to say, thank you for your suggestion.

I'm glad I was here.

Uh, so what time is your flight?

Actually, it was a few hours ago.

I want to stay, April.

That's not... (Scoffs)

What does that even mean?

How can you think to...

I want a second chance.

I'll do whatever it takes.

That's impossible. You can't just start over.

Why not?

You committed fraud, for one thing.

So I'll turn myself in.

If I have to go to jail, then so be it.

Look, I made the biggest mistake of my life.

All I want to do now is make it right.

I want to be with my wife and my little girl, who I love.

I miss my family, April.


(Man) * how would I ever know *

♪ if I never tried ♪
♪ if I never tried to love you? ♪


♪ It's easy to blame myself ♪
♪ I wanted something else ♪
♪ wanting something else ♪

Uh, hey, Jeff, it's Savi.

Don't pull the plug.

I can't let Harry lose his restaurant because of me.

And since I can't seem to move on with my life, maybe this will be good for both of us.

(Savi) I'll, uh, send you a check tomorrow.

Uh, but... but please, don't let Harry know that the money came from me.

♪ And then another day ♪

Okay, bye.

♪ Can't seem to watch 'em pass ♪
♪ was never good at that ♪
♪ was never good at that ♪


♪ Was I? ♪
♪ I'm not okay ♪
♪ with just leavin' ♪
♪ I love you too much ♪
♪ thought I was above it ♪
♪ guess I really wasn't ♪
♪ guess I really wasn't ♪
♪ kisses meant to fade and feelings go away ♪
♪ feelings go away ♪
♪ I'm not okay ♪
♪ with just leavin' ♪
♪ I love you too much ♪