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01x07 - All In

Posted: 07/17/13 03:47
by bunniefuu
Thank you.

Previously on "Mistresses"...

We had a moment.

No, Sam, we did not have a moment.

Someone broke into the office early this morning.

(Lewis) It doesn't appear anything was taken.

I'll give you one check for all the money.

What happened to not having anything available?

I'm selling a piece of the store back to its original investor.

I'm pregnant, and it's Harry's.

I'll quit my job.

You do what you want to do.

I'm your big sister.

I don't need you to teach me how to be a good person!

You do.


You really don't have to get rid of Paul's stuff, not on my count, at least.

I've been meaning to donate these things for a while now.

Besides, how else will all of your shoes fit in my closet?

I have a hard time separating from my footwear.

They're like sets of twin babies.

No worries. I'll be out of here in a few days.

You're welcome to stay as long as you want.

And if you want to talk about anything, I'm here.


How's Richard?

He's fine.

Hey, have you guys ever taken an ice cube and...


Wh... you don't even know what I was gonna say!

Let me clarify... if you want to talk about your fight with Savi, I'm here.

Oh. That.

Yeah. Yes. That.

Honey, I've known Savi since she was 10.

I know she can be pretty intense sometimes.


Okay, lots of times.

I've also known you since you were in diapers.

We're family, Joss, so if you want to talk about it, I'm here to listen, as a neutral party.

Consider me an emotional Switzerland.

Well, danke, but honestly, everything's fine.

Obviously, everything is not fine.

You moved out of her house.

And I appreciate you letting me stay here, really.

But you know what? I gotta jump in the shower.

Don't wanna be late to the mines.

Realtor reflex.

You're kidding, right?

Just hear me out.

Now you know I love the lamb, but people just aren't ordering it right now.

It's hot, it's heavy, it's expensive.

And it was in every single glowing review when we opened.

"Glowing" is what you called them.

I'm not saying we lose it forever, but maybe we make it a seasonal thing instead of a staple.

It is a staple. It's one of my best dishes.

What kind of an Australian chef doesn't have lamb on his menu?

You are the artist. I... I'm just the money guy.

Okay? But as the money guy, I'm telling you, if you want to keep the lamb...

I want to keep the lamb.

Then we have to find the cash to offset the hit.



Maybe you could talk to Savi.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind kicking in a little extra capital.

No, I don't think so.

She loves that lamb.

She doesn't eat meat, Jeff.

All right.

She loves you.

I mean, personally, I would've kicked you to the curb a long time ago.

I appreciate that.

Come on. Launching a restaurant is hell.

You and I both know it.

Yeah. So?

So... (Chuckles) so there's not many women that would go through that, much less hand over their life's savings to make it happen.

Yeah, you definitely won the lottery on that one.

Are you sure you don't need to slow down?

We can stop and rest here.

(Laughs) I'm not that pregnant.

I'm okay, sweetie.

Physically, at least.


What else?

Do you think you'll be able to work it out?

Honestly, I'm not holding out much hope.

Did he say something or...

No, he's barely even spoken to me.

He's been sleeping on the couch.

He hasn't set foot in our room.

I mean, at this point, I'm kinda just waiting for him to ask me for a divorce.

I'm so sorry, Savi.

Can we talk about something else, please?

Please. Tell me about your life.

I need a good distraction.

What's the matter?


You winced.

I didn't.

Like someone was coming at you with a 2x4.

Okay. Okay.

I just don't know how everything became such a disaster.

One minute, it's Elizabeth, the next, it's Sam.

Wait. Sam?

Seriously? I thought you were done with him.

I am. I just don't know that he's done with me.

What does that mean?

He came to my office again the other day.

He's confused.

It's a schoolboy crush he's taking a step too far.

Too far? Y... you're not feeling threatened, are you?

No. Of course not.

He's hurt, rejected, and immature, but certainly not dangerous.



You're the professional.

Jus... if anything happens or you start to feel unsafe, promise me you're gonna call me.

I promise.

(Elevator bell dings)

Excuse me. Will you hold the door, please?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh. Yeah.

(Instrumental version of Culture Club's "Do you really want to hurt me" playing)

Ah. Namah shivaya.


Do you practice?

Do I look like somebody who practices yoga?

(Laughs) Well, you never know.

That is the beauty of yoga.

I'm sorry to say, uh, I wouldn't know.

Well, you know about the mala beads.

I spent six months in India, though only for work, unfortunately.

Oh, gosh. I'm so jealous.

I've been dying to go to India.

You would love it.

Mm, I bet.

(Elevator bell dings)

Ah. After you.

Thank you.

Alex, what are you doing here?

It was a pleasure to meet you.

Oh, yeah.

I, uh, I had a private lesson down the street, and, uh, I thought you could use a little pick-me-up.

What was that?

What was what?

(Imitates French accent) It was a pleasure.

Oh. We rode up together in the elevator.

(Normal voice) Do you know who that was?

No. Is he famous?

Gosh darn it, I always miss famous people.

I was at a Starbucks with Sally once and I guess we were behind Neil Patrick Harris...

No. That was Olivier.

Le douche.

Oh, that's your boss?


Oh, he's so nice.

Oh, well, clearly, you're insane.


Wow. Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm just tired.

We need to talk.

Just say it, okay? Please.

Just get it over with.

I think you should keep your job.


You're so close to making partner, Sav.

Doesn't make any sense to take so many steps back at another firm.

You worked so hard to get where you are, and I know how important it is to you, so...

We'll figure it out.


You said "we."


"We'll figure it out."

Does that... does that mean there's still a we?


(Man) * he lives in the suburbs *

♪ and talks like the streets ♪


♪... for his mother ♪

Mr. Newsome. Hi.

Anthony. Please.

Well, that'll brighten up an office.

It's for my house, actually.

Um, there have been a couple of break-ins in the neighborhood recently, and I figured you can't be too careful.

I guess not.

I have an appointment in half an hour, so I better go. But it was nice to run into you.

Good to see you. Maybe I'll see you later.

You probably won't, actually.

My work on the Thomas Grey case is done.


I submitted my work on Monday.

Thanks for the notes, by the way.

You know what? (Sets basket down)

This is actually a better model.

So the investigation is closed?

Well, that's officially above my pay grade.

I hand the evidence in on one claim, then they hand me another one.

That sounds...

Very fulfilling, yes. (Chuckles)

You know, there is one question I do want to ask you, though, unofficially.


This would be more of a personal curiosity at this point.

When I first came to you, I asked you if Thomas Grey was suicidal, and you said no.

I remember.

But then your notes clearly stated that he was.

I treated him for three years.

He was a patient, but I also came to know him as a person.

I just didn't think it was my place to interfere with his legacy.

But then you changed your mind.

The investigation started to get much more serious.

And I also didn't think it was my place to obstruct justice.

♪ Losing sleep ♪

Moral and beautiful.

It's a nice combination.

Now I really should get going.


You have a nice life, Dr. Kim.

And if you need any help installing that, you let me know, okay?

(Man) * ooh, ooh, ooh *

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

I think it starts with "A." I'm just kidding.

I think you're an excellent speller.

Ugh. I know I'm stalling.

It's just...

It's a little sad.

20% of the store gone, just like that.

It was finally all mine and now...

80% is still yours, and you'll have the rest back in no time.

I sell candles and linens. It's not exactly a cash cow.

You'll have it back eventually.

There's still time, if you want to change your mind.

No. This is what it's gonna take to be free of Miranda, and that's worth it.

How do you feel?

Depressed, but also a little better.

Thanks for being here.

I... think I know a way to make you feel a lot better.

What? Now? The store's open.


No. No. I... I like your dirty mind, but I was thinking dinner tonight, at a restaurant and everything.


I don't know.

Every time we plan a date, something bad happens.

The babysitter gets cramps, my dead husband's mistress shows up at my door, twice.

Fourth time's the charm?

Plus, I want to ask you something tonight.


I'm not telling.

Should I be worried?

It's hard to say.

I don't like surprises.

I'll pick you up at 7:00.

(Savi) Joss, it's Savi. Can we please talk?

I said some things the other night that I wish I hadn't said, and I'd really just like to sit with you and...

(Woman) Message deleted.

(Olivier) Josslyn, a moment?


I'm... I'm almost done with the comps for the Rossmore property.


S'il te plaît.


Who was your friend?

Oh. On the phone?

It wasn't my friend. It was my sister.

No. No. No. In the elevator.

You mean Alex?




Actually, she was my client.

What do you mean "was"?

She and the buyer parted ways.

Oh. I see. Thank you.

Is that it?

(Clears throat)

(Clears throat)

(Slams door)


Don't worry. I'm not here to yell at you.

I just wanted to tell you that you were right.

Is this a trap?

No, what you said the other day about me coming too far here to quit now.

You're right.

So I'm not quitting.

That's great.

Yeah. And I'm gonna get back on track.

Happy to hear.

And I know to do that, I have to get out of my own way, so I was hoping that you would help me.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but...

I think we should steer clear of each other for a while.

I'll stay off your cases. You stay off mine.

Sounds good.


(Chuckles) Yeah, look, um, I want to make partner as badly as you do, Savannah.

I don't need the distractions either.

So a little focus would be good for both of us.

I completely agree.

But just so you know, I fully intend to beat you to it.

Oh, really?


Good luck with that.

(Chuckles) So does that mean you're coming tonight?

Tonight? What's tonight?

Felker's retirement party.

Oh, no. That's tonight?

Whole firm's gonna be there, including the partners.

Are you gonna be there?

Of course.

Well, then I'll be there.



(8mm's "Give it up" playing)

(Beep) (Electronic female voice) You have three new messages.

Message one.

♪ Don't you give it up for me ♪


Message two.


Message three.

(Siren wailing in distance)


♪ Drown in your misery ♪
♪ we all know you don't want help ♪
♪ you want company ♪
♪ don't you give it up for me ♪

(Keypad beeps)

(Savi) You've reached Savannah Davis.

I'm not available to take your call, so leave a message after the beep.

♪ ... can you bleed? ♪
♪ just how long ♪
♪ do you need? ♪
♪ just how long ♪
♪ can you bleed? ♪


You're home early.

I completely forgot I have this party tonight at work.

One of the partners is retiring.

They've been planning it for months, and, uh, everyone's gonna be there, so I feel like I have to make an appearance.

But I'm just gonna go, say hello, eat a lettuce cup, and come home.

Oh, uh...

Are other spouses going? I can come with you.

Oh. Uh...

Do you want to come with me?

Do you not want me to go, Sav?

No. No. No. No. No. (Chuckles)

Of course I want you to go.

Well, then I'll be there.


(Man on TV) The highest unemployment rate in the country is in Nevada.

The bureau of labor statistics released figures Friday...

(Weatherman on TV) Winds out of the southwest, about five miles...

(Woman on TV) This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have seen here today.

The cubic zirconia sparkles in the light like you can't even imagine.

(Mutes TV)

(Exhales) You're being ridiculous.

(Exhales deeply)

(Clatter) (Woman on TV) In ten minutes, we are going to throw in the earings as well on those..

A great gift if you're a husband watching this and your wife needs jewelry.

Ladies, I see a lot of jewelry, and I have to tell you this bracelet is one of the most beautiful pieces I have seen here today.

The cubic zirconia sparkles in the light like you can't even imagine...

(Speaking indistinctly)

(Keypad beeping)


Hi. It's Karen Kim.

(Mouth full) I can't believe we're actually here.

I forgot how nice it is eating grown-up food in a grown-up place with...

Other grown-ups?


Okay, I'm pathetic.

Hey, my fridge is full of go-gurt and Capri sun, too.


To grown-up juice.

To grown-up juice.


(Piano music playing)

So when are you going to ask me whatever it is you were gonna ask me?

We just sat down.

I'm halfway through my ravioli.

Okay. Okay. Tough crowd.

What are you thoughts about Santa Barbara?

The '80s soap?

The vacation destination.

I thought we could get away for a couple days.

I have no idea how we'd actually pull it off.

I mean, Lucy thinks I'm having dinner with Savi right now.

How am I gonna explain two whole days?

We can tell 'em the truth.

That we're dating.




Let's back up five minutes, before Santa Barbara.

We were talking about go-gurt?

No. No. It's not that I don't like the idea. I do.

It's just... it's kinda a big deal.

You're the first person I've dated since Paul.

I get that. The first time I told Madi that I was dating, she slashed my tires.


I'm kidding. She told me to have a good time.

What I mean is I don't think we give them enough credit.

It's different, though.

When Paul died, it was just me and Lucy.

I mean, for three years, we've been our own little team.

I don't want to have this conversation with her if we're not serious about this.

Look, I've dated, and Madi knows that I've dated, but I've never introduced her to anyone before.

This is a big step for me, too.

Tell you what.

I'm going to Pittsburgh tomorrow for a couple days.

Why don't you sleep on it, and we can revisit this when I get back?

Is that okay?

Of course.
(New age music playing)

I didn't realize yoga was so kinky.

Well, why don't you take a class, and maybe you'll find out.

Well, what I need right now is a drink.

Uh-oh. Why?

Why not? Come on. I'm buying.

I can't. The studio asked me to cover a class last minute.

Well, tell them you made plans.

I already said yes.

Alex, come on. Tell them you're sick.

Say it's a stomach thing. Nobody ever asks for details when it's a stomach thing.

Actually, now that I'm paying rent, I could really use the money.

Why don't I meet you later tonight?



Are you okay?

What is this? "The Twilight Zone"?

People need to stop asking me that. I'm fine.

By the way, Olivier asked about you today.

You realize you are obsessed with this man, right?

No. I just think it's a little weird that I've been working on this guy for weeks and gotten absolutely nowhere.

You spend 90 seconds in an elevator with him, and you guys are in a fricking book club.

He liked my bracelet.

That was it.

Mm. Okay. I will see you later?

You know, you should take the class.

It would be good for you.

I know, but I can't. I have this stomach thing.

(Clicks tongue)

(Piano music playing)

I guess we should be going.

I have to pay the sitter.

I have to pack.


I hate packing.

It's all about outfits, thinking about outfits.

(Heart beats rapidly)

I mean, there's nothing more emasculating than talking about your underwear, then you go to the airport...

It's just really annoying.

You okay?

I think I might be drunk.


Uh, could you shine that, uh, light a bit higher?



I can't thank you enough for doing this.

I know it was probably nothing, but I'll just feel better when I can see what's going on.

Hey, you want me to put that, uh, floodlight that you got up?

I might as well while I'm here, huh?

Absolutely not. I've asked too much of you already.

(Chuckles) I'll let you know when you've asked too much.



That'll work for you, huh?

All right.

Uh, can I get you some water or something?

I'm sorry. I should've offered earlier.

Well, I tell you what, if you can make it a glass of wine, then I'm in.

I think that could be arranged.

All right.

(Electric Guest's "This head I hold" playing)

♪ They call me a little wound-up ♪
♪ see, I'm upset because I've always been stuck ♪
♪ I don't know what it is I'm without ♪
♪ guess I'm in love with always feeling down ♪
♪ see, the problem was I was fully consumed ♪

There's Mitchell.

I guess if I'm here to impress the partners, the boss is a good place to start.

Yeah. Yeah. Sounds good.

I'm excited for you to meet him, actually.

Just don't mention golf.

Okay. I think I, uh, I think I might grab a drink before I meet anybody.

Oh. Uh, the bar's over there.

Righto. You go ahead. I'll catch up.

♪ Ooh, I go higher ♪
♪ and I say, ooh, a-ooh, I go higher ♪
♪ this head that I hold, oh, it's so tired ♪

(crickets chirping)

(Door closes)

When did you guys take this picture?

I saw Paul.


My Paul, outside the restaurant, living and breathing and standing on riverside drive!

Whoa. Whoa. What were you drinking with dinner?

Wine! Look, I know how this sounds.

It sounds like you need something stronger.

Look, okay, I know what I saw, Joss.

Okay. Okay. Let's just take it back.

Tell me what happened at the restaurant before the whole Paul thing.

(Sets glass down) Okay, dinner was great.

Richard was great. He was funny and sweet and he wants to take me to Santa Barbara and he wants to tell the girls we're together and...

Oh, you're telling Lucy?

No, I haven't decided.

Why not?

Because it's a huge decision, and I'm not sure if Lucy's ready.

And why are we even talking about Richard right now?

I just saw my dead husband.

No, you didn't.

Joss, yes...

April, okay, listen.


You're finally getting rid of Miranda and Richard wants to take things to the next level, and you're terrified.


Honey, you thought those calls from Miranda were from Paul. Remember?

Messages telling you not to move on.

Yes, but that was when I was in love with the man.

Believe me, I'm not anymore.

I know.

For three years, you were sad about Paul, and for a month, you've been mad about Paul.

Either way, honey, it's always been about Paul.

You've gotta let go, sweetie.

Just a beer. Thanks, mate.

(Indistinct conversations)

Hey, man.



So, um, congratulations, by the way.

What's that?

The, um, the baby.

Savi told me.

What? Am I not supposed to know?

Are you kidding me?

I... I'm... I'm sorry.

I didn't realize...

You're trying to mess with me now.

No. No, man. Look, I... I didn't mean anything.

Let's just forget I said anything...

(Glass shatters)

Well, it's a much more physical sport than people assume.

You gotta have power behind your swing, you know? What's...

I never looked at golf like that.

Going on out there?

(Man) You wouldn't believe what happened just now.

They said he hit him.

(Man) What? No.


(Guests murmuring)

What happened?

Where's Harry?

What the hell is wrong with you?

Wh... how could you bring him here and not tell me he knew about us?

It was a last-minute thing. Okay?

I didn't expect him to come.

I don't need to explain myself to you. Okay?

I do not owe you anything.

Yes, you do. You do owe me, Savannah.

Okay? I'm a human being.

And I have tried to be a friend to you.

I have tried to do right by you.

You asked me to steer clear, and I steered clear.

I did everything you wanted me to do. You know why?

Because it was necessary?

Yeah. Yeah. See, that's what you said, and I went along with that because I thought I could take you at face value.

Dom, I am so sorry, but I have done everything I possibly can to make this right.

For who? Not for me.

No, for you, for me, for everybody.

Why should I even believe you?

Why should I believe anything you say?

You don't even know who the father is, do you?

Can I get another one of these, please?

Maybe you should slow down.

Slow down? You need to catch up.

Check it out. That guy so wants you.


And so does he.

It's really too bad you don't like guys, Alex, because they really like you.

Let's make 'em suffer a little, huh?


Okay. Maybe... it's time to stop drinking.

Oh, come on. I'm just getting started.


What are you doing?

Let's dance on the bar.

Oh, come on. Don't be such a party pooper.

We're having fun.

I'm not.

Meaning what?

Meaning I don't usually get drunk and try to turn on strangers for no apparent reason.

Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but you're...

Nothing's going on with me. This is who I am.

Okay? I'm sorry I'm such a slutty, terrible person.

Whoa. I did not say that at all.

I don't need the judgment, Alex.


All right. I think it's time to call it a night.

Oh, come on.

What's that?

It's for a cab.



And left the gate open.

(Karen laughs)

And the biggest dog comes tearing out of the yard, right?


(Laughs) Oh, my God.

It was not pretty.


I think the kid had to get, like, 29 stitches or something.




Oh, we've had some funny stories.

So why did you stop being a cop?


You know, when you're there every day, you see so much.

And if you don't practice some level of detachment, then you can't up and do it the next day.

You know? I'm sure you know a little something about that.

I do.


Probably nothing like what you've seen, though.


Well, you can't save everyone, right?

And God forbid, you get attached.

Then you start trying to decide who deserves to be saved.

And sooner or later, you're gonna screw up, and somebody you really care about is gonna get hurt.

And in my case, they got k*lled.

A friend?

No, he was a minor player.

We got him during a low-level bust.

We flipped him. He started working for us.

And, uh... yeah, he was a good kid.

He was a good kid.


(Sets glass down)

But you find your way back, right?

I didn't realize it was so late.

Oh, yeah.


You gonna kick me out?


Oh, wow.



Oh, no, I'm...

I'm sorry.

No. No. No. No. I... I'm... I'm sorry.

It's just...

I've made this mistake before.

What mistake is that?

It's not clean between us.

The investigation is still open.

And I need to do the right thing here, and the right thing is for you to go.


Yeah. No.

Well, thanks for the wine. I'll find my way out.

Harry. Hey, it's me, again.

I have no idea where you are, and I'm starting to get worried.

So if you could just let me know you're okay, that would be great.



Are you home?

Damn it, Harry.

I took a cab. Don't worry.

Alex, what I did tonight was totally not cool.

I don't even know what it was.

Yeah, well, I can do some pretty stupid things when I'm drunk.

I've never seen you like this.

You know, and it's not just tonight either.

You've been acting weird the last couple of days.

You don't know me that well, Alex.

I don't think that's true.

It is. You've really only seen the good parts.

Are you gonna tell me that you have some evil alter ego or something?


I kick puppies and steal from children and...


I need you to tell me what's going on.


I had a huge fight with my sister the other day.



I thought it was weird that you hadn't been calling her.

You usually talk, like, every five minutes.

Yeah, well, we haven't talked in, like, two full days, which is pretty much the longest we've ever gone.

Well, how is that even possible. You guys live in the same house.


And that's the other thing. I moved out.

You moved out?

Oh, wow. Gosh. What kind of fight was this?

I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say it was pretty dark.

Why didn't you just tell me?

I don't want to be a drag.

You're my friend.

That's what friends do.

You were there for me, and I'm here for you.

Oh. Thanks.

(Chuckles) I mean it.

Alex, thank you.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Ugh. No.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to do.

I don't really have a plan yet. Like... but I do have a raging headache.

Could I please, please get an aspirin?

You can even have a glass of water.


(Woman) * I don't want to want *

♪ I don't want to to want what I want anymore ♪

(Sighs) We gotta talk.

♪ It's a breakdown ♪

Your hurt me, Paul, more than anybody has ever hurt me and more than anybody ever will.

And I don't know why you did what you did, but it doesn't even matter anymore.


You gave me my sweet girl, my Lucy.

You gave me more happy years than a lot of people get in their whole lifetime.

So I thank you for everything you've given me, even this... last part.

♪ I'm just trying ♪

Because in a way, it's... it's helping me to let go.

So I am.

(Voice breaks) I'm letting go.

♪ In a cloud of black and white ♪


♪ Calling me to put up a fight ♪


♪ I don't want to want, figure this out ♪
♪ take your love, I'll take anything I am allowed ♪

Good-bye, Paul.

How's that look?

(Mouth full) Perfect.


(Closes lunchbox lid) Morning.

Good morning to you, too.

How you feeling, champ?

So much better.

Thank you.

Mm, you might want to taste it before you thank me.

I mean about last night.

I needed that.

Oh. Don't mention it.

I feel like I owe you the same.

Well, I haven't seen any ghosts.

But I'll let you know if that changes.

I'm talking about Savi.

Do we have to?

I'm just afraid that you might be cutting off your nose to spite your face by shutting her out.

I'm not shutting her out.

I know she called you.

It's not enough, April.

Do you know how stupid I feel?

My whole life, I always thought that Savi and I were closer than anything.

Well, you are close.

She didn't tell me about Dom or the baby.

She told Karen and she told you.

Look, I know you mean well, and I feel really horrible putting you in this position.

Maybe it's not a good idea that I crashed here.

I'm happy to have you.

Yeah? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I just gave Lucy coffee.

(Chuckles) (Chuckles)

Where will you go?

Mm. (Crunches)

(Dog barks in distance)

Alex said I could crash with her until I find a place.

Isn't that kind of weird?


Moving in with someone you're sleeping with?

Slept with. Once. And I'm not moving in.

She's my friend, April.

I'm your friend.

(Spoon clinks)

I know.

And I promise you that everything's gonna be okay.

What happened to all the cookies?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

I'm not even gonna ask you where you were.

Just needed some air.

12 and a half hours is a lot of air.

So you're angry at me.

Harry, I am willing to do whatever it takes, whatever it takes to help you move past this.

But when you tell me what that is, I have to be able to take you at face value, or I don't know how to be in this with you.

So what exactly do you want from me?

I just want to know where you are with this, for real.

I mean, you say that you're okay, but... you're clearly not okay.

Well, yeah. I mean, I don't know where I am. Is that wrong?

I am all over the place, really.

I didn't plan last night. I had no intention of hitting anyone, but there he was.

It just happened.

You know, and to be completely honest, it... it felt pretty good.

Now I feel a bit better.

For the first time since you told me, I...

I felt better.

You do?



Okay then.

That's good.


(Cell phone rings)


Hey. Ready for Pittsburgh?

Well, I'm heading to the airport in an hour, but I'm heading to the drugstore right now because Madi can't seem to remember how my toothbrush ended up in the toilet.

(Chuckles) Nice.

So listen, I've been thinking about this whole Santa Barbara thing, and I'm in.

(Keys jangle) Uh...



I'm in... the weekend, telling the girls, all of it.

April... this is great. I...

I think I just dropped my keys in the gutter, but I don't even care, 'cause that's how great this is.

Have a great flight, okay?

And call me the second you get back.

I will.

(Dog barking in distance)

(Horn honks)

Luce, carpool. Are you ready?

What's wrong?

I don't feel that good.

Hmm. No fever.

This couldn't have anything to do with that empty package of cookies, could it?

Actually, I think I feel a little better.

I'm glad to hear it.

Love you, baby. Have a good day at school.

(Knock on door)

What did you forget now?

Hi, April.
