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01x06 - Payback

Posted: 07/10/13 00:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Mistresses"...

I'm gonna need your notes in the months leading up to Thomas Grey's death.

You need to do this for both of us.

(Karen) Fabricating notes could cost me my medical license.

This that you're wearing... it's not suitable for an office.

(Josslyn) How am I gonna work with this guy?

I had a system with Mac, you know, a method.

A rhythm?


(April) I've never done an impulsive thing in my life.

There's still time.

I don't regret what happened that night.

I'm pregnant, Harry, but it might not be yours.

So when you say "everything"... everything.

You told him you're pregnant?


That you cheated on him?


That it was with Dominic, and you don't know who the father is yet?

Yes and yes.

So what did Harry say?

He didn't say anything.

He left to go to work, and I haven't seen him since.

And I took a paternity test...

You what?

But I don't have the results back yet.

Harry agreed to that?


I took his razor for the D.N.A.

I know.

I know. It's terrible.

But apparently, I do terrible things.

We brought you doughnuts.

I can't eat right now.

You're pregnant. You can eat whatever you want.

Okay, uh, I haven't told Joss yet. Okay?

So please don't say anything. I'm just not ready to tell her.

Good morning, beautiful ladies.

What's up?

I slept with Richard last night.

(Gasps) Fantastic!

You what?

In the store, on a bed that costs $699, plus tax.

(Women laugh)

Wow. That is so not you.

I know. That's why it was so great.

At least I think it was great.

I haven't had sex in so long.

I'm not sure I'd know the difference.

Oh, no, no, no. You would know if it wasn't great.

Like with Mac... he was kind of lame at the office, but the sex with him was amazing and so were my listings.

God, life was so much easier when he was my boss.

sh**t. Ugh.

I gotta go. I gotta open up the store.

(Kisses) (Josslyn) Yeah, I better take off, too.

There are houses waiting to be sold. (Kisses)

Actually... for the road.

Of course she took the only jelly doughnut.

Do you think they know we're watching them?

The guy just waved at me between thrusts.

Yeah, I... I think they know.

I can't watch. Mona, they're making a porno.

The whole point is so you can watch over and over again.

They're just two people having sex.

We've all done it before.

I've never done that before.

Oh, that's called the siberian husky.

(Door opens)


Sorry to use your office, but they're making an adult film across the street, and this is by far the best view.

Oh, come on. Two naked people, extremely bad lighting.

You're really not interested?

You can leave now, Josslyn, and please take Mona with you.

Fine. But can we talk about the James property first?

Not now.

Not now.

(Groans) Mona.

Are you planning to stay up here all day, torturing yourself?

I'm not torturing myself.

I'm just looking at old pictures.

Oh, wow!


(Laughs) Us in Australia.

Remember those days when we were young and wore bikinis all the time without worrying about it?


Remember that?


That was the day we met Harry.

He came over to talk to us on the beach.

You mean talk to you. He was so in lust, I think it took him two days to finally notice me.

(Clicks tongue)

This isn't helping anything.

You just need to give him time and let him come to you when he's ready.

I... I really hope that you're right.

Are you still working with Elizabeth Grey?

Yeah. I'm her point person. Why?

I think you might be getting a call today from the insurance company.

I turned over my notes on Thomas, which states that he was ready to end his life, so...

Sorry if that's costing your firm a big commission.

N... no. Don't worry about it.

Is there any way you could just let me know when the call comes through?

I'll feel so much better when this whole investigation's over.

Of course.

I'm leaving you now, but no more pictures.


Call me if you need me.

I will.

Thank you.

You're not really still selling this bed, are you?

Hey there.

How are you?

For your information, I changed all the sheets and I knocked $100 off out of guilt.

How's your day looking?


Then I have to meet up with Miranda to talk about money, which should be fun.

Sounds perfect.

I'm not sure we have the same definition of "perfect."

It's perfect because I'm about to give you something to look forward to after your crappy afternoon.

Is it a bottle of Pinot Grigio and getting my daughter to bed early?

Sort of. I want to take you somewhere tonight. On a date.

Just us. No kids.

I got babysitting for the girls, and we can say we're going to a school fund-raiser.

You really planned this all out, didn't you?

Yeah. That's why it'd suck if you said no.

Well, then I guess I have no choice.

(Knife chopping)


D... did you sleep here last night?

Yeah, on the couch in the back.

You didn't have to do that.

If anyone should be sleeping on a couch, it's me.

You know, I'm a little swamped. We got a crazy night.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I know this isn't the place to do this, but I had to see you.

Do you think that you're gonna be coming home?

I'm not going into work today, so I'm just hoping...

Harry, you remember the birthday party of 25 is tonight, right?

I completely forgot.

Patrick's working on the new fixed menu right now.

Oh, hey.


W... we're kind of in the middle of a conversation right now, so, uh...

We can talk about it later.


Depending on how much I get done, I'll be home in a few hours.


I... I just want to be able to...

Harry, I need you.

You know, if you're done.

Are we done?


We'll talk about it when you get home.

I'm always here at 8:55, and I'm never late, so I would've... oh, thank God you're here.

Officer, this is Dr. Kim.

Morning, doctor.

Someone broke into the office early this morning.

The alarm company called.

What happened?

It looks like...

Well, we think they stole a key card and used it to get inside the building.

That's pretty much the theory.

Dr. Kim, is it okay if I take the day off?

I... I'm feeling a little rattled.

That's fine, Lila.

It doesn't appear anything was taken, but you should look around just in case.

It seems your office was the one targeted.

Is something wrong, doctor?

My computer's on, and I always shut it off before I leave.

Any chance you could've forgotten?

I suppose, but I don't think so.

Anything valuable on there?

All the patient files are on the server.

You got any famous patients?

Maybe someone looking for some dirt on them?

We can't really give you any information about our patients.

I know. Just trying to be thorough.

So if someone did copy something from the computers, there's no way to tell, is there?

Not if they were smart, no.

Look, best guess is they came in here for your electronics, maybe looking for some cash, tripped the alarm, got panicked, and took off. I wouldn't worry if I were you.

But if you find anything actually missing, feel free to let us know. (Taps clipboard)

Thank you.

Thank you.

I get the feeling that's the last we'll hear from Officer Lewis.

Hey, Karen.

Don't worry. You heard the guy. It's probably nothing, right?

Yeah. Right.

All right.

(Door closes)

You can't be serious.

Actually, I am.

I can't give you a lump sum, Miranda.

It's just not realistic.

So this is your first installment.

This is really all you can afford?

Right now, it is. Take it or leave it.

What am I supposed to do with a $100 check?

Go back to Florida and cash it, and I'll send you another one next month, maybe for a little more if I can.

I didn't win the lottery.

I don't have a million dollars just sitting around.

I'll be in touch.

Oh, and don't worry. The tea is on me.

(Julia Stone's "I'm here, I'm not here" playing)

♪ living in this room, but I don't really want to ♪
♪ living in this home, but I don't really want to ♪


♪ Living inside a dream ♪
♪ But we're all on the same team ♪
♪ We would all agree ♪

Hey, it's Harry. Leave a message.

Hey, it's me again.

Uh, you said you'd be home a couple hours ago, and you're still not here and you're not picking up your phone, which leads me to believe you're not coming home, which I totally understand.


I just don't know how I can make things better if you won't talk to me.

♪ ... quiet like a clown ♪


I'm kinda going crazy waiting for you, so I'm gonna go into the office for a little bit.

I... if you get home and you want to talk to me, just call me, and I'll rush back.

(Inhales deeply)



♪ Oh, I don't know ♪

(Telephone rings)

Hey. (Ring)

What is with all the pouty faces?

Did they cancel "Pretty Little Liars"?

You know who is making everyone stay late because we wasted time watching live porn.

I got this one.

And you can say his name, Mona. He's not Voldemort.


They didn't do anything wrong. I did.

If you have to punish someone, punish me.

Did you physically force them to come into my office and watch two strangers having sex?

No. But I did send out a mass e-mail with an attachment.

Your selflessness is commendable, but everyone is staying, including you.

Look, I know you're pissed, so let's just get it out there.

Do I seem angry to you?

Ugh. Actually, no.

You seem like a robot incapable of emotion, and if you don't let it out, you're gonna explode really soon.

You're like a giant French pressure cooker.

Just yell at me.

I don't need to yell at you.

What I need is for you to read this and then convince a lovely Italian couple to give you the listing tomorrow.

This is a little beneath my pay grade.

Come on.

You're wasting my talent.

Thank you for the warning, but I'll take my chances.



(Knocks on door)

Uh, let me call you back when I have more info.

Great. Thanks.

Hi. What's going on?

I just heard Felker's retiring.

And, uh, with him leaving and Thomas Grey dying, partner spots are opening up big-time around here.

And I just happen to know that you and I are on top of the short list.

Is that really why you came in here?

To share watercooler gossip with me?

You know why I came in.

I just want to know if you thought any more about what I said the other day about how you and I and... what we did, uh, that it wasn't a random thing, Savannah.

I can't... I can't do this right now.

It's no problem. Just, you and I both know that you're just gonna come up with an excuse later on.

Okay, uh...

Yes, I thought about it.

But it doesn't matter.

I'm pregnant... and it's Harry's.

So, uh... there's just nothing to talk about anymore.

(Telephone rings)

Hey. Have you seen the specs on the... why are you googling Olivier?

Shh! Keep it down, megaphone.

He doesn't need to know about it.

I just need to figure out what makes this guy tick. (Keys clack)

Oh. So you can have sex with this boss, too?

I have no desire to have sex with that French fry.

Just need to manipulate him, and I can't do that unless I understand him.

You don't have to manipulate everything.

Can't you just be like me and just go with the flow?

Ugh. I can't be like you for so many reasons.

(Sighs) Olivier is totally hindering my success.

Before he came along, I was selling properties left and right.

Put on a nice outfit, steal some of my sister's jewelry, turn on the charm. (Snaps fingers)

Multiple offers. Done.

Is that really how you work?

But now he's taking money out of my pocket.

He's thwarting me. I'm totally being thwarted, Mona.

Hey, look at that. It says he's a fitness freak who eats one banana a day to keep up his potassium levels.

Do you think his chest is hairy?

Oh. And we're done here.

So you went to see Harry at the restaurant, and then went and told Dominic you're pregnant with Harry's baby?


Do you listen to anything I say to you?

It was the best way I could think of to get Dom to leave me alone, especially if I have to see him every day at work.

I'm just so frustrated with him.

With Dominic?

No, with Harry. Keep up.

He won't even talk to me.

Savi, you have to remember that you've been dealing with this for weeks.

Harry just found out. He really does need time.

Well, it's a good thing I went there when I did, because otherwise I wouldn't have found out...

That he is sleeping with his slutty hostess.


Yeah. Kyra.

With the fun bags.

Kyra with the fun bags.

He actually told you he slept with her?

No, but it was so obvious.

Savi, don't take this the wrong way, but you're acting a little crazy right now.

Harry would never sleep with someone out of revenge.

(Grunts) It's just not who he is.

Maybe we should change the subject.

Yeah. That's a good idea.

There was a break-in at my office this morning.


No. It's... it's... don't worry. It's fine.

Nothing was taken.

It's just weird timing with this investigation still going on.

Do you think it's related?

I don't know what to think.

Well, the call from the insurance company did come through.

We're just waiting for Elizabeth to return our call, which she hasn't yet.

Isn't that weird?

Mm, not necessarily. It's only been 24 hours.

The woman just found out she's not getting $10 million, and she doesn't have five minutes to call you back?

You know what? When you put it that way, it's weird.

It's weird.

(Woman) * ooh, la *


♪ Ooh, la ♪


♪ Everyone says, ooh, la la ♪
♪ Everybody's tripping, looking, talking ♪



♪ I'm just gon' keep right on walking ♪



♪ All the people see, a-see me ♪
♪ Ooh, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ keep looking this way, and it's gon' get nasty ♪
♪ Ooh, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ Everybody's tripping... ♪


♪ Ooh, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ I'm just gon' keep right on walking ♪
♪ Ooh, la, la, la, la, la ♪

(Gasps) "I can't wait to see what a great mom you'll be.

Love, Harry."


I'm gonna be an aunt.

♪ Yeah ♪

(Doorbell rings) Come in.

Who's ready for a night of fu...

Ooh. Ooh. Whoa. Whoa. Hold that thought.


Hey, baby. Is everything okay?

Yep. I'm gonna get a snack.

What happened?

I am so sorry, but the babysitter canceled at the last minute.

Looks like our "school function" will have to wait until another night.

Oh, that's okay.

I'm a little drained from my meeting with Miranda.

What about tomorrow afternoon? The girls are at school.

I could take you somewhere for lunch.

That actually sounds great.


And I was gonna say "fun."

When I opened the door?

"Who's ready for a night of fun?"

Oh. Bummer.


(Harry speaks indistinctly)

You did a great, great job, guys.

Uh, anyway, we'll have a beer tomorrow. Get some rest.

Okay. So you didn't come home and you're obviously not ready to talk to me, and I totally get it, but please, do me a favor and listen to me.

And then if you still don't want to talk to me, it's okay.


Okay, uh, so I've been thinking a lot about what to do.

And I know we're not gonna fix this in one day, but...

I have a suggestion that I think might be a good start.

Which is?

I'll quit my job.

Look for another law firm to work at.

I'll be someplace new, and we can set it up that I'm working less hours so you and I can spend more time together.

No more... ships passing in the night.

What do you think?

You do what you wanna do.


Uh, so I'll do it.

And this way, you can stop doing that.

Don't turn this on me, Savi.

I don't sleep with people I work with.

Hi, Elizabeth. It's Karen Kim, again.

I did what you asked me to do so we could both move on with our lives, and now you're not returning any of my phone calls.

I need to know what's going on.

Call me. Please.
(Keren Ann) ♪ you're hardly a superstar ♪
♪ But you're a serious man ♪
♪ You need a serious car ♪



Hey. Hey.

Uh, what are you doing here?

Looking for a dress to wear.

One that says "hey, I'm casual and cute and ready for a lunch date," but also says, "wow. I'm really hot."


What are you looking for?

Oh, me? Nothing.

I'm just... I'm browsing. (Chuckles)

I love to browse.

It's like window-shopping without the heat.

Yeah. Are you okay?

What? I'm... I'm fine. I'm... I'm totally fine.

I'm fine.

Okay, you can't tell her I told you, but Savi's pregnant.



Savi told you she was pregnant?

Oh, no. That wench didn't tell me anything, but I found one of those, um, "What to expect" books.

Harry gave it to her.


Isn't this incredible?

Oh, Harry must be so proud of his little Australian sperm.

But don't say anything until she tells you.


I won't say anything about any sperm.

And how great is this?

Of course. That's the first thing you'd buy for the baby.

April, I'm still shopping.

(Elevator bell dings, cell phone rings)


Okay, I can't talk right now, but Joss knows you're pregnant.

She found your book from Harry and she called you a wench, so you better tell her soon.


This is not something I can deal with right now.

You didn't tell her you know, did you?

No, I didn't say anything.

Oh, I better go. She's looking for me.

Can I help you?

Yes, uh, my name's Dr. Kim.

I'm here to talk to Mrs. Grey.

It's somewhat important.

I'm sorry. Mrs. grey isn't here.

Do you know what time she'll be back?

I can wait, if that's okay.

Mrs. grey is out of the country.

She left last night for Italy and she has no set return date.

I can leave her a message for when she gets back.


That's okay.

Thank you.


Wow. You look amazing.

Thank you.

Come on in. Let me just get my keys.

Do you plan on telling me where we're going?

Is this like a picnic? 'Cause I really don't do outdoorsy stuff.

It's more of a white people's thing.

I also don't do surprises. You should know this about me.

Okay. Deep breath.

We're going to a Dodgers game.

I brought some homemade sandwiches.

Uh, we have our own box.

Is that all right? Or do you not like baseball either?

Oh, I love baseball.

And a box. Fancy you.

Yeah, fancy me.

It's my boss', so fancy him, but...

Let me just change my shoes.


Am I interrupting something?

(Woman speaks indistinctly)

Can I talk to you for a minute?

What's the matter with you?

Oh, that's what I was about to ask you.

Yeah, I just got a call from Leonard Riche over at Myers and Oakley.

Ugh. That was fast.

So it's true? You... you really went over there to interview for a job, as what, a junior associate?

It's complicated, okay?

I'm... I'm just putting feelers out there right now.

Yeah, well, when Mitchell finds out, the only feeling you're gonna be getting is fired.

Well, I'm assuming you're not gonna tell him.

Savannah, you've worked here for ten years, built a reputation, you climbed the ladder till you're, like, five minutes from partner.

And you're just gonna throw it all away...


To go work at some mediocre firm?

I have to.

No, you don't. You're a great lawyer.

Being here is what's best for you and your career.

Being here makes me feel like I am betraying my husband every single day.

Okay, and if what you said is right, if... if what we did isn't entirely random, then I'm not sure being around each other is the best idea either.

I know what you said, but I thought about it, and this payment plan isn't gonna work for me.

It's not gonna work for you?

No. I don't need a monthly reminder of what I've been through, and Scottie's gonna get older, and he's gonna start asking questions.

I... I need to protect my son.

I told you, this is the best I can do.

I've done nothing but try and help you, Miranda.

I'm sure you believe that.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, you tell me that you can't give me any money, but you seem to be doing pretty good right now.

Your... your house is amazing.

Your shop is doing really well. How much did that dress cost?

Hold on. You are in no position to judge me.

Right. 'Cause I'm just the whore who slept with your husband.

You said it, not me.

So this is my fault?

You were the one who slept with a married man and had a child with him, so I know it's not my fault.

You need to leave.

You act like this nice, sweet person, like you're some kind of Saint who's trying her best to help poor me, but it's all fake.

I don't owe you anything. It was my husband that died, not yours.

Right. You've made that clear.

You know, you're not as noble as you like to think.

It's not that you can't help me.

It's that you don't want to help me.

Get out of my house right now.

Get out!



How are you? I'm Josslyn Carver, and you need to let me sell your house.

I'm Maria. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Questo giardino e fantastico.

Grazie. Grazie. Parli italiano?


Que brava.

(Speaks Italian)

Si. Aspetta attimo.

(Speaks Italian)

No, I know the info packet said no photos, but oh, this place is just too good not to.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure it's a good idea.

My husband... he may not approve and...

Oh. Please. Look at you, especially in that blouse.

I'm sure your husband does whatever you tell him to.




Hi. This is Kyra calling from Savannah's kitchen to confirm your reservation with us.

For 4 for 8:00? See you then.

Do you ever actually go home?

Someone needs to keep this place running, right?

Yeah. (Chuckles) Well, don't let me get in your way.

I'm just dropping off the new menus.

Pretend I'm not here.

That's not so easy.

Are you doing okay, Harry?

Yeah. Fine.

You don't have to pretend around me.

Kyra, I, uh, I appreciate the concern, I really do, but I'm okay.

I just wanted you to know that if you need to talk, I'm here for you.

I listen really well.

Yeah, I have no doubt.

I'm just... I'm not in the mood to talk right now, okay?

Okay. I get it.

But can you do me a favor?

What's that?

Can you not sleep on that couch again tonight?

It's awful for your back.

If you need a place to crash, there's a ton of room at my place.

I wouldn't bother you.

Kyra, I'm really flattered, I am, but I can't. I'm married.

Yeah, but I thought...

I'm still married.

No, I get it.

(Man) * it's a dirty, *

♪ it's a dirty, it's a dirty word ♪
♪ it's a dirty, it's a dirty ♪

So if we leave now, we probably can get there by the third inning.

No one ever gets to Dodger games on time, right?

(Chuckles) I... I don't think this is a good time for you to go to a baseball game.

Sure it is.

April, you just had a crazy fight with your dead husband's mistress.

I... I don't think we can just go to a Dodger game.

Besides, I ate all the sandwiches.

Look, I completely understand if you want to get out of here and never come back.

Why would I do that?

Remember your whole speech about not getting sucked into the vortex of another woman?

Well, this vortex just keeps getting deeper.

Come here.

Come here.

(Clears throat)

It's too late for that. I'm in.

Your vortex is my vortex, so to speak.

You don't have to be happy around me all the time.

Trust that I can handle this.

I'm glad you can, because I don't think I can.

This whole thing has been such a nightmare, and... and the worst part is, she's right.

About what?

I don't want to give her the money.

I don't like her.

I actually think I hate her. I do.

I hate her for showing up and ruining the memory of my marriage and for making me rearrange my entire life for her.

She just came here and upended everything like it was nothing.

Well, maybe you're supposed to send her away with nothing.

I want to, but I feel guilty.

I know how blessed I am.

I have really good friends, a fantastic daughter, my own shop, and I'm dating a guy like you.


You consider me a blessing?

(Sighs) I... this makes no sense.

I rocked that thing. She loved me.

I am thrilled that you have a new friend, but what you don't have is the listing.

Did you read the information packet?

Of course I did.

And yet, you still took pictures.

Look, I know it says no photos on the inside, but we needed them to sell it, and Maria was totally on board.

Alas, her husband, a very private man, was not.

(Chuckles) This was my mistake.

I knew who you were and I had a lapse in judgment.

It won't happen again.

You have no idea who I am.

Oh, in fact, I do.

You are the person who thinks her way is the only way and that everyone else needs to see that as well.

So you use your charm, your worldliness, your legs, to get what you want.

In life, rules do not apply to Josslyn Carver.

Am I right?

Usually my way's the best way.

For you, yes, but not always for everyone else.


And I did not have to Google you to figure that out.


Freaking Mona.

So there's this hip-hop dance class after school that everyone's taking, and I really want to take it, too, but it costs money, and I...

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.

All I heard was "class" and "money."

Okay. It's a dance class, and it only costs $100, but it's worth it, because after I'll be a really good dancer.

So please, please, please, please, please?

Okay, you can do it.

Let me just find out what it's all about.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best!

You're welcome.

(Door opens and closes)

Good night.

Bye, Lila.

See you tomorrow.


Hey. What's up?

I need to talk to you for a minute.

Oh. Am I in trouble?

Did... did I leave my dirty dishes in the sink?

'Cause it's a bad habit, I know, but it's...


What is it?

I need to talk to you about the break-in.

There's something you should know.

I'm pretty sure the whole thing was about me.

I think someone wanted my files.

And what makes you think that?

I can't tell you.

Y... you can't tell me? What? I don't understand.

I know it seems weird, but you just need to trust me.

It's much better for you if you don't know everything.

(Scoffs) It might be better for you, but we're partners here, Karen.

Look, I don't know what's going on with you lately, but everything you do affects us.

I know that, and I'm sorry.

You're messing with my livelihood.

I lost a patient this morning because he came in and saw police everywhere.

So if this really is about you, a... and it's gonna keep affecting me, I... I need to know what the hell it's about.

I'm really sorry.

You're sorry?

(Scoffs) You're sorry?

I'm glad you're sorry.

I'm just leaving and I'm late already.

Harry. Harry. Please, please.



Just give me a minute.


I had a job interview today.

And I think I'm gonna get the offer.

Well, we'll see what happens, right?

If I get the offer, you want me to take it, right?

(Inhales deeply and taps foot)

I can't tell you what to do, Savi.

If you don't want the job, don't take it.

It's not up to me.

It kinda is, Harry.

Now you listen to me, Sav.

If you're expecting me to force you to go to work at some job that you don't want, it's just not gonna happen.

I'm not gonna be the bad guy here.

So what... what exactly do you want me to say?

I just want a sign that if I take this job, it means that our marriage is back on track.

I don't know what it means, Savi.

I don't... how... how could I possibly know what it means?

I don't know what any of this means!

I mean, I...I just found out two days ago that you cheated on me.

So I apologize if you're offended that I don't have all the answers, but I am still dealing with the fact that you destroyed me!

And more importantly, you destroyed us.

I...I don't know... I don't know if your taking a job is gonna solve all of our problems, but I...I seriously doubt it.

I am clearly just trying to keep it together right now.

Is that okay?

Good talk.

(Knock on door) (Olivier) Yes?

I'm taking off for the night unless you need anything else.

No, I'm fine.

Actually, I'm about to leave as well.

(Clicks tongue) Night.

(Door closes)

(Speaks indistinctly)


So I will give you one check for all the money.

I can't get it to you right now, but I should be able to in a few weeks.

What happened to not having anything available?

It's really none of your business, but I am selling a piece of the store back to its original investor.

After I'd finally paid him off.

Well, thank you.

Don't thank me.

If you didn't have a child, I would've sent you away a long time ago.

But Scottie's an innocent.

He doesn't deserve to be punished for your and Paul's bad behavior.

So this isn't me doing something for you.

It's Paul doing something for his son.

(Clatter, dog barking in distance)

Oh, my God.

Longest day ever.

My boss chewed me out over the stupidest thing.



I know that you know, sweetie.

You know that I know?

(Gasps) You know that I know?

How do you know that I... oh!

You know that you know because April told you.

I told her not to say anything.

April already knew I was pregnant.

She knew?

And Karen knows, too.

Oh. Well... uh, that kinda sucks.

There's more.

There's more?

I cheated on Harry, so he may or may not be the father, which means we may or may not be splitting up.

I don't know what's going on.

It's all just a big mess.

Why didn't you tell me any of this, Savi?

I don't know.


Okay, you know what? I... I do know.

But I really don't think it matters right now.

It matters to me.


I didn't tell you because I knew what you were going to say and I didn't want to hear it.

What exactly did you think I was gonna say?

You would've let me off the hook.

You would've given me some philosophical crap about human beings not being built to be monogamous and not to beat myself up over it.

No. For the record, I wouldn't have said any of that.

But you're right that I wouldn't have judged you.

That's just it.

I want to be judged.

I... I deserve to be judged for this.



What's so funny?

You didn't tell me because you thought that I was gonna be too easy on you?

My ass, Savi.

You didn't tell me because God forbid I find out that my big sister wasn't perfect.

What would happen if I discovered that you were an actual human being with flaws?

The universe might explode.

I'm sorry. How are you making this about you?

No. No. No.

This is not about me. This is about us.

Okay, you're the saint. I'm the screw-up.

And even when you screw up, somehow I handled everything wrong.

I'm very sorry that I'm trying to be a good example, but I'm your big sister.

I don't need you to teach me how to be a good person.

Yes. You do.

I made a mistake, but it was one time.

You do this kind of thing all the time.


And I just did not want you to think...

What? What? What?

You didn't want me to think that we were the same?

Oh, no, no. We're not the same.

I'm nothing like you.

(Clicks tongue) You know what, Savi?

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I don't always think about everyone's feelings as much as I should.

But you're my sister, and I would never hurt you.


I would never do what you just did to me.

(Voice breaks) I would never do that to you.

(Door closes)