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01x04 - A Kiss Is Just a Kiss?

Posted: 06/26/13 06:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Mistresses"...

I found a pair of women's sunglasses in my dad's apartment.

Returned them to my mom. Turns out, they weren't hers.

Oh, no.

So, basically just told her he was having an affair.

What do you want from me?

I want my son to have what your daughter has.

I want money.

You have a lot of unresolved stuff that you need to address.

See you around?

Sally brings home the bacon, and she's better at making decisions than I am.

Yeah, but you're hotter.

I cheated on Harry last night.

How did it happen? I... I mean, who?

This guy from work... Dominic.

You're up early.

And not hungover, thank you very much.

Welcome to what we normal people call Wednesday.


You are kidding, right?

Honestly, you should consider it a compliment.

(Pan clatters)

So what's with the outfit?

Seducing another personal trainer, are we?

No, I'm going hiking with Alex.

She invited me.

Alex the lesbian?

That's just offensive.

Well, how is that offensive?

She does identify as a lesbian, doesn't she?

Yeah, but it's not her whole identity.

I mean, she could just as easily be referred to as Alex, the new best friend of Josslyn Carver.

(Chuckles) Yeah.


No, it's just interesting. You don't really have friends.

Wow. What do you call Karen and April?

Savi's friends.


Where is my sister anyway?

We were supposed to caravan to April's.

Uh, she said she had an early meeting.

(Knock on door)

Congratulations, Savannah.

You are officially pregnant.


Sorry. It's just a lot to take in right now.

It's okay.

Sometimes when a couple's been trying as long as you and Harry have, when it finally happens, it can be hard to believe.

I'm writing you a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

(Pen clicks) We'll start with 600 micrograms of folic acid.

You and Harry will need to fill out detailed medical histories of both your families so we can determine if there are any risk factors that may be inherited.

I highly recommend crackers in your purse at all times...

So I'm "the most stunning woman he's ever met," but he's terrified of my package.

(Laughs) Which sadly, is not a euphemism.

The point is, he's not interested in my drama.

Then he's an idiot.


Hmm. That's what Savi said, too.

Earth to Savi. Come in, Savi.

Uh, sorry.

Just exhausted.

Did your meeting go okay this morning?


Uh... yeah.

It was fine.

Well, then I am officially caffeinated enough to climb Everest.

Or Runyon. Mwah.

Later, ladies. (Kisses)

Have fun.



I'm pregnant.

(Gasps) Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.

(Gasps) Oh... my... God.

Yep. How pregnant?

I mean, is it possible the baby could be Harry's?

Sure, it's possible, you know, and obviously, that's what I'm hoping for, but... but Harry and I have been trying for so long.

It means nothing.

Your doctor didn't even recommend I.V.F., so Harry's problem couldn't have been that dire.

Seriously, I've known couples who have tried for years, went through rounds of medical procedures, only to get drunk watching some late night skinemax and poof... baby.

It was just one time with Dom.

Exactly. Only one time.

It's just as much of a chance it's Harry's, probably even more.

Why more?

Because it would be so much better if it was Harry's.

Exactly. Then you wouldn't have to tell him anything.

What are you talking about? I have to tell him.

No. No.

You have to tell him now.

I just feel so bad for both of you guys.

I love Harry.

Me, too.

Me, too.

(Panting) You all right?

Do you need more water?

I'm good. Just need to catch my breath.

Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to push you.

You just look... you look so athletic.

It's actually more of a metabolism thing than a being-in-shape thing. Can we just stop for a second?

(Crow caws) Oh, God.



I like how you think this is funny.

I'm literally dying. I'm on a rock.

I'm sorry. It's just that I'm used to being the one that has to beg Sally to slow down.

Well, it's a good thing Sally's not here.

Oh, yeah. She wouldn't let us stop.

(Scoffs) What do you mean, she wouldn't let us stop?

(Scoffs) Never mind.

Somebody likes you.

Eh. He's not my type.


Used to be mine.

Shut your lady-loving lips.

You slept with men?

Oh, yeah. I hooked up with boys all through high school.

What happened?

I met Emily, my freshman college roommate, and oh, something just clicked.


What about you? You ever taken a drive down the other side of the road?

Yeah. But only with three of us jammed in a car, and I was so drunk, I couldn't tell the stick shift from the air bags.


Oh, just threesomes. Definitely never had a girlfriend and actually, not that many girls as friends either.


How come?

I tend to sleep with their boyfriends.

You girls must've been dragging your heels.

Oh, hi, Sally. Got your text.

Took an early lunch to catch up. Oh.


You don't do this much, do you?

(Alex laughs)

Come on, ladies.

This is supposed to be exercise.

Let's hustle.

Pick it up.

Come on.


(Elevator bell dings)


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, Dom.

It's my fault.

Okay, you know what? Picking up some papers off the floor doesn't make up for you getting me kicked off a case.

We have a call with opposing counsel before trial tomorrow.

My office, five minutes.

Don't forget to mention Aspen.

The appraisal. It's in my notes.

What did you say these colors were?

That's platinum and that's steel.

But they're both gray.

Both are of the gray variety, yes.

So why not call them gray?

Call it 20% off if you buy both.

(Door bells jingle)

Bienvenue a Maison Par La Mer. How can I help you?

I'm looking for Miss April Malloy.

That's me.

My name is Bob Johnson.

I'm an attorney representing Miranda Nickleby.

What's this?

Proof of Paul Malloy's paternity of Scott Nickleby.

I never asked for proof.

No, but we will have to provide it when we sue Paul for child support.

Wait. What do you mean, sue? Paul is dead.

His estate is very much alive, and legally, must provide for his offspring.

If you refuse to pay, Ms. Nickleby will see you in court.

(Car alarm chirps)

You've gotta be kidding me.

I'm gonna get a refill at the fountain before we hit the road.



Ooh. Oh.

I appreciate you letting me crash your hike.

Yeah, I appreciate the actual workout you gave me, although oh, my legs might not. (Groans)

Yeah, well, I need you in tip-top shape so you have the stamina to keep showing us houses.

Don't worry. I'm determined to find you two a place to live.

Yeah, well, if you don't, that's okay, too.

You're more than just a real estate agent, Joss.

What do you mean?

You're our friend.


Well, more Alex's friend than mine, granted.

But, uh, yeah, you know, she's just been having a really great time with you and looking for houses is giving her something to focus on, which is great.

I feel like I'm missing something here.

Well... it's just that she's usually so bored.

I mean, she teaches three yoga classes a week, and I work 24/7. It's not ideal.

But since we're both busy, I feel like we're fighting less, so thank you.


Yeah. I'm, uh, happy to be a distraction.

Especially because you are actually in the market to purchase a home, aren't you?

I am if you find me one worth buying.

(Chuckles) (Chuckles)

Hey. I got you a water from the cart.

Thanks, Ali-bear.

Mm. Thank you.

(Cell phone rings)

(Ring) (Children speak indistinctly)

I take it you've met my attorney.

I was going to call you.

I called you six times.

I'm still processing.


I didn't want to bring a lawyer into this, but I had to.

I can't stay in California indefinitely, and I'm not leaving with nothing.

Let's meet today.

Yeah, I'm busy today.

I'll drive up to L.A. tomorrow.

I'll let you know when's good for me.


My only option is to sell off a share of the store.

Or I... I guess I could put the house up and downsize into something smaller...

Okay. Pull the brake on the crazy train.

You're not selling your house and you're not giving Miranda a dime.

I don't think that's realistic.

Her lawyer told me that if I didn't...

Breathe before you pass out.

(Inhales and exhales)

Good. Another one.

Do it.

(Inhales and exhales)

There is no proof that those paternity papers are even real.

Oh, no. They're real. I called the company.

Paul is his father.

This isn't a scam, Savi.

Everything Miranda has told me so far has checked out.

She's telling the truth.

Well, she may not be a liar, but she is a bitch.

I couldn't agree more. Okay, unfortunately, b*tches still have legal rights and child support is a real thing.

Maybe there's some number that'll satisfy Miranda and not bankrupt me.

No. If it's not done within a legal framework, you're gonna be writing checks for the rest of your life.

It's really better to handle this in court.

I can't.

There's no way I could keep something like that from Lucy.

Then don't.

She'll be okay.

Look, I know you're trying to protect your daughter, but at a certain point, you have to ask yourself... at what cost?

I just don't want to put Lucy through a big court case if I can't win, and that lawyer sounded so confident.

Well, you are clearly not aware of my mad skills.

If I can prove entrapment, they have no case at all.

Did Miranda know Paul was married before she slept with him?

I have no idea.

We never talked about it. We never talked about anything.

Maybe you should.

Oh, my lord. Is that...


How do you deal with seeing him every day?

I try not to.

Kind of hard when you work in a glass office.

Have you decided what you're gonna tell Harry?

Not yet.

(Spoon clanks)

Lucy, when did you make this?

At school yesterday.

You didn't have a new frame, so I thought it might help you get out of your funk.

I'm not in a funk. I just got a lot going on at the store.

It's more than that. It's because of daddy.

His birthday is next week, and you always get sad around his birthday.


I guess I do.

That's why you're not talking about him as much.

Because you think I'm gonna be sad remembering him.

Will you?


I like remembering the things about him, like the way we used to blow out the candles together.


Okay, when he'd let me blow out all of his candles for him.

And give you presents at his party.

And wish me a very happy unbirthday.

(Laughs) He was a great dad, huh?

The best.

Yeah. (Horn honks)


For the record, he thought you were a pretty great kid.


Dr. Kim.

Uh, you left your wallet in my car.

Oh. (Chuckles)

Thank you. Uh, been on the phone all morning canceling credit cards.

You should've called me. I would've come pick it up.

You're on my way to the office.

Besides, your license is suspended, isn't it?

I feel like I owe you an explanation.

You don't.

I don't want you to think I was out partying like some idiot frat boy.

The truth is, I was out celebrating and had one too many.

What were you celebrating?

Dropping out of school.

I have officially withdrawn from brown.

Really? I thought you were looking forward to going back.

Just 'cause it was something to do, not because I was excited or anything.

But something must have happened, something that made you decide to suddenly drop out.

Yeah. My dad told me to.

What are you talking about?

It's easier if I just show you.

(Door bells jingle)

Uh, I didn't know you were bringing Scottie.

My sister had to take an extra shift.

I hope it's not a problem.

Why don't we just sit down outside?

Sure. Oh, can I get a coffee first?

Of course.

Cappuccino would be great.

Extra foam.

Is there any way you can squeeze me in today? It's urgent.

Uh, I can make that work.

Great. I'll be there. Thank you.

Question for my sister whose job it is to sway a jury.

Did you get another speeding ticket?

No. I need to convince Alex to leave her controlling, disrespectful girlfriend... except I need to say it nicer.

Mm. Did she ask you to comment on her relationship?

No, but I need to say something. It's toxic.

Well, if it's not solicited, I would keep your opinion to yourself.

It's not an opinion. It's a fact.

Alex is miserable with Sally. Therefore, they should break up.

Pretty sure you're oversimplifying.

It's very simple.

When a person is in a relationship that isn't great, they get out of it.

No, that's what you do.

Lots of relationships hit rough patches, and people actually work through them.

(Mouth full) Why are you getting so upset?

Because you're about to give potentially devastating advice, which is why nobody tells you anything.

What are you talking about? Who's not telling me stuff?

(Groans) Forget it.

Are you mad at me?

(Harry) Make you lunch before you head to court?

I would love that, but I actually have a meeting first, which I'm running late for.


Did I walk into the middle of something?

It's just drama.

It's what happens when two ladies live together and their cycles haven't synced up yet.

Let that be the last time you ever talk to me about your cycle.

Agreed. In exchange for an espresso?

Step away.

The cars. There you go.

Sweetie, take that one.

Don't lose Mater, though. He's your favorite.

Thank you, mommy.

So how do you want to do this?

By answering a few questions first.


Did you know Paul was married?

When I checked him into the hotel I used to work at, I did notice that he was wearing a wedding band.

I also noticed that he wasn't wearing it when he took me to dinner that night.

And how long were you two having an affair?

At first, we would just get together whenever he came to town.

I don't even know that I would call it an affair.

I would.

Uh, anyway, after a year, we started talking about getting serious.

And then I got pregnant, and that's when he told me that he had made up his mind to do it.

To do what?

To leave you.

Let me just get these in the fridge.

Sure. Sure.

So how is your mother holding up?

Oh, you mean since I inadvertently told her my dad was having an affair?

Not too bad.

She's gone from grief to anger.

Maybe it's a good thing.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to show you.

A camera?

Not just a camera.

A 1923 Eastman Kodak.

My dad got it for me.

His secretary sent it over about a week ago.

I guess he'd been tracking it down before he died.

(Camera shutter clicks)

And I had no idea he even knew I was into photography until I moved in here and saw my work hanging on his walls.

You took all these?

I love them.

But I still don't understand what this has to do with you dropping out of school.

This was my dad's way of telling me to... to... to drop the econ major and focus on what I actually love.

Maybe. Or maybe he's telling you to have a hobby.

I don't think so.

Read it.

"It is only passion that makes life worth living.

I found my passion too late in life, but when I did, I pursued it with my whole being.

When you find yours, you must do the same.

Don't hold on to anything that doesn't bring you joy."

Uh, are you okay?

Can I use your restroom?


(Machine beeps)

Oh. Oh. Excuse me.

Uh, you said the doctor would only be another minute?


Yeah, that was 30 minutes ago.

Patients who make same-day appointments sometimes have to wait.

Until the second coming?

(Telephone rings)

(Beep) Shouldn't you be on your way to court right now?

Are you still up to speed on the Sullivan case?

I spent the last year prepping for it with you.

I'm aware. Is that a yes?


Get downtown.

You can't make it to the start of the biggest trial you've ever been a part of?

Something came up, and I can't put it off.

Does Mitchell know?

He will. Can you be there or not?

Oh, I'll be there.

Thank you.

(Scoffs) (Hangs up receiver)

(Exhales deeply)

Scottie, get down from there. Don't make mama ask again.

(Feet thud)

Um, what was I saying? Oh, right.

I said that we had driven down to the Keys for the weekend.

Paul had planned this whole romantic getaway thing because of the baby.

He left early that morning to go on a deep-sea fishing trip, but he never came back to the hotel.

He was two hours late for dinner.

And I... I figured he was partying in town, and he just... he wasn't picking up his phone, and I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, planning on marching into every bar in Old Town until I found him and I could publicly rip him a new one.

And then I saw a report on the news that someone had gone missing on a fishing tour.

Fallen overboard and... that was Paul.

You knew before I did.

I got a 6:00 A.M. wake-up call from the Key West chief of police.

I didn't know what to do after that.

I was five months pregnant and alone, and then... when Scottie came, and I held him for the first time in my arms, I... I decided to make it work.

I had to, and... and I have, but...

It's hard.

(Chuckles) You don't know hard.

I'm a single mom, too.

My situation is no different than yours.


Six months ago, I lost my job, and thanks to this economy, I can't get another one.

My friends, my family... I have asked them all for help, but everyone is tapped.

Everyone except me, huh?

Do you think I want to be here?

This is humiliating.

But this isn't about me anymore. It's about Scottie.

He needs your help.

(Scottie) Mommy!


Oh, my God. Honey, what happened?

Honey, are you okay?

Tell me, where does it hurt? Where does it hurt?

Can you help, please? My son fell.

I think he might've broken his arm.

Oh. I need assistance. Grab the gurney for the child.


Ma'am? Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm gonna need some information from you first starting with your I.D. and insurance card.

I... I don't have insurance.

Then I need an I.D.

And a whole mess of additional forms filled out.

You know what? I really want to be with my son right now.

I'll take care of the bill. Just go with Scottie.

Are you sure?

Yes. Go.

(Knife chopping)

You cook?

Not as well as my dad did.

I'm trying... one of his recipes.



Thank you, but I really can't.

You have somewhere else to be.

No, actually, uh, I don't.

So stay.

Do you wanna talk about it?

I'm okay. I didn't mean to get so emotional before.

I'm sorry about that.

Don't be.

He was your patient for a long time.

I forget you guys had your own relationship.

Yes, we did.

(Young Jeezy) * nothing * * nothing *


Come on. You know you love Young Jeezy.



(Laughs) So what's for dinner?

(Electronic music playing)

(Camera shutter clicks)

(Indistinct conversations)


Hey. Hi!

Ooh! Mwah.

This is fancy. I'm glad I wore a bra.

Thank you so much for coming. Sally flaked on me again, and I just hate going to these things alone.

Does she flake on you a lot?

Mm, it was my fault, really.

I should never R.S.V.P. "Yes" to anything on a weekday.


So who is this? Some swanky designer friend of yours?

A friend of a friend, actually.

To be honest, I hardly know anybody here.

But I love Liza's jewelry.

Which one is Liza?

Uh, over there.

And the blonde next to her is her girlfriend/muse/sponsor.

Oh. This is a lesbian party.


Well, not exclusively, but, um, mostly.

Sweet. I've never been the only straight one in a room before.

I feel like I have a dirty little secret.

Well, from what you've told me, it sounds like you've got lots of 'em.



Mrs. Davis.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I see congratulations are in order.

You looking for a new O.B.?

Uh, maybe.

Right now, I'm just more interested in getting some information on... paternity tests.



(Sighs) Confirmation of paternity is typically done via amniocentesis in the second trimester.

It's safest for the fetus when performed between 16 and 20 weeks.

Wait. 16 weeks?

I'll be showing by then, right?

Not necessarily.

Every body reacts differently to pregnancy.

There's no way to test any sooner?

Oh, there's a recently developed test that only requires a D.N.A. sample from the mother and the potential father.

Because it's noninvasive, it can be done right away, but it's quite expensive, and insurance doesn't cover it.

And how long before I find out the results?

Two or three weeks once we collect samples.

And by samples, you mean like a blood test?


But there are different ways to determine D.N.A. if the potential father is unwilling to offer up a sample.

Like a hairbrush?

Hair, skin, fingernails.

Sometimes even a toothbrush is enough.

Do a lot of people do this?

You'd be surprised.

Alex, right? It's Cassandra.

I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?

At another one of Liza's parties.


I don't know. I don't... I don't remember. Sorry.

I do.

I could never forget those beautiful brown eyes.

Mm. Here you go.

Ah. Oh. I don't think I can handle another Martini.

Mm. Don't worry. I'll finish what you can't.


(Clears throat)

Thanks for keeping my girlfriend company.



Somehow I doubt that.

See? I leave you alone for a second?

You're such a flirt, Ali-bear.


(Laughs) Come here.

Don't. Don't do that.

I'm sorry.

Alex, wait.

How's he doing?

It's a hairline fracture.

You really didn't have to wait for us.

Well, I just wanted to see if you guys needed anything.

No, we'll be okay.

I'm gonna let him rest here a little longer and then head back to my sister's.

You sure?


Thank you.

You're not the person I expected you to be.

What did you expect?

I don't know.

I just... this whole thing would be a lot easier if you weren't a good person... but you are.

Take care of your little man.

This must be strange for you.

How so?

Well, having dinner with someone you know these personal things about, but from someone else's perspective.

I don't know that much about you, Sam.

Then why have you been so nice to me?

I feel like you need someone.

I could say the same about you.

Uh, I feel like we... we, uh, we need water glasses.

I'll grab... grab them.

Where are they?

To your left.

I got it.

There you go.

(Timer dings)

It's done.

You were right. I haven't made a friend that's lasted longer than a week since Lindsay Warner in elementary school.

What's this?

It's an I'm-sorry-you-lost-your-friend- three-cheese grilled cheese.

That's the saddest sounding sandwich ever.

What kind of cheese is that?


You wanna talk about what happened?

No. It's stupid. I fake-made out with Alex, because I thought that's what she wanted, and I was wrong, obviously, and she got all mad.

What does "fake" making out mean?

I kissed her, but I didn't mean to kiss her.

How do you accidentally kiss a lesbian?

Are you trying to make me feel worse?

No, but if you ever bothered to think before you act...

Then I wouldn't be me.

Did you put prosciutto in this? It's super yummy.

Is that...


Alex, hi.

Hi. (Crying)


Sally and I broke up.


We just had the most horrible fight, and I... I, um, I didn't... I didn't know where else to go.


No. No. It's okay. It's okay.

Sweetheart, it's okay.

Yet another personal issue has kept you from court today?

Do you want to make partner?

Yes. I... I do. Of... of course I do.

I'm so sorry, Ron.


She's out. You're in for the remainder of the trial.

Don't screw this up.

That didn't look good.

I can assure you it sounded a lot worse than it looked.

Well, thank you for that.

For what?

Getting me back on the Sullivan trial.

I'm sorry you had to fake a disappearing act to do it.


You're welcome.

Okay. Am I missing something?

Not that it matters, but I didn't blow off court to do you a solid, just like I didn't purposefully get you thrown off the case.

Then I stand corrected.

I just thought that after what happened between us, that you just didn't want to be around me.

I don't want to be around you.

Savi, talk to me.


I'm sorry, but there's an emergency at the office.

I have to go.


It's a patient in trouble.

Hazard of the profession.

Yeah. Sure.

Another time.

Good night, Sam.

Good night.

Oh, your jacket.

Thank you.

What are you doing?

Uh, I'm sorry. I thought...


Come on. You brought over the wallet when you could've just sent it.

You were about to stay for dinner.

Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.

We had a moment.

No, Sam, we did not have a moment.


(Door closes)


(Speaking inaudibly)

Whose are those, mommy?

Someone left them at the shop, sweetie.

Can I have them?

No, you can't.

Good morning!

(Door closes)

♪ Ba, ba, ba, ba ♪



Thank you.

Mm, well, thank Savi and Harry.

Thank you for letting me stay here last night.

Oh, no problem. You can stay anytime.

Be careful. You might regret saying that when I'm here for a whole month because I can't find an apartment.

Honey, I'm in real estate.

If you want a top floor, rent-controlled view of the hills, I'll find it for you.

So I might sound like a jackass for asking this, but the fight didn't have anything to do with me, did it?

It had everything to do with you.

It was just a kiss.

Ugh! Do I need to explain to Sally that I...

It wasn't the kiss. It was everything. Everything.

The more you and I hung out, the more I saw my relationship through your eyes.

No. My eyes are stupid.

You should definitely not listen to my eyes.

You think that I let Sally walk all over me, and you know what? You're right, and I don't want to be that person anymore.

So maybe you should talk to her.

I'm sure we will.

You're a good friend, Joss.



Sorry I couldn't get this to you yesterday.

Oh, no problem.

Thank you for your services.

I doubt I'll be requiring them again.

So it all worked out? She bought it?

You did a great job.

Tell that to my agent.

I still don't get why you couldn't use a real lawyer.

I mean, if your son really is...

Lawyers ask too many questions, which is why you should stop now.

Fair enough. Catch you later.


Do you think you'll always love me?

That was the agreement.

I'm serious, Harry.


(Razor clatters)

Of course I'll always love you.


Because I love you so much.

All the mistakes I make, even the little ones like when I burn your coffee and the big ones, like how I acted after our fight...

(Ane Brun) * I am holding your torch *

I make them because I love you so deeply.

Oh, come on.

We're past all that now, aren't we, love?



But you know me. Sometimes I have a hard time letting go.

Well, I kind of like that about you.

It means you'll never let go of me.

♪ You can have it, take it ♪
♪ use it ♪


♪ I'll need both my hands to hold my own ♪


Now that's the way to start the day right.

♪ The light from one ♪
♪ I'll need both my hands to hold my own ♪
♪ I need only one light ♪
♪ the light from one ♪
♪ I'll need both my hands ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ I'll need both my hands ♪
♪ I need only one light ♪
♪ the light from one ♪