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01x02 - The Morning After

Posted: 06/11/13 22:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on Mistresses...

If anyone finds out that you were sleeping with your patient, Karen, you could lose your license.

I need a favor big sister.

You always said I could move into the pool house if need arose...

All right.

Thank you, thank you. Thank you.

I knew your husband. We were in love.

And I was pregnant when he died.

Abnormal sperm, has defects that can affect the ability to reach and penetrate an egg.

You can stop worrying that having a baby is gonna prevent you from making partner.

Stop. Okay?

You're the one who wanted to talk.

It's ok to let go Savannah.


(Door opens)


What? Thor's girlfriend.

In retrospect though, that hammer was a bad mistake.

It's very difficult to dance with.

So... The Glass Bottles were playing at this warehouse thing downtown.

Have I played them for you yet?

Totally genius.


We go, right? And Damien is there.

Do you remember Damien?


No. I have a picture. (Clicks tongue)


That is not his face.

But it is his best feature.

You do realize this is not the guest house, right?

This is my dance space, and that outside is your dance space.

My dance space had no juice.

I said you could crash here, but if you're gonna wander into the kitchen at 6:00 in the morning, totally drunk...

Whoa. What is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me.

I have to go to work.

And this is not how I want to start my day.

Duly noted. Will not happen again.

Thank you.


(Telephone rings)


Dr. Kim? It's Sam Grey.

(Whispers) Oh, come on.

When you get a chance, would you mind giving me a call back?


Savi, it's me. I'm sorry to call you so early, but, um, do you think you can meet me at the shop before work this morning? It's important.

(Horn honks)

Lucy! Carpool's here!

Ready for your test?

6 times 8 is 48. Ain't that great?

6 times 9 is 54. What a bore. 6 times...

You're ready. Okay. Mwah. Love you.

Karen, hey, it's me.

I need your help.

(Horn honks)

Hey, Savi.

Do you know what this is about?

I don't, and she's not here yet.

Listen, Sam called me this morning.

Sam who?

Oh, Sam Grey?

What did he want?

I don't know. I didn't pick up.

Good. Don't.

So don't even call him back?

I wouldn't.

I told you they're investigating Tom's death.

Our firm is taking it seriously, and I really think you should, too.

I am, but Sam doesn't have anything to do with that.

Well, I mean, he's the son of the man you were sleeping with, who was married, who was your patient, to whom you prescribed lethal doses of morphine.

Stop staying "lethal doses of morphine."

Lethal doses of morphine.

Fine. I won't call him back.


Hey. You okay?

No, I'm not, actually.

(April) Savi. Karen.

(Keys jangle) Hi.

Paul had a baby with another woman.

My thing can wait.

And then she tells me that they were in love and that she was pregnant when he died.

That's why she kept calling and hanging up...

Because she wanted to tell me the truth, but apparently, it's hard to tell someone over the phone that your entire marriage was a sham, so she decided to do it in person, which would've been a classy move if she wasn't such a gigantic whore.

I'm confused.

I'm confused, too. How did she know where you live?

That's what's bothering you about this?

The fact that she knew my address?

Did you ask her how she found out?

It didn't occur to me to ask.

I mean, she showed up with the kid.

She brought the kid?

Oh, yes, she brought the kid.

And after she told me how she and Paul were in love, I just knew I was gonna throw up, so I shut the door in her face, ran upstairs, and cried for the next six hours, which is why I'm so puffy.

Oh, no, sweetie. You're not puffy.

(Crying) I am.

I'm puffy, and my husband was a lying sack of ass!

And all I want to do right now is just punch him in the face, you know, but I can't. I can't, because he's dead.

He's a dead, lying sack of ass!

Okay, sweetie, before we go down this road... which, by the way, I am completely prepared to do... but before we do, maybe we should actually find out if this is all true.

What? What are you talking about?

Well, you said the phone calls happened after you deposited the life insurance check, rig?

Yeah. So?

So maybe this person hacked into your bank account, saw you made a recent deposit, then googled your name, and that's how she was able to make up this entire sob story.

Why would anyone go through so much trouble just to scam someone they don't even know?



God, what am I gonna do?

You know what? Let me help you.

I can have the firm do some digging into this Miranda person, and then we can see exactly what we're dealing with.

(Exhales deeply)

(Car alarm chirps)

I'll call you later.


Wait. You were gonna tell me something before.

We're both running late. It's cool.

Savi, stop.

What's going on?

(Exhales deeply)

I, uh...

I cheated on Harry last night.

You can be horrified.

I'm horrified.

How did it happen?

I... I mean, who?

This guy from work... Dominic.

But it's not about him.


What do you mean, "okay"?

Nothing. I... I don't know what happened, so I don't know how relevant this person is.

He's not relevant.

I believe you.

Don't worry. I'm gonna tell Harry.

You are?

Yeah, of course. Don't you think I should?

If that's what you wanna do, absolutely, but maybe take a beat.

My stomach i... is in knots.

I don't think I can wait any longer.

It's just gonna get worse.

I know.

I just think it's important that you understand why you did what you did before you talk to Harry about it.

Listen, I know you want to make this right, and you will, but if you don't know for certain why this happened, how do you know it won't happen again?

Okay, what are you doing to that egg?

Scrambling it.

No, you're not. Give.

Okay, so Savi isn't the only control freak in the house.

Good to know.

What is up with the house of sadness?


I just need to know if you guys are always such bummers 'cause I cannot handle this level of negative energy.

I'm, like, a super upbeat person.

What are you talking about, Joss?

Did you run into Savi this morning?

I did, and she was as delightful as you're being right now, although bitchy looks better on her.

Your sister and I had a bit of a fight the other night.

Whose fault?

Mostly mine.

(Gasps) Tell me everything.


Okay. Tell me the important parts.


Dude, I can't help you if you don't share.

I can accept that, Joss.

Harry, I live here now.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

You live there, outside.

It's got its own bathroom and everything.


Point is, I can be an asset.

Nobody knows Savi better than I do, and nobody has had more fights with her than I have.

There are secrets to winning.

No, they are not.


Okay, what kind of secrets?

The most important thing is to move really quickly, because the longer my sister has to think about something, the deeper she digs in, and then what started as a minor issue is now this monumental situation.

Do you know, one time she went an entire month without speaking to me because I borrowed her Archie Bunker t-shirt without asking?

Obviously, I plan on talking to her about it, Joss.

Really? When?

You guys are working completely opposite schedules.

If somebody doesn't go out of their way to make an effort, it could be days before you even see each other.

(Cell phone rings)


Josslyn carver.

Hey, Alex. What's up?

Sorry to bug you.

Oh, you're not bugging me.

Right. Well, I hate to do this again, but unfortunately, I think we're gonna have to cancel the appointment with you this afternoon.

I know you had a few places lined up, but...

Oh, that's okay. I can reschedule.

Actually, I'm thinking we might need to pause for a minute.

This whole house-hunting thing... it's just turning out to be more stressful than I thought.

Ugh. Is it... it's me.

I'm overwhelming you guys with too many ideas.

No. No. No. No. No.

It's not you. You've been great.

It's, um, S... Sally's been in a worse mood than usual lately, and I think this might be adding to her stress.

I just really want to make her feel better.

Is that your job, to make Sally feel better?

Well, she is my girlfriend.

Yeah, but she's a grownup.

She controls her own happiness, doesn't she?

I'm... I am really sorry for wasting your time.

Well, let me buy you lunch. I cleared my afternoon already.

No. You're just gonna try and convince me to keep looking for houses.

Yes, but I'll do it over a burrito, which will make my argument much more effective.

(Whispers) Thank you.

(Normal voice) Come on. I know a k*ller taco stand.

He's not here.

Do you know where he is?

Breakfast and then a depo. He should be back around 3:00.

Did you need me to get him on the phone?

No, thank you.

Coffee run. You want?

I'm good. Thanks.


Hey, Jacob.


Can I ask you a question?

Well, normally I charge $250 an hour, but for you, I'll make an exception.


Hypothetically speaking...



Sorry. I thought you were kidding. Continue.

Hypothetically speaking, if you knew someone had a crush on you, but you didn't reciprocate those feelings, how would you handle it?

Are you trying to tell me something?

'Cause I generally prefer blondes.

No offense. Never mind.

Ah, look, I'm... I'm kidding. I'm sorry.

Um, seriously, what's the question?

How do you handle an unrequited crush?

Say a girl keeps calling you, but you don't have any interest in pursuing the relationship.

What would you do?

I would, um, I'd call her back and be honest about my feelings to avoid any confusion, and I'd do it nicely, 'cause my mom raised me right.

What if calling the person back could be perceived as a conflict of interest in a larger matter?

Is there any way it would be okay to just not call the person back?

Okay? Yeah.

Mature? No.

And in my experience, it's... it's best to deal with things head-on, instead of burying your head in the sand and praying it all goes away.

Your mom teach you that, too?

She's a very smart lady.

I'm getting you a coffee anyway.

(Chuckles) Okay.

(Cell phone rings)


You called me back.


Yes. Hello. What can I do for you?

Nothing. Just wanted to follow up on that coffee idea.

(Dog barking) Waiter, chill.

I'm sorry. Can you hold on a second?


Sorry. It's just my dog.

If now is a bad time, I can call you later.

No, it's okay. He's fine.

He's actually my dad's dog.

He's still... still getting used to me walking him.

Oh, that's weird.

What's weird?

My dad. Like I said, we didn't talk that much, but whenever he did call me, it was always when he was out walking Walter.

We'd have these 10-minute conversations.

Never about much of anything.

(Walter panting)

I just realized this won't be happening anymore.

When are you going back to school?

Next week, which is why I wanted to get our coffee on the books.

I'm almost outta here, doc. What do you say?

Ten minutes of your time?

My treat?

First report on our mystery woman.

Her name is Miranda Nickleby.

She's 35 years old, she's from Rochester, Minnesota.

She's a white girl.

Okay. Good to know.

She moved to Orlando in 2005.

Looks like she bounced around a few retail jobs.

She's been working reception at the Coconut Grotto since 2007.


Paul's firm has a satellite office in Orlando.

It's where most of the software programmers are based.

He'd go there once, sometimes twice a month and he always stayed at the Coconut Grotto.

Oh, that doesn't...


That doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Right? I mean, if she was a receptionist there, this could be how she fabricated the entire story.

I mean, maybe he knew her.

Or maybe he was living a secret life.

Can I take those home?

They're yours.

I hate that you're going through this right now.

(Scoffs) I don't even know what I'm going through yet.

To be honest with you, I'm not sure what I'm hoping for.

I mean, either I'm dealing with a sleazy con artist looking to make a buck off the worst thing that's ever happened to me, or she's a tramp stamp slut who's ruined my life forever.

No, but even if that's the case, it won't be forever.

It already is.

Paul is dead. I mean, if she's telling the truth, then all my memories, my marriage, my daughter's father... it's all gone, lost forever.

And I... I just don't understand how anyone can do this to another person.

Do what?


Betray the one person you promised you wouldn't.

Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't go down this road.

And it's not even that it's selfish.

I mean, it is just so damn reckless to destroy that many lives because, what... what, you can't help yourself? Please.

I cheated on Harry last night.

I wanted to tell you, but, uh, obviously, it didn't seem... appropriate.

You're right. It's not appropriate.

How could you... you...

We don't have to talk about this right now.

I don't want to talk about it at all.

Frankly, I wish you hadn't even told me.


You should've kept that to yourself.


I'm telling you, she hates me.

She doesn't hate you. She's in a fragile state right now.

I'm in a fragile state!

You don't see me yelling at my friends.

You're yelling at me right now.


Well, that's because you messed with my head.

I mean, I thought I had it all figured out, what I was supposed to say to Harry, and then you... you got me thinking.

I apologize.

I will never ask you to think about anything again.

No, I'm serious.

The more I think about what happened, the more I can't believe I did what I did.


It wasn't me, Karen.

It was some other... like, part of me that allowed this to happen.

Some deeper part that I... I don't fully understand...

Do you wanna talk about it?



Okay. Let's start with the fight.

What was it about exactly?

(Sighs) I mean, a million things.

Does it matter? I...

(Cell phone rings)

Just give me a sec.

Hi. This is Savi.

Oh, okay. Great. Yeah.

Uh, I'll be right in. Okay.

I gotta go. Dominic's back in the office.

Are you sure you're comfortable having that conversation with him?

No, I am not, but do I have a choice?

I mean, I see the guy every day. Right?

(Bills rustle) The only thing more moronic than cheating on your husband is doing it with a guy from work.

Could've been worse.

Could've been your patient to whom you prescribed lethal doses of morphine.

That's funny.

Sick, but funny.

Bye. (Kisses)


Look, I don't want to insult you, but you're obviously doing something wrong.

I'm not.

I'm an excellent girlfriend.

No. No. No. No. That's not what I'm talking about.

You should be running things, and you're all backseat Charlie. It doesn't make any sense.

Why should I be running things?

Sally brings home the bacon and she's better at making decisions than I am.

Yeah, but you're hotter, and this is coming from the person who's usually the hot one in the relationship.

(Horn honks)

So you have relationships?

Yeah, I have relationships, for about 24 to 48 hours, and I always have the power.

Well, maybe you always have the power because you have no intention of staying.

So if you have nothing to lose, then you can pretty much do whatever you want.

You're kinda like a t*rror1st.

What are you doing tomorrow at noon?

No. Come on.

It's a brand-new house. It's not even on the market yet.

There's a caravan for realtors only, but I can get you in.

And how can you do that?

Because I'm a t*rror1st.

(Youth) ♪ ... On the place that you left ♪
♪ our minds are troubled by the emptiness ♪
♪ destroy the middle ♪
♪ it's a waste of time ♪
♪ from the perfect start ♪
♪ to the finish line I'm losing it. ♪

♪ ... to our insides for fun ♪
♪ to distract our hearts from ever missing them ♪
♪ but I'm forever missing him ♪
♪ and you caused it ♪
Oh. It's you.

Oh. Such a charmer you are.

Are you waiting for my sister?

Uh, yeah, I was, but now I'm gonna be late.

Oh, my God. Harry, you took my advice.

That is so awesome.

(Laughs) How did this suddenly become about you again?


You want me to text her? She might be on her way home.

Uh, no. No. No. Don't text her. It'll keep.

I don't mind, no.

No. Don't. No. No. Don't. Don't.

Seriously, leave it.

Last night was a mistake.

And hello to you, too.

I just feel like I need to be clear with you.

I... I didn't realize I was gonna be out all day.

I wanted to talk to you about it.


There's nothing to talk about, because it will never happen again.


Look, I realize that this kinda thing probably happens a lot for you, and that it's no big deal...

Have sex with a colleague in the office?

No, that's a... it's a first for me.

I also don't make it a habit of sleeping with married women.

Uh, it... it's irrelevant.

It was a mistake.

You said that already.

I'm serious.


I love my husband.

I respect that.

Yeah, I never thought I'd be looking forward to going back to school, but I guess it would be nice to feel normal again.

Structure and routine can be very soothing.

Are you ever not a shrink?


Why don't you normally look forward to being in school?

Because I am an econ major.

How excited can I get about math?

Plus, my roommate smokes cloves.

God, I don't miss being 20.

Thank you for admitting it sucks.

It doesn't all suck. It just... a lot of it sucks.

Wait. I know you have to go, but I wanted to show you something.

It's actually part of the reason I called you.

Is this from that game?

Ever since you told me that story about my dad, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I always used to make fun of my mom for hanging onto this junk, but now I'm just... glad she did.

So basically, I just wanted to thank you again for everything.

You don't have to.

Please. You helped me.

I don't think you know how much.

I'm glad I could make a difference.


Oh! (Laughs)

Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

No, it's okay. Um, here.

No, it's okay. It's okay.

Don't worry. It's... it's okay.


Now I'm really gonna be late.

It was so nice to see you again, Sam.

Yeah, you, too.

Good luck with everything.

Okay. Bye.

(Exhales deeply)


You got it.

(Knock on door)

(Whispers) Hey.

I need to call you back.

Okay. Thanks.



Thought I could take you to lunch.

I, uh... tried to wait up for you last night, but I... I fell asleep.

Yeah. I should've waited for you to come home.

Savi, it's not your fault our schedules are like this. Okay?

I'm really sorry.

For what?

For acting like an ass the other night.

I mean, I handled everything wrong, and I... I... I hate that we fought.

(Knock on door)


Oh, no. It's... it's fine, mate.

It's Dominic, right?


Yeah. Uh, it's great to see you, man.


Um, Elizabeth grey will be here in five.

Great. Great. I'll be right there.

All right.

Not a good time, huh?

I'm sorry. It's just kinda crazy around here.

Uh, I'm really sorry that you... you drove all the way down here.

And you're right. We do have to talk.

Oh, it's all right. I just... I mostly wanted to apologize and tell you that I spoke to the doctor again.

You did?

Yeah. I called him this morning just to clarify a few things.

You may have noticed I wasn't exactly paying attention when we were in his office.

Well, you were surprised. I think we both were.

Yeah, well, it turns out it's not nearly as dire as I thought.

They're not even recommending I.V.F.

Apparently, I've got enough good swimmers in me that we can keep trying the old-fashioned way.

I mean, it might take us a bit longer than we expected, but...

I can't do this right now.

No. No. I know. I know. It's okay.

I just... just want you to know that we're good.

Okay? We're good.


(Whispers) Hey. Come here. I love you.

(Alex) This place is enormous.

Are those tiny shrunken heads?

Ooh. They appear to be, yes.


Whose house did you say this was again?

Some banker dude who's crazy rich, but possibly crazy crazy.

Ooh. Let's see. Hmm?

Mm. Yep. Crazy crazy.

Are you allowed to do that?

Technically, I could be checking the drawer space.

Hello. Crazy and kinky. My kind of guy.

What do you think he uses this for?

I might be wrong, but that looks like a Japanese bondage rope.

A what?

It's a form of sexual foreplay.

It's actually really, really beautiful when it's done properly.

(Laughs) Do you know how to do it?

Kind of. It's like... turn around.

My head is literally exploding right now.

How do you know how to do this?

(Speaks indistinctly)

Okay. One.

Something like...

Is that too tight?

(Laughs) Uh, no.

Dale Wilson, at your service.

Hi. Um, my name is April Malloy.

I'm wondering if you, um, ever remember doing business with my husband Paul Malloy.

It would've been at least three years ago.

Did he buy a car from me?

Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out.

You know what? I'm so sorry. This...

I'm so sorry to bother you. This is so silly.

Now hold on there, darling. If Paul Malloy walked onto my lot, I can guarantee you he left with a car.

Let me just look.

Well, there he is. Paul Malloy.

Came in March '09.

Bought an '01 yellow Escape.

Thank you.

Aah! (Glass shatters)


(Savi) Ok. Slow down, Mrs. Grey.

This officer walks into my house and starts asking all these intrusive questions.

I thought the firm was handling all of this.

We are. We are.

The... the man you spoke to is not a police officer.

His name is...

Anthony Newsome, and he's an investigator hired by the life insurance company.

To what end? What do they expect to find?

It's just a routine investigation.

Denying the autopsy raised a red flag, and if there's any way for them to prove that your husband didn't die of completely natural causes, they don't have to pay the policy.

The man had lung cancer.

I know.

Like I said, it's probably just a fishing expedition.

He'll make the rounds, he'll ask some basic questions centering around your husband's mental state prior to his death.

To rule out su1c1de.


And once they get a consensus from the family and the doctors, this will all go away.

And what if it doesn't?

Well, if they deny the claim, we can always sue.

And what would that entail?

Uh, we would offer to exhume the body so the coroner can confirm that he did die of natural causes.



Mrs. Grey, I'm your lawyer, which means anything that you tell me is completely confidential.

Thank you, Mrs. Davis, but I have absolutely nothing to tell.

Okay, then.

Let's go through the list of potential witnesses.

(Intercom beeps)


(Lila) Dr. Kim?

There's a man named Anthony Newsome here to see you.

Does he have an appointment?

He says he's an investigator from huxley life insurance.

He's here to talk to you about Thomas Grey.

Nice office.

Did you decorate it yourself?

I did.

So how long have you been a therapist?

I'm a psychiatrist.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know there was a difference.

But I get that I insulted you.

You know, back when I used to work L.A.P.D., I used to get pissed off when someone didn't know my rank.

Am I supposed to be intimidated by the fact that you were a police officer?

Just making conversation.

So you were Thomas Grey's psychiatrist.

That's correct, Mr. Newsome.

Oh, you can call me Anthony, but I'm guessing you won't.

So it says here that Thomas Grey was seeing you for almost three years.

What was he seeing you for?

I'm not sure that's relevant.

Well, it might not be, but I won't know until you tell me.

He was referred to me by his, uh, general physician.

He was having trouble sleeping.

Well, three years is a long time to go without sleep.

He came in initially to work through his insomnia.

Things evolved from there.

I want to skip to the important stuff, as I can...

I can tell you're a busy woman.

Uh, how would you describe the mental state of your patient, Thomas Grey, in the weeks leading up to his death?

I would say he was accepting of what was about to come.

Really? Do most people accept that they're dying?

'Cause I sure as hell wouldn't.

Everyone reacts differently.

So he wasn't suicidal?

In my opinion?

No, he was not.

All righty.

(Papers rustle)

Works for me.

Thanks for your time, Dr. Kim.

Oh, if my bosses need some type of verification, you have notes on this stuff, right?


Your sessions with Mr. Grey... if I need them, which I'm sure I won't.

Have a good day.

I was wondering when you'd come.

Scottie's not here.

He's staying with my sister in San Diego.

What do you want from me?

I've been watching you for a while now, April.

You got a really nice life.

If you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna work.

I'm not trying to thr*aten you. I'm...

I'm trying to explain...

What do you want?

I want my son to have what your daughter has.

I want money.

Do you know if Tanen is still on the schedule for today?

Not sure. I'll find out.

(Folders thud)


What are you doing here?

Glad I caught you. I wasn't sure how late you worked.

What do you want, Sam?

Uh, well, I... I felt bad about your skirt.

It looked like it was probably expensive, and I realized I should've offered to pay for dry-cleaning, but you rushed off so quickly.

I don't want your money.

Please. I don't mind.

This is completely inappropriate.

I don't want you bothering me anymore. Do you understand?

You're not to contact me.

You're not to show up in my place of business!

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You're way overreacting.

I don't want to see you again, Sam. Do you understand?!

No problem.

(Kimbra's "Good Intent" playing)

Is this, like, a "50 Shades" thing?

Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. Try not to talk.

(Cell phone rings)

Oh. This will just take a sec.


Hey, you. What's up?

(Alex) So I did it.

I convinced Sally to look at the beach house again, and I think she's gonna go for it.

Yay, you!

That's fantastic! So you told her how much you loved it?

I did. And I told her that I thought she was being very unreasonable and not taking my opinion into consideration, and she agreed.

Oh, that is so awesome. I'm so happy for you.

Thanks. Uh, you know, thank you for listening to me ramble on and on today.

I know that that's not your job.

By the way, it's totally my job, but with you, I don't mind so much.

You're just saying that.

No. Seriously.

You're a cool person, Alex.

Well, thank you. So are you.

Okay, tell me exactly what you said to her.

I want all the details.

I still can't believe Paul would do something like this.

I honestly thought...

I'm so sorry, April.

I don't know what to say.

I am pretty sure there's nothing you could say that'll make me feel any better.

I'm just happy you're here.

Savi couldn't come over?

I didn't call her.

I can't... deal with her right now.

I get it.

Actually, I don't.

Not to draw attention to the obvious, but if you should be angry at anyone right now, it's me.

I slept with a married man.

I know, but I'm just not as angry with you as I am with Savi.

I don't know why. Maybe it's because we're the married ones.

It's, like, we took the oath together, and she broke it.

For what it's worth, I still feel guilty about what I did.

More than that, I'm... embarrassed.

I risked everything for Tom.

I'm still risking it.

I even lied to a... to an investigator today.

You what?

It doesn't matter.

The point is, I still... miss him.

But I feel like I don't have the right, like it's not my place to grieve.

(Voice breaks) I have all these feelings, and nowhere to put them.

It's exactly how I feel.

Right now, all I want to do is rip every picture of Paul off the wall, throw his crap on the lawn, and just light it up.


But I can't.

Because of Lucy?

As much as I hate him for what he did, she doesn't need to know.

I don't want her to lose her father again.


Hand me that bottle, please.

I'm sorry. I promise not to steal your food every night.

It's okay. Take what you need.

Ooh. You and Harry haven't made up yet, huh?

He told me you had a fight.

For the record, you can talk to me about that kind of stuff.

I know you don't think I'm good at relationshippy things, but...

I never said that.

Well, I'm not, but I'm a good listener.

Okay, I'm not that either, but I would be, for you.

I know.

And thank you.


You have enough pasta for the both of you?

He doesn't do carbs.

Oh. Of course he doesn't.


No strangers at the breakfast table, please.

As if I'd let him stay over. Come on.

(Door closes)


(Earring clatters)

Thought it was time I took a night off.

We need to talk, Harry.

Mmm. Absolutely. Let's talk.


There's something I have to tell you.



(Exhales deeply)

I haven't been honest with you.

I think you were right when you said that I didn't really want a baby.

I was looking at my calendar today, and an alert popped up.


What's S.W.H.?

Sex... with... Harry.

I mean, do you... do you realize we've been scheduling our love life for the past six months?

(Chuckles) Lots of couples do that, Savi.

I know.

I just never thought we would be one of those couples.

Right. Okay. Well, you know, sorry for disappointing you again, Savi.

Harry, please don't do this. Please.

'Cause this is how it starts, right?

Someone gets defensive, and then we fight, and we never actually wind up talking.

We're in a rut.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

But I don't think it's the end of the world.


Of course it's not.

It's not the end of the world.

But if I'm being totally honest with myself, it all started when we decided to try to have a baby.

I thought you wanted to have a baby.

Yeah, I thought I wanted to have a baby, too, Harry.

But the more we kept talking about it, the more books you brought home, and the more blogs I read...

Well, I told you not to read the blogs.

They're impossible to avoid.

I don't know.

Harry, kids... they change everything.

And there'll be a lot less time for you and me.

The thought of losing even more of us...

We wouldn't have to lose us.

It's taken us two full days to have this conversation, Harry.

I didn't realize you were so unhappy.

I'm not unhappy.

I'm just...

I'm not ready to move on to this next phase in our lives.

Well, if you're not ready, we'll wait.

(Whispers) Oh, God.

(Normal voice) I'm so sorry.

No, don't be. Come on. Come here.

Is that all of it?

That's all of it.

(Richard ashcroft) * don't drink me, I'm like turpentine *

I love you.

I love you.

♪ Make you blind, burn you inside ♪
♪ I ain't running away from my mind this time ♪

(Cell phone rings)

(Laughs) Do you need to get that?



