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02x19 - Cold Case

Posted: 06/17/14 19:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty and the Beast

You got a job?

It's in Miami.

Catherine: Ray Sheckman.

He had a g*n and he was gonna sh**t Heather.

(gasps, yells)

Gabe (on computer): A task force has been formed to capture the fugitive, Vincent Keller.

I used to be what he is; he is a beast and he always will be.

You ratted me out, didn't you? (grunts)


Cat, how far are you willing to go with this?

I'm not gonna let Vincent get caught.

Now the police are looking for you, too.

(fast-tempo jazz-funk song begins playing)

Here you go.

Thank you.

Thank you.

♪ I've been watching you ♪
♪ For a mighty long time ♪
♪ You're making me crazy ♪
♪ About to lose my mind...

I can't believe I'm being tailed by my own precinct.

I mean, this is ridiculous.

Is that Wallace behind me?

Yeah, I just heard him over the scanner.

It gets worse, too; Franklin and Anderson are flanking you two streets over.

(tires screeching)

Catherine: Well, this is new and bad.

Tess, I've got to lose them.

Vincent won't wait. He can't.

You approaching a light?

Yeah... and it's red.

Good, then g*n it.

(car horn blares, tires screeching)

♪ Uh...

Thanks. I lost them.

♪ Atomic b*mb, ain't got nothing on me ♪

Just get to your apartment fast, cause they'll probably be heading there, next.

And tell Vincent I say, "hi," all right?


♪ I feel it coming ♪
♪ Cover your face ♪

(phone beeps)

♪ Gonna be an expl*si*n, baby ♪

(sets down keys)

♪ (screams) expl*si*n, baby ♪
♪ Listen ♪






Oh, it's so good to see you.


What are you doing... here, in New York, right now?

Aren't you happy to see me?!

No, of course, I'm thrilled.

Are you kidding me?

It's just... unexpected.


Are you okay?

Yeah! Yeah.

Better than okay.


Actually, that's why I'm here.

I have news...

Okay, hold that thought, I'll be right back.

What? Where are you going?

Uh... the roof.

My new landlord, he's all over me.

He just takes my clothes, if I leave them out there to dry too long.

What... but I...

Um... I will be back.

Just make yourself at home, have a snack, relax.

You must be exhausted from your flight.

(door closes)


No, wait, I'm here!

You're late.

I know.

And I'm sorry, but the police are tailing me to get to you.

Well, don't get caught, I don't want you to get in trouble, too.

I'm already in trouble--

I'm in love with a fugitive.

I didn't do it.

That's what they all say.

Okay, I have to go.

What? That's my line.

I know, but Heather's here and I need to get back before she gets suspicious and my tail catches up.

Whoa, hold up, Heather is here right now, downstairs?

Yeah, surprise.

Wow, it really is like old times: Me hiding in shadows, you hiding me.

Yeah, and me lying to my sister, Tess covering for me.

I am so sick of lying.

I thought we were moving past all this.

We will, somehow.

Yeah, only if Agent Knox gets the exoneration before the police catch you.

Yeah, or Gabe does.

(helicopter blades whirring)

Okay, here. Take this, get rid of the other one in case they're tracking you.

Okay, thanks. Pavilion?

Yeah. Don't be late.

I won't.

Wait, your bag!

The mayor has increased police presence... (door opens)

They were still damp (sighs) so... Shh. case the fugitive attempts to leave Manhattan.

Vincent Keller has been on the run since fleeing a m*rder charge.

We'll have the full de...

(TV clicks off)


Hey, I was watching that.

Yeah, but...

I want to hear your news.

Yeah, but they were talking about that doctor, the guy that you dated last year, right, they said that he m*rder*d someone.

He didn't m*rder...


I mean, who knows, right?

He's innocent until proven guilty.

Yeah, but you don't break out of prison if you're innocent.

Come on, Cat.

But you stopped seeing him, didn't you?


Yes, of course (laughs)

I did. A long time ago.

(sighs) Anyway, what's going on with you?

What's your news?



So, I'm in Miami, right?


(phone buzzes) Working 24-7, totally devoted to my career, not even the least bit interested in guys, when...


"Uh-oh," what?


I have to go, it's an emergency.



Heather, I'm sorry, I am.

I-I just don't want to rush you and...

Look, I know that I don't really seem to make time for you and that has to change.

But right now, I really do have to go, okay?



Thank you for being so understanding.

You're the best.


Um... make yourself at home and I will call you.


(siren wailing)

(phone ringing)

(indistinct conversations)


Where have you been?


Were you with Vincent Keller?


What's he doing here?

I think you know what I'm doing here, Detective.

Oh, it's Detective, now, is it?

You knew we were tailing you this morning, didn't you?

Really, why?

Don't insult my intelligence, Chandler, it pisses me off.

Tell Vincent I said, "hi."

Gabe: It's against the law to aid and abet a fugitive; especially for a cop.

Okay. So?

So, why are you two doing it?

Doing what?

All right, suspend them both, Captain.

Wha... are you serious?

Obstruction of justice.


This is ridiculous, Captain.

He's only trying to railroad us because he's...

I'm not railroading anybody.

I'm trying to catch a fugitive and protect a city.


I'm also trying to protect you.

The hell you are.

Shields and firearms.

Ward: Now.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x19 ♪

Cold Case
Original Air Date on June 16, 2014

Gabe suspended you?

What For?

You said it yourself, he's doing anything he can to get to you.

Well, that's a new low, even for him. Hurting you?

He thinks he's protecting me.

He's full of crap.

You know, everyone thinks the guy's some paragon of good, but in truth, if they only knew who he used to be.

Well, maybe it's time they found out.

Maybe it's time that we dig up something from Gabe's past and put him on the defensive for once.

Something, like what?

I don't know.

But he's done plenty of awful things as a beast.

Things that he's conveniently forgotten.

Maybe it's time to remind him.

Yeah, make him focus on chasing his own tail, instead of chasing mine, for once.

It's worth a shot, especially since Gabe's the only thing keeping you from being exonerated.

(phone beeping)


It's Heather, again.

Okay. Go talk to her.

Yeah and say (laughs) what, that-that I'm in love with an escaped fugitive beast?

Well, maybe start with the fugitive part and then... see how things go from there.


I'm gonna get Tess to talk to her, buy us some time.

So, that we can figure out how to turn the tables on Gabe.


I can't believe you lost her again.

Well, it's not that easy.

She knows we're tailing her now.

Well, put more resources on her.

I am telling you, our best chance of finding Keller, is to follow Catherine.


Uh... just out of curiosity, what'd she mean when she said you were trying to railroad her?

None of your business.

Listen, Lowan, if this is personal between you two, I need to know, because...

Look, this is about catching a suspected k*ller, plain and simple.

And I am telling you, Detective Chandler is the key to doing that.

Which is why, we need to turn the focus onto her.

Bug her phone, her apartment.

Put a transponder on her car.

We can't do that without a court order.

I will get the order, you just find her.


(laughs): Hi.

(whispering): Look, make no mistake about it, Captain, we are tightening the noose on Detective Chandler, understood?

For her sake... and for everyone else's.

Heather, (laughs)

I didn't know you were in town.

Yeah. Just a couple of days.

Uh, is Cat around?

Uh, no, she's not.

Figures. (sighs)

She's always at work, except for the one time I decide to stop by. (laughs)

You got engaged.



Actually, that's why I'm here.

I-I was hoping Cat could help me pick out my wedding dress at Selena's, but I can't even get ahold of her long enough to ask.

Any idea when she'll be back?


I'm not expecting her back for a while.



Heather, Catherine's been suspended.

What? Why?

It's complicated. Um...

But I don't understand, what did she do?

I'm not at liberty to discuss that.

Besides, I really think that's her story to tell.

Well, Cat doesn't tell me anything... ever, so I might as well hear it from you.

It... shouldn't come from me, I'm sorry.

But, uh, hey, will you give me a call if you find her?

I'd really like to make sure she's okay.


It was good to see you.

You, too.

Catherine: Hey, where are you?

Can you talk?

Uh... yes, I can, I'm at JT's.

Wait, is that safe?

Well, define safe.

No, it's good.

JT's gone to Boston, so, the cops have pulled the stake-out from his place.

Probably to put more surveillance on you, I'm afraid.


Okay, so can you still get into this database?

Yeah. I guess it hasn't filtered down to HR that I've been suspended yet.

Okay, well, we better move fast then.

So, what are we looking for exactly?

Any unsolved crimes from around the time that we first met Gabe.

Catherine, we're talking about a city of 8,000,000 people here.

We got to narrow it down somehow.

That's why I think we need to focus on unsolved murders, especially ones that were blamed on the vigilante-- you.

You mean, the ones that Gabe tried to frame me for.

Yeah, there must be a way to link him to one of them... especially 'cause he was the lead investigator at the time.

(mouse clicking)

Here's one: Leonard Adelson, do you remember him?

Adelson, Adelson.

Yeah, he was the carriage driver that someone tried to make look like a...

A beast k*lling.

So, it must've been Gabe, right?

He was the only other beast we knew of at the time.

Yeah, except, we can't place him at the scene of the crime, he has an alibi.

Um... but we can put him at the museum where Ray Sheckman was found dead.

Sheckman? You mean the guy that tried to have Heather k*lled?

Yeah, exactly. And then he tried to blame it on the vigilante, even though you ended up saving her.

No suspects, no witnesses, no investigation.

And no articles on the m*rder, either.

That's because the DA's office apparently terminated the investigation, citing insufficient evidence.


And guess who the ADA was who terminated it?



Which means... if we can prove that Gabe k*lled Ray...

We can have a future.

Oh, no.


They shut me down.

What? What do you mean?

What does, what does that mean?

That means we're running out of time.

(cell phone ringing)

Did you locate Chandler?

No, but I know she's on a computer somewhere.

Or was.

Talk to me.

Well, I've had I.T. working on shutting down both Chandler's and Vargas' access, and they were finally able to do it.


But they found out that Chandler was checking into a cold case just before they shut her down.

What cold case?

About a year ago.

An unsolved m*rder, a Ray Sheckman.

Ring any bells?

Gabe Lowan, Assistant District Attorney.

You're Ray Sheckman, right?

Ward: What do you think it means?

It means they're desperate.

I'll call you back.

If Gabe squashed the investigation it can only be for one reason.

Yeah, because he k*lled Ray Sheckman.

He wanted to keep the vigilante on the run, he doesn't want you exonerated.

Sound familiar?

Well, he's consistent, I'll give him that.

I don't know, I think I liked the guy better when he was a beast.

At least then he was only trying to destroy me to survive.

And now he's trying to destroy you because you're sleeping with me.

All right, Detective, how do we prove that he k*lled Sheckman?

Where do we start?

We start the same way you start every investigation.

Even cold cases.

The crime scene.

(indistinct chatter)

(door opens, bell jingles)



Hi! Look at you.


You look amazing.

Miami obviously agrees with you.

Yeah, I love it there.

And I don't miss the cold, that's for sure.

Just Cat.

Who doesn't seem to have time for me, so she sends you.

Look, Heather I'm sor...

Tess, don't get me wrong.

I'm thrilled to see you. I am.

I just don't know why Cat keeps avoiding me.

So what else is new, right?

No, Cat's not avoiding you, Heather.


All right, maybe a little bit.

But I promise that it's not because of you.

She's just got a lot on her plate right now.

Like what, police cases?

Yeah, you know, cases. Totally.



You want to know what I love about Miami more than anything?

All of my new friends, the people I work with, my fiancé.


Yeah, my fiancé.



Nobody lies to me there.

We're all honest with each other.

It's refreshing.

Cat doesn't have any cases.

She was suspended.

I stopped by the precinct looking for her.

I'm not her flaky little sister anymore, Tess, okay?

I'm a grown woman, I've got a life of my own.

I don't need to be protected from the truth, I-I need to be included in the truth.

Especially if I can help.

If Cat is in some sort of trouble, I want to help.

Tess, please!

Just tell me what's going on, I beg you.

Don't shut me out, okay?

Cat's the only family I got left.

Um... it's big.

Her secret, I mean.

What she's been going through.


You have to promise not to freak out, okay?


It's about Vincent Keller.

Cat's in love with him.


No, she... she just told me that she stopped seeing him.

Yeah, well, she is, so...

That liar!

No, Heather, the thing is he's innocent.

What, is she out of her mind?

I'm going to k*ll her!

No, where are you go...


Oh, crap.
(bell jingles)


Did you get a good look at him?

This vigilante?

No, he was just some guy.

Ray, something tells me you're not telling the truth.

Wade: An unsolved m*rder, a Ray Sheckman.

Ring any bells?

(phone line ringing)

Woman (over intercom): Mr. Sheckman, line one for you.

Who's calling?

Gabe Lowan from the DA's office.

Something about your brother Ray?

This is Tom Sheckman.

Hi, Mr. Sheckman.

Thanks for taking my call.

Look, I don't know what this is about, but if I need my lawyer present...

Nah, you don't need your lawyer.

This is off the record.

In fact, I'll deny we even had this conversation if you tell anyone.

I'm listening.

Some new evidence has surfaced regarding your brother's death.

You mean his m*rder.

A m*rder the police never bothered to investigate.

And they still don't want to investigate it.

Nor does my office.

Then why the hell are you calling?

Because I know who k*lled your brother.

And I assumed you might want to do something about that.

Even if I can't.

I don't know what I'm expecting to find.

Ray was m*rder*d at this museum almost a year ago.

Does the coroner's report say exactly how he was k*lled?

He was strangled.


And no investigation?

How the hell did Gabe get away with that one?

We're never gonna find anything here.

Okay, uh, where exactly was the body found?

Um... uh, near the entrance, the bottom of the stairs here.

What is it?


I can sense the struggle.

The k*ll.

It was definitely a beast.


I don't know.

But who else could it've been?

(yelling, growling)

Beast again?

Somebody else.

A witness.

Not according to the police report.

The police report's wrong.

He was scared.

And he ran off before they got here.


Looks like Cinderella lost a shoe.

Maybe it was a worker, a museum employee.

I'll check the records.

If we can ID him, maybe we can get him to testify that he saw Gabe k*ll Ray.



I can explain.

Wait, don't go!

Well, this keeps getting better and better.

Just forget it, I don't want to talk.

Well, you're gonna have to 'cause I'm not going anywhere.

Why? You're always going somewhere when I want to talk.

At least let me explain.

For God sakes, Cat, the man's a fugitive!


Can you at least keep your voice down?

Look, I'm sorry for not being available, for not being a good sister.

Not being honest.


For not being honest, especially for that.

Heather, I am sorry.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find me?

That's your biggest concern?

You're dating a k*ller, and you want to know how I found you?

No, it's-it's...

Okay, first of all?

He is not what you think he is.

And second, it's not my biggest concern, it's just, half the world is out there looking for me to find him.

And yet you found me.


Our first cat.

It's the challenge question on your Find Your Phone app.


Please don't be mad at Tess.

No, I'm not.

I'm actually happy she told you.

I've wanted to.

But I've been afraid... of this.

Heather, it's just, it's so complicated.

I don't even know where to begin.

How about beginning with the truth for once?

Cat, we have to move past this somehow.

Past the lying. past you shutting me out of your life.

Otherwise, what kind of future do we have together?


You really want to hear this?



You remember... you remember the night Mom died?

I told you that crazy story about some beast rescuing me?



...believe it or not, that was Vincent.

And I didn't know that until I found him ten years later.

And even then, I didn't know that he was a beast of course.

"A beast"?


But only because he was a part of this secret government experiment that went terribly wrong.

(quiet laugh)

"Secret experiment."

Yeah, and even when we started dating, people were after him, so-so I hid him, and I couldn't tell you about that.

And it only got worse when he got kidnapped and they erased his memory and-and he became a beast k*ller.

But then when I dumped Gabe, he became incredibly jealous.

And then he-he wanted to take down Vincent for this m*rder that was really just self-defense.


No, H-Heather, wait!

Wait, where you going?

What's wrong?

"What's wrong?"


I ask you, I-I beg you to tell me the truth, and that cockamamie story is what you come up with?

Do you think I'm an idiot?

No, of course I don't, but...

You know, I've had it, Cat, I-I really have.

I came here hoping to reconnect with my sister, to have a relationship again with the only family I've got left, but just forget it, okay?

I'll pick out my damn wedding dress myself.

(door opens, bell jingles)

Wedding dress?


Tom: Vincent Keller?

The guy who's all over the news, he k*lled my brother?



You remember hearing about that vigilante last year?

The one who k*lled all those people?

Yeah. He died.

No, he didn't.

He's still alive.

And he k*lled Ray.

That's one of the many reasons we want Keller caught.

But you can't find him.

No, but I'm hoping you can.

I'll take justice any way I can get it.


What could I do about it?

I run a legitimate business here.

Give me a break.

Look, I'm doing you a favor here.

You don't want it, don't take it.

How do I know you're not saying all this just to get me to do your dirty work, then catch me in the act and put me away, too?

This can't come back to bite me in the ass, Sheckman, DA's office, either.

If I burn you, you burn me, and I'm not stupid.

And I'm not buying it.

Not without any proof.

Look, don't get me wrong.

If Vincent Keller k*lled my brother, I'll rip him to shreds.

But I just can't take your word for it.

There's too much at stake for me.

There, um... was a girl there.

I don't know why she was there, but she was.

My sister's a cop!

Shut up, Heather!

You guys...


Keller saved her... from your brother.


Ray was gonna k*ll her.

I don't care about that.

I just care if she saw Keller k*ll my brother.


But she is the only one who can tie Vincent Keller to your brother's death.

What's her name?

That's not really necessary, is it?

You cannot hurt her.

You have to promise me.

Her name.

All I found out is that this guy quit his job right after Ray Sheckman was found dead.

And this is his last known address, apparently.

I'll wait at the car, okay?

Jack Watson?


Detective Catherine Chandler, NYPD.

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?


About a m*rder you witnessed at the museum, a year ago.

Look, I don't know what you're talking about.

You sure?

Can I come in?


You were there, weren't you?

Did you catch the guy?


No, we didn't.

That's why I'm here.

We need your help.

I knew it was just a matter of time.

I knew you'd come sooner or later.

I don't know what I was thinking.

You weren't thinking.

You were probably afraid... of what you saw, right?

What did you see?

Why do we have to talk down here?

A cop's brother was k*lled, Ray.

We have to be careful.

Now, you're sure that it was an accident, right?

The vigilante was just trying to save the girl... that's what you'll testify?


That's right.

Sorry, Ray, but I can't have anyone exonerating the vigilante.


(Ray grunts)


(Jack gasps)



I'm not sure what I saw.

You saw a man get k*lled, right?

And then you saw that k*ller turn on you.

How do you know that?

I know...

I know what it's like to keep a secret, a big one.

How that can weigh on you, isolate you, even.

And I also know that the way to set yourself free is to tell the truth.


Please help us catch the man who did this.

I'm afraid.

He won't hurt you.

I won't let him.

It looks beautiful on you.

You think so?

I don't know.

Maybe I should try the strapless one on again.

Do you mind?

Not at all.

Can I help you?

Tess is on her way over.

She'll take Jack down to the precinct so he can make his statement to Captain Ward and then we'll see what happens.

Who knows? You might even make it to Heather's wedding.

(phone ringing)

It's Heather.

Answer it.

No more secrets.

Hey, Heath, I'm actually glad you called...

Heather: Cat, help.

Catherine: Heather, what's wrong?

Where are you?

She's with me.

Who is this?

Ray Sheckman's brother.

And if you want your sister back, tell Vincent Keller to come find her.

I hear he's good at that.

No one saw anything.

Heather would never leave without paying for that dress.

Maybe she didn't have a choice.

Can you track her?

Well, Tom Sheckman obviously thinks I can.

How does he even know that?


What? Gabe?

How else would Sheckman know that Heather was there, right?

She must've said something to Gabe and Gabe told Sheckman.

No, but he would never put Heather in danger like that.

Th-That's not protecting me.

And why would he even be in communication with Sheckman?


Gabe knows we're onto him.


It's Heather's perfume.

I got her.

Wait, it's a trap.

Catherine, it's gonna be fine, okay?

Grab Tess after she drops the witness off.

I might need some back up, just in case Gabe is there.

And don't worry, I will call you as soon as I find her and I will find her.

(water dripping quietly)

(whispers): Heather.

Stay away from me!


Please, I am not the bad guy here, okay?

I'm here to save you.

Your sister sent me.

Okay, listen, we're not alone, so we gotta move now, come on.

Come on.

No, I-I can't.

Okay. Look away.


Just, please, look away.



I'm told you can't break out of this.

Although, I can't imagine how anybody could.

Just tell me what you want, please.

A pound of flesh, from you.

For k*lling my brother.

I didn't k*ll your brother.

Well, I'm told otherwise.

And I think I'll trust my source over a fugitive.

You saved her, and then you took out everybody that tried to hurt her-- including Ray.

Wait, that was you?

You're the one who saved me?

Okay, look, you've got it all wrong.

Lowan is trying to pin this on me, okay?

He is the one who k*lled your brother and I have a witness to prove it to you.

You do?

After all this time?

I don't think so.

It's okay, it's okay.

Look, come on, you gotta let her go, at least, okay?

She's innocent, she has nothing to do with this.

Sorry, no witnesses.

(timer beeping)

You k*lled my brother, and now I'm gonna k*ll you.




Where's Hector?

Let's go.



(panting): Okay.

You gotta trust me, all right?

Trust you?

What are you talking about?

I'm gonna get you out of here, but please, try not to overreact to what you're about to see.











(both grunt)






(panting, gasping)


(device beeping)

(roars): Run!


Where's my sister?


(panting, gasping)

Oh, my God.






Vincent's still in there.





You okay?


Who are you?

I think my head is still spinning. It's...

(laughs) still can't believe everything.

That's why I'm pouring more wine, it helps, trust me.

There's just so much to think about.

There's so much to... absorb.

♪ And all I gotta do is dig I don't even know where to begin.

How about with the truth?


♪ But I'm waiting on a landslide ♪

Heather, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier...

No. How... how could you? I...

I mean, come on, Cat, you saw me earlier today.

I... (sighs)

I flipped out.

(both laugh)

But I get it now, I do.

I'm sorry I...

♪ 'Cause I won't break...

I didn't make it easier for you to tell me sooner.

Okay, wait, you're blaming this on you?

Well, yeah, sort of.

(softly laughs)

I mean... (deeply inhales)

I know I can come across as a little judgmental sometimes.


At least, that's what my therapist tells me.


And that, uh... it tends to push people away.

Especially, those I love most.

♪ It's all that I can do I don't know where it comes from.

Yeah, that comes from mom.


♪ And it's more than I can take ♪
♪ But I won't break Nobody believed you, Cat.

Way back when... you said you first saw a...


Everyone just passed it off as you being traumatized 'cause of what happened to mom.

No wonder why you felt like you had to keep it a secret all this time.

♪ But I'm afraid of what you might... ♪

Well, I'm glad it's not a secret anymore.

Me, too.

Vincent's a good guy... Heather.

I need you know that I wouldn't be with someone who wasn't.

I know. I believe you.


Still a pretty big mess though, huh?

(both laugh)

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

But I'm hoping that if we can bust Gabe, we can relieve some pressure and Vincent and I, hopefully, can have a chance at a future.

♪ Though my mistakes...

Speaking of futures... nice rock.

What's his name?


(both laugh)

♪ Cost me something I met him right after I got to Miami; I fell for him right away.

You'll like him, Cat, he's, he's really...


I was gonna say, great.


Oh, "great," okay, I'll drink to great.

(both laughing)

♪ It's all I ever do...

Tom Sheckman?

Is he related to Ray?

Uh, you, mentioned Ray Sheckman earlier, something about a cold case.

Right, Tom was his older brother.

How did Tom die?

Some kind of fight, found his body in an alley.

We don't know what he was doing, but we'll figure it out.

Well, let me know how I can help.

Actually, you can help us figure out who k*lled his brother.

'Cause, we now have reason to believe it wasn't the vigilante.

What's this?

I think you know what it is.

Sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand.

You've been identified as a potential suspect in a m*rder investigation, Mr. Lowan.

So... the way I see it, you got two options.

One, you can voluntarily enter the lineup; or two, I could arrest you and force you into the lineup.

Your choice.

Ward (over intercom): Turn to your right.

It's okay, Mr. Watson, just take your time.

Remember, they can't see you.


That's him.

Number four.

You're sure?

That's the man you saw k*ll Ray Sheckman, you'll testify to that in court?


I'm positive.

(slow, moody piano music begins)

♪ But blow it up ♪
♪ Let the horses run What?

I just talked to Tess.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

The good news.

Jack ID'd Gabe in the lineup.

That's fantastic.

Yeah, and Ward put Jack into protective custody until after the arraignment, which is set for tomorrow.

Okay... and the bad news?

Well, um, Gabe made bail.

Of course, he did.

What's he got up his sleeve, now?

He's not getting away with this, Vincent, not after everything he's done.

I can't believe that he put Heather in danger and tried to get you k*lled.

Well, he's getting desperate and if memory serves me... it's not a good thing.

Once a beast, always a beast.

Mm. Something like that.

I just can't wait till the guy gets locked up, so we can come out of hiding, you know?

Anyway, what happened with your badge?

Well, Tess got her's back, but since I'm still sleeping with a fugitive...

Well, not lately... you're not.

Yeah? No one's watching.

(quietly laughs)

♪ You've been here the whole time ♪
You made me feel again
♪ Made me dance circles ♪
♪ Round the pieces of your heart ♪

(helicopter blades whirring)

You made me feel again



(groans) Pavilion?

♪ Made me dance circles Don't be late.


You know, I'm never late.

♪ Round the pieces of your heart ♪
You made...
Me feel...

(car alarm blaring in distance)

(knocking on door)

Stay put.

Who's there?

(unlocks door)

(grunts, thuds)


(thuds, grunts)


What, what're you doing here?

I let you go once, but not again.

Don't, please.

Shut up and listen to me.

If you testify against me... if you don't retract everything you said, I'm gonna find you again... and then I'm gonna k*ll you.


You understand me?



Shut up, I said!

He's gonna k*ll me!



(indistinctly shouting)

(gagging, shouting)


