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02x18 - Cat and Mouse

Posted: 06/10/14 00:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty and the Beast

The only thing I am sorry about is that things didn't work out between us.

I won't let him hurt you.

Vincent Keller?


You're under arrest.


For what?

For the m*rder of Curt Windsor.

Vincent instigated a fight in jail in order to get transferred and escape.

Come on, we gotta go now, and maybe we can get out on the rooftop. Come on.

Vincent, I can't come with you now.

(helicopter whirring)

(grunts, screams)


JT, where are you?

No. No. No.

JT. Come on. Hello...!

Get the camel off of me!


Yes, it's Tess. Here.

Scotch, gummy worms--

JT, really?

How much did you drink after I left?

I was drowning my sorrows, generally being self-destructive.

Okay, well, if it's because they tried to arrest Vincent and he bolted, suck it up, 'cause we have to go find him.

Find him, what do you mean? Why?

'Cause now Cat's gone, too.

What? Ow.


Yeah, I went by her place this morning and she wasn't there.

Well, maybe she went out drinking, too.

And didn't take her purse, phone or keys?

No way. Plus, there were signs of a struggle.

She said that there were people after Vincent; maybe they took her instead.

Or maybe she changed her mind or maybe Vincent came back so they could run off together, which, by the way, is what I thought they should've done in the first place, but nobody asked me--

Okay. But if they didn't, that means that Cat is in trouble and the only person that can find her is Vincent.




Okay, that's enough.

Come on, let's go.

Go where?

To find Vincent.

You said he had a go bag right?

Cash, cell phones.

Can't you text him or something?

Find out where he is?

Kind of defeats the purpose of not wanting to be found, doesn't it?


Unless what?

We did talk about having a rendezvous point to make sure Vincent got away safely.

If... Vincent remembers and... is not already in Canada...

Okay. Let's go there.

Close enough.

Let's go. Let's go!

(phones ringing, indistinct conversations)

Yes, put those over here.

All right, Captain.

I'll bring the monitors.


Uh... where am I supposed to work?

Can't you use Lieutenant Bishop's old office downstairs?

Uh, yeah.

But for how long?

This could take days, weeks.

I doubt it, not with all the resources the DA's authorized.

Keller's an alleged m*rder*r, escapee-- the D.A. wants him caught fast, before anybody else gets hurt.

Well, fine, but why are you coordinating everything from here?

Why not the DA's office?

Because the DA wants us working side-by-side on this, he doesn't want anything slipping through the cracks.

Look, Captain, (sighs)

I don't like this any better than you do, okay?

But the DA, the mayor, everybody wants this guy caught, so, the sooner we can, the sooner we can all get back to our lives, all right?



Good. Now, we need everybody not working pressing cases on this-- brass, uniforms, investigators.

Has Detective Chandler checked in yet?

No. But she should have by now.

I'll go track her down.

Uh, no. I will.

Just make sure you get that room up and running as fast as possible.

I'll let you know when I find her.

(banging on door)



(horn blares)

That was a special number three, hold the sausage.

(country music playing)

(door bell jingles)


I was hoping you would show.

I was hoping you remembered.

You didn't say good-bye.

I thought you didn't like good-byes.

I don't, but still... after everything we've been through?

I know, man, I'm sorry.

I just... I don't know, it happened so fast.

You know?

Anyway... glad you're still here.


The thing is, though, I, uh...

I don't want to run anymore.

I don't know what I was thinking, man.

I can't just leave Catherine behind like that.

See? That's what I thought; that's what I just told Tess.

Tess what?


(door bell jingles)

Are you out of your mind?

What is she doing here?

(clears throat)

Please tell me you know where Cat is.

What do you mean?

What's wrong?

Well, she's not with you, she's missing, that's what's wrong--


What the hell does that mean?

She's missing.

We gotta find her then.

No, Vincent...


Excuse me, hon.

Tess: Sit down.

You're a fugitive, remember?

You can't just bulldoze your way back to the city.

Half of New York is looking for you, for God's sake.

Besides, it's not just your ass on the line here.

I'm a cop; I should be arresting you, not protecting you.

Right, which is why it's important all of us keep our emotions in check.

Especially you, pal; especially when it comes to Cat.

No glowing eyes.


Fine. Okay.

Just talk to me.

There's not much to tell.

Yeah. Whoever grabbed her--

We don't know she was "grabbed."

She didn't just vanish into thin air.

Okay. When was the last time that she was seen?


Probably at... her apartment... with you.

You have to go back there, Vincent.

You have to track her.

JT: Yeah, except police have her place surrounded.

How's he even gonna get in there to start tracking?

Freeze! NYPD.

Gabe: JT?

What are you doing here?

Me? How about you, what are you doing here?

I'm looking for Catherine.

She with Vincent?

Vincent? Vincent who?

Come on, JT, I am not the bad guy here and I am not the one who escaped from prison.

That is all on Vincent.

I'm just following orders.


Why'd you use the fire escape instead of the front door to come in?

Didn't have a key.

Come on, JT.

Don't make me do this.

Don't make it harder than it has to be.

For everyone's sake, including Vincent's, just tell me where he is.

Vincent who?

Take him away, fellas.

(handcuffs rattling)

(door closes)




(yelling, grunting)

(g*n cocks)

Nice try.

Don't move.

Do yourself a favor, walk away, because I do not have time for you right now.

At least let Catherine go.

I never meant for her to get caught up in this.

What do you mean, you "never meant for her to get caught up in this"?

You ratted me out, didn't you?

You called SWAT.


You son of a bitch.

I only wanted this to end before someone got hurt.

(panting): I trusted you.

Catherine trusted you.

So what, you gonna k*ll me now?

Prove to the whole world how dangerous you really are?

Why you need to be stopped?

(panting): I covered for you, Vincent.

Not for you, for Cat, but no more.

And you got nowhere to run and no place to hide, because they will find you, I will find you.

I will not let you destroy Catherine's life.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x18 ♪

Cat and Mouse
Original Air Date on June 9, 2014

You really willing to go to jail for this?

Why? What'd I do?

Cut the crap, JT.

We both know you were acting as a decoy for Vincent.


Only, you ended up getting caught instead of him.

Nice friend, huh?

Seriously, trying to turn me against Vincent?

I'm just saying, you're in here and he isn't.

Look, JT, don't be stupid.

I get loyalty and friendship, but this is different.

Vincent is a fugitive accused of m*rder.

A m*rder he didn't commit!

The hell he didn't!

It was self-defense, you know it!

So, he busts out of jail?

Because he was framed!

It makes him look guilty!

Look, if you know where he is, you better tell me-- now.

(door opens)

You charging him with something?

Tess, do you mind?

'Cause if you're not, you need to release him right now.

I'm sure I don't have to remind you that probable cause requires hard facts, not just suspicion.

So, what's is gonna be?

Okay. You're free to go.

For now.

Keep tracking.

Do you even realize how serious this is?

This isn't a game, Tess.

This whole thing has gotten way out of control.

Thanks to you.

I am not the one on trial here.

And so, what, now you're the-the paragon of justice?

After everything you used to do?

Give me a break.

We both know you're just doing this, 'cause Cat chose Vincent over you.

Look... you believe what you want.

But we both know who Vincent really is, what he is capable of and that is a bad thing... and it has to be stopped.

By you?

By all of us, Detective.

Personal thoughts aside, we are sworn to uphold the law.

Whether we like it or not, that is our job, that is your job.

We are way past the point of no return here, Tess.

This thing is gonna blow up on Vincent and soon.

Which means you need to pick a side.

So does Catherine.

(door latch clicking)

(groans, sniffs)

Sorry about all this.

We tried to get here sooner, but we had a crisis situation.

I'm Special Agent Henry Knox, FBI.

This is Agent Jay Bates.


Look, I know this is unorthodox--

What's going on?

Who are you, really?

We're FBI.

Since when do FBI kidnap cops?

That was by necessity.

The NYPD was swarming all over your place by the time we got there-- look... you're just gonna have to trust me, because time is of the essence and I really need your help.

Screw you.

Is this the "trust" you were talking about?

We don't have time for this, Detective!

I've got an undercover agent, who was just taken by the t*rror1st group she was investigating.

And if I don't find her before they smuggle her off the island, they're going to k*ll her, do you understand?

After they t*rture her, to burn other agents, so I need to move now.

If that's true, I'm sorry.

But if you had any idea how many times I'd been lied to by the FBI--

I do know.

Agent Landon told me.



She was the one that suggested that you might be able to help me-- you and Vincent Keller.

I know he's a fugitive, but if Dana says that I can trust him, that's all I care about.

What else did she say about him?

She said that you two might be my only chance.

So... you know where Keller is?

Aw, gee... just when I was starting to believe your sob story.

Wait, not to arrest him.

I'm out of here.

You can't leave.

Try and stop me.

What if I can get Vincent exonerated?

(Vincent sighs)

Would've saved a lot of time if you'd let me kick the door down.

Right, but we're trying not to attract attention, remember?

Yeah, right.

Especially since we just broke into Gabe's apartment.

You know, I can't believe Gabe was the one who called the cops on me.

I should've ripped his little head off right then and there.

Another bad idea.

Look, Vincent, we talked about this.

You got to control yourself.

You can't rip anybody's head off right now.

Especially not the guy who's leading the posse.

(tapping keys)

Let's just concentrate on finding Cat.


Explain to me again how hacking into his computer is gonna to do that.

Surveillance cameras are all over the city, right?

And he's got police access to all of them, which means, when he gets an alert you've been spotted, I need to get that alert too, so--

You can warn me.

So you can find Cat.

(tapping keys)


You know, buddy, this is really going above and beyond the call of duty.

Getting arrested, breaking into an ADA's apartment... into his computer.

Maybe we should, uh, reevaluate just how much risk you're taking for me, huh?

What's the alternative, do nothing?

Let Gabe pervert the legal system to keep you and Cat apart?

I don't think so.

Go on, go track Cat, I've got your back.



Just think about it.

Hey, Knox.


(body thuds)




What are you doing here?

You should've been long gone by now.

Nice to see you, too.

Come on.

Knox: Catherine!

Come on, this way.

Hey. Come on. Go. Go.

Okay. What is going on?

They took me last night, right after you left.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

All right, who are these guys?

They claim to be FBI; I don't trust them.


More importantly, what are you doing coming back here, are you out of your mind?

You got kidnapped.

What was I supposed to do, just keep running?

Yes. Save yourself.

Well, I'm saving you.

I don't need saving.

We've had this conversation, Vincent-- you need to think about you, not me.

(phone ringing)

Look, man, not now, okay?

Look up, ten o'clock high.

Oh, no.

Just got the alert, which means Gabe did too.

(sirens blaring)

JT: Get out of there, now.

Come on.

(sirens approaching)

(various indistinct conversations)

Where did they go?

Think concentric circles.

Check all the surrounding surveillance cameras, we got to follow them.


They're heading north, narrow your search.

(tapping keys)

(computer beeps)

Where are they?


I don't know.

They must've found a gap.

He's obviously knows what he's doing.

Damn it.

Keep looking.

Did you know Catherine was with him?

No. I didn't.

Have you heard from her?

No, I haven't. I swear.

I can't protect her, Tess.

I can't protect you, either.

It's not my call anymore.

And what the hell is she doing?

She's gonna get herself fired or worse.

Maybe I can still spin this, say Vincent... kidnapped her.

But not if she keeps getting caught on camera with him.

Find her, Tess, talk to her.

Tell her she's running out of time.

Tell her we all are.

You understand?

(line ringing, phone beeps)

Tess isn't taking my calls.

What's up with that?

I don't know; maybe it's not safe.

Maybe... (sighs)

Gabe is watching her.

Still, I've called her six times and texted her twice; you think she'd find a way. Th--

Something's not right.

All the more reason to get you out of here and fast.

Except, without WiFi, I can't get any alerts, which means we need Tess's help to avoid surveillance.

I still can't believe Gabe is responsible for all this.

Oh, I can believe it.

The guy warned me several times to stay away from you.

He thinks I'm some menace to society, so why not jump on the fugitive bandwagon?

It doesn't change anything.

We have to get you back on the run.


What if I don't want to?

What are you talking about?


JT, can you try and get a connection on this thing?

Yeah. Sure.

What's going on?


Look, I, uh...

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately...

Vincent, you can't stay; it's too dangerous.

Let me finish... okay?

I started to run, I did, but the more I ran, the more I thought about it, the less I liked it.

Come on, you gotta admit, it was a rash decision, right?

The helicopters were circling, they were about to barge in; we didn't even get a chance to think things through properly--

What was there to think about?

They would have caught you again, you would have gone to jail and then what?

I don't know, okay?

I don't, but what I do know is that we worked so hard to get back together again and now we're just, what, gonna split up again?

Come on, you keep saying we've got to move forward...

I just don't think you're being realistic about this.

Half the city is out there looking for you right now... and since Gabe's not on our side anymore, I think that we have to think about what's best for you, not us.

We don't have any other choice.

What about this Agent Knox?

What about him?

Well, you said that he was willing to exonerate me, right?

If we helped him out?

We're gonna trust the FBI now?

After everything they've put us through, how many times they've tried to k*ll us.

Come on, Dana vouched for us.

No. He said Dana did.

And that was right before he asked me if I knew where you were, which, I'm assuming, is the only thing he really cares about.

Vincent, we will be together.

I promise you we'll find a way.

But right now, the most important thing is that we get you out of here before it's too late.

(indistinct conversations, phones ringing)

(phone buzzing)

(quietly): Are you all right?

Define "all right."

Where are you?

I'd rather not say.

That way if Gabe asks, you don't have to lie.

What, are you kidding?

That's all I've been doing.

Cat, this is getting way out of control.

I know.

Do you really? 'Cause now the police aren't only looking for Vincent anymore-- we're looking for you now, too.


You know what I mean.

What are you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna get Vincent out of the city, but I need your help to do that.

So call me if anybody spots him and then we can navigate around the surveillance.


Cat, how far are you willing to go with this?

I'm not gonna let Vincent get caught, if that's what you're asking.

Look, I care about Vincent, too-- you know that-- but the truth is I care about you more.

And you're gonna be in serious trouble, maybe even go to prison, but Gabe says that if you stop right now, he may be able to save you.

Wait, Gabe?

You're trusting Gabe now?

When it comes to you, yes.

Whose side are you on?

I'm on your side, Cat.

Look, I just want this to end, all right?

Before it bites us all in the ass.

(phone beeps off)

(phone beeps)

Gabe (over TV): A task force has been formed and the DA's Office is coordinating NYPD, the Port Authority and the Marshal's Office to capture the fugitive Vincent Keller.

You believe this guy?

A couple of weeks ago, we were all working together, and now...

Now all bets are off.

Gabe: I want to assure the public that everything is being done that can be done, but at the same time, people need to be alert because Vincent Keller is considered armed and dangerous.

Wait, is that Tess?

What the hell?

Oh, good, you got an Internet connection.

No, bad, because look.

Our goal is to pin him down, contain him so he has nowhere to run, which is why we have every bridge, tunnel and subway line covered.

If you see...

All right, I've seen enough.

Yeah, me, too.

Tess said she can help, but we need to hurry.

Wait, she took your call but not mine?

Do you mind?

Sorry. Carry on.

No, I'm done.

I'm done running.


Catherine, come on.

You can go your own way.

For your sake, you can.

I will get it.

I would, but...

I'm done running, okay?

From your father, from Gabe, from anyone who tries to keep us apart.

Look, like it or not, we are in this together We always have been, and there is always someone after you, after me, after us.

There is always something, which means we have to make a decision once and for all.

Okay, do we keep running away from each other, or do we stand and fight?

For us.

(door opens)

I'm sorry I hit you in the face with a chair.

Why'd you come back?

What changed your mind?

He did.

Although, before we agree to anything, I need to ask you a question, and I'm warning you, please, do not lie to me.


Well, just-just don't lie, okay?

Did one of your undercover agents really get captured?

(heart beating steadily)



We have a winner.



Is this her? Karen Mallory?

Yeah, she was working a sleeper cell, uncovering a t*rror1st plot before she was taken.

By who? When?

Last night by a Bultivan Al-Qaeda group.

Then rogue agents, using their country's good name, hid her in the UN before they could smuggle her out of the country.

The problem is, the compound's so huge, we don't even know where to start.

Okay, hold up.

You want us to break in to the United Nations.

Yes, before the General Assembly adjourns today.

Once they scatter, she's gone, dead.

Can't the FBI just...

The UN, it's like an embassy.

It's sovereign territory.

We have no jurisdiction over it.

Okay, let me guess, this isn't a sanctioned operation, right?

We get caught, then...

You're on your own.

FBI would disavow any knowledge of it.

Look, obviously, I'm desperate, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you for help.

But, obviously, you're desperate, too.

No. Not that desperate.


Agent Landon didn't say why she thought you might be able to help me, other than you're supposedly good at tracking people, and close combat.

What I do know is that I'm agent Mallory's only hope.

And I'm your only hope, too.

Please, I'm running out of time here.

I want the exoneration in writing first.

I don't have it in writing.

Then get it.

(siren whoops)

It's about time.

Why have you been avoiding me?

(bell rings)

Are you kidding me?

I'm trying to protect you.

Gabe's all over me.

If he found out that I was here--

But we're supposed to be working together.

We're not gonna be able to help Vincent...

There is no help for Vincent.

Did he at least get out of the city?

Cat never called.

No, change of plan.

He and Cat are working on something, something that might get him exonerated.


Tess, come on, we can do this.

No, we can't, JT.

Gabe's tapped into every surveillance camera.

He... the entire city is covered.

There is no way Vincent's getting out now.

Maybe, maybe not.

Just hear me out, because if we can pull this off... (elevator bell rings)

I got to go.

Wait, but I have a plan.

It's too late, JT.

Don't do anything stupid.

I'm telling you, we don't have a choice.

The UN has five buildings, there are 39 floors in the East River tower alone.

How else are we gonna find her in time?

Not by getting you captured, that's for sure.

Why not? If Knox can get me into the UN, I can sneak...

So, what, I track you to Agent Mallory?

And then what if the t*rrorists don't even put you in with her?

Where else are they gonna put me?

Especially if they think I'm an agent, too?

No, it's too risky.

You have a better idea?

Look, I'm all for us working together, Vincent, but let's not kid ourselves.

This isn't an easy way out.

But, all things considered, it may be our only way.

All right... here's your amnesty, signed by the Deputy Attorney General himself.

Why's it have tomorrow's date on it?

'Cause it's not good until you complete the mission.

DOJ wants their back scratched before they scratch yours.

Okay, I'm gonna need a cover to get in, preferably as an Bultivan delegate.

I'm assuming the t*rrorists will be on alert and that any rep will-will trigger them.

That's not a problem.

We're gonna need you to call the dogs off.

At least long enough for us to get to the UN.

That, I can't do.

DA's in charge of the manhunt, it's a local jurisdiction.

Besides, the press is all over it, If we pull rank, they'll smell a rat.

Okay, how do you expect us to even get into the UN?

The place is covered in surveillance.

I don't know, I-I really don't.

But if you can't, that deal's off.


Find anything?

Yeah. Vincent.

Talk to me.

All right, look, don't ask me how I know, but I think Vincent's working on some kind of case.

What case?

I don't know. Something with getting him exonerated, maybe.

Exonerated, how?

Okay, doesn't matter.

Did you see him somewhere?

Well, I started thinking about where he used to hide, last year, this year, whenever.

So I decided to check around the Heights area.

The dungeon.

Yeah, and I spotted him heading towards the East River.


That's 95th and First, four minutes ago.

I'm hoping you'll protect my friends.

(helicopter whirring)

How bad is it?

It's bad.

I counted ten surveillance cameras, not including the hidden ones.

Plus UN security, plus cop cars, plus helicopter patrols.

Piece of cake.


Or you could run.


I'm not saying that you should, or that I want you to, but the odds are pretty bad.

Even if we can make it across the street, we still have to get into the building, then we have to find Agent Mallory, and then we have to get her out of the building without creating an international incident.

I just think we should know what we're up against here.

It's a piece of cake.

(sirens wailing)


Let's go, let's go.

I didn't do anything, I swear.

I told you it would work.

Catherine: Yeah, well, don't get cocky.

If Gabe can prove that we fed old surveillance footage of Vincent into his police monitors, we're both dead.

Working on it.

He'll never know we tricked him.

And just so you know, I never doubted you.


(dial tone)

Well, I really hope this works.

Just be careful.

I will.

Man: Step forward, please.

Thank you.


All right.

We're in.

Now we just have to get out.

At least they won't see us on camera.

(indistinct conversation, light jazz playing)

Any idea which ones are the bad guys?

Well, heartbeats only tell me if someone's lying, unfortunately, not evil.

I have no idea how these guys got past UN security.

Same way I did, probably.

Used their host countries as cover.

Except if Knox is right, the t*rrorists were alerted the minute my I.D. was scanned.

They're already after me.

Well, here goes.

No, wait...

What are we gonna do if they don't put you in with Agent Mallory?

Well, you will track me down and get us the hell out of here.

Don't worry, and don't beast out to protect me.

We'll never find Mallory if I don't get caught first.

(man speaking native language)

(man speaks native language)

(both grunt)



(door closes)

Who are you?

I'm, uh, here to rescue you.


(elevator bell dings)

You lied to me.

I did? How?

Cut the crap, Tess; I know damn well you did.

I'm gonna bust you for it.

JT, too, if he was involved.

All I have to do is trace the video feed ba...

And you'll find that it leads straight to your home computer.

That's right, check it out.

Because if it incriminates anybody, it'll incriminate you.

You broke into my apartment?

No, Gabe, I picked a side.

And it wasn't yours.

Wait, you mean you intentionally got yourself caught?

That's insane.


You okay? Can you run?

How do I know this isn't some kind of a trick?

The only trick here, Agent Mallory is me trying to save your life, and I can't do that unless you trust me.


Hurry, get away from the door, quick!

Everybody okay?

Not yet.

We got to get out of here.

Okay, come on.


Catherine: Come on.

(alarm blaring)

Come on!

What happened?

The UN guards must've seen Vincent's handiwork.

Come on! Hurry!

I can't hold it much longer!


(alarm continues blaring)

Man: This way, this way, this way!

Okay, come on.

Let's go, let's go!

Wait, wait, wait, hold up, I need to catch my breath.

Come on, we can't just stay here.

Where are we going?

I don't know, okay?

But you heard Agent Knox.

We get caught, we're on our own, which means no exoneration.

Okay, I think it's gonna be worse than that, especially if you get caught.

Right, so come on.

No, there's nowhere to run to.

There's no way out up and we can't go back down, either.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I think we should split up.


So that you can blur away.

Vincent, listen to me.

There is no "us" if they put a fugitive on trial in international court in front of the entire world.

So unless you can think of a way to get us back on American soil and fast, I don't think we have another choice.

Catherine, listen to me, I am not leaving without you again.


Where are we going?

Just follow me.

[Door opens]

(alarm blaring)


Take the hall.

Okay, come on.

Okay, now what?

Okay... now?

Now we jump.


You wanted American soil, right?

There it is.

It's a little wet, maybe, but it counts, right?

No, you're crazy, we'll never make that.

I am crazy, but we'll make it.

Come on.

All right, just trust me, okay?


Okay, streamline the impact, okay? Arms by the side, pointed toes, you got it?


Okay, hold on!

UN police!

Drop your w*apon!

Hands up now!

(sighs with relief)

Thank God.

I was getting worried.

Did Agent Mallory...?

Yes, she's, uh, safe.

I mean, she's a bit shaken up, of course, but she'll be okay.

And the UN caught the last t*rror1st, too.

I'm more than grateful.

By saving Agent Mallory, you saved other undercovers from being exposed and their operations.

You... you really came through.

I'm sensing a "but."

Where's the exoneration?

They rescinded it.


I'm sorry.

Believe me, I'm just as shocked as you are.

You're lying.

I'm not.

No, he's not.


I feel like crap.

I mean, you held up your end of the bargain and we didn't.

What happened?


All I know is that someone got the Bureau of Prisons involved.

Made the case that because you broke out of jail that that implied guilt.

That made the AG change his mind.

I mean, somebody out there really doesn't like you very much.

(various overlapping, indistinct conversations)

You might want to clear the room.

Give us the room, guys?

How dare you.

First, you promised to help Vincent, and then you try to get him arrested?


Even though you know damn well that he's innocent.

But apparently that doesn't matter to you anymore because here you are running a manhunt, threatening Tess and JT.

W-would you let me talk?


Talk like you talked to the attorney general to block Vincent's exoneration?

I trusted you.

I loved you.

I believed that you had made amends for all the crap that you pulled last year, but you haven't changed at all.

Maybe you're right-- maybe some beasts only get worse.

Look, I can't change how you think about me, but I am not gonna change what I am doing or why I am doing it.

Vincent is a criminal and, make no mistake about it, I will do whatever it takes to destroy him.

"Destroy him"?

Don't you mean "arrest him"?

♪ My cold heart ♪
♪ Slowly stops beating ♪
♪ His fight is now fleeting ♪
♪ And my only healing Hey.

You sure it's safe for you up here?

Probably not, but where is now?

At least I can jump.

Well, I mean... jump and keep running.

I thought you said no more running.

At least, not separately, not anymore.


Are you sure?

Because you know that I am nothing but trouble.


In fact, I do know that.


I don't know. It's... it's... I can't believe we're, like, back to where we started.

Me hiding in the shadows.

You hiding me.

At least it's romantic.


Stolen moments, secret love.

Still, it's no future.

And I think we deserve a future.

We'll have one, I promise.


♪ Out of the scenery ♪
♪ Go...
♪ Don't die ♪
Don't die
♪ We'll find ♪
♪ New life...