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02x07 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Posted: 11/20/13 14:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on

Beauty & the Beast...

I was hoping that we could, you know, talk.


About why you've been hiding the truth from me...


Vincent only has two missions left.

And that's not a good thing?

No. It's a bad thing.

The last mission could very well be Vincent.

Target's name is Curt Windsor.

(distorted): He volunteered for the first experiments.

But he's only been getting more paranoid since his ex-wife died-- especially about his daughter Tori.




(growling, snarling)

Please, no...

And I'm giving you exactly two minutes to decide what's more important to you--

your daughter or staying a beast?

How would that work, exactly?

You'd have to die.

(alarm beeping)

(distorted growling)

(sirens wailing)


(shuddering breath)


Cooked and ready.

It's not a turkey.

Well, you're full of Thanksgiving cheer.

The threat of exposure doesn't exactly bring out my cheery side.

But I will be filled with gratitude once he's dead.

♪ Can't you see that it's pouring down ♪
♪ All told...

My heart is racing.

Mine too.

♪ It can start with their words... ♪

Except I can't rip yours out of your chest.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't get the image out of my head.

You-you had Windsor's heart in your hand.

It was still beating.

He was about to k*ll his daughter.

Yes, I know, he was a vicious beast, but you... you were just as vicious.

You're not losing me to that other side of myself.

Look, I just... I gotta finish this list-- one more mission, then these beast killings are over, done.

And you trust your handler?


Because if he or she has you saving the world by k*lling out-of-control beasts, and you are just as out-of-control...

No, I am different.

Catherine, I've been thinking about this, okay?

Maybe this loss of control, it's just a reaction to all the other assassinations.

You know, when an officer kills on duty, they're given a mandatory leave of absence, right?

So they don't...

Rip people's organs out?

(phone ringing)

That might be work.


Catherine, it's Bob.

Am I catching you in the middle?

No, um... what's up?

You probably already have plans, but I was, uh... I was hoping we might have Thanksgiving together.


Um... you know, I didn't realize that it was the end of November already.

I've been so caught up with work.

Well, of course, you've had a crazy year, which is why I thought it might be nice if you'd to come to my house in Montauk.


And since I'm leaving the country after the holiday...

Can you hold on a second?

You want to go to Montauk.

No, I just wish that we--

Lived in an alternate universe, and I could meet the parent?

He's not my "parent"--

He was the lead investigator on the Windsor case.

Even if I did feel fine--

You said you were fine.

He's FBI, I'm an assassin.

Okay-- perfectly fine, in-control assassin, but, look, if you want to go, go-- just go, go without me.

Hey, Bob, I just had to check with my boyfriend.

It actually turns out that he made plans already for us, so...

Probably a little early to meet the boyfriend.


Well, if anything changes for you, the invitation still stands.

I am family.

At least, I'd like to be.

Thank you. Happy travels.

(phone beeps off)

You know I am making plans... for Thanksgiving.

With everything that's going on with me, and you, You know what I mean?

It's the first year without your actual father-- I get it.

I understand why you would be tempted to go to Montauk.

So, who's cooking this feast?

I make some good mashed potatoes.



But I could follow a recipe...

Hmm... give you some new images to focus on, of me cooking, chopping...

Okay, maybe, maybe not chopping.

Maybe me kissing you?

Well, we've got a meal to make and I'm gonna pull out the cookbooks.

(siren wailing)

Looks like the holiday section threw up on you.

I know you hate Thanksgiving, but Vincent and I are having a good old-fashioned celebration.

Old-fashioned? Really?

With, uh, plastic hay and pumpkin-flavored coffee beans?

The spirit is old-fashioned.

We're focusing on all we have to be grateful for.

It's his last mission, so...


Gabe didn't want me to say anything until he had proof but he thinks his handler's setting some kind of trap for him.


That Vincent is the last target on his list.

Okay, I already talked to Vincent about this.

He... he said that he trusts him.

Besides, Vincent is different from the others.

Really? Because this looks like overcompensating to me.

Cat, Gabe told me that Vincent ripped Windsor's beating heart out of his chest.

I knew it.

Where you going?

Cat, I wasn't supposed to tell you...

Tori, I know what you saw happen to your father must have been shocking.

What, the fact that he was literally a monster, or that another monster k*lled him?

Vincent did that to save your life.

Look, I brought you here because it is vital we keep this between me, you Detectives Chandler and Vargas.

I'm not gonna tweet about it, okay?

I just want to understand that thing that you were gonna do--

"de-monsterify" my dad?

Flatline him?

Were you just gonna revive him with regular paddles, like they do in the hospital?

Yeah, but--

You don't need anything special?

Tori, are you thinking you could've flatlined him?

Tell me what you know about Vincent's handler trying to k*ll him.

I had to tell her he's got one more mission.




I was just explaining how we all need to be careful what we say in front of people.

That was just, uh, just an expression.

Yeah, you know, like, I k*ll Cat at... headstands, you know?

Tori: Look, you didn't answer my question about the flatlining-- has it ever worked?

Just once.

Tori is in that understandable place of "what if's."

Tori: Out of how many times?


So the odds are 50-50-- not very good.

Catherine: There's nothing you could've done.

Call me anytime.

He's usually very communicative, it's like his motto.

I just didn't want you to worry until I--

Had proof, I know.

But I have been worried--

Yeah, she's been buying bad holiday decor--

Just show me what you have.

Well, it's not proof someone's trying to k*ll him.

I've just been working on I.D.'ing who his handler is.


It's not here.

What isn't?

Muirfield's files.

We retrieved them after we blew up their headquarters.

I was just about to go through their payroll, run names, see if anyone's still alive.

You think the handler's from Muirfield?

Muirfield wiped my computer when I was getting close.

Whoever it is must think you're onto something.

Where's Vincent?

(phone beeps)

Sir, I think I've been given the wrong coordinates.

There's no one in the warehouse.

Well, our intel says otherwise.

Move ahead.

Sir, I don't sense a target.

(distorted): Listen to me, soldier.

Your job is to carry out orders.

You failed with Windsor.

You put our entire operation at risk of exposure with your... zeal.

It was a momentary loss of control.

Condor, I'm ordering you to move ahead.




♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x07 ♪

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Original Air Date on November 18, 2013

He's not picking up.

It looks like Vincent was sent numbers.


42, seven, one, N, 73, six, nine.

They're coordinates, like a compass.

I was a Cub Scout.

You're a girl.

Coordinates to where?


Location in Troy, New York.

Gabe: Troy?

Catherine: Get closer.

What now?

I get blotter alerts from around the state.

There was just--

An expl*si*n at a warehouse in Troy.

We've gotta get there.

Catherine, we don't know that's where Vincent is.

Oh, right, we don't have proof?

I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry.

Now I'm way past worried!

You had a theory-- you knew that he was getting worse, you even gossiped to Tess about it.

Wasn't that proof enough, that he mauled that guy?

Of course his handler's trying to k*ll him.

He's totally out of control.

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?


I am. Are you?

Yeah, I was just...

Momentary loss of control?


You-you-you know her.

She rambles when she's nervous.

We were just worried that something happened to you.

There was an expl*si*n in Troy.

How did you know?

This morning, someone stole a Muirfield file off one of our computers.

We are trying to figure out who your handler is.

We had a theory--

I thought you understood what I do is completely covert.

And now you're investigating my handler?

You really think this happened 'cause I'm out of control?

If there was a security breach, and he tracked it back to y...

No I wonder he just tried to k*ll me.

Look, it wasn't Catherine; I was the one investigating.

JT: Okay, okay.

I'm not usually the voice of calm, but considering your handler did just try to k*ll you, maybe you should stop pointing fingers and focus on finding him before he finds us.

That is a great idea.

Look, maybe there's something you can tell us about him.

There's not much to tell.

Catherine: You don't need to protect him.

He tried to k*ll you.

I'm not, we only communicate via e-mail or phone.

Do you have a name?


(phone rings) Haven't even heard his real voice.

Sorry, the office.

Uh, Vincent, does this mystery handler person know you're still alive?

Yeah, I would say so.

Then, how about we all get off this floating safe house he put you up in.

Maybe we should just get him on the phone again, trace the call and record his voice.

Run it through voice recognition software.

You'll have to un-distort it first; it's digitized.

Great. Gabe?

We need your computer to figure out who accessed those files.

Which I'm happy to do at my place.

Yeah, I'll meet you guys there.

I need to get to the hospital.

What happened?

(sirens wailing)

Tori: Sorry they called you.

Guess they found your card on me and...

No, no, I'm glad they did.

Um, the nurse said that your ended up in the Hudson.

What happened?

I don't know.

I was driving along the West Side Highway, and the next thing I knew...

Well, you've been traumatized.

That's when accidents happen.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just have a little bump on my head.

I heard when they found you, you were unconscious.

Well, I just have a headache now.

But they're saying that I have to stay here so I can be observed.

I-I can't stay here on Thanksgiving.

I mean, talk about traumatizing.


You want me to watch you?

You-You don't even have to do that.

You can just sign me out.

If I sign you out, I'm watching you.

(bell tolling)

He's alive.

What are you talking about?

And worse, he probably suspects that I'm the one who wants him dead.

You're sure he's alive?

Dead guys don't breathe or hang up on you.

(phone beeping)

And they don't call you back, either!

Just start cooking again.

And I don't mean dinner.

This is not over.


(bell tolling)

Condor, I heard an expl*si*n.

Is everything okay?

Mission was compromised, sir.

Distorted Voice: Target must have rigged the warehouse.

At least you're safe.

He trusted this guy?

Yeah, I'm safe.

So, what's my next move?

I'm working on it; sit tight.

Because I'm eager, sir.

Final mission, right?


After this, you're done.

It's over.

Now, you stole my life, you piece of...


I am gonna hunt you down and I am gonna...


(phone beeps)


That wasn't me being that way.

That was just me...

Betrayed, I know.



We got enough.

I'll tell you what we got.

A botnet.

On Gabe's computer; it's a software where someone could access your computer remotely.

So I set a honey pot...

Hey, JT, do we know who hacked into Gabe's computer or not?

It was the FBI.



Vincent: I had a go-between.

He was m*rder*d; his name was Agent Tucker.

He was FBI.

So your handler's FBI?

Why didn't you just say so?

You know, a honey pot may sound easy to pull off...

I said "go-between" not "handler."

I'm confused. Does this botnet mean that your handler is FBI or is the FBI stealing our files 'cause, you know, they don't want the public to know about beasts?

Okay, the only thing we know for sure right now is that we should have Thanksgiving dinner with my father.


Well, you heard how eager he is to be family.

So you're gonna expose Vincent to your FBI father - And us. whom you've known for two seconds?

He doesn't need to know who's involved or who we're even talking about.

We can feel him out first.

Vincent, you're a human polygraph.

You can tell if he's trustworthy.

Besides, he already admitted to knowing about Muirfield, so it wouldn't be a crazy conversation to bring up.

I hate to say this, but what if he's involved with this handler person somehow?

Okay, then we need to know that, too.

I know that it's a risk, but unless someone else has a better idea...

You are fine, right?


He's on his way here.

My daughter called.

She's bringing him here for Thanksgiving.

You want me to come up?

I didn't spend all this time covering my tracks so I can have him k*lled on my property.

Look, Catherine wouldn't be bringing him here if she didn't need help, which I plan on giving.

I'm not following.

Am I working tonight or not?

Oh, you're working.

He doesn't trust his handler, but if I can get them to trust me as a father, then I can send him off after this...

Evil handler? Genius.

Except isn't he, like, a lie detector?

Just keep me posted with an ETA on the expl*sives.

Vincent: Okay, I feel underdressed.

We're here to assess him, not get his approval.

Right, play detective over turkey.

Okay, maybe we should just come up with a code word just so I can let you know if and when it's okay to come clean.

About a beast we happen to know who is being hunted by his handler.

That's all we're gonna say.

Mashed potatoes?


The code.

Okay, but what if he's serving mashed potatoes, and you say "Pass the potatoes" how am I supposed to know?

What about pumpkin?

That's coffee, and what if there's pumpkin pie?

Hopefully we'll figure it out before dessert.

Wait, what if he asks what it is I do for a living?

Uh, you went to med school?

That is not a living.

You're gonna be fine.

He gonna be putty in your hands; just don't shake too hard.

This place is beautiful.

Oh, hey.

I, uh, hope there wasn't too much traffic.

No, it was fine.

Uh, this is Vincent, my, uh, boyfriend.

And this is my father.

Is that all you got?

It's nice to meet you, sir.

Oh, call me Bob.

Hey, uh, let me show you the house.


Distorted Voice: Target must have rigged the warehouse.

At least you're safe.

That sound more normal?

On Mars.

I've been working on this thing for the past 12 hours.

How about a little positive reinforcement?

I'm not feeling very positive right now.

Why? Cat said she isn't gonna expose you.

No, it's not that, it's just, I dread this holiday so much.

Which part?

It's the part where my family grills me about my single status, and there are no gifts to offset the humiliation.

Then don't go.

Tell them you're working, which you are.

We can boycott the holidays together.

Just you and me?

And some beer and pizza and creepy guy's voice.

Can we start drinking now?


This is gonna be the best Thanksgiving ever.


Reynolds: A boat, really?

You pay property taxes on that?

It was a gift.

What-what did you say you do for a living again?

Oh, I-I didn't.

Vincent's a doctor.

Where do you practice?

He's on sabbatical.

I was a doctor.

What, malpractice?

What, did you k*ll somebody?

(heart beating loudly)


Can you tell I'm nervous?



You live on a boat, you can't tell me what you do, and I know I haven't been your father very long, but it's hard not to be protective.

Of course, I would probably feel the same way, sir.

It's a really nice boat, if that, uh, makes any difference.

Okay, now I'm making you nervous.

No, um, you are my dad.

Who's been MIA for 29 years, so who am I to judge?

This cookie is delicious.

Um, is there pumpkin in them?

I can't tell yet.


You haven't even had one.

Right, sorry, it's just, uh...

You know, it's a loaded subject for Catherine.

Her mom used to make these pumpkin muffins, and, well, it's a holiday, so...

So, so I've been thinking about her a lot lately, about you and she met when she was working at Muirfield.

It's too bad she didn't know what that company was.

Uh, why?

Because-because they k*lled her or because you know what Muirfield was, what she was working on, exactly?

What do you know?

What do you know?

I know she was working on a project and the results were exterminated. Why?

I can't tell if there's pumpkin in these.

You two are having a separate conversation.

What are we really talking about?


We are talking about the results of that project, and how not all of... all of them were exterminated.

What, there are beasts out there?

(clears throat)

A friend of ours is one.

Reynolds: God.

Excuse me. I...

Wrong pipe.

Okay, this person...

He or she...

They-They're in trouble, and we need your help.

Okay, this friend, how close, because they were dangerous and out of control.

Our friend is different.

And whoever it was that had been helping them navigate the world, now they're trying to k*ll them, and we think that this handler is connected to the FBI.

You want me to track a beast handler?

If it puts you in an uncomfortable position, sir...

No, Bob, Dad, we're talking about saving somebody who was a victim of Muirfield, just like Mom was.

Look, dinner's not for a few hours.

Why don't you give me all the information you have?

I'll see what I can find.

Thank you.

I never said "pumpkin."

He knows you were here for a reason.

(line ringing)

Gabe, it's me. Yeah.

We need you to pull together whatever research you have.

So Reynolds has agreed to help?

Yeah, he wants to see what we've got, but it can't be anything that suggests that we broke the law or that Vincent's involved.

I'll send a messenger to pick it up.

Someone just put a botnet on my computer.

I am not handing over confidential files to a stranger; I'll bring them.

And risk outing yourself as being involved?

I'm already exposed.

Okay, so you'll out me, but you won't out him?

Not officially, and I never outed you.

I didn't even specify a gender.

Um, why don't you text me that address.

I'm getting in the car.

We're going for a drive.

Okay, you're right.

I didn't wait for the code, but you seemed like you were waffling, and then he said "beasts."

Yeah, okay, maybe it was a trap to get us to open up.

You think he's involved?


I-I don't know.

Okay, his heart was racing, but, you know, maybe he was nervous because you're going out with a guy who lives on a boat.

Okay, so do you not trust him because you're sensing something, or because he was grilling you?

Because that's what dads do with their daughter's boyfriends.

Okay, so now he's your "dad"?

No, that's... that's not what this is about.

Someone tried to blow you up, and Bob is offering to help.

And... I don't know, if you, if you think about it, nothing's been exposed.

You know, he thinks that beasts are out of control, and there you were, this vision of control, just enjoying your non-pumpkin cookies while he was going at you.

He was, wasn't he?


We have been so worried about what's going on with you, but you are fine.


No, no, no.

It's your dad's place.

Oh, it's like we're in high school.

Or an alternate universe.

(laughing quietly)

(bell tolling)




Sorry to disturb your holiday.

I just needed to get these to Catherine.

Wait, she called you?

So, you know about...

I'm part of the investigation, yes.


No, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.

Come in, come in.

So you just drove two hours out of the city on a holiday, implicating yourself in this, because... Catherine called you and asked?

Kind of owe your daughter my life.

Why don't you stay for dinner?

Actually, I gotta get going...

Catherine: Gabe.

That was fast.

He dropped everything and came all the way up here for you.

And for our friend.


Vincent, do you know ADA Lowan?


Hey, we have met before.


Reynolds: So, Lowan, my daughter tells me this "friend" is not dangerous.

What do you think of that?

I think it's... - Tori.

I thought you were gonna stay in the car.

You're-you're Windsor's daughter.

What is she doing here?

Uh, Tori, this is Detective Chandler's boyfriend, Vincent.

It's nice to meet you, Vincent.

It's nice to meet you, too.

Gabe: Tori had a concussion, and the hospital said she had to be observed, and it's Thanksgiving, so...

I-I gotta...

So you didn't want her to be alone in the hospital over Thanksgiving.

You know, you and I butt heads a lot on the job, but he's actually a not bad guy.

Are you okay, Vincent?

I'm fine.

Hey, look, I'm sorry about all my comments about your lack of employment or unconventional living situation, but...


Catherine: Vincent!

Vincent, stop!


Vincent, please!


I'm so sorry.

We wanted to tell you, we just didn't know how.

He's not usually like this.

Something came over him.

So you knew about this too?

Catherine: We are all in law enforcement for the same reason, to protect victims.

Vincent is a victim.

A "victim"?

Who else has he hurt?

Only perps.

What are you two covering up?

Windsor was brutally m*rder*d by Tori's kidnapper, who eluded us.

His k*lling was inhuman, it was animal.

He did it.

He k*lled Tori's father.

Who was a beast, too.

Please, you can't expose us, you can't expose Vincent, he saved Tori's life.

I know it's a lot to ask.

God, you are lucky I gave the staff the holiday off.

You wanted to be family.

That's what I need right now, I need family.

Vincent is not asking you to be complicit, Gabe isn't...

I am, as... as your daughter.

Please, just give him a second chance.

I need to talk to him first.


He wants to talk to you.

I swear, I was feeling fine, and...

He knows everything.

Not only you're the "friend", which he didn't know until you att*cked him in his own home.

But he also figured out Windsor, and it's not gonna be long before he figures out the rest.

This isn't just you and me anymore, this is Gabe, and it could be Tess and JT, too, so I don't care if you have to get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness, you need to prove to him that you are in control, just like you somehow convinced me.

Reynolds (digitized voice): Target must have rigged the warehouse.

But at least you're safe.

(funny voice): Want more pizza?

What, do I sound weird?


(funny deep voice): Why are you still single?


This is not my family Thanksgiving, remember?

That wasn't me grilling you, that was just me.

It's 'cause "I'm a cop", "I'm intimidating", "I'm not feminine enough."

These are direct quotes from my grandmother.

That's crazy.

Hey, I was a Cub Scout.

Which is cool, but believe me, when I met you, I knew...

(laughs): were a girl.

I feel so much better about myself now.

Tess, I could barely speak.

In a good way.

I asked the question because I don't get it.

You're smart, you're gorgeous, you drink pizza and beer...

I don't drink pizza.


And... maybe you couldn't speak because my grandma's right, I'm intimidating.

No, I-I couldn't speak because...

I wanted to do that.

(phone ringing)


Please tell me you traced the call or de-digitized that voice.

Uh, yeah, we're working on it.

Gabe: Well, work faster, 'cause I don't think we can count on Reynolds.

We should probably, you know...

Yeah, totally.


Gabe: There you are.

Oh, hey.

Ready to go?

Actually, I told Agent Reynolds that we weren't leaving yet.

But you said we were just gonna go for a drive, and my head is starting to hurt, so...

Tori, did you see what happened?


Nothing happened, I'm-I'm fine.

Vincent lost control on Agent Reynolds, and now he knows what he did to your father.

Which is why we need to stay, to convince Reynolds that Vincent isn't dangerous.

Can't Catherine do that?

Tori, I said that there is nothing you could've done to save your father, but you're the only one who can explain that Vincent saved you.

Beautiful out here.

It is.

Look, sir, uh, I'm very sorry about...


About almost k*lling me?

You know, when we first pulled up, I was so worried about what I was wearing.

Just wanted to make a good impression, but... obviously, my shirt's not the problem.

Well, it was a tip-off.

Could've worn a tie.

Do you own one?


No, and I don't have a job, and I live on a boat.

And yes, I have the DNA of several different species.


But sir, I'm not asking for approval, 'cause I understand that no father would probably ever approve...

But you are asking me to protect you?


I don't care what you do about me.

But just.... please, don't ruin their lives.

I'll take a look at those files, see if I can find your handler.

I'm sensing a "but."

You're right.

No father would ever approve.

So, you disappear from her life and I won't say a word to anybody about what she's covered up for you.

And if you don't, I'm gonna turn her in.

Lose her, your daughter... to save her, yeah.

You'll be doing the same if you walk away.

In the meantime, she wants a family Thanksgiving, and we're gonna give it to her.


I'm starving.

Dinner's ready!

I didn't realize we were still celebrating.

Well, you came all the way up here.

Besides, Vincent and I had a really good talk, didn't we, Vincent?

Vincent: Uh, yeah.

Your... dad has agreed to help us out.

Oh, that's great.

Reynolds: Gabe, Tori, sit anywhere you want.

The, uh, staff is off, so it's serve yourself.

Gabe: Oh, this looks amazing.

Yeah, thanks for letting us crash your family dinner.

Well, let's just hope there are no more "crashes."

Both cars and otherwise.

Tori: If you're speaking about Vincent, he saved my life.

Reynolds: Oh, I know, it's all out in the open now.

We just want you to know he's a good guy.

Are you okay?

Reynolds: I am aware of his many attributes.



There's no need for whispering at the table.

Catherine: Sorry.

That's okay.

No apologies necessary.

Let's have a toast.

Uh... to my first holiday with my daughter.

I've stayed away a long time, not because I didn't love you, but because that's what love is.

Sacrificing your own needs for the person you love.


Cheers. Cheers.


Thank you for saving me.


Are you okay?

Oh, no.


We don't have to move all the knives, do we?

Would you just excuse me for one second?

What? It was just a joke.


Because it sounded like a veiled message to me.

It was very genuine.

I haven't been in your life.

Exactly, which is why we're not here for your parental approval.

I told you we shouldn't have come here.

Tori, are you okay?

Someone is trying to k*ll Vincent, just like they k*lled Mom, just like they k*ll every victim of their experiments.

That's because they're dangerous.

(snarling): What?

Oh, my God!


(Tori roars)

Reynolds: Did you know?

No, of course not.

If I had known, I never would've...

Asked me to cover up for two of them?

No, brought her here.

Tori must be what's making Vincent worse.

Attacking you, that-that Windsor's heart, now this?

She's been there, every time.

All right, so, it's not Vincent's fault?

We told you, he's never like this.

Look, honey, I know I haven't earned the right to...

To call me "honey"?

Give my approval.

Or my advice.

But that behavior is encoded in his DNA.

Part of his DNA.


He's a victim who only hurts bad guys.

When are you going to stop making excuses for him?

I am not making excuses.

I am trying to make the best out of a terrible situation.

Which Windsor has obviously handed down to Tori.

You don't want this in your future.

Look, Thanksgiving...

L-Life is hard enough with a full-fledged human being.

Is that what happened with Mom?

Things got too difficult?

So much for your big speech about sacrifices.

I never said love was unconditional.

At some point, enough is enough.

(door opens)

I can't find her.

What if she's trying again?

Trying what?

The car crash wasn't an accident.

Tori came to my office asking about flat lining.

And then she drove her car into a river.

She is trying to k*ll that part of herself, and I missed it.

We all missed it.

Bob, I know you don't approve of Vincent, and that's fine, but Tori, she's an innocent.

Whoever's after Vincent, they want to exterminate all beasts.

And it's only a matter of time before they go after her, too.

Well, like I said to Vincent, I'll make a couple of calls.

There are two of them now, which actually might help us.

Just get up here.

I think you need to stay away from me.


But you saw... you... you know what I am.


You should probably go talk to someone else about it.


You're the only one.

And, I mean, you saved me.

So, what, now you're my responsibility?

I don't have anybody else to talk to about this.

Please, just don't-don't cry.

No one else is gonna want me around either.

Tori, look, it's not personal, okay?

You do something to me.

I don't mean to.

I don't want to be this way.

But I want a life.

Just like everybody else.

I know.

You do know.

Which is why you can't tell me to stay away.

Come here.

I can't.


Not now.

Okay, for the record, she kissed me.

Is that supposed to make this better?


Come on, she's like me.

Great, then maybe you belong together.

That's not what I meant.

I know what you meant, I know that she has some sort of effect on you.

Yes, yes, okay, she was there when I att*cked Reynolds, when I k*lled Windsor...

Okay, so, this isn't your fault?

You're kissing someone else.

And I'm supposed to write this off as a pheromone thing?

And it's not even the kiss that upsets me.

It's-it's that we keep making excuses for you.

Whether it's Tori.

Or-or the accumulation of this list.

Or you don't remember me.

My father... and-and he is my father, he-he's looking out for me.

He reminded me that at some point enough's enough.

Vincent, when does this all end?

It doesn't.

Your father's right.


There's no excuse for what I've done, okay?

For any of those things.

Catherine, you keep worrying that I'm losing myself to the other side, and I keep telling you I'm fine.

But the truth is I'm not, I'm not all.

You need to walk away.

Vincent, I was just posing a question.

Well, I'm not.

And if you don't walk away, I will.

I'm so sorry I ruined your Thanksgiving.

Oh, come on.

Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a big family blow out now.

Look, he's here already.

Told you my driver'd be faster than a car service.

Jeff, she's going into the city, Upper East Side.

Now I promise... your secret's safe with me.

Thank you.

Reynolds (voice altered): Target must've rigged the warehouse.

But at least you're safe.

(steady dinging)

Did you hear that?

I'm working on it, sit tight.

Like a hundred times.

No, in the background.

I-It's-it's like a...

It's like a song.

Can you pull that out?

It'll still be digitized, but...

(steady dinging)

Must've rigged the warehouse...

Church bells, right?

Okay, so, uh, whoever made that call is a priest?

Or he could live by a Church?

We could do a search on churches, cross-reference the melody.

What? It's something.

Tess, you don't have to deflect.

I'm not gonna do that again.

I'm genuinely excited about the bells.

Okay, but I'm just saying, I have zero expectations.

I took advantage.

No, you didn't.

I didn't?

I mean, maybe a little, no.

If I didn't want you to kiss me, you wouldn't have because I am intimidating.

So, we're all good.

Just no one needs to know.

Oh, it never happened.

I'm gonna call Gabe now.

(buttons beeping)

She's upstairs crying.


Take it you took my advice?

Yeah, you got what you wanted.

Back at you.

I can't verify it's your handler, but according to the documents that Gabe brought up, one of our ex-agents, Tucker, was involved.

We followed up on his contacts.

One stuck out, who's involved in non-FBI sanctioned activities, which apparently includes a new target in Windsor's building.


I was gonna go check it out.

No, if anything happened to you...

Catherine has been through enough as it is.

Take my car.

I'll tell her you, uh...

You don't have to worry about that.

She's not gonna be looking for me anytime soon.

Gabe: Hey.

So that call with his handler?

JT and Tess heard church bells in the background.

All this and we've have bells.

I'm sorry I dragged you up here.

Into this.

Now you're exposed, too.

I can handle your father.

Let me grab your bag.


You're probably regretting inviting me out here.

My housekeeper will, but, uh, look, Catherine, I'll do my best to find Vincent's handler.

And as for your relationship, I'm sorry if I over-stepped...

No, it's, uh, it's okay.

You were just being a dad.

And, uh...

I actually needed family this holiday, so...


Just know that whatever happens, I'm always gonna be looking out for you.


(bells ringing)

(clicks, beeping)

(muffled yelling)