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01x19 - Playing with Fire

Posted: 04/27/13 10:24
by bunniefuu
Catherine: From the moment we met...

Vincent: We knew our lives would never be the same.

Catherine: He saved my life.

Vincent: And she saved mine.

Catherine: We're destined.

Vincent: But we know it won't be easy.

Catherine: Even though we have every reason to stay apart...

Vincent: We'll risk it all to be together.

I am so in love with you.

What he is is a danger to you and everyone around you.

Evan, what did you do?

Evan: I called Muirfield.


I was just trying to protect you.

I-I thought that Vincent was a threat.

They lied to me.

They said they were trying to tie up loose ends.

You and Catherine are those loose ends.

Evan: If I can help you and him get out of here alive, it will be the best thing that I've ever done in my life.

Evan, no!

I received a confession from Evan.

He said that he'd been covering for the vigilante this whole time.

He took the blame.

He is to blame.

♪ You are the one for me, boy ♪
♪ You give me butterflies from my head ♪
♪ To my feet and...

Catherine: As you can see, Mr. Keller, it is a bit of a fixer-upper, but it has potential.

It's quiet, there are no shared walls, and the neighborhood is very peaceful.

And the previous owners?

Arms dealers.


They had to leave rather suddenly.

But they never had any complaints about the building.

It's easily defendable.

And there is ample space for entertaining.


Do you host many dinner parties?

Not as many as I'd like to.

I don't know-- it's just...

I was kind of hoping for someplace a little more, uh... romantic?

You know, someplace where my girlfriend would actually come and visit me.

Trust me, your girlfriend will visit you wherever you live.



I know you must be still hurting about Evan, and this... this can't be easy for you right now.

I just wish I hadn't encouraged him.

If he hadn't been looking at the vigilante crimes or the cross-species DNA, Muirfield never, never would have found him.

Catherine, you know this isn't your fault, right?

It might not be my fault, but I can't let this happen to anyone else.

I want you to be safe.

Hey, I've been safe for the past ten years.

I think it's time for me to move past it.

We'll figure out what to do with Muirfield.

I just... I don't want us to start our new life in a place that feels like we're locked in a prison.

I want a place for us.

That would be nice, wouldn't it?



(doorbell rings)

Lieutenant, you have a good reason for bothering me at my home at this hour?

I want to redirect the efforts of the task force.

Vigilante's dead-- there is no more task force.

He's dead, but the man who confessed to helping him is still at large.

Evan Marks.

You're talking about his e-mail, I assume.

He's a traitor under my own damn roof.

Have you given even a moment's thought to the implications of opening an investigation on Marks?


Every trial that used evidence he collected, every time he testified in court-- all of that would be called into question.

So what are you saying?

We should just let him get away with this?

Your precinct's closure rate would go from the best in the city to the worst in the blink of an eye.

That what you want?

What I want is for him to have to answer for what he did: helping that psycho who k*lled my brother.

Joe, I get it.

You want revenge, and believe me, I am right there with you.

I have people looking into his whereabouts.


There is a way to handle this without undoing everything you've accomplished, but you have to forget about Evan Marks.

Just for now.

Is he gonna be a problem?

I'll keep an eye on him.

I shouldn't have used the task force to go after him.

It's far too public.

Too many loose ends.

Clearly, we have to find him ourselves.

You had nightmares again last night.

Were they about him?

Just running out of time.

I have to find Muirfield.

Don't forget, I have just as much reason to hate them as you do.

Uh-oh, I know that face.

You okay?

Vincent and I went to Evan's apartment.

We were looking for his journals.

That must have been hard.

I still can't believe he's gone.

He had this photo of us from my birthday.

Doesn't get any easier, does it?

Losing people?


Never does.


Did you find anything?



The place was tossed.

Someone got there before us.

Someone-- are you thinking Muirfield?

Can you think of anyone else who would want to find Evan's extracurricular research?

Not really, but, uh, Joe still seems bent on tracking Evan down.

But I don't think he'd search his apartment without a warrant.


I just feel really guilty knowing the truth about Evan and Monster Man and not telling him.

You can't-- you know that, right?


And his name is Vincent.

Lame, boring.

(chuckles): Fine.

How is Vincent?

Him and JT are still trying to find a place to live.

He says he wants to find somewhere that's safe.

For us.

"Us"-- that's sweet.

And, uh, unfamiliar.

There is no place that's gonna be safe as long as Muirfield's out there.

Not for him.


They won't stop until they have caught and k*lled him.

Man: No, no, no, don't go in!

You can't go in there!

No, no, no, don't, sir!

We need to get you medical attention.


Detective Chandler.


That's close enough.

No, no.


What's your name?

You don't have much time.

What do you mean?

He's dead.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x19 ♪

Playing With Fire
Original Air Date on April 25, 2013

Why would a man that I have never seen before stagger in here all shot up trying to find me?

You think it might be Muirfield?

If that's the case, how did he find you?

That's what I'm worried about.


I took it off the body in the confusion.

I can't believe that you are concealing evidence.

I have completely corrupted you.

Let's just find out if the guy's some kind of agent from you-know-what, and then we'll turn it in.

So weird seeing someone else doing Evan's job.

Hey, uh, new guy?

It's Iverson.


Sorry. I'm Tess...

Vargas, and that's Chandler.

I did my homework.

That's great.

Now can you do your job and give us something to work with?

He's got no I.D. on him.

No wallet, no keys, no money.

He was shot five times.

Looks like a .38, but I'll know for sure when I get him down to the lab.

He also has extensive bruising on his face and hands.

This guy fought like hell.

Not all this blood is his.

Joe: I don't get it, Chandler.

You have no idea why an armed man who was shot to hell barged in here looking for you?

Completely at a loss.

I have no idea who this guy is.

Have you I.D.'d him yet?

Assistant District Attorney Lowan.

I thought you washed your hands of us.

I was in a meeting nearby, and I heard you had some excitement.

Is it true you knew him?

Joe: My detective never saw him before.

Okay, this just got pretty interesting.

He's got no fingerprints.

It's completely smooth.

Guy went to a lot of trouble to make sure he couldn't be identified.

You see, you draw a face, and he's a dinosaur.

Mine is different.

It has little lines all over it.

Well, those are your fingerprints, sweetheart.

Yours is better.

No lines, no fingerprints.

Come on.

It's time for your session.

Lieutenant, I'm gonna get out of your hair, but could you keep me informed on the progress of this investigation?

Just as a courtesy.

Incident like this in a precinct in my district--

I like to be kept in the loop.

Are you sure you've never seen him?

I'm sure.

JT: So, you lied to Cat?

I didn't lie to her.

I just...

I said she needs to keep as far away from anything related to Muirfield as possible.


However, I didn't tell her that I was gonna look into this guy and try and find out where he came from.

I'm trying to keep her safe.

That's a slippery slope, my friend.

Are you sure this is it?

Yeah, I'm sure.

He bled all the way from here to the precinct.

Easiest scent to follow.

All I can smell is rancid cooking oil and despair.


Go check out that car.

The ignition's on.

Must have sat here running until it was out of gas.

Why would he abandon it?

It wasn't him.

Different footprints.

He came from that end of the alley, got cut off by the car.

Driver jumped out, left the car running, they fought?


They were both wounded.

He ran off that way and made it into the precinct before he bled out.

So what happened to the driver?

(rats squeaking)



No, you don't want to see this.

JT: Oh, that's nasty.

Told you not to look.

No fingerprints.

Like smooth or like eaten?

Like smooth.

This whole thing screams Muirfield.

You okay?

Yeah, I'll-I'll live.

Hey, check this out.

Looks like someone was in the middle of recording a video when this happened.

The-the display is completely destroyed.

Okay, well, see if you can get anything off it.

If there's a video on there, we need to see it.

You know, if this was Muirfield and they found Cat, it's not gonna be long before more of them come.



What was so urgent?

You've found something on the vic?

Still no clue where he came from, but I think I found something better.

This is security footage from the antique store outside Evan's apartment.

I thought we could catch whoever took his files on camera. Watch.

Hello, Muirfield.

Hey, handsome, can you run a plate for me?

Boy John Tom Mary 17252.



Not really.

Great, whose car is it?


Gabriel Lowan.

Are you kidding?

Do you think he had the apartment searched in an official capacity?

This does not look official.

Cat, do you think the assistant district attorney is working for Muirfield?


Come to give me an update on our mysterious intruder?

I came to find out why you had the research from Evan's apartment removed.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I have a video of a man handing you that research that says you know exactly what I'm talking about.

You got me.

I had Evan's computer and journals confiscated in order to prevent your lieutenant from pursuing a course of action that would lead to a legal nightmare of epic proportions.

So you're not concerned that Evan's gonna get away with helping the vigilante?

It's very clear from what he wrote in his journals that he was never helping the vigilante.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

He was helping another outside organization track the vigilante down.

But I think you already knew that.

I have my suspicions, and I think a man like you, highly placed in local politics, is exactly the kind of man that an organization like that would want on their side.

You think I'm working for Muirfield?

Maybe you should sit down.

Very few people have ever heard what I'm about to tell you, Detective Chandler.

When I was very young, maybe four or five...

(machines beeping)

...I was orphaned and alone.

I was picked up off the streets of Calcutta and brought to America.

Doctor: Any change?

Chimera five, stable.

I was housed and fed, on the whole, very well cared for, if you don't count the never-ending series of medical procedures.

So you were some kind of guinea pig?

Continually being harvested for blood and tissue and anything else they could take from me.

So you see, Detective, I'm not working for Muirfield.

I have been hunting them for most of my life.

I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I only came here to find out why you took Evan's research.

Trust has to be earned.

So I will lay all my cards on the table.

I've read Evan's journals.

I know that you and he were looking into cross-species DNA found at various crime scenes, and that you had discovered that the vigilante was, in fact, a human-animal hybrid.

Which led you to Muirfield.

I know that Evan, behind your back, started working with them, and I'm assuming when they were finished with him, they had him k*lled.

I'm guessing that he e-mailed his confession in order to cover up your involvement in this whole thing, and now you're hunting Muirfield, hoping to take them down for what they did to him.

How am I doing so far?

So far, you haven't said anything that makes me think you're anything but a Muirfield agent yourself.

Catherine, you and I are on the same side here.

I want revenge on Muirfield, to expose them for what they really are, not just for me, but for all the other victims-- for Evan, and even for the man who died in that warehouse, the vigilante.

So why the task force to catch him?

To protect him.

Don't forget, I did specify that he was to be taken alive.

And I'll admit, I hoped that he could lead me to Muirfield.

I still don't know what you want with me.

You're a cop.

My position can open certain doors, but you can do things and go places that I can't, and I think you might know things that I don't.

You were right.

Trust has to be earned.

I don't think we're there yet.

Man: Detective Chandler, my name is Paul Davis.

Your mother was my mentor when I first started working for Muirfield.

I always had my suspicions about what happened to her, but I never said anything, and for that, I'm truly sorry.

I don't think anyone else knows about you yet, but that's not gonna last.

You have to be careful.

Because Muirfield had to move their operation, they're vulnerable for the moment.

(tires screeching)

I can lead you to everything you need to expose them.


Go to the Orchard!

We have to get busy.

We don't know how much time we have, and we have to figure out where the Orchard is, or-or what it is.

I bet this has something to do with that, uh, swipe card that Tess found.

Catherine, the reason I showed you this video is so you know how much danger you're in.

If this guy could find you, then anyone from Muirfield could be circling.

Okay, and the last person they circled ended up dead.

This could be our chance to expose Muirfield and take them down for good.

Or it could be a trap.

So an agent pretended to defect and-and let himself be k*lled in order to lure me out?

Seems like a pretty elaborate trap, don't you think?

I wonder if Gabe knows what the Orchard is.

This Gabe guy has given you no reason to trust him.

I mean, come on, not really.

Anyone from Muirfield could've made that story up.

You didn't see his face.

He's traumatized.

Vincent, they did horrible things to him.

This is the first person who knows about Muirfield who could actually help us.

And you trust him completely?

Enough to tell him about me, about us?

Because if you do, there's no going back.

Everything changes.

Catherine... all I'm asking is that you stay away from him until we check out his story.

And the Orchard?

You want me to wait around while you check that out, too?

Catherine, I couldn't handle losing you.

All right, I couldn't live.

I wouldn't want to.

And I can't face every day knowing that Muirfield is out there hunting you.

You have this fantasy that you're gonna find a new place to live and I'm gonna come visit you and we're gonna move on with our lives, but that is never going to happen as long as this threat is hanging over our heads.

Just give me the time to work this out.


Okay, so I double-checked the Muirfield warehouse.

Completely empty.

Seems they've gone back underground.

You manage to find anything?

I got nothing. I searched every database I could think of.

Nothing called the Orchard?

There's thousands of things called the Orchard: bars, restaurants, shops, actual orchards.

But nothing that would suggest some kind of Muirfield involvement.

And if I do a more aggressive search, it's bound to raise red flags.

Look again.

We need to figure this out before Catherine does, okay?

Imagine what you two could accomplish if you were actually working together.

Come on, man, that's not fair.

I'm just trying to keep her from ending up like Evan.

If you're trying to protect her from all this, do you think maybe, when we find the new place, we should consider going back to the old way of doing things?

What, total secrecy?

Even from Catherine?

Yeah. And no more visiting her apartment either.

I hate that I even have to think about this, but if it's the only way to keep her safe... yeah.

Okay, so what do you want to do?

Because I've exhausted my options.

If we can't figure out the Orchard thing, then we should concentrate on Muirfield.

Maybe we should check out the one person who knows more about them than we do.
Joe: Tess, I'm glad you're here.

Look, um, walking on eggshells is driving me crazy, so I'm just gonna come out with it.

I know you're still investigating Evan even though the DA's office warned you off.

Look, I get it.

Someone in your own department betrayed you, and you want them to pay.

No. What I want is for him to look me in my eyes and tell me why.

Why he was helping the vigilante.

Why my brother had to die.

I will not stop until I get those answers.

You okay?

I'm not talking about it.

What is that?

It's either a peace offering or it's bait.

It's one of Evan's journals.

Gabe must have left it on my desk, trying to earn my trust.

Is it working?

My gut says yes, but this voice in my head that sounds a lot like Vincent says no.

What do you think?

I think that your gut has saved both our lives on more than one occasion.

I say listen to ito If the new ADA wants to help you take down these Muirfield guys, then more power to him.

Vincent is gonna go ballistic.

And for him, that's kind of a big deal.

Vincent will be fine.

You and I both know better than anyone that sometimes you have to hide a little truth from your partner in order to protect them.

Have you gone through all this?

Yeah. I thought you could take a shot.

Maybe you'll see something I overlooked.

Orchard Industries?

Does that mean something to you?

They won't stop with Evan, you know.

Muirfield will be looking for anyone who might have helped him.

I know what it's like to always be looking over your shoulder.

But imagine a life free of that.

We're off the record here, right?


The, uh, the dead guy in the precinct.

I lifted his phone without telling anyone.

He had a video. It was for me.

He said that Muirfield would be vulnerable for a brief time and that I would find everything I needed to take them down at the Orchard.

Okay. If we're going to do something about this, it has to be right now.

No, I should go alone.

Do some recon, see what we're dealing with.

I'm coming with you.

No. No, if we were seen, it would be a lot harder to explain what you were doing there.

Gabe (over phone): Are you sure you can get in?

Catherine: It looks clear.

I'm gonna try and get closer.

I'll check back in with you in 15 minutes.

So, why not bring Gabe in?

Because I have no clue what I'm gonna find in there, and I can't risk it being something that might expose Vincent.

You ready for this?

Tess: Sir!


(laughing): Sir!

Can you help me?

I'm crazy lost.

Where were you trying to go?

A warehouse party.

And I may have started partying a little too early, so...

(phone beeps)

(phone rings)

Catherine? Everything all right?

Yeah. So far all I've found is a card reader protecting a really impressive door.

I need you standing by just in case.

(device trills)


This must be what he meant by vulnerable.

What is it?

What do you see?

Computer servers.

Lots of them.

It's Muirfield's brain.

Okay. I hope you can talk me through this.

Don't worry.

We'll figure it out.

Okay, here goes.

It's asking for a password.

Didn't the guy in the video give you one?

The guy on the video is dead.

There wasn't anything in Evan's files?


I can't believe this is happening.

Not when we are this close.

Try "chimera."


I know how to spell it.

Why did you pick that word?

Just trust me. Type it in.

It worked. We're in.

Oh, my God, this is everything.

Names, places.

All their administrative files.

I need to see what you're seeing.

Gabe, even if I had a flash drive, it wouldn't hold a fraction of this data.

I can e-mail you some of the files.

No. We can download directly to another server.

It'll be faster.

I need you to go to the network connections menu, upper right-hand corner, and type in this IP address: 2-7-5-2-8-3-


Done. Now what?

(computer trills)

It worked.

We got 'em.

Okay, just give me a second and I will send you the most important files.

No. We can control the download from here.


We're gonna get everything.

Catherine: Keller.

This is not good.

Tyler: Must have been their backup site.

This is a lot of data.

Everything all right?

So far.

I'm shunting everything over to the server at the mansion now.

Whoa. She needs to make sure nothing interrupts this download.

They have some pretty advanced security measures.

If it doesn't finish, then all the files are corrupted.

We would lose everything.

Catherine, I need you to make sure that nothing interrupts this download.

We could lose everything.

JT, I need you to track Cat's phone and tell me where she is right now.

Oh, God.

What is it?

No, I just-- I heard a noise.

I'm gonna go check it out.

I can't stop the transfer.



No way. You were a cage fighter?

Yeah. But I had to stop doing it.

They were afraid I was gonna k*ll someone.

Shut up!

Swear to God.

This one time I knocked this guy out so bad...

Dispatcher: Unauthorized access detected.

Strike team en route.

ETA, two minutes.

I got to go.


Cage fighter.

(phone rings)

Hey, get out.

Strike team's on its way.

Tess, I can't.

I've got to stop...


Never mind.

I'll be out in a minute.

Okay, you can yell at me later.

I was just trying to protect you, but now we don't have much time.

We have to destroy these servers or Gabe will have your files.

Everything about you.

Is there anything else I should know?

There's a strike team on the way.


(alarm sounding)

♪ Put on your w*r paint...



♪ You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down... ♪


♪ Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground ♪
♪ We are the jack-o'-lanterns in July ♪
♪ Setting fire to the sky ♪
♪ Here, here comes ♪
♪ This rising tide ♪
♪ So, come on...


♪ Put on your w*r paint...



♪ Crosswalks ♪
♪ And crossed hearts ♪


♪ And hope to die ♪


♪ Seal the clouds ♪


♪ With gray lining ♪

(shouts, groans)

♪ So we can take ♪


♪ The world back ♪
♪ From the heart-att*cked ♪
♪ One maniac at a time ♪
♪ We will take it back ♪
♪ You know time crawls on ♪
♪ When you're waiting for the song to start ♪
♪ So dance alone to the beat of your heart ♪
♪ Hey, young blood ♪
♪ Doesn't it feel like our time ♪
♪ Is running out? ♪
♪ I'm gonna change you ♪
♪ Like a remix ♪
♪ Then I'll raise you ♪


♪ Like a phoenix ♪
♪ Wearing our vintage misery ♪
♪ No, I think it looked a little better on me ♪
♪ I'm gonna change you ♪
♪ Like a remix ♪
♪ Then I'll raise you ♪
♪ Like a phoenix ♪
♪ Put on your w*r paint.

Man: Get these sectioned off here.

(indistinct chatter)

No access-- it's not secure up there yet.

What the hell happened?

I don't know.

I must have tripped an alarm.

Well, how did you get out?

I'm not sure they even saw me.

They were so focused on destroying those servers.

They trashed the place, they set a fire.

Making sure all the data was destroyed.

Did we get anything from the download?

It's completely worthless.


I'm sorry.

Well, at least you got out okay.

You should get home, get cleaned up.

Get some rest.

Can I ask you something?


Why were you so sure that that was the password?

It was the genesis of Muirfield.

Chimera was the name of the original study I was a part of.

It's a mythical creature, a monster, made up of...

Made up of parts from different animals.

My mom was a scientist, and, uh, she... she used to wear a necklace with a chimera on it.

She said it reminded her to respect the power of nature.

You be good for me, okay?

I'll be back soon, I promise.

You're safe now.

This is the medicine he's gonna need.

Your employers, are they... looking for him?

Uh, no.

As far as they know, the experiment's... been terminated.

Bye, Gabriel.

We could get ice cream on the way home.

Would you like that?

Catherine: Gabe?


Are you okay?


Yeah. I'm fine.

I'm just disappointed.

We'll talk later.


(indistinct radio chatter)


Can you salvage anything?


What's the matter?

That woman I told you about?

The one who smuggled me out of Muirfield?

I never knew her name, but I think she might have been Detective Chandler's mother.

It looks like Catherine's involvement with Muirfield goes a lot deeper than just wanting revenge for Evan.

Not to add gasoline to the fire, but can I show you something?

(indistinct radio chatter)

The bolts holding it to the floor?

Completely sheared off.

A fire didn't do that.


Someone or something very, very strong tore them apart.

Looks like your new friend has a lot more secrets than you know.



You wanted to see me?

You put this on my desk.

They're from Evan's files.

How'd you find it?

Evan buried it.

That was all I found.

He thought it would hurt you unnecessarily.


So, what, am I supposed to think Evan's some kind of hero now?

Is he my friend 'cause he hid some file that said my brother was on dr*gs when he got k*lled?

I just thought that it would help you make sense of what happened.

And maybe help you move on from this crusade to find Evan.

You don't think he deserves to pay for what he did?

I think you're using him as an excuse to hang on to Darius.

And as long as you keep taking out your anger on Evan or Miranda... or me...

(voice breaking): you're never going to be able to let your brother go and say good-bye.

(door creaking)


Why are we meeting down here?

Neutral ground?

Look, Catherine, I'm not mad at you.

I just...

Okay, wait.

Just let me go first.

Um... I'm sorry.

I thought I had a chance to expose Muirfield.

A chance to keep you safe, and... it made me reckless.

Look, you weren't reckless.

You were right.

And maybe if we'd gone in there together, then, we would have Muirfield's files by now, but... after what happened to Evan...

I understand.

Maybe too well.

I think that we need to stop worrying about protecting you or protecting me, and-and start thinking about protecting us, and there is only one way to do that.

Yeah. The only way for us to be together, to have some kind of life is, uh, if we destroy Muirfield.


And not just for us.

For all the people that they've hurt.

I, uh...

I got to ask you a question.

All right.

Agent Davis-- he might have been a defector, but he managed to find you pretty easily.

And you know it won't be long before more of them find you, yeah?

So, if you had a choice, I mean, would you want me to, to keep you at a safe distance?

If-if I had a new place to live, would... would you want me to keep it a secret from you?

That has got to be the dumbest question anyone's ever asked me.

Of course not.

Good. I was hoping you'd say that.

I, um... I got something to show you.


So... what do you think?

Could you see yourself visiting your boyfriend here once in a while?

It's beautiful.

It's perfect.

♪ I'm scared you'd never feel that safe again ♪
♪ Can someone hold my hands?