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01x05 - Pants on Fire

Posted: 07/08/14 09:21
by bunniefuu
I have him set up by the fireplace Excellent. as you requested.

Thank you.

How pissed off do you think he is?

You're a busy man. I'm sure he understands.

David, great to see you.

God, how long has it been?

About an hour longer than I was hoping for.


Hello, Dorrit.

Oh, sorry to keep you waiting, David.

We ran into some coastal commission bullshit.

Oh, no problem, but I-I requested a private meeting with the mayor.

I thought I was pretty clear about that.

David, she's my chief of staff.

I trust her more than I trust my wife.

Perhaps that explains your divorce.

[Laughing] Yeah, I-I ran right into that one, didn't I?


Mmm, Humboldt Fog... better than any French chèvre out there.

This '94 Harlan Cab is pretty good.

I'm afraid I drank most of it while you kept me waiting, but no worries.

I ordered a second bottle... on your dime.


Anyway, enjoy.

Where are you going?

To tell Erich Blunt that apparently bundling $1.6 million in campaign contributions doesn't earn you a private meeting with the mayor!

I'll take that.

Thank you.

Why are you still sitting here?

David. Wait.

Excuse me.

[Sighs] Excuse me.



Oh, hey, you made it.

Yeah, barely. [Sighs]

Uh, uh, one second.

Before we, uh... How... how you doing?

I'm good. How are you?

So, are we... are we... are we cool?

You tell me.

Do you want to... talk about it, or...

I don't know. Do you?

Well, I just...

You want to talk about?

I-I didn't want there to be any, um... awkward, lingering...

Weirdness? Yeah.

Yeah. Just... I...

I think the train's already kind of left the station on that.

[Chuckles nervously] Yeah.

Do you, uh... All right, well, I just want to say that, uh... um...

Oh, hey.


They're about to start.

Okay. Cool.

To be continued. Yeah.

S-s... right. Awesome.

See you in there.


[Chains rattle]

Ladies and gentlemen, criminal court is now in session.

The honorable Judge Sylvia Pace presiding.

All rise!

New judge?

Guess so.

Where the hell is Templeton?

No clue.

Judge Pace: Good morning, everyone. Please be seated.

Due to an unforeseen conflict of interest, Judge Templeton recused himself this morning from this case.

I've been brought up to speed, so unless the state or defense wishes to object, let's proceed with the bail hearing.

The state may present arguments.


Your honor... under California Penal Code 1270.5, a defendant charged with a capital offense may not be admitted to bail when proof of his or her guilt is evident.

DNA evidence not only puts Mr. Blunt at the crime scene but proves that he had sex with the victim within minutes of her m*rder.




Your honor... this defendant is a man of unlimited means, who has mocked the authority of this court, brazenly violated the terms of his bail agreement, and proved beyond all measure of reason that he is an extreme flight risk.

Therefore, the state moves that the defendant be remanded to custody for the duration of these proceedings.

Duly noted. Anything else, Counselor?

Not at this moment, your honor.

Very well.

Mr. Hertzberg, does the defense wish to rebut?


Your honor, though, I-I beg, uh, just a moment's indulgence while I try to get organized.

The last time I stood up in a criminal proceeding was mock trial, more years ago than I care to admit.

Uh, well, the court will take your rust into consideration.

Oh, I appreciate that. Thank you, your honor.

Uh, okay, I think I'm in, uh, pretty good shape here.

[Clears throat]

Your honor, the state's arguments to deny bail are rife with half-truths and c-convenient omissions from which they offer specious conclusions.

Um, now, they cite CPC 1270.5.

Yes, a statute which, uh, prohibits bail when the presumption of guilt is great, right?

I-it says, "When the presumption of guilt is great," and yet they have failed to produce a shred of prima facie evidence connecting my client to a crime or even that a crime was committed.

Now, as to the assertion that my client is a violent criminal and a menace to society... based on what? His personality?

Your honor, the defense will stipulate that Erich Blunt, on occasion, is a petulant, self-involved, boorish egomaniac.

Indeed you are rusty, Mr. Hertzberg.

Yes, your honor. The... the point I'm trying to make is that even though he is a colossal pain in the ass, so what?

A-an abrasive personality does not a m*rder*r make, and yet, this is what the prosecution is trying to sell here.

They haven't any substantive evidence, and so they're putting his bad-boy reputation on trial.

Now, had they done a little bit more research, spent a little bit more time investigating, uh, instead of rushing to indict, they might have found out that Erich Blunt, although he does have some very annoying personality traits, happens to be one of the most generous, one of the most loyal people that they will ever meet, with no history, not one single incident, of violent or criminal behavior on the record.

So, for Mr... uh...

Stiletti... Sorry, Siletti... to claim that my client is a dangerous felon with... [Stammers] being a threat to... to the public is a ludicrous and... I'm sorry... irresponsible assertion.

Yeah, objection.


Now, as to the alleged bail violation, that was an egregious, albeit an honest, mistake, due to a lack of communication between Mr. Blunt and Mr. Daniels.

My client did not fully understand, uh, the restrictions that were placed on him.


Your honor, even a civil litigator like Mr. Hertzberg must know that ignorance is never an arguable defense.

No, I-I-I know that. Yes, uh, thank you.

Uh, I do know that, but it can be a mitigating factor in determining consequences.

Now, as for the infraction demonstrating any disregard to the authority of this court or that he is a flight risk, I... I respectfully ask your honor to consider that Mr. Blunt made no attempt to steal away in secrecy.

He went to the biggest open-air, outdoor, public party in the state of Nevada, returned of his own volition, and, most telling, appeared in court promptly as instructed.

Therefore, the defense requests that Mr. Blunt be released on his own recognizance and that all sureties of... of bond be returned without penalty.

All right, uh, thank you, gentlemen.

Mr. Blunt, I am reinstating your bail at double the previous amount, the court will retain your passport, and you may not travel beyond the limits of San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo, or Alameda Counties.

Is there any part of that that is unclear to you, sir?

No, ma'am.

You will be fitted with a GPS ankle bracelet.

And if you wander one foot beyond those limits, no excuse will keep me from throwing you back in jail.

That's all. We're dismissed.

[Gavel bangs]

Wipe that smile off your face.

Half the reporters in the state of California are in this room.

By the way, Mr. Hertzberg?

How did you do at mock trial?

Pretty well, your honor.

Sorry this has to be rushed.

But I've got a 3:00 depo in Denver.

David: Not a problem.

Appreciate the meeting on such short notice.

Congratulations, by the way.


I heard you accomplished quite a bit this morning.

We caught a few breaks.

Catching breaks of your own design is a rare talent in itself.

You need to take care of this man.

I know that.

Do you?

From what I've seen, you don't take care of anyone but yourself.

I know that, too.

It's not one of my better qualities.

Do you have better qualities?

Not to put you on the spot, but since I assume you've come here to try and hire me back... for the life of me, I can't think of a single reason why I'd want to continue representing you.

Mr. Daniels, I-I know money wasn't the reason you quit my case, but maybe it'll be the reason you come back.

So I'll double your fee... paid in full up front... if you'll rejoin our team.

I make the offer because... frankly, it's the only inducement I can think of.

Son, you lied to me at every turn, withheld critical information, ignored my instructions, and, more importantly, embarrassed me in open court.

You made me look foolish on the world's largest legal stage.

And I can't think of any amount of money that's worth my reputation.

I understand that.

And I'll understand if you say "No."

But there is a big difference between now and then.

And that is, I've spent several days in jail.

A couple of weeks ago, I didn't even think that was a remote possibility, and now I know... not only is it possible, without your help, it's likely I'll spend the rest of my life there.

And that's an outcome I'll do anything to avoid.

Even if you mean every word you say today, sooner or later, we'll have a day that doesn't go our way, or you'll get upset at some stupid, unrelated thing.

And when that happens, I guarantee you'll revert to form and sh**t us both in the foot.

$10 million.

Up front, plus expenses.

Will you take a polygraph?

Whatever you want, Mr. Daniels.

If you're bullshitting me, son, I swear to God...

[Door opens]

Hey, Terry.

Mm, hey, Mama Maddy. Where you been hiding?


Hey, I've got some, uh, building manager on the main line, says he has some information on the case.

It sounds like someone stopped by his building a couple of days ago, flashing a badge, asking questions, uh, claiming he was a homicide inspector.

He says he called himself Captain Salter.

Should I tell him to get lost?

Uh, no, I, uh... I'll take it.

I figured. [Chuckles] Park 6.

All right, thank you, girl.

Mm-hmm. Don't be a stranger.

No. Uh, homicide.

Yep, this is Salter.

Okay. It's in the same building?

Okay, and you will be here all morning?

Okay, cool. Thank you very much.

Salter's been sniffing around our investigation.

Well, it looks like he's been sniffing around Cindy's ex-husband, too.

That is right next door to Joni's Tavern.

Yeah, here it is... Hong Kong Pickles.

We hit that building during our initial canvass when we were checking out the husband's alibi.

Spoke to an assistant manager, some guy named Wong.

Uh, they got nothing, seen nothing, don't know nothing... not helpful.

Probably just retracing our steps.

Salter still has plenty of friends in this building.

We have to assume he's got the full book on us... what we know, what we've done, and what we think.

All right, we'll check it out.

Could be helpful.

And tasty. Pickles... mmm!

This is it. Hong Kong Pickles.

[Banging on door]

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Oh, you the m*rder police?

You not old white guy.

He told me this Salter... old, white guy.

Who's he?

Assistant manager.

He talked to Salter 'cause I not here.

Uh, I'm Inspector English.

This is my partner, Inspector Mulligan.


Black guy, pretty white woman... got it.

Easy to remember. Everyone different. [Chuckles]

Oh, hey. You try my pickle.

Oh. Thanks.


Oh, no problem. My name Benji. You follow me.

Hmm. [Chuckles]


This what Salter want. And the Mexican policeman, too, right?


They ask assistant manager, but he not know this is here.

I watch everybody just like NSA.

Do you know what, uh... what Salter was looking for?

He was looking for the surveillance footage of the outside.

What is this angle over here?

Right here? What am I looking at?

Ah, that's the alley.

What about that?

Is that a... is that a different building?

Yes, that's a different building.

That's Joni's Tavern, back door.

Wait... You have footage of every single person entering or exiting that door in and out of Joni's Tavern for two months?

Yeah, I guess so.

But who cares about Joni's Tavern?

This is taken from a security cam from across the street.

There we go. That's Strauss right there.

Hildy: So, 7:27, he sneaks out.

Fast-forward it a little bit.

[Keyboard clacking]

Keep going. Keep going. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.


Terry: And there he is returning at 9:33.

Wow. Two hours. Are you kidding me?

Yeah, plenty of time for him to sneak out, go to Cindy's, snap her neck, get back to the bar.

Okay, so, wait. So, on the day of the m*rder, what time was Mark's pay-phone call to Blunt?

3:12 P.M.

Terry: Then he calls Blunt, threatens him, tells him to leave his wife alone.

Had a few drinks, then decides to actually reach out to Cindy, but she doesn't pick up her cellphone, so then he actually goes over there drunk.

Sees Blunt, freaks out, kills her, goes back to the bar.

I could never figure out why Blunt would k*ll a pretty woman who just gave him a hummer.

No, this makes much more sense.


Suddenly, Blunt's DNA on Cindy isn't so compelling.

Son of a bitch.

When you add in the estranged husband's record and the fact that he's already admitted to us that he assaulted her the night before...

And the phone call.

What phone call?

We have reason to believe, uh, Mark Strauss called Erich Blunt from a pay phone on the day of the m*rder.

And I'm just hearing about this now?

Hildy: Well, Keefer just put it together this morning using Strauss' I.U.D.s.

So, the location data on his cellphone, it places him on the same block as the pay phone at the exact same time the call to Blunt was made.

We're gonna bring him back in and get to the bottom of this.


[Sighs] Look. Shit happens, all right?

Yeah, it might be your shit, but it's on me.

Clean this up, people.


Furdon: I'll begin with a series of 20 innocuous true-or-false questions.

I want you to answer in the affirmative, regardless of whether you believe that's a truthful answer.

Do you understand?


You're establishing base-line parameters for truthful and untruthful responses.

That is correct. [Sighs]

Are you ready to begin?

Fire away.

All right, is your name Erich Blunt?


Are you 48 years old?


Are you 26 years old?


Did you m*rder Cynthia Strauss?


What the hell? You said "Innocuous Questions."

I lied.

Hang on one second.

Uh, I-I've witnessed dozens of polygraphs.

I've never seen one administered like this.

This is how I do it.

Shall I continue?

It's up to you.

You know my conditions.

It's not up to him.

It's up to me.

Carry on.

Very well.

We're still answering in the affirmative.

Did you m*rder John Lennon?


Did you m*rder Cynthia Strauss?


Have you answered all the previous questions truthfully?


So, is that every call and text?

To and from Cindy Strauss, Erich Blunt, Mark Strauss, Bill Wilkerson, Ivana West.

Pull up Mark Strauss.

[Keyboard clacking]

This short one is from his apartment to a pizza joint.

This is from the street to his pharmacy, then he called this check-cashing place in the Tenderloin.


And these three are all to this number here.

It's a foreman trailer on a construction site down by the Wharf.

That's the Himmelman project.

He's an electrician, right?


Yeah, maybe that's his new gig.


All right, thank you, Keefer.

No sweat.

Good work, Keefer.

[Keyboard clacking]

[Seals chirping]


Watch yourself.

There's an electrical cage right there.

Oh, yeah, you think?

I'm just saying, if he's here, he's there.


I don't feel like running today.

Hey. You can't go in there.

Keep moving... SFPD.

Mark Strauss? Hey.



Where do you think you're going, huh, huh?

All right, down on your knees. Hey!

Listen to the nice lady.

Down, on your knees!

Listen to the lady.

Drop the bag. Drop it.

On your stomach.

Mark: [Grunting]

Hands where I can see them. Hands up!

Got him?

Yeah, nice and easy. There we go.

There we go. All right.

Déjà vu, huh?


What are you laughing at?!

Furdon: All right, a few more questions.

Please answer truthfully.

Did you in any way... either intentionally or accidentally... cause the death of Cynthia Strauss?


Have you ever at any time intentionally or accidentally caused the death of another human being?


Have you found any of the questions in this examination to be biased, unfair, or ambiguous?


Have you answered all the questions in this examination truthfully and to the best of your ability?


Then we are finished, sir.

[Sighs] Thanks.

Get these wires off me.


You good?

[Door opens]

[Sighs] All right, look either tell me what I'm doing here or go get me a lawyer.

All right, I understand.

Facing a m*rder-one indictment, that's probably the best option anyway.

Uh, just make sure you tell your lawyer when he gets here that we know that you made a call from the pay phone to Blunt the same day your wife was m*rder*d.

And the two hours that you went missing from Joni's Tavern, during which your wife was m*rder*d.

Oh, yeah, that, too.

Just mention that, too.

Wait, okay, well, no, that's what this is about?

Yeah, man.

Okay, I can explain both of those things.

Well, the ship sailed on explanations, unfortunately, the minute you lawyered up, so it's kind of over at this point.

Okay, well, I-I-I take it back! I don't want a lawyer!

Can't take it back.

Our hands are tied now.

Once you exercise Miranda, that bell cannot be unrung.

We'll see you in court.

Are you serious? Come on.

Good luck.

Okay, you know, screw you!

I-I-I'm gonna explain it whether you like it or not!

I-I called Blunt the morning o-o-o-o-f the day Cindy was m*rder*d.

I got his private number from her cellphone the night before, and I called him because he was messing with my wife!

She was still my wife.

Honestly, I wanted to rip his head off, but I didn't 'cause I knew it would land me in jail, okay?

So, instead, I called him up. I laid into him.

I read him the riot act. I don't know.

Maybe I might have even threatened him. I don't know.

I was so mad, I-I can't even remember what I said.

Then it was over. I hung up. That was it.

I didn't want to tell you about it before because I was embarrassed.

If I wasn't such a chickenshit, Cindy might still be alive.

Is that why you hit her the night before?

'Cause she was screwing Blunt?

Or did you hit her because you found out that she was... carrying his baby?

Which one?

I hit her because she hit me.

No, I hit her because I was stupid, and I let my emotions get the best of me, okay?

I-I'll regret it till the day I die.

So you called Blunt and... freaked out on him?


That probably made you feel worse.

'Cause you really wanted to beat his ass, but you didn't have the balls to face him like a man.

He's got security.

Yeah, I get it.


I get it.

Did he laugh at you? Call you a p*ssy?

Oh, here we... [Clears throat]

Did he tell you that your wife wouldn't be pulling a train at 30,000 feet with him and half his other employees if you knew how to actually [Clicks tongue] satisfy a woman?

So then that night, you're feeling like a spineless piece of shit, so you do what any cat in your shoes would do.

You reclaim your manhood, and you go... you take care of the woman that did you wrong.


You slipped out of Joni's.

You went over to Cindy's. You broke her neck, right?

No, I didn't... Listen.

[Breathes deeply]

I left the bar... because I met a cougar.

And she told me to meet her at her car.


Okay [Chuckles] but why did you go through the side door?


And where was she?

She's married, okay?

She didn't want us being seen leaving together.

She went out the front.

That's convenient. Okay.

So, you had a... two-hour backseat hookup?

That's what you want me to believe?

It's the truth.

Come on, man.

We smoked a joint, we had sex, smoked some more, talked a little while, and had more sex.

Then she split, and I went back into the bar.

All right, what's her name? What's her number?

I don't know.

She didn't give me either 'cause she's married.

All right, you know what? You need to wake up!

We are sitting here, trying to help you, but you need to give us something!

If you don't, then we're done, and you are beyond done.

Wait, I don't... I don't know what to tell you, all right?

I-I just... She sat next to me next to the bar.

We were talking, had a few drinks.

Did you buy her drinks?


She bought me drinks, actually.

I'm telling you, this chick was hot to trot.

All right, did she pay cash?

I don't even remember who paid. I was so drunk.


Wait, no, no. She paid with a credit card.

That's right.

I remember making fun of her signature 'cause it was manly.

There's like lines and squiggles like a-a doctor or something.

What time did you say?

Uh, 7:30 P.M.

Why don't just, uh, take out all the female names between 7:00 and 8:00?



These are the females?


Okay, that's curvy.

Here, this is kind of squiggly.

Sally Smoot.

Yeah, that one.

Sally Smoot.

Don't tell me you got the FBI database on your cellphones.

Oh, we got something even better, actually.

Yeah, Google.

Oh. Dr. Sally Smoot, San Francisco.

[Laughing] Oh, my gosh, you're not even gonna believe this.


Yeah. Thanks.


Can I take this?


Thank you.
[Bell rings]

Well, as long as we're here, we might as well talk about it.

Talk about what?

About the fact that you felt compelled to, um, kiss me.

Say what?

Please, you... you initiated... you initiated it.


No, you stood there, and you puckered, and then you leaned in.



Mr. English, Ms. Mulligan, I'm Dr. Smoot.

Please come in.



Well, you're an attractive couple.

No, we're... we're not a couple. We're just partners.

We're not here for counseling.

Terry: We work with the Homicide Unit.

Hildy: We have some questions about a m*rder that we're investigating that we hope you can help us with.


Very seriously.

Terry: Do you remember where you were the evening of June 5th?


Well, we have reason to believe that you made contact with a suspect in a m*rder investigation.

Hildy: Do you know of, uh... of a place called Joni's Tavern?

Were you there, by chance, last Tuesday night?

Joni's Tavern...

It's on Gilman, over by the Stick.

Oh, uh, oh, that place.

I-I think I've been there once or twice, but not for ages.

Um, it's not really my type of establishment.

Hildy: [Chuckles] Right.


Um, i-is this your signature at the bottom there?

Oh, uh... [Sighs]




My goodness, I apologize.

I was thinking of, um, Jesse's on Hauser.

Jesse's. Right.

Honest mistake.

Um... uh, yes.

Uh, yes, I-I did stop by there last week.

I guess it was June 5th.

My husband was out of town.

I had a late session here... horrific divorce.

And, well... um, I stopped by Joni's for a drink on the way home.

Did you meet, uh, a young, kind of cute redheaded guy...

Mark Strauss?

Did you, by chance, spend any time with him alone in your car?

[Chuckling nervously]

This is crazy!

I'm a married woman and a-a marriage counselor.

Is... is that what this man told you?

Is that the truth?

It's nonsense. I don't know that man.

I had a few drinks, I paid my bill, and I was at home on the phone with my husband by 8:00 P.M.

Okay, so, then if we got a warrant to search your car, we wouldn't find any of Mr. Strauss' hair or fluids... you know, DNA?

No, you wouldn't.

Hildy: And if we check your phone records, we will see that you and your husband were on the phone together around 8:00 P.M.?

Well, I can't be certain of the exact time.

Um... but, yes, I think so.


Dr. Smoot, you need to understand, uh... the last thing we want to do is force you into a compromising position, but we are investigating the m*rder of a young woman.

And without you corroborating what Mr. Strauss says, we have every reason to believe that he is the k*ller.

Well, I'm sorry. I can't help you or him.



I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me.

You're a-arresting me? Why?

No, I'm not arresting you.

It's just I need you to make an official statement at the Hall of Justice, since we'll be pursuing m*rder charges against Mr. Strauss based on the statement that you made that you were not with him that night.

We're also gonna have to impound your vehicle for a couple of days, just to verify that there's no hair or semen or DNA in the vehicle, so if you could just, uh, hand me over your keys.

And then Inspector Mulligan will, uh, take you to 850 Bryant Street.

I-I have... I have clients out there.

I can't do this! You are gonna ruin my practice!

I'm sorry, ma'am.



If I tell you the truth... will I be in trouble?

Well, nothing compared to the trouble, uh, Mr. Strauss would be in if you insisted you weren't with him.

Oh, I'm such an idiot.


Yes, he's telling the truth.

Uh, my husband has a... a medical condition that makes sex difficult.

Oh, my God, this is so embarrassing.

I thought I was being careful.

We met in the car. We were there for several hours.

He was with me until after 9:30.

I looked at the clock when he got out of the car.


Hildy: Thank you.

Jesus, there you are.

I need to talk to you.

Hey, haven't seen you since Burning Man, Wilky.

Worried you jumped ship.

Yeah, my wife is gone.

She took off when we were in Nevada.

[Papers rustle]

She sent me this, okay?

Divorce papers.

I mean, I'm... I'm going out of my mind.

Yeah, I can't find her anywhere.

Okay, all right.

What do you mean you can't find her?

I mean I-I'm trying everything. She won't pick up her cellphone.

Her sister says she fine, but then won't talk to me, right?

So I'm... I'm at a total loss.

Uh, where's Salter?

I need someone who knows how to find people!


Hey, Salter... Salter's busy, all right?

Just... chill out a second, all right?

There's other ways of doing this.

Hey, Oli, front and center.

How can I help you, "E"?

Wilkerson here needs a digital bloodhound to track his wife... no questions asked.

Can do. I'll just need her specs.

We'll start with her cellphone, e-mail addresses.

Come with me. We'll find her.


I got your back.

If you need a place to crash during this ordeal, mi casa su casa.

No, that's fine. Thanks. Uh, I won't forget it.

Hey, we're friends, right?

Loyal, trustworthy.

I've got your back, and you've got mine.



All right.

[Horn blares]

Bill: Barbara? Barbara, I know you're in there.

Will you please open up and tell me what's going on? Please?

I mean, d-didn't you... You always said that the marriage was the most important thing, no matter what, so don't you think that you... don't you think that you...

[Sighs] owe it to the marriage to... to try and fix it?

No matter what happened, don't you think you... you owe us that much?

Honey... Hey, baby. What... what is...

Ohh, God!

That's what I owe!


You lying bastard!

Stop! Just calm down, okay?! Wait! Just tell me what I did!

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

If you're gonna act crazy, I deserve that!

Stop talking!

Oh, my God, every... every time you open your mouth, more bullshit comes out.

It is stinking up my life.

I am drowning in your bullshit.


I can't stand it anymore.

Let's... This is insane.

I can't... Oh!

I didn't do anything! I did nothing!

Do you understand?

I don't know what kind of crazy spiders you got running around in your head!

Let me tell you this, all right?

You're gonna feel pretty stupid by the time you figure out that it's all just a bunch of crazy spider lies, yeah!

No, no, all... all this time, you were telling me how... how Cindy's just some poor, messed-up kid.

Oh, my God.

Right? "She's like a daughter to me.

I was just trying to help her straighten out her life."

The whole time, it was a lie!

Honey, honey, why would you even think that?

You don't know what you're saying.

You got it all wrong!

I've got it wrong?

[Cellphone beeps]


[Both moaning]

You're a lying bastard!

[Cellphone beeps]


Where did you get that?

Oh, I bet you'd like to know.

Just get the hell away from me, all right?

I never want to see you... or hear you or talk to you.

I swear to God.

[Door slams]

Discharge on 27?

Uh, that is correct.

What does that mean?

Discharged with further investigation in case we find any additional holes in your alibi.

You won't.

Wait. Is this charge on my record?


Let's see here... Adderall, Xanax, trazodone, Kolonopin, oxycodone, Demerol, Darvocet, and codeine.

They're all legit scripts.

You need help, man.

Sign here.

See you next time.

You're free to go.


Next up!

Hildy: Erich Blunt passed his polygraph test.

For real?

Yeah, of course he did.

Well-played by Warren Daniels.


Hey, uh, I just want to make a little announcement about, uh, tonight's Karaoke Birthday Bash.

Uh, yeah, I-I made a deal with a car service.

It's actually one of the pimps I knew from when I was in vice, but, uh, anyway, no one has to worry about drinking and driving.

You can just party down, right?


Sounds good. In.

All right.

What about you, T-Dog? You coming?

Uh, Molky-Molk, I'm, uh, swamped.

I will be there in spirit. Happy... Happy Birthday, man.

No, no, no, no, no. You'll be there in the flesh.

You have my personal guarantee he will be there, okay?

It's not really open for discussion.

You... you're going.

I'll see you there.

Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, the BTK k*ller all passed polygraphs.

I'm not going to debate the validity of polygraphs.

But this polygraph bears no consideration.

It was a staged event, intentionally disseminated to the media in a surprisingly ham-fisted attempt to drum up favorable press for Erich Blunt.

Warren Daniels is going to try to win this case with press leaks and innuendo because that's all he has.

Erich Blunt m*rder*d Cindy Strauss and her unborn child, and we're going to prove that in court with evidence and cold, hard facts because that's what we have.

Thank you. That is all. Enjoy your evening.

[Indistinct shouting]

Molk: ♪ Hey, she's my lawyer ♪
♪ When I'm in trouble ♪


♪ She makes my temperature rise ♪
♪ And when it comes to kind treatment, people ♪
♪ My baby's an angel in disguise ♪
♪ Well, when I'm sick ♪
♪ She's my doctor ♪


♪ When I'm well ♪


♪ She's my pride and joy ♪

We never really got a chance to finish our conversation about what happened.

We don't have to.

No, I know. I just... just want to make sure we both know it's obviously not gonna happen again.

♪ When I'm tired and I want to play, people ♪


♪ It's my baby that's my toy ♪

So, we're... we're good? We're okay?

We're always good, Hildy.

[Cheers and applause]


Do you want to kiss and make up?

[Both laugh]


Man: Next up...


Homicide's Sultan of Soul...

Inspector Terrance English!

[Cheers and applause]


Yes. You're up. Go, go, go, go, go.

Y'all stop.

[Cheering continues]



["At Last" plays]

[Indistinct conversations]



♪ At last ♪
♪ My love has come along ♪


♪ My lonely days are over ♪
♪ And life is like ♪
♪ A song ♪


♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ At last ♪
♪ The skies above ♪
♪ They are blue ♪
♪ My heart was wrapped up ♪
♪ In clover ♪
♪ The night I looked ♪
♪ At you ♪

[Keys jingle]

[Alarm chirps]

[Dog barks in distance]



I didn't mean to scare you.

You didn't.


Been thinking about you.


I had fun on our date.

It wasn't a date.

Whatever it was, it was nice.

I like you.

You like me because you can't have me.


There's something about you.

You're strong, fearless.

You can't tell me we don't have a certain chemistry.

How about when I'm proven innocent and this is all over... you and I, we could do dinner again?

Maybe I'll cook this time.

Get off my property and don't come back, okay?


Good night, Hildy.

To be continued.