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01x03 - Who's Your Daddy

Posted: 06/24/14 13:11
by bunniefuu
[Ambient music plays]


Blunt: Swallow it.






I didn't like that.




Molk, you are beautiful just the way you are...

Even if it's only on the inside, where it really matters.

Love you back, T-Dog.

[Chuckles] He's rockin' his best tie today.

Uh-oh. What's the occasion? Court?

Lunch date?

I got an interview coming in, not that you need to know.

Female, though, right? Female?

She's a mom from Jasper's tee-ball team.

She's coming for help.


[Sighs] Not that you need to know.

Gibbs, hey. It's Hildy Mulligan again.

Please tell me you got those DNA results.


What's the interview about?

He doesn't really know.

Look, she called, and she didn't want to talk about it on the phone.

So... something's up.

No, you know what? It's actually not an acceptable answer.

[Receiver slams]

We catch all this shit about clearance rates, and then cases go stale waiting on the frickin' lab.

It's as if they work for the government or something.

I'd like to see Gibbs tell me face-to-face why an innocent, pregnant victim can't get her full attention.

[Sigh you ever been down to the lab?

What, hunter's point?


Yeah, like a decade ago.

All right, let's go.



Right now?

Right now.

Do you even know how to get there?

Nope. You're driving.

Mulligan: Gibbs.

Hey. Hildy Mulligan. We spoke on the phone?

Oh. Come to apologize?

So, Burnside said it takes a day, maybe two, to separate a clean strand from the sample in the victim's mouth.

Dr. Burnside is a politician appointed by the mayor, approved by the supervisors.

It's not a criticism.

It just means he knows how to be an... optimist.


Okay, well, in your opinion, what's... what's realistic?

A day? Month? Year?

We may never be able to separate the sperm from the non-sperm DNA.

Never? You can't count on it to make your case.

[Cat meows]

Don't might Kapernick. He's on the job.

He's a working cat.

There's a rat problem... Again.

No allergies, I hope.

I'm not allergic. Actually, I love cats.

[Both chuckle]

All right. Can we focus on the paternity test, please?

I just finished the comparisons this morning.

Oh, perfect timing.

Let me show you.

[Keyboard clacking]

[Exhales deeply]

You're looking at the combined paternal index.

We tested 16 polymorphic loci on the genome.

See the code numbers?

Those are the markers.

[Keyboard clacking]


Each marker comes with two alleles, one inherited from each...


Biological parent, right?


I know you took biology.


All right. So, mother on the left, possible father on the right, baby in the middle.

The fetus, yes.

Fetus. Right.

Now, I'm gonna highlight...

[Keyboard clacking] The alleles that match the male in this sample.

[Computer beeps]

The probability that this sample came from the biological father is 99.7%.

The suspense is k*lling me. [Chuckles lightly]


Erich Blunt.

Thank you.

[Door handle turns]

[Clears throat] Thank you, Maggie.

Thank you for seeing me, sir.

Of course.

I thought you said you didn't need a lawyer.

[Sighs] He's seen the light and found Jesus.

[Chuckles lightly]

I changed my mind.

I'm gonna let you two speak.

I'll be outside flirting with your secretary.

She's my niece, David.

Oh, well, that's perfect.

She and I can share some stories about Uncle Warren.

Why don't you stay?

Never hurts to have a witness.


What happened?

I volunteered to talk with the police yesterday.

That was a dumb thing to do.

I was trying to be helpful.


And how did that go?

They're coming after me regardless of the evidence.

David insists I need a doberman.

Will you be my doberman, Mr. Daniels?

I'm not cheap.

I require a million-dollar retainer and a two-million-dollar advance when we go to trial.

I don't bill by the hour.

I've already instructed David to take care of it.

[Inhales sharply]

If I take your case, I have three ironclad rules...

One, do not tell me whether or not you k*lled this woman.

I didn't.


Rule number two, you speak to no one about this case but me and no one speaks on your behalf but me.

What about David?

Is he not speaking clearly?

All right. I hear you.

Both of you.


I suspect you're a world-class liar, a natural talent, or you wouldn't be a master of the universe, so to speak, which brings me to rule number three.

Never... ever lie to me.

If you do, I'm out. Understood?


This is your game, Mr. Daniels.

I'm happy to play by your rules.


Everyone on the same page?


Well, then...

You have yourself a doberman.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey! Hannah.

Hi, Dave.

You're in the right place.

Welcome to homicide.

Come on.

Hannah: [Sighs]

Sorry. This is the only free private room we have.

Are we being recorded?


Because this is very personal, and I want to keep it between just you and me.

Sure. Okay.


The woman that was k*lled last week, the pretty flight attendant.

Cindy Strauss.

I think... Erich Blunt k*lled her.

I'm listening.

[Sighs] After my divorce, I worked for Blunt at his first company, Wesne, a couple years before he founded Applsn.

We created games for first-generation iPhones, and I was in business development.

It was a great job.

Erich's brilliant.

We were the talk of the Valley, but...

For me, um, at least, things went South.

Look, you already started to tell me, Hannah.

You're here.

Five years ago, Erich Blunt r*ped me.

We went out for a drink after work, and he drugged me, he choked me, and he almost k*lled me.

Did you report it?

I filed the complaint, but I couldn't go through with it.

I just...

I didn't want anyone knowing what happened to me.

We settled out of court.

At the time, it seemed like the quickest way to move on.

But ever since then, I felt so ashamed that I took that money.

I should have pressed charges.

And now I feel like this woman...

Is dead because of me, like it's my fault.

It took a lot of courage to come here and tell me this.

I mean, you... you're doing the right thing.

I signed an N.D.A. as part of the settlement, but you should know that this man is absolutely capable of m*rder, and you're hearing it first-hand.

I have to be honest, Hannah.

I...I don't know that I can promise that I can protect you as a source of this information.

You have to. This is my life.

I'm a single mother.

I-I depend on that money to put my kid through school, to pay my bills.

I can't violate that agreement.

[Sighs] Yeah, but you already have violated it, and you violated it to a cop.

I didn't violate it to a cop, Dave.

I-I came to you as a friend.

Well, given the circumstances, I'm sorry.

I just got to say, I mean, I...

That's a distinction without a difference.

I just thought I could trust you.

Uh, Jasmin, I think I may be wasting your time.

I don't mind.

I mean, you've already shown me like, uh...

Ten apartments.


Well, t... Listen, that's not fair.

Two of them were in the same building.

[Chuckles] So...

I just don't know what you want.

Uh, me neither.

But, uh...

Some-something... Something else.

This place is convenient.

It's got original woodwork, treetop views.

I see telephone lines.

Look past the phone lines.

Okay. And it smells.

It's a classic building.



Okay. It's a dump.

But it's just about in your price range.

All right. Well, thank you.

I, uh... I'm gonna be late for work.

[Indistinct conversations]

Miss Inspector?

D-Hop. Hey.

I didn't know where else to find you except in person.

That's okay. Are you all right?

You catch the guy we saw?

The one with the bird tattoo?

Yeah. He confessed and pleaded guilty.

Did you tell him we told you?

No, so don't worry.

You're not gonna have to testify, all right?

He'll never know.

But I don't think you skipped school to talk to me about that, did you?

Not exactly.

Okay. Well, come on.

Let's, uh, let's go over here. We don't need to talk here.

He married my mom like two years ago.

She thinks he's her man, but he hurts her.

He beats her every night just 'cause he can.

I try to stop him, but I'm not big enough.

He hits me, too.

All right, well, you know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna go upstairs, okay?

I have a friend in domestic v*olence and...

No way!

It's someone I really, really trust, okay?

And I end up in foster care? My mom all alone?

She needs me.


I understand that.

He doesn't even pay the bills.

My mom pulls extra hours at the store just to cover him.

What store does your mom work at?

At happy's mini-mart in the tenderloin.

You're a good son, okay?

Let me see what I can do.

And in the meantime, you call me if you need anything, or if anything happens, okay?

Hey, D-Hop?

I'm here for you if you need me, all right?

Now, go, get outta here. Go to school.

Tardy's better than absent.


But DNA doesn't make Blunt the k*ller.

It just makes him the father.

Right, but it establishes motive, right?

Remember the guy who threw his girl out of the car on the bay bridge when she popped the news?

Yeah. Double roadkill.

Yeah. Guys wig out, you know? Oh, come on, now.

Please. Some guys totally wig out when looking down a commitment for life.

Like Blunt can't afford it.

Forget the money. How about the diss?

This slick bitch stewardess thought she was gonna get over on him?

No how, no way.

All right. Your girl Hannah Harkins.

She demos his history of v*olence towards women?


Heads up. Heads up.

Koto: All right, tells me there's a consensus before you all run off like that.

Uh, Blunt, I say.

Blunt. Possibly.

Blunt. Probably.


And, uh, I don't have a better name, so...

Is that the best you guys can do?

"I guess," "possibly," "probably"?

Because the D.A. didn't jump out in front of this so we could embarrass her.

Or ourselves.


This kid will get the best lawyer money can buy.

He'll spend a fortune on expert witnesses.

He's smart, and he's arrogant.

We're not gonna beat a confession out of him, so let's do better.

There's three words I don't want to hear when this is all over...

O.J. Simpson.

Shaw: I'd heard about his temper, but I've never seen him that upset before.

I mean, yeah, she shouldn't have spilled the wine, but the way he reacted was way over the line in my book.

He was pretty awful to her, but I never felt like she was in actual danger.

I can't believe she's gone.

Thankfully, she'll live again through resurrection.

I'm an elder in the LDS church.

Oh. Right. Mormon.

Well, it doesn't make me a prude.

Okay, maybe it does. [Chuckles]

[Chuckles] Well, it's always awkward when someone's sleeping with the boss.

And not just the boss.

People's private lives are none of my business.

Uh, who else was she sleeping with, Mr. Shaw?

Do I have to answer that question?

Yeah, it's best if you do.


By the time Cindy caught Mr. Blunt's attention, she'd already almost wrecked bill's marriage.



He has a very nice wife.

I was glad he recommitted to his marriage, but it was painful.

He really thought he loved Cindy.

Well, it's hard to imagine bill ever hurting her, if that's what you're thinking.


So, what assh*le told you that, huh?

Let me guess. Saint Stan?

You do realize that that little tightwad's just gunning for my job.

So he was lying to us?

I'm saying, don't buy his good-samaritan act.

That Mormon’s got motives... Just like everyone else.

So he wasn't lying? You had an affair with Cindy?

We had something, yeah.

But it was a while ago.

And you don't think maybe you should have mentioned that?

I was... Ashamed to tell you.

All right?

Cindy worked me a little, I fell for it, and I got over it, but that... that... that's...

That's old history, and I don't blame her.

I was never gonna leave my wife.

Was that what Cindy wanted?

She just wanted somebody to take care of her.

That's all.

If my wife finds out, I'm...

Well, y-you've met her.

She's not the forgiving type.

What difference does this make to your case, anyway?

Well, jealousy's a pretty powerful motive.

You already know I was at home with my wife.

I love my wife.

I do not want to lose my family because I was an idiot.


Sorry. Sorry to keep you waiting.

I got stuck on a phone call.

It's all right.

I just wanted to come down here and apologize in person on how I behaved the other day.

Oh, no. Forget about it.

I mean, I... look, I'm the one who should be apologizing.

No. I called you.

I wanted to get that off my chest.

I want that psychopath Blunt brought to justice.


I wasn't thinking about your responsibilities as a cop.

I can't just... Tell you something like that, then ask you to keep it a secret.

[Navarro whistling]


Hannah, look.

I promise that I will try and protect you any way I can.

Don't worry about it.

I'll do whatever you need me to do.

Okay. Well...


Look, I... I've got to run.

I have a meeting in the financial district.

How's, um...

How's Zachary?

Oh, he's great. [Both chuckle]

Single parenting is a day at the beach, right?


Maybe, uh, sometime, we could, uh, get together and take the kids out for pizza or something.

Sure. I'd like that.

Okay. I'll... I'll call you.

Great. [Chuckles lightly]

Oh, boy.

Burnside: It's hard to believe but you two are not the only Inspectors in my life.

Well, the D.A.'s kicking our ass for probable cause on this, so...

Strauss, correct? Cindy Strauss.

Excuse me. Oh.

Sorry. Thank you.


The only positive analytes are ethanol...

She was quite the party girl.

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, A.K.A. "MDMA."

Mulligan: So...

Booze and Molly.

Yes. While she was pregnant. Selfish girl.

Uh, and you called the time of death from 8:00 to midnight.

That's a big, open window, doc.

Short time lines just let the defense romp.

All right, well, just your opinion, though.

Just for us, not the courts.

[Inhales deeply]

Newton's law of cooling is still the gold standard, but it only gives a range.

Too many variables affect the decline in the body's core temperature.

Algor mortis.


But there's a theory in Italy that the cilia lining the nasal walls continue to be post-mortem with a mathematically predictable decline in motility.

You don't mean nose hairs.

No, I do not.

These are microscopic strands which move mucus by constant wave motion.

Which slows down when you die.

Yes. Which puts your victim's death closer to 8:30, per the Italian formula.

Huh. We love Italy.

Everybody loves Italy, Inspector, but I will not be pinned down in public about a theory, although... it's accurate for your purposes.

Okay. Then how did Cindy send wilkerson a text at 9:00?

At 9:00?


Only from the afterlife.
Mulligan: Good morning, honey.

Now I know you care.

I do care.

I have a question for you.

[Clears throat] So, if I wanted to time-delay a text, is there a way to do that?

Oh. You're here on business.

I was starting to get my hopes up for a second.

Oh, please. I'm so not your type.

Try me.

Make it worth my while.

Lots of apps let you write now, send later.

Say you wanted to text me a sweet nothing like, "wish I were next to you," for me to read in bed before lights-out.


But you knew you'd be on a stakeout with the SWAT team then.


God. This is such a lurid story.

Too much?

No. Keep going.

So you'd write the text, or the "sext" if you're feeling, you know, frisky.

Oh, this just keeps getting better.

And then you'd set the clock in the app to send it whenever you wanted.

Without needing the phone again?

a*t*matic send... On Android, anyway.

And it's trackable on the phone?

Apps can be uninstalled remotely from a browser.

There would be a download history, but if you delete the app in your account and sync, you've wiped it.


If you know how.

And this guy definitely knows how.

At least you have a scenario.

I do. [Sighs]

Thank you, love.

Uh, so there's no misunderstanding...


You are kind of my type.

I know.

[Door opens, closes]

Brought you a present, man. Come get it while it's hot.

Ah, Carlson.

What's happening?

[Laughs] Nice beanie.

Who you supposed to be today?

Nobody ever asks that when they see the flash roll.


Even when they got their own.

Like this rich fool I just popped...

Trustafarian trying to act all hard-core till the cuffs went on.

Then he was ready to snitch like a bitch.

Okay. What you got for me?

How about Erich Blunt?

For real?

Already done all the foreplay on him.

Don't let him dry up on you, now.

My man.


My man!

[Door slams]

Okay. "Milan Gunn." Is that your real name?

Is that a problem?

I don't care as long as your sister's name isn't "Paris."

[Chuckles lightly] Geneva.



All right, well, I'm Inspector English, homicide.

How much can you do for me if I talk to you?

Well, you're still on probation for possession with intent, schedule 1 drug.

So? That was just 'shrooms.

It's all organic.

Yeah, that's no defense.

You're actually lucky you sidestepped doing time.

Yeah, that was back when my parents still thought they could save me.

Oh, tried to get you with the, uh, the "tough love" act, huh?

The last time was the last time for them.

You're not gonna be able to kick this violation.

Except you're here, which means I'm worth something to you.

Yeah, I just got to figure out how much.

Uh, you mentioned the name "Erich Blunt."

I can tell you he likes crystal Molly.

You sell to him a lot?


That's an admission of guilt... Recorded and everything?

Why don't you come back to me after you talk to your D.A.?

Okay, smartass.

Uh, well, can you at least tell me where you met him?

Is that... is that against the law?

Dojo 17.

Martial arts?

Oh, way beyond.

100% Israeli Krav Maga.

Warrior school. I'm a third level.

Blunt... oh, he's a straight black belt.

S-say again?

Oh, dude's good... expert.

He's there every Friday night.


I will see what I can do for you... Milan.

[Door opens, closes]

[Car alarm chirps]

[Electronic bell chimes]

[Electronic bell chimes]

Hey. Uh, can I get one megamillions?

[Register beeping]

You ever try arnica cream for that?

It helps.

Not your business.

I know what you're going through, okay?

I'm a cop.

I'm just saying you don't have to take it, you know?

I'm at work. There's customers behind you.

I'm gonna give you my card.

When he's hit you enough, call me.

I don't want your help. You need to leave.

Your kid sees it.

My kid saw it, too.


[Electronic bell chimes]

[Seagulls squawking]

Uh, I don't know. It's just kind of far.

You're so negative. Wait till you see it.

Have a little faith in me.

And a houseboat?

The community prefers the term "floating homes."

Over here?



Full gourmet kitchen, plenty of room to entertain.

As for the layout...

How soon can I move in?

Finish the walk-through at least.

Got a bathroom? Bed?


Write it up.

I knew this would be the place.

I'll take you to dinner, and you can sign the lease.

That's, uh... That's kind of bold.


It's just dinner, Terry.

Don't get ahead of yourself.


Because you're not ready for something new.

I get that.

I'm just a new friend... Okay?

♪ I hate to say it, but I told you so ♪

[Laughter] Mulligan: Oh, my God. That is so funny.

I've so been there before, I got to say.

Ohh, I don't know. I feel bad.

How come?

I don't know. I shouldn't make fun of my previous dates.

Let's talk about something else.

Like what?

Let's talk about...

What we'll say about each other on our next dates after we've wrapped this up.

[Both chuckle] You're bad.

[Cellphone ringing]

Aren't you gonna answer that?

Yeah, I'm gonna answer it.

[Ringing continues]

Sorry. I'll just be one second.


[Cellphone beeps]


D-Hop, slow down. Slow down.

Okay, give me the address.

All right. Keep yourself safe. I'll be there in a minute.

Leave the door open for me, okay?

[Cellphone beeps]

I'm so sorry, Sean. I gotta go.

I-I-I'll come with you. What's wrong?

No, I just, uh... This kid.

His mother's husband's beating him down.

Call the cops.

I am the cops.

Excuse me.

What's your 20? E.T.A., please?

[Woman screaming] Man: Eight minutes-plus if the tourists haul their asses out of the way.

All right. I'm 10-97, right out front.

Hurry up.

[Clatter in distance]

[Man shouting]

[Woman screaming, crying]

D-hop: Please stop!

[Man shouting in Spanish]

Man: Get up!

I said stop! Get off of her!

Get over here!

Where you going, huh?!

Police! On your knees!

On your knees! Now!

Hey! Hey!

You in the wrong place!

Drop it! Drop it!

Woman:My husband!

What did you do?!


[Siren wailing in distance]

[Police radio chatter]

So, I hate to ask this, but I gotta.

You're obviously dressed for an evening out.

Did you have a drink?

You don't have to answer any questions without a union lawyer.

No questions from him, Molk, I.A... nobody.

English: Is that correct? It's up to her.

I-I'm gonna listen to my partner.

Well, here comes the brass.

Um, did CSI already take your sidearm for ballistics?


I'm sorry, Hildy.


[Sighs] Hey. You holding up?

Yes, sir. So, what now?

Well, I have to put you on administrative leave.

That's standard procedure for an officer-involved sh**ting.

For how long?

Department policy mandates ten calendar days, but in no way is it punitive, Hildy.

I-I need to have you escorted from the scene.

I'm fine, guys. I can... I can walk out by myself.

An escort is mandatory procedure.

See you in ten days.

So, uh, somebody might say something to you about it at school, okay?

I know. I'm not supposed to talk about what you do.

I know, but this is different, all right?

So just be ready, okay?

They're my friends, mom.

I know.

Hey, guess what.

I made you a super-special lunch today.

[Gasps] Really?


There you go!

All right.

Gimme hugs.

Mm. I love you, I love you, I love you.

I love you back.

[Chuckles lightly]

I'll be here when you get home.






[Sighs deeply]

[Knock on door]

Hey. I had to wait for, uh, the bus to leave.

Did you go to the bakery in the mission?

I did.

Ooh, you're such a bad man.

I'm glad you're here.

I got a list of stuff I need you to do while I'm gone.

Did you get any sleep last night?

So, first up's the lab.

The, uh, the criminologist... What's her name, again?


Gibbs, right.

She, um... She loves you, so, uh...

Get the DNA from her, all right? Whatever it takes.

How you doing?

Scope out that dojo that, uh, Gunn told you about, too, and have Navarro...

Hey, hey.


How you doing?

I watched him die.

I k*lled him.

But you didn't put the knife in his hands.

Right. But you know what he'd be doing right now?

He'd be sleeping it off.

And probably coming home to beat on a woman and a child till he couldn't anymore.

You stopped that from happening.

You get that?

I should have waited for backup.


You were stopping a crime in progress.


Did you stop it?

Yeah. Yeah.

Not to mention all the crimes he hasn't even committed yet.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

I brought you his rap sheet.

You stepped on a roach.

It's that simple.

Hey. Hey.

How's Hildy doing?

Uh, she's hanging in there.

[Gibbs clears throat]

Gibbs. Hey.

Good morning, Terry.

I thought, since you visited me at my office, I would return the favor.

So are those the, uh, the DNA results?

We have a winner, boys.

The man Cindy Strauss fellated right before she was k*lled...

Mr. Erich Blunt.

All right. How's that for solid evidence, huh?

I'm hearing Blunt hired Warren Daniels.

Hm. That's probable cause right there.

Daniels is no joke.

He'll claim Blunt went over to the victim's apartment, apologized for the fight on the plane, gave her her job back, and she was so grateful, she blew him, and he left way before she had time to open the door for the real k*ller.

So, what? That won't save him from the facts.

Look, Blunt parked his DNA two different ways...

The victim and the fetus...

So that put him at the scene near the time of death with means and motive.

Plus, he knows how to break a neck.

He's got some kind of a commando black belt.

Krav Maga. Yeah.

Plus a documented history of sexual v*olence.

And a time line that excludes him.

Walk me through it, guys.

Blunt's entire alibi consists of one highly paid employee, Ivana west.

Who was also his private squeeze.

And how do you know that?

That is my very educated guess.

[Scoffs] Which doesn't do me any good...

Especially since the victim herself corroborated the alibi with a text message I won't be able to suppress.

She didn't write it, she didn't send it.


Blunt is a technical genius.

You don't think he has access to company-issued cellphones?

Plus, there are apps that send delayed texts.

It's a theory, but...

We can work with it.

Good work, everybody.

Lieutenant Koto?

You know, if you're looking for a little cover, we don't actually need a warrant to arrest him.

Okay. Good.

Hang on.

Get out of here. Go bring me Blunt.

[Door opens]

[Knock on door]

Louise: He's early, mom!



You look like hell.

Thanks for your support.

So, what were you doing? Hmm?

Louise? Come on. Daddy's here.

The job puts you out there enough without you hanging your toes over the edge.

She needs her mother.

Louise: Hi, daddy.


My girl! [Grunts]

Here's your bag. All set.

You been good all week?

So good.

[Chuckles] She's always good.

Love you.

Bye, mom. I love you.


I love you, too.

Get some rest, okay?

Have fun!




English: 5-Henry-9.

I'm with 5-Henry-11 and -12, requesting a code 33.

I'm at 5541 bush street.

We are serving a 187 warrant.

I got two patrol units with me, 3-Adam-7 and -10.

Man: All units code 33 on channel 3.

5-Henry-9 serving a 187 warrant.

Man: Let's go.

[Cellphone ringing]

All right, hold up. Hold up. Hold up.

All right. Hildy, is everything okay?

All right. But I can't talk right now.

Everybody, on my move. On my move.

All right. Book, you take the door.

I'm gonna cuff him, get him outta here real, real quick.

All right? No bullshit.

Now, y'all be safe.

[Man grunting]



What the hell is this?


Erich Blunt, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Cindy Strauss.

[Handcuffs click]

Man: Blunt!

Woman: Mr. Blunt!

Do you have any comments?

[Reporters shouting indistinctly]

Man: Erich Blunt, head of Applsn and the world's youngest billionaire, in county jail tonight, charged with m*rder.

The young ceo was apprehended by San Francisco police homicide Inspectors earlier this evening while allegedly training at a local gym.

Mr. Daniels! Mr. Daniels! Care to make a comment?

District Attorney Perez's actions tonight are, frankly, outrageous.

Knowing that he was my client and knowing that he had already voluntarily interviewed with her detectives, Ms. Pez nonetheless chose to embarrass my client by arresting him on a Friday night so that you guys could have some fun.

The fact that he has to spend the weekend in jail until the court opens on Monday was obviously calculated.

I want to say this loudly and clearly.

Mr. Blunt has done nothing wrong.

And if this case has to proceed, it will do so in the hall of justice and not through the media.

I'm confident that the court will see this cheap ploy by the district attorney for what it is.

Thank you.

Mr. Daniels! Mr. Daniels!

[Camera shutter clicks]