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03x12 - Party Foul

Posted: 12/02/14 05:08
by bunniefuu
[Indistinct shouting]

[Rap music plays]


[Camera shutter clicks]

Young Man: Hey, happy birthday, Chip!

Young man 2: Yo, happy birthday, Chip, you the man!

Young Woman: I love you, Chip! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, Chip. Man, happy birthday.

Thank you. Thank you!

[Music continues]


[Blender whirring, music stops]


We need more ice, Chip.

All right. Toby and Keisha were getting it.

It's in the garage.


All right!

[All chanting] Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice!

[Rap music resumes]

Young Man: Chip, Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, man!

[Music stops]



Keisha. Oh, my God.

[Up-tempo dance music plays]

Call 911! Hurry!

God, God, God, God. No, no, no, no.

[Indistinct singing]

Toby, who did this?!


Oh, God.

[Music stops]

His name is Toby Cummings, 19 years old.

School I.D. in his wallet says he was a freshman at Berkeley.

He's been stabbed multiple times, but this wound in the neck was the one that mattered... hit an artery.

k*ller att*cked him and his girlfriend and then escaped out a side door without being spotted.

Not exactly a pristine crime scene.

Buzz: I've documented at least six different shoeprints.

It's worse in the garage. This way.

Most of the kids here were under 21, so they ran off.

A few stayed to help.

We sent them downtown for questioning.

The blood here belongs to our second victim... Keisha Perry.

Sanchez: She's in bad shape, Sir... stabbed twice.

Had to be taken to the hospital with the scissors still in her stomach.


Kendall: I'm guessing it's the same pair used on the guy out here, but you'll have to ask Dr.

Morales to confirm that.

Maybe the girl can tell us.

Provenza's on his way to the hospital now to see if he can get her statement.

Excuse me? Uh, excuse me?

Lieutenant Provenza, L.A.P.D.

Uh, I'm here about Keisha Perry.

Uh, the E.R. nurse told me she was in room...

Uh, 6210.

Well, Keisha is still in surgery, Lieutenant.


How much longer?

I don't know.

Uh, but if you see that gentleman over there, he's the physician's assistant.

You can ask him.

Oh, I... I... I thought... I... I'm sorry.

I... the way you were looking at those x-rays, I...

I'm Keisha's grandmother... Patrice... but I was an E.R. nurse, so everyone here knows me.


Now, may I ask you a question?


Who did this?

Well, I'm hoping your granddaughter can tell me.

But what about her boyfriend... Toby?

Is there any reason why he wasn't brought to the same hospital?

Well, Toby is...

I'm sorry. Uh...

Until we speak to the family first, I'm... I can't...

Dear God.

Excuse me.

I need to sit down.

Sharon: So, our victims were romantically involved?

Flynn: According to Provenza and the photos we pulled from Toby Cummings' cellphone. Yes.

Anyone at the party see the attacker or have any idea what this was about?

No, ma'am.

These pictures have Toby and Keisha in high-school bleachers and at the prom.

I thought our victims were in college.


Most of the kids at the party were last year's graduating class at Benneton Prep.

Keisha was attending Santa Monica City College.

Toby started Berkeley in September.


And he was in L.A. for the weekend because... ?

Chip Olson, the guy whose house they were at... he's one of Keisha's best friends.

He decided to give himself a little birthday bash.

Emphasis on "bash."

How did the birthday boy check out?

Well, we found two ziplocs full of pot in Chip's bedroom, so we're holding him now in interview room 1.

Is he selling?

Can't say, but he was kicked out of San Diego State last month for dealing ecstasy.

Where were the parents while all of this went down?

At a retreat in Palm Springs since Thursday.

The police department there notified them that we're holding their son but not for what.


Well, it does not look like a drug deal gone bad, does it?

More like someone was improvising and didn't care much for Toby and Keisha.

Well, maybe Chip can tell you why.

Chip: I don't have to talk to you.

Sanchez: What makes you think that?

You told me I had the right to remain silent when you dumped me in here.

Am I being detained?

No, we're here to order brunch.

Yes, you're being detained, you moron.

A guy was stabbed to death in your house.

That doesn't give you the right to take my phone.

You got to get a search warrant to do that.

We got warrants for your house, for your cell, for your cars, and for your computer.

If we wanted to, I could turn you upside down right here and see what falls out of your pockets.

Maybe pot, huh?


Okay, look, if you keep talking to me like this, I'm just gonna ask for my lawyer.

Is that what you want?

Or would you like to hear what happened?

[Young woman screams]

As a witness, I can help you.

I want to help you. These were my friends.

Or lock me up as a suspect and spend a long time trying to figure out what I could tell you in less than a minute.

Up to you.

Well, he is no beginner.

Flynn: Let's start with, do you have any idea
who k*lled your friend Toby and then att*cked...

Wesley Grant.

Who's Wesley Grant?

Kid we went to high school with... year behind us.

That's who you need to talk to... Wesley.

Is Wesley Grant one of the kids you interviewed in the m*rder room?

Not that I remember. Buzz, anything?

Not finding it.

And why do we need to talk to Wesley?

Because he's been wrapped up in Keisha since he was in the 9th grade.

I'll run Wesley's name.

After Toby went off to Berkeley, Wesley did everything but stalk her.

With Toby here tonight...

Whoa, whoa.

Wesley had problems?


Sykes: Wesley's had two arrests this year... one for a D.U.I., another for as*ault at Westside Country Club.

Charges dropped.

Toby and Keisha went off to be alone together, and Wesley got so freaked out, I had to, like, throw him out.

I mean, he pushed me in my own house. He was crazy.

I was only trying to help the guy.

Look, dude. Stay off of me, all right?

Don't push me! Get out!

Chip: Yeah, I told him, "stay out of Keisha's business.

It'll only make her mad," which wouldn't have helped his case, believe me.

He wouldn't hear it.

He tried to take a swing at me.

I knocked him around, and he ran off.

Never occurred to me that he'd sneak back in through the garage.

These look like pictures of a fight.

Tao: That's at 10:33 P.M.

I can sync all the media to 10:25 and play it forward.

Do you recognize these?

No. They're not mine.

So, what now? Are we done?

I'd like to go to the hospital.

You sit tight. [Grunts]

Jesus Christ.

We're gonna check out your story.


Okay? Get out of here!

You're drunk! Go home!


What are you doing?

Buzz, would you make a copy of this and send it to Lieutenant Provenza, see if anyone in Keisha's family knows this young man?

[Indistinct shouting] You're drunk! Go home, Wesley! Come on!

Get out of here, Wesley!

Stop embarrassing yourself!

Patrice: Wesley Grant.

You know, I tried to do something about this boy.

My husband... he was a cop, too.

Yeah, he worked homicide down in Long Beach.

And I know a troubled kid when I see one.

So I called his parents.

I even sent an e-mail.

But boys, they can be stupid when they think that they're in love, and Wesley... oh, he thought he loved Keisha.

But he doesn't?

Patrice Perry?

Oh. Yes.

Woman on P.A.: Paging Dr.

Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please.


I'm gonna let you come in with me, but when I say enough...

[Indistinct conversations]

[Monitor beeping steadily]


Yeah, it's okay. It's okay, baby. It's okay.

I know you've been through a lot tonight.

But this gentleman, he's a detective, and he needs to ask you about what happened.



Keisha, I'm Lieutenant Provenza.

Did you see the person who att*cked you?

Okay, okay, I got you. I got you.



[Weakly] W... where's Toby?


Did the same person attack him?

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

No, Mrs. Perry, please. If I could just...

I'm so sorry...

But Toby didn't make it, honey.

I know. It's okay.

Oh... baby.


And that's enough.

Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh.



Are you just getting back from work?

I thought "Badge of Justice" was finishing around midnight?

Yeah, but we... we actually... we didn't have permission to sh**t on our location, so we were scrambling around to find somewhere else till like 3:00 in the morning.

And you didn't think to call?

I... I thought I might wake you up.

Oh, don't worry about that ever.

I'd rather know where you are at 3:00 A.M.

Than sleep through it.

Are you at least having a good time?


It's... I mean, it's crazy, but the people are nice.

And you know the second A.D., Jeff?


He said that I am the best set P.A. that he has ever met.

He's a... he's a really great guy... Jeff.

You'd like him a lot.

He's... he's smart, and he's very funny.

And he's actually... he's only 25, which is really, really young for an A.D.

And he also says our hours aren't bad for TV at all.

Okay, good.

Well, it's only a month or so, right?

Sharon: Rusty, have you registered for your classes at Santa Monica yet?


Uh, thank you for reminding me.

I'll take care of that tomorrow.


When I wake up. [Chuckles]


Hey, I was wondering... what would you think if I waited till summer to start college instead of January?

Just because "Badge of Justice" sh**t till May, and... and they, like, really, really depend on me over there.

Oh, I'm sure that they do, but I can't imagine anyone on that set would want you to put off college just to lend them a hand.

No, no, actually... actually, Jeff says that, sometimes, uh, work experience is better than college because it helps you, like, figure out what you want to do with your life.


Well, I think that it is possible to appreciate Jeff's perspective without giving up on your own.

I'm not. No. Sharon, I am not.

It's just... things are going really well right now, and... and Jeff is a friend.

I mean, I'm... I'm getting to know him.

[Cellphone ringing]

Maybe Lieutenant Tao could figure out a plan where you go to college and stay on the show part-time.

I... I don't want special treatment.

Okay, I... I understand.

All right. Well, good night.

Good morning. I'm going to bed.

Uh, yes, Lieutenant.

Well, I thought I'd better let you know I'm in a bit of a holding pattern here.

Have you spoken to the victim yet?

Well, briefly, but, uh, before I could get anywhere, the grandmother told her that Toby was dead and then the girl just, you know, shut down completely.

And before I could get back in...


... well, the nurses started prepping her for another surgery.

And what is the, uh, prognosis?

It's up in the air.

We'll know more in a couple of hours.

What about you?

Do you need relief?

Oh, well...

I've developed a good relationship with the grandmother.

She let me send Keisha's phone and x-rays over to you, and she, uh... she doesn't have any other family or friends here at all.

So, um, yeah, I'm... I'm... I'll stay.

Well, let me know if anything changes.

Will do.

Uh, I'm sorry that we didn't get to get back in there and talk to her.

But trust me...

I've raised that girl since she was 8, and Keisha... she wasn't going to tell you a thing until she heard about Toby.

[Sighs] So, have the police found Wesley yet?

Well, no. They're, uh, working on it.

We're... we're... we're working on it.


That's good... because I really want to hear him explain what he did.

Sharon: Any more evidence connecting this attack to our prime suspect?

Sykes: He didn't come home last night.

We have two undercover vehicles parked outside his house and one a block behind it.

We've also talked to several of his friends, and none of them know where he is.

We have a warrant out on his car... a black 3 series BMW, personalized plates reads "No Romeo."


I wouldn't make that up.

And his cell is either out of juice or turned off, so we can't track it.

But we do have Keisha's cellphone, and we downloaded all of her texts with Wesley.

Since September, he's contacted her every day.

It's pretty much PG kind of stuff, but she answered him as if she was trying to sh**t him down without hurting his feelings.

It doesn't look like he got the message.

Yeah, and their last interchange was about Chip's party.

Wesley asked, "you going with Toby?"

Keisha says, "probably," and Wesley never responds.

We pulled photos from the phones we collected and put together a timeline, starting at 9:21 P.M. with our first sighting of Wesley.

[Indistinct conversations]

At 10:12 P.M., Keisha and Toby show up.

[Camera shutter clicking]

They hang out, they drink a little, and then they go upstairs together.

And then the fight started.

[Indistinct arguing]

You're just gonna make her mad.

Dude, just stay off of me, all right?

Don't push me! Get out!

Tao: Wesley and Chip bring it outside.

Come on!

Easy. Let's talk about...

No, get out of here, man.

[Camera shutter clicking]

What are you doing?!

Get out of here, Wesley!

Stop embarrassing yourself!

Tao: And at 10:33 P.M., Wesley runs off.

Sanchez: But he came back, ma'am. I just confirmed.

Prints pulled from the side door of the garage match what we have on file for Wesley.

Excuse me?

We're looking for our son, Chip.

Are those pictures of our house?

Janet: We came home from Palm Springs to find police tape blocking everything, and the officer said we couldn't go inside our home, even to unpack, and that we needed to talk to you because Chip is in custody.

So I assume this has to do with dr*gs.

Janet, l... let the police talk, please.

[Sighs] Sharon: If dr*gs are your go-to concern, I'm a bit curious as to why you left Chip home alone to celebrate a birthday.

Um, our... our trip was planned as a couples' retreat.

Chip's behavior has put, um, a strain on our marriage, and he promised me he wouldn't have anyone over.

I mean, he promised.

And I told you what his promises are worth.

Oh, I get it, Jerry... I'm wrong again.

Uh, can we cut to the chase?

Where's Chip, and what's the damage?

The damage is two young people stabbed in your garage last night with these scissors.

Oh, uh... oh, my God.

One is dead, and the other is in critical condition.

Sharon: Do these look familiar?

Um... [Sighs]

Uh, those are... those are my scissors.

Your son said he didn't recognize them.

He wouldn't.

I use those for wrapping Christmas gifts, and I always wrap all of Chip's gifts for him.

You always do everything for him... always.

You can let this go long enough...

Hold on. Hold on.

Are... are you saying that you keep those scissors in the garage?

There. There. See the big box?

That's filled with tape and tags and bows.

And I left the scissors on top of it while I went to finish my Christmas shopping, and I...

Wait, wait. Wait. Please rewind.


How far back?

Stop. Oh, my God. They're gone.

Flynn: What's gone? My golf clubs.

Oh, my God, Jerry.

Who cares if your golf clubs are missing at a time like this?

They're not just clubs. They're my miuras with my Scotty Cameron putter.

Could Chip have taken them?

No, he still refuses to play.
[Cellphone beeping]

Oh, thank God.

There they are.

There what are?

Those clubs cost me a fortune, so I put a GPS tracker inside the bag.

Keisha Perry... she's at Southern medical, right?

She is.

I think whoever took Mr. Olson's golf clubs is paying her a visit.

Oh, my God.

Excuse me.

Lieutenant Provenza.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Bender to the mental ward, please. Dr. Bender.

Patrice: It's okay. It'll be all right.

Here you go, Mrs. Perry.

Oh. I'm sorry I was gone so long.

Well, thank you, Doctor.

This was very kind of you.

Uh, this is Keisha's friend Wesley.

Wesley, this is Dr. Provenza.

Wesley, nice to meet you.

I'm sorry about the circumstances.

Yeah, yeah. How... how is she?

I mean, has Keisha... has she been able to speak or...?

Well, not to me, but she just got out of her second surgery, so, Doctor, if you wouldn't mind... ?

Oh. Oh. Not at all.

Uh, walk with me, Wesley.

I'll bring you up to speed.

M... m... God, Mrs. Perry, I'm...

I'm so sorry that this happened.

I'm so sorry.


Wesley: So, how is she, Doctor?

Provenza: Well, touch-and-go, to be honest.

Stomach is a bad place to sustain a wound like this, but we're guardedly optimistic.

And has she mentioned anyone at all while she's been here?

I mean, did... did she ask for me?

Uh, no, she didn't ask for you specifically.

Uh, but I can tell you who has.

This is Detectives Sykes and Sanchez from the L.A.P.D., and they would like to know how you ended up with such an expensive pair of golf clubs in the trunk of your car.

[Grunts] Sykes: Wesley Grant, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Toby Cummings.

You have the right to remain silent.

Be still!


If you don't stop moving, I'm gonna bash your face in, okay?

Do you want to walk out of here or not?!

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Sykes: You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you by the state.

Now get in the elevator.

Are you gonna calm down now, or what?


You coming back with us, Sir?


Like I have most of my life, I'm waiting to talk to the girl.

I've printed up all the e-mail correspondence between Keisha and Toby.

I only had a chance to glance through half of it.

It's mostly just variations on how much they miss each other.

Mike, can I ask you a question?


Do you know an A.D. on "Badge of Justice" named Jeff?

Rusty was...

Jeff Berrier.

Sure. He's a great guy.

Oh, and you'll be happy to know he really likes Rusty.

And how much?


How much does he really like Rusty?



Um, I don't know. Why?

Well, because Rusty is suddenly thinking about postponing college because of something that Jeff said.

I see.

I mean, I'm sure there's an easy fix to it without interfering in their friendship, if you could help me.


Wesley: Anything she asked me to do, I did.

I... I mean, I wanted Keisha to see I was the opposite of Toby... that love is giving, not taking.

Sanchez: So, you're not into taking.

How did you end up with these golf clubs?

I don't know how that happened.

They were in the trunk of your car.

Well, maybe somebody at the party had my keys. I don't know.

So, someone planted the clubs in your vehicle? Is that it?

Maybe, yeah.

I... I drank too much.

Chip was passing out k*ller pot.

He talked me into taking three hits off that pipe.

What was the special occasion?


It... it wasn't special. It was... it was useless.

Nothing could make Keisha see Toby for what he really was... nothing I said, nothing Chip said.

Nothing Chip said?

Yeah, he was all into Keisha, too.

Kept telling me that they were just friends, but he loved her, even if his r*cist parents wouldn't let him ask her out.

I was getting somewhere with Keisha and Chip couldn't stand it, so he messed me up.

Messed you up how?

When he saw Keisha hurt me the way she did...
ignoring me for Toby...

Chip got me drunk and high and knocked me around in front of everyone.


Because Chip said he knocked you around to keep you from barging in on Keisha, who was trying to have a few moments alone with her boyfriend.

Toby wasn't her boyfriend, okay?

He didn't love her like I did.

Oh, yeah, you loved her so much, you stabbed her with a pair of scissors.


You tried to slip back into the party through the garage...


... And you found Keisha and Toby there, and you grabbed the scissors!

No, I grabbed the golf clubs just to get Chip in even more trouble with his dad. That's all.

Look, you cannot tell Keisha about any of this.

She'd get so mad at me.

This could be the end of everything.

I thought you didn't remember taking the golf clubs.

Why don't you sit back down, Wesley?

Sit down!


What makes you think it was over between Keisha and Toby?

What makes you think that Toby was going to dump her?

It doesn't matter what Toby was going to do anymore.

Look, please don't keep me sitting here when Keisha could be dying and I might never talk to her again.

Are you really gonna punish me like that, over a set of golf clubs?

Those clubs prove you were in the garage, and that's where Toby and Keisha were att*cked.

I didn't know they were att*cked. I didn't know.

Well, how did you know that she was in the hospital?

It wasn't on the news.

You never went home or anywhere near your computer.

And your phone has been off.

My phone was off 'cause I didn't want my parents calling me.

Look, I knew I was too high to drive, so I pulled over a couple blocks from Chip's place and I, like, passed out.

When I woke up, I picked up my iPad, and I saw I had an e-mail from Keisha's grandmother.

She told me what happened and which hospital they were at, and... and I went.

I just went.

[Voice breaking] I thought that maybe...

I thought maybe Keisha was asking for me, that she had realized, finally.

What would she realize, Wesley?

[Door opens]

Now, would she realize that you tried to k*ll her?

Is that it?


Maybe I should talk to a lawyer now.

Maybe you should, Wesley, but first, I need your clothes.

My clothes? What do you mean?

I mean Detective Sykes and I are going to step out, you're gonna take off your shirt, your pants, your socks, your shoes, and your watch.

We'll give you something else to wear.

And hurry up, please.

[Door closes]

Well, come on, "No Romeo."

Time to take it all off.

You don't even understand what "No Romeo" means, do you?

Romeo starts off loving this girl named Rosaline, talking about how no one else could ever matter to him, and then the moment he sees Juliet, Rosaline ceases to exist.

Well, I'm no Romeo.

Nothing will ever make me stop loving Keisha.

That's what "No Romeo" means.



Now what?

Keisha's wounds are mostly internal, but Toby had his throat cut.

And since Wesley hasn't changed his clothes since last night...

He'll either have blood on him, or...

Or we are looking at this the wrong way.

Lieutenant Provenza.

Yes, captain. Did you get a confession?

A confession of true love.

Unfortunately, unless we turn up some physical evidence, I'm gonna need a witness.


Man on P.A.: Blue team to ICU, please.

... the, uh, grandmother...

Blue team to ICU.

... promised to let me do all the talking the next time Keisha regains consciousness, and the doctors seem to think she's getting better.

For the time being, let's have the doctors keep that information to themselves.

As far as anyone knows, Keisha is dying and I have her m*rder*r in custody.

No blood on Wesley's clothes or his watch.

No blood in his car, either.

I mean, if it weren't for the golf clubs, I'm not even sure we could hold him.

Speaking of golf clubs...

Uh, both of Chip's parents were in Palm Springs last night during the time of the m*rder, participating in a "relationship-enhancement hot-stone massage" at their couples' retreat.

Sykes: And the blood we found on the cuffs of Chip's pants, his shirt, and his shoes is consistent with his original statement.

It matches with the video of his footprints around the crime scene.

Chip's steps seem to go on top of both Toby's and Keisha's.

But not the k*ller's?


And if we accept that Wesley is telling us the truth, we won't find his footprints anywhere, but the k*ller's footprints are here.

Andy, maybe you could get S.I.D. to help us sort this out.

And Keisha can confirm it.

Buzz, we should get to ICU and tape her statement.

Yes, Captain.

Lieutenant Tao.


Did that other thing get taken care of?

Oh, yes. Um...

Rusty is going out tonight with Jeff and some of the other, uh, "Badge of Justice" crew members, and...


I meant...

Did we get the warrant for Wesley's iPad?

Oh, yes. The warrant.

And I found the e-mail from Patrice Perry to Wesley Grant telling him that Keisha might not live and to get to the hospital right away.

Let me see that e-mail.

Sharon: The grandmother didn't tell you that she'd sent for Wesley?


No, I... I was getting her coffee across the street when you called and said that whoever stole the golf clubs was here at the hospital.

This way.

I'm telling you, if Patrice wrote Wesley, it's only because I told her he was a suspect.

Now, before we go through with this, are you sure that you thoroughly searched Keisha's house?

Flynn: Oh, yeah, and we found something very interesting on her computer.

Facetime calls between Keisha and Toby going back to the day he left for Berkeley, every night between 7:00 and 8:00 like clockwork for a month and a half.

Then, uh, a few weeks ago, they started to taper off, eventually to once or twice a week.

She would call, but Toby wouldn't answer.

Sharon: And the tone of their correspondence changed.

There were the "where were you last night" calls from Keisha and the "sorry, it's harder up here than I thought" answers from Toby.

And Toby's last note...


The last e-mail says, "we'll talk at Chip's party.

I don't want to say this in an e-mail."

[Door opens]

Sanchez: Ma'am?


Wesley and Chip were clean, but look at all the blood on Keisha's clothes.

Sykes: Especially inside her shoes.

Sharon: Lieutenant, this is significant because if you look at all the bloody footprints on the garage floor...

S.I.D. says Keisha's are beneath them all.

The first steps in the flow from Toby's arterial blood...

Are hers.

Hobbs: And that's a great clue, but her attorney will say she was right by him when he got stabbed.

You still need to mirandize Keisha and have her say, "I cut my boyfriend up with a pair of scissors," or else we don't have a case.

And we'll never get there without Patrice's help.


Yeah, or Keisha's grandmother.

And is she a decent person?

I think so, yes.

Yes, but she's not just going to roll over to help us put Keisha away forever because she has a good heart.

Captain, I... I know this woman.

I've just spent 24 hours with her building a trusting relationship.

And who's been using that trusting relationship, Lieutenant... you... or her?


Okay, but I'll need an offer, too.

Patrice will never, never help us unless her granddaughter gets something in exchange.

Andrea, this girl is on pain meds.

If she talks to us now, it'll be an issue later on in court, but she did try to k*ll herself.

Diminished capacity... that's possible.

Second-degree m*rder instead of first because the scissors were there... with time to be served in a mental institution where she can be treated.

But I need to believe she's more than a little nuts.



Uh, I'll need this iPad and... oh, and the x-rays.


Provenza: When I got here yesterday, you were looking at these.

It's how we met.

Yes, it is.

And you were an E.R. nurse for how long?

So, looking at these wounds, you must have known that they could have been self-inflicted.

You thought it was a m*rder, and you had a suspect.

Yeah; [Chuckles] who you delivered to us via e-mail.

You couldn't find him, and I was only trying to help.

He's a... a crazy boy who couldn't take no for an answer.


He should go to prison for the rest of his life for a m*rder he didn't commit?


That could happen.

If your granddaughter accuses Wesley when she regains consciousness...

Keisha wouldn't do that.

Are you sure?

She can't control her temper... and she will not last in prison, and... and... and... and I can't help you put her there.

I'm not asking you to do that.

I'm asking you to help us get Keisha the proper kind of care.

Would you rather that she go on trial... in public for second-degree m*rder?

And the court will never let her plead insanity, but we can.


What is it you expect me to do?

Just, uh... just don't contradict me.

Sharon: You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Honey, you remember Lieutenant Provenza.

Well, he's been here waiting with me the whole time just to speak to you.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

And this is Captain Raydor.

Keisha, we're sorry to do this now, but we're running out of time.

The doctors... the doctors, Keisha...

Have done all they can... and it doesn't look like you're going to make it.

However, the captain has made an arrest.

We are holding Wesley Grant for Toby's m*rder, and, although, Keisha, it's not necessary for you to tell us what he did...

You arrested Wesley?

Yes, and because...

I'm so sorry, Keisha, but because we may lose you, too, now, we will end up charging him with double homicide, which comes with the death penalty.

Well, it's not a*t*matic.

Close enough.

The surgeries didn't work?

It... it feels like they worked.

Honey, you are on some heavy-duty painkillers, so if you start hurting, I need you to let me know, okay?

But I promise you...

I promise you there will be no pain.

Okay, honey?

[Voice breaking] I'm really...

I'm really dying?

I'm afraid so, yes.


Wesley. Oh, my God.


Sweetie, listen to me.

These people are going to try to put Wesley to death.

They need you to tell them that they are doing the right thing.

Are we doing the right thing, Keisha?

Should Wesley be ex*cuted?

Has she made it to crazy yet?

She stabbed her boyfriend five times with a pair of scissors.

That looks like a lot of intent, so I'm gonna need a lot of nutty to go with it.

Toby and I were supposed to be together forever.

We swore it to each other.

After he left for Berkeley...

Things changed.

He stopped calling, stopped writing... and then at Chip's party, he told me... he said it was time for us to move on... but we'd still be friends... and that was all we'd ever really been.

That must have been so hard for you to hear.

It was.

I cried.

And then he said, "let's not stay here long," so I walked with him to the kitchen.

And Chip asked him to get some ice, so he went to the garage.

And I went with him just to ask for him to give us another chance.

And Toby said, um... he said that he might have already met a girl that was his other chance... and that, "maybe Wesley is your other chance."

And I saw the scissors there, and I picked them up.

And I shoved them into his chest as far as I could, and as soon as I realized no one at the party could hear him screaming, I stabbed him again and again until I sliced his throat.

And then, while he was looking at me with this shocked look on his face, I stabbed myself... so we could keep our promise to each other, so we could be together forever like we swore to be.

I'm sorry, Granny.

I'm sorry for leaving you, but I belong with Toby, like he belonged with me.

It's what we promised each other.

Okay, well, she definitely needs to be surrounded by a lot of people in white coats.

Let's get that settled before she tries to hang herself with her I.V. tubes.

Thank you, Keisha.

You've been very honest, and you just saved...

Wesley's life.

And now we'll get you an attorney.

To help with your will.

And take your statement.

And once she finds out she's not dying...

Tao: Yeah. And who pays for the su1c1de watch?

You or us?

Oh, the D.A.'s office will gladly assume the costs, provided she says all that again in open court.

She will.

What makes you say that?

Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it?

I mean, this girl really hates change.

Patrice: Shh. I love you.

Keisha: I love you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Well, it looks like the attorneys will probably be in there exhausting Keisha for at least another two hours.


Well, why don't you have a seat?

So, um... right up the street, there is a pretty good steak house with a fully stocked bar.

I think a decent meal and a good, stiff drink would do us both some good.

Damn it, Lieutenant. I... [Scoffs]

I have never met anyone in my life who ended up bringing me so much grief, and... and now you're gonna ask me out to dinner?

Unless you have a better offer.

You can be miserable here alone... or miserable with me.

I am gonna look for the most expensive item on the menu, and I'm ordering two of them.

Then I'll have half of yours.




Whatever happened here, I know that you did the best you could.

Did I?

[Crying] Did I?

Did I really?


[Keys jingle]

You're home awfully late.

Well, thank you for waiting up for me.


I'm also... I'm filling out my registration stuff, uh, for Santa Monica's winter quarter.


Well, that was a quick turnaround.

What made you change your mind?

Well, I... I went out with Jeff and some of the other members of the crew to see a movie.

Which one?

Uh, "Horrible Bosses 2."

They said it was just like the first one. I... I don't know.

Uh, but we went to Delancey's afterwards.

And I'm not sure how the subject came up, exactly, but it turns out that Jeff thought I would be nuts to skip college this semester.

Did he?


And he brought up another point that was kind of obvious, which is, if you really like people, you don't have to stop being friends with them just because you're going to college.

You know, I think you're right about this Jeff.

He does seem insightful.

I guess I've just gotten used to being on "Badge of Justice," you know?

It feels... so comfortable.


And leaving might feel like a big change, but it isn't really.

Isn't it, though?


You made a plan to go to college, and you're sticking to that plan.

And it's the bigger plan, really, and keeping the bigger plan in mind when things don't go exactly the way you want... that's what real stability means, Rusty.

You're just glad you got your way again and that, somehow or other, I always end up doing exactly what you want.

Oh, well, yes.

[Both chuckle]

That too.

Let's see.


So, I already did this.

Oh, great.
