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03x10 - Zoo Story

Posted: 08/12/14 20:36
by bunniefuu
Dr. Greene: You understand that in addition to the over 90% blockage we cleared from two of your arteries, we also discovered an extremely serious arrhythmic heart condition, right?

But I'll fully recover.

If you reduce the stress in your life, if you change your diet, and you should think about retirement or disability.

Well, I... I ca... disability?

[Monitor beeping] Whoa, whoa.

I'm about to start a new job, a desk job.

Very... very low stress.

Describe this low-stress desk job.

Deputy chief of the special operations bureau at the L.A.P.D.

And your duties are?


Just managing.


Tactical support.


Woman: Help him!

Hostage rescue.


I know it sounds a lot harder than it is, but, you know, I feel... I feel fine.

Look, we get people back on their feet a lot faster than we used to, but you going back to work in a high-pressure job like that is risking your life.

Doc, I've been risking my life every day for the past 27 years.

And what I do, it's not a job.

It's a calling.

Plus I got a really, really big raise.

And some pretty incredible health insurance, which I'm gonna need, apparently.


You really want to sit at a desk wearing this external pacemaker, we'll try it.

See how we do.

It's a little bulky.

Buy bigger shirts.

And remember, you're gonna wear it 24/7 until I say otherwise.

Fritz: What exactly does this external pacemaker do?

What does it do?

It keeps you from dying in case your heart starts freaking out.

Keeps me from dying how?

Uh, with an electric charge, operating at about 70% of the power of those paddles.

Oh. So it's gonna give me a warning when...

Nope. It will shock you.

If that's possible.

Now, I'm gonna sign this medical release provided you promise to take all your medication.

I've included a pretty heavy-duty blood thinner, so if you get shot pushing paper around your desk, it was nice knowing you.

Thanks, doc.

If you're still alive, I'd like to see you next week.

[Heart beating]

We have a missing police officer, Kate Sherman, female, possibly abducted.

How did we arrive at that conclusion?

Two other young women have recently disappeared from this club.

Kate was here undercover trying to figure out how that happened, and maybe she succeeded too well.

Did Officer Sherman have backup?

Flynn: Yes.

That's why we have a bit of a turf battle on our hands.

There's no turf battle. Missing, kidnapped, m*rder*d L.A.P.D. officers are major crimes.

Tell it to S.O.B., not me.


Buzz: Lieutenant.

Oh, captain. Excuse me.

I just found some surveillance cameras in the ladies' room in a very wrong place.

Go on. I'll catch up.

Sharon: Who owns the club?

We're looking into it.

The manager is not here.

Any witnesses?

No one in here remembers Kate.

No one saw her leave. No one talked to her.

The usual.

Anyone suspect she was a cop?

Not yet.

Let's keep it that way.

Amy, try and locate our missing manager for us, will you?

Just hunting for a can or a cup with Kate Sherman's prints on it.

You think she was drugged.

Might explain why she left here without her partner.

By the way, Commander McGinnis is here, so don't look up.

McGinnis: Captain Raydor.

I did not realize we'd requested help from S.O.B.

Well, we haven't.

The commander insists that our missing officer is a special case.

Your kidnapped officer was from my g*ng-intelligence unit.

I only loaned her out for the night.

Oderno, you're up.

Detective Robby Oderno, ma'am, missing persons.

I was trying to catch a lead on two girls who disappeared...

I've heard this already.

Why did you want to bring Officer Sherman here this evening?

The two previous victims looked alike.

It made me wonder if the kidnapper had a type.

Nobody from my division matched up.

So I borrowed Kate from S.O.B.

She reads really young.

The Zoo Zone is an 18-and-over nightclub.

Under 21s are marked with a pink wristband and aren't allowed to come up here to the bar.

Kate and I split up. I worked the balcony.

She worked the dance floor.

I thought since Kate looked so much like the other young ladies who disappeared, she might attract the kidnapper.

She was supposed to flirt, make it clear she was alone, meet as many guys as possible.

Provenza: Every 10 minutes, Kate was supposed to make contact.

Oderno here would look down, Kate would look up.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Oderno: Then at 1:00 A.M., I leaned over the balcony and it was as if Kate had vanished.

I ran down to the parking lot, checked every car.

She was nowhere to be found.

Called for backup at 1:15, had the bouncers lock the place down.

In other words, he used her for bait and he lost her.

Patrol searched the immediate vicinity, found nothing.

Then at 1:48 A.M., they called me.

Captain, if I may, I could...

Hold that thought, commander. Julio?

Sanchez: Ma'am, according to AT&T, Kate Sherman's cellphone was turned off at 1:11 A.M.

It last pinged on Cahuenga Boulevard about a half mile south of the Hollywood Freeway.

I think we should take an academy class and begin a grid search of this area.

I'd rather do something smaller and less visible.

Detective Sanchez, get some patrol officers and try and find that phone, please.


The can from the club we found Kate's prints?

Test negative for your basic club dr*gs.

We need to look for something that's more heavy duty, but that will cost.

Whatever you need.

Provenza: All right, here's the big picture on The Zoo Zone.

Building's owned by a company called Wild Animal Inc.

They're absentee landlords with limited tax liabilities, operating out of Moldova.

Flynn: Sykes is still out looking for the club manager.

He's not at home and he's not answering his cell.


Tao: Moldova is the former Soviet satellite state known for prostitution, pornography, poverty, though not necessarily in that order.

Captain, I've just finished looking through all the video off both surveillance cameras from The Zoo Zone's ladies' room.

No sign of officer Sherman.

Those cameras... maybe that's why the club manager is nowhere to be found.

So, this girl, Ginny Webb, was missing since last weekend.

What about the other girl, Emma Lane?

She disappeared when?

Oderno: A month ago.

She's 19, so we classified her as a runaway.

When Ginny webb disappeared from the same place, we reassessed.

Not enough to have proper backup.

There should have been another team of detectives outside the club, monitoring the exits.

Commander, we were there for a look around and Kate did not follow procedure.

If she had, we would not be...

You were the senior officer!

You were responsible for the safety of your team, period!

Excuse me, commander.

Oderno, wait for me in my office.

Yes, sir.

McGinnis, captain, Lieutenant Provenza, come with me.

Let's get some things straight here, commander.

This case belongs to major crimes, not you.

McGinnis: When an L.A.P.D. officer vanishes, it's all hands on deck.

Sharon: As far as anyone outside this m*rder room knows, we're only looking for a young girl who went missing from a nightclub.

Provenza: It's our one and only advantage.

Instead of a defenseless teenager, our kidnapper grabbed a cop.

And the second he finds that out, Kate Sherman could die.

And maybe these other girls, too, if they're not dead already.

I understand your concerns, commander.

Sure doesn't feel like it.

This isn't a discussion about your feelings.

Pull your division back.

Hold the information that Kate is missing from your subordinates, and stay out of the way while the captain does her investigation.

McGinnis: I chose Kate for this assignment, assuming Detective Oderno would do his end of the job, and he didn't. And now you're asking me to hand it over to major crimes.

I'm not asking you. I'm ordering you.

Stand down.

[Door opens]

Thank you, chief.

Just don't screw this up.

Find Kate Sherman... alive.

[Door closes]

Lieutenant, would you say that our kidnapper demonstrates professional skill and experience?

Well, there's little doubt in my mind that we are dealing with a repeat offender.


Oh, Rusty, you came.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, sorry, I hate for you to see me like this.

I just... I had no one else to call.

What happened?

It wasn't... It wasn't dr*gs, honey.

I swear.

They said I was shoplifting, which is just an outright lie.

I was planning on paying for everything.

I was taking my items up to the register, and then I saw this girl who I went to high school with out front, and she was walking away, so I went to stop her, because who knows if I'm ever gonna see her again, and then the police are handcuffing me over vitamins and energy bars.


Anyway, the bail is, uh...

It's $5,000.


I know it sounds like a lot, but you only have to pay 10% to the bail bonds company and then they make up the rest.

So it's really... it's $500.

Do you think there's any way you could, um, come up with $500 somehow?

Where do you think I'm supposed to get $500, mom?

I m... do you...


Well, do you still do that work you did on the side?

When I was away?

I wouldn't judge you if you did.

Are you serious, mom?

No, I do not do that work anymore and never talk to me about that again.

Okay, you know what? Forget it.


Forget it, okay? Forget it.

What about your friend?

Captain Raydor?

She loves you.

Maybe she'd give you the money or... or you said she does deals for people.

Maybe she can make a deal for me.

Or maybe should get me transferred back to rehab.

I will go back to rehab.

If this isn't about dr*gs, then why go to rehab?

And if you're innocent like you're claiming to be, then why do you need a deal?

So that I could get out of here, Rusty.

To get out!

You have no idea what it's like in here.

It's terrifying.

The cells are so small.

And the people here are so scary.

Kate: Oh, no, no.

No! No, no, no!


And the bathrooms are just right out in the open.

I feel watched and exposed everywhere I go.

Sykes: Mr. Tariiji, do you know what you're looking at?

Tariiji: My nightclub.

Ladies' room.

Really? Because to me, it looks like a felony, or don't you know that a camera in a public bathroom is a sex crime?

Attorney: My client had no idea the camera was there.

Sykes: Cameras.

Those cameras were synched right up to a monitor in this guy's office.

Doesn't mean he's a m*rder*r.

Just a pervert, which in Hollywood doesn't even make him stand out so much.

Over the stalls. And each camera is a separate felony.

What the hell are you doing here?

You had a heart attack.

Small. Caught early. It's no big deal.

Doctor signed off on my medical release.

Have you told your wife about this?

They shoved a couple stints in my arteries.

I'm good to go. No, I have not told Brenda.

Look, Mike. It's my first day on a new job and I have an officer missing.

I have an electric blanket wired to my chest, and I have a second-in-command who feels she's been steamrolled.

What I don't need is more stress.

I need a briefing.

And by briefing, I mean... brief.

Is there anything on ViCAP?


There's a pattern emerging involving missing teenage girls from 18-and-over clubs in the greater Los Angeles area.

From Santa Monica, from Long Beach, and now Hollywood.

Two or three girls disappear from one place and the kidnappers move to another.

But so far, no bodies.

Thanks, Mike.


I owe you.

[Door opens]

Sykes: You like to spy on young girls, Mr. Tariiji?

Sharon: Deputy Chief Howard.

Anything I can do for you?

Yes, captain.

I was hoping to make myself useful in the search for Kate Sherman.

Whoa. How do you know about that?

McGinnis was ordered not to tell any...

Her subordinates.

I'm not her subordinate. I'm her boss.

Attorney: Perhaps the camera was in the bathroom

to stop girls from doing dr*gs.

How does your suspect look?

We have good reason to hold him, but not sure he's a suspect.

I'm not even sure he's a witness.

We're serving search warrants on his car, his house, his business, his phone, and his computer.

Well, we didn't want to dismiss him out of hand, either.

Flynn: Okay, look.

Do you recognize any of these young ladies?

No. So many come to club.

I look mainly at their wrists.

"No" is enough.

Their what?


No, he doesn't recognize them.

Why are you asking my client about these young women, anyway?

Because the last time anyone laid eyes on them was at the club your client manages.

And that's a pretty big coincidence.

No, no. I would never help steal girls.

Who said anything about these girls being stolen?

It's the clear implication, isn't it?

Obviously they weren't m*rder*d on the premises, and you're still looking for them, so it must mean they were kidnapped, which is why my client provides valet service, to encourage safety.

You still have I.C.E. on your speed dial?

Of course.


Let's go show Commander McGinnis that you're not just a paper pusher.

Mr. Tariiji's heart breaks for their families, but he's not responsible for their absence.

Mr. Tariiji, I'm captain Raydor.

This is Deputy Chief Howard, and we're here to discuss your visa issues.

My client has no visa issues.

He does now. I make one call to Immigration about arresting Mr. Tariiji for felony sex crimes, and you're in detention until your trial.

Your little club for teenage girls closes.

We freeze all of your assets.

Now, I am wondering how your overseas bosses will react to all of that.

[Speaking foreign language]

Shut up! [Speaking foreign language]

Shut up!

Please. Do not take my visa.

If I leave U.S. like this, they k*ll me.

They k*ll my whole family.

I beg you, please!

My client seeks asylum for himself and his wife and kids.

If he can tell us what happened to the girl who was taken from your club last night, he can stay as a witness.

I wasn't there last night!

[Groans] Oh, man.

No! Wait!

What about other girl?

This one.

Can I be witness for her?

You... you recognize this young woman?

Yes, yes. I saw her.

She was very drunk, could not stand on her own.

I'm upset.

She has pink wristband. She cannot drink.

And then a man come up angry and grab her, say he's girl's brother.

And you believed him.

Of course not.

He could be a r*pist. He could be a bad guy.

I not let girl leave club like that.

Yeah, what if the police saw her falling down drunk outside your door?

You'd get shut down.

Is concern, yes, but so is r*pe.

r*pe is bad for business, also.

I think maybe man drug girl.

It happens.

I walk to car with man, but his wife wait in front seat.

I think, "well, no r*pe."

What did this man look like?

White. 30, 35.

30, 35? That could be anyone.

Not you.

What about the wife?

I only hear her voice.

She stay in front seat.

I help the girl down in the... not trunk...

The big back of the car.

Was it an S.U.V.?

Yes. Sorry. S.U.V.

Green, older. I don't know what kind.

My client is helping you. Can you guarantee his safety?

Can you guarantee his visa?

We need more than what he's told us for Mr. Tariiji to stay in this country as a witness.

What else was in the back of the S.U.V.?

Small crates for pet. Huh?

"Small crates for pets."

Some blankets, little grocery bags.

From what store?

They had no words on them.

They were little bags. Plain color.

[Door opens]

Detective Sanchez is back from his search and he's found what's left of officer Sherman's phone.

Okay, Mr. Tariiji, we're gonna go over all this again, starting with this young girl and when you first saw her.

Ginny: Where are the rest of the police?

I promise you, Ginny, they're looking for us.

Can't we just wait for them?

No, you said when you got here, there was a girl and they took her away and they never brought her back, right?

And that girl said that there was a girl when she got here, and they took her away and never brought her back.

It's better not to wait.

You go, and I'll just stay here.

Ginny, I can't. I can't.

The only way out of my cell is through yours and there's a serious padlock on my door.

You don't know where we are or... or what time it is.

Ginny, wherever we are, we need to be somewhere else.

Do you understand that?

Now, you said there's only two of them, right?

You've only seen the one man and the one woman?

So far.

You can get away from just two people.

Now, I smell horses, so I think we're in the country, which means that when you get out, you need to stay off the main road.

Hey, Ginny, look at me.

That's very important, okay?

When you get out, you stay off the main road until you find a highway and you can flag someone down or you get to a bigger neighborhood and get someone to call the police.

What's gonna happen to you?

Just don't worry about me, okay?

You just worry about the next girl that could end up in here.

We have to stop these people, Ginny.

It's up to us.

[Lock clicks]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Okay, I think I got it.

I think I got it. Okay, give it a shot.

[Breathing heavily]
[Door creaks]

Oh, thank God.

Ginny. Ginny, you have to go.

No, no, no, no, you can't do that, Ginny.

I can't.

You have to go. Ginny, look at me.

You have to go, okay? You got to get safe.

And send help. Understand?

You can do this. You can do this.

I know you can.

Ginny, please.

Okay. Okay.


Yes, okay, just keep going.

Okay. Good.

You're okay. You can do this, Ginny.

Just keep going and don't stop, okay?

[Computer beeps] Tao: Finally.

These are all the photos Officer Sherman was able to take the night she was abducted.

Not the highest quality.

I assume you guys pulled up the... what is it?

Some social-media bullshit.

#Zoozone, yes, but it's not the best.

However, if we consider all these other girls went missing from 18-and-over clubs from surrounding jurisdictions to be part of the same pattern...

And we compare Kate Sherman's photos to the dates each one of these young ladies went missing...

Maybe we can find a matching face somewhere in the hashtag universe.

Sharon: Remember, it's not just a man we're looking for.

There's a woman involved here somehow, too.

Sanchez: If they're a team, the woman could be the one drugging the girls.

What about that drug?

Has S.I.D. identified it?

Sorry. I'm in my old chicken-and-egg dilemma.

[Sighs] You know, it's easier for me to determine the drug if I know what I'm looking for and I don't...



Let's enlarge every one of these photos and print them up.

I should probably digitize them, make a mini-database, put them through...

Image search.

Maybe we can pull up some mug sh*ts, 'cause whoever these people are should have a criminal record.

Provenza: This isn't the first time your mother has been arrested.

How long has she been in county?

Since last week.

She only just called me because she said she didn't want to come into my life as a problem.


And then she asked you for $500 to get her out of jail?

Which is ridiculous, because no bail-bondsman is gonna guarantee the other $4,500 anyway.

Why not?

Because they want collateral, and you don't have a house or a car to borrow against, and the police can't bail her out, so that's off the table.

Okay, well, you know, that's actually kind of a relief, really, because as long as she's in jail, I know where she is, and she can't be doing dr*gs.

[Chuckling] Oh.

Uh, yeah. Right.

But why does she have to do time?

Rusty, look. [Clears throat]

Criminal theft violates the terms of her probation, and it triggers a six-year tail to the end of her little shoplifting spree.

Of course, the captain might be able to arrange a deal for her.

No. No.


I cannot do to Sharon what my mother has done to me, and I cannot do that to you, either.

I'm not just gonna, like, hand my problems off to other people.

Look, I have an appointment to go back and see my mother on Monday, and I just...

I want to make sure that I have all of the facts before I go back, okay?

Because I know I'm not gonna get them from her.

Okay. Yeah.

That's not a problem.

I can get those for you.

All right.

Lieutenant, captain is going to the morgue and wants you with her.


Rusty, what time did you see your mom yesterday?

Around 11:00.


[Door closes] [Sighs]

Morales: There are a lot of things here I don't understand, so give me a second to collect my thoughts.

Lady on her horse up in Chatsworth saw something shiny in a ditch off the road.

Turned out to be a pair of handcuffs on the girl's wrists.

It's Ginny Webb, yes?


She has a birthmark on her forearm that matches her file, so I feel comfortable confirming that.

She has several broken bones and bruises.

That goes with a broken head lamp off the vehicle that ran her down.

I also found a piece of the grille on the road with green paint flecks on it.

Well, that paint might take us to the make and model of the S.U.V.

It's already gone for a spectrum analysis, sir.

Is it Kate?

No, commander, it isn't.

Hold on, please. Doctor.

Okay. Let's talk.

First, look at the ligature on her wrists.

It's deep, quite a bit of blood.

I think she was held c*ptive for some time before she managed to escape.

I think we know who helped her do that.

And that is a very good sign if it's true.

What makes you say she escaped.

Note the scrapes and bruises all over her body, especially on her feet.

Most of them are antemortem, before she was hit by the S.U.V., and they're fresh.

[Sighs] Your victim was, uh, running for her life.

McGinnis: You realize if this girl's escape was facilitated by Kate Sherman, my officer could now be in extreme danger.

We should build a perimeter around the area where the body was found, work our way out...

I don't want to pressure the kidnappers more than we absolutely have to, commander, especially because I don't know exactly who they are or where they are.

May I weigh in?

Because there are odd things to discuss that might help you.

For example?

For example, there's no sign of sexual abuse, which is unexpected considering the girl wasn't held for ransom, and then there's dog hair all over her clothes from several different breeds.

That's weird.

And she appears to have been on some strange liquid diet for several days, and her stomach contents had dissolved bicarbonate of soda, creatine, and a specific formula of electrolytes, and when I put all that into our search engine, it came back as a recipe for "milkshaking" a horse.

Provenza: Wait a minute.

This girl was found by a woman on horseback.

That's right, sir.

And her clothes are covered with dog hair.

Mr. Tariiji said he saw pet crates.

In the back of the S.U.V.

Those small, plain bags were not for groceries.

They were feedbags for livestock.

Maybe that's why we can't I.D. the drug used to knock out Sherman.

It was an animal tranquilizer.

Okay, thank you, doctor.

Woman: How could you have left her so close to the road?

We're lucky she stuck to the road in the first place and that the motion sensors outside the gate went off.

We should have brought her back, at least taken off her cuffs.

Yeah, well, she nearly wrecked the Tahoe.

I had trouble driving back as it is, and you wouldn't come get me?

Where did the other girl go?

You watched her escape, so don't act innocent.

Did you see how she did it?

She left without me? Well, did you find her?

Forget the other girl.

She's not coming back.

We're packing you off.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on.

She's at least five pounds too heavy.

We can't care about what she weighs.

Look, what they do with these girls across the border is Rico's business.

Yeah, we're sending them to a game preserve in Mexico.

What do you think's going on?!

But k*lling them here is not good, Frank.

You need to get her ready for pickup now.

And this is the last time I'm helping you smuggle anything out of the country that does not have four legs.

Get up!

I'm just so tired.

Damn it, Frank! Hurry!

All right. All right.

All right, kid.

Time for a nap.


[Both breathing heavily]

Crate her up and get her out of here!

You, um, you're sure you want to see this?

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

I have to see it.

Well, it wasn't just vitamins and energy bars.

In her purse, your mother also had two dresses and a pair of shoes she had liberated from a department store, plus a little meth.

I don't get it.

Why does she keep using dr*gs?

We can't know the answer to that.

But you listen to me, son.

Her drug use has nothing to do with you.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

Tao: Our lab found a-c-e-p-r-o-m-a-z-i-n-e.

Acepromazine, also called "ace" or "ACP," is used to sedate horses before surgery.

Let's locate all the surgical vet clinics within a four-mile radius of where our victim was discovered this morning.

Sanchez: Everyone, spectrum analysis of the green paint says we should also check if anyone working at these vets drives a 2006 to 2009 Chevy Tahoe.

With a busted headlight and part of its grille missing.


So far, my airships report no wrecked green S.U.V.s in the open.

Now that you know the make and model, you'll probably do better with a search of registered owners.

Julio. Anything here?

After a while, all these girls look alike.

Flynn: Plus we don't know if we're looking for a girl or a guy or both.

We may be looking at the kidnapper right now and not know it.

Captain, there are three veterinary clinics within a three-mile radius of the search zone.

But only one that handles large animal surgeries, and the vet, Dr. Frank Wilshaw, has an arrest for illegal animal trafficking.

Exporting wild game to Mexico.

Sanchez: Okay, veterinarian Dr. Frank Wilshaw also has a Chevy Tahoe registered in his name.

Where's his clinic?

Right here.

Fritz: Captain. Chief.

Can special operations be of assistance?

S.O.B. could surround the target while major crimes determines if we have the right location and the right suspects.

As long as we move in on this clinic first, yes, I agree.

Where would you want us, captain?

I think right here.

[Horse whinnies]

[Bell dings]


[Cat yowls] Hello? Anybody?

[Dog barks]

Oh, sorry to bother you.

It's, uh, a little slow around here today, huh?

Frank: Well, I'm usually closed on Saturdays.

And I've got a cat prepped for surgery.

Is there something I could help you with?

L.A.P.D. We won't keep you long.

Just a couple questions.

We're looking for anyone who may have lost or misplaced a shipment of acepromazine.

Do you carry that?

Ace? Yeah.

I mean, any vet that works with large animals carries ace.

All mine's accounted for.

So, no worries on that.

Is there anything else?

Yeah. Yeah.

If you don't mind, we have a consent form for you to sign, allowing us to look in your garage.

Uh... look in my garage... for what?

It's probably nothing, but we're doing a visual check of all the Chevy Tahoes in the area, and the DMV shows one registered in your name.

Sure. Okay.

So, just the two of you going through my garage?

Is that it?

Yep. Just us.


Hey, you want my garage door opener?

Garage door opener would be great, thanks.

Let me go get it for you.


[Dog barking]

Sanchez: LAPD! Drop your w*apon!

Lie down on the ground!

[Indistinct shouting]


[Barking continues]

[Dog whines]

We have him!

He's not doing too good, but we have him.

No sign of the other suspect.

[Horse snorts, whinnies]

[Snaps fingers]

Woman: Help! Please! Please!

Please help me! Help me, please!

Oh, God. Oh, God.


Help me, please!

Hold on!

Please help!

We're coming down. You're safe.

Help me!


He beat me, he starved me!

McGinnis: It's okay. Are you hurt?

I don't know. I don't know.

Was there another young lady trapped in here earlier?

Did they have someone else with you?

There... there... there was three of us.

One of them got away and then they grabbed the other one.

I don't know what they did with her.

I don't know.

Come on!

All right. Okay.

It's all right. It's all right.

[Sobbing continues]

[Camera shutter clicks]

How long ago did they take the other girl away?

How many hours?

I don't know. They... they drugged me.

Did you hear them say where they were going or how they were getting there?

I'm so sick! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

We're taking you to a hospital.

It'll be okay. You're going to be fine.

McGinnis: I'll go with her.

We need a good physical description of the other suspect.

Wait! One second.

The girl in the gurney.

She was at the club the same night Kate Sherman was abducted.


You know, she doesn't look much like the other girls who went missing.

Or like she was on a liquid diet.

They... they took both of us at the same time.

What did you do with the officer that you helped kidnap?

Where did you put her?

I don't know what you're talking about!

Is Kate Sherman alive?! Is she alive?!

Answer me.

Commander, let go.

Is my officer alive or dead?

Where is she?

You have to let go, Ann.

Where is she?!

Ann! I am ordering you to step back!


What is your name?

Becka Wilshaw, and you people just shot my brother!

What do I care what happens to your cop?

I want my lawyer!

No, you don't want a lawyer.

Provenza: If Kate Sherman dies while we're waiting for a lawyer, you've guaranteed yourself a shot at the death penalty.

Sharon: Becka, whatever you tell us right now, we can't use against you in court.

This is a great gift.

It is only available to you for the next few seconds.

And I suggest you use it.


[Kate grunting]

[Brakes hissing]

[Keys jingle]

McGinnis: Officer Sherman.

Officer Sherman, are you here?

I'm here.

I'm here. I'm right here.

I got you. I got you.

McGinnis: All right. Are you hurt?

No, I'm fine.

Here we go. All right.

Give us a hand, fellas.

We've been looking for you.



Sanchez: L.A.P.D.!

Sykes: L.A.P.D.!



Provenza: Now that officer Sherman has been safely located and the feds have taken over the human-trafficking aspect of the case, I think it's time for you to check in with Rusty's mom.

I've cued up the really awful part of their visit.

Trust me. You're gonna want to see this.


Rusty's mom: Is there any way you could maybe, I don't know, come up with $500 somehow?

And where do you think I'm supposed to get $500, mom?

I'm... do you...


Do you still do that work you did on the side?

When I was away?

I wouldn't judge you if you did.

Are you serious, mom?

No, I do not do that work anymore and never talk to me about that again.

You know what? Forget it.

Forget it, okay? Forget it.

[Chuckles] Captain Raydor.

I... is my... is my son okay?

Yes. He's fine.

I thought I would stop by first and discuss the outlines of a deal.

I talked with the district attorney involved, and I have arranged a plea agreement for you.

Oh, thank God. Am I going back to rehab?

No, no. I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

However, in exchange for overlooking your probation violation, we have arranged for you to serve the full year of your shoplifting charge here at county.

Or, more precisely, 364 days, every one of which you will have to be sober.

That's not a deal!

Oh, it is.

If you don't remain sober or if you violate the statutes of prisoner conduct, I'll personally see to it that the six-year tail on your sentence is carried out to the letter in an upstate prison.

Are you kidding me?!

Because I don't deserve this kind of treatment at all!

Oh, I agree.

Unfortunately, anything more I could do to you would require a trial.

But I will make sure that you are drug-tested on a random basis.

I will have your cell searched regularly.

Anything else?

I will have confidential informants report to me on your behavior. And this I promise you.

One slip... one tiny step off the straight and narrow to the left or to the right...

And you will automatically add six years to your sentence.

Why? Why are...

You are mad at me for some reason.

I get it. I don't know why.

That's the problem.

What about for Rusty's sake?

You know, what about [Sighs] for the sake of my little boy?

This is for Rusty's sake. It is.

You think you know me? Is that it?

And you think you know my son?

And you think you can just have me boxed up and out of the way?

Lady, let me tell you something.

You just made a really big mistake.

I made a mistake?

Yes, you did.

Oh, dear.


Allow me to point out to you that you're the one wearing the blue jump suit, surrounded by guards.

And I'm getting up to go home.

Okay, no, b...

