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03x08 - Cutting Loose

Posted: 07/29/14 12:22
by bunniefuu
[Cellphone dialing]

I'm at the gate.

What's the code?

[Engine shuts off, parking brake clicks]

Lieutenant Mike, thanks for coming out on such short notice.

Anything for Jonny.

That's my mantra.

[Door opens]

You said there was a letter?

No return address, no signature.

Typed, not written.

Claims Jon boxed up illegal contraband.

Sent to the storage facility here.

They said they were willing to let the L.A.P.D. take a look first.

Jonny having contraband.

That's ridiculous, right?



That's weird.

The key isn't working.

Sure you have the right container?

I have doubts about my sanity, the Kennedy assassination, and the moon landing, but this is the right box.

[Trunk door opens, closes]

Whew. Hmm.

You travel with bolt cutters.

Never know when you might need them.

Let's open this baby up.

[Door closes]


These big boxes hold a lot more than you think.

[Police radio chatter, siren chirps]

[Indistinct conversations]


Body's been in here three months, at least.

They turn into a skeleton that fast?

All it takes is the right conditions, lieutenant.

And considering the amount of frass all over the...

Frass? What's frass?

Insect excrement.

God. ID on the body?

No. And no wallet, either.

The only thing I found is this... nose bandage.

Maybe slipped off as the skin on her face melted.

Thank you. I get the entire disgusting idea, except this... "her" is wearing a man's blazer.

And size 12 women's Capri pants.

And the pelvic bone is female.

What was the cause of death?

Can't be 100% sure, but there's serious blunt-force trauma to the back of the head.

Yeah. She was hit from behind, or so says the blood spatter.

On the walls, on the storage boxes, the clothes... everywhere.


Now the question is, was the big box here or somewhere else when the victim was shoved inside of it?

All right, Sykes. Let's get the shipping report on this container, please.

And, Buzz...

You check the security video at the gate.

Buzz: I did that already.

They record over everything after two weeks, so that's at least...

Okay. Okay, okay!

Then just stay here and document...

The frass.


So, this actor friend of yours had all of his clothes here because?

It's not just clothes.

It's his wardrobe.

And the reason why it's in there is 'cause the television show in which he stars, "Badge Of Justice," is on the bubble.

The bubble?

"Badge Of Justice" got a 1.1 share in the demo.

Our C3 didn't bring that up very much, and we're down 16% in the Live+7 from last season, which is not good.

C3? What's a C3?

I think what Mike means is that the television show on which he works as a consultant has a case of bad ratings, and the bubble is the place where the show lives until it is canceled or renewed.

This year I'll have all three boys in college at once.

Consulting on the show is helping with what Kathy and I call our "tuition shock."

How did you get that job, anyway, consulting with a TV show?

Chief Pope recommended me.



Okay. Well, sorry about the hit to your wallet.

And you've explained the clothes.

But why does the star of your very low-rated cop show have a dead body in his storage container?

Well, um...

I was sitting in the writer's room afternoon, and Jonny came in to ask if he should leave everything at the studio at the end of sh**ting or store stuff somewhere, so I might have said a big-box storage container would be...

Oh, God... A perfect place.

To hide a m*rder victim.

Michael, my dear, dear old friend.

Your television show is sliding further and further off the bubble as we speak.

Yeah. I think we're gonna need to speak with Jonny.

He didn't do this.

Well, of course he didn't.

But we still need to talk to him... in case you're wrong.

Preferably without a fancy Hollywood lawyer in the room.

You know, I'm gonna call the captain and let her know to expect a special guest star. [Cellphone dialing]

[Elevator bell dings]

Captain Raydor.

This is Kiki, Jon's assistant.


Nice to meet you.

Uh, and where is...

Oh, he'll be right out.

Tell them it's a pass.

Respectfully, but I pass.

[Sighs] Sorry.


You must be Captain Raydor.

I've heard a lot about you.

Jon Worth. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Oh. Well, thank you, Mr. Worth.

And thank you for coming in.

It's just Jon, not Mr.

Worth. I want to help.

When Kiki told me about the poor girl in my storage container...

Well, the victim comes first.

That's what Lieutenant Mike says.

Well, Lieutenant Mike is certainly right about that.

Come on in.

Um... No. Uh, Jon, since you play an L.A.P.D. officer, I thought that you might like to see these.

Tao: Each one of these badges belonged to an officer who lost his or her life in the line of duty.

The fallen.


It's not just a job, is it?

Not just a job.

And on to the m*rder room.

[Indistinct conversations]

I'm... I'm sorry.

Once we heard you were coming...

Would you mind signing...

Oh, what? A few autographs?

I... sure. Hey, everybody.

How you doing? Excuse me.

There you go, officer.

That one.

Hey, what's your name?


Buzz. The video. Right?

Keeper of the video.

Oh, yeah. I feel a connection with you already.

"To Buzz, with admiration."


"Badge Of Justice" is my favorite show.

Well, thank you. Write to the network.

No kidding. Thanks, bud.

Ah. Jon, let me introduce you to detective Amy Sykes.

Big fan.

It's nice to meet you.

Uh, over here is lieutenant Andy Flynn.


Where's Julio?

Flynn: Recovering from a contact wound.

Nothing to worry about.

And you... you, sir.

You must be Provenza.

Lieutenant Provenza.

Ha ha. Yeah.

I'll tell you, you are much younger than Mikey makes you out to be.

There you go.

Thank you.

"Lieutenant Provenza, I am your biggest fan. Jonny."

I've got just the spot for this.

I made the board!

Ho, ho!

Guys, I can't tell you what that means to me.

It is... whoa.


And you!

Wow. You undercover guys.

I mean... the level of commitment.

How hard do you have to work to stay looking this young?

I'm not undercover.

I'm actually graduating from high school today.

Who is this?

Sharon: Uh, this is Jon Worth.

He is a big television star, and he's here to help us with an investigation.

Until 2:00 P.M.

What happens at 2:00 P.M.?

Jon Worth!

Great to meet you, man.

I'm assistant chief Russell Taylor.

Chief, it is an honor.

Let's head down to my office.

I've ordered lunch for our special guest.

Captain, you and Lieutenant Tao are both invited.

And afterwards, Jon, I can give you a tour.

Wow. That would be great.

Hey, everybody. It was nice to meet you.

[Applause] See you later?

Mike, I hope you are ready to do what needs to be done here.

I set you up as well as I can.

Let's go.

It's kind of you, Jon, to volunteer your assistance.

I'm happy to help out.

Just tell me what I can do, and I'll have Kiki do it.

What we need right now, is to have you sign these permission forms, saying you'll keep everything confidential.

And then maybe you could just give us some background info.

And initial there, there and there.

Wow, you guys really give the Miranda point to everyone.

Uh, what kind of background info?

Like... how long have you had this storage container?

Oh. That's a good question.

Three months.

Taylor: Do you know where the container was immediately before it went to the storage yard?

Your driveway.

My driveway.

How long was it there?

Three days.

Anyone else have access to it?

Nope. Only me.

Only you? Not Jon? Why's that?

Because of the psycho super-fans.

What are psycho super-fans?

Well, there are regular fans, like us.

Then there are super-fans, who become part of the show's family.

Then there are psycho super-fans who end up hiding in your closet.

Yeah. And that's why the container's in my name...

To keep the psycho super-fans from finding out it belongs to Jon.

How do you guys think this happened?

Did this woman climb in my box and die because she wanted to be near my clothes?

Sharon: She didn't just die.

There's reason to believe that she was m*rder*d inside the container and locked in afterwards.

m*rder*d? Seriously?

Tao: That's why Kiki's key didn't work this morning, because whoever k*lled our victim cut off the original lock and replaced it with one of their own.


So the m*rder*r knew ahead of time that they were gonna lock someone in.

It would seem so, yes.


That's horrible. [Door closes]

Ooh. Sushi.

Wow, Mikey.

You guys are really going out of your way here.

Any idea who the victim is?

Dr. Morales: You want an ID?

[Scoffs] I don't even know what she looked like, though I'm sure it was better than this.

Geez. I hope so.

And she was in a storage container belonging to that Jon guy from "Badge Of Justice"?

Oh, what a train wreck that series is.

Their morgue? So fake.

I'm surprised the show hasn't been canceled yet.

It's on the bubble.

Any idea what kind of w*apon was used?

Hard to say specifically, but the fracture pattern is flat and rounded.


That's not a lot to go on.

Well, this isn't a lot to go on.

I'd say, from her bone structure, she's Caucasian, between 5'6" and 5'7".

And the teeth make her in her 40s?

Sykes: Checking mups, and there are... oh, God...

Thousands of missing persons fitting that description.

This should narrow it down.

Is that a metal plate in her shoulder?

And seven screws, all titanium.

She had some pretty serious shoulder injury at some point.

Now we're talking.


Looks like a match to me.


Let me see if I can get an image of her face.

So, uh, tell me, how much do you think Mike makes from all of this consulting?

Why don't you ask him?

Sykes: Okay.

Here she is.

Zelda Lembeck?

That's not good.

Why? She one of Jonny's ex-girlfriends?

Worse. She's his stalker.

[Chuckling] Oh.

And when you're on the bubble, my friends, that's how it pops.

So, this Jon guy being a famous actor means he gets V.I.P. treatment?

No. It means that we have to be careful how we investigate him so he won't lawyer up.

You know, my offer still stands, by the way, if you want to invite a few friends over for your high-school graduation.

Little party. I'd love that.

I don't really have any friends.

I find that hard to believe.

Look, uh, Sharon, there are two types of people in summer school.

There's brainiac juniors getting a head start on the next year, and then kids trying not to flunk out.

I'm neither, and they know it.

[Elevator bell dings]

Oh. You've almost finished the tour um, chief, if you would show Jon our break room, and then Lieutenant Mike will meet you in our visitor's conference center for a briefing.


Yeah. I'm getting a lot of insight into my character today.

This way, Jon. We don't want you to miss a thing.

So, look, maybe if you invited one or two of the students that you like...

Sharon, honestly, it is a relief to know that I will never see any of those people again, and I am sure they feel the same way about me.

Stepping out of that door for the last time...

That was my celebration.


Funded and maintained by the victim, Zelda Lembeck.

Anything you want to know about Jonny, it's here...

Photos, quotes, schedule, fan fiction.

Fan fiction? What's that?

Fantasies written by fans about characters or celebrities.

In Zelda's case, Jonny.


"When Jon took me in his arms "and I finally felt his breath against my hair, "every follicle came alive.

And as his hands traveled towards my..."

Okay, Andy. We get the picture.

Zelda wrote this?

Mm. Helps explain why Jonny boy filed multiple restraining orders against her, uh, during the past three decades.

And as she chased Jonny all over town, little miss crazy thing racked up more than $10,000 worth of parking tickets.

The last of which being issued on April 23rd of this year in front of Jonny's house, the same day L.A.P.D. put Zelda on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

Three days later she was released, and then two days after that, she was reported missing by her husband.

Who also has to be a suspect.

Zelda didn't pay much attention to him because she was crazy about another guy.

And as I like to say, it's always the husband.

It's always...

The husband. I know.

But if the husband was involved, why would he send a letter leading us to the body?

I'm working on that right now.

I sent Sykes and Sanchez to go notify him.

Julio's back?

And you sent him out?

Why not?

He's had a whole week off.

He was wounded!

We should have done something to celebrate his return.

Oh. I-I am just surrounded by people with no sense of occasion.

We sent him flowers.

Uh, look. Julio is going to get a medal and time with a psychiatrist, both of which he deserves.

If it'll make you feel any better, when he gets back, give him a hug.

I've stalled as long as I can.

Hobbs is on the way up now.

Okay, Mike. Carefully.

Very carefully.

All right.

How's your visit going so far?

Oh, terrific. Great.

Uh, do you think you could take a picture of me and Kiki in here?

Oh. Of course.

Let's see.

[Camera shutter clicks] There.

Ooh. One more.


[Camera shutter clicks]

There we go. Perfect.

Oh, uh, Kiki, I'm really sorry, but when we asked the mayor's office for permission to brief Jonny, we forgot to include you.

That's okay.

I'm totally used to it.

Oh, Kiki. Can you, uh, take this 2:00 for me?

I-I don't want to leave in the middle of this.

[Sighs] I knew this was gonna happen.

Okay. Have a good afternoon.

Thank you.

Really? Permission from the mayor?

[Chuckles] I'm sure he would have said yes.

So, we identified the dead woman from your container at Stop, Box & Roll.

Yes! Great job.

Way to go, Mikey.

And her name is Zelda.


Ooh. [Exhales sharply]

Zelda Lembeck.

Who I think you know.

Of course I know her.

She's psychotic.

She followed me. She spied on me.

The lighting in that room is so horrible, yet...

I know. He looks great, doesn't he?

Took photographs of... of my knees.

All kinds of crazy bullshit.

Got a restraining order out on her. Look it up.

Oh, I have.

When did you first meet Zelda?

Why are you asking me that?

Jonny, to get the mayor's permission to do this briefing, we had to promise to eliminate you as a suspect.

So before I can tell you what's up, you have to tell me what went down.

It'll only take a few minutes.

Now, you first met Zelda when?

Carl: We were married in 1992, but she had a thing for Jon long before that.

Still does.

No kidding.

Your wife's collection of Jonny Paraphernalia is...

[Romantic music plays] amazing, sir.


And this is just what's on display.

You should check out the basement.

It's left us in a bit of a hole financially, but we had it assessed, and it's worth a whole lot more than Zelda paid for it.

Jon: I love you... all.

I love you. I love you.

I love you. I love you.

I love you. I love you.

Sir, you waited two days before reporting your wife missing.

That's because that's not unusual for Zelda.

Once, when Jonny's sitcom was canceled, she felt that he needed her.

She watched over him for nearly a week.

After his divorce, she was gone two months.


Sorry. I'm... I'm a little nervous because you haven't said anything about finding her.

Can you tell me if Zelda's okay, please?

We don't know yet. I'm sorry.

Do you mind if we borrow your wife's collection?

It might help us find Zelda.

Then take everything.

But you have to bring it back, or Zelda will k*ll me.

Sanchez: We won't keep it, sir.

Your wife talk to you about any new friends, people she may have met?

Yeah. There was another woman who started following Jonny.

A younger girl in her late 20s.

She was out of her mind into Jon. [Chuckles]

Zelda had never seen anything like it.

Sir, Jon had restraining orders against your wife.

That was just so she could stand in the same courtroom with Jon for a few minutes.

[Chuckling] Those restraining orders are the highlight of her career.

They also got her put on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

That wasn't her fault.

It was that younger girl I just told you about, the stalker.

She punched Zelda.

She nearly broke her nose.

And the police... no offense...

The police were kind of assholes about it.

What lady punched your wife?

I don't remember her name.

Wait. It's here in... in Zelda's restraining-order scrapbook.

Um... Katherine Weinberger.

I think that's the girl.

Except Zelda called her Coco or Kaykay or...


Yeah. Kiki. That's it.

Kiki? What does that mean?

Kiki: You stupid cow!

You need to stop.

You are making the situation worse.

She did this to me!

It's Kiki! It's all Kiki!

So, Kiki assaulted Zelda in front of Jon's house.

Thus the nose bandage.

When patrol responded, they decided anyone who violated the restraining order and then called the cops was crazy.

Explains why Zelda's as*ault claim against Kiki was never filed.

But Kiki did as*ault her.

Provenza: Yeah.

Welcome back, Julio.

Uh... [Door opens] Just say "thank you."

And that is all I know about psycho Zelda.

[Door opens]

Sorry to interrupt.

You're almost done. [Door closes]

We'll just need a quick chat with Kiki.

And then you'll be off.

I missed my 2:00 to be here with you guys, so Kiki went for me.


Uh, Mexico?

What's all this?

Memorabilia from Zelda Lembeck's Jonny shrine.

Zelda and her husband went into debt to buy all of it.

People are weird, sir.

Well, I have a question.

Are we arresting Jon or what?

Tao: Wait, wait.


Jon could not have k*lled Zelda and put her in his big box.

Mike, we know that Jon is your friend, and I understand the stakes here, but the storage container was in his driveway.

Yeah. All he had to do was invite her inside.

"Hi, crazy lady.

Come on in and try on one of my jackets."

Flynn: Yeah. And then hit miss Looney Tunes in the back of the head with one of his Emmys, put her in the big box, and ship her off.

These receipts are evidence that Jon's box was moved during Zelda's 72-hour psychiatric hold, proving she was k*lled at the storage lot.

And Kiki said she'd never even seen the place before this morning.

"Kiki said." That just does not relieve me, Mike.

Still, why would the k*ller write a letter to a storage facility that led us to the body?

What could Kiki gain from that?

We could ask her. Oh, wait.

She ran off to Mexico.

Uh, ma'am, look at this picture of this girl.

Is that Zelda Lembeck in a hot tub with Jon?

Yes, ma'am.

And that's not the only thing we found in her special treasure chest.

It's a hotel room-service receipt.

Breakfast for two. Look at the back.

Yeah. I don't remember this.

Back then, stuff like this used to happen all the time.

My problem is, I try to be nice to everybody, especially in hot tubs.

Jon. [Sighs]

That's Zelda Lembeck.


No way.

I...Is it?

Maybe this will help you remember.

It's a room-service receipt.

Breakfast for two the morning after that photo was taken.

And on the back, your autograph.

Well, I've got some bad news for you guys.

First, I don't do breakfast. I do brunch.

"Zelda, thanks for the fantastic night and even better morning. Jon."

Okay. That is not my handwriting.

Well, it looks a lot like the thing I do with the "J"

and the little wiggle on the end there.

It is really close.

He's digging a hole for himself.

Yeah. Just goes to show you.

Looks aren't everything.

They certainly help, though.

They certainly help.

Hey, uh, Hobbs...

You ever consult on a TV show or a movie?

Oh, for God's sake.

What? I can't ask?

Wasn't like I was keeping track.

And that's not my signature.

Ask Kiki. She signs for me all the time.

Unfortunately, Kiki's not a reliable witness.

Why? Because she punched Zelda? Oh, forget that.

She was just angry because I fired her that morning.

Why would you fire Kiki?

[Sighs] I got offered the leading role in this romantic comedy that shot in Denmark for six months.

And the day the offer came in, my agent called me and said that Kiki called the studio, telling them that I had passed. I was like, "what?!"

Why would Kiki do something like that?

Well, took me a week to find out.

It wasn't Kiki.

It was Zelda.

Zelda, pretending to be Kiki, called the studio, told them I was passing, 'cause she didn't want me to leave the country.

Anyway, when Kiki found out what had happened, after everything she'd done, she was furious.

Punched Zelda right in the nose.

Well, I wish we could get Kiki to confirm all that, Jon, but you sent her to Mexico.

Eh, that trip was scheduled long before the Zelda-in-the-box thing took off.

So, Kiki m*rder*d Zelda for getting her fired, then gets hired back by Jon when the mistake is discovered.

Let's say that's true.

Why would this Kiki person send a letter three months after the fact notifying the storage company about the dead body in the container.

Until you guys answer that question, I'm just spinning my wheels.

Just got to get my place in Cabo set up...

For Ryan Seacrest.

Yeah. He invited himself down to the beach, spend a few days with me.

Regardless of Ryan Seacrest, Jon, you need to call Kiki and get her back here on the very next plane.

I can't.

You can't?

Yeah. She doesn't take her cellphone with her.

International roaming chargers are a rip-off.

So I have Kiki buy a disposable phone when she gets to Cabo.

I don't even have a landline down there.

So until she calls me...

She's off the grid.

You don't have to make it sound so suspicious.

[Cellphone buzzes]

[Chuckling] You know, guys, you're starting to creep me out a little.

Excuse us for a moment, Jon.

Back in a minute.

[Inhales, exhales deeply]

[Door opens, closes]

Information about this case has been leaked to the media.

Every tabloid in the country has been calling me, wanting to know about Jon and his dead fan.

Provenza: Well, the best way to deal with the media is to deny everything.

We can't.

The person who leaked the details was Jon himself on Instagram.

"My fans are the greatest.

"Too bad one of them went way overboard and got m*rder*d in my storage space."

Frowny face.

"Hanging out with the L.A.P.D.

Until the case is solved."

"Peace and love."

And who took this photograph of him and Kiki?

Flynn: Well, at least he can't say we violated his right to a phone call.

Ma'am, we got the fax.

Storage company's entrance records.

Other than this morning, Kiki Weinberger's code has only been used once before.

And that would be on the day that Zelda was released from her psychiatric hold.

Well, it's looking more and more like Kiki and Jon were maybe in on this together.

Julio, Mike, go back to Stop, Box & Roll and see if we can ID the person who used Kiki's code to get into the storage facility.


It was absolutely Ms. Weinberger.

I totally remember.

She'd forgotten her security code and wanted me to look it up.

She show you her identification?

No. She didn't have any.

Said her purse was stolen.

But she did have the last four digits of her social security number, so I went ahead and gave her the code.

Is this the woman?

Uh, no.

The lady that night was... older and heavier.

Oh, and she had a bandage on her nose.

Does she ring a bell?

Yeah! That's totally her.

I'm not sure I can identify the guy she was with, but that's her.

She was with a guy?

Recognize him?

He looks familiar.

Gosh, where have I seen him before?


That night?

I'm not sure.

Did you see their car?


It was a cute, old, red convertible.

Do you remember the make and the model of the car?

It was cute... and old... and red... and a convertible.

That's pretty much it.

Sorry I don't know more.

It's okay.

Thank you for your time.


You can cheer up now, Tao.

Zelda came here in the same car that she was driving when the police arrested her, and she didn't ID Jonny.

Yeah. But something tells me it's still all about him.

I've been thinking.

What are you up to tonight around 7:00?


I know you said no party, but you only graduate from high school once, and I am so, so happy with what you've achieved.

And you are wrong about having no friends.

So may I try contacting some of them, please?

Just a tiny, little, small celebration.

Sharon, I don't even know half of their names.

How do you expect to get into contact with them?

I'm a detective.


Fine. But just to... Just to spell it out for you, 22 other kids graduated yesterday.

And at least half of them had a party of some kind.

I wasn't invited to any of them.

So good luck.

Mrs. Lembeck was no stranger to impersonating Kiki.

In addition to refusing Jon's part in the Denmark movie and faking her way into his container, she also gained access to Kiki's e-mail, Kiki's online calendar, and Kiki's gym.

How could she do all that?

Dumpster diving, ma'am.

Receipts, contracts, anything with Jonny's name on it she would save for her "Jonny shrine."

Thanks for staying overnight with us.

We hated to ask it, but...

Jon: It's all right.

Got me out of going to Cabo.

Call us even. [Chuckles]

Oh. Hold on a second, Russ.

I want to grab a shot of me with me.

[Camera shutter clicks]

He was here all night. How does he look that good?

And where did he get a change of clothes?

You know what, guys?

I want this.

You want what?

The m*rder board.

I'll buy you another one, but I want this one.

Yeah, I love it. The pictures, the writing, the magnets.

I really love the magnets.

I want to whole thing.

Oh, look. Mrs. Jones.

Who's Mrs. Jones?

Oh, not a who. It's a what, lieutenant.

See that car right there?

It was on my sitcom, "Cutting Loose."

It's hard to believe, but Mrs. Jones... worth a lot of money.

Sharon: How much?

Uh, less than the Batmobile, but, uh... I'd say $1 million dollars. It's not shabby.

That was the car Zelda was driving.

Julio and Amy, didn't you say that she and her husband were deep in debt?

Very deep.

Mike, are you looking for title searches on Mrs. Jones?

Tao: Yes.

Zelda's husband gave us crap from his garage, too.

The car wasn't there, ma'am.

Well, then where is it?

Are you guys solving this crime while I'm standing right here?

It depends on who has Zelda's car and whether we can answer our biggest outstanding question.

Which is?

Why would the m*rder*r write a letter leading us to the body?

Because, a week ago, the DMV ran an application write a title transfer on our red convertible.

Let me guess. The title transfer was denied.

'Cause there was no bill of sale, and the owner, Zelda Lembeck, was not present.

Hmm. Probably 'cause she was dead.

But her husband couldn't prove that.


It was the husband who was trying to sell the car, wasn't it?

So it would seem.


If you say it's the husband on every m*rder, you are bound to get it right now and then.

Well, that answers your biggest outstanding question.

It was Carl who wrote the letter, so that you would find the body, and he could sell the car.

By presenting the DMV with a death certificate.

If it's a death certificate that Mr. Lembeck wants, so why don't we give it to him?

We are sorry to inform you, sir.

But, uh, we believe your wife has been m*rder*d.


Why? No.

Who... who'd want to m*rder Zelda?

Well, we're still working on that, but we wanted to make sure you had the proper documents.

Tao: If we can get your signature, if you don't mind...

That states that we've notified you of your wife's death and that you're aware of all your rights under the law.

And if you can just initial by the spaces where it says you don't have to talk to us and that you don't need a lawyer, and then give you her death certificate.

Oh. Her death certificate.

Oh. This is happening so fast.

Uh, yes, sir, but there's a few things we need to clear up about you and Mrs. Jones, the red 1956 Porsche speedster your wife owned.

Well, I don't know where it is.

And good grief. I mean, Mrs.

Jones was nothing but trouble since the day Zelda bought her.

We could barely pay our mortgage because of that car.

She parked it in red zones just so she could watch the location sh**ting of that stupid police show that Jonny's sh**ting now.

Wow. I never knew confessions could be so hurtful.

He hasn't really confessed to anything yet.

We've got no physical evidence, no fingerprints, no m*rder w*apon, and the car isn't in his garage.

Quite frankly, we need it.

Wait a minute, Andrea.

We have Jon.

And... and that's a good thing?

Yes. Well, uh, it could be.

In fact, the only bright spot in this whole miserable experience is hearing that you have Jonny in custody now.

Gentleman, I'm off.

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for everything.

Oh. Uh...

Our pleasure, Jonny.

You're welcome back anytime.

Wait. You're letting him go?!

Carl, we both know that I didn't k*ll Zelda.

She stalked me, for God's sake.

Yeah, it's true that, at one time, I was intimate with her.

But, I mean, can you imagine if I went around murdering every woman who never got over me?

What are you talking about, "intimate"?

I'm talking about me and Zelda.

In 1990?

Oh, she was smoking hot back then.

Long story short, we spent a night in the hot tub and a morning in bed.

And unfortunately, that made her mine for life.

He's doing really, really well, isn't he?

Good lord.

No, see. I don't buy this for a second.

Jon: Oh, yeah. Like, what?

She never showed you our hotel breakfast receipt with my autograph?

Zelda said that she forged that herself.

Zelda said you never had breakfast, that you were a brunch person.

See, that just goes to show you how much Zelda knew about me.

I love breakfast. I eat it twice a day.

Now he's lying about breakfast, too!

You can't let him go. He k*lled my wife.

He stuffed her in his big box container, and he left her there to rot.

No, no. We met at Stop, Box & Roll so we could make love inside Mrs. Jones with the top down.

That's another lie!

You haven't been near that car since "Cutting Loose" was canceled.

Carl, Mrs. Jones is in my spacious garage right now.

No, she is not!

Yes, she is.

Is not!

Is so.

Is not!

Is so.

Is not!

Is so.

The car's on the top floor of the parking structure by my office in space 712 covered by a tarp, so take that, assh*le.

You're not even an actor.

You're... you're a celebrity.

[Chuckles] Great job, Jonny.

Yeah. I learned all that from you, Mikey.

Really? I mean, really? [Door opens]

Oh, and, Carl, you're right.

I was lying... about almost everything.

And you lied a little, too.

Zelda drove to the storage facility in Mrs. Jones, but she didn't leave in it.

So someone else drove that cute red convertible to the parking structure at your office.

[Door opens]

And since you know where it's hidden, I would have to suppose you're the one that put it there.

Andrea, is the car enough.


Oh, yes. Um, that's it, really.

When Carl gets his lawyer, I'll point out that juries don't like men who m*rder their mentally ill wives.

He'll take a plea, I'm sure.

So, should I just turn off the monitors, or would you like to hear how it happened first?

Tao: Maybe it wasn't your fault.

Oh, yes. No. Keep playing.

Thank you.

You picked up Zelda after her psychiatric hold expired. And then what?

She said she was done with Jonny.

Said she had a prescription that would take care of her OCD problem, that she could just lead a normal life.

Said she just needed one more thing for her collection.

That was all a lie. She just wanted me to take her to the storage place so she could break into his box.

She already had the bolt cutters in the trunk of the car.

What kind of deviant rides around with bolt cutters all the time?

[Breathes deeply]

The bolt cutters.

That's why she needed you along.

Her shoulder was so damaged, no way she could have snapped that lock off by herself.

Yeah. So I did it for her.

And then she just steps right past me into Jonny's big box, like I'm not even standing there.


She starts grabbing stuff off the hangers, and she's trying on his clothes.

She's laughing and crying, spinning around in circles, and then she starts yelling, "I feel him all around me!

I feel him all around me!

I feel him all around me!"

So I decided to k*ll her.

By hitting her in the back of the head with the bolt cutters.


I took the lock that she brought along to replace Jonny's, and I shut her up inside the container.

Zelda must have thought she'd died and gone to heaven.

Carl Lembeck, you are under arrest for the m*rder of your wife, Zelda Lembeck.

[Chuckles] Wow. Look at Mikey go.

I mean, I always knew he was a badass, but who ever thought he could be so smooth?

Kiki, please accept our apologies for all the trouble with the Mexican authorities.

Part of the job.

And after what happened last night...

What happened last night?

When word that I was a suspect in the m*rder of one of my stalkers went viral, streaming for "Badge Of Justice" reached an all-time high.

We are officially off the bubble, Mikey.

We are off the bubble!

We're off the bubble.


And, chief, this is for the police memorial fund...

Plus that m*rder board.

And your whole L.A.P.D. family says "thank you."

Uh, Jon, the press is ready, and I'm in a rush.

Where you going?

Oh. Um...

Trying to celebrate a high-school graduation with a young man who doesn't feel the need to celebrate.

Would this be the same young man who had absolutely no idea who I was?

[Chuckles] Yes. I'm afraid so.

I see.

Well, I have an idea that could make his graduation a little less ordinary.

If you could just give me a second, let me deal with the press, and I'll, um... I'll come back.


For those of you following Jonny Worth on social media, you know that he's been cooperating with Los Angeles police in a case involving the m*rder of his long time stalker.

Jonny! Jonny! Jonny! Jonny!

[Camera shutters clicking]

Ladies and gentleman, the L.A.P.D. wants to congratulate Jon Worth for helping us solve this homicide.

On a day like this, the real congratulations belong to my new friend, Rusty Beck.

Graduating high school with a 3.6...

That's a lot better than I ever did.

Congratulations, and good luck on the rest of your academic career.

But if you need to get a job, "Badge Of Justice" will be hiring set PAs any day now.

[Cheers and applause] Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Congrats, Jump Street.

Thank you.

You lived through high school.

I did.

'Cause there were days we thought about k*lling you.


Hey, lieutenant. Hey, thank you.

Thank you so much for bringing your friend Jon.

Who is he again?

[Chuckling] Oh.

He's an actor.

Actually, when he was your age, he was a star of a big hit TV show.

Now he's doing a police drama.

That explains why he gets the special treatment.

Break a leg, kid.

Well, look around, Rusty, 'cause you're getting some pretty special treatment yourself.

And from where you were a few years ago, this outcome is remarkable.

And we're very proud of you.

And we're hoping what we're doing here will help inspire you a little when you head out there.

Besides, every once in a while, we accomplish something that's worthy of a handshake.

Congratulations, lad.

Thank you, lieutenant.


There we go. Hey.

Woman: Congratulations, Rusty. well...

Enjoying your party?


You know, for some reason, it's... it's a lot to take in.

But, yes.

[Indistinct conversations]

Don't you get tired of being right all the time?

It is exhausting.

But, uh...

No, not really. Not really. No.


Let's grab a picture.

Okay. All right.

All right, guys.

Picture time.

No, no.

All right. Here we go. Here we go.

Man: Jon, get in the picture.

Rusty: I don't like being in front of the camera.

Sykes: All right, ready?

On 3, say "cheese cube."

Ready? 1, 2, 3.

Cheese cube. Cheese cube. Cheese cube.