02x08 - The Deep End

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Major Crimes". Aired: August 2012 to January 2018.*
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"Major Crimes" is a successor spin-off of "The Closer" in which Captain Sharon Raydor takes over as head of the LAPD's Major Crimes Division.
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02x08 - The Deep End

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: All right, Ginger, you're up next.

I hope you're almost in position.

We don't know who k*lled who, but we're hearing white homeowner vs. Latino kid, so find a way to say that responsibly.

And last looks.

Do not let the police run you out of there, okay?

Man #2: And now breaking news at Pacific Palisades concerning one of the top 10 swim coaches in the country...

Check camera. Check sound.

As police cordon off the home...

And we're leading.

Of the internationally respected trainer Charles Frey.

You're live in 5...4...

Ginger Chan over the scene right now...


With the very latest...


Good morning, Todd, and good morning to our TV and radio audience.

There's still a great deal of confusion about exactly what happened this morning here in one of L.A.'s most exclusive neighborhoods.

But with the L.A.P.D. out in force at the residence of Coach Charles Frey, rumors of homicide and racism are spreading quickly through this stunned community.

Provenza: Eh, out of the way.

Damn press.

Lieutenant, is it true Coach Frey has been m*rder*d?

Was it his gardener?

We hear there are multiple bodies. What can you tell us?

I can tell you that you're in the wrong place.

Statements to the press will be made downtown.

Woman: Do you have an I.D. on the victim yet?

Man: Clear the way for the car.

Come on. Move back.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Do me a favor.

Push these people back.

How far?

Mile or two would be nice.

Okay, lieutenant.

All right, who is this Frey guy?

One of the most winning swim coaches in America.

He trained three guys who went on to medal in Beijing and five more who ended up going to London.

Four gold medals between the two games makes him a pretty big deal, and that's why the press showed up.

Any idea who k*lled him?

He's not dead.

He's the sh**t.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Tao: Looks like a home invasion.

Neighbor called 911 at 8:57 this morning.

Said she heard a break-in in the back entrance around the corner here.

Frey rushed downstairs with a g*n, found two Latino males, one armed, robbing his office.

There was a struggle.

Frey shot and k*lled one of the guys.

The one with the w*apon got away.

And we are hearing the D.A.'s version of events already because...?

Does the name Trayvon Martin mean anything to you?

I'm sorry, lieutenant.

If the L.A.P.D. isn't gonna get ahead of the race issue, then the D.A.'s office will.

Ah, well, thanks for bringing politics into the situation.

We police officers sometimes get confused by trying to solve the m*rder.


Sykes: Frey was pretty banged up, so he was taken to the hospital.

We'll have him brought downtown as soon as he's released.

Good. Start the canvass.

See what the neighbors have to say.

Hey, Flynn, what are you doing here?

I'm working the crime scene.

What does it look like I'm doing?

This door was definitely busted in from the outside.

Your daughter's getting married tomorrow.

Aren't you supposed to be helping with the rehearsal dinner, meeting the in-laws?

I'm not going.


Nicole wants to walk down the aisle with me and her stepdad, who she knows I can't stand.

So, I'll just pay for the wedding, which is all she really wants from me anyway, and I'll look at the pictures later.


Um, I'm sorry.

I'm not listening.

It's no big deal.

I'll get S.I.D. to print this door handle.

Sanchez is with the body right down that hall.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Major Crimes 02x08

The Deep End
Original Air Date July 29, 2013

Buzz: Good morning, sir.

Ms. Rios, watch out for the broken glass over there.

The two boys that did this broke the window there before knocking down the door.

Maybe testing for an alarm, sir.

Kendall, talk to me.

He was shot in the chest three times at close range approximately two hours ago, give or take.

Coach Frey's g*n's a .380 semiauto.


Kendall: Two b*ll*ts on the inside.

[ Groans ]

One went through and through.

Bruising from the fight, but that's about it.

Oh, the kid was drinking.


You can smell the alcohol.

I'll take your word for it.

Tao: His name's Mateo Torres.

Turned 23 just two days ago.

According to the address on his I.D., he has an apartment in Sherman Oaks, south of the boulevard.

Nice neighborhood.

So why is he breaking in here?

Some thieves specialize in sports stuff...

Trophies, memorabilia.

Maybe these boys were looking for something specific.

Sanchez: Well, we'll have to ask the kid who came with him.

The other guy get off any sh*ts?

There's no stray b*ll*ts in the walls, no other casings.

Doesn't matter if the accomplice fired.

Illegally entering a private residence ends the coach's liability, sir.

But this is still m*rder.

The dead kid's partner is still legally responsible for this boy's homicide, right?

Yeah, legally.

Damn it.

I just refreshed the search for #Coach Frey, and it's exactly what we thought would happen.

The press is spinning this into a racial thing because they found out that our victim was Latino.

Lieutenant Provenza, it might be wise for you to talk to the press and straighten things out.

I'm working a m*rder, not a political sideshow.

If you're busy, what about Detective Sanchez, then?

Good luck.

Patrol just found the victim's car a block away.

Let me guess.

It's a Honda.

Come on.

Let's go through it, Sykes.

If the driver got shot and the accomplice had no keys, how'd he get away?

Man: He took off running, but I-I didn't go after him.

Why didn't you call 911?

The kid was just laying there.

I mean, he... he wasn't moving.

I kneeled down beside him, and I don't know what I was thinking.

I mean, my hands are still shaking.

What'd I do next?

I, um...

I tried to help the kid up.

Before I knew what was happening, the police came.

My neighbor... She must have called.

We found the victim's partner yet?

Buzz and I searched security footage from homes in the area to see if we might spot him running away.

No luck.

Turns out the neighborhood cameras are all pointed toward the houses and garages, not the streets.

Mr. Frey, did you recognize either one of the young men who att*cked you?

No, not at all.

The boy you shot...

His name is Mateo Torres.

Ring any bells?

No. I'm sorry.

And the one who ran away... do you think that you would recognize him if you saw him again?

Probably, yes.

Could you describe him for me?

Um, he was Latino...

Young, maybe 20.

He had, uh, a little stubble on his face.

He was shorter than me.

He had a black hoodie on, but I could tell his hair was dark.

But look... look, I'm not...

This has nothing to do with race.

I-I train latinos, blacks, asians, and what those reporters were shouting at me when I was walking in here...

I know. The media.

We'll talk to them.

Do you have any valuable sports collectibles in your home?

Valuable to anybody else but me?

I-I doubt it.

Well, if you think of anything, please let us know.

In the meantime, we'd like you to sit with a sketch artist to see if we can come up with a composite of the other attacker.

Could you do that for us?



Should... should I...

Do you have somewhere else you need to be?


Every day, afternoon practice starts at 3:30, and I make a big deal that the boys come no matter what.

Unless you guys think I should cancel.

We just may need you to identify the other young man who broke into your home.

Lieutenant, can you help Mr. Frey organize his absence today?

Excuse me.

[ Telephone rings ]

All right. I'm listening.

The victim's car is at the print shed.

They're going over it now.

We pull anything from the coach's house?

Nothing usable.

Captain, the victim's parents are in the conference room.

Thank you, detective.

Flynn: Yeah, I agree.

Being her father should mean more than just signing checks.

Well, guess what...

That doesn't matter, because I'm not coming!

His daughter's getting married tomorrow, and he's being an ass about it.


Will you join me with the victim's parents, please?

[ Sighs ]

What is it this time?

Is he okay?

Before we get to that, Mr. and Mrs. Torres, we were hoping maybe you could tell us about some of the people your son hangs out with.

Matty? He doesn't really have many friends.

Oh, that's not true. He's been meeting lots of new people.

He's going to A.A. and pulling his life together.

Mary, if he was really pulling his life together, we wouldn't be standing in a police station again.

So, please, can we just get the bad news over with?

Is it another D.U.I.?

Did he have pot on him?

Albert! He's been sober for almost three weeks.

What has Mateo told you about these new friends?

Has he mentioned names or anything?

No, just that he's meeting some good people.

Flynn: How about the kids he grew up with, people he hung around with before A.A.?

Except for Raymond, everyone he knew gave up on him.

That's why he went to A.A. to begin with.


Who is Raymond?

His cousin, but they hardly talk to each other anymore.

Look, keep Raymond out of this.

What are we doing here?

Mr. and Mrs. Torres, I'm afraid we have some bad news.

What kind of bad news?

Your son was k*lled early this morning...

[ Voice breaking ] Oh, my God.

During the commission of a robbery.

He and a friend broke into someone's...

That... no, that can't be.

Are you sure?

Yes, we are.

I'm so sorry.

[ Sobs ]

I'm so sorry.

I don't understand.

What friend?


Who would he...

That's what we're trying to find out.

But Matty's never done anything like that before.

We should tell you that you're probably gonna see stuff about this on the news.

The owner of the house is some famous swimming coach, and the kids he trained... wait...

What's his name, this coach?

Charles Frey. Why?

Oh, no. Oh, God.


It's my fault. It's my fault.

[ Sobs ]

What did you do?!

What did you do?

Tell me, Albert, what did you do?!

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Albert: God, it's my fault.

It's my fault! No!

Flynn: I have patrol out looking for the victim's cousin, this Raymond Suarez.

He's an R.N. at Midway Hospital.

He's not at work today, and he's not at home.

You know, Buzz, it sure would be nice if we could hear what the victim's parents are saying right now.

And if I didn't have to set the cameras up every single time we needed them, you could.

The conference room is used for administrative purposes, but I will ask for another waiver.

Off to get the warrant signed.

[ Printer beeps ]

Provenza: Gonna have to pay for that.

We should be searching the victim's house within the hour, looking for sports collectibles, g*ns, computers, cash prizes.

Sharon: Thank you, Mike.

You're welcome, captain.

[ Coins rattling ]


[ Sighs ]

Hey, Rusty.

How's school?

It's okay.

Buzz: Where's Kris?

I thought she was studying with you today.

Uh, she's not coming.

Everything okay?

What happened?

It's her parents.

I guess she didn't tell them much about me before I went over to their house before dinner.

Um, then they started in with the questions, and I answered them, you know, just trying to be honest.

Uh, a-and then, this morning, they decided that Kris can no longer spend time with me outside of school.

Well, that's not very nice.

It's really not that big of a deal, uh, so...

I'm just gonna...

Albert: I can't believe he would do this!

[ Crying ] No, no, no, no!


[ Voice breaking ]

Your restroom, please.

R-right down the hallway here, uh, out past the elevators you came up on.

Albert: Matty was good at everything, but he loved the water.

He learned to swim before he could walk.

He just got faster and faster.

Matty was a swimmer.

I was proud of him.

When he was 13, I signed him up on a local club team, and this guy Frey...

He was famous even then.

He spotted Matty at a competition.

Charles Frey was your son's swim coach.

H-he was.

And now our lives are broken in two.

The part before Albert forced our son to be a swimmer, and the part after, when Matty didn't live up to my husband's expectations.

My wife and I are both teachers.

We evaluate kids all the time, and my son...

My son was a prodigy.

Only been with Coach Frey three months before he started breaking records at invitationals.

Then he went to junior nationals.

They were even talking about the Olympics.

Maybe it was too much pressure.

Mary: We should have never pushed him like that, competing almost every weekend...

All that talk about winning, winning, winning.

Sounds intense.

I should have stopped it.

Matty was too sensitive.

He wasn't ready for that.

It was about a year in when things started to fall apart.

Matty's times weren't what they needed to be, and over the following six months, they just kept getting worse.

That was when Albert and I sat down with Coach Frey, and he said Matty didn't have it, said we should save our money and take him off the team.

Save our money... that's what he said.

And Frey also told us that we should tell Matty that it was our choice, so that Matty didn't think that he had failed.

And that's what you did?

Maybe it was the right thing.

I don't know, but Matty... he just closed up.

He lost his drive.

He started doing badly at school...

Drinking, dr*gs.

After that, I-I couldn't reach him anymore.

[ Voice breaking ]

My beautiful boy...

He was just... gone.

Sharon: Mr. Torres, what did you mean earlier when you said it was all your fault?

Matty turned 23 a couple of days ago.

H-he was broke, unemployed, living at home.

Last night, my wife went out, and I sat him down, and I told him it's time to grow up, and he just started in about the swimming and how he blamed me for taking him out, and I just had it, and I said it was his coach's decision all along, not ours.

Coach Frey cut him from the team because he couldn't keep up.

What did your son do?

He just stared at me.

The expression on his face was... and then he turned, and he walked away and slammed the door to his room.

And that was the last time I saw him.

Why did you tell us you never heard of the kid?!

You called him Mateo.

We all called him Matty.

I certainly wouldn't recognize him from this photo.

God, what happened to the kid?

Any idea why he'd break into your home?

None, okay?

Why don't you ask the guy he was with?

Look, I'm sorry.

I barely remember him.

I have 50, 60 kids every season.

If somebody doesn't measure up, I have to let them go.

And with Matty, if this is even the same boy, I worked with him maybe... 18 months... 10 years ago.

Sykes: You wouldn't recognize me either. I look totally different from when I was 13.

Plus, there was a guy with a g*n there...

Our robber/suspect in a hoodie.

Maybe it was the cousin, Raymond.

Here's what the sketch artist came up with.

Kind of looks like Raymond over here, only this DMV photo of him is two years old.

Turns out Matty Torres had a blood alcohol content of .18, so maybe he and Raymond hit a few bars on their way to jump the coach.

Brought back some goodies from the Torres house.
Sanchez: We got the kid's computer and a bunch of videos of his old swim meets, ma'am.

And a box of broken trophies.

He went after them with a bat.


That's a lot of anger.

Look at this.

We found it in the mess at the coach's house.

Looks like it goes with one of these trophies.

Well, that's probably what he threw through the coach's window.

Andy, look at this inscription.

"Mateo Torres."


They all say "Mateo Torres."

Frey said he only knew the name Matty.

This kid was a winner.

You don't forget someone like that.

Frey is lying.

But why?

Captain where are we on this Coach Frey robbery?

It's not looking like a robbery anymore.

Looking more like an attack on the coach.

As far as the local news is concerned, we have a rich white guy sh**ting an unarmed Latino kid.

It's very clear that Matty Torres broke into that house.

Regardless, the press is pushing the race angle.

Get ahead of it fast, 'cause until you give them a better story, they're running with the one they made up.

What about this accomplice?

Are we at least close to finding this Raymond kid?

Well, Detectives Sanchez and Sykes are searching for robberies with a similar M.O., we are passing out the rendering from the sketch artist, and Lieutenant Tao and Buzz are going through Matty Torres' computer.

What about showing Frey a six-pack with Raymond's picture in it, see if he picks the kid out?

I considered that, chief, but...

But, uh, if Raymond even went to one swim meet with Mateo, it could cause problems in court.

So, we're not close?


Uh [Clears throat] good afternoon.

May I help you?

Um, yes. I'm looking for Captain Raydor.

Am I in the right place?

Well, you certainly are.

Major Crimes Division of the L.A.P.D.

Captain Raydor is currently in a meeting.

Maybe I can assist you.

My name is Lieutenant Provenza.

Right. Lieutenant Provenza.


Rusty talked about you.

I'm Kris' mother...

Rebecca Slater.


Well, of course.

Of course.

Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you.

[ Clears throat ]

Um, uh, the captain shouldn't be long at all.

Uh, that's just a little case we're working on presently.

Um, how about that weather out there, huh?


Little muggy for L.A.

Ah! Well, here she is.

Uh, Captain Raydor, uh, Rebecca Slater, Kris' mom.


Uh, hello.

Uh, Sharon Raydor.

Please come in.

Thank you.


Your daughter is so lovely.

Oh, thank you very much.

I'm sorry to drop in on you like this, but I design jewelry, and I was over at the mart in the neighborhood, and anyway, um...

[ Chuckles ]

Has Rusty talked to you about our dinner?

Very little.

Uh, have a seat, please.

Oh, no. I can't stay.

Look, I want you to know that both my husband and I like Rusty.

He's a very impressive young man, especially considering...

How much time he seems to have spent on his own.

The thing is [Sighs]

He's led such a different life from Kris.

And on top of that, when he told us about this letter he received, this threat...

Well, we're concerned that Kris...

You're concerned that she may be in danger.

W-what is she doing here?

Well, in my experience, this is what is known as a background check.

Which makes me wonder...

What did you really tell these people at dinner the other night?


Well, okay, j-just that, because some nut job connected to Phillip Stroh wrote me a letter, you guys completely took over my life.

I didn't lie about anything.


Wait a minute.

What is it?

Get the captain... now.

The letter that Rusty received did not rise to the level of actionable threat, and the extra protection we're giving him is more than enough to keep both he...

[ Knock at door ]

Excuse me, captain.

Lieutenant Tao found something on the victim's computer you should look at immediately.

Thank you, detective.

I am so sorry, Mrs. Slater.

Excuse me.

I don't think you have a thing to worry about where Rusty is concerned, but you know Kris much better than I do, and Detective Sykes will show you out.

Oh, I can find my way. Thank you.


And... my husband and I both appreciate the personal sacrifice that you've made to give Rusty a home.

It's quite...

Quite admirable.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm sure she means well.

What do we have?

Buzz and I were going through Matty's computer, and we came across this encrypted file.

It's a video he was making, captain.

He saved it as a work in progress.

Buzz, can you get the lights?

[ "Walking Blind" by Aidan Hawken plays ]

There are videos like this all over the Internet... kids who've hit rock bottom.

It's hard to watch.

Don't tell me the truth

Tell me that it didn't happen
there's been a mistake

There's been a misunderstanding
dirty your hands
tearing my heart into pieces

If this is the end
then we whisper the wind and release it
we don't have to know
we don't have it all worked out

We can just keep walking blind
Don't give me your word
give me something to hold on to
i don't want to fight
I don't want no big decision
I'm not afraid

For tearing your heart into pieces
if there's a world of doubt
then we're out in the farthest of reaches
We don't have to know
we don't have it all worked out

We can just keep walking blind

Frey: Turn it off, turn it off.

I don't have to watch this.

You can't think he's telling the truth.

I never touched him.

He was a child.

Anyways, this happened a long time ago.

He's just coming up with this story now?

Maybe he didn't know how to talk about it before.

Oh, he's lying!

This is just some sick attempt to get back at me because he wasn't good enough.

I would never do those things!

Okay, he's the one that broke into my house.

He's the one who att*cked me.

Why am I...

I thought his partner att*cked you.

They both did.

You sure?

Because quite frankly, coach, we're having a bit of trouble finding the second guy.

There was someone else, and he had a g*n.


Okay. I get it.

It's very clear the story you want to tell here.

I'm gonna say this one time.

Matty, Mateo...

Whatever his name is...

Obviously thought I ruined his life, and now he's trying to ruin mine.

This... it's just not what happened.

And if you can't accept that, then I should get an attorney.

If you ask me, after his father told Matty that the coach cut him from the team, the kid got good and drunk and went to Frey's house.

Probably threatened to tell the police about Frey and how he got molested, so Frey k*lled him.

What about the second guy...

Mateo's cousin, Raymond?

There was no second guy, and there was no g*n.

It doesn't matter... if Mateo broke into Frey's home, that's enough to make this a justifiable homicide.

So Frey has a perfect defense for m*rder?

What about the molestation?

We can't prove that, either.

And even if we could, even if Frey confessed to it, the statute of limitations has expired on what he did to Mateo.

Unbelievable... there's no crime we can charge this guy with.

So we're just gonna let him walk?

Well, we can't go around asking people if Frey did horrible things to their kids.

We come up short with that, Frey could sue us for destroying his reputation.

So let's protect him.

Let's put out a press release saying the rumors of molestation are groundless.

Wait, wait, hold on.

What rumors?

There are no rumors.

You want our media friends to have an alternative to the story about race, right?

Would telling reporters that we are trying to head off rumors of child molestation protect us from liability issues?

Yes, but I don't see how that would help us with this case.

Not only will it help, but if Frey is the man we think he is, a story saying we've cleared him of sexually assaulting a minor might be our only chance of putting him away.

[ Sighs ]

[ Lock clicks, doorknob turns ]



Uh, I was just going to bed.

You eat dinner yet?


Uh, twice, actually.

I had a very... interesting conversation with Kris' mom.

You made quite an impression on Mr. and Mrs. Slater.

They were poking around my life, Sharon, so I got them to back off.

If you just want to be friends with Kris, you could tell her.

Oh, come on.

You're still married to a guy you haven't lived with for 20 years, and you're giving me breakup advice right now?

Sharon, I'm... I'm sorry.

I-I don't... I don't know why I say things like that.

It's just you...

You come in here.

You start talking, acting...

Acting like I did something wrong, and...

That... that kid...

Mateo, Matty, whatever his name was...

He had a sad stack of cards in his lap.

And 13 is... is just young for all that.


It's really young.

15 is really young for all that, too.


I understand that there are things that you may not want to discuss with me, but I want you to know that there are professionals.

No! No shrinks, Sharon!

Look, I am not the one who needs a doctor!

My mom needs a doctor.

Phillip Stroh needs a doctor.

The men who came to me on the street...

They need doctors, okay?

That... that kid Matty...

He needed one for sure.


I know what I did, and I know why I did it.

Look, all I really want to do is just to finish school with no trouble and play chess.

I mean, can't I just do those two things?

Can't that be enough?

That is more than enough.

And there is no pressure from me to do anything else except be kind and be safe.

Thank you.


Good night.

Good night.

Taylor: Telling the media we were trying to rule out child molestation is filling up your m*rder room with Coach Frey's former students, and they have some sad stories to tell, captain.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Mateo Torres was not an isolated incident.

So our press release seems to have been effective.

Well, sort of.

There is no doubt that Frey is a grade "A" pedophile.

Thanks for coming in.

Well, Sykes, any luck?

Says it happened eight years ago.

Aw, damn it.

The problem is every one of these incidents...

And we're up to 11 cases, with more to go... they're all past the statute of limitations.

Provenza: And it's the same story over and over and over.

Always a young kid with the team with parents who aren't around much and under the age of 14.

Oh, God.

Here you go.

Detective? No?

[ Sighs ]

Um, captain...

[ Police radio chatter ]

You want me to bring him in?


He needs to make this decision on his own.

Amy, could you take this one, please?

After a while, he started taking me to his house after practice.

[ Sniffles ]

He has this office.

It's like a small, um...

Screening room.

And we'd hang out, watch movies or racing footage or whatever.

He was, um...

Really nice to me, kept telling me how...

Good we were together.


[ Sniffles ]

Kevin's father... he left a few years ago.

And until Coach Frey...

I thought... I thought it was a good thing, you know?

He'd have someone to turn to besides me.

Coach Frey even said that he wanted to be like a...

Like a big brother to Kevin.

[ Voice breaking ] I thought that's what was going on.

I trusted him!

I trusted him.

That's his pattern.

Believe me, Kevin, you are not the only person with a story like this.

There are lots of boys telling us the same thing.

No matter how you feel about it, nothing that happened between you and Coach Frey was your fault.

But the more you tell us, the easier it will be to stop him from hurting anyone else.

Help me stop him...


One day...

We were at coach's house.

This was like two years ago.

[ Sobbing ]

We were playing video games, and he asked, um...

He wanted me to, um...

He wanted you to do what?

Some really bad stuff, man.

And I'm really sorry about it.

I'm really sorry about it.

Kevin, don't apologize.

You are being incredibly brave.

And I would have told someone.

Honest, I wanted to.

When you say "bad stuff,"

Kevin, what does that mean?

Take your time, Kevin... in your own words.

The bad stuff the coach did to you means...

It means...

He took off my clothes.

[ Sobs ]

This boy buys Frey...

What... 10 years?

At least.

And hopefully more will come forward.

Excuse me, captain.

Matty Torres' father just walked in...

Says he saw the press release this morning, wants to know what it means.

Thank you, detective.

Lieutenant Flynn, would you join me for this, please?

Albert: That's enough.

I've seen enough.

[ Sobs ]

[ Sniffles ]

[ Voice breaking ]

All this time...

I thought my son was a loser, and he wasn't.

He was suffering.

[ Breathes deeply ]

That man... he ruined my son, and then he m*rder*d him.

Have you arrested him yet?

Um, we will this afternoon.

But we need you to understand that, though your son's story will be used as evidence in the trial, we won't be able to charge Frey with Matty's m*rder.

What do you mean?

He shot my son.

Yes, but because Matty broke into his home...

No, no, no.

That can't be.

That can't be.

Mr. Torres...

Other boys who suffered like your son have come forward, one of whom can press charges.

Others will follow.

We'll get Frey in prison for the rest of his life, I promise.


And how does that help Matty?

Where do I go to talk to him and say, "I'm sorry.

I didn't know what you were going through"?

[ Flynn sighs ]

Mr. Torres, your son's video allows us to hold Frey accountable for his crimes.

It can't stop the grief you're feeling, I know.

But to us and to all the children he saved, your son is a hero.

Matty was a hero.

And what was I?

What was I?

[ Telephone ringing ]

May I help you?

Yeah, um, I got a message at work saying that a Captain Raydor wanted to see me.

And you are?

Raymond Suarez.

Something to do with my cousin Matty?

Oh, right.

Thanks for coming in.

Uh, tell me, Raymond, have you seen the news the last day or two?

No, I've been camping with some friends up at Big Sur.


Let me take you to our break room and explain.

So, when does Frey arrive to turn himself in?

20 minutes.

And I'd like for you to be downstairs when we take him into custody.

Please be sure to read him his rights, because his lawyer will be there.

Right, right.


If you hadn't told me, I would've completely forgotten about the Miranda warning.

Ha, ha.

Goodbye, Detective Sanchez.

Tao, we should head down.

Hey, captain.

Sorry to bother you.

I was just wondering... my daughter's wedding is...

Well, it's in three hours, actually, and, uh...

You decided to go.


Even though most of the people there hate me.

Yeah, I, uh...

I think it's... I think it's the right decision.

Could you use a buffer?

Lieutenant Provenza has volunteered to take Rusty out for burgers, and, um, I like weddings.

Really? You're sure?

Oh, uh, well... well, how would I introduce you?

How about as your friend Sharon?

So... so it's not like a date or anything?

Of course not, lieutenant.

I'm a married woman.

Oh, well, thank you, captain...

I-I mean, Sharon.

Uh... I owe you one.

Parker: This is Lu Parker, KTLA News, following up on today's shocking accusations of child abuse and m*rder.

We are expecting the arrival of Coach Charles Frey any minute now outside the police administration building here in downtown Los Angeles.

The police are waiting to take him into custody.

There he is.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Man: Coach Frey, do you have a statement?

Coach Frey, did you do it?

My client has no comment at this time, thank you.

Did you k*ll mateo Torres to keep him quiet?

Though he maintains his innocence...

And... and Mr. Frey is voluntarily surrendering to law enforcement.

And considering it was only yesterday that the L.A.P.D. issued a statement stating that these accusations are baseless, we're confident my client will be released shortly.

Thank you.

Please, no further comments.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ All screaming ]

[ Handcuffs click ]

Provenza: Come on, guys, get him up.

[ Police radio chatter ]

All right.

Inside, inside.

Do you see that?

Do you see that?

That's accountability.

I held him accountable.

Mr. Torres, you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will...

For you, Matty. be used against you in a court of law.

I did this for you!

You have the right to an attorney.

For you, Matty!

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.
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