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01x10 - Fubar Bundy

Posted: 06/08/15 02:16
by bunniefuu
We found him... Yusuf's contact, the cleric from London.

What is this? What's going on?

You don't understand. Maya!

Whoever's listening to this, you got the ring wrong.

We know she's alive.

You stay here, you'll be next.

Did you come for me or her?

Odelle: So you brought him here?

You and your Osela friends will take her away, and I will never see you again.

Ruby's lying about who she is.

You're responsible for Harrison.

He's gotten too close.

King's Point?

Bob: Get your hands off my mother.


[cell phone ringing]

[both groan]

Don't get that.

[cell phone continues ringing]

Bob, it's 5:00 a.m.


She did it. She did it. I can't believe it.

I can't believe she did it. Oh, my God.

Harrison: Who did what? Just take a breath.

Tell me what happened.

Bob: Ruby k*lled my mother.


She's dead!

What the hell happened?

Bob: My mother is dead!

I made her a peanut butter sandwich, and she just sat there.

I'm so, so sorry, Bob.

Bob: Ruby did it. I know she did it. I know it!

Just calm down. Listen to me.

It's normal to want to blame someone, I get that, but...


Are you... are you with her right now?

Stay where you are. I'll be... I'll be right there.

Bob: Okay, I'll stay here.

Wait, Harrison!


Be careful.

What's going on?

Bob's mother died.

Oh, that's awful.

Poor guy.

What's he gonna do?

I... I gotta get over there.

I'll come with you.


Sorry, I-I just...

It's okay, I know. Bob doesn't like me or whatever.

No, I just think he's... kind of fragile right now.

Probably the fewer visitors, the better.

Yeah, of course.

I guess Rose had been sick a long time, right?

Could've seen it coming.

I'll bet he's freaking out right now.

You're a good friend.



[tense music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[Khulus speaking native language]

I hear they have the best lamb in the city here.

They made it like they do back home in Pakistan.

You should not have followed me.

I'm just another customer asking you if you recommend the shahi tukda.

If you're polite, you won't draw attention to us.

You have as long as it takes for me to get my food.

What do you want?

The same as before.

I need to meet your friend.

You're wasting your time.

I'm the only hope he has for a future that doesn't involve a coffin or view of Havana through a chain link fence.

We trusted an American once.

It didn't work out.


That kid outside the barbershop?

I don't know who he is or why you trusted him, but it was a mistake.

He was probably followed.

Why should we trust you?

I told you, I was with the Justice Department.

Ow the system and how to keep your friend safe from it.

It's too late.

After the sh**ting, I only hear from him when he needs food or supplies.

[cash register rings]

[Khulus speaks native language]

Your time's up.

You want your friend to survive this?

Maybe even get his life back?

Then you'll look into my eyes, and you'll see I'm the only person who can help him.


Where is he?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[both grunt]

You got anything to tie him with?

He's not going anywhere.

How do we k*ll him?

We don't.


The truck needs petrol.

Take a left at the end of the alley and tell Malik I sent you.

Come straight back.

But he's worth more to us alive.

Maybe to you.

Get the petrol. Go.


Have you got any bandages or alcohol for the infection?


What you see is what you get.

♪ ♪

What are you doing?

I'm getting my bag.

All right, I've got bandages, antiseptic...

You can keep him alive, right? Make him well enough to talk?



He's got internal bleeding, infection.

His heart may stop before I even get started.

You should move faster, then.


Why do you care so much?

I only care about his friends.

How many are coming, and are they coming for me or just you?

You think he's just going to tell you that?

Yes, he will, if he wants to live.

He may die either way.

Just get him so he can talk. I'll handle the rest.

Odelle: So let's say that I do get him to talk, huh?

Then what happens?

We keep moving.

How many people have you k*lled?

Enough. Why?

Well, I just don't understand.

The man kills your girlfriend right in front of you, and then he comes to your house, he tries to attack you, tries to k*ll you.

Why is he still alive?

You said there were more of them.

I want to know how many.

Well, five, ten, a thousand. What does it matter?

The fact is that you didn't k*ll him... why?

I knew you would have questions.

So you dragged a dying man, an Osela, all the way to Timbuktu, to me, because you wanted to be helpful?


You stupid son of a bitch.


That's why you left the tracker on him.

I didn't know.

Yeah, you knew!

You brought him to me because you were trying to help them!

No, I didn't know.

[cell phone ringing]

Hello, Michael.

You missed your mark.

Ruby: Yeah, there was some confusion.

I can still handle him.

Banks: No, I put someone else on the Pakistani.

What's the status of Harrison?

You had an opportunity to complete that mission as well.

What are you doing?

I have to find the right time.

Banks: Let me find it for you.

6:00 p.m. tomorrow, no later. King's Point.

Finish it. Do you understand?



[tense music]

♪ ♪

[horn blares]

Didn't I see you at the Wazir Khan Mosque in Lahore?

Who are you?

A friend sent by a friend who said you might be hungry.

Just because you know the right words does not make you a friend.

If I wasn't, you'd be in handcuffs by now.

My name is Peter Decker.

I'm a lawyer, a former U.S. attorney.


The Imam thinks that you can help me.

I'm a friend of Sophia Tsaldari.

Oh! You're that Peter Decker.

I know about Black Sands, Abdul Abbas.

Sophia and I are working to expose SOC's crimes.

I wish you luck with that.

You were there. You could help us.

We have plans to get you safely to Greece.

Sophia can protect you. You'll be free to testify.

And who will believe me? I'm a t*rror1st, like Abbas.

I know that's a lie.

We can show people the truth.

A retainer.

I'm your lawyer now.

Attorney-client privilege, yes?

I can tell you anything?

Yes, within reason.

I'm not a t*rror1st.

But I knew many of them, even Abdul Abbas.

You knew SOC was funding Al-Qaeda.

It is... how you say... A vicious cycle.

Your companies pay t*rrorists to make w*r.

Your armies invade, create new business, make more w*r, and so on.

I tried to speak out, but the man who framed me is now a U.S. senator.


I promise you, if he's responsible, we'll make him pay.

By the grace of Allah, the senator will pay, in this life or the next.

Tell me something, Mr. Decker.

What is your biggest fear?


Mine is to disappear.

You mean to die?


No, not to die.

To vanish forever, like I was never here.

And your country can make that happen to people like me.

Black sites, Guantanamo Bay.

I will do everything in my power to protect you.


Okay, my new lawyer, I trust you.

But I won't agree to anything until I speak to Sophia in person.

My cell number's on the back.

Sophia and I will meet you wherever you want.

There are some things that I have to take care of first.

I will text you.

Good-bye, Mr. Decker.

Luc: How do I know you're not trying to k*ll him?

You don't.

What? It's your game.

You tell me how you want to play it.

Will you help this man or not?


[tense music]

♪ ♪

Ruby k*lled her, Harrison.

It's the only thing that makes sense.


Your mom wasn't well, Bob.

I know it's painful, but maybe... maybe she just passed away.

I got too close.

Found out who Ruby really is.

I taunted her with it.

So stupid!

So stupid, so stupid!

Bob, Bob, stop, stop.

I gotta find out who she works for.

I gotta get to the bottom of this.

Just one thing at a time, Bob.

Maybe, uh...

Maybe you should eat something.

I can order some food, or...

Do you have relatives that I should call?

Aunts or uncles? Maybe...

Maybe a cousin that could come stay with you for a while?

What am I gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

[sobs] What am I gonna do?

We'll figure it out, Bob.

Yeah. We'll figure it out.



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[men shouting]

[g*n cylinder spins]

[crowd oohs]

[pulls trigger]

[crowd laughs]

[g*n cylinder spins]

[crowd oohs]

[pulls trigger]

[tense music]

♪ ♪


[crowd oohs]

[crowd chants and cheers]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[heartbeat thumping]


[cheering and laughter]

Imam Khulus!

Please. Open the door.

Please! I still need to talk to him!


[tense music]

♪ ♪

Are you FBI? NYPD?

'Cause... 'cause I already... talked to...

Next time you get the same as your father.





You can't k*ll me.


That's a mistake.

I wasn't trained to k*ll a defenseless man in cold blood.

Why are you doing this? Huh?

You were a soldier once.

I'm still a soldier.

And who are you fighting?

Fighting for my country.

You of all people do not get to judge me.

Not you.

An American company was paying the same t*rrorists that we're fighting.

I had to do something!

How many people died because you did what you had to do?

You disobeyed a direct order.

Because of it, your entire unit was k*lled.

That was you.

I wouldn't be here.

Your friends would still be alive.

You did that.

You. You k*lled them.

You k*lled them. That was you! You did that!

You did it!


What the hell? Stop that!


You did that!
Where's your security?


I don't want to scare him off.

Yusuf said Bethesda Fountain, 5:00.

He should be here soon.

Although he is the focus of a tri-state manhunt.

Could affect his schedule.

I'm just nervous.

We're so close.

Darnell: This is a new age of American exceptionalism...


One that starts at home and reaches far abroad.


Peter, we haven't spoken about what happened at your house the other night.

Is Maya all right?

She won't return my calls. Nor will Sarah, for that matter.

I hope you get your family back, Peter.

I mean that.

I want you to be happy.

But no matter what happens, I hope you know I will always be your friend.

Although my friendship may not make up for the $40 million you're about to lose.


Money well spent.

[text alert]


Yusuf's not coming.


What does he mean, "Justice will be served"?

I don't know.

We're the only ones who can help him.

Today. Today. Why today?

Justice, justice...

Yusuf told me his biggest fear was to disappear, which is what happens if he gets caught and sent to Guantanamo.

There's no justice in that.

His story never gets told, and he never gets revenge on...

What? What? What is it?

Senator Darnell.

That's his justice. He's going after Darnell.

Yes, but if he does that, he'll be arrested.

He will never get to tell his story.

No, he would.

The alleged Benghazi t*rror1st, Ahmed Abu Khattala, is being tried on U.S. soil, accused of k*lling a United States official.

So if he kills Senator Darnell...

He gets a trial here.

He can tell his story. He doesn't...

He doesn't disappear.


I need the number of Senator Darnell's office.


Darnell: America must and will be bold about its goals throughout the world and undaunted in achieving them.

Peter Decker? This is Blake Kormer, Senator Darnell's Chief of Staff.

You mind telling me how you know there's going to be an attempt on the senator's life?

There isn't time. Just alert his security detail.

Kormer: Look, I don't know how you... Why should I...

You want to be the man who allows a U.S. Senator to be assassinated?

Just do it, damn it!

The senator is traveling right now, so...

Traveling? Traveling where?

Call his security detail.

Call the boathouse. Do it now.

Darnell's giving a speech here at the Central Park boathouse.

Yusuf picked this spot on purpose.

He's doing it now?

Yeah, you to get out of here. Go, now!


Thank you, and God bless America.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

Peter: Senator! Senator!


The kid is not back yet?

Oh, you're not talking now?



I don't see it that way.

Then you're naive.

The Oselas will k*ll you, me, anyone that saw me, anyone that says that they didn't die *** Anyone that says they lied and if I run with you, they find us and k*ll me anyway.

When they come here, I'll reason with them.

This way, I have a chance.

So give me a chance too.


The keys to your truck.

Give me a head start.

You don't want to see me die.

If they find out that I helped you...

Well, then, you say that I stole the truck, and I overpowered you Wouldn't be the first time, would it?




I gotta wait for Aslam and the petrol.

Will you... Will you give me till then?

Are you crazy or what?

I'm giving you a chance to leave, and you choose to wait.

Look, I heard what the Osela said to you, and for what it's worth, it's not true.

None of this is your fault.

It's just life.

It's just Africa.


Save yourself.

Haney: As-salaam Alaikum.

Wa-Alaikum salaam.

Do you speak English?

A little.

I'm looking for an American woman.

A soldier.

I know she was here recently.

Might have been traveling with a teenaged boy?


Were they traveling with anyone else?

Tall black man?

A white man in a truck.

Which way did they go?

They go this way.

Tell no one we've spoken.


What the hell happened?

I got jumped.

Wait, what do you mean? Who did this?

The same guys that k*lled my father.

How do you know that?

They said it.

"Next time you'll get the same as your father."

Okay, uh, tell me exactly what happened.

I need to use your computer.

I got att*cked by three guys outside the mosque.

One of them had this weird sword and knife tattoo.

I know I've it seen before.

Sword and knife? Could be anything.

I did research on private military contractors operating at Black Sands.

A bunch of them have changed their names, modified their logos.

I know I've seen this one.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


They're Osela, look.

Osela Private Security.

They k*lled my father.

Hey, hey.

It's okay.

I know I look like a mess, but this is good.

This is the first lead I've had in a long time, all right?

Ow, okay.

Uh, can you get me some ice?


[speaking native language]

[speaking foreign language]

Where's Ballard?

Looking good.

No need for thanks. This is business, huh?

Let me tell you how this will happen.

You will give me the phone number for your Osela contact.

I'm gonna call them, and you're gonna tell them what a great friend I've been to you, how I saved your life,

'cause I did save your life, right?

And they will come for you, and I will never hear from you or Osela ever again.

Where is Ballard?


I don't know, man.

This is a mistake.

She escaped.

You know, she's a very slippery one.


But you and your friends will find her, I'm sure.

She can't be far.

Meanwhile, you need medical care, my friend, and I need to go back to my life.


The number.

The number.



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You bitch!

I gave you my truck, said you could leave.

Why didn't you just go?

You said to save myself, so I did.

Now we're both dead.

No, wait. Where are you going?

To save myself.

Please, come with us.

You know the route. With you, it's safe.

That's impossible. Good-bye.


Aslam: Where is he going?

I don't know.

What about the Osela?

He's dead.

Where's the petrol?

You okay?

I just found out that I'm not a k*ller.

Good. That's good.

Tsaldari: I'm sorry to leave you with this mess, but the election, it has its demands.

I'm not sure what to do next.

The testimony of an assassin isn't worth a whole hell of a lot against Societele.

I have faith in you, Peter. You'll work something out.

I will work something out?

Of course I will help you.

Your husband was k*lled at Black Sands.

SOC continues to manipulate, thr*aten, and m*rder everyone who comes after them, and you're just going to walk away?

But this isn't just about you and me anymore, Peter.

I need to think about fulfilling the promises I made to the people of my country.

What does that mean?

You're not considering taking Baker's deal, are you?

That's our leverage.

If you agree to an arrangement, they'll get away with everything.

I realize that.

Sophia, there is another Yusuf out there.

Someone or something, some other evidence we can use.

Whatever it is, I'll find it.

I know you will.

You'll keep me posted.

♪ ♪

You sent people.

They beat him up.

He knows who they are.


You know the answer to that.

Never hang up on me.

You have yet to eliminate him.

Now you've come to convince me why you shouldn't.

Let me handle it my way.

He's already been questioned by the Feds.

He's under constant surveillance.

If I do it now, it risks exposure.

We should wait a few weeks.

Is that how this relationship works?

We negotiate?

I'm reporting from the field.

That's my job.

Is it also your job to fall in love with your target?

That's ridiculous.

Is it?


I hear it in your voice, your tone, how you speak to me.

I'm working.

You're screwing him.

So he trusts me.

Brings me closer to Yusuf Qasim.

You were always spot-on. You never wavered, ever.

Something's changed.

I'm not here to play mind games.

If you have a deadline for Harrison, get someone else to do it.

No, you'll do it.

The only question is whether you do it before or after I tell him who k*lled his father.

I will make sure Harrison knows what I know: you are a k*ller.

Maybe I've changed.

People like us don't change, and thank God for that.

I'm not a k*ller.

Then who are you?

Where do you belong?

You think you belong with him?

You k*lled his father in cold blood.

You ordered me to.

What does that matter to him?

You think he'll forgive you?

Save you? Love you?

He'll be the first to call the police.

And then where will you go?

This is the only place in the world where you are safe, Ruby.

This is the only place where the things that you have done are not only accepted, they are praised.

And I only ask one thing in return: loyalty.

To me, to your essential nature, to your God-given talent.

Tell me what you are.

Who are you, Ruby? Say it.

I'm a k*ller.

That's my girl.

[indistinct chatter]

There's the petrol.


Any news?

I asked some people. Nobody has seen Luc.

Should we wait for him?

You're back?

My g*n. Please.

You coming with us?

My g*n.

I'm sorry.

[shouts in foreign language]

[boys yelling in native language]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Aslam: Odelle!

[speaking foreign language]

♪ ♪