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10x21 - The Life in the Light

Posted: 06/05/15 03:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bones...

Any big emotional change, even good, can trigger a relapse.

Jessica: I don't understand. He just read your text.

He might have too good of a hand.

He's an addict.

I need to put $200 on the Cardinals.

I'm here to collect on a debt. $30,000.

Jimmy, your bookie, came here.

I paid him everything you owe.

It was... it was just a mistake, all right?

Look, I made one bet.

That was it.

I need you to leave.

Booth: Give Christine a kiss for me and tell her I love her.

If you wanted to come by, read her a book, tuck her in...

My name is Seeley, and I have a gambling addiction.

Others: Welcome, Seeley.

I'm here today because, uh, I want to get my life back and I want to make things right.

Aha! I knew you were in here!

Roar! The hug monster's coming for you!

I'm going back to my castle.

Monsters can't catch me there.

Oh, no!

Not the castle.

Oh, oh. Daddy!

Oh, no. The hug monster. If he won't be able to get his hugs, he's gonna die. (chuckles)

Oh! You saved me! (growling playfully)


What happened to Daddy?

He was dying 'cause he needed a hug.

And she saved me.

Well, thank goodness.

I'm sorry I'm late.

There were some remains that...

No, no problem. Uh... there's no better place I'd rather be.

Can't Daddy stay? Please?

You know what, sweetheart, I got a...

I got a meeting I have to get to.

It's really, really important, okay?

Listen, I got you coconut ice cream. It's in the freezer for you and the little guy to have a little coconut ice cream.

Thank you.

Uh, how are you?

Good. Determined.

(phone ringing)



Oh. Uh, o-okay.

Of-of course. (chuckles)


A body, uh, just came into the lab for identification.

You know what, you go.

I can stay here.

There's other meetings.

No. You-you should go.

I want you to.

It's important. I-I'll call Max.

All right. You sure?


Okay, well, I'm gonna need another hug to stay strong.

Oh! She got me. Oh. (squeals)

Oh! Ooh, I need the energy.

Ah! I'm alive now.

I got my hugs. I'm ready to go.

Oh. Careful.


All right. See you.

You have some coconut ice cream, okay?

A team of volunteers discovered the remains while cleaning up after a fire in George Washington National Park.

I heard it took firefighters nearly three days to put out the blaze.

Saroyan: Isn't he supposed to be black?

Well, the fire retardant that they use is called red slurry.

It's a mixture of water and ammonium phosphate.

And our guy here is drenched in the stuff.

Could be an unfortunate hiker who didn't outrun the fire.

I thought Dr. B would be here.

She's waiting for Max.

The separation must be the worst.

I cannot imagine not seeing Michael Vincent every day.

Booth is doing okay. He knows he's got a gambling problem.

He's handling it.

He's worked through this once before.

He can do it again.

These bones are also heavily fractured.

And based on the lack of discoloration on the fracture margins, the injuries are postmortem.

Well, once again, you can thank the red slurry for that.

The weight of the water and the force in which it hit the remains would have been enormous.

Easily enough to have caused the excessive fracturing.

Lucky for us, all we have to do is get an I.D.

Which seems like enough of a challenge.

(indistinct chatter)

Glad to see someone appreciates my coffee.

Uh, "tolerate."

That might be the word you're looking for. Listen, I really...

I really appreciate everything you've done.

Yeah. Hey, you know what, you did the work.

I'm having your 30-day chip engraved as we speak.

No, no, no. I don't want to make a big deal about this.

Let's not do that.

That's too bad.

I'm ordering a cake.


I'm writing a speech.

S... No.

And I'm sure your wife's gonna want to come.

I don't know. - Okay.

I really don't know about that.

You know I still have a lot of work I got to do.

Yeah, but you always will.


Yeah. Well, it's important to celebrate the victories, too.


So why don't we just celebrate those victories here, among us.


It's up to you.


All right.

Brennan: Based on the large ovoid obturator foramen, the victim was a male.

The fine texture of the pubic surfaces indicates an age range of mid- to late 30s.

The parabolic dental arch suggests Caucasian.

Montenegro: Yeah, and the giant metal plate in his head suggests a cyborg.

Bray: Not just his head.

There's fixation to the right fibula and tibia.

Evidence of injuries commonly sustained in motorcycle accidents.

Uh, I'm gonna start the facial reconstruction.

Hey, Dr. B.

How's everything at home?

Fine. Why do you ask?

Listen, Christine can always come over and hang out with Michael Vincent.

I know how hard this is.

You've never been separated from your child, so that statement is false.

Sorry. No.

I just... I meant...

I appreciate your concern.

But I'm fine. As is Christine.

And Booth, as far as I can glean.

Is there anything you or anyone would like to know?

No. Okay.

Uh, I was going through scraps of charred clothing and, uh, found something.

A wallet with a driver's license would be good.

Well, this is even better.

So, under the fire retardant, I found a mixture of hydrocarbons, antiknock agents...

The victim was doused in gasoline.

I have a feeling that he was the source of the forest fire.

Well, you don't light a body on fire unless you're trying to cover something up.

♪ Bones 10x21 ♪
The Life in the Light
Original Air Date on June 4, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
"The Crystal Method"

♪ ♪

Angela's facial reconstruction found a match in the D.C.

Criminal Database.

Yeah. Oh.


Yeah. Guy named Micah Stanbow. I took the initiative and compiled a file on him.

Are you looking for a thank you?

Couldn't hurt.

I did bring the treats.

Multiple charges of felony as*ault, grand theft auto.

Really loved his work.

Stanbow was a member of a biker g*ng called the Damned.

Uh, they're a small group, tight.

Stanbow served as the muscle.

Why didn't we, uh, hear of these guys before?

Well, their leader, a guy named Dale Brock, was busted on racketeering charges five years ago.

So they've been laying low.

Really, really... good work here, Aubrey.

Thanks, Booth.

I'm proud of you, too.

We don't need the gushy stuff, okay?

We're-we're just... we're working here, okay?


I'm just saying, with everything that's going on with you, the fact that you're still k*lling it at work, I'm impressed.

Okay. Stop talking.

Let's just concentrate on the case, okay?

Let's do that.


All right.

Aren't you coming up on 30 days, though? Don't you get a chip?

Take a bite of the donut, okay?

You'll stop talking.


Oh. Here you go.

Dale Brock.

He got out of prison four days ago.

That was the same day that our victim was set on fire.

I'm guessing that's not a coincidence.

Brock: This place looks a little different than I remember.

You guys do a little remodeling?

Aubrey: Okay. We get it, Dale.

You're a big tough biker that isn't intimidated by the FBI.

Look... look, why don't you just, uh, tell us a little bit about your friend Micah Stanbow.

I haven't seen him since I went to the pen, over five years ago.

So he didn't look like that the last time you saw him?

Damn, man. That's Micah?

What the hell they do to him?

They k*lled him.

Set him on fire four days ago, same time you got out of prison.

So you think I did it?

Well, we got evidence that suggests that he was gonna leave your g*ng.

Which must've pissed you off, being betrayed by somebody so close to you.

Six years ago, Micah got himself in a gnarly wreck.

He went over the bars doing 50. It's kind of hard to get back up on a bike after a ride like that.

So you want us to believe that you just let him leave the g*ng?

Like I said, I haven't seen Micah in years.

That's hard to believe.

Well, it's the truth.

Now, unless you have something to hold me on, I'm gonna get up and walk my big ass out of here.

Have a nice day, fellas.

(door opens)

Hodgins: Hey, Angie. So, I found this wrapped around the victim's wrist.

I tried to clean it off a bit.

Looks like some kind of symbol on it.

Maybe we can figure out what it signifies.

(chuckles) Why do you have your passport out?


No, Hodgi...

Oh... my... God.

Your real name.

Hey. Hey.

My real name is Angela Montenegro.

Is that right?


Then who is Pookie Noodlin?

You know what, don't say that name out loud here.

I cannot believe that after all of this time, I finally know my wife's real name.

It's like something you name a pet.

That you hate.

Why didn't you ever get it... get it, you know, legally changed?

My dad. He...

It just meant something important to him, and he begged me to leave it un-until he...

That's so sweet.

I can't believe this.

I'm married to Pookie Noodlin.

Not if you keep saying it out loud you're not.

One more time.

Hodgins, I'm serious.

I am, too.

Come on.

This is important to me, Angie.

Okay. Go ahead.

I love you, Pookie Noodlin.

All right, we should do a global search for the symbol on the bracelet.

Why did you pull your passport out anyway, Angela?

We haven't traveled anywhere together for years.

Well, 'cause I had to get it renewed.

In case we ever actually do want to go to Paris.


Yeah. Paris.

(computer beeping)

Oh, okay.

Uh, looks like it's the ancient Sanskrit symbol, meaning "warrior."

He was into yoga?

Hold on.

I just typed in "Micah Stanbow yoga", and look what comes up.

Right foot to left thigh.

Arms above your head in a tree pose.

Oh. Wow. How does a guy go from being the muscle in a violent biker g*ng to leading a yoga class full of soccer moms?

So the Bureau had an informant in the biker world.

No one had a bounty out on the victim's head, there was no chatter of any kind of rival gangs going after him.

Micah really did leave that world behind.

Seems like it.

He's been running his own yoga studio for the past year.

But Micah had been in a serious motorcycle accident.

He most likely discovered yoga as a means of rehab.

In addition to increased flexibility and strength, practicing yoga also provides a myriad of mental benefits.

Hmm. Myriad, huh?

Yes, it means "large in number."

I know what it means.

It's just, you know, it's a funny word, that's all.

I miss your funny words, Bones.

Funny. Funny, ha, ha, funny, peculiar.

Just funny, you know? You get it.

Listen, I'm just... I'm glad you came along today, Bones, that's all.

We're partners.

We have a case to solve.

Come on, Bones, why can't we just go in there, huh?

They're in the middle of shavasana, Booth.

It's an important part of the practice.

They'll be done soon.


Whatever. Look at this, huh?

What is this? For 90 bucks, you can "be closer to nature with a tablet case made of 100% Tibetan bamboo"?

What a racket.

They're done, Booth.

Oh. Yup. Let's go.


Hi, Mike.

Think it would k*ll 'em to crack a window.

Well, they just finished working out.


Booth, come on.

You two look like you're having fun.

FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here's my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan.

Is this your studio?

My boyfriend Micah and I run the place together.

Is there a problem?

Your boyfriend's remains were found in a forest.

He was m*rder*d.

That can't be.

I mean, you must be mistaken.

Booth: Unfortunately, we're not.

When was the last time you saw Micah?

Um, four days ago?

That's the same day the forest fire started.

He was in that fire?

I'm sorry. Is there a reason why you didn't report your boyfriend missing?

Micah was on a silence retreat.

He'd go up to the mountains or the woods for a few days to meditate.

Well, if he'd gone into the woods all alone, someone must have been following him.

Who would want to k*ll Micah?

Everyone loved him.

There was a yoga studio down the street that looks closed.

Did some of his students formerly take classes there?

Yes, but Micah didn't solicit them.

What about the owner he put out of business?

A good man.

With a good soul.

There's no way he would k*ll Micah.

(high-pitched whirring)

Hey, I was just, uh, decrypting the victim's computer.

What's up?

I need your help.


Paris real estate again, huh?

Yeah. Sometimes it's nice to break up a heinous crime with a little bit of a dream.

And I couldn't remember which one you liked.


I liked this one.

Remember, I told you it was close to that, uh... the great bilingual school for Michael Vincent?

Yes, that's right. Yup.

Well, back to reality.

What are you working on?

Right, yeah, so, this is the victim's right sandal.

Uh, the plastic melted in the fire, and in the process, encased particulates within the treads.


So you can track his route through the woods.

Yeah, that's right.

If we can retrace his steps, we may be able to find some evidence on the person who was following him.

Saroyan: The victim wasn't followed into the woods.

According to a complete rupturing of the muscle tissue around the victim's shoulders, he was dragged out there.

Okay, pal, time to float back on down to Earth there.


Hello? Hi.

Sorry to bother you, but we just have a m*rder to discuss.

I'm quite certain I have no knowledge of any murders.

Micah Stanbow was k*lled four days ago.


Micah was a friend.

Really? 'Cause in the span of a year, you went from running one of the most profitable yoga studios to teaching seniors down at the Y.

That didn't piss you off?

A wise man is not a sl*ve to his emotions.

No, but even the best of us can get mugged by them.

So, where were you four days ago, Ramish? Hmm?

At home.

I was involved in an intensive meditation practice which I break up with mindful gardening.

Let me guess.

You live alone?


So, no alibi for the time of your friend's m*rder.

It seems that Micah's life and mine have many karmic entanglements.

Perhaps I should call my attorney to help sort them out.

Well, I wasn't able to find anything on the flesh that could help pinpoint cause of death.

Of course you couldn't.

Excuse me?

Oh. (laughs)

Sorry. I-I didn't mean it like that.

It's just that these bones are pretty messed up, and I'm a bit overwhelmed right now myself.

It's all right, Wendell. Just breathe.

(inhales deeply)

Maybe we could both use a yoga class.




What is this?

(laughing): Yes.

Oh, yes!


After just one deep breath.

The damage to the left zygomatic appears to have radiating fracture lines, which points to a perimortem injury.

So, he was struck in the face.

And based on the indistinct edges, plus a heavy degree of fracture lines, the injury was caused by some kind of rounded object.

Nice work, Mr. Bray.


It's not specific enough.

And the injury wouldn't have been enough to k*ll him.

It's a start.

Maybe we should take another deep breath.



Booth: So, here's what we know so far. Okay, Ramish claims to have been gardening and meditating the day that Micah was k*lled.

So he has motive and no alibi.

Unless he's got talking, uh, tomatoes in his garden.

Even if, it's unlikely a tomato's testimony would hold up in court.

(laughing) That's a good one, Bones.

I like that.

You're getting better at those.

No. You know, that's not our guy.

Your gut?

Yeah. It's all we have right now.

(phone ringing)

It's Max.


Hi, Dad.

Oh. It is?

Oh, I completely lost track of time.

I-I'm... I'm on my way now.

Bye. It's after 10:00.

What? No.

Can't be. Whoa!

It's past 10:00.

We've been here for two hours.

That explains the nasty looks we received from people who wanted our table.

Yeah. Can't eat pie fast, or you'll cramp.

That is a science.


(laughing): Some day I would love to live in a world governed by your rules of physics.

You will.

Some day, you will.

Soon. Very soon.

I have to get home.

Right. Okay. Uh, look, okay, I-I got the bill.

Thanks. I'll see you back...

I'll see you... tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Montenegro: So, I was going through the victim's tablet.

He was using
a site called "Peek-a-Pic."

It's a site where any photos that he posts disappear after the person that he sent them to viewed them.

But if they've disappeared...

No, they don't actually disappear.

The metadata is stored deep within the file system, but if you know how to get in there...

All of these pictures are of the same woman.

Okay. Now, that does not look like the victim's girlfriend.

No. This woman goes by the username LizzyC.

She's Elizabeth Collins.

Apparently, she's been a student of Micah's for about a year.

Well, Ramish said that Micah had so many clients because he took a real hands-on approach with them.

Now I know what he meant.



I can't believe it.

Why would somebody k*ll Micah?

Well, I was hoping you could tell me.

I have no idea.

We found the Peek-a-Pic photos, Elizabeth.

We know that you two were having an affair.


I know what you're thinking.

A young woman sleeping with her yoga instructor-- it's a total cliché-- but Micah was different.

So, you didn't have to as*ault him with a baseball bat?


Your ex-boyfriend, Dennis Eckland.

Did you think we wouldn't find out that you had a record?

Those charges were dropped.

And besides, that was a long time ago.

Oh, okay.

So, I'll just forget about the fact that you beat people with baseball bats, and our victim looks to have been beaten with a bat, because it was a long time ago.

I didn't k*ll Micah!

Maybe not intentionally, but we know that you have anger issues.

Not anymore.

Micah taught me breathing exercises and meditation techniques that...

That what?

Made you have an affair with him?

Come on, Elizabeth.

What happened, huh?

What, did he dump you, go back to his girlfriend?

No, it wasn't like that.

Nan knew about me and Micah.

Oh, so she was cool with you sleeping with her boyfriend?

Yes. They weren't as possessive as you are.

Micah and Nan had an open relationship.

Brennan: While going through the injuries caused by the fire retardant, I noticed abundant perimortem fracturing.

Do you know what caused the injuries?

Well, since they are concentrated on the right ulna, the radius, and the humerus, and the left ulna and tibia, it suggests the victim was in a struggle with his k*ller.

Saroyan: Defensive wounds to his limbs.

Booth should find out if any of the suspects he's seen so far show evidence of being in a fight.

I'll let him know.

Well, actually, I can tell him.


I'm glad you two are feeling more comfortable with each other.

I know how hard Seeley's working to make things right, so...


His sponsor called this morning.

He wanted to know what flavor cake Booth wanted for his 30-day sober celebration.

Oh, that's wonderful.

If you need to leave for it, just say the word.

Oh, no, I wasn't invited.


Should I have been?

The first month is... a pretty significant hurdle.

I just assumed...

It... Never mind.

But if people traditionally celebrate this milestone, why wouldn't Booth want me there?

I'm sure he has a good reason. I didn't mean to...

This has affected me as much as it has Booth.

Hey. So I swabbed the damage to the victim's cheek and I found traces of aluminum.

Saroyan: So the victim was hit with an aluminum cylindrical object?

Yeah. A pipe or maybe an aluminum baseball bat?

Perhaps. But we still need to find cause of death.

Which means I need to get back to work.

I thought you were gonna talk to Booth.

Oh, you can do it.

I'm too busy now.

Booth: So you and Micah lived together, that correct?

For the past three years.

We started Sunrise Studios in this very yard.

Uh, we talked to one of Micah's students.

An Elizabeth Collins.

I knew all about Elizabeth.

She and Micah were lovers.

So you and Micah did have an open relationship?

Nan: I know that open relationships aren't for everyone, but it worked for us.

I can't believe that Elizabeth would hurt Micah.

Well, you see, Elizabeth-- she has an alibi, unlike you...

I just told you, Agent Booth, we weren't jealous of each other.

You had lovers, too?

Not as many. The last man that I was involved with was Danato.

Does Danato have a last name?


Danato Vacaro.

He's an artist.

But we ended our arrangement months ago.

I'm sorry, w-why is that?

Danato... started to become too attached emotionally.

And so I told him I had to concentrate on my relationship with Micah for a while.

And now Micah's dead.

So, you didn't think to mention this earlier?

Danato's a kind and gentle soul.

I guess I'm not as good as you at thinking people are bad.

You can think whatever you like as long as you give us Danato's phone number.

That would be great.

Montenegro: What are you working on?

Hodgins: I got some grass clippings, dog poop, and... looks like a wad of chewed-up watermelon gum.

Sounds like stuff you'd expect to find on the bottom of somebody's shoe.

Yes, it was all on the sandal. And this. This here's oil paint.

Oh. Well, Booth said the girlfriend recently split from her lover, who happens to be an artist.

Angie, what are you doing?

That's evidence.


This paint is still rubbery.

I'd say this is about two more days from curing.

So oil paint has a cure time of between three and seven days.

So if this stuff still has two days to go and our victim's been dead for the past five days...

It means he most likely stepped in this paint on the day that he died.


Doesn't look good for the artist. All right, I'm gonna run the sample to determine manufacturer.

Hey, pretty nice meeting of forensic science and art, there, Angie.

Yeah. We make a great team.

Yeah. Yeah, you know what, we do.

That's why I want to give you this.

Oh. Okay.

Well, you've already shown me this.

Yes, I know, but now your dream is a reality.

Uh, what do you mean?

I mean I bought it.

It's ours.

You... You did not.

I did.

Wha... Wait, why?

Because you seem ready.


We've been here for ten years, okay?

We deserve to see something new, to live a new life.

You ready?


Oh, my God. Yeah.

Okay. Then no more talk.

We're doing it.

We are moving to Paris.




Well, I see paintings and easels inside.

Looks like Danato works from home.

Which means our victim could have been here on the day of his death.

Look, Cam said that Micah got into a fight with his k*ller, so keep an eye out for injuries, will you?

Think I may have found a couple, Booth.

You think?

I'm sorry, but this news had brought up a storm of emotions in within me.

My heart pounds like thunder.

You're a really passionate guy there, aren't you, Danato?

Maybe your passion is what drove you to k*ll the man standing between you and Nan Roselick.

It is true, I envied what Micah had for Nan.

But he was a dear friend.

I would never hurt him.

How do you explain the bruises?

Stumbling back home from a bar last week, I fell down a set of subway stairs.

I was kissing the pavement, as you say.

I see you use Edgarton oil paint.

Yes, it is the best, in my opinion.

It's the best?

The same paint we found on Micah's shoe.

Which means Micah was here the day he was k*lled.

Micah heard about the accident.

He came by my place to show me a couple of yoga poses to help me ease my pain.

So you two just did a little yoga and he left, huh?

No, Micah left before we got started.

He received a phone call and he had to rush out.

Any idea where this call came from?

No. all I heard is Micah on the phone saying that he could be there in two to three minutes.

Then he climbed on his bicycle and he took off.

You have no idea where he was going?

I'm sorry. I wish I could be more help.

I want to bring justice for my friend.

Montenegro: Hey.

You have a minute?

I believe I have multiple minutes, actually.

Okay. Um...

So, I have some good news.

Then why did you say it as if it were bad news?

'Cause some parts of it might not be so good.

I'm not understanding this.

Is it possible for you to be more direct?

Hodgins and I are planning to move to Paris.


Paris, France.

I'm-I'm familiar with Paris.

I-I don't have to do it now, though.

I mean, not if you need me.

I-I know how tough things have been for you and Booth.

No, we're fine.

We're going to be fine.

But I-I don't understand.

Why would you want to move there?

Well, because it's Paris, sweetie.

I-I mean, I-I've always wanted to live there.

But you have a career here.

This... This was always a temporary thing for me.

You know that. I...

I mean, I've already been here much longer than I thought I would be.

But you have friends here.


That's the tough part.

You, mostly.

Everything you know is here.

Yeah, but that's just it.

I don't want to know everything in my life.

I want to be surprised.

Don't you?

I do.

I never thought I'd be here this long, either.

Are you mad?


No, I'm...

I'm really happy for you, Angela.

If you need me, I'll just be a plane ride away.

I'm gonna miss you, Brennan.

Have you found cause of death, Mr. Bray?

I believe I have.

I was just about to do a victory lap around the light table.

A tiny nick on the distal end of the left femur.

In order for a w*apon to have caused this injury, it would have had to transect the femoral artery first.

Causing the victim to bleed out.

And the Brayman has cause of death.

Take it down a notch, Mr. Bray, this isn't the end zone.

Have you figured out what caused the injury?

A very wide V-shaped incision, meaning the w*apon was most likely a wide-angle blade.

There are similar nicks to the left side ribs five and six, as well as the right humerus.

The width of that kerf mark is a lot narrower than the incision on the femur.

Yes. And the dimensions of the incision on the humerus are different than the incisions on the ribs and femur.

Meaning our victim could have been stabbed with three separate blades.

Aubrey: So the artist was telling the truth. Micah received a call before he ran out, but it was from a burner cell.

Meaning we have no idea where Micah was going or who he was meeting with.

And the fact that it was from a burner cell just makes it all the more suspicious.

Okay, well, this is the area surrounding the artist's place.

Okay. The victim said that he could get to wherever he was going in two to three minutes.

Oh, that's good.

Really? There's got to be hundreds of homes and businesses in Adams Morgan.

That neighborhood is crawling with young people who are all using social media.

All I have to do is run a search of all photos taken in that area during the time we know Micah was there.

Whoa. Looks like we got some pictures to go through.

Well, not if I can run a facial recognition program against them to find Micah.

Oh, oh!

There he is, look.

Walking into a bar called Nat's Place.

Now I just have to figure out who he was meeting there.

It's been a real pleasure being able to go down this journey with you, Seeley.

Thanks, Gavin.

You're a class act and you're a true representation of everything this group strives for.

So it's with great pride that I finally get to announce that Seeley Booth is 30 days sober.

All right, thanks.

Thank you, thank you. Great job, man.

Thanks, Gavin, I appreciate it.

Man: Well done.

That's right.

Look, I just wanted to say I...

I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone in this room.

I get kind of nervous at things like this, so, um...

Thank you.


All right, folks, what do you say we stuff ourselves silly with cake and burnt coffee?


(indistinct conversations)


Bones, what are you doing here?

Dr. Hodgins found traces of glass in the victim's s*ab wounds.

So it wasn't different knives.


There were three different shards of glass.

The victim was most likely pushed through a window.

Okay. Well, you didn't have to come here to tell me that.

Why didn't you want me here, Booth?


It's not a big deal.

It really isn't.

I mean, look, this is just an excuse for Gavin to eat cake.

It is a big deal, Booth.

You've worked really hard for this.

You didn't want me to... celebrate with you?

No. It's just...

I just feel like I have a really long way to go. That's all.

No, Booth.

We still have a long way to go.

Which means I share this challenge with you.

And I would like to share in your victory, too.

(phone ringing)

Wait... That's Aubrey. Hold on.

Aubrey, what do you got?

I just got off the phone with the bartender down at Nat's Place.

Does he remember seeing the victim?

Well, guys trying to order carrot juice at a bar tend to stick out.

And the person he was meeting?

A big, bald biker fitting the description of one Dale Brock.

Wait a second.

Brock said he hadn't seen Micah for five years.

Clearly this guy isn't as trustworthy as he looks.

Booth: You lied to me, Dale. You were with Micah the day he died.

I don't know who told you that, but it's crap.

Really? Okay, so this bar named, uh, Nat's Place, does that ring a bell?

Yeah, I thought so.

You want to tell me what happened before I throw your ass back in jail?

Look, one of the terms of my parole is I'm not allowed to have contact with any other felons.

Okay, so you're telling me that if you told me you saw him, you'd be thrown back in prison.


Okay. Well, news flash.

Let's just be clear about all this stuff, because, you know what, m*rder is a violation of your parole.


I didn't k*ll him.

I met him to ask for a favor.

What, for free yoga classes?

Money for my kids.

When I was doing time, my... child support bill kept piling up. But when I got out, I was down 20 large.

So you expected him to give you 20 grand because you bought him carrot juice.

Not all of it.

But he said he understood and that he could get me the money.

I don't know where he was gonna get that kind of green, but... he told me to stay at the bar and he'd be back.

Then what happened?

He never showed.

I waited for hours and I finally gave up.

And when you told me he died, I...

I figured someone offed him for the money.

That's a reasonable explanation.

It's also reasonable that you did it.

If the victim had been pushed through a window, it would also explain the injuries to the rest of his remains.

The fracturing we thought was caused by an aluminum w*apon could have been caused by an aluminum window frame.

Yeah, but he must have been pushed through the window with a great deal of force to be able to sustain those kinds of injuries.

Maybe you could recreate a possible scenario.



Huh. Okay. For the scenario to be correct, he would have had to have been pushed through a window measuring two feet by four feet.

Odd shape.

Shouldn't be too hard to find.

The parietal. The victim was holding the back of his head when he hit the glass.

The k*ller must have delivered a blow to the back of the victim's head to propel him into the glass.

Meaning there should be evidence of the blow.

I think I found something.

There appears to be a slight depression fracture that was obscured by the fire damage.

Based on the dimensions, this injury was created by the corner of a blunt instrument.

I'll ask Dr. Hodgins to swab the wound for trace.

Whatever caused this wound is what drove him into the glass.


You don't think it was a window?

I have no evidence to support my suspicion.

Are you seriously telling me you're going on your gut?

I don't recall saying anything of the sort.

Aubrey: I just looked back over the victim's finances.

Micah had the 20 grand, but that was pretty much his and Nan's entire savings.

So the money was pooled.

Even though they-they weren't married.


Because they weren't possessive like us, I guess is what they'd say.

Micah can't say anything anymore.

(phone chimes)

Hodgins found traces of Tibetan bamboo in the victim's skull.

Tibetan bamboo.

Tibetan bamboo. W-Wait.

The tablets at Nan's studio.

Bones even said she didn't think that he was pushed out the window.

Based on what?

Her gut, I think.


Yeah, but do you remember?

The lawn furniture.

It was made out of, uh, glass.

At Nan's place.

Outside. In the back there. Remember?

And the-the legs were all made out of aluminum.

Damn, you're right. There should have been a coffee table in that set.

Which would have measured four by two.

Nan: Micah was my world.

He was the most sensitive, compassionate man that I knew.

Why would I k*ll him?

For the same reason you just cited, his compassion.

You see, he wanted to give your savings away to help a friend.

And you weren't too happy about that.

So you hit him with your tablet and knocked him into the glass coffee table.

That's just simply not true.

I don't know why you would think that.

But in addition to dumping the body, you also disposed of your tablet.

Which must have seemed smart to you, since the repeated blows to his head caused your tablet to start recording.

See, our people got all the footage from your cloud account.

Now, I want you to watch this.

Wait for it. Here it comes.

(Nan grunting)

(Micah grunts)

Nan: Micah. I'm-I'm so sorry.

Micah. Oh, my God. Micah.

Micah. Oh, my God.


We worked so hard for that money.

He was just gonna give it away to some criminal.


He was going to help a friend rebuild his life.

♪ Lately I've been sitting around, k*lling time ♪
♪ Staring at faces, going blind ♪
♪ Like I'm waiting for a sign ♪
♪ To come find me ♪
♪ Somebody told me long ago ♪
♪ What I feel I got to show ♪
♪ Until everybody knows ♪
♪ What I have inside me ♪
♪ So I hope you know ♪
♪ There's more to me than I show ♪
♪ I just need another beginning ♪

I cannot believe you keep such a good bottle of wine in your desk.

Yeah. Well, I guess all my secrets are coming out now, huh?

They sure are, Pookie.

None for you.

Come on. Never again.

Well, rarely again.

Thank you, Angie.


I'm gonna miss this place, Ange.

You know, Paris isn't going anywhere.

If you're not feeling ready.

No. No. It's just... it's just a big change.

It's not bad.


To change.


To change.

Hey. Sorry. I had to finish up a bit of paperwork.

What is it you two wanted to see me about?

Yeah. Here goes.

Maybe you should have a beaker of wine first.

So, you know how I've always talked about living in Paris?

(crickets chirping)

Look at that, huh?

"So there." (growls)

And sweet dreams.

Christine: One more story.


Daddy has read you five books.

It's time for bed, sweetheart.

Will you come over to play with me tomorrow?

Of course I'm gonna come play with you tomorrow.

Come on, let's go.

Jump off the couch. Run, little monster. Run to the bed.

Jump in under those covers.

I'll tell you what, I'll give you a kiss right before I leave.

Don't forget to brush your teeth.

Listen, uh, Bones, I was thinking that maybe I could come by, um, next week, uh, you know, maybe a couple mornings and take her to school.

Look, if we're not there yet...

In my mind, I...

I know that you being out of the house is working.

It's what motivates you.

It's one of the things, yeah.

What's gonna keep you going when you move back?

(sighs) Knowing I don't have a second chance if I screw up again.

The rational side of me needs to know that that is true.


But statistically that's impossible.

Life is essentially uncertain.

No guarantees.

That's right.

And if we try to be certain before we act, we... may never act.

What... So what are you saying, Bones?

I'm saying...

I have faith in you, Booth.

And I... think you should stay the night with me.

I think I should, too.