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01x09 - You Know the Drill; Operation HQ Reunion

Posted: 06/03/15 04:27
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaaah! ♪

[DR. CLAW] Perfect!

No other evil genius has a hollowed out iceburg lair!

They're still doing the burnt-out volcano thing!

Hmp. So twenty years ago.

I dunno, Uncle Claw, at least burnt-out volcano lairs are warm?

It's nothing the MAD HYPER-DRILL can't fix.

I'll just use it to reroute lava from the Earth's core!

Ice lair heating problem... solved!

So, let me get this straight Uncle C.

You're going to use molten lava to heat up your ice castle?

Yes, why?

Uh. No reason. Just saying, sounds like another wild and genius plan, Uncle C.

Are you done talking?

Um, sure.

Good. Now go.


Has it been twenty minutes, Brain?

It's gotta be twenty minutes.

Tell me it's been twenty minutes! Brain!


Five minutes?! How'm I gonna get over my claustrophobia if I can't stay in here longer than 5 minutes!


5 seconds?

Ah, Penny, I see your hide-and-seek practice is going well!

I'm practicing being caught in tight spots, Uncle Gadget.

A real HQ agent has to be in all kinds of tight spots...

You'll get it, Penny. I did!

Chief Quimby! Nice drawers!

Inspector Gadget! I have a mission for you!

Earthquakes are wracking a town in the Northwest Territories!

They could have something to do with this: MAD's latest toy! The massive HYPER-DRILL!

Your mission ...stop MAD from using the drill!

This message will self-destruct.

You've got it, Chief!



Ugh, it would have been so much easier if Uncle C had just got a space heater.





My inspector intuition tells me... that might be an earthquake.

It's him! Welcome... to the first ever Friendsburg Inspector Gadget Day!

Inspector Gadget day? Wow!

When we heard you were coming to solve our quake problem, [SNICKERS] we just couldn't believe it!

Friendsburg has the largest Gadget fanclub in the Northwest!

17 members!

Wowsers, how amazing!

I always knew I was meant to be a star.

Friendsburg? Well... sure sounds like a friendly place.

I'm the mayor 'round these parts!

Well hello there Mayor Round-These-Parts.

We are delighted to come to Freezenburg.

It's Friendsburg, Inspector.

Ah yes, Fiendsburg.



Friendsburg! It's Friendsburg!

Friendsburg, Friendsburg, Friendsburg!

Gadget, Gadget, Go Go Go!

Gadget, Gadget, Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Gadget, Gadget, Go Go Go, Gadget, Gadget, Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Go Gadget!




Hm, well that certainly didn't come from me.

It's just another earthquake, Inspector. Nothing to worry about.

Before we celebrate all that is me, I vow to find that drill and stop them... for good!

Um, great idea there, Inspector. I'll... help you out.

I don't know about you Brain, but I smell MAD all over this town...



Um, Gadget is still eager to find the drill, sir.

Stick to the plan and keep him distracted.

Try a song and dance number or something.

A wonderful idea, sir.

No drill here, but, my skin looks amazing!

Uncle Gadget?

I know you're psyched about Inspector Gadget Day... but, well, I think it may be a trap.

Just in case, I'll attend... uh, I mean investigate the festivities.

Hey guys, we have another little big surprise for you. Come.

Surprise? Why, that's my second middle name.

The hyper-drill is done its testing phase!

It's nearly ready to dig to the Earth's Core.

Then it's warm sweet warm for your new lair!

And soon, the Mayor will totally take Gadget out of the picture for good.




This is the best first Friendsburg Inspector Gadget Day ever!

Still investigating, Penny.

Hm, let's have a closer look.

Hmmm, what do we have here?

Hm... stay with Uncle Gadget, Brain. I may have found something.

And the whole Friendsburg Gadget Day is working like a charm.

[LAUGHS] I knew Penny would fall for it.

I so did not fall for it.


What was it, too many billboards? Or... was it the T-shirts?


... yeah that was overkill wasn't it.

Doesn't matter. You're too late anyway! See ya.

I don't think so! I'm right behind you.

Huh? T-T-Tight squeeze? Okay.

You can do it, Penny.

As long as the ride doesn't last longer than 5 seconds.

Got it!

Oh. That's gonna look great in the Friendsburg Gadget Newsletter.

Great! Now to find that Drill, so we can get back to the business of Gadget Day celebration!

Um, yeah... we need just one more shot...





Hey, free Gadget hugs come after the photo session. [Screaming]

Easy Penny. This isn't so bad!

It's about to get worse.

Let's power up the drill a little.


Glad you can stick around Penny!


Yep! This is definitely worse.


Wowsers, all this Gadget Day celebrating is really shaking things up around here.



Ah, Mayor Round-These-Parts, where are you off to?

Um, just going to get... more Gadget Day supplies! Oh, you...

You, you should stay right... there.


Oh goody goody, there you are!

Hmm, I wonder where that stairway goes.


Come on! [SIGHS]

Talon, what's taking so long?

Make my drill go faster!

Fine, fine, I'll go full power.




So you're stuck in an out of control elevator...

No biggie. Happens all the time!

Okay Penny, keep it together.

You're okay.

There's tons of air in here!

Under the Earth... in a mine shaft!

Get a hold of yourself, there's gotta be a way to slow this thing down.

I know... If I just use my Codex's thermal-optic scanner, I can access the emergency circuits and slow this thing down.


I did it! Slowly going down.

Talon! Where's my lava?

I'm drilling as fast as I can, here.

Tell that to my hot cocoa!


Really, Talon? The Earth's Core?

Aw come on, I'm drilling here!

That will cause global destruction!

Small price to pay for heated floors.


Ah, nothing. Are we doing this or what?

I wonder what's down here?

Maybe some more Gadget day events!

Go Go Gadget night vision goggles.


The good times aren't going to end. Go Go Gadget parachute.





I can do this forever.

You, on the other hand, only have a few minutes until the drilling is done!



Whoa, whoa, whoa!



Aw, no! Come on, drill drill drill drill!

Don't give up on me now. Come on!




Brain, Uncle Gadget, good work. You stopped the drill!

Thanks, Penny. Now if we could just stop this ringing...

It's probably drowning out Inspector Gadget Day. [GROAN]

Which reminds me, we should probably see how they're doing.
We must have missed the parade!

You know, this is a nice town. Lots of wide open space.

That T-T-T-Talon! I gave him one simple...


Next... time... Gadget!

Next t-t-t-time!

Special delivery for I. Gadget.

Stay back kids, if it's a stranger, there could be danger.

Go Go Gadget extendo-arms!

Chief! I assume we have a mission?

No mission today, Gadget.

No mission, no random explosions. Yup, it's a good day.

"You are invited to the HQ's Reunion tonight in the auditorium."

Oh, all the top agents will be there!

Corporal Chameleon, Cuffs Murphy, Detective Data...

Ah, yes, Data and I worked together often.

If memory serves, she was a top agent with a very weak stomach.

Not to mention the youngest junior agent ever to be made full agent!

I know everything about her!

And now we're gonna be at the same party!

Right you are, Penny because all the junior agents will be the serving staff for tonight's party.

Oh, really? Will I still get to talk to Detective Data?

Of course.

The junior agents are encouraged to mingle, while serving.

Oh, and if the sausage roll tray keeps finding its way over to me, someone gets extra credit.



Oops! Sorry! So excited! I'll go get changed.

We're going to meet Detective Data!!!

We better dismantle these choking hazards before the party starts.

Go Go Gadget balloon poppers.


Chief! You should really clean yourself up.

I wonder what I should wear.

Maybe something in a trenchcoat...


[DR. CLAW] In high school, I was nominated most likely to...

Never catch Inspector Gadget? Ha, burn.



No one disrespects me ...

No wait... it does say I'm least likely to catch Inspector Gadget.

Thanks a lot.

So, what's with the trip down memory lane?

Tonight is HQ's Agent Reunion and I plan on giving them a very icy reception.

Once the world's top agents are at the reunion, you're going to sneak in a cake filled with liquid diamond, to freeze them in the room forever.


Liquid diamond?

Isn't it easier just to use, oh, I don't know, ice?!


Aaaah! [SPLASH!]

You really must do something about that laugh.

This is so cool!

Brain, keep an eye out for Data, she's a super agent, she could enter the building disguised as anything!

[GASPS] OMG, she's here! Disguised as herself!

Brilliant! Be cool, Brain.

Detective Data! It's been too long.

Remember the Great Gouda Caper of '87?

Ah, we'll always have Paris.

And I'll always have a cheese allergy.

Classic Data. Always joking.

Ahem... Uncle Gadget?

Data, this is my niece Penny.

It's an honour to meet you. You are a true hero!

I was wondering if... you had any advice for a junior agent?

Yes. If you value your career, stay far away from your uncle.

There you go again with your jokes!

Aw, she must really admire me. Her jokes are always about me.

Funny, and brilliant. So. Cool....

Who made these burgers so small?

Whoever it is, they must have used a shrink ray.


That's weird. There's some kind of encrypted signal coming from nearby... it sorta looks like a MAD signal!

Data will know what to do!

Penny you should be focusing more on your duties, and not bothering Detective Data.

I assure you, we're perfectly safe with this many agents in one room.

Yes Quimby, a room you will be stuck in... forever!

Agent! I need a status report.

Project "Let Them Eat Cake" has begun...

Maybe Chief Quimby's right, maybe I am inventing danger just to get Data's attention.

But I... [SNIFFING] I recognize that smell. A combo of desperation, perspiration and... [SNIFFS] hair gel!

...Talon! Ha!

Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone evil.

That may not have been him, but I'd know that smell anywhere.

Talon is here, somewhere. We better warn Chief Quimby.

So... you want me to stop the party and send home an entire crowd of seasoned, world class secret agents, because you think you "smell" a MAD agent?

Well, when you put it that way it does sound kinda crazy.

These pancakes should be at least three times this size!

But it's not any MAD agent, it's Talon!

You know, with the dimples... and I'm going to stop talking right now.

Hors d'oeuvres?

Is there sausage in them?

I bet Detective Data would know what to do.

Could you keep an eye on Uncle Gadget until I talk to her?


Superintendent Socket Wrench! How long has it been?

10, 15, 25 years?

Remember the old high school noogie handshake?


Funny, I don't remember Socket Wrench being so hairy.

[GASPS] Detective Data!


Ah, Penny, is it?

[GASPS] You, you remember my name?

Okay, focus... Detective Data, I need your help.

I think that I've stumbled upon some kind of MAD plot...

Why are there wires in the cake?

You know I've been hearing good things about you.



Like what?

That's not important right now.

The point is, if you say it's a MAD plot, I believe you.

Aaaah! I totally knew you'd get me!

But, a good agent makes sure they have enough information before they act.

So, I have a mission for you.

I am so on it. What is it?

I need you to head into the kitchen and see what you can find.


I sent a nosy junior agent your way. Take care of her.


Aaah! Wow, so sorry about before.

I was looking for someone.

And you were there... but then it wasn't you... [CODEX BEEPS]

I have to take this call. Brain, what is it?


What?!! No way!

Detective Data is not a MAD henchman!

She's like the greatest HQ agent ever!

I don't know what you think you thought you saw but... [SPLAT!]

Bam! Hah! Yeah! Nailed it!

I knew I could smell your ego in here.

Well, flattering as it is that you know my smell, I really do have to go.






Not so fast, Superintendent Socket Wrench... if that is your real name, which I know it isn't!

Because the real one is right here!

I know all about your sinister plan to shrink the food, which means this cake must have been enormous!

So large it could have wiped out world hunger!

Let's get him Superintendent Socket Wrench!


Catch me if you can, or can't!


Data! Stop Talon. He's really, really evil.

I prefer "good-challenged" and by-the-way, so is Data.

And now we are going to seal all the agents into that room forever.


That is a really awful laugh. And by-the-way, I don't do co-missions anymore, since Gadget, and especially not with someone wearing that much hair product.

It's in my contract.




But... you can't be a MAD double agent?

How could you?

I spent 10 years of my life with your uncle and you know who always got the credit for my hard work?

Him! So, I joined MAD.

I... I can't believe it.

They reward talent.

You really are evil.

Take my advice, ditch your Uncle.

Don't become like me, a brilliant agent who never got any glory.

Uncle Gadget doesn't care about glory, he just wants the good guys to win. And that's what I want too.

Suit yourself. But the good guys are gonna lose this time.

The cake is armed and in position.

All I have to do is escape in the elevator, and detonate the liquid diamond with this.

So long, trainee.

Brain, you're right. You've gotta get that cake out of here.

I'll be back for you later. But right now, I've gotta stop Data.

Stop, Food-Shrinker!

[GASPING] Gadget? No!


Woah! Ah, Detective Data, you remember Superintendent Socket Wrench!


Good work, Gadget! It seems there was a MAD plot afoot.

You've captured Detective Data before she could detonate this cake filled with liquid diamond.

What? Are you serious?! He didn't do anything!

It was me who figured it out! Gadget did nothing!


Wowsers, Detective Data, you seem very upset.

And I know just the thing to cheer you up...

Some cake!


Oh, come on. [SCREAMS]



Sorry your hero turned out to be a MAD agent, Penny.

That's okay.

Because I still have my favorite hero of all time.

Uncle Gadget.

No, no, no!

I can't believe Agent Data was frozen in liquid diamond.

Well they say diamonds are a girl's best friend.



You really must do something about that laugh.