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01x23 - Zac's Choice

Posted: 12/24/13 05:32
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone. ♪
♪ You know I love my island home. ♪
♪ We'll make this right, ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery. ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea. ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free. ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun. ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together. ♪
♪ Just be you and me. ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪

He's searching everywhere for it.

Yes, but was he anywhere near it?


There you go. OK? There's nothing to worry about. It's a big ocean, and that's a pretty small trident.

We just need to keep an eye on him, that's all.

He's not going to find it before the next full moon, and it's weeks away.

Let's hope so.

He's smarter than you think.

I doubt that.

He won't give up.

Kinda sounds like you're a big fan of his.

We just need to be careful...


What if it is hidden in that secret little pool of theirs?

Too easy. They're pretty smart cookies, particularly Lyla.

So you're just gonna search the whole ocean?

Not quite. Check this out.

Do you remember how the trident affects them?

Uh, sort of drains their energy or something.

Yeah. So when Lyla grabbed it, she couldn't have taken it very far before it started affecting her.

She would have to stash it somewhere.


Figured they've got about a five-minute window after they touch it.

And I know what speed they can travel at underwater, so the trident should be... somewhere along this line.

It's a long shot.

If we keep searching, we'll find it. But I need your help.


I'm not a fish.

Why are you suddenly so keen on diving?

I just wanted to ease back into it.

Cam offered to buddy me.

Here's a list of the equipment we'll need.

We really appreciate this.

So, where are you diving?

Somewhere out on the reef?

Near Mako?


I'll go with you!

Not a good idea.

Why not?

I just wanted to get my confidence back first. And, oh, you've gotta work.

Can't sell much stuff if you're not here.

I can get Carly to cover.

Not this time, OK?

I guess so.

I'll line up the gear with dad and I'll meet you down at the pontoon.


Today's lesson the power of the moon ring. Sirena, can I use your ring?


I want to demonstrate its use.

But you've got a moon ring.

Can't you use that?

I don't like to. I never wear my ring. I took it off when I left the Pod and came to live here.

Well, can't you just go and get?

It's just a lesson.

Thank you.

So, it takes years to master the power of the moon ring.

Look at the aquarium.

Now focus on the seaweed.

I'm sorry. Is this about the moon ring or is this about seaweed?

Mermaids have the power to become invisible, but we can't hold it forever.

Sometimes nature can provide a little bit of instant camouflage.


Let your energy focus on the ring.

Mount your thoughts with it. Above all, be positive.

Unleashing positive energy is crucial.

Wow. That's incredible.

Wow. I could completely disappear, if I was a goldfish.

A mermaid that can use the moon ring can increase the size of a kelp forest the same way.

Here. You try.



OK. Hold the ring up and focus.

Now, let your energy focus on the seaweed.

You k*lled it!

OK. OK. It was my first try.

Like I said, it takes years of practice.

Wait, so this can destroy things too?

You have to use the power with great responsibility.

The trident has the same stone as the moon ring, but it's so much bigger.

Yes. It shares the same power source moonlight.

No wonder it's 100

times more powerful.

That's why the danger from it is immense.

Get that front rope for me?

Where's Zac?

He, uh, had to get an ocean chart.

I'm picking him up on the way.

We should be out looking for Zac, not just waiting for him to turn up.

Will you relax?

Hey, Sirena.

Hey. I was wondering if you knew where Zac was.

No. I haven't seen him. I did see Cam just before, though.

We can't afford to relax, Nixie.

You didn't see him searching the reef. It's like he had a plan.

Oh, come on. You hid it in the ocean. There's no way Zac of all people is going to find it.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Well, 'pretty sure', or are you sure? Where did you hide it?

Well, I was trying to swim with it to Mako, but then it started affecting me, so... I couldn't hold on to it for long. So I hid it in this small cave.

It's tucked away pretty well.

Well, there's your answer. If it's hidden, how's he gonna find it?

Thanks a lot!


You almost took my head off with the anchor.

Oh. Sorry.

You sure this is the right spot?

It's part of my grid. Lyla would have hidden it in this direction.

David saw Cam heading off in a tinnie with some scuba gear.

Was he with anyone?

No. He was by himself.

That doesn't make sense.

They don't dive alone.

So? Well, it's not like he can stay down there very long with those silly tanks.

What if he's meeting someone?

What if he's meeting Zac?

You worry way too much.


Look, even if Cam is meeting Zac, there's no reason to think he's anywhere near the trident.

It'd be weeks before they find anything.

What if he is on to something?

What if he's figured out that I didn't make it the whole way there?

What if he's figured out that it's somewhere between here and Mako?


You might have a good point.

He might be a lot smarter than I think. Maybe we should check it out.

No. I'll do it. I know where it is.

I'll be fine.




What have you done?!

I don't know. I... I found the trident...

We fought over it...

And then there was a flash.

You did this?

Just help her, please.

We need to move quickly.

Can you get me that shell box?

This is going to require that we all work together.

Take this.

OK. Hold your hands over her. Focus on the rings. They have the power to heal.

But... remember what I did to that seaweed? I don't wanna...

You have to trust yourself.

Now, let your thoughts focus on Lyla.

Is it working?

Keep trying.

What happened?

The rings are spent. It's been too long since they've been exposed to the light of the full moon.

Where's Zac?

Uh, I already dropped him off. He wanted to jog home. What a fitness freak.

Did you find anything interesting?

No, no. Just boring old coral.

What's that?

Uh, wet towels. Gotta hang them up.

Aren't you forgetting something?


Scuba gear.

Oh yeah. Thanks for the loan.

I need help to unload it, Cam.

Yeah, sure. I'll be back in a minute. You start without me.

Thanks a lot!
See how stupid you've been?

And all for what?

There must be something else you can do.

Without the power of the ring, we don't have time to wait for the next full moon to charge them.

There might be another way.

The trident it stores the power of the moon.

You've got the trident.

You have to let us use it!

We have to save Lyla!

It's the only way, Zac.

I knew we couldn't trust him. Why would he care?

Where have you been?

Where is it?

Don't worry. I was careful.

I'm taking it.


I need it to help Lyla.

Whoa! You're taking it to the mermaids?!

No way. They'll take it off you again.

It doesn't matter.

Lyla's more important.

This doesn't matter?

Are you kidding me?

It's got nothing to do with you.

It's got everything to do with me. I'm the one who helped you get it, remember?

That means I get a say in what happens to it now.

No, it doesn't!

Be reasonable, Zac.

Let's talk about it. Think about what you're giving up!

If I don't do this, she might die!


What do I have to do?

Hold your rings out.


This isn't seaweed. I mean, how do we know what he's going to do with it?

I just wanna help Lyla.

Yeah, like you just did.

Nixie, we have to do this.

The trident stores the power of moonlight. You need to use it to fuel the rings with that light.

The last time, I took the moonlight from the rings. How do I make it give it back?

Focus your mind on it and what you want it to do.

So just aim at them?

You're in control. Remember that.

That's it. You're doing it.

That should be enough.

Remember your lessons.


Are you all right?

Can you hear us?



You're here.

What happened?

She's gonna be all right.


How are you feeling?


But... getting better.

We were so worried about you.


All I knew was that I was...

I was so weak that...

I didn't wanna come back.

But then I... I felt your energy pulling at me...

I wanted to fight it and stay there, but you guys are pretty hard to resist.

Thank you.

I didn't mean to hurt you. I had no idea I could do that so quickly.

Yeah. I know.

I should have never brought the trident out in the first place.

At last we agree on something.

None of this is what I wanted.

Then you have to put the trident back where it belongs. Please.

What happened to me it's nothing.

It can do so much worse.


It's a mermaid's deepest secret.

He should know. Hasn't he proven himself trustworthy today?

If the trident is taken into the Moon Pool on a full moon, it'll destroy the Moon Pool forever.

That's why you have to put it back.

You know we can leave at any time.

And let the tunnel entrance close over? Zac's not out yet.

So he gets stuck in there. Too bad.

Zac helped save my life.

Only after putting it in Jeopardy in the first place.

It was an accident. I know it was.


He didn't realise what the trident could do. You heard him say that.

So now he does. Who knows if he'll really put the trident back or just hide it somewhere else where it's easy to get at?

We can trust him.

I'm sure of it.

What happened to you today?


You were coming back to help me unload?

Oh. Sorry.

Got a phone call. Slipped my mind. You know how it is.

Where's Zac?

I don't know. I don't care.

What do you mean?


You both went diving, didn't you?

Of course.

Well, one of those tanks was completely full, like it was never used.

How can that be?

I guess he wasn't down as long as I was.

You're having me on.

Evie, you've got no idea.

You don't have to worry any more. It's now locked away, and no one can get to it.

Except you.

I can't get in there without you guys.

Except when there's a full moon.

He doesn't need us then.

Zac's kept his word.

I believe him.

Me too.


No. Thank you.

For saving me and doing the right thing by putting it back.

It was locked away for a good reason. I can see that now.

It has to be left there. I don't want to have anything to do it any more.