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01x22 - Evie Times Two

Posted: 12/17/13 01:06
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone. ♪
♪ You know I love my island home. ♪
♪ We'll make this right, ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery. ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea. ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free. ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together. ♪
♪ Just be you and me. ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪

Wow, Rita has so much cool stuff.

Shoo, cat.

Uh, he has a name. It's Poseidon.

Whoa, check this out. Hello.

What's that?

Unless I'm here, these vials are off-limits.

Can't you just tell us what they do?

Well, they do many things.

Heal wounds. Neutralise just about anything.

It's a potent tincture too powerful for you.

When can we learn about them?

After you get your moon rings.

Well, I'm pretty sure we're ready now.

Trust me you are anything but.

I have a school council meeting I'm late for.

David will be here with a fish order. It needs to be unpacked.

Oh, brilliant. I'm starving.

Oh, and I ordered some special treats for Poseidon.

I'll make sure he has them.

Thank you.

The cat gets better treats than we do.

Nixie, remember what Rita said?

Whatever, stress head.

I'm just looking.

Carly, I need you to look after things while I take this delivery to miss Santos' place.

All those boxes? Just for her?

That's a lot of seafood every month.

Month? Try every week.

No way. What are they doing up there with all this fish?

My guess is, Evie, that they eat it.

There is definitely something wrong with that house.

There's nothing wrong with it.

They just like seafood.

Oh yeah. Miss Santos. Said she had to go out, and she'll pay later.

Not a problem.

Nice principal. Uh, probably going to need some help. I could go with you.

Thanks, but I can manage.

It's no trouble.

Don't you have your shop to look after?

I can look after the shop for you.

Problem solved. I can go with you after all.

Look at this. Squid ink.

It's not just any squid ink.

Squid ink from the mariana trench.


Yeah, this stuff is rare.

Could be your boyfriend with the fish.

Hey, I can't unpack it by myself.


How many people does it take to unpack a couple of fish?


OK, I'm coming.

David, hi.

I bring sustenance.

And me.

Hope you don't mind me dropping by.

Oh, just helping out.

Both fridges?

Uh, yes, please.

I can take this one.

Oh, it's no trouble.

I'll pack this fridge.

Wow, that's a lot of fridge space.

It's quite common these days.

Oh, just saying, you know? It makes sense when you've got so much seafood you need to store.

Hmm, no vegetables.

We don't eat vegetables.

Well, not every day.

You know, I should eat more fish too.

We all should. It's good for the skin and the brain. Lots of omega-3

and all that sort of stuff.

Well, if I ate this much fish every day, I'd be a rocket scientist.


Need something to wipe that up.

Oh, how weird.

The cupboard's empty too.

Why are you sticking your nose into everything?

Sorry. I didn't mean to pry. Who needs so many cupboards anyway?

Will I see you later?

Of course. 4 o'clock?

I've got a delivery at 4.

Oh, that's OK. I can come earlier.

No, no, I can change it.

No, really, it's no problem for me.

Well, maybe I can do it earlier.

Which way is the bathroom?

Down the passage to the right.

Where did you come from?

Thanks for helping put all that stuff away.

Yeah, I should be giving you guys a tip.

It's the fish boy.

I think it's time for us to get going.



Back to the shop?

I wanted to eat those prawns.

They were for me.

I'm sorry. I didn't see your name on them.

You never do. You're always gobbling my food.

What are you talking about?

Rita should never have let you come and stay.

She should have made you go back to your cave.

Time for us to go.

Oh, why won't you let me eat my prawns?

I wanted a special treat.

There's kilos of prawns at the cafe.

You can eat as many as you like.

Do you have milk too?

Milk? Sure. Uh, as much milk as you want.

OK, I'll go with you. Oh...

Did you hear what she just said?

About the cave? Did she know about Mako?

And about Rita taking us in?

How does she know?

One thing's for sure Evie knows too much.

Um, what do I know too much about?

Didn't you just leave?

Uh, I don't think so.

We just saw you leave with David.

David's gone?

It's obvious.

She came back to snoop around.

OK, seriously, where's David?

Seriously, he left.

With you.

No way. Why didn't he wait?

What was all that back there with the girls?

I liked it better before they came.

Used to be just Rita and me.

You and Rita? I never knew you were that close.

Hm, I've known her since I was a kitten.

You've known her since you were a baby?

You never mentioned that before.

I want milk now.

Zac was here before.

He wants you to call him.

Call him? Why would I want to do that?

I don't know. Maybe because he's your boyfriend?


Can I take my break early?

I want to go for a swim.

Yeah, sure. Go for it.

I want to come too.

Hmm, what about the shop?

I don't care about the shop.

Evie was acting weird.

Yeah, she sure was.

Poseidon! I've got some special treats for you.

Poseidon! You guys haven't seen Poseidon, have you?

No, but then again, I haven't been looking.

He'll turn up.

Poseidon, where are you?

Poseidon. Here, kitty.



Are you down there, Poseidon?

Come on. You can come out now.

Nixie's gone.

Oh no.

Where's Carly?

She just went to the beach with you.

I did not go to the beach.

Where is going on here?

It's too hot.

Time for a swim, then?

I don't like water.

You love the water.

I'm staying here.

Up to you.
Hey, Evie!


You've got milk?

Yeah, did you want some?

What did you put in it?

Uh, it's just chocolate milk.

I like it. I like it a lot.

Zac? You, um...

Better get down here asap.

Nixie, did you do this?

Does that look like my pawprint?

And we leave everything out!

Can you not blame me, please?

It's the stupid cat's fault for spilling everything.

What's Rita going to say? She's not going to be happy. We have to find Poseidon.

Hey, try this one. Its caramel.

Ew. I didn't like that.

Evie! What are you doing?

I've seen you before. I like you.


Go away.

Beat it.

Let's go, dudes.

Maybe she's got some kind of dairy fixation.

Why didn't you call me?

I feel tired now.

Too much milk.

Maybe a bit too much sun too.

I couldn't find him.

He's definitely not in the house.

When was the last time we saw him?

Just before David came around.

Well, that's your answer.

He got out when David was here.

We should go ask him if he's seen Poseidon.

You stay here in case Poseidon shows up. We'll go ask David.

You better drink this.

What is it?

Water. Maybe you need to rehydrate.

I don't drink water.

Everybody drinks water.

Why did you do that?

He smelled bad.

I didn't smell anything.

Cats don't like dogs.

What happened to you today?

I left home.

Home? Mm-hm.

Up there. On the hill.


Hey, guys. What's up?

Um, we're looking for Poseidon. We need to know if you let him out of the house when you came over today.

The cat?


No, I haven't seen it, sorry.

Maybe Evie saw something.

I'll ask her.

Um, I think it's better if I do it.

Hey, Evie. We're looking for Poseidon, Rita's cat. Have you seen him?

So now you want to talk to me?

Please, we really need to find him.

Just at the house, that cat really creeped me out.

I know. He does that to a lot of people.

Sorry. I haven't seen him since.

Do you see what I see?

But we just saw her at the cafe.

Well, then who's with Zac now?

Just, um, wait here.

What have you done to my girlfriend?

We haven't done anything.

I know you've done something.

She's not herself.

In what way?

Well, she's weird.

Well, she was kind of weird at the house today.

Look at her. People don't do that.

Oh, Zac, that's not your girlfriend.

That's Poseidon.

What you talking about? You turned a cat into my girlfriend?

It wasn't us exactly.

Well, turn her back now!

We're not really sure how to do well, we're working on it.

I mean, we will be soon.

Whatever you're going to do, do it quick.

I need to go back to the house.

The answer's probably there.

What am I supposed to do in the meantime?

Well, whatever you do, don't let the real Evie meet Evie the cat.

How are you going to turn Poseidon back?

I've got an idea.

Why did you turn your cat into Evie?

We didn't. Poseidon stepped into one of Rita's potions, and it changed him somehow.

But why Evie?

My guess is that Evie was snooping and somehow connected with Poseidon.

So now it's Evie's fault?

Maybe. Partly.

Yeah, right!

Maybe you should stop playing around with things you don't understand.

Oh, I suppose you do?

No wonder the three of you haven't got your moon rings.

Hey. Wait. Where's Evie?

I mean, Poseidon?

I don't know. I though you were looking out for her.

She's your girlfriend.

She's not my girlfriend.

She's a cat.

Whatever. We've got to find her.

I mean, him.

This is what I need.

What is it?

Well, remember when Rita said it had the power to neutralise?

How do you know that's going to help Poseidon?

I don't, but do you have a better idea?

It smells like cat pee.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe you should try the green one.

Oh, I-I'm sorry. She's new.

I'll get you a fresh plate.

What are you doing, and where have you been?

I was with, um...

What's his name? Lyla's friend.

Zac? Mm.

You better go check up on your shop.

Where's my shop?

OK, um, I'll just grab you another size. I'll just check what we've got.

Get the cat out of here.

I need to talk to you.

About what?

Oh, I was going to my shop.

I have somewhere you'll like much better.

Oh, I was wondering if you've tried the new caramel cream pie choc chip doughnuts.

This is what you need to talk to me about?

Zac, I'm... I'm busy with a customer.

Stay, kitty. Stay.

Here, I've just got that size for you.

She's busy eating.

What's taking Nixie and Sirena so long?

Is there something I should know about?

No, we were just talking about... doughnuts?

And other things.

Better not let David catch you eating all his seafood.

I know a doughnut conversation when I see one, and that was not one of them. What are you hiding?

Nothing to worry your little head about.

There is something going on here, and whatever it is, I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

There she is. Get her!

What are you doing?

What is your problem?


What's happening? Shouldn't she turn by now?

Yeah, probably.

How dare you?!

Oh yeah. This is Evie, my girlfriend. Have you got her mistaken for somebody else?

Oh, yes, sorry. We have.

Someone else? Like who?

What's going on? Evie, what are you doing out here?

Getting drenched.

What does it look like?

I just saw you in the cool room, eating fish.

What? I-I have been here the whole time. Get off me!

Think it's enough?

Worth a try.

It's disgusting.


Let's hope this works.

I just saw you in the cool room.

Do you realise how crazy you sound?

I don't care. I know what I saw.

Just come with me, please.


This is a waste of time.

Hi, Evie.

Ooh, what are you doing in th-the cool room with the cat?

In fact, what are you all doing in the cool room?

Looking for the cat.

Yeah, you know, he's a fussy eater, this one.

Only eats the freshest food.

We're just taking him home now.

Whatever. Don't bring him back.

We promise.

This has been one strange day.

Really? I haven't noticed anything that strange.

Starting at Rita's house.

First, David leaves me there and says I went with him.

And then Carly said she saw me in the cool room.

Yeah, that's pretty weird, actually.

But not all that weird, really.

Don't ask me how I know this, but this has definitely got something with Lyla and her cousins.

I don't see how.

There's something not right about this. Something weird.

Like, they're all somehow connected to each other by something else.

They're just a close family, that's all.


It's it's more than that.

They're not like other people.

I need to find out more about them.

You must be hungry after your big adventure today.

Well, he shouldn't be.

He's been eating all day.

You should really try and be friendlier. He's a nice cat.

Certainly a better cat than he is a human.

Hey, Nixie, they're for Poseidon.

Well, there's a sight to warm the heart. What's brought on this sudden bout of affection, Nixie?

I didn't know you two were friends.

Guess Poseidon and I have got to know each other quite well.

Isn't that right, Poseidon?