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01x18 - The Trident Job

Posted: 11/24/13 17:18
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone. ♪
♪ You know I love my island home. ♪
♪ We'll make this right, ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery. ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea. ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free. ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun. ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever. ♪
♪ Together. ♪
♪ Just be you and me. ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪

You got the gear?

Why did you think I'd meet you here?

It's not for a picnic.

You sure this is gonna work?

Trust me.

It's a full moon tonight.

You know what the full moon does to you?

You lose the plot.

How is this gonna work if you're out of it?

I almost handled it last time.

Oh really?


I'm getting better with it every full moon.

It won't be a problem tonight.

That's good to hear, man, 'cause if you blow it, you know who's gonna get the trident.

You seriously think I'd let three mermaids beat me to it?

The more they try to stop me getting it, the more I'm gonna make sure they can't.

Makes you wonder what's so special about it.

They're so desperate to keep you away.

That's exactly why I'm gonna find out what it does.

And tonight I'm going to.


I don't actually think that's gonna stop Zac from getting the trident, though.

You're just throwing it in the air like some wet kelp.

Hey, it's harder than it looks.

If we let him get close to the trident and he actually gets it this time, then we could seriously be in so much...

I know. I know.

Rita's given us all these warnings anything could happen.

Maybe it'll be easier to stop him than we think.

How do you figure that?

Well, he'll be under the moon spell.

He won't be in control of what he's doing.

He's still gonna be after the trident.

He almost got it last time.

I don't think he's gonna be so easy to stop this time.


I thought we were worried about the trident k*lling Zac, not you.

I'll tone that down.

At least I know I can stop him now.

I hope.

Two honey-and-ginseng shakes with triple protein booster.

You guys getting ready for a marathon or something?

Kind of. Yeah. I reckon it's gonna be a big night.

You bet. The Halloween party tonight is going to be wild.

Wait until you see my costume.

You have remembered to get one, haven't you?

It's fancy dress, remember?

Don't worry.

It's all taken care of.


Except how you're going to be in two places at once.

Or is that some sort of merdude trick?

I promised Evie I'd go to the party. I can't let her down.

So why'd we waste all that time on Mako if you can't even get there tonight?

I figured out a way to do both.

'Least, I hope I have.

She's been looking forward to this night for weeks.

You slip away, how is she not gonna notice?

If I'm fast enough, it's possible.


What are they doing to the place?

Oh, it's the Halloween party, remember?

I told you.

David wanted me to sing for it.

Wait. What's Halloween?

It's got something to do with trick or treat.

They wear scary costumes, and eat candy.

It's supposed to be fun.

Trick of treat!

Hey. It's only me.

I don't suppose you've changed your mind about tonight?

No, sorry. I'm still busy.

You coming tonight? I didn't think Halloween would be your thing.

Oh, I didn't think it'd be yours either.

Don't you have another party to go to? On Mako?

I didn't know there was one out there. You heard about that?

No. I think you got that wrong.

Come on, Zac. It's a full moon.

We know exactly what you're going to do.

Yeah. I'm gonna be here partying with all the other witches and ghosts.

Whatever you're planning, it's not gonna work.

I'm just gonna have the best night of my life. That's all.

OK. I still don't get this.

Even if you slip off to Mako without Evie noticing, your fishy friends will.

They're gonna have eyes on you the whole time.

Good. I want them to.

He's up to something.

Well, yeah, but what?

He can't really be going to this party, can he?

It doesn't make any sense.

We'd better check it out just in case he is.

I know it's late notice, and you've probably already arranged something else, but the thing is, what we were gonna tonight has changed.

What she's trying to say is that she can sing for you after all.

That's fantastic.

I hired a band, but, well, they'll sound great backing you.

And don't worry about the songs.

You'll learn them in no time.

I know you will.

Carly, can you cover here?

I have to rehearse with Sirena.

So now I have to wait tables all day as well as tonight?

No, we can. Yeah.

We can do your job for you tonight.

We will?

You'd do that for me?

That's so sweet.

Oh, yeah. Sure.

I mean, Sirena's singing, so we should probably help out too.

Well, sounds good to me.

Awesome. Thanks.

Um, are you crazy?

Um, no. Have you got a better plan to stick close to Zac?

What? It's not like he's gonna be dancing with us all night.

Now we can stick with him the whole time, and he can't do anything about it.

When those moon rays hit him, he's gonna head straight to Mako.

We should be staking out his place, not the party.

Lyla, he has a plan to stop us from following him, and the only way to find out what that is is to go to the party.

OK, so we stake out both places.

Then, whatever happens, we'll be ready.


I can't see Zac.

No. He'll be in soon.

And you watch Zac.

As soon as he leaves, we follow.

If he hasn't shown up by moonrise, just...

Just bail, and then go straight to Mako.


I really appreciate this. If you need to know where anything is...

I will let you know as soon as possible. What are you?

A pumpkin, of course.

Evie, where's Zac?

He's meeting me here. Why?


I know how much he loves these.

Didn't want him to miss out.

Oh. You'll need to pass serviettes around with those, and don't forget the dipping sauce.

It's starting to get busy.

OK, Nixie. Hit 'em with the punch.

OK. It's not a problem.

Are you sure you're gonna be OK with this?

Yeah, yeah, David.

I'm fine. Obviously.
What do you see?

The moon still isn't up yet.

30 seconds till it rises.

Sure you don't wanna shut these blinds?

I'm cool.

I can handle it this time. Told you.

OK. If you do go wacko again, I'm not sure I can pull off the rest of this plan by myself.

Look, I'll be fine. Don't worry.

Still don't know if you can pull this off. I have to.

How long now?

10 seconds.

Any second...






Zac? Oh, no. I knew it.


You OK, mate?


Stop with the hand signals, alright? I'm OK.

I told you...

I've learnt how to deal with the full moon by now, didn't I?

Time to go.

We've got a party to get to.

Don't wanna be late.

Still haven't seen Zac.

Neither have I.

Hardly get a chance to look or take two steps, and all the food is gone.

The moon's out.

Maybe he's gone straight to Mako.

I'm bailing.

OK. You were right. He showed up.

He's not under a moon spell either.

He's getting better at this.

You know, I am really worried what his plan is.

So we just don't leave his side.

Waitressing, huh?

Two glasses of punch, thanks.

Oh sure. I'll bring them to you.

Where are you gonna be?

Oh, um, not sure.

I could be anywhere.

Love your costume.

Nice trident.

Yeah. Why would I want yours when I already have one?

And, uh, not sure if your costume actually suits you.

Never really picked you as the, uh, waitressing type.

Let me know if you need anything.

I'll be keeping a look out for you.

♪ Whoa-oh! ♪
♪ My baby likes to see me. ♪

He likes to see me dancing.

♪ I feel the beat go through me, dancing on it, baby. ♪
♪ And when I hear you talking, my mind start acting crazy. ♪
♪ Don't tell no fancy lies. ♪

I'm dancing on it, baby.

♪ Maybe. ♪
♪ Baby. ♪
♪ You ain't no trouble, and I need to feel the power on me. Maybe. ♪
♪ Maybe. ♪
♪ I get excited feeling music as it takes me higher. ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ You're making me crazy. ♪

Bring me out some more of these.

And the little sausage rolls I really like them.

Oh, and the party pies.

They're good too.

And... I'll need another drink, with more ice this time.

OK? And a smile would be nice.

I'd hate to have to complain to David about your poor service skills, especially on your first night.

I know how much you want this job.

♪ I see you smile, and I'm dancing on it baby. ♪
♪ Maybe. ♪
♪ Baby. ♪
♪ You ain't no trouble, and I need to feel the power on me, maybe. ♪
♪ Baby. ♪
♪ I get excited feeling music as it takes me higher. ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ You're making me crazy. ♪

Alright, everybody, let's hear it for Sirena. Give it up!

What's happening?

Why hasn't he left?

He's up to something. I just don't buy that he won't go to Mako.

He's leaving it late.

This is it. He's going now.


Feel like a little bit of a night stroll, huh?

Mind if I go to the bathroom?

This isn't waitressing.

This is stalking.

I told you I'd keep a lookout for you.

So, have you got everything you want for tonight?

Come to think of it, no, not really.

Oh! We could do with more soap in there, thanks.

♪ Though I'm far away ♪
♪ Across the sea. ♪
♪ This mood keeps haunting me. ♪
♪ As I spread my wings ♪
♪ And soar up high, ♪
♪ It's you you're guiding me. ♪
♪ And the morning sun ♪
♪ Still shines on me. ♪
♪ I feel your power too. ♪
♪ No turning back ♪
♪ From what must be. ♪
♪ Slip through the dark and blue. ♪
♪ The fire and ice beneath my skin ♪
♪ Goes straight from me to you. ♪

Where is he? Can you see him?

♪ And the morn... ♪

He's gone.

What's happening?

Are you OK, Sirena?

I'm sorry. Just, my throat's sore.

I just need some air.

Let's get him.

He's scammed us.

Not yet, he hasn't.

There he is!

Stop him!

What's he doing?

The entrance is that way.

Who cares? Just don't lose him!

Have you seen Zac?

No. Have you seen Sirena?

Or her friends?

So much for helping out.

She went outside for some fresh air, but I can't find her anywhere.

I hope she's alright.

I can see him!

Stop him!

Sirena! Stop!

Very funny, Zac.

Go on! Seriously! Go after him!

There he is! Come on! Let's get him!

Don't k*ll him! Just stop him!


Trick or treat!

Quick! Hurry!


We're too late.

How did he get here?

It's like he never left.

Why would Cam go through all that trouble just to trick us on Mako?

Well, maybe Zac didn't get the trident.

Maybe he was too late, like us.

I wish I could believe that.

Sirena. Are you OK?

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Yeah. A bit better.

Feeling up to singing another song?

Sure. Of course.

I know what you've done.

What are you talking about?

Your little night-time dip in the ocean.

I haven't been swimming.

I haven't been anywhere.

Yeah. Except to help pick up the desserts.

Which was meant to be your job.

Where's Cam?

He went home sick.

He ate too much.

Maybe you shouldn't have kept giving him all that greasy food.

I know you're lying.

It doesn't end here, Zac.

Of course it does. After tonight, no one's gonna hire you as waitresses ever again.

Good. You're finally here.

All yours.

Hey, Cam, it's me. How did you go?

Relax. It's all good.

Mission accomplished.