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01x13 - Betrayal

Posted: 10/19/13 21:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Now it's just you and me ♪
♪ Forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ I just want to be with you feeling free ♪
♪ It's my existence forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ Together, forever ♪
♪ Together, lying in the sun ♪
♪ Together, forever ♪
♪ Together, just be you and me ♪
♪ I just want to be. ♪
♪ Though I'm far away across the sea ♪
♪ This moon keeps haunting me ♪
♪ As I spread my wings and soar above ♪
♪ It's you, you're guiding me ♪
♪ And the morning sun still shines on me ♪
♪ I feel your power too. ♪

What do you think you're doing?

Aquata and I always sing that song the night of a full moon.

There's no time for sentimentality now.

Come on.

I just want things to go back to the way they used to be.

We all do.

So, what are we going to do about Zac tonight?

We keep him out of the moonlight.

If he goes into a moon spell, he'll head straight for Mako and the Trident.

You can't let that happen.

Like we stopped him last time.

At least this time, we know what we're dealing with.

And what about next month?

And the month after that, and the month after that?


I'm sick of being a babysitter for a land boy, OK?

I say...

I say we let him take the Trident.



You can't be serious.

Yeah, well why not?

He'll still be in the moon spell.

It's like a trance.

He'll grab the Trident, we take it off him.

Boom, problem solved.

It's too dangerous.

No mermaid has ever dared touch the Trident.

Why, what'll happen?

No one knows.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Say we did get it.

Then what do we do?

Well, we'd put it in a place he doesn't know about.

But that's insane.

He's being drawn by the Trident, so he's going to find it.

Yeah, but not straightaway.

And while he's doing that, we work out a way how to destroy it.

Like I said, problem solved.

The important thing is to keep Zac safe.

Think about it, if the Trident's so powerful, why hasn't anyone claimed it?

Maybe because no one who took it lived to keep it.

Perhaps the Trident doesn't just have the power to destroy land and sea.

Perhaps it has the power to k*ll as well.

Perhaps. Maybe.

Nobody knows. Not sure.

Just level with us, Rita.

You don't actually know, do you?


No one knows for sure.

Look, this hasn't happened for a thousand years.

I say we do it.

No way.

There's only one way to stop Zac -

we tell him the truth.

What part of the truth, Lyla?

That we're mermaids and just never bothered to tell him?

That we know how he transformed?

And that we've been lying to him ever since?


All of it.

Wow, he's gonna love that.

Well he's bound to find out sooner or later, and when he does, he's going to hate us anyway.

Us, or is this really about you, Lyla?

I don't care if he likes me or not.

This is about making him see that he mustn't go to Mako tonight.

No way, Lyla. Can you forget it?

We're not telling him.

So, we just let him grab the Trident and be k*lled?

Remember what Rita said -

no-one knows.

It's probably not gonna happen.

I don't care, we're not putting his life at risk.

Can we have a reality check for a second?

As soon as the moonlight hits him, he's going to do it anyway.

Not while I'm around, he's not.

I'm a bit nervous about tonight.

You should be.

Promise me you'll be careful.

You mustn't go to Mako.

You sound like you know something.

It's just...

I've seen what the full moon does to you.


I really want to see the Trident again.

Not when I'm like that, when I'm all spaced out.

I'm going to fight the pull of the moon.

By yourself?

I was hoping wou'd be there with me, make sure I stay inside this time.

Try to stop me.


You've been awesome through all this.

It's been rough lately, and... and I don't know how I would've made it without you.

You're special, Zac.

More than you give yourself credit for.

I trust you, Lyla.

Let's just get through tonight.


Hey, yourself.

You OK?

You're with her again?

Sit down, we can talk.

If you've got something to say, you can say to me here.

It's not what you think.


You were holding her hand, looking into her eyes.

What's there to think about?

She's just a friend.

She was just giving me some advice.

About what?

An assignment.

You don't even go to the same school, Zac.

You never used to be like this.

You're hiding something from me.

What aren't you telling me?


I've had enough.

I'm not doing this any more.

When you're ready to be honest, you know where I am.

Are you breaking up with me?



Whatever you're going to say, just forget it, alright?

You can't blame Evie.

I don't.

I always said you should've told her the truth.

And I said I didn't want to hear this.

It's probably for the best, with your interesting lifestyle.

About tonight - full moon, Are you OK?

Yeah, fine.

Don't need someone to hold you down, or anything?

It's under control.

I just don't want you to go through it alone.

I won't be alone, OK?


Just forget it.

I've got it nailed.

Wait, who's helping you?

Just drop it.

You don't need to know.

Not Lyla and those other two chicks?

Catch you later.

Oh, so Evie's right.

There is something going on with you and Lyla!

Of course not!

Then why do you want to hang out with them tonight, of all nights?

It's none of your business.

How do you explain why you've got to stay locked inside?

What if you start going weird?

And what are they going to think...

You told them.

You haven't even told Evie you're a fish boy, and you told them?

I didn't tell them.

They found out, thanks to you.

Pushing me in the pool, remember?

You trust them?

Are you nuts?

You hardly know them.

I've got it under control.

If Zac sent you to talk to me, I don't care what he's got to say, or how sorry he is.

Chill. He didn't send me.

So how long's it been going on with Lyla?

He still reckons it's not.

I saw them holding hands.

He's always hanging around those girls.

There could be another reason for that.

Such as?

So what can you tell me about Lyla?


Zac's never said anything, I swear.

What does he know about her?

Not much, I reckon.

So he has no idea what he might be getting himself into?

But that's insane.

Anything could happen.

You're right, it could.
Thought I'd find you all here.

So you know about fish boy.

You told him?

He guessed.

I thought you tried all this last time?

I'm in a different headspace now.

Right, Lyla?

That's right.

With our help, Zac can get through this.

It's OK, you can just leave it to us.

And what makes you such experts?

You know nothing about him, and he knows nothing about you.

Cam, just drop it.

If Zac thinks he can trust us, then that's his choice.

It's not yours.

You need a mate here, not strangers.

We're not strangers anymore.

OK then, where are you from?

Why did you come to visit?


That's enough.

Back off.

No, they haven't answered yet.

I want to know why.

Because it's none of your business.

The full moon's rising and Zac needs to keep in the right headspace.

You're breaking his focus.

You wouldn't know a thing about what he needs.

She's right.

If you've just come to pick a fight, you can leave.

You can't be serious.

I don't want you here.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Do you get the message, Cam?

We've got it covered.

Tell me that in the morning.


It's starting.

The power of the moon versus a land boy.

He's got no chance.

Are you losing your mind?

Why are you helping him?

It's not me.

He's fighting the power of the moon by himself.

And that's a good thing?

Maybe it is.

Maybe something way down inside is making him stay away from Mako.

So his powers are getting stronger.

So the Trident will stay there waiting for him.

But he's safe tonight.

Lyla... do you not care about Mako or the pod?

It's not just your mind you're losing.


Yes, I'm here.

Be strong.

What is she doing?

Maybe Lyla can stop him going.

No way.

You can do this.

I'm sorry, Lyla.

What've you done!

No, Zac.

Don't go.

Zac, come back. Come on.

Zac, please, listen to me.

It could k*ll him.


You stay here, this was my idea.

No way, I'm coming with you.

Zac, I can explain.

Now we know what happens when mermaids touch the trident.

What are you?

We're mermaids.

Same as me?

Well, wouldn't exactly call you a 'mermaid'.

Shut up, Nixie.

Yes. What happened to you was an accident.

I levelled about me.

But you've been lying this whole time?

You've known from the start.

And all that stuff about keeping me away from here, you knew I'd come and you followed?

We had to keep you away from the trident.

So I wouldn't get it?

You don't know what it can do.

Forget it.


I trusted you.

I trusted all of you.

They're fish chicks?

You were right.

I shouldn't have trusted them.

You know now.

All I need to know.

The moon weirded me out.

But when I touched the trident, I snapped out of it.

Like... it drew me there.

Like it was meant for me.

That's why all this has happened.

I'm meant to have this power.

To do what?

To use anyway I want.

Haven't you ever wanted something like that?


Well, stick with me then.

Look, I know I messed up.

Yeah, you did.

And I should have trusted you.

Yeah, you should have.

Are you going to keep giving me a hard time over this?

Yeah, I am.

So we're mates again?

You bet.

I'll wait outside.

I know you don't want to talk to me.

But I just want you to know that you were right.

I made a huge mistake and I'm sorry.

I have been kind of absent lately.

But I promise you, there's nothing going on between me and Lyla.

We're not even friends anymore.

I just hope you can forgive me.

We did what we thought was right.

We did what YOU thought was right.

Face it, Lyla, if we'd done it your way and told him the truth, it probably wouldn't have worked out either.

I know.

I just can't forget the look on Zac's face.

I'm sorry.

At least he's alive.

It didn't k*ll him.

I told you it wouldn't.

We still don't know.

We can't let him get it.

Well, there's just... one small problem.

We've lost his trust forever?

We have to get it back somehow.

Well, well, look what the net dragged in.



I'm sorry.

Forget it.

Now would be a good time to leave.

What's this got to do with you?

I'm on his team.

We were trying to save you, we thought the trident would k*ll you.

It's true.

I don't believe you.

You want the trident for yourself.

No way.

Because you want the power.

I saw how you grabbed at it.

Always a flash.

I'm going back to Mako and I'm going to get it this time.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me.