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01x08 - Zac's Return to Mako

Posted: 09/14/13 19:26
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone ♪
♪ You know I love my island home ♪
♪ We'll make this right ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Just be you and me ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪

We've got to do something.

Can we please not panic?

I really don't think we need to.

It was a full moon when Zac got his powers, and it's a full moon tonight.

Who knows what's going to happen to him?


I mean, if that's how he got them, maybe that's how he loses them, so just keep him out of it.

No full moonlight, no powers.

Please. It's that kind of optimism that got us into this mess.

Do you think that would work?

Rita. You tell them.

I honestly don't know.

I have no experience with mermen.

No-one in the pod does.

But it's possible, I suppose.

Assuming you could actually keep him out of the moonlight.

Lock him up and hope for the best.

It's a bad idea.

You got a better one?

It was your idea to get him to trust us, now he does, so let's use it.

He'll agree to this.

Now we've seen his tail, he'll have to.

Look, we don't know this will work, true, but... we don't know it won't either.


Look, Cam, if you're here to pick a fight, don't bother.

Relax. I come in peace.

What, we're still mates, aren't we?

Are we?

It's not like you seem to care anymore.

All... friendships have their rough patches.

It's healthy.

So, what's news?


Come on.

Fess up, Zac.

You can talk to me.


Cam, I can't.


Hi, Miss Santos.

I just wondered if your nieces were here.


Um, not entirely certain...



Is it OK to drop in now?

Yeah, sure. Come in.

I hope you don't mind me inviting myself over.

I just...

I really need to talk to you.

Someone I can trust.

I can trust you, right?

With what's happened to me?

Of course.

You can trust all of us.


No problems.

So, what's up?

I had a crazy dream, about the night it all happened to me.

Go on.

I couldn't remember all the details before, apart from the full moon, but, in my dream, I remember I went into a tunnel... and then I was falling into water.

And then when I landed in it, there were hands trying to push me under, trying to drown me.

Are you sure they were trying to push you under?

I'm not sure of anything.

Well, it's a full moon again tonight -

I mean, maybe you're just anxious.


Or... maybe the moon really is involved in all this.

Maybe it possessed me.

I suppose it's possible.

Then what's to stop it happening again?

I guess you could try avoiding moonlight.

That's a great idea.


I mean... yeah.

Just give it a shot.

Hey, Evie.


I was about to come over and see what you were doing tonight.

Want to hang out?

I can't.

How come?

I'm busy.

Doing what?

Just some things, you know.

And you can't do them with me?

You said you weren't keeping anything from me.

I'm not.

Evie, listen, I...

I know I've been a bit weird lately.


And I'm sorry. Really.

I just...

I've got some personal stuff happening.

Personal, how?

You know, stuff that's hard to talk about.

Your parents?

Are you OK?

Like I said, it's kind of hard to talk about.

Is there anything I can do?

Thanks, but no.

I'm going to sort it all out tonight.

Then everything will be back to normal.


Well, um... I understand.

And you know where I am if you need me.


Make sure you cover everything up, this place has to be totally moon-proof if this is going to work.

OK. You've said that, we got it.

This is really cool of you guys.

I mean, it's not like you're getting anything out of all this.

As if we'd let you do this on your own.

I mean, we know how strong the full moon can be.

You do?

How come?

I mean...

I can only... I can only imagine... how strong the full moon would be.

'Cause it's pretty big.


It's pretty... it's pretty bright.

Is it pretty bright?

Really big and bright.



How about you just cover this window, because we don't have a lot of time.

What was that about following your lead?

Oh, I should have stocked up on food and drink a bit more.

That's OK. I can go to the cafe and get some supplies.

I'll go.

I need to get some fresh air.


Do you like seafood?

Hey, Sirena.

Talk about timing.

I was just thinking about you.

You were?


Are you busy tonight?


Yeah, I thought maybe we could go catch a movie.

See... I have this thing.

Oh, you have plans. That's cool.

How about tomorrow night?


I'm sort of busy.



And you'd be busy the next night too, right?

I'm really sorry.

I just thought we were kind of...

Never mind, I guess I'd better get back to it.

Hi, Cam.

Hey, Evie.

It's OK. You don't have to avoid me.

I'm not avoiding you.


'Cause I spoke to Zac and I know everything.




I've been telling him to let you in on it from the start.

He must be so alone.

Hang on...

So, you don't have a problem with it?

Of course not.

This kind of thing happens to everyone.

Not to me it doesn't.

That makes you one of the lucky few.


What did he tell you, exactly?

I don't know if I should repeat what he said to me in confidence.

But don't worry.

Zac's sorting it all out tonight.

By tomorrow, everything will be back to normal.

Here we go.

Wow. At least we won't starve.

OK, it'll be dark soon.

You all set?

I think so.
Do you really think this will work?

So long as you stay out of the moonlight, I'd say the odds are pretty good.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Not with you three here to keep me company.

Nixie is right.

The pull of the full moon can be strong.

Really strong.

Irresistible even.

From what I've read.

I'll be fine.


Take my phone.

Excuse me?

So I can't call someone to release me.

I'm really going to miss these.

You can have mine any day.

I just want to go back to the pod.

Maybe tonight we will.

How you doing, Zac?

I'm OK.

But I still can't believe how much trouble you guys have gone to for me.

Must have been difficult for you.

It's great to have people I can trust.

He doesn't look so good.

I told you the pull of the full moon would be too much for him.

No, that's why we're here, to help him get through it.

You know, Lyla, I feel fine.

I think I can take it from here.

I don't think that's a very good idea.

But I'm OK, really.

It's just the full moon you're feeling.

Just sit tight, and you'll feel better by morning.

But I don't want to sit tight!

I want to get out.





Listen to me.


We're trying to help you.

I don't need your help!

Zac, please!

You have to stay inside.

Zac! Come back, please.

Get away from me.

You really don't want to do this.

Just leave.

You can't help me.

Yes, we can.

Come back inside!

I have to go.

That went well.

How do you know Zac came this way?

He'll be following the moonlight, of course.

It's forbidden for mermaids to walk on Mako, especially during a full moon.

We've done a lot of forbidden things, let's not let that stop us now.

So much for your old plan.

Have you got a new one?

Um, yeah, I do, actually just not letting Zac fall into the moon pool again.

Where did he go?

Maybe this isn't the right way.

We're heading straight towards the moon. It has to be.

Come on, hurry.


Come on. Quickly.

Did you hurt yourself?

I'm OK.

Where is she?

Did you see which way she went?





Let's move it, guys.

The moon's almost...






This is a bad idea.

Go back.

I can help you.

I can get rid of your powers.

You want to go back to your old life, don't you?

I want to help you!




Lyla, where are you?

Forget Lyla.

We need to get to that moon pool before Zac does.


It's the moonlight.

It's the moonlight doing this to you.

You don't belong here.

Neither do you.

Get away.


Stop! Please, stop!

There is no way in here.

He got in before.

It's finishing.

Are you sure he's got no idea?

I don't know.

It was like he wasn't even there.

It was as though he couldn't hear me.

It wasn't even Zac.

It was like he was someone else.

What if he does remember?

That's what we've gotta find out.

That's why we're going to Zac's.


Hey. I was about to call you guys.

Is everything alright?

Yeah, everything's great.

I just wanted to check that I didn't do anything weird last night.

You don't remember?

I remember being hit by a moonbeam.

Man, that full moonlight's powerful stuff.

After that... I don't remember a thing.

So what did I do all night?

You crashed.

You must've been exhausted.


So do you notice anything, you know, like... different this morning or...?

Hey, yeah! How did you know that?

Check this out.

You can't see me, can you?

But I can see you.

Amazing, isn't it?

Wow, yeah, that's... that's amazing.

It's like stuff is still happening.

My powers are kinda growing.

Incredible, isn't it?!


Incr... incredible.

I'm really grateful to you guys.

Oh, well... we're grateful ourselves.

Aren't we, Lyla?


Hey, you.

Hey, yourself.


"So" what?

How did it go last night?

Did you sort out your personal stuff?

Is everything back to normal?

Everything is gonna be just fine.

It didn't just backfire -

it's made everything worse.

Zac has even more powers now.

So much for the full moon taking them away.

Yeah, well, if we'd have kept him in his room, it would've been alright.

It was impossible.

You saw what he was like.

It's what I feared.

The island's connection with him is growing.

It wanted him there.

If you don't stop him soon, he'll have more powers than all of us.