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03x07 - Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

Posted: 05/31/15 07:18
by bunniefuu
It's election time again, so can I count on your support for school trustee?

I'm thinking of running against you.


We can't afford a campaign.

We would like to buy your business.

There's only one way to launder money.

You guys need a front.

With Bubbles, the sky would be the limit.


Who's Sarah?

How do you know that name?

I know that name because you were dreaming and you said it.

Cosima, the book.

I think Rachel knows the code.

Felix: I want you to tell me what you know about Castor.


No, no, no.

Sarah: Yes, there was a deal made for you, but I didn't make it.

Mrs. S did.

I'm not leaving without you.

It was never Beth I loved.


You came back.

Come, Sestra.

[Speaking Spanish]


¿Otra vez?

¡No creo a esta puta!

¿Cómo lo hizo?


Look what I found, Sestra.

Now we eat and drink.

[Clears throat]

Una cerveza y, uh, agua.

How do you say "food"?


Paul... Paul was a good man in the end?

I don't want to talk about it.

Where is Benjamin? He's never late.

This Benjamin belongs to S.

No, no. Look, he's one of our friends, okay?

And S' people are the ones who are bringing papers, so you be thankful.

I will k*ll S for betraying me.

You're pregnant, mi amiga.

Did you tell her that I have baby?

Hello, Helena.


Siobhan: It was me.

I made the decision to give you up so I could get Kira and Sarah out of Dyad.

You sold me.

I will k*ll you.

We have to talk this out, Helena.

It's the only way.

The only way out for you is...


Camerara: Ah.

Not in my cantina.

First I eat.

Then we fight.

They're best left alone.

What do you know about it?

I know women.

Your sister is very wounded.

In my room, there is a shower.

Go wash off where you have been.

Where you're going will be better.

Thank you.

Alison: Adjusting the district boundaries to exclude Bailey downs is not the family-first option.

As school trustee candidate and a mother of two, I am... I am...

I am missing a card.

I'm missing a card.

110 over 90. That's really good.

Which is a miracle, given the state you're in.

Wait, wait, wait.

I'm never gonna get this speech right.

Here. Open up.

Donnie, do we... [Beep] have to do this self-monitoring thing right now?

Let's just keep Dyad on our side, okay?

Okay, we need to get these signatures in by 2:00 P.M., candidates mixer starts at 3:00, we need to go to Bubbles and get my mother to sign over the store, and you and Jage need to go to Mr. Pouzihno...

Donnie: Not "Jage." Jason.

Temp's good. How's your menstrual flow?

Donnie. You and Jason need to take the money to Mr. Pouzihno's.

Yes, 30k, I'm on it.

I do the deal for the pills, we close Bubbles with your mother, and then we finally have a legitimate front.

Hendrixes, next level.

Alison: God willing.


Hey, come on.

Don't leave me hanging, baby. Next level.

Does my hair look terrible?

My mother's going to notice if I didn't get a trim.

And my menstrual flow is normal.

Oh. Thank you.

Alison: I hope she's in a good mood.

You know how she can get.

Donnie: Just don't let her get under your skin, honey.



Donnie: Best ones ever.

We'll take the whole darn place.

Just a smidge late.

Hi, Connie.

Connie: Donnie.

You came, too.


Oh, I'm having it trimmed this week.


Donnie: This is quite a display, Connie.

Oh, it's my new male line, minty gleam.

Yeah, yeah, we know.

We're going to musk up the recipe a little bit.

You know, for the young customers, the body spray set.

Maybe. Or, um, maybe not.

We'll... we'll discuss it with you, of course.

This is the paperwork.

Are you sure you can handle the down payment?

Mr. Chubbs here just lost his job.

Yeah... oh, yes, we're a bit tight, but, yeah, we're fine.

I just wouldn't want my grandchildren feeling the pinch.

No, no no no.

No pinching, not on my watch.

Retiring to Florida, Mom.

Sunshine state.


Well, lawyers make more mistakes than you and Mr. Chubbs put together.

I need to read this.



Okay! That's fine.

[Clears throat] That's fine.

I will be at the candidates mixer all afternoon.

You're still going through with it?


You're voting for Marci Coates?

Well, I voted for her last year.

She just asked me to put it up.

Easy, baby. Big day.



We'll be back for that.

Shay: Vroom, vroom vroom vroom.

I... claim this belly...

Mm-hmm. in the name of Spain.

Mmm. You do love your bug, don't you?

Oh, yeah, and you love borrowing it.


Everybody wins.




Why do you have to go?



Hi, I'm looking for Cosima?


Hello... Shay.

Cosima, could you come out here for a minute?

You know, whatever this is, it's not cool.

You know what, I don't really care.

Cosima: Hi.

What are you doing here?

I'll leave you two alone.

Excuse me, are you stalking me now?

You know I can find you when it's important.

You should have called me.

You wouldn't have answered.

And then you wouldn't have had the chance to check her out.


What do you want?

I've been testing Leda subjects for the misfolded protein that you share with the Castor boys.


And your numbers, your numbers are worrying.

Let me and Scott worry about my numbers.

Scott is worried, and so am I.

We need another urinalysis.

You want me to pee in that now?

Are you serious?

Don't fight me.

You know this is important.

I'll see you at work.


Don't come here again.

[Cellphone ringing]


Scott, I need you to cover for me.

What do you mean cover for you?

Old school, "I'm gonna be late for class" cover for me.

Cosima, we need that urinalysis.

I'm... getting it to you, okay?


What about the book?

Don't, don't show Delphine the book.

I mean Rachel and the book.

Right, sorry.

Uh, Rachel painted those symbols.

Can she decode the book?

I dunno.

Maybe you can find that out from her?


Felix humiliated her.

Plus she scares me.

Okay, fine, just cover for me and I'll deal with it.

Donnie: Honey, where do you want this?


Where do you want this?

Oh, don't... No, you always tip it, I didn't tip it.

And then the cream sways and the nanaimo bars are...

Okay, okay, yep.

Alison: Jason's here.

Do you have the money?

Yeah, honey? I'm fine, okay?

St. Thomas High.

Been awhile since we hung out in this lot, huh, Ali?

Uh, you... You hung out in the lot.

I was in the library.

Not all the time.

Okay, peeps.

Let's get moving.


Did your mother sign over Bubbles?

Not yet. There's been a bit of a hiccup.

We need that storefront in order to move all this product.

We'll have it to you by tonight.


Good luck.

You're gonna be great.


I'll take care of him.

Thank you.

Hi, Sarah!

Hi, Alison!

Big day!

Did you get your signatures?

Yeah... uh, yes.

All that campaigning would be for naught if you didn't.

I'll put them on your station as soon as I've settled, okay?




All right, schedule for this ludicrous event.

Photo op, candidates mixer, speeches.

Put on this t-shirt.


Take that hat.

Thank you.

Thank you for your help today, Felix.

You know, I kind of need a distraction while Siobhan ferries Sarah back from hotel Castor.

[Cellphone chime]


Yeah, that.



Cosima needs my pee.

What do you mean she needs your pee? What for?

I don't know, science? I... don't know.

If she wants it, she can come and get it.

Marci: Oh! Alison, your booth is wonderful.

It's like you're selling bubble gum.

Alison: Oh. [Chuckles]

Felix Dawkins, campaign manager.

Oh. That's an interesting... choice.

May not work for our conservative voters.

Oh, was that an intolerant remark?

Your mother, for instance, is very conservative.

And she is supporting me.

We're going to dismantle that bitch.

Would you like some soap? Vote for Alison.


Alison Hendrix's phone.

Felix, campaign manager, speaking.

Christ on the cross, where's Alison?

Felix: To whom am I speaking with?

Her mother!

Tell her my heart is exploding!

Oh, my God.

Okay, yeah, hang on.


Hey, excuse us.

Your mother is having a heart attack!

A real one?

I don't know. What? Why?

Hello, Mother.

Help me, Alison. I'm dying!

Mother, I'll be right there.

What do you mean you'll be right there?

Are you leaving?

Oh, she does this all the time, Felix.


So, you take these to Sarah stubbs.

Forms and signatures, please.

Okay, can you hurry back, please?

Because the door's open to constituents in an hour.

Work the room. Okay?

Thank you!

Don't let this place fool you.

Mr. Pouzihno is the only supply you'll ever need.

I mean, before the crackdown on mail order scripts, he filled an entire warehouse with Indian pharmaceuticals.

And he knows who I am, right?

Everything's copasetic?

Donnie, when we're in there, don't use words like "copasetic."

Yeah, yeah, no, no, I wasn't gonna.


I should have brought Alison.

Yeah, you've made your preference clear.

Look, man, are we having a problem here?

Not unless you come between me and my family.

Consider your territory pissed on.

All right.

Come on.

Let's do this.

Hey, Pouchy.

This is the man I was telling you about.

It's nice to meet you, señor Pouzihno.

Nao falo ingles. Minha sobrinha.

Donnie: Uh...

Bom dia. Sinto-me honrado.

Voce fala portugues?

Um pouco.

My grandfather retired in the Algarve, so...

You'll see it's just as we agreed.

Right back atcha.

Donald. What is that?


My... my wife is... is... is running for, uh, school trustee.

Um... Escola de...


Si, si.

Ad-administra... strador.

Um, I happened to grab the wrong envelope.

That... that's my bad, so you just hang tight, and, uh, I will be right back...

Hey, no bad intentions, Pouchy.

He'll get you the money.

You go.

Voce fica.

Uh, yeah. Sure. Yeah.

My wife has it, so...

Yeah. I'll go.

Siobhan: Helena, I'm so sorry I betrayed you.

I'm... I know I've caused you enough suffering.

Please say something.

Now we fight.

I'm not going to fight you, Helena.

You're pregnant.

Why is everyone so worried about my baby?

Why don't you tell me how you plan to raise this child?

I will find my boyfriend.

I didn't know you had a boyfriend.

He is named Jesse.

Together we will drive tow trucks and make a home for our babies.

He sounds like an honest man.



Hit me.

You can't have Sarah without the rest of her family, I'm afraid.

Hit. Me.

Join us, Helena. You're kin.

Shit, I hit you!


I'm so sorry for what I did.

I hate you, I hate you!

I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me.

I've got you.

I've got you.

Helena, it's okay.

You're with family now.

[Door opens]


What is it?

Oh, God.

It was terrifying.

I was dizzy, I had... Tunnel vision, but... I'm... I'm feeling much better now.



So, not a stroke, then.

There's some lemon water in my bag.

Can you get it for me, please?


Mom, I'm making my campaign speech in an hour.

I don't have time for this.

I... I thought with your issues, you'd be more sympathetic to a... a panic attack.

What is it? What's on your mind?

Out with it, please.

Well, you're not gonna like it.

I can't sell you the store.


Here you go, darling. Thank you.

Stubbs: Candidates, photo op.

Time for photos, everybody.


Five more minutes!

We're good.


Jesus Christ, Alison, where are you?

Alison: Mother, we had an agreement.

Connie: Well, no, we had a framework, but I... I just... I can't.

I started this store from scratch when I left your father.

I need this store.

[Cellphone chime]

Why, all of a sudden?

I need it.

Why? It's never been more than a... a convenient part-time job for you.

Donnie and I worked very hard on that bid.

Oh, yes, I'm sure Mr. Chubbs worked his tail off.

Don't call him that!

Well, that's his name, isn't it?

Donald Francis Chubbs.

Oh, I lost all respect for that man when he took your name.

You insisted he take my name!

Yes! And he did, and now he's listed as co-owner.

I'm not gonna let you make this about Donnie.

Nobody is good enough.

Not Dad...

Don't you say that.

And certainly not me, "dramatic Alison" who doesn't choose her husband correctly, she'll never be on the stage.

Oh, Ali.

I'm certainly never gonna be school trustee.

[Cellphone chime]

Am I?

You know what, I'm going to win this election.

And I'm recycling this.

Cosima: Uh, Felix, Alison's not picking up her phone and I really need her pee. I'm at the back entrance.

Hey, Alison, I'm, uh, at the back door.

Meet me at the south entrance.


Um... Where are you going?


Let's go! You're late for the photo op.

I really want you to win.

Oh... kay.

Alison is absolutely pro-family.

She's got a pro-family dynamic.

So take this and support... Sh... sorry!

Excuse me, I'm going to have to steal her away, darling.

We're two minutes to camera ready, okay?

Cosima: I need pee.

Well, Alison's not here and we're having a bloody crisis!

Get inside before anybody else sees you.

Cosima: Okay. Don't push me.

Put this on. Put it on!

Well, I'm... no! What?

Hide your dreads under this God-awful hat.

I'm not... no. Felix, I'm not posing as Alison for photos.


I'm not, no.

You are.

I'm not... doing that.

I'm not. I just need her pee. That's it.

Felix: Yeah, what's this for, anyways, and don't say drug testing, because you're not a bloody shotputter.

No, it's not...


No. Okay.

Delphine's on this, like, power trip.

She won't leave me alone.

I don't trust her.

It's like planet Dyad shit.

Felix: Well, now you're on planet Alison, so if you want her piss, then you're going to have to play along.


Thank God. Now, you need bangs.

Bangs that say unhappy, sexless marriage.

That's them.


Now, doesn't that look nice?


Instead of mending this fence, I'm going to take this clay oven.

Look at this guy.

He's going to starve our kids.

I need the lab.

Delphine: It's Rachel's turn for protein testing.

Blood, urinalysis.

Hello, Scott.

A... gricola.


What is it?

Scott: Uh, board game?

Medieval farm building.



Medieval farm building?

I'm so... bored.

You want to?


I mean, yeah.

Maybe start without the expansions.

Cosima: Sorry, dude.

Felix, I can't see anything.

Felix: Oh, Jesus Christ, you need to relax, okay?

I know Alison's got a cactus up her arse, but you're over-clinching.

I can't see anything, Felix.

Well, that's fine, it's just stills.

Sarah Stubbs.

Hi, Sarah Stubbs.


Hi, Alison... Hendrix.

Felix: Alison Hendrix, she's here.

Line up for a picture with your future school trustee. Who's up first? How 'bout you?

Come embrace Alison. Throw your arms...


She's like the mother you never had, or always wanted, or something like that.

All right, and, look, big smiles, bigger, okay?

We want to see those teeth gleam in the lens.

It's going to be brilliant, it's going to be fantastic.


We've got a problem.


Your husband gave these to Pouchy instead of the money.

No, no, no, no.

No, he gave them the wrong envelope?

Yeah. Seriously, maybe you shouldn't mix business and marriage.

Oh, God.

The money's up there.

Okay, okay.

Go. Go, go, go.

Where is Donnie? Is he in danger?

Short answer? Yeah.

I'm going to switch these envelopes.

You go wait outside.

Felix: I think we can get the smiles even bigger than that. I think that we can just drive those cheeks up until it hurts, just a bit.

Felix, Felix, come on.

Freaking hell. What?

Holy freaking Christmas cake.

Alison: Mother! Hi.

What are you doing here?

I need to tell you something very important.

I... I...

Okay, come, this way.

You wait here, and I'll be right back.

No, no, no, no, no.

This cannot wait.

What is it?

Now... wasn't this your Home Ec class?

It's Family Sciences now, but yes.

Oh, you know what, the last time I was in here, you were in tears because you only got an 82 in Cooking.

Mom, talk.

You said I didn't think your father was good enough, and it's time for you to know the truth.

He wasn't.

I mean, you know we had to conceive you in vitro because of his low motility.

I can't listen to this right now!

I wanted better stock for my child.

So I engaged the clinic to provide an upgrade.

A competitive swimmer, Jewish, blonde, oddly.

Wait, Dad...

Well, why tell him?

I mean, my point is if I seem disappointed in your life choices, it's only because I tried to give you every opportunity from day one.

You need to wait here.

Hey! Hey! Did you get the money?

No, I was getting it, I got ambushed.

Would you... would you entertain my mother for a second?

Just keep her away from the mixer.

All right.

Okay, guys, it looks like Mrs. Hendrix is all done.

Thank you very much. Full schedule.

She's in Mrs. Green's room, okay?

Thank you.

You owe me.

You owe me Alison pee.


Okay, okay, okay.

Well, um, we'll hide you in the loo and then I'll bring Alison in afterward, when the time's right, yeah?


Okay! Let's go.

Scott: Okay. You're a medieval farmer.

Each turn, you get two choices to build your farm... one for you and one for your spouse.

You can build fences, plant crops, have children.

Not seriously.

Oh, yes.

This is how we do it, Rachel.

Anyone comes in, we're farm building.

Now, there are 14 game rounds in six stages, with a harvest at the end of each stage.

Oh, my God! Okay.

Look, you're safe. Um, Cosima's in the bathroom and she really needs your piss.

Okay. Well, these are my campaign signatures.

We accidentally gave Sarah Stubbs an envelope with 30,000 cash in it.



What is going on?

You know what?

I quit. This is ridiculous.

No! No, no no! Felix, Felix.

Okay, okay.

We're drug dealers.

Donnie and I are dealing pills and we mixed up the envelopes and now he's being held c*ptive by some man called Pouchy.


Pouchy as in the crime lord that cut off Vic's finger?


There are not two Pouchies, darling.

Sinto muito.

I'm confident that we will get past this and we will make a lot of money together, am I right?

So, tune-ups and oil changes, too, or, uh... I just got a new car, and if you go to the dealer for...

My Uncle worries you're not taking us seriously.

No! You'll get the money!

He will! He'll get it!

I'm going there myself.

If I don't have the money in 30 minutes, you lose your nose.

Donnie: No!

No, no!

Felix: Do you know what? I've got a friend here who's a casting director, and I really think you two should meet.


Let's go find him.




Vote for Alison.

Marci: Alison?


Were you slipping something in under the wire?

No. What... what kind of accusation is that?

Maybe you don't have enough signatures?

I have plenty of signatures.

Stubbs: Marci, do you want to do your soundcheck?

It's almost time for speeches.

How are you at public speaking now?

'Cause I heard that you, uh, choked on your valedictorian.

I had the fl... flu.

[Gasps] Wow.


Here you are.


God, we were so in love.

High school sweethearts.

So I hear there's a hiccup in the sale of Bubbles.

Oh, the offer just wasn't up to snuff.

Well, I mean, can't be easy, handing it over after everything you've done with it.

No, it's not. Not with Mr. Chubbs on the title to fritter it all away.

Yeah, you mean Donnie?

Yeah, it's a head-scratcher, I'm not gonna lie.

Now, listen, Connie.

You're her mother.

I mean, you don't see the same Alison that I see.

I see a beautiful, ambitious, classy young woman with a head for business.

I see someone a lot like you.

Mr. Kellerman. You charmer.

I mean, let's be serious.

We both know who's going to wear the pants at the new Bubbles, and I think your legacy's safe.

Oh, I am so glad you stayed in touch all this time.


Hello, Donnie. Are you all right?

Donnie: Uh...

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Jason's just a little late, so Mr. Pouzihno's gonna need you to meet his niece in the parking lot, okay?

Oh, my God!

I'm serious, just...

Just get to the parking lot, please, Ali.

All right, everyone! To the cafetorium.

We're about to start the speeches!

All right, everyone! To the cafetorium.

Hi, I'm Alison Hendrix.

This is for my husband, so you'll return him?

Get in.

Uh, I have a speech to make.

Get in now.

The most viable, fiscally responsible option for our growing community is to adjust district boundaries, and if Alison Hendrix were... actually here...

Felix: Bloody hell.

Marci: I would challenge her to argue that very point.

Felix: Cosima!

Cosima! Cosima?


Hey. Hey, hey, I need you.

Where's Alison?

She's not here, but I need you to take these, I need you to memorize them as fast as you can.

I can't... you... You have my glasses.

It... it doesn't matter.

You can improvise!

No. Hey, I... I don't know the first thing about school trustee stuff.

Luisa: Seis, oito, nove...

I don't have time to go through all the way to 30.





Next we have Alison Hendrix.



Luisa: Oito.

Nove. Dez.


Alison Hendrix.

I guess she's not here.

Oh! Yeah, I'm here.

Oh! Okay, our final candidate!

Alison Hendrix, a very active Bailey Downs community member.

No, no! No, no, no, no! Big guy! Big guy, big guy, don't!

Por favor, not my nose!

Nao o meu nariz!

[Cellphone ringing]



Esta bem.

Oh, my God.

Thank you.

Thank you! Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you, thanks.

May I use your restroom?


I've been hearing a lot of people talk today about, um, family values, and in my opinion, the most important family value is, um, accepting your family for who they are.


Uh, but that doesn't mean coloring inside the lines, because kids do that. That's their gift.

And... and as a lesbian...


Supporter, and an LGBTQ...

Oh, my God, thank God you're here.

I... I can't color inside the lines.

I had my speech so ready.

I know, I know.

[Coughs] Excuse me.

So sorry.

Come on, come on, get off!

Sorry, I'm just going to grab, uh, water.

Oh, God. That's a shitshow.


Are you okay?


I'll meet you in the bathroom, okay?

Sorry, that was terrible.

Good luck.



Sorry, parents.

Something Marci Coates said just got stuck in my throat.

[Woman laughs]

Jason: Hey! There you are.

I think I just sweet-talked your mom into a sale.

Uh, that's good?

I think I talked myself into something sweet, too.

What's that?

This, Ali.

I need to pee.

Adjusting the catchbin area of Bailey Downs is not the family-first option.

As school trustee and a mother of two, I would not make boundaries my agenda.

Instead, I would...


I... would...


That's my... agenda.

Hey. Thank you.

De nada.

Oh, shit!

What happened?



Helena's outside walking them off.

Looks like I'm gonna be a granny to her baby.

You sure about that?

Alison: Sometimes family is more than just the people under your roof.

Um, they're people who jump in headfirst who aren't afraid to make fools of themselves to help you, who don't hide their faces in shame if you fall down.

Paul's gone.

I had these dreams.

About Beth.

If your family is suddenly bigger than you expected and your house gets too crowded, do you tell your family that they need to find a different place to live?

I was trying to find you, and then Gracie showed up at his door.

Oh, she's, uh...

She's living with us, by the way.



You make room, you adapt, you find creative solutions to keep people together.

Siobhan: We both have long stories to tell, huh?

Long trip home to tell them.

Oh, I'm so tired, Mum.

I know, love.

Our schools are our family.

And as school trustee, I will not divide us.

Bailey Downs stays in the Glendale school district.

I stand for inclusion, not exclusion.

I will be your mother hen, and I will keep our chicks together.


Alison: Jason kissed me?

Yeah, I don't know what his name is, but yeah.

He just came out of nowhere and did it.

I... I don't hear you peeing, Alison.

Alison: Did you kiss him back?


Are you having an affair?

No, no.

Were his lips still really soft?

Just pee, please.


No. No, no.

[Clears throat]

No, I won't do that.

You're going to tell me what's wrong.

Are you sick again?

No, no, this isn't about me, okay?

This is about this protein in Castor and whether it's communicable or not.

No, it isn't.

Look, I reported my menstrual flow to Donnie this morning.

We need Dyad when it comes to our health.


[Door opens]

Connie: Alison? Oh, God.


I have been looking for you, Alison.

You soared out there.


You've got my vote.

Oh, and I signed.

Bubbles is yours.



Even with Donnie as, you know, co-owner?

Oh, I know, I know you'll be at the helm, and I know one day, when it's time to make a change like I made with your father, you'll find the strength, too.

Sometimes we have to make hard choices, Alison.

Who knows? Maybe Jason Kellerman will still be waiting.

I'm going to introduce you to someone, Mother.

Oh. Mm-hmm.

Okay? Cosima?

Cosima: No, no no no. Alison.

Come on.

Hey, I'm Cosima.


Who is this?

My clone, mother.

You think you fooled Dad down at the I.V.F. clinic?

No, you were implanted with a clone.

What are you talking about?

You can't choose your family, can you?

I think... I think I'm just gonna take off, so, unless you need me for anything?

No, uh, you go take care of yourself.

I... I mean it.

Nice meeting you, Mrs. Hendrix.


[Door closes]

You think that girl is your clone?

That makes logical sense to you?

It's the truth.

Alison, that girl was mulatto.

No, she wasn't.

She wasn't?


Well, I will never understand that hairstyle.

You must be right about one thing.

I was duped at I.V.F.

That donor was supposed to be exclusive, but clearly that girl's mother was given some, too.

Oh, that would make you her half-sister, darling.

A clone is something else entirely.

You're right, that must be it.

What a bizarre coincidence.

Hmm. But if you want to keep seeing her, why don't you bring her to the club...

[Door closes]




So I have a feeling... that you... are going to tell me something.

What is it?

Scott: If you don't have any children, you can only take two actions.

You have my...





Not your book.

My... my... my father... Our... se-secret language.

He didn't leave it for you, though, did he?

Who, then?

I have a pretty serious health issue.

Okay, tell me.

It's a... auto-immune disorder and it affects my epithelial tissue.

It ebbs and flows, lungs and uterus at the moment.

Show me.

It's very rare, though.

Oh, my God.

[Gasps] Oh, shit.


What does it say?

I'll only tell...


Why doesn't the psycho go live with one of her other sisters?

Because it's your turn.

Sestra Alison has good taste.

Yeah, well, she's very crafty.

In men.


Jason Kellerman kissed you.

Alison: I'll talk to him.

Looking good, Rachel.

She thinks Delphine is going to eliminate her.

That's terrible.

So... creepy.