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01x07 - Deus Ex Machina

Posted: 05/30/15 11:41
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: to stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on The Messengers...

We need to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

w*r, Pestilence, Famine and Death.

If those Four Horsemen succeed in breaking their seals, we can all kiss humanity good-bye.

What is this?

Whether the baby's your son... or your brother, he's still family.

I'm so sorry.

I hope you feel better soon, okay?

Tell me you didn't just heal that kid.

Hematoma that size should not just appear overnight.

You need to be admitted to a hospital.

What do you know about ABADDON?

I think they're connected to the next Horseman.

They're the ones who drained my bank account a few days ago.

Work with us to find the leader of ABADDON, and I promise we will get you what you're after.

Koa shape-shifted into a nurse and stole Mrs. Schiller's medical file.

She's gonna track down Leland Schiller and try to put a b*llet in his head.

The man: Where to?

3245 Tucker Road.

♪ Do you feel ♪
♪ Any better now? ♪
♪ Do you feel ♪
♪ Any better now? ♪
♪ I'm trying to follow... ♪

That may be the worst disguise I've ever seen.

What can I tell you?

I just don't have the gift.

Not like you, anyway.

Far cry from Hong Kong.

Well, I hope it's worth the trip.

Man (scrambled): The system is no longer working.

The system is sick.

Infected, polluted, and corrupt.

In a way that can no longer be healed.

The system has been brought to its knees.

The infection is spreading.

There is only one course of treatment.

And the illness must be eradicated by any means necessary.

No matter what the cost.

If the cure kills the patient, so be it.

Because today we reveal to the world the true power of ABADDON.

Today, we finally enjoy the sweet taste of revenge.

Leland Schiller is out there somewhere about to break his seal.

Bottom line... we're running out of time.

Alan: So let me get this straight.

You're Angels of the Apocalypse, aka the Messengers.

You got powers, you got invisible wings, and you're trying to stop Four Horsemen from breaking a bunch of prophetic seals that lead to the end of the world, right?


That is freaking awesome.


You guys are meant to save the world.

You never cease to amaze me, you know that?

I'll take that as a compliment.

So how does the meteorite play into all this?

You know, it-it was glowing red-hot when you did your spirit-walk thingy.

Yeah, I know.

I think Secretary of Defense Richards is trying to use the military to weaponize it.

And she's a Horseman?



A Horseman.

You know, maybe the stone glows red because of her evil actions.

Like a Messenger mood ring?

Yeah, maybe.

You sure you want to do this?


Just one last thing.

You sure you're not aliens?

ABADDON's clock is ticking down, and we can't stop it because Koa ran off with Leland Schiller's address.

Look, Koa's one of us now.

Be nice if she acted like it.

It doesn't matter whether we like Koa or not.

If we don't get a lead on what Leland's up to, another Horseman's gonna break their seal.

Raul: If you ask me, it's a done deal.

I say we move on, and we set our sights on the next Horseman.

Hey, guys.

This is Alan.

Alan, meet the Messengers.

I warned you not to bring Alan into this.

You are putting him in danger.

He is a brilliant scientist, he thinks fast on his feet, and to be honest, he actually wants to be here, unlike Koa.

And don't you think we could use an assist right now?

Maybe he could actually help us find Leland Schiller.

No, Alan is not a part of this team.

And he's not a part of our destiny.

Well, maybe he has a destiny of his own.

So let me guess your gift.

Wait, wait, don't tell me, um...

Is it flying?

Wait, no, no.

V says that nobody can fly.

Yet everybody has wings.

Which is kind of a waste.

Do you talk to animals?

Do I look like I talk to animals?

Okay, last time, you could name nine organs.

How many can you name now?


Brain, lungs, liver, kidney, (cell phone rings) heart...

Sorry, sweetie, hold on.


Miss Calder?

This is Dr. Ashley from the Haven House Clinic.

We have the results of your echocardiogram.

Your hematoma is the result of pericardial effusion.

Okay, and what is that exactly?

A bleeding of the heart.

Infection is the most common cause, but we don't know what's causing yours.

If the fluid builds up, the heart can suffocate.

I'll have the test results sent to your doctor.

Are you at the hospital now?

I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to call you back.


Everything okay, Mom?

Yeah, everything's fine, sweetie.

You find anything?

No listed address for Leland Schiller.

So I'm trying to track down his mom.

Margaret, right?

You think they lived together?

Well, we know that he was taking care of her.

So it's probably the best place to look.

But check it out.

All I got is a Margaret B. Schiller, high school track star, and a Margaret K. Schiller, 35, opera singer.

Don't think either is the one we're looking for.

Have you tried running an image search that cross-references her photo from the clinic with names and addresses in the area?

Yeah, I was just about to do that.

Okay, cool.

Then maybe when you're done with that, you might want to take a look at this.

Uh, what is it?

Remember when you told me you don't know who your parents are?

Yeah, why?

Well, it wasn't easy, but I might have gone online and hacked a copy of your birth records.

You did what?

Listen, it's none of my business, I didn't look at any of it, I just thought it might help you figure out where you came from.

Your family.

(computer beeps)

We got something.


Two addresses matching Margaret Schiller.

One's a business pretty close, the other is residential, outside of town. Leland could be at either one of these.

Okay, Vera and Joshua, you're with me.

We'll take the business.

Peter and Raul, you take the house.

How much time on that clock before it runs out?

47 minutes.

(knocks on door)

Raul: Hey. Hey.

We've got a lead.

Okay, great. Let's go.

No, no, I mean, um... we've got this one.


Why don't you just stay home with Amy?

How else is she gonna win that Nobel Prize?

Raul, I'm fine.

Mom's all better.

She told me so.


You need rest.

I'm sick of resting.

Erin, listen to me.

This is a tricky gift you've got.

I mean, why take the risks if you don't have to?

Because I do have to.

Come on, let's go.

Amy, Nadia's in the kitchen.

I'll be back soon, okay?

Okay, Mom.

No, I'm sorry, Vera, but he's not coming with us.

I'm sorry, Rose, but he is.

Look, I don't want to argue with you.

Hey, guys, I'm right here.

Talk to me... What's the problem?

(tires screeching)

Whoa, who's the train wreck?

My wife.

(groans) Joshua.

It's okay.

Please help me.

How the hell did you find me, Charlotte?

Your father hired some private detective to track you down.

And I answered the call when he got a lead.

I came here to get away from you.

So what do you want?

To get away from him.

Your father is...

I just can't take it anymore.

You're using again?

Everybody parties in college, right?

I thought I was like everybody else.

But it felt like they all knew one thing I didn't.

How to stop.


That's why I'm here.

Thank you for sharing your story, Charlotte.

We all need somebody to watch our backs.

So let's pair up, people.


Looks like you could use a buddy.

You can't be doing this.

It's not just your life anymore.

It's the baby's, too.

Why do you care?

It's not even yours.

Trust me, your father made me get a DNA test, just to make sure.

Of course he did.

He wanted me to give him sole custody of the baby, Joshua.

And I was so disgusted with myself that I agreed.

And then I realized, I just can't keep giving him what he wants.

And that made him angry.

You stay right here.


(bird screeching)


We've seen this, on the van the other day.

It's Leland's company.

It doesn't look like anyone's been here in years.

I mean, why would they just lock it up and abandon everything?

His mother's sick. Leland's a full-time caregiver.

He probably doesn't have time to run the business.

(pounding on door)


Hey, what if someone answers?

Then we ask them if they've seen a Horseman.

That's not how it works, Alan.

Hey, this place may look abandoned, but something inside's definitely pulling down some juice.

Guys, we have to get a closer look.

No, tell me you're not gonna do your spirit-walk thingy.

If it's between throwing the brick or dying, I'm throwing the brick.


I guess we know where all the power's going.

Not exactly exterminator gear.

No kidding; these are some bad ass, high-end mainframes.

They generate serious heat. Got to keep them cool.

I think we could be looking at ABADDON central.

Leland's hacker network could be controlled from right here.

This all looks automated.

I bet he controls it remotely.

But if Leland's not here, then...

He could be anywhere.

The man: Here we are.

You sure you want to go in there?

It doesn't look too friendly.

I'm not here to make friends.

I'm here to get my money.

Is money all you care about?

What else is there?

If he's defrauded all those banks, he may be worth more to you alive then dead.

A little mercy could sweeten the pot.

No mercy.

It's time for payback.

Okay, but remember, pride goeth before a fall.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Honey, I'm so thirsty.

Vera: Getting anything?

All I can do is bring up a directory, but not even the NSA could crack this encryption.

Maybe I can.

We were right.

He's going after every Nero Hospital in the country.

To do what?

Crash their life support systems.

He's gonna k*ll all those people?

That's how Leland Schiller's gonna break his seal.


Just what I needed.

Thank you, Leland.

Sugar and lemon, right?

You know how I like it.

But you know what I don't like?


That you've been stealing money.

I didn't raise you like that, did I?

No, ma'am.

You did not.

So, what are you going to do? Take what I stole and give it back.

Yes, you are, and I'm going to make sure that you do.

But first, I want you to show me...


Everything all right, Mom?


I feel dizzy.

The tea.

Lemon and sugar.


Just the way you hate it.

Have always hated it, but at least it masked the sedative.

You drugged me?

Why did you do that?

Because you're not my mother.


I know what you did to Charlotte, you bastard.

You're beating her just like you used to beat me?

Well, not anymore.

You leave her the hell alone.

Who are you to march in here and thr*aten me?

Your son.

The one who knows all your secrets.

The only thing I'm ashamed of is you.

And I thank God I'm gonna have another son. You're so full of yourself.

You don't even see how this is gonna destroy you.


That DNA test you made Charlotte take?

As soon as I make that public, you and this church are finished.

I'm not afraid of you, boy.

Well, you should be.

Erin: Vera says they found ABADDON's computers but no Leland.

They're trying to shut the machines down.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...

It's just the heat.

How much further?

We're almost there.

Peter, what's the clock at?




Five minutes and counting.

What the hell kind of private investigator are you, anyway?

I beg your pardon?

You gave my daughter-in-law privileged information on my son's whereabouts.

That was meant for my eyes only.

My apologies. I-I thought she was in on this. Of course I'll provide full refund of your fees.

Damn right you will.

Not to mention the address.

Sure. Whatever you say.
What have you done?

I ask the questions.

How'd you pull that trick back there?

What the hell kind of a freak are you?

I'm just someone whose bank account got hacked.

So just give me my money back, and I'll go.



I am after so much more than money.

What's the countdown for?

That's the launch of a computer virus authored by yours truly.

I'm gonna take down Nero Health.

Hacking hospitals?

I'm bringing down every last one of their life support systems.

To k*ll people?

Just like they k*lled my mother, but you clearly didn't know that, did you?

Nero denied her care.

She was... so sick.

I sat in their offices, and I begged those bastards.

But no.

She's not covered, they said.

So I brought her home and I took care of her myself.

I'm sorry.

You don't mean that.

I do.

I watched my dad die.

Then you would know that pity won't bring my mom back.

Nothing will.

This clock, it's ticking down to the exact moment one year ago today when she died.

When it hits zero, I push this button.

And I launch the virus from my servers.

Then... it's time for payback.

We're getting down to the wire, guys.

No use. We're locked out from this end.

Maybe we can just unplug everything.

Wait... stop! Stop! Stop!

It's hardwired.

You want to get your wings fried?

Hang on.

I got this.

Just a little trick I learned in junior high.

I spent the week in detention.

Vera: Alan, what are you doing?

Making it rain.

(both exclaiming)

The servers... It's working!


Hell, yeah!

You did it!

I can't believe it. Oh, my God.

You did this.

You're not alone! You liar!

Now, you're gonna learn how I handle pests.



(engine starts)


Joshua sr.: Good to see you again, Charlotte.

What the hell are you doing here?

We had an agreement.

Come back to the church with me.

That's where you belong till that baby's born. No.

I won't. Yes, you will, you pill-popping whore.


I don't care if I have to drag you back there myself.






Erin: Raul!

Peter: Stand back!

Okay, come on.




Oh, come on, I got you.

We have to get her to a doctor.

There's not enough time. She'll be dead before we get there.

We got to do something. I have to heal her.


You're okay, you're okay.

What happened?

I'm okay. I'm good.

Oh, no. Erin!

Erin, wake up!

Vera: Wait, guys.

Did we really just stop a Horseman?

I mean, does this mean that it's over?

I don't know. I mean, I think so.


(cell phone ringing)

My God!

It's Peter.

Peter, I think we just...

(short laugh)


Sorry, sir, but you'll have to wait outside.

I don't understand.

What happened to her?

You're what happened to her.

You were dying back there.

Erin healed you.

She saved your life.

Then why is she sick?

'Cause our gifts come with a price.

What the hell are you doing here?

I heard there was an accident.

Now, just tell me what happened.

She fell, hit her head.

I found her.

Wait, how did you hear?

Is she conscious?

Has she said anything?

Oh, my God.

It was you.

Let me go, damn it!

Doctor: Gentlemen?

Do we have a problem here?

How is she?

Your wife suffered a concussion.

There is some brain swelling, but it is minor.

We're still trying to stabilize the condition of the child.

But there's something else.

Defensive wounds.

Some very fresh.

I have to ask you...

Has this woman been assaulted?


By him.

How's she doing?

She's still in surgery.

It's been over an hour.

But there's no word from the doctors.

It's gonna be okay.

You need anything?


(siren wails)

(reporters clamoring)

Vera, Leland Schiller?

He's here.

The Horseman? I thought we stopped him.

It doesn't make sense.

If he can't hack the entire network from outside...

He could still hit one of the hospitals from the inside.

Look, we have to find him, come on.


I got to stay here with Erin.

I know. Peter? Let's go.

What about you, Koa?

I'm all in. Okay.

Look at the size of this place. Schiller could be anywhere.

How the hell are we supposed to find him? I don't know.

Wait, wait. The Genesis stone.

The what?

The meteorite. It was glowing red when I was around the last Horseman.

Maybe it can help us find the next one.

Come on!

Rose: Okay.

You take this corridor. I'll go that way.

Looking for something?

What do you want?

Good to see you, too, Rose.

I've come to beg your forgiveness.

For what? We got off on the wrong foot.

I tried to have you k*lled.

I can be a bit impulsive, occasionally shortsighted.


My bad. You don't give a damn about being forgiven.

So, why are you really here?

To make a proposition.

Why don't we work together for a change?

Are you kidding?

We're stronger than you.

And you and I both know you can't stop us.

So, get the hell out of my way!

Vera: Leland!

Leland, stop!

Stop! Look.

I-I know you don't know who I am.

I'm begging you, I'm begging you, please don't do this.

Whoever you are... you're too late.


No one can stop me now! That's not true!

You can.

And why the hell would I do that?

Because deep down you know this is wrong.

You know it's wrong to k*ll innocent people.

But who among us is truly innocent?

Who are you?

An admirer of your work... All the things you've done and all the things you're gonna do.

Come on, Leland, press the button. Don't!

If you do this, you can never go back.

You will become something more horrible than you could ever possibly imagine.

Shut the hell up.

Leland, Leland, don't pay attention to him.

You don't have to do this.

Nero Health... m*rder*d my mother.

I know.

They have to pay. Okay, I know.

I know, but not through the lives of their patients.

I watched my mother... suffer and die so that some insurance company could increase its profit margin.

I know.

They abandoned us.

The man: Yes.


I was abandoned once.

Cast aside by those who should've cared, but I stood up and fought back.

And you can do the same, Leland.

Do you know what it's like to lose someone?

To have them just snatched away from you?


Yes, I do.

You're a son who lost his mother.

I'm a mother who lost her son.

I know.

They deserve to suffer just like your mother did.

No, they don't! Don't inflict her pain on anybody else. Do it.

No, Leland, don't. Do it.

Your mother would never have wanted this.

Don't. Do it for your mother.



For your mother, Leland, don't do this.


(crying continues)

(machine beeping steadily)



Josh, the baby.

Shh, the baby's fine.


So are you.

I promise.

I'm so sorry.

For everything.

It's okay.

I forgive you, Charlotte.

The doctor said that everything went well, and that we can check you out today.

But you need rest.

That's doctor's orders.


You were right.

I just thought I could keep going.

You won't have to.

We won.

(chuckles) What?

Leland Schiller turned himself in to the police two hours ago.


We stopped him from breaking a seal.

So it's over then?

No more seals, no more Apocalypse?

Looks like we all get to make other plans now.

(country music playing)


(song ends, applause)

Bandleader: We'll be back in 15 minutes.

We really did it, huh?

It looks that way.

I mean, what-what happens now?

Do we, do we keep our gifts or...

Do we keep any of it?

I don't know.

I'm guessing our gifts will fade, but I think the friendships are gonna last a while.

You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?

Oh, well.

Here's to the Messengers.



Come on, preacher man.

We stopped the Horseman.

We beat the Devil. I mean, you're probably gonna get some beachfront property in heaven for this.

I don't know about that.

No, I think...

I think Rose is right.

Being a Messenger gave me a purpose, and now that we're finished, what have I got?

No family, no church.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

It's not like I want the world to end.

But I had this direct connection with God.

Now that's over.

What am I gonna do with myself?


I know this is gonna sound crazy coming from me.

But whatever you do, don't lose faith.

Make you a deal.

Yeah? You play a good song, and I'll dance with you.

Trust me, if there was some Bob Marley up in here, I would already be on the floor.

Come on.

You helped save the world today.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

The meteorite, it's still out there.

It's got powers we don't understand.

And even without a Horseman, what if the military manages to harness it?

We stopped the Apocalypse, but that doesn't mean evil is gone from the world.

There's still plenty out there.

♪ I'd walk ♪
♪ For miles ♪
♪ To sleep ♪
♪ With you... ♪


A big seal.

So, you open that envelope yet?


I appreciate it, really.

But I kind of got a new family now.

Yeah, I don't blame you.

♪ Heaven ♪
♪ Oh, I don't want to go to heaven ♪
♪ Heaven ♪
♪ Oh, I don't want to go to heaven ♪

(buzzer blares)

Guard: Hey, Schiller.

You made bail.

You're free to go.

What are you talking about?

Who posted bail for me?

Does it look like I care?

♪ I don't want to go to heaven ♪
♪ If ♪
♪ They call me ♪
♪ Oh, I don't want to go to heaven. ♪