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01x05 - A Change Is Gonna Come

Posted: 05/29/15 16:35
by bunniefuu
(Indistinct talking)

She's singing for Cherry-Pop to come home.

Sadie said the wind would carry the words to her.

Did Cherry-Pop hear you?

I wasn't calling to Cherry.

I was singing I am the Walrus.

(Scattered giggling)

Why isn't Charlie doing anything to help Cherry?

Emma's fine.

When the time's right, Charlie will call her home to us.


Worried about our girl?

Aren't you?

(Chuckles) I never worry, Sadie, you know that.

But I feel.

I long. I ache.

Same as you.

The only difference is I watch and wait.

See, the man wants us to react.

But we need only...


Now... and always...

To act.

(Chimes tinkling)

(Vacuum cleaner whirring)

Grace: You did a good thing, Ken.

For once, you told me the truth.

And now we have our baby home.

Maria's here. Give me the blanket.

I hope you go on lots of business trips, Ken.

I hope you're on the road for half the year.

But when you're in L.A., you'll be home for dinner every night and you'll sleep in our bed.

Wednesday, we have the Nixon fundraiser.

You'll hold my chair, I'll laugh at your jokes.

Out there we put on a good show.

Now, clean yourself up and tell Maria you're thrilled our daughter is back from visiting Grandma.

We're not gonna fool Maria.

We're gonna fool everybody.

(Breathing heavily)

I'm sorry.

No, don't.

I wasted our...

Let's not go back.

I can't leave him now.

Emma's crazy.

She's a kid.

I have to know that she's okay.

That she's safe, you know?


We'll take care of her.


I can't watch her all the time.

Wednesday I have a can't-miss event.

Well, I'll watch her Wednesday, then.

No, 'cause you're coming, too.

Coming to what?

Republican fundraiser.

I bought you a ticket.

Don't forget to rent a tux.

(Chuckles) As your date?


But even if I don't speak to you, I'll know you're there.

So who buys you the corsage, me or your husband?

Seriously, what do I do about Emma?

I can't watch her all the time, and neither can you.

My buddy Joe Wilson. He's a retired cop.

He can babysit her.


Oh, yeah.

For 15 bucks an hour, Joe'll wear a tutu and chasse.


You're great.

My great, beautiful man.

Chasse? Do you even know what that is?

Oh, I know my ballet.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.




(Police siren blaring)

(Indistinct conversation)

Officer 1: Step back, people.

Officer 2: Step back, folks.

Officer 1: Back up. Back it up.

Tolson: Hey, Sam.

Haven't seen you in the jungle in a dog's age.

What's the story, tolson?

Fire was called in at 4:45 A.M.

Hook and Ladder couldn't get it under control till 9:00.

Firemen found Cassius Thomas, age 49, badly burned, but not dead from smoke or fire.

Someone put two in his chest.

You get a positive ID on Cass?

Yeah. What, you knew him?

Yeah, I had this beat as a rookie.

A million years ago.

Back when the monkeys were still grateful for Bwana, right?

Anyway, it looks like Cassius interrupted someone fixing to torch his store.

Why would someone want to do that?

Black Panthers there, they hated Cassius for having the good taste to straighten nappy hair to look like ours.

Huggins: Michael Younger.


Michael Younger. Michael Younger.

Who's Michael Younger?

Bunchy: You don't even know?


Uncle Tom gets fried, you're here right quick.

Michael Younger's been dead three days.

Huggins: Ask Officer Tolson.

He knows all about Michael Younger.

Why'd you change your stripes, Bunchy?

All you, man, and I'm grateful.

You pushed out the contradictions.

Pushed out the what?

By pushing out the contradictions of racism you gave birth to me as a Black Panther.

I don't know what you're talking about, Bunchy, and I don't think you know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about the dialectic, man.

The dialectic?

The conflict of opposites.

As the man said, "you may not be interested in the dialectic, but the dialectic is interested in you."

Mmm. I think it's way too early in the morning to be quoting Trotsky.

Oh, look. It reads.

Hey, Sam!

Over here.

Panthers making their statement.

"sl*ve hair Burns."

So here's what went down.

(Clears throat)

Cass lives in the back.

Hears the Panthers setting up to burn the place, grabs his shotgun...

How do you know it was his shotgun?

Since watts, the whole neighborhood knew Cass had a shotgun.

He tries to get the drop on him, then boom, they do him.

Great. Case solved.

You're welcome.

Who's this kid Michael Younger Bunchy keeps talking about?

Good kid. 15.

Used to fetch me coffee.

Last time I talked to him, he said the Panthers were trying to recruit him.

Next day, he's strangled in an alley off 45th.

My paycheck's on Bunchy.

Now, that's lye.

Stuff they use to get the kinks out.

Dry, not combustible. Wet, it is.

Arsonist knew that. The sink is charred and blown off the wall.

Must have soaked a few vats, set the fire starter underneath.

Then boom.

So whoever did this wasn't trying to hide that the fire was set.

No. No, no, no.

They wanted everyone to know it was set.

(Phone ringing)

That's my phone. The office.

(Ringing continues)

I know about boys who break the rules.

Boys who don't care what the world thinks of them.

Here's what I know about the bad boys that you don't.

They do care about the rules.

They care so much they can't stop thinking up ways to break them.

And you know what ends up broken?


(Fork clatters)

(Faint laughter)


Breakfast of champions, huh?

Identify yourself.


Your identification, Detective.

"Badge 5919, Hodiak, Samson, Detective Third Grade."

What do you want, Detective Hodiak?

I'm told you objected to Cass' hair-straightening process.

The Marcel.

Fools mutilating themselves to be white.

Detective, apart from the fact that in order to straighten beautiful African hair Cassius had to use lye, which can cause blindness and cancer, and that only a self-hating Tom with a sl*ve mentality would want white hair, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense had no quarrel with Cassius Thomas.

Crowd: None.

Look, fellas, I don't believe in political hair, but you have eyes and ears on the entire neighborhood and you could help...

No black man, woman, or child is gonna help you, Detective.

Cass doesn't deserve justice?

Not your kind of justice.

Point One of our 10-Point Plan: We want freedom.

Man: Freedom!

Bunchy: We want power to determine the destiny of our black and oppressed community.

(All agreeing)

We believe that black and oppressed people will not be free until we're able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves by controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.

You really want my job?

Not the way you do it.

All right, I didn't make the world and neither did you.

No, but we can change it.

Well, okay. Well, let's change it later.

Or do you want a k*ller running loose around here?

What are you gonna do about the m*rder of Michael Younger?

What about Younger?

That's not my case.

But I will look into it and maybe it will...

Point seven. We want an immediate end to police brutality.

All: Now!

We believe that the r*cist...

That's seven out of 10.

... and fascist government of the United States...

Ten points?

... Uses its domestic enforcement agencies to carry out its programs...

I got lunch.

... of oppression against black people, other people of color, and poor people inside the United States.

We believe it is our right, therefore, to defend ourselves against these fascist police forces!

You're really letting me go to school like nothing happened?

Nothing did happen.

I love you.

I love you more than you can know.

It got hard when you got older.

It seemed like one day you were so quiet, and you used to be so...

Do you remember how much we laughed?

Our tea parties? (Chuckles)

You wanted to be everyone except Alice.

Alice was so...

Both: Boring.

You said, remember?

I remember, Mom.


(School bell ringing)

Hey. No playing hooky.

Not while Joe Wilson's on duty.

What? Who are you?

I'm your new babysitter.

Manson: It's gonna be a beautiful thing, Sadie.

I just wish I could be there to behold.

You're always with me, Charlie.

"The devotion of the greatest is to encounter risk and danger and play dice for Death."

Yeah, nice 'do.

You know, you are allowed to come in the front door.

I was hoping maybe you had a drive-through by now.

What do you want, Sam?

You know anything about who burned Cass?

You know, we got a great chicken pot pie today.

Your old friend Cass.

Burger's always good.


So you're a black man.

Bunchy Carter told me that no black man, woman, or child would help me find Cass' k*ller.

I didn't want to believe him.

I didn't want to believe that you would let his k*ller go free.

You know what, Sam? You're right. I'm a black man.

Yes, and, Nate, I'm your friend.

No, no, no. You are not my friend.

I like you, Sam.

But yet and still we ain't never gonna be friends for real.

Ask Hannah.

Hannah Weinraub? Still lives here?


And she still knows everything. (Chuckles)

Where's the fire? Why the radio call?

Billy Ray, Cass' son.

Witness saw him leaving 15 minutes before the fire and spray-painting "sl*ve hair Burns."

No, he didn't.

How the hell do you know he didn't?

'Cause Billy Ray died in Vietnam six months ago.

Who said they saw him?

Hannah Weinraub.

(Laughs) Senile Hannah?

That's your witness?

Who else did she tell you she saw?

Sammy Davis, Jr.?

Who the hell is investigating this kid that Bunchy keeps talking about?

The m*rder. Michael Younger?

I don't know.

You don't know.

And you don't know why Bunchy thinks you had something to do with it.

That I do know. I told you, the kid liked me.

Ran errands for me.

You know, kind gestures from friendly merchants.

Brown paper bags full of cash.

Yeah, sure.

I'm gonna let Sambo collect my take.

So you're telling me that this kid was your buddy on the beat and you don't know who's investigating his m*rder?

Detective, I'm not a detective.

Who you been talking to? The black pimps?

Younger was a good kid who liked cops and wound up dead, probably 'cause he liked cops.

Anything else on your mind, Sherlock?

Son of a bitch.

(Upbeat music playing)

Lucille: I'll get that taken care of for you.

Hey, handsome. Welcome back.

Thanks, Mrs. Gladner.

What did I tell you? Lucille.

Lucille. Sorry.

The girls will be so happy to see you.

Girls, look who's back.

Your college sweetheart.

Lucky girl gets pinned, huh?

So what'll it be? The usual?

Thanks, Lucille.

Jimmy Too!

Jimmy: Lucille.

Lucille: Hey, handsome.

You look... muah, muah.

Welcome back.

Look at you in that dress.

Shafe: Guess who I clocked?

Sam: Who?

Jimmy Butano, Jr.

Little Jimmy Too.

Yeah. Jimmy's pop was Manson's cellie at Terminal.

And I'm wondering did Big Daddy Butano intro Junior to his cellmate?

Manson? Anything's possible.

Yeah, well, I think I'll drop Manson's name, talk up the Spiral.

Just need that one little vouch to put Junior's mind at ease.

Your boy, Vickery. He moved enough dope for Gladner and he sure owes you.

You know, you're not as dumb as your haircut.

Gee. We're bonding.


Sam, you heard the news?

They're gonna operate on Priore.

Take out his gall bladder. That's what knocked him out.

It's infected or something.

Is it serious?

Serious enough for Dunne to make me Acting Lieutenant.

Got to admit I was wrong, Cut.

Kissing ass does pay off.

Ah, you're a regular Don Rickles, Sammy.

Now that you're the pope of pushing paper, maybe you can tell me who the hell's working this Michael Younger case.

Yeah, I never heard of it.

My advice: stick to your unsolved cases.

'Cause you got enough of those.

Who's Michael Younger?

I don't know.

I'm trying to find out who k*lled a friend of mine.

A n*gro. Hard working businessman.

Credit to his race.

Hey, listen, wise guy.

When I was a rook, Cass and I were buddies.

He used to keep a bottle of Jack Daniel's for me and we'd bitch about... everything.

Remember Bunchy Carter?

He calls himself a Black Panther now.

All Bunchy and the cat people want to talk about is Michael Younger, so I figure if I can turn the corner on that, then maybe I can catch some goodwill on Cass.

'Cause I need it and Cass deserves it.

I can look into Younger for you.



Don't look so surprised. I'm a cop.

You're a what?

I'm a... I'm a cop.

You are?

This is Michael Younger.

Choke hold?

Sam: You found something?

Michael Younger, 15 years old, put in a choke hold until he passed out.

Coroner says carotid artery didn't reopen and he suffocated.

You know what they call a choke hold in South Central?

Cop hold.

But why did Tolson choke his own gofer?

His fresca was warm?

I called the detective on the case.

Who's that?

Len Burns.

"Lead Butt" Burns? Ah.

Said no witnesses, no leads.

It's at the bottom of his stack.

Lenny Burns? His whole stack is at the bottom.

He hasn't solved a case since Tricky d*ck was Vice President.

No wonder Bunchy's pissed.

I'll keep working on it.

Manson: Banyin looking like a million.

I don't have time right now for your lazy rhymes, Charlie.

But first thing tomorrow morning, you don't call my office.


Nothing better than seeing fear in their eyes, huh?

That first time when you hit 'em so hard they just crumple up.

Banyin likes to meet 'em.

Meet 'em, greet 'em, and beat 'em.

And when she knows...

When she really knows Banyin ain't...

Yeah, Charlie.

You taught me what I truly enjoy.

That's your real talent.

You're no good at song writing from what I hear.

And we all know you stink at blackmail.

What do you think would happen if you told the world what you turned me on to, huh?

I'll hire F. Lee Bailey and the D.A. won't find enough credible testimony to indict me.

But you...

Pimping, parole violation...

You'll go to prison for the rest of your miserable stinking life.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa there, Jack.

I just want to know how's little Emma.

Me and the girls, we sure miss her.

Maybe you could talk to that esteemed partner of yours, you know, if he's calmed down a little.

Maybe I could talk to him or that pretty little wife of his.

Go ahead, Charlie.

Do your worst.

I want to see you do your worst.

Get away from the car.

(Engine starts)

I will do my best.

I will do my best!

Reagan: You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right.

Well, I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right.

There's only an up or down...

I'm going to call home.

Check in with Mr. Wilson.

Reagan: ... The ultimate in individual freedom, consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.

And regardless of their sincerity...

Yeah, Mrs. Karn, she did her homework. She's in bed now.

Seems to me she's pretty happy to be home.

Grace: Not been any trouble?

Yeah, when I told her you said no calls, not a peep.

She didn't give me no lip about it.

She's being a good girl, Mrs. Karn.

Oh, good. Thanks, Joe.
(Slow music playing)

I'll drop Emma at school...


Come straight to you.

Change the sheets, please.



Mmm, I love this song. Do you remember real music?


I still have to prove I can chasse.


Sam, I have to get back.

Mmm, I feel crazy.

I thought you were happy.

I am happy. That's what's crazy.

I love you.

I have to go.

Hurry. Tell me you love me.

Say it. I have to go.

(Whispering) I have always loved you.


Mmm. Wow.

That is your husband's product.

Uh, sorry, your ex-husband.

Um, late husband?


(Both laugh)

I think you mean dead.

Oh, goodness.

Lucille, hon.

You holding out on an old friend?

Lucille: Never, baby.

May I?

Thank you.

No offense, but this, uh... this tea's a little weak.

(Scoffs) Compared to what?

Mary soaked in psilocybin.

Silly what?

Synthetic mushroom.

It's crazy, lasts for days.

How do you score that?

Got onto this scene in Topanga.

Broke-down house where you can go on all kinds of trips.

This guy, uh...

Man... Manson.

Yeah, Manson.

Charlie Manson?

Funny little guy? Did a stretch over at Terminal?

Don't know about all that.

But any time you want to get...

(Slurring) ... Obliverate... obliver...

(All laugh)

I like this guy.

Lucille: Sounds like you're already there.




Let me know.

I will.

I'll bring you out there.

That sounds good.


In the meantime, this will do.

(Knocking on door)




Wow, uh, wasn't expecting you.

Yeah, well, I would have called, but, um, I don't do that anymore.

Try not to use those...


But you got my message about the kid?

Yeah, I, uh... I don't think he's legit.

I mean, why did he come here to America?

It's a red flag. I mean, this Hodiak kid, he could be here to suss out the movement, for someone.

Inform on us.

I don't think that's what's happening.

Well, let's just say that you have interest in the subject but maybe not as much knowledge as is possible.

I spoke to a friend. About Walt.

He's in the movement.

The what?

The anti-w*r movement.

But we were in country together.

He thinks maybe he can get you in touch with your son.

Okay. All right...

But you gotta be cool...

All I care about is Walt.

All right? Nothing else. You tell your friend that.

I just want to talk to my son.


Jefferson Culpepper. You know him?

Yeah. He's Cass' nephew. What about him?

Well, Hannah Weinraub didn't seem senile to me, so I showed her this. She mixes up names but she doesn't hallucinate.

It was Culpepper she saw leaving the Marcel at 4:30 in the morning.

Says he's a junkie, too.

Culpepper's really strung out.

I didn't figure him for m*rder and arson.

What about robbing the cash box for a fix?

He's got no current address. You know where he might be?

Well, if he's flush, he's probably nodding off in one of two sh**ting galleries a couple blocks away.

You're my bird dog.


(Doorbell ringing)

Hi, Mrs. Karn.

Your hair looks nice, up like that.

Emma said in class that she'd help me out.

I don't understand this nitz-chi.

He is weird.

I'm sorry. You're...

Oh, Susan Atkins.

We met at the school auction.

My family just moved here about a year ago.

Of course. Susan. Come in.

(Bed thumping)

Detective Burns? Brian Shafe.

We spoke on the phone about the Michael Younger case.

Who are you? Free Press?

No comment.

Ah. Hey, hey!

Ah, you ain't no cop.

You never heard of undercover?

(Scoffs) Hippie cop?

Go away, Sonny, huh?


Listen, Lead Butt.

A 15-year-old kiddy's dead. Your case is almost a week old and you haven't even filed a report.

So I want to know what you know or I'm going to Internal Affairs.

Want your pension on the line?

Your call.

(Tolson groaning)

How do these people live like this?


Where's Culpepper?

Where's Culpepper?

Hey, it's Tolson! Tolson!

Man: Jefferson, it's Tolson.

Tolson: There he is.

Hey! Hey, stop!


Get him! Runaway!

Tolson's chasing a brother!

Tolson's chasing a brother!

Stand down, Tolson.

Guys, do everybody a favor and send Jefferson Culpepper out here.

No one's coming out and no one's going in.

Hey, come on, let's go back to the car. Call it in.

I'm leading, Tolson.

Justice for Michael Younger! Arrest Tolson!

Justice for Michael Younger!

Shut up.

Arrest Tolson! Justice for Michael Younger!

All: (Chanting) Arrest Tolson!

Arrest Tolson! Arrest Tolson!

Arrest Tolson! Arrest Tolson!

Arrest Tolson! Arrest Tolson!

We just want to ask Culpepper a few questions about his uncle's m*rder.

Yeah, are you trying to sell me that you, Samson Hodiak, a r*cist cop in the most fascist police force in America, will actually treat a black man fairly?

He's a n*gro who k*lled another n*gro and he tried to blame it on the Panthers.

What you need to understand, Detective, is that there will be no arrest of anyone in the Black Panther Party Headquarters for self-defense.

Today or any day.

Well, if you shield him, he'll do it again!

No one's shielding a k*ller except you!

You want to bust a m*rder*r?

Bust him.

Crowd: (Chanting) Bust Tolson! Bust Tolson!

Sam, what the hell are you dragging me back into this place for?

We got two murders and you can close them both right now.

This is the kid that Tolson choked.

And this is Cass.

His nephew, Culpepper, k*lled him for a fix.

The Panthers won't give him up because we're doing nothing about Tolson.

This is what you brought me here for?

Yeah, no kidding. The world's a mess.

What do you want me to do about it?

Just let me sweat Tolson. He'll crack.

Right? He was losing his bag boy to the Panthers, so he roughed him up...

Oh, give me a break. You're complaining about a cop leaning on a punk? You?

Tolson practically confessed to Lead Butt that he choked Younger.

Burns told Shafe that...

What is wrong with you, bringing that goof into this?

I'm gonna bury that kid in crap cases.

Threatening a brother officer with Internal Affairs.

If you don't get off your ass, I'm going to IA, all right?

Sam, you're a lot of stupid things, but you're not a rat.

You deal with Tolson or I will.

Mary, mother of God, will you think?

Somebody high up is protecting Tolson.

You don't put Lead Butt on a case you want solved.

What are you afraid of, cut?

Losing your temporary title?

I'm in charge of you, dumbass, and I still like you enough to give you one good piece of advice...


Drop it.

You think, after watts, that this department is going to admit that a white cop k*lled a black teenager?

Hey, you want to go over my head?

Walk into the buzz saw, be my guest.

All right. Well, just at...

At least let me do right by Cass, all right?

Give me backup to get Culpepper out of Panther HQ.

Did you hear what I said?

If I'm not gonna start a race riot over Tolson, I'm sure as hell not gonna start one over a $17 m*rder.

If you drop this, the Panthers are gonna wind up in charge down there.

The Panthers are in charge down there.

Come on.

(Door opens)

Shafe: What happened?

Forget it.

Hey. Hey. What do you mean, "forget it"?

Let go.

Look, I told you Lead Butt can nail Tolson.

We can nail Tolson, you said that's the plan, so what the hell's the problem?

They don't all close the way you want 'em to.

What does that mean?

Grow up, huh?

Yeah, so I can be more like you, right?

No, no, you know? You're... you're right.

You're gonna be 25 forever.

You're gonna get everything you want, and everybody's gonna love you.


Outside there are friends. They're waiting for me.

Those aren't your friends, Walt. They're using you.

Dad, for once, can you trust me?

Okay, okay.

I just... shh, just sit.

Can you sit? Can you sit?

Six months ago I was assigned covert ops in Cambodia.

In Cambodia? That's...

That's the Western border of Vietnam.

Yeah, we're not supposed to be fighting there.

That's why I had Mom bring me home.

Because I can't be a part of what we're doing there.

What is that?

We're saturation bombing. We're k*lling children.

Arming crazies and destroying a civilization, that's what we're doing.

It's a w*r, you know?

If you want to win a w*r, you gotta fight ugly sometimes.

Dad, I have operational orders.


I can prove that the president is lying to the American people.

The President... the President's job is lying.

Okay, well, it's not my job.

I have to tell the truth.

They'll call me a traitor, Dad.

And I know that that is gonna hurt you...


I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

Wait. What...

You gotta let me go, Dad.

What... what are you doing?

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna give the proof to the press...


... That we are fighting an illegal w*r.

No. No.

No, no, no, talk to me...

Dad, you gotta let me go.

Talk to me about this.

Otherwise you won't see me again!


Can we just talk about it?

Just talk. Let's talk it out.

Dad, there's nothing else to say.

No, Walt. Walt, just come...

Just please...

Let me help you.

You can't.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Grace: Emma, honey.

I brought you and your friend dinner.


I let her in. Into my home.

Why didn't you warn me?

How could I...

And your stupid cop friend said Emma was being good.

Said she was tame.

Oh, she is your daughter, all right.

Everything's a lie.

Really, Grace?

All me? I'm the only liar in this house?

You've got some gall with him sitting here...


Grace: You promised me.

You said that you would keep her safe.

Like every promise you ever made.

Is there anything that you don't screw up?

Have you ever done anything in your life right?

I will find her.

No, you won't.

You'll fail. Like always, you'll fail.

Just get out. Just get out of my sight.

Welcome to the club.


(Girl shrieks)

All right. You're not gonna read me those rights, Miranda?

No cuffs?

Katie: Charlie!

Don't follow. I'll be okay.

Stay up here. I'm cooperating, man.

They all saw me cooperating.





You're k*lling me.

Stop. Stop.


Get in your car and go.

Otherwise you're finished.

As a father, as a cop. Just go.

Shafe: That's right, run!

Manson: Help me.

I'm Charlie.

Katie: Charlie! Oh, God!


(Indistinct talking)


(Sobs) What did they do to you?

Hey, Charlie.


It's Jimmy Butano.

You're gonna be okay.

Hey, don't try to talk, man.

I'm alive.

'Cause of this guy.

He saved your life.