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10x20 - The Woman in the Whirlpool

Posted: 05/29/15 03:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bones...

Any big emotional change, even good, can trigger a relapse.

I don't understand; he just read your text.

He might have too good of a hand.

So what? He's there to catch a m*rder*r.

He's an addict.

And you checked in with your sponsor?

Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?

I need to put 200 on the Cardinals.

I'm here to collect on a debt. $30,000.

Jimmy, your bookie, came here.

I paid him everything you owe.

This-this was a mistake, all right?

Look, I made one bet, that was it.

I need you to leave.

Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations,

"baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

All: Amen.

Brother Tepper has accepted the message of the Lord and has chosen this day to be saved.

Uh, it's okay if I hold my nose, right?

Do not resist, Brother Tepper.

For with this water, there can be no death.




(people screaming)

Oh, Lord, please!

Help us, Lord!

Begone, Satan!


Begone, Satan!


(children laughing)


Our kids get along really well, don't they?


I wish I could say the same about Booth and me.

Yeah, well, you did kick him out of the house, sweetie.

Brennan: Christine misses him so much.

Is he still going to his meetings?

That's what he says.

Is the baby kicking?

Mm, every time I talk about Booth.

This is gonna work out, Brennan.

Booth has a problem, but he's a good man.

All: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Keep coming back.

It works if you work it.





How you holding up?

I'm doing great.

Just settled into my new place.

Yeah, so...

You know, I think it would really help if you shared with the group next time.

Yeah, you know, I'm fine. Being here is good enough.

Not really, Booth.

There's got to be some stuff you need to work through.

Come on, look, you've been my sponsor for years, right?

I mean, you know me.

All right?

Uh, I'm trying.

Sure, but...

Tell you what, you know how you could help?

Give Bones a call and tell her how good I'm doing here.

That... that's good.

You know it doesn't work that way.

The only way to heal your marriage is to work on yourself.

That means participate here.

Share your story during the meeting.

You know that's the way it works.

Same time next week.


(indistinct police radio chatter)

Seems odd that somebody would dump a body in such a public place.

Well, the only person who put the body here was Mother Nature.

Somebody tossed the body into the river from way upstream.

Isn't Booth coming?

Uh, he had a meeting.

Why? You don't trust me to handle things here?

I'm just worried about my friend, that's all.

So any chance of I.D.?

Warren: Small brow ridges and sharp upper orbital borders indicate female.

The pubic symphyseal faces suggest she was in her early 50s.

Booth: Hey.

Sorry I'm late. What'd I miss?

Saroyan: Well, first of all, we're missing a left arm.

Plus, judging from the jag marks on the victim's back, she didn't go into the water voluntarily.

Well, it's the Potomac-- who would?

I also found some unusual sculpting of the bones.

Looks like someone took a power sander to the skull there.

It's so smooth.

It could be a sign of metabolic disease or postmortem damage.

Hodgins: Or if the body was pushed up against a rock wall inside a strong hydraulics system.

Like a whirlpool?

Exactly. Yeah.

(quietly): Meeting go okay?

It's anonymous for a reason, okay, Aubrey?

I just want to do my job.

Where's the arm?

We're not sure. But if it's still in there, Nautilus Jr.'s gonna find it.



Swim, buddy, swim.


Aubrey: Geez. You'd think people would take better care of the only habitable planet in our solar system.

Oh. Champagne.

This is high-class living.

It's caught on some weeds.


Saroyan: You know you're responsible for this very expensive piece of equipment, Dr. Hodgins.

I know.

Look at that, huh?

Looks like you're going for a swim, buddy.





Don't forget, you're looking for an arm.


♪ Bones 10x20 ♪
The Woman in the Whirlpool
Original Air Date on May 28, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method
♪ ♪

That's odd. The flesh decomposition isn't consistent with the degree of sloughing.

No. The pollution levels in the Potomac might account for that.

They can be quite toxic.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Why do you think I just took a 40-minute shower? Man.

The bone is badly abraded.

Well, the sculpting occurred postmortem, so it wasn't caused by any disease.

(phone ringing)



Hmm. Okay, then.

I beg your pardon?

Oh. I'm on your side, Dr. Brennan.

When the benefits of one mate diminish, it only makes sense to search for another mate...

Not today, Ms. Warren.

Well, I'm just trying to support Dr. B. She's been going...

I don't need my situation explained to me, Ms. Warren.

And your support will not hasten its resolution.

(phone ringing)

If you need to get that...

I-I don't...


Were you able to pinpoint time of death?

Behold the aquatic caddis fly larvae.

Based on the stage of the case architecture, she was in the water for less than four days.


Montenegro: Okay.

Wow. Well, the victim's face is too badly abraded to do a reconstruction. I don't know what we're gonna do, unless maybe you find an implant that has a serial number on it or...

Or shirt.

Uh, sorry, Hodgins, I don't...

I don't see anything.

Because there's nothing there.

You see, it's what used to be there.

Warren: Oh.

I think I understand.

(computer beeping)

This polo shirt is pretty torn up, but there used to be a logo stitched right above the breast pocket.

Yeah. The thread is gone, but... if I can connect the dots left behind by the embroidery, then I might be able to recreate the monogram.

You're a genius.

So how was your conversation with Brennan this morning?

Ugh. Sort of awful, actually.

She really misses Booth.

He's got to be feeling the same way.

Maybe she should just take him back.

If thugs showed up at our doorstep threatening me and Michael Vincent and it was your fault, I would do a lot more than just kick you out of the house.

But if he's feeling all alone, if he feels it's hopeless...

Then he should fight.

Isn't that what you'd do?

To the death.

(computer beeping)

Oh. It's ready.

Look at that.

Thompson Hardware.


It is in Arlington-- run by Ted Thompson.

Hodges: All right, I'll call Aubrey.

It always seemed like Booth and Brennan were so...

I don't know, so... solid, you know?

That nothing was ever gonna tear them apart.

Yeah. I know.

Do you think it's this?

What we do?

Is it eating away at all of us?


Yeah, maybe it is.

I love you, Angie.

You should call Aubrey.

Thompson: My God.

Leslie was my best employee.

That explains why she didn't show up for her shift today.

When was the last time that you saw Leslie Hodsoll, Mr. Thompson?

Friday night.

She closed up the register and then left, just like always.

Can you think of anyone that might have had anything against Leslie?

No. Everyone liked her.

I even tried promoting her to assistant manager, but she didn't want the responsibility.

Why's that?

Busy social life or...

She had a kid, um, that took up her time.

A daughter. Courtney, I think.

Uh, she was 20 or so.

Two of them get along okay?

I think so.

There was this one time though, uh, about one month ago, I-I walked in on Leslie in the break room, and-and she was in tears.

Turned out she was talking to her kid.

Any idea what they were talking about?

Seemed like normal mother-daughter stuff, you know.

Uh, "I told you why I can't be there, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."

Stuff like that.

So you can't give me anything until the bones are completely clean?

Yup, that's how it works.

Any reason you're so impatient?

Well, truth, justice; might as well throw in the American way while I'm at it.

Mm. So you're faster than a locomotive?

You know, girls don't like that.

Tough crowd.

Saroyan: Agent Aubrey, what brings you to the lab?

Just, uh, following up on the case.

And you couldn't do that over the phone?

What can I say?

I'm an in-person kind of guy.

Me, too. You know, I would way rather go see a play than watch a movie.

Right? It's all about being in the moment.




Okay, then, uh, since you have such an intense interest in the case, tox results came back suggesting poisoning.

There are traces of lead, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, selenium, even low levels of uranium radiation.

Well, that's strange though, since there weren't any metaphyseal bands on the victim's long bones.


The victim could have been poisoned over a long period of time.

So whoever was poisoning her must have been close to her.

I'm gonna go tell Booth.

In person.

Later, Superman.

Long story.

There you are.

I've been looking all over for you.

Sorry. I had some calls I had to make.

You okay? 'Cause to be honest, you got me and the squints kind of worried here.

Why? Did Bones call you or something?

No, we're just all concerned because for some crazy reason we care about you.

Okay, well, maybe you should be more concerned that we don't have a motive or a suspect.

Well, we do now.

Okay? Cam found signs of poisoning, which takes a long time to manifest, meaning whoever did this had access to Leslie over a number of years.

Victim's 20-year-old daughter, Courtney, still lives with her?


Something doesn't make sense here.

Mom is gone for four days, and the daughter doesn't report her missing?

All right, let's go.



Courtney Hodsoll?

Uh, yeah. That's me.

Can I help you?

FBI Special Agent Booth.

Here's Agent Aubrey from the FBI.

Going somewhere?

Uh, yeah, yeah, just... back to my dorms.

I'm just collecting the last of my stuff.

When was the last time you saw your mother?

Um, about three weeks ago.

Yeah, right before I moved out to go live on campus.

I thought I'd see her today, but I don't know where she is.

I can give you her cell phone number though, if you...

I'm sorry, but we recovered your mother's body from the, uh, Potomac River this morning.

What? No.

No, you-you must have her confused with someone else.

Aubrey: We're sorry, but your mother was positively identified.

I-I don't understand.

Would it be okay if we could ask you some questions?

How would you characterize your relationship with your mother?

It was fine.


No arguments?

She didn't disapprove of anything you did?


'Cause she wasn't that interested.


You know, I know she... she loved me and all.

And I-I loved her, but...


All she seemed to care about was her jars.



Yeah, I'll show you.

She was obsessed.

Welcome to Mom's world.

You got to be kidding me.



Wow, I thought I was a cookie fan.

It was all about the jars.

There was rarely a cookie in the house.

A collection like this must be worth a fortune.

Yeah, I'm sure some of it was worth some money, but mostly it's just sentimental junk.

Man, she was really into this-- each jar had its own entry with a photo, description, the date she bought it, how much she paid.


If she wasn't polishing the jars, she was cataloging them or going to collectors conventions.

Come on. You got to admit though, how cute is that?

Piggy jar?

Put the pig down.

Listen, uh, I'm just guessing that there were other people obsessed with these cookie jars, right?

So did you hear or see any fights over these?

Oh, yeah.

Plenty, over the years.

Any particular jarhead who had it out for your mom?

I stayed as far away from those lunatics as I could.

I guess maybe if I didn't, my mom would still be alive.

These jars explain the poison.

So, old ceramics contain small amounts of lead carbonate, lead chromate, barium, cobalt.

If a jar's glaze was compromised, then the toxins could have leached onto Leslie's hand.

Well, I guess when people get nostalgic for the good old days, they overlook things like carcinogenic glaze.

Why cookie jars?

I mean, you know, Star Wars figures I understand, but...

Well, Andy Warhol's cookie jar collection sold for $250,000 back in the '80s.

Well, there's continuity in collecting.

I'm a collector.

Wait, let me guess.

Um... Grateful Dead bootlegs.

Saroyan: I'm gonna go with...

Pez dispensers.

No, I collect the elements of the periodic table.

Uh, high purity samples, no compounds or alloys.

Where could you possibly get scandium?

Russian mobster named Pebbles.

Uranium? Uh, technetium?

Radioactive elements are tricky, but I'm working on it.

Saroyan: And I found a laceration to the tissue from the victim's right hand.

Defensive wound?

Possibly. It looks pretty recent.

I'll take a gander at the metacarpals.

Yeah, and I'll swab the wound and see if I can find some particulates.

How did you isolate rubidium?

Wouldn't you like to know.

Picking up to go. Brennan.

Yeah, it'll be just a few more minutes, dear.



Comfort food.

You getting takeout?


Eating here alone--

I don't know, I...

Well, there's a seat right here.

Come on, Bones, we should be able to have lunch together.

Why not?


I'll eat here now, please.

Waitress: You got it, hon.

(clears throat)

How's Christine?

She misses you.

But she's good.

Look, whenever you want to talk about me moving back...

It's too soon, Booth, you know that.

Well, I'm going to all my meetings.

I have things under control.

You're off to a good start.

I'm... I'm happy for you.

For us.

Look, I don't want to make this a bigger deal than what it is, all right? I made a mistake.

Is that what you tell everyone at your meetings?

That it was just a mistake?

You put me and Christine in danger, Booth.

Bones, please. I promise...

It was more than just a mistake.

Here you go, sweetheart.

Actually, on second thought, I will take it to go.

Come on, Bones, really?

It's too hard right now, Booth.

I love you.

Aubrey: Cable records show that she paid extra for high-speed Internet access.

Yeah? Well, it worked.

Look at these bidding threads.

Leslie was winning these cookie jar auctions by milliseconds.

Sounds like she was a major presence in the cookie jar collecting world.

I feel so stupid saying that.


Yeah, well, look at this.

Four days before her death, Leslie posted a bunch of blistering reviews about another seller, Cheryl McMichael.

Criticism from a respectable source could cr*pple a small business-- and it wasn't just online reviews. Look at this.

Leslie was trying to destroy Cheryl across every available platform.

Her blog, newsletters, the seller's Web site.

And with Leslie out of the way, Cheryl could save her business.

Wow. Looks like a motive to me.


I noticed an injury on the frontal and parietal bones when I was cleaning the remains.

It seems as though someone tried to k*ll this woman before.

There appears to be a glancing g*nsh*t wound to the skull.

And there's a similar injury on the right clavicle.

Both wounds show remodeling.

I'd say about 20 years.

Wow. That could be why our victim's daughter never mentioned her mom being shot.

She was an infant at the time.

Perhaps she never knew.

This injury to her prefrontal cortex could explain the victim's obsessive collecting.

Well, there's plenty of collectors that don't have brain injuries.

Still, a b*llet in this location would affect the part of the brain that decides what is and isn't worth saving.

It's the source of addiction.

It's destructive, for the addict and everyone around them.

Uh, please note the slight depression within the g*nsh*t wound, suggesting blunt force trauma.

It appears to be perimortem, but the trauma pattern is obscured by the hydraulic sanding.

Yes. We should open up the skull to take a closer look.

In the meantime, please work with Dr. Hodgins to determine the w*apon that caused the injury.

I can't believe that this McMichael woman's life could be ruined by some online comments.

According to her tax records, Cheryl had a pretty robust business selling memorabilia till Leslie started bad-mouthing her.

(phone ringing)



Yeah, all right, just slow down, all right?

Speak English.

Right, okay.

Got it.

So Hodgins found, uh, rust that was embedded in the victim's hand.


Oh! Oh!

Take it easy there, huh?

Aubrey: Cheryl McMichael?

Who wants to know?

FBI. Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here is Agent Aubrey.

My online consignment business is totally legit.

I got a business license, I pay sales tax...



Look at this.

Yeah. That's a lot of rust, huh?

Just like Hodgins said he found on Leslie's remains.

"Leslie's remains"?

What's going on?

Maybe you can answer that for us.

Look, Leslie and I were friends.

I sold her over 50 cookie jars.

Booth: Really?

It's really the friends thing that I'm really struggling with.

I mean, these reviews that Leslie wrote about you don't seem so friendly.

You really think I k*lled Leslie because of some bad reviews?

Have you ever been on the Internet?

It's the land of nasty, bitter people.

I'm used to it.

You must've done something to set her off.

Sure. Yeah.

She wanted this antique Babe Ruth cookie jar that I found.

We arranged for her to pick it up, but before she got there, I got a better offer.

Very friendly of you.

The guy offered me ridiculous money.

I had to take it.

I'm a businesswoman.

Who she hurt with her reviews.

We checked out your tax returns.

For this year.

Yeah, business was down because there wasn't as much inventory.

That's why I expanded into all this other junk.

Which is covered in rust and some of which seems to have gotten into the victim.

Take whatever you want and test it or whatever you guys do.
I didn't k*ll her. She was my friend.

I was gonna try and find her another one of those Babe Ruth jars.


I was correct.

The current in the river smoothed out the surface of the skull and obscured the full extent of the depression fracture.

But by looking inside the skull, we can see the full effect of the blunt force trauma.


Radiating and linear fractures are preserved on the endocranial surface.


I should have thought of that.

Yes. But you're here to learn.


I also want to apologize for my comments earlier.

Monogamy is a personal choice and a popular one, at that.

Well, I hope that you and Agent Booth work it out.



Hodgins: Hey, do you know that I used to have this exact vintage Hubley plane when I was a kid?

Have you found anything, aside from your lost childhood?

Like rust that maybe matches the rust in the victim?

Well, you'd think so with the amount on these suckers.

I mean, I've got yellow rust, I've got red rust, green rust, brown rust...

I get it. No matches.

So, in all of this, you have nothing.

Got the plane.


So I think I got something.

Two months ago, Leslie tried to sell her entire collection online.

Tried to?

Yeah, well, she removed the post after only one day, without accepting any offers.

Those jars were her whole life.

Why would she try to sell them?

My guess is she wouldn't have.

Not unless it was life or death.

I mapped the spider-web fractures on the interior frontal bone on the skull.

The injuries are definitely a result of two separate blows, one perimortem and one postmortem.

Could the perimortem blow indicate cause of death?

Not definitively, but I can give you w*apon parameters.

Longer curvilinear fractures on the temporal and parietal bones indicate a heavy cylindrical object.

And the differentiated impact here suggests a punt or dimple at the base.

Could that be consistent with a cookie jar?


Okay, I found traces of fiberglass insulation in the victim's lungs.

Not enough to be cause of death, but I wouldn't expect to see it in someone unless they'd spent a lot of time in an old attic.

Old as in the victim's townhouse?


And if the m*rder w*apon was a cookie jar, we may have our crime scene.

Have I mentioned that attics freak me out?

Aw. Superman is scared of the dark?

Well, spiders, really.

Anything crawly.

That's my Kryptonite.


They're so...

Aubrey: Creepy?

Yep, that's what they are.

(chuckles) Don't worry.

I'll protect you.

Aubrey: Bingo. Fiberglass.


Yeah. There is definitely blood on that nail.

And rust.

Could be a match for what was found on the victim's hand.

Hard to believe that it isn't.

We're kind of good at this, aren't we?

Booth and Brennan 2.0.

I mean, except for the being married and having babies part.

Or having any kind of sex at all.

Right. Yeah, no, obviously.

Up here with the fiberglass, you know, the heavy breathing.

I meant anywhere.


So what's the victim doing crawling around up here?

(man coughing faintly)

Did you hear that?

I think someone's up here.

Right. Get behind me.

This is kind of exciting.

(coughing continues)

FBI! All right?

Come out or I'll sh**t!

Okay, no, no, no, no!

Don't-don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Please don't sh**t!

Please-please don't sh**t!

I'm gonna stand up, okay?


Booth: This is not looking good for you, Mr. Simon.

I mean, you actually got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

You were locked in the attic, you understand, where the victim was assaulted.

I wasn't locked in the attic.

I was waiting for an opportunity to sneak out.

How long were you in there?

A day or so.

Leslie's kid wouldn't leave.

I didn't want to get caught for trespassing.


That's the least of your problems.

Will you sit down?


I-I know.

I know it was wrong being there.

But I love the Babe.

I mean, I love him.

Babe Ruth is...

I mean, the way that I... the way I feel about him, I just...

Yeah. You love him.

Yeah. We got it.

Okay, good. So-so you... so you understand.

No. Not at all.

I feel it's important to keep his memory alive and to collect the things that honored his life.

You know, I'm like...

I'm like the gatekeeper.

You do realize that you really are digging yourself a big hole here, right?

Y-You're admitting to breaking into her home.

No. I didn't break in.

The front door was unlocked.

And I was gonna retrieve my Babe jar, the one she stole from me.

How'd Leslie get her hands on it?


(chuckles) All right.

Sit. No.

Please, just stay there.

So, after I bought it from Cheryl, she found out where I lived and she kept showing up trying to buy it.

And one day I came home, the Babe was gone, and suddenly she stops pestering me.

And you didn't report the theft?

I called the cops!

But I didn't have "evidence" of a break-in.

I couldn't "prove" it was her.

How did she get into your house?

Beats me. I don't have an alarm, but the place was locked and dead-bolted.

Nobody has keys but me.

Wow, that must have really "pissed you off."

You better believe it.



That, uh... that didn't sound so good, did it?

Not really, no.

Booth: Don't get up.

Just stay right there.

What do you think?

Guy's not a k*ller.

Seemed kind of crazy though.

Look, get DCPD on the line and follow up on his story, all right?

Where are you going?

Yeah, I got to take care of business.

Well, you need backup?

Not this time, all right?

Aubrey: So I just talked to DCPD.

Turns out Scott Simon's story tracks.

There was a break-in?

Well, he definitely reported one and even reported the cookie jar missing.

So it looks like Scott isn't our guy.

Well, I may have something.

I've been wondering why the victim listed her entire collection for sale online.

Financial trouble?

Not that I could find.

But look at what I did find on her Facebook page.

Brennan: That's the victim, fifth from the left.

This photo was posted from Orlando on the same day that her entire jar collection was listed online from her home computer I.P. address.

So you think someone else used her home computer while she was out of town to sell her collection?

And guess who was still living at home at the time.

The daughter.

I need to talk to the victim's daughter again.

One question, Agent Aubrey.


I called Booth to talk about the case.

Uh, he didn't pick up.

He said he had some business to take care of.

A meeting?

Uh, he didn't say. I'm sorry.

He-He's doing well though.


It works if you work it.

See you next time.

Hey, Booth.


I thought you said you were gonna stand up tonight.

So many people got up. I didn't want the meeting to run late.

We're all friends here, Booth.

We've all screwed up.

Yeah, I get that.

That's why I'm here.

You think if you don't talk, that means it didn't happen?

Of course not.

We need you to get it all out in the open.

You need to tell us what you did.

Look, I got to go take care of something, all right?

I'll, uh... I'll see you next time.

No, I loved my mother. I would never hurt her.

Trying to sell your mother's cookie jar collection would hurt her big-time.

But I didn't go through with it.

Maybe you realized you'd get more from your mother's life insurance than selling those cookie jars.

I took it offline because it was the wrong thing to do.

Right, because that would make you look like a good person before you k*lled your mother.

I am a good person.

My dad left when I was little.

I barely remember him.

You know, and then my mom started collecting.

I just wanted to be as important to her as those damn jars were.

Why'd you change your mind?

'Cause I'm not a kid anymore.

I mean, yeah, sure, sometimes I feel like one, but...

I don't know.

I realized it was time to move on.

(voice breaking): I guess I realized I could love her even if she couldn't love me.


You know what? It...

It wasn't about your mother not loving you.


Did you realize that, um... that she was shot in a mugging 20 years ago?




No, she never said anything about that.

The g*nsh*t wound to her head would explain her obsession.

It wasn't your fault.

She was an addict.

It had nothing to do with you.

(crying softly)

Ms. Warren, why didn't you note the small nick on the right clavicle?

I must have missed it because it's obscured by the remodeled g*nsh*t wound.

But that wound shows no remodeling.

It's perimortem.

Do you ever miss anything?

Well, no one's perfect, Ms. Warren.

Very humble.

But I come very close.

That wound appears to be connected to this damage to the cranial vault.

Oh, before I forget, Ms. Warren, I have something for you.

Uh, more X-rays?


But this has nothing to do with the case.

It's a bone scan.

In nuclear medicine, the element technetium is injected into patients to measure unusual bone rebuilding.

Uh, the short half-life of technetium makes it impossible to gather a pure sample.

Which is why I thought this snapshot of technetium in action, while not as good as an actual sample, could complement your periodic table collection.

I'm touched.


Thank you.

I realize how quickly relationships can change and... how important it is to value those we have right now.

I guess... what I'm saying is...

I know.

Back at ya.


(chuckles softly)

Um... could a diagonal blow cause the impact evidence on the left frontal bone and right clavicle?

Yes. Which means the m*rder w*apon would have had to slice through the subclavian artery.

Causing the victim to bleed to death.


Uh, let's see.

Huh. Look at that.

There's something caught in the crevice of the wound.

Oh. It looks like a shard of green glass.

I hear someone discussing particulates?

Perfect timing, Dr. Hodgins.

What do you make of this?

Well, judging from the density, it's pressure-ware glass, made to withstand the force of carbonation.

The m*rder w*apon is a champagne bottle.

A thick-walled, curvilinear side terminating in a punted bottom is consistent with the fracture pattern.

And if the bottle broke on impact, a shard could have sliced the subclavian artery.

But we don't have a champagne bottle in any of the collected evidence.

I'm not so sure about that.

So, I remember seeing this bottle in the water where the body was found.

But does the glass in the wound match?


Hate to step on your toes, Curly, but wouldn't being underwater destroy all trace evidence?

Well, that is where my Vacuum Metal Deposition Chamber comes in.

So this can retrieve any surviving fingerprints, even after prolonged immersion in water.

I'm being punked, right?


Not at all. Here, you do the honors and tell me.

Just spin that middle one to the right.


So, aerosolized gold evaporates, creating a thin film which actually gets absorbed by the sebaceous surfaces left by the fingerprint ridges.

And coats the non-ridged surfaces.

And voilà, we have ourselves a fingerprint.

Your fingerprints are in the system because you have a locksmith license.

Fine. So what?

We found the champagne bottle you used to k*ll Leslie.

We were able to lift prints from it, as well as traces of Leslie's blood.

Booth: Leslie knew that you were a locksmith, made you break into Scott's home and steal the Babe Ruth cookie jar.

What went wrong?


I thought she loved me.

But after she got that jar, I... I meant nothing to her.

She was like a drug addict or something.

What about the champagne bottle?


I brought it over a couple of days later.

I was trying to win her back.

But you didn't.

She rejected you once again.

So you k*lled her.

It was an accident!

I tried talking to her, but she was cleaning those stupid jars.

So I took the champagne bottle, and I swung it to smash the jars, but she lunged out in front to protect them.

To protect the things she didn't realize were ruining her life.

The bottle broke, the glass cut her throat.

There was so much blood...

Oh, there was so much blood.



I'm so sorry.

Aubrey (laughs): Oh.

Wow. This is like a dream I had once.

(chuckles) Uh, happy hour was about to end, and I didn't know what you liked, so I just got everything.

That is exactly what I like.

I also didn't know what you drank, so I got you a beer, margarita and a Coke.

I feel like you can see into my soul.

Well, dig in.

To our, uh, first case together.

So that's what this is, celebrating work.

'Cause I was afraid you might think it was a date.

A date?

No. Why would I think that?

Would I be pounding meatball sliders on a date?

We're colleagues.

We're friends.

That's it.

Well, they look good.

Thank you.

(clears throat)

So, uh, do you think Booth and Brennan are gonna get a divorce?

Those two? Never.

Pretty definite there, Superman.

Well, you know, Sweets wrote a book about them.

He said that it was their friendship that was the foundation of their relationship.

Not the fickle nature of love.


So it's because they're colleagues, friends?

(clears throat)

(chuckles softly)

It's good work, Bones.

We've always made a good team.


Give Christine a kiss for me, and tell her I love her.

Of course.

If you wanted to come by, read her a book, tuck her in?

Thanks, but I-I can't tonight.

Maybe tomorrow.


(elevator bell dings)

See you tomorrow.

Man: Well, I guess if no one has anything else to say, I guess we're done for the evening.

Thank you all for coming.



I'm, uh...

My name is Seeley, and I have a gambling addiction.

Others: Welcome, Seeley.

I'm here today because, uh...

I want to make things right, I want to get my life back.

You see, I've, uh...

I've hurt a lot of people in my life, especially my family.

I've, uh, betrayed them and put them in danger.

So... I'm here to find a sense of resolution with that, so I can better understand... myself.

What's that mean?