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03x11 - The Amateurs

Posted: 05/25/15 06:08
by bunniefuu
Someone tried to implicate you in a m*rder, Neville.

You've already looked at every possible source in the company, and you couldn't find a leak.

Oscar Vega: I step down as primary on this case.

The doctor needs to run more tests is all.

Okay, I'll get Angie to take point.

Angie Flynn: I mean, at first, I didn't think anything of it.

Just a guy nosing around my car.

Then I started thinking about it, and I have seen him in front of my house.

I'll get in touch with Threat Assessment Unit.

Oh, come on, I don't need protection.

[Shouts and cheers of triumph]

Are you listening to this guy?

You don't know what you're talking about, okay?

That, my friend, is a Patek Philippe.

You ever heard of it?

It's worth more than you make in a month.

Scratch that, a year.

There a problem here, gentlemen?

Yes, there is, actually.

I'm trying to buy in to the next game, and this moron is telling me that my watch is a counterfeit.

Take a look. Look at it.

He's right.

It's worthless.

Ken, my dad gave me this watch.

That's between you and your father.

Well, it's gotta be worth something.

I mean, come on.

[Quietly] Get up now. Don't make a scene.

Get out.

All right, all right!


Talk about desperate. Am I right?

I do not want to be that guy right now.

Look, guys, this isn't my fault.

I was up until that tourist joined the table.

He's the one you should kick out, Ken.

Jesse, Jesse...

How much money do you owe me?

[Shuffling feet]

Like, 25.

You want me to front you another five so you can lose that, too?

Well, when you put it like that, it sounds like a bad idea.

Look, I wouldn't ask if I didn't think that my luck was going to turn, Ken.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Your luck is turning, Jesse...

Not in the face.

Wait, wait, wait...

[blow thuds]

[Groaning and spluttering]

Don't come back here until you've got my money.

[Blows thud]

Betty's just finishing up with her examination, then we can have the crime scene.

Okay, great.

So, I'm quitting, you know, to pursue my lifelong dream of country music.



You hate country music.

Don't you joke about quitting.

You thought I wasn't listening.

Well, welcome back, partner.

But I am.

Two homicides in one morning. It's going to be a busy day.



Victim's name is Ken Leung.

Two g*nsh*t wounds, one to the head, one to the chest.

m*rder w*apon's on the counter in the kitchen.

The one to the chest is what k*lled him.

The second one was unnecessary, medically speaking.

Insurance or overkill, right?

So they left the g*n, huh?

It could be professional.


When do you think you'll get to the autopsy?

Uh, Lucas's victim is on the way to the morgue right now, so I can probably do Mr. Leung later tonight.

Okay, thanks.

So, we have a third m*rder.

Point Grey.

Cross wants me to head over.

Everybody get's a body.

I'm here for my order.

It's not ready yet.

You said today.

No, you asked if it could be ready today.

I said, I'll see what I can do.

How soon?


A rush job is another two grand.

All right.


These passports better be perfect.

Your own mother won't be able to tell the difference.

It's not my mother I need to convince.

Can you put a rush on that fingerprint report?


So, what's the word?

Turns out our victim, Ken Leung, is the deputy leader of the golden tiger triad.

He's been promoted.

Oh, so you know him.

We've crossed paths.

g*ng Squad tell you his brother, George, is in charge of west coast operations?

Yes, they did, only they referred to him as "Mountain Master."

Because they like to show-off.

Yeah, they do.

We're going to need to talk to the brother.

Any other suspects?

Take your pick.

The guy was a career criminal.

There's also an ex-wife in the mix.

He called her this morning at 3:00, and there was a call from a Jesse Simon over the weekend.

Okay, start with the ex.

I should be there when you talk to George.


I can handle a mountain master.

Didn't say you couldn't.

Woman: I've been expecting this since we first started dating.

Never pictured myself living in a place like this when I got the news, though.

Angie: Ken called you this morning at 3:00 A.M.


He was drunk.


Said he'd screwed up.

With you?

That would imply he cared about me.

Did he say how he screwed up?

I assumed it had something to do with work.

I was surprised he even called me.

That's not a common occurrence.

We didn't have much to say to each other.

I lost my daughter because of him.

She's with a foster family now.

I'm sorry, that must have been very hard on you.

I didn't k*ll Ken.

I'm angry.

I'm not stupid.

You know who his brother is, right?

We do.

Just tell me when Ken was k*lled.

I'll tell you where I was.

Actually I'll need your movements for the last 24 hours.


Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to hurt Ken?

Yeah, that's something I want to go on record about.

Here's my card, in case you think of anything.

Thank you for your time.


Charlie, I need to talk to you.

Now's a bad time.

It's really important.

Let me call you back.

Charlie? Charlie!

Son of a bitch!

Okay, uh...

What does $500 get me?

Take your pick.

That one.



500 gets you a g*n.

Everyone, I apologize for the interruption.

Here's a little something to sweeten the pot.

She's exceptional at her job.

You're quite the mahjong player.

You been playing long?

Online for a couple of years.

It's the same concept as gin rummy.

You're a professional card player?

No, my grandfather loved cards.

I learned math playing Blackjack with him.

Oh, bingo.


Oh, that's not necessary.

Well, at least let me buy you a drink.

No, thanks.

I need to be able to focus.

Of course.

Keep an eye on table three.

Ronald Hanlon's last hours alive were spent in sheer agony.

His body is still warm to the touch, which means he died within the last couple of hours.

But the beating took place much earlier than that.

I mean, judging from the bruising and swelling around the fractures, I'm thinking, maybe, late last night, early this morning.

Any idea when you can get to the autopsy?

Brian and Angie's bodies are up first.


It might be tomorrow, but I'm on it.


Victim's wife: Ronald was a dentist.

Why would anyone want to k*ll a dentist?

Was Ronald fighting with anyone?

Maybe a dissatisfied patient?


His patients loved him.

Can you think of any friends, or neighbours?

We had a fight.

I wouldn't even really call it a fight.

What was that about?

We've been trying to get pregnant.

Treatments are really expensive.

One of you was maybe worried about the expense?


But he never said no.

He just started booking people at his clinics on Saturday, so we could continue the treatment.

And that's where you were this weekend?

At Moonstone Fertility Clinic in Seattle.

When you're ready, I'm going to need your travel details, Mrs. Hanlon.

Mrs. Gorman, I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Andrew had quite the juvenile record.

Andrew's father died when he was young.

He struggled.

Shoplifting, breaking and entering, vandalism...

Cries for help.

And the attempted arson?

An accident.

Andrew was changing his life around.

He had just enrolled in community college.

He told me, now it was his turn to take care of me.

How was he paying for classes?

I lent him the money.

I took it out on my credit card.

How much?


At the crime scene, you said that Andrew Gorman's death may have been caused by strangulation.

Mm-hmm, because of the petechial hemorrhaging around the eyes, but the x-rays showed that his hyoid bones are intact.

So, he wasn't strangled?

No, he suffocated.

His pharynx, trachea and bronchi were all swollen shut.

Allergic reaction?

Close. Chemical reaction.

Lean in. Take a whiff.

Pepper spray?

It's oleoresin capsicum.

The active ingredient in pepper spray.

So, he choked to death on pepper spray?

Uh, technically speaking, the pepper spray caused him to have a physical reaction that caused him to suffocate.

What's the difference?


Remember how I told you that you were my favourite?


Don't blow it.

Ken's dead?


That's terrible.

I didn't do it.

No, I know.

The nurses have confirmed that you haven't left the hospital since Saturday morning.


But, uh, you called Ken, and then two hours later, an ambulance picked you up.

Did he do this to you?


I owed Ken 25 large.

He banned me from his game until I could pay him back.

I called him Saturday morning to settle.


Where'd you get the money?

Well, see, the night that Ken kicked me out, I made a thousand on the Toronto game, and then I turned that thousand into five at the craps table.

I parlayed that five into 30.

So, I had Ken's money and a little bit left for myself.

Then I got a tip on the Wisconsin game...

What happened between you and Ken?

Right... right, yeah.

Uh, well, I phoned him to tell him I have his money.

We arranged to meet at the warehouse.

I pay Ken back, he starts whaling on me.

Just att*cks you? No reason.

Yeah, and he's yelling, "where's the rest? Where's the rest!"

Next thing I know, I wake up in the back of an ambulance.

Did Ken clean you out?


Lucky Wisconsin won, though, or I'd be in real trouble, right?

You're not kidding.

So, Karen Hanlon's alibi checks out.

Her sister went with her to Seattle.

And Hanlon?

Well, he told his wife he had to work, but the dental clinic was closed all weekend.

So he's lying to the wife.


Any extra-curricular interests?

We have this.

He withdrew $5,000 in cash from his bank account about an hour after his wife left town.

Yeah. All right, good work.

Listen, the, uh, these three cases are stretching the section's resources...

I'm happy to run this one for you.

Well, I mean, considering your situation, are you sure that's the best idea?

Okay, uh, how about this, when someone comes available, I'll hand it over to them.

Sounds good.


All right, now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go see a triad leader about a homicide.

Mr. Leung, I'm Detective Angie Flynn, this is Staff Sergeant Mark Cross.

Mark Cross.

That does have a much better ring to it than Marvin Crandall.

What can I do for you?

I regret to inform you that your brother, Ken, was k*lled earlier today.

Do you have any suspects?

Do you?

Everyone loved my brother.

The last phone call he made before he died was to you.

We didn't talk.

The phone call lasted five seconds, and that's long enough to leave a message.

And you would like to hear that message.

I would consider it a great favour.

George. It's Ken.

I've tracked it down.

I'll make this right, I promise.

Do you know what he's talking about?

Any other questions can be asked through my lawyer.

Let us handle this, George.

Ken was my brother.

What was that about?

Back when I was undercover, I got George out of a jam.

He just returned the favour.

Or just incriminated himself.

No, George didn't even know Ken was dead till we told him.

How can you be so sure?

Because he would have had a lot more security.

Unless he ordered the hit himself.

Then he would have had more people around in case Ken's allies wanted to retaliate.


So, Ken told his ex that he'd "screwed up," he told his brother "he'd make it right," and then when he att*cked Jesse Simon, he demanded "the rest of it."


Ken was in some kind of trouble.


Let me ask you a question.

How did you infiltrate any kind of g*ng with a name like Marv?



[Clattering and rummaging]

Whatever you're looking for, it isn't here.


Forgive Kwan.

He's, uh, paranoid.

[Rummaging continues]

I have terrible news, Teri.

I already know.

The police were here this morning.

They're so intrusive.

[Objects clattering]

What did you tell them?

Same thing I'm going to tell you.

I had nothing to do with Ken's death.

Of course you didn't.

Then tell Kwan to stop tearing my place apart.

It's not here.

You see, Kwan?

I told you Teri would never betray us.

She's family.

Give me a hug.

[Speaking Cantonese]


[Door opens and closes]

Keep an eye on her.


Why don't we have any brain fuel?

I just read an article on how important they are.

Quinoa, it's a super food.

Is that what this is?



Did you see this?

Maria Snow?

Yeah, Neville Montgomery promoted her to vice president.

Hmm. I thought she was trying to bring him down.

Why did she accept a promotion?

Maybe she just wanted a cut.

Or maybe he just made an ally out of an enemy.

Either way, we got three open homicides to deal with.

How are you, Oscar?

Well, you know, trying to figure out another one, or two, or three.

How are you?

Well, to be honest, I'm, uh... frustrated, you know, scared.

A little bit all over the place.

That's understandable.

Yeah, no, it is.

I mean, a homicide makes more sense to me.

Usually, there's a reason for that.

My condition? No reason.

You know, at least, not one that doctors can figure out.

It's frustrating that it takes so much time.

Anyway, how are you?


Um... a little busy.


I thought Mr. Leung was your next autopsy.

He was, but then one of my assistants found something interesting when they were doing a visual of your victim, Mr. Hanlon.

I thought you should know about it.

What is it?

Pepper spray.

Lucas said his victim was k*lled with pepper spray.

Mm-hmm. He was.

Two homicide victims, one weekend, both exposed to pepper spray?

It's too much of a coincidence.

Any way to tell if the pepper spray came from the same bottle?

I have already asked forensics to put a rush on your tests because you are my favourite.

Ah... [chuckling] Yeah, okay.

I'll, uh, I'll keep that in mind.



[Chuckling in triumph]


Aw, come on.

Nice to meet you guys.

Looks like you've shut down this table.

Sorry about that.

Hey, never apologize for winning.

Now, how about that drink?

I think they got the right idea.

It's time for me to go.

Are you sure?

I was going to invite you over to our VIP area, just over there.

A bigger buy-in.

Higher point value.

But if you want to go...

[Groans indecisively]

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.

Well, good, we'll take care of your winnings.

Follow me.

Yeah, it's safe.

Good to stretch the legs out, right?


You hungry at all?


You sure?

How about a drink?

Like, sparkling water, something like that.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

We'll get you a glass and a lime.

Yeah. Yeah, that'd be good.

Oh, no.

Ken Leung led a violent life.

There are scars from s*ab wounds, knife slashes, other g*nshots...

[Yawning] all over his body.



I've got good news for you, because you're officially off the clock.

Now, that is why you are my favourite.

Hard week?

Worried about Vega?


But I'm also dealing with the, um...

Threat Assessment Unit.

Why are you talking to Threat Assessment?

Because... [clears throat] someone is trying to intimidate me.


I don't know.

My guess is Neville Montgomery.

You caught his daughter's k*ller.

Um, yes, and then I accused him of m*rder.

Oh. Well, there is that.


Is there anything I need to know about this autopsy?

Yes, your victim has bruising across his chest.

Now, I can't relate it to the m*rder, because the bruising is at least a couple of days old.

Any idea what caused it?

Something long and cylindrical.

Like a length of pipe, or maybe even a bat.

Oscar's victim was beaten to death with a bat, wasn't he?

He was, and dosed with pepper spray.

Like Lucas's victim?

Well, have you checked Ken here for any pepper spray?

Well, I was going to, and then you showed up and tried to get me drunk.

Hey! Hey, hey!


I think... that all three of our murders are connected.

Wow, let me smell your breath?


Oh, that's bourbon, nice.

You drink in the morgue?


Okay, yes, but technically, I'm off-duty, so it doesn't matter.

Can we focus here, please?

All three of our victims have traces of pepper spray on their bodies.

And Ken Leung and Ron Hanlon were att*cked with the same bat.

Forensics found DNA samples from Ken and Ronald on the... the hitting end part of the bat.

But you found the bat at Hanlon's crime scene, right?

And Hanlon was beaten Sunday morning hours before Ken was shot.

So the only way Ken's DNA could be on the bat is if Ken was att*cked first before they got to Hanlon.

Like in the commission of a robbery.

Well, you know, Hanlon and his wife were trying to get pregnant.

And Andrew Gorman wanted to do right by his mother.

Gives them both motive.

And Andrew lives alone, Ronald sent his wife away for the weekend.


Andrew and Ronald robbed Ken.

And Ken got his revenge.

Now, I'm a little drunk, but that sounds good to me.




It's hot in here.

So, you're telling me that a dentist and a juvenile delinquent robbed one of the city's largest criminal organizations, is that it?

Uh, no.

I'm telling you that a dentist and a juvenile delinquent...

May have robbed the city's largest criminal organization, yes.

Is there any connection between Andrew Gorman and Ronald Hanlon?

Lucas and Vega have talked to both victims' families.

They haven't come up with anything.

No... no emails? No phone calls?

Well, we're still looking.

So how did Ken Leung make that connection?

I think it all connects back to the robbery.


I got a call from the Threat Assessment Unit.

Told me you skipped your meeting.

Well, we've been busy.

A dentist and a juvenile delinquent...

Go and see them.

I haven't seen the guy in a while.

Maybe that just means he's getting better at hiding.

Or maybe he's given up.

You really think he's given up?

[Sighs heavily]

All right, I'll go see them.

I don't know what I did to offend you, but I don't want any trouble.

You can keep the money.

I'm going to.

Please, I... I don't want to get hurt.

Well, that depends on you.

Get undressed.

Excuse me?

And hope we don't find any evidence that you've been cheating.

Do it, or he'll do it for you.

I told you, I'm clean.

It was just luck.

Can I get dressed now?

Go ahead.

Leave the watch.

Charlie Monahan.

Have we met before, Charlie?

I'm pretty sure I'd remember someone like you.

Someone like me how?


[Chuckles wryly]

You know what, it is your lucky night.

Not the face.

[Blows thudding]

I doubt Ronald and Andrew would have tried to rob the actual game.

They would have been dead before they got through the door.

So they waited for the money to move because that's their only chance.

I know how I'd get him.

Ken's driving with the cash, Ronald and Andrew rear-end his car.

He gets out to inspect the damage.

And then they hit him with a baseball bat, pepper spray, take the cash.

Hop back in the car and take off, leaving Ken on the road.

I got a breadcrumb.

A license plate imprint.

Maybe that's how Ken found Ronald.

[Metal crunching]

Son of a bitch...

I am so sorry.

I will pay for everything, I promise.

My mom is never going to lend me her car again.

Forget about it.

Please, at least let me give you my insurance information.

No, I said forget about it, man, it's all good.

Son of a...

[shouting in pain]


[Blows thud]

[Monitors beeping rapidly]

Ah, thank god.

I've been paging the nurse for the last 20 minutes.

Why, what's wrong?

I have this crazy itch on my back.


You mind?

This is my partner, Detective Vega.

How you doing?

You recognize either one of these two men?


Did I get it?


There was a new guy there that night, though.

I'd never seen him before.

Can you describe him?

Yeah, he was not too tall.

Brown hair.

Total tourist.

I still don't know how he afforded the buy-in.

How much was the buy-in?

Ten large.

How did you afford the buy-in?

Come on.

Look at me.

Both Andrew and Ronald collected $5,000 before the robbery, but neither of them were at the game.

They paid for someone else's place at the table.


A third man in the crew.

Maybe he's the one who k*lled Ken.

[Sharp knock on door]

[Urgent knocking]

Teri? What are you doing here?

My whole life is blowing up.

You can't just ignore me like this.

We talked about this, Teri...

Ken was m*rder*d.


And his brother thinks that I'm involved.

I think he's got someone watching me.

And you came here?

Don't worry, I lost him.

Are you sure?

Yes! Look, I can't go home, and I'm not going to the police.

This is the worst place for you to be right now.

I didn't know where else to go, and you're always saying that if I ever need anything...

Okay, okay, it's okay.

You can stay.

It's okay.

You can stay here.

You can stay.


I gotta run an errand.

I'll be right back.

Will you wait for me?


It'll be okay.

[Sighs shakily]

[Door opens and closes]

And the address?


The license plate imprinted in Ken's car is registered to Ronald Hanlon.

All right, so, Ken tracks the plate number back to Ronald.

He tortures him until he names his partner, then Ken kills Andrew.

Then the third man goes after Ken.

That's the sketch based on Jesse's description.

Now all we need is a name.


Forensics on Ken's m*rder w*apon are a wash.

The g*n was wiped clean of prints, and the only prints on the shell casings were Ken's.

Ken was k*lled by his own g*n?

So either Ken's k*ller disarmed him, or knew where Ken kept it.


These guys knew a lot about Ken... when he'd leave the game, what route he'd take...

Yeah, maybe they were watching him for a while.

Yeah. Or maybe they got the information from a bitter ex.

Where's the other one?

We had a deal.

Deal's changed.

How much?

A thousand, for shipping and handling.

[Laughs ruefully]


Okay, yup, you win.

Give it to me.

[Fires, glass shatters]




It's Detective Angie Flynn.


Let's go.

[Engine speeding]

I don't think she's here.

Angie, check this out.

Oh, that's not good.

So, she's being watched, huh?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Detective Vega.

Yeah, hold on.

Lucas might have something.

Go ahead.

I went back through Andrew and Ronald's phone records and found a common number that they both called.

It's a cell phone.

You got a name?

Charlie Monahan.

And he looks like the guy from the sketch.

[Object falling]

[Door opens]

What did you do?

What had to be done.

You k*lled Ken?

I did it for you, Teri.

But there is something I need you to do.

Charlie Monahan has been on stress leave for the last six months.

Did you try his house?

No, I didn't.

What happened? Burn out?

I can't tell you that.

Can you tell me if he had any dealings with Andrew Gorman or Ronald Hanlon?

You're kidding, right?

Teri Leung?

I can't give you any information without a warrant, Detective.

Well, you see, the information you have could help me solve a homicide, and that sounds like a social service to me, so...

Come back with a warrant.

Come back with a warrant...

You're a cop, you know how this works.

Yes, I do.

I do, right.

Thank you.

Who is this Charlie Monahan?

He's this guy who comes into the bar where I work.

Turns out he's in love with me.

Wants me to run away with him.

And why would I believe you?

He just gave me this to sell for him.

He thinks I'm at the pawn shop right now.

George, I swear to you, I didn't know he was going to do any of this.

So you'll tell me where to find him.

I'll do better than that.

Charlie, it's me.

I'm almost done.

Where are you?

I'll see you there.

He's waiting for me at his place.

You've done the right thing.

I'd never disrespect you.

[Door creaks open]

That's far enough.

Charlie Monahan.

g*ns down.

g*ns down!

Don't come closer.

[Gasping for air]

Thanks for coming in, Officer.

Is this the social worker that you accompanied?

Yes, sir.

Did you extract a child from this woman?

He did.


Angie, I've got your confirmation.

Okay, great.

Let's go.

Do you know who I am?

I do.

So, you know why I'm here.

I'm guessing because...

Teri sold me out.

[Gasps in pain]

[Coughing and spluttering]

Did you know the three cardinal tiles in mahjong represent the three cardinal virtues of Confucius.

Of course I do.

The red middle tile represents benevolence.

The prosperity tile represents sincerity.

And the white border tile represents filial piety.

I didn't know what filial piety even meant.

Respect for one's ancestors.


Also, in a more modern context, be good to one's parents.

But there's no tile for the virtue of being good to one's children.

I think that's because, even as far back as 500 B.C., people assumed that went without saying.

Why are you telling me this?

I thought you wanted to know why I k*lled Ken.

What I want is my money.

[Blows thudding, Charlie groaning]

Metro police!

On your knees!

Now! Get down!


This is Detective Angie Flynn.

We need an ambulance at 3865 Larkey Road.

Hey, hey. Hey...

Yeah, okay, thanks.

Boy, you're a lucky man.

You're lucky we got here when we did.

Yeah, I feel lucky.


Hey. He's still not talking.



That's nothing since I read him his rights.

No request for a lawyer.

Phone call, food...

He hasn't even asked to go to the bathroom.

It's been over six hours.

I don't like this.

He's making us wait.

Yeah, but for what?



I'm ready.

Now he's ready.

I'd like to press charges against George Leung for my unlawful confinement and as*ault.

Anything else?

I'd like to confess to the robbery of his mahjong game.

[Clears throat] Mm-hmm.

Well, you're going to have to tell us how that went down, Charlie.

I understand.

We know that you handled Andrew Gorman's juvenile case, and Karen Hanlon says you assessed them when they applied to become foster parents.

How did you pull Ronald and Andrew into your plan?

They went in with their eyes wide open.

There's no way we're going to be able to rob this place.

The security is too intense.

So I'm out $5,000.

I'll pay you back.

Both of you.

They have to move the money sometime.

Why don't we just take it then?

No, no, no, that sounds riskier.

That actually might be easier.

Ken transports the money himself.

He's the only one his brother trusts.

We wait for him to leave.

Then we rear end him. He gets out.

We overpower him, take the money.

It's easy.

How is that easy?

It's three-to-one.

He's a professional criminal.

He's probably k*lled people.

Yeah. Probably.

Ronald's right.

These guys are dangerous.

If we screw this up, they will k*ll us.

How much are we talking?

At least half a million dollars. Probably more.

I'm in.

It's worth the risk.

[Ken shouting in pain]

Son of a...

[pepper spray hissing, shouts in pain]

[g*n clatters]


[Blows thudding, Ken groaning in pain]

Let's go!

Let's go!

Ronald, get in the car!

And not once did you think, "hmm, this might be a bad idea"?

Not at the time.

After we robbed him, I realized we were in way over our heads.


Sorry, is there some place you need to be?

No, I just... want to get this over with.

When did you know there was a problem?

When neither of them showed up to collect their share of the cash.

It was you.

Hey, man, look, we can...

[fires again]

So what is this, Charlie?


It wasn't money.

We would have found that at your house.

No, it wasn't.

So, what was it then?


No! I want to stay with Mommy!

It's going to be all right, sweetheart.


I want to stay with Mommy!

He's lying!


I would never leave my child alone!

I would never do dr*gs...

It's okay.


It's okay.


No, please!


Please! No! Stephanie!

Please! Stephanie!


He's lying!

I would never do dr*gs in front of her!

It's okay. Just relax, okay?



When I saw the look on Ken's face, I knew...

I knew he was just doing this to get back at Teri.

If he couldn't have his daughter, neither could she.

So, you blamed yourself.

It was my fault.

I was the case worker.

I was the one believing all of his lies.

You had to make it right.

Of course.


I started counselling Teri.

Helping her convince Social Services she's a fit parent.


You know she's the one who turned you over to the mob.

I know.


There's something you're not telling us.

What else have you been up to, Charlie?

[Child giggling]

[Laughing together]

[Cocks g*n]

All right, so whoever it was, they're long gone.

I'll tell you one thing, they can pick a lock.

Oh, that's good to know,

'cause I'd hate to think I had amateurs in my house.

Hey, what's going on?


Kinds of harassments have been happening lately.

Really? How long?

A while. Yeah...

You tell anybody?

Yeah, I told Cross.

Okay, you, uh...

Should I give him a call?

No, no, no.

I mean, he'll want to know, but I don't want to deal with that tonight.

No, I get it.

You want to stay at my place?

No, thanks.

I'm not going to let someone keep me out of my house.

No. Thank you. You should go. I'll be fine.

You're probably tired. Thank you for coming.

Oh, you're welcome. Are you sure?

Yeah. Yeah, it's embarrassing.

You're just going to sit in your car out here all night, aren't you?

Thinking about it.

You know, it doesn't make you weak if you ask me to stay.

Okay, stay.

I didn't... I didn't quite hear you.

Yes, please, Vega, will you stay?

Thank you.

Maybe don't tell anyone.