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01x08 - Kmag Yoyo

Posted: 05/25/15 04:20
by bunniefuu
Get down!

Why did you come here?

He's not going to help us, is he?

man: No reporters, especially that Ruby woman.

She could be helpful.

Trust me, she isn't.

Harrison Walters?


Homeland Security.

Stay the hell away from Maya.

Or what?


man: Message from Mr. Decker.

Protect it with your life.

They are in my suite. I'm in danger... I'm afraid.

I need to hear from you, please.

man: Where is she?

[speaking foreign language]

[police sirens blaring]

[background chatter]

[car horns honk]


[sobbing softly]



Forgive me.


[breathes heavily]

[suspenseful music]

[Maya sobbing]

[Maya indistinct in background]

What happened?


Cameron broke up with her.

You know, you should really go talk to her.

In a minute.

First I need to talk to you.


What? Why?

Please, Sarah.

Just... outside.

Come on.

Peter, what's going on?

They may have bugged the house.



I have information about their criminal activity.

Black Sands. The cover-up.

m*rder, extortion, on and on.

Well, did you call the police?

I can't.

It's complicated.

But you have evidence.

Will you just listen? There's more.

I discovered a file about a Societele project called Socrates.

It's why Simons-Wachtel recruited me, why I was assigned the SOC merger.

They think I can influence Sophia bec...

Because... because of our past.

You mean affair.

An affair that ended four years ago.

So why would they think you could influence her now?

Look, I don't know, okay? Look, it doesn't matter why.

The point is they expect us to cooperate.


Or what?

They know things about us.

About our lives.

Where you shop.

Josh's route to school.

Maya's... Maya's Facebook page.

So what are you saying?

If you don't do what they want, they'd hurt the children?

I don't know.

I think they're capable of anything.

So I want you to take the kids and stay with your mother for a while.

Peter, what have you done?

What have you done?

Just know, whatever I have to do, I will get our life back.

I promise you.

You tell me the truth.

Is Maya right?

Did you have something to do with that boy getting hurt?

I had no choice, Sarah.

He worked for SOC.

He... he was hired to spy on me.

On us.

To intimidate me.

I'm going to go pack.

I'm going to go pack.

How many days will it take to get to Algiers?

12, maybe 13.

15 at most.

So come with us. Help us through the desert.

How many times do I have to say no before you believe me?

We don't need him.

I will guide us.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen, huh?

Ansar Dine. Bandits. Heat stroke. Cobra bite.

It couldn't happen to a nicer woman.

You're an ass, you know that?

I'm sorry. I always get a little cranky when my girlfriends get shot in the head.

Well, you stay here, you'll be next.

What are you talking about?

What, do you think the Oselas are just going to forget about you?

Of course.

They're not after me, they're after you.

How did you survive so long being so stupid?

Come on.


Ma, I'm home.

I'm in here!


Look who's here.

Get your hands off my mother.

Bob, what are you doing?

You don't talk that way to a friend.

She's not my friend.

Well, she's my friend.

What are you doing here?

I thought I might find Harrison here with you.

But then I heard your mother yelling from outside.

My cellulitis was giving me fits, and you weren't here.

I need to talk to you.

We had an agreement.

You promised to stay away if I... if I kept my word.

Have you kept your word, Bob?


I've been minding my own business, like you said.


Keep up the good work.

I will.

Now get out.

[door opens and closes]

Never let Ruby Simms in here again!

Why not? She's a lovely girl.

[screams] You heard me!

[quietly] Please.

Just do what I ask.

[door slams]

[cell phone ringing]



Where are you?

Tying up a loose end.

You were supposed to stay on Harrison.

He's under control.

And you're aware he spoke to Yusuf Qasim, and that he was picked up by Homeland Security for questioning.

I think we have a different idea of what "under control" means.

Do you want me to work on finding Yusuf?

I have other people on that. You're responsible for Harrison.

Right. I'll find out what he knows.

It's too late for that.

He's gotten too close.

You're certain?

I'm sure I misunderstood, because there's no way you would ever question an order.


That's what I thought.



King's Point?

Let me know when it's done. I'll send a cleaner.

I still don't see why we have to go to Granny's.

Sarah: Because she misses you.

And because I said so. End of discussion.

No dribbling in Grammy's house. Goes for the basketball too.


Maya, I love you.


Call me tonight?

Have fun, guys.

Rose: Bob?

Bob, come out here.

Why is the TV off?

I want to talk to you.

I'm kind of busy...

Sit down.



I remember once when you were about 12.

And you were sitting on the floor there fiddling with the guts of a computer.

It's called a CPU.

And I see you staring at me with this funny look on your face.

And you said to me,

"Mom, did you ever have any dreams when you were my age?"

Do you remember that?


Well, when I was a girl, I used to go up to Zayde's roof on Sackett Street and watch the sun go down.

I'd imagine all the different countries we read about in school.

All the exotic places and people.

Wondering what they were doing right at that moment.

And that was my dream, Bob.

I wanted to see the world.

Every square inch of it.

But I never did.

I went from my father's house, two blocks down to my husband's house.

This house.

Do you regret it, Ma?

For a long time I did.

Not anymore.

Why not?

Because I realized that no matter how exciting those places would have been, it never would have topped the love I had with your father right here, or the joy that you've given me.

Turns out I had a dream I didn't even know I wanted, and it came true.

And that's what I want for you, Bob.

Get away from that damn computer.

Stop hacking people.

Go out and find someone to love.

No matter what happens, or doesn't.

Maybe that person's right down the street for me too.

Maybe... he's even closer than that.

I got to go record an entry in my video blog.

[blues rock music playing]

Another one.

Maybe you've had enough?

My father was m*rder*d, and I just broke up with my girlfriend.

Maybe one more.

Harrison Walters?


Who are you?

There's someone outside who'd like a word with you.

Must be someone pretty important if his errand boy wears a necktie.

Wait, who is it?


Come outside and find out.

What the hell.

You get reimbursed for that, right?

You're Darnell.

Senator Darnell.

I knew your father.

I was sorry to hear of his passing.



Of course.

He was a good man and a talented journalist.

Yeah. He was.

Then he was working on a story about Black Sands.

You were CEO of GBR Industries back then.

You couldn't have been happy about him digging around in your garbage.

I have nothing to hide.


So why are we talking, then?

I know you spoke to Yusuf Qasim.

The man's a t*rror1st, a threat to our national security.

I need to know what he said to you.


They haven't released the news about Yusuf to the press yet.

When they do, a whole stable full of manure is going to hit the fan.

I intend to be ahead of the curve.

You want to know what Yusuf said?

He said you're the one who tried to get him k*lled because of what he knew about Black Sands, about what you did there.

And he's dying to tell everyone all about it.

Now who's going to listen to a murdering t*rror1st?

My father didn't believe he was a murdering t*rror1st.

Your father was looking for a story.

I'm trying to protect American lives.

And you know what?

I'm going to finish my father's story, and I'm going to bring you and all your cronies down in flames.

Why are you smiling?

[laughs] Because it's entertaining.

What is?



We are done here.

[liquid pouring]

Peter. Drink?

This isn't a social visit.

Business is always social if it's done right.

I am glad you called.

We needed to clear the air between us.

I agree.

I know you have some information you shouldn't have.

You came about that information in a very inappropriate way.

It'd be unfortunate for that to ever come to light.

Yes, it would.

But even more unfortunate for you.

Because then all that information, SOC's m*rder, extortion, funding terrorism... would come to light as well.

Ironic, isn't it?

All the illegal immigrants in this country, and here we are at a Mexican standoff without any Mexicans.

I know about Socrates.

How you planned to thr*aten my family, to intimidate me.

I want it to end. Now.

Of course.

All you need to do is drop your ill-advised investigation of my company.

You'll stay away from my family?

As long as you're behaving yourself, I won't even send a Christmas card.

Do we have a deal?

I also want $40 million.



And what do I get for that money?

Sophia Tsaldari.

I'm listening.

The Greek election is just a few days away.

Sophia hasn't given up on Yusuf Qasim.

She's determined to use his testimony to take you down.

Yusuf Qasim is dead.

Is he?

You know I'm the only one who can bring her to the table.

For that price I'm going to need a lot more than just a meeting.

You'll need to make her play ball.


Let's drink to it.

[glasses clink]

You see?

Business meets pleasure.

I'm going to bed now.

I was right about Ruby.

She's lying about who she is.

I see our little talk made an impact.

It did. I'm doing this for Harrison.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you try something live and in person?

I will.

But right now, I got to warn him.

He's in the clutches of a hell-born succubus.

You might not want to use those exact words.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[woman singing in foreign language]

God, I love this song.

Oumou Sangare Do you know her?

My mother used to listen to her.

My father didn't like it.

He thought that she was too Western.

I've never heard you talk about your mother.

You close?

When I was young.

[radio crackles]

[static] Stop the car, stop the car.

Back up.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Where the hell was Diallo? Why wasn't he protecting him?

[yells] Oh!


Aslam, I promise you, I promise they will not get away with this.


Can we go now?


[car door closes]

Be cool.

What's this about?



[indistinct murmuring]


[speaking foreign language]

Step out the car.



We work closely with the U.S. military.

Do you understand?

Out the car!


Stand down!


[car doors close]

Osela soldiers.

You are just murderers for hire.

We're sanctioned by the U.S. government.

You don't want an incident on your hands.

So you are the leader.

That's right.

Did you enjoy it?

Did it make you feel big, beating the life out of an innocent man?

Was that a man?

[shouts in foreign language]


Hey. Hey.




How'd you find me?

Did I call you?

Uh, yeah.

Somebody's way over their limit, huh?

Let's get up.

Come. Come on. Come on.

You smell good.

Come on.

It's good to get out, huh? Spend the day in town.


Was is it they say?

When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.


Whoever said that is an idiot.

We're not the only ones who suffered a loss, you know.

I'm going to go to the bookstore.

Suzanne, wait.

Where are you going?

I'll be fine.

Give her some space.

Thanks, Ruby. You're the best.

[cell phone dings]

Who is it?

Someone named Khulus.

The Imam who knows Yusuf? What did he say?

He wants to meet with you.

9:00 p.m. tomorrow.


There's still hope.

Can I tag along?

Mm-mm. I don't want to crowd him.

[cell phone rings]

Is it done?

[whispering] We have to hold off.

You're stalling.

No. Harrison has our first lead on Yusuf.

He could lead me right to him.

Banks: I told you, not your job.

Yusuf is the bigger threat.

Without him, Harrison has nothing.

He's done. No more problem.

Is that what you want?

It's a cleaner way. Just let me do Yusuf.


Then do Harrison.

Of course.

Don't ever try to play me, Ruby.

[speaking foreign language]


That is good.

Shakir died slowly, in pain.

But I am not like you.

So I'm going to give you a quick death.


[g*n clicks]


[car starts]

[dramatic music]

That's one of my favorites.

My mom's too.

Your mom has good taste.

You ever read any of the Harry Potter books?

All of them.

All of them? Wow.

My mom and I read them together.

It's more fun when you have someone to discuss it with.

Well, you guys are going to have a lot of fun discussing Lord of the Rings.

She's not here right now.

She's a soldier overseas.

You know, Tolkien was a soldier.


Mm-hmm. In World w*r I.

And his son Christopher was in World w*r II.

Good salad. What did we do before quinoa?

And while he was writing Lord of the Rings, he was sending excerpts to Christopher to get his mind off the w*r.

I do that too.

You know, I'm not a writer, but I make videos for my mom.

Aw, I bet she loves getting them.

She did.


They say she's dead.


I'm so sorry.

It's okay. She's not.

I know she's not.

You know what? I want to buy you that book.

Oh, no, no. I can't.

Sure you can.

Excuse me a second.


Oh, sorry. I don't know your name.

Julia. Uh, and you are?


Well, Suzanne, I come here almost every night to just browse and read, so if you ever want to discuss LOTR...

Sorry. That's geek for Lord of the Rings.


We're leaving soon, so...

Hi, I'm Julia.

Ron. Her dad.

Yeah, I figured.

I'm sorry, we just started talking, and you have a very bright daughter.

I know. Thanks.

Um, well, I'm...

I should get going.

Bye, Suzanne. Enjoy the book.

Thanks. I will.

It was nice to meet you, Ron.

You too.

She buy you that? - Uh-huh.

She's an LOTR fan, like Mom.

It might help to talk about it.

[car rattles]


[engine revs]

What just happened?

I don't know. There's a full t*nk. Maybe it's the water.

[engine stalls]

[steam hisses] Ooh!

Careful, it's hot.

Needs more than water?


You can't fix it?

No, Aslam. We need a mechanic.

There are no mechanics in the middle of the desert.

Yes, I realize that.

We'll have to walk.

There's a Bedouin village just 5 kilometers, maybe.

We'll never get there before dark.

We'll not stay here. There are bandits on this road.

Yes, and we can't be on the road in the dark.

It's better that we stay here, we'll leave here at first light and we'll get there before high sun.

No, we leave now.

I am the guide, and we do as I say.

Aslam, calm down.


Look, Aslam, I know you're upset about your uncle.

So am I. But that does not...

Do you think you know me?

Do you want me to cry, is that it?

To fall on the ground and sob like a baby because my uncle was k*lled and my father was k*lled?

And because you know my language and because you're reading about my country in books, that you can come here and talk to me about my life?

Don't talk to me. [speaks native language]

Hey, hey, hey.

It's all right.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. We'll walk.


Come on, let's go.

[news reporter speaking French]


[soft grunting]

Who the hell are you?

Don't move. Don't move.

[panting] I'm injured.

You're Osela.

I need medical assistance...

Don't move.

I need...

[both grunt]



[both grunting]

Did you come for me or her?

Answer me. Was it me or her?

How did you find me?

Damn it.

[racks g*n]

Harrison. Yeah, I'm at Anna's.

She said you broke up.

Uh... are you okay? I tried you at your mom's.

You're not there.

You're not here.

Where are you? I-I need to talk to you.

Uh, never mind. I'll... I'll find you.

male reporter: And now let's go to Anika with more on that story. Anika?

Anika: Yusuf Qasim, reportedly k*lled in a drone attack in Pakistan in 2010.

But an anonymous tip led authorities to a Brooklyn apartment where Yusuf Qasim has apparently been hiding in plain sight under an assumed name.

Qasim managed to evade capture, but police and federal agents have cordoned off the city and believe he's still in the area.

male reporter: Thank you, Anika.

And in a related story...

[phone line rings]

Sarah: Hello?

Hey, Sarah, it's me.

Sarah: Peter, I can't talk right now.

Okay. I just want you to know that you and the kids are going to be coming home soon.

Everything's going to be all right.

Sarah: How do you know?

Trust me.

Just trust me.

Sarah: Sure.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

But Harrison's here.

He's asleep.

I need to talk to him.

He had a rough night, Bob. Can I help you with something?


I know who you are.

You're lying.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not afraid of you...


Oh, Bob.

Crazy Bob.

I'll tell Harrison you stopped by.

No. Ow!

[Odelle on answering machine] And if this is you, Suzie Q, I miss you and I'll be home before you know it. Okay, I love you. Give your dad a big, slobbery kiss for me, okay? Mwah, mwah, mwah. [answering machine beeps]

Hey, Mom. Sorry if I'm bugging you, but it really helps talking to you, even if I'm the only one talking.

So I met this nice lady at the bookstore.

Her name is Julia, and she bought me Lord of the Rings.

She said that maybe we could discuss it sometime.

But I think I'd rather save that for you.

You hear that, whoever's listening?

Reading Lord of the Rings. Isn't that interesting?

Hello? Hello?

How much longer?

A kilometer or two.

Come on.

Keep your head down.

[speaking foreign language]