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01x07 - Gadget’s Da b*mb; Gadget Management

Posted: 05/22/15 11:46
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaaah! ♪


The target's on the move.


Visual confirmation!

Target arriving.


Yes! The pizza is here!




I hope you ordered Chili Peppers!

Blech! Just on your half.


It's done, I swapped the pizzas.


Ew, I hate chili peppers.

I don't know how Gadget can eat those things.

Yes. And eating them will be his downfall!



Wowsers! I'm stuffed!

But, waste not, want not!

Go Go Gadget third helping!


We have splashdown. [EVIL LAUGH]

This is going to be... a blast!


Huh, my Codex is picking up a new wifi signal called "Gadgets da b*mb, ha ha ha"? That's weird, either someone really likes Uncle Gadget or... [KLAXONS BLARE]

We've gotta find it, Brain!

Tracking the source of the signal now...

The signal's coming from your stomach Uncle Gadget!


[GROANS] Wowsers! Now that is an upset stomach!

Maybe I had one too many peppers.


Checking to see if my heartburn has spread.

Good thinking, Professor.

Chief Quimby. Level 11 security alert!

Level 11? How bad is that?

Considering we only go up to number 5... very bad!

That pepper in Gadget's stomach is a MAD micro-disruptor designed to sabotage Gadget into firing his weapons against his will!

Great galloping gazelles!

We've got to get him out of here before he destroys HQ!

No! HQ's security exits will trigger the micro-disruptor if he goes through them.

What about the G-Portal?

No no no no no Penny!

The energy from the G-Portal will set him off for sure.

Ahhh. That massage wasn't so bad.


This is all my fault, Brain. If I hadn't ordered that pizza for Uncle Gadget, this never would have happened!



But I'll make it up to him. We'll keep him from destroying everything, and himself... and us... somehow.


Look out!



Thanks Professor.


That was the best checkup I've ever had.

I feel fantastic!

Uncle Claw!

We've picked up a reading on Gadget's micro-disrupter.

He fired his first w*apon!


At this rate, Gadget will destroy HQ by six o'clock!

That long?

Please. He'll level it within the hour.

You dare to challenge my prediction?!

Let's make it interesting.

How about we make a bet, Uncle Claw.

Oh, you have a deal... a deal with defeat! [LAUGHS]

For you, I mean. You'll be dealing with defeat when I win.

Just so we're clear.



This is not good... the micro-disruptor seems to activate one of his weapons whenever his heart rate increases.

So we'll need to do everything we can to keep him calm.

Keep him calm. Got it! [SLOW BEEPING]

And whatever you do, don't tell him he's a walking b*mb!

What's that about a b*mb?

That sounds like a mission! Time to go Penny!

No! You have to stay! Because you have a b... [BLUBBERS FRANTICALLY] ...beautiful opportunity... to teach me... because you like doing that... teach me about... um, staying calm with... relaxation techniques. For spies!

So I can learn how to... spy-relax?

I happen to be an expert on spy-relaxing, spy-unwinding and spy-loosen-up-ing, Penny.

Great! And I know just where to do it!


We can practice relaxing here in the training room!

It can simulate any calm setting we want!

An excellent idea, Penny!

Why don't we try a little technique I like to call...

[Japanese] Watashi wa nihongo oh hanasemasen, which in Japanese means, "I don't speak Japanese."

This is great! Very relaxing.

First, we start with a traditional tea ceremony... and then... the ninjas!

Nothing helps prepare a body for relaxing better than an invigorating workout!

Go Go Gadget nunchucks!



Not relaxing! Not relaxing at all!


[EVIL LAUGH] Nice! That's it! Keep going!


Brain, we have to do something quick before...


Deactivating simulation!

Why don't we try a location that's actually relaxing this time.

This should do nicely. Get ready for...

Lounge Around Island!

We can definitely do some relaxation training here...

Go Go Gadget diving suit!


There's nothing more relaxing than staring down underwater predators.

Hey little fella!


[GROWLS] Oh. Hello everyone!

Professor, it's not working!

I can't get Uncle Gadget to relax so he won't go critical.

He won't stay still!

Stay still? Stay still! That's it!

Meet me in section twelve, Penny. Hurry!

Gadget almost went off... any minute now he's gonna destroy HQ and you'll be cleaning MADcat's litter box, Uncle C.

I will not be defeated! Get your own popcorn.

Professor! Section 11 is an art studio?

Indeed it is! Inspector Gadget, HQ appreciates your work so much, that they want to put statues of you throughout the building.


Oh my, well that sounds great.

Of course!

Now be a good Inspector and model a heroic pose for us.


And you have to stay perfectly still the whole time!

Can do, Penny. This fitting tribute to me will no doubt increase morale at HQ!


How's this heroic pose?

That's perfect Uncle Gadget. Let the chiselling begin!


[WHISPERING] How long do we have to stay like this?

As long as it takes.

Just keep him calm so my decryptor can find the hidden signal and I can and figure out how to remove this b*mb.

Hmmm... [BEE BUZZES]


Perfectly still, you said.

Go Go Gadget ice blaster!



I've found a hidden signal controlling the micro-disruptor!

Let's see if you can trace it.


Go Go Gadget flyswatter!

Inspector Gadget! Stay still.

Just as soon as I... dispatch this... pesky bee!





I've traced the signal!

It's coming from Dr. Claw's ship!


[LAUGHS] We did it!


I have finally defeated the infuriating Inspector Gadget.

[CLUNK] Yeah!


Wait, what's happening?

Gadget's heart rate is spiking!

More weapons are about to fire!

[LAUGHS] Here we go!

Professor! If all his weapons fire, will that shut down the micro-disruptor?

With its objective complete it should eject from his body... right alongside all the fireballs, missiles and laser beams he fires!


Uncle Gadget! Why don't you open your G-Portal and let the bee out of the room!

That's a great idea, Penny! Go Go Gadget G-Portal!



Come to papa! C'mon...

Penny! He can't use the G-Portal!

All of his weapons will activate!

I know! I'm counting on it!

I don't understand!

Professor, use these coordinates to redirect the portal!


He's going critical!



Wait, there's an energy surge right outside!

Ha ha, must be HQ blowing up. I gotta check this out.


Nope. It's us.




Good job Brain!
Wowsers! All that standing around posing for sculptures sure did make me hungry. Who could go for a pizza?

A pizza? Sure. But this time, no hot chilis.


Gadget was supposed to be the one destroyed!

What happened? Beats me.

But he blew something up in less than an hour. [LAUGHS]

Enjoy your litter box duty.


B-B-But I don't know how Gadget figured out Dr. Claw's latest plan!

That's what they all say.

I guess that's why Uncle Claw built... this!

The MAD Laser-Boosted Brain Probe... the last word in info-retrieval.


Just try to relax your cortex Okay? Good.

Let the brain-probing begin!

[SCREAMS] It was all my fault! I'm sorry.


Bam! And that's how you do it, folks!


Welcome everyone!

To the best MADivational retreat ever! I... [ZAP] ...left the probe running. Ah, he'll mostly be fine.

Most of you know me as MAD's top talent, Talon.

Those who don't know me, I'll have you brain-probed later.

Anyhoooo... this year's MAD employee conference theme is:

"destroying your enemies... and lovin' it!" [CHEERING]

Oh, before we start, I do have to ask any undercover spies to leave.


[CLAPS] Give 'em a hand... he's only doing his job!

Now, the moment you've been waiting for!

You loved him when he drained the world's oceans, you hated him when he stole the world's oxygen.

Bad guys wanna be him, HQ wants to lock him away.

Our evil special guest: Dr. Claw! [CHEERS!]

Thank you! And silence!

Even the most incompetent of you will become much better MAD agents during the next few hours... or else.


Is he evil or what?!! Let's give him a hand!

Okay! Anyone here from Evilvania?


Hello dearie... would you kindly name all the flowers you have, and then immediately repeat them?

My memory isn't what it used to be.

Uh, well... sure! We have...

Aaahhh! MAD foreve-aahh!




Freeze Simulation...

How did she know I wasn't a real flower shop girl?

I can't believe I didn't see she was a MAD simulation either, Brain.

This whole disguise-training was a complete bust!

Don't be so hard on yourself, Penny.

It's not easy pulling off the perfect disguise.

It takes more than just a holographic projection.

Chief Quimby! You're here to buy flowers, too?

Hi Uncle Gadget.

Ah, Penny... it's good to see you've got a part time job.

It builds character, and earns a little extra spending money.

Inspector Gadget... I'm glad you're here.

I've got a new mission for you.

HQ has detected the largest gathering of MAD agents ever, at a nearby Convention Center.

Your mission is to find out what MAD is up to, and stop it.

And this time, since I'm reading the mission to you myself, this message will not self-destruct.

We're on it Chief!

Sweet! This is the perfect training mission to practice my disguise techniques!

Great idea, Penny. You'd better get going.

Resume simulation. [GASPS]

MAD foreve-aaahh!




That cute and lovable logo has MAD written all over it!

That must be where the MAD agents are gathering!

I'm going to check it out!


[PENNY GASPS] Someone's coming! Quick, hide!


That's gotta be the MAD training seminar, Brain.

Stay with Uncle Gadget while I snoop!

...and that's how you make an evil flower arrangement. Any questions?


Talon. Totally figures.


He'll take any chance to be in the spotlight!


One giant crowd of MAD henchmen to infiltrate.

No sweat! I can do this!



Hey! The hench-g*ng's all here!

What's up, evil bros?! Lookin' bad!

Hey! Aren't you Moustache McGee? Didn't we once extinguish the Earth's core together?

Uh-huh! That was a hot day!

Good times. Good times. Put 'er there!


Uh, hi everyone!

And welcome to our Anger Management seminar.

Let me begin by saying... I... used to be mad.

Really, really, mad.

MAD!? That is a MAD AGENT!

And, he must be training everyone else in here!

Go Go Gadget handcuffs.



So far, so good. But holo-disguise... fooling MAD henchmen is always a cinch.

Question is, will it work on...

Latecomer, huh? I like that!

It shows zero respect for authority!

Now, time to review everything we've learned so far.


C'mon... lemme hear you inner badness!

Growl it out loud!... [QUIET GROWL]



I said... louder.


People! Listen to me!

You don't have to give in to MAD! Never! [CHEERING]



[TALON] Okay! Commence the trust exercise!



Ha-ha! Perfect! MAD agents don't trust anyone!

Now... what's next...?

Ah! First, embrace your inner Evil... then we break for lunch.


Oh, yeah, in the afternoon we split into groups to discuss MAD's evil plans for the upcoming year.

MAD's evil plans!

Are you trying to sneak a peek at my notes?

[CHUCKLES] Impressive. Very sneaky.

You've got the making of a great henchman!

Okay, chanting time: Evil! Evil!

[CROWD CHANTS] Evil! Evil! Evil!

I can't believe this is working!

If I can just keep my cover!

Uh, right. Evillll!

Uh, I mean... [DEEPER VOICE] Evillllll! Evilllll!

Evil is what happens when you give in to MAD.

Instead, you should always offer up a helping hand.


Oh. I thought I had that disconnected.

Okay, how about the other hand?


I know! Trusting is hard!

Group hug!

Nothing frees you from the MAD lifestyle like a singalong!




Next, hand-to-hand combat lessons!

Time for the student to totally humiliate the teacher!

Who's up for a beat down!

Ooh! Me! Me!










Not bad...



Eat short-circuit... Penny. [GASPS]

Okay, how did you see through my holo-disguise?

I didn't, but I'd know your moves anywhere.

Hey, why don't you stick around for the "Get Her" seminar?

Starting... now. Get her!



Argh! What part of "Get her" didn't you fools understand?

I could really use some backup right now!

[GADGET] Okay, calm down everyone. Don't give in to MAD!


Ow! Not the Gadget-face.

I just moisturized.










You MAD wannabees have time for one last seminar... "How to get busted!"

This training session is officially over.

Good work Gadget!

You broke up the largest MAD agent training ever.

The largest hench-pet training too.

Which does explain the smell.

Of course, Chief.

All in a day's work. And it looks like we managed to find a home for all those pets!

Aw! Awen't you a wittle evil guy!

I can't believe you lost our recruits and gave up all our plans. That is it! From this moment on, we only use robot henchmen!

Looks like I'll be recruiting a new nephew... and a new cat! [MEOWS SADLY]