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01x22 - The Mystery of the Corner Store Crossfire

Posted: 05/20/15 22:20
by bunniefuu
No, please. I will give you what you want.


Excuse me?

Excuse me!


All the queries go through the doctor...

Stop talking!

Jake Broderick.

Find him now!


I'm here!

It's me, it's me, I'm here.

You're gonna be okay, okay?

They're gonna take good care of you. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm right here.

You're gonna be fine.

Miss, miss, I'm sorry.

You're gonna have to wait in the waiting room.

No, no. I'm a cop.

And I'm family.

Detective, take a breath.

I'm Dr. Evanston.

Is that your husband there?


But he would want me in there.

I'm sure he would, but he's got a b*llet lodged a quarter inch from his heart.

And since I'm the guy whose gonna get it out, what matters now is what I want.

Which would be what?

Go to the waiting room.

Call whoever who need to call. Let me do my job.

It'll be four, five hours.


Laura, I told you I got this.

You can run point, but me sitting on my ass staring at ceiling tiles in a waiting room won't help Jake.

Laura, I'm so sorry.

What do we got?

Caucasian male, stocking mask, approximately 5'10", 180.

The Captain intervened, the perp shot one single round 9 millimeter.

Crime scene already has a casing.

He saved that girl.

Of course he did.

Chivalrous bastard.

Need a minute?

I need answers.

Security cam, CCTV?

Frankie is already in the back pulling video footage.


Only the clerk and the customer.

Okay. I'll talk to the clerk. You take the customer.

I'll take the clerk.

So much for me running point.

What's your name?

Faren Hillman.

Two L's, one N.

I just came in for a bottle of water, pack of cigarettes.

What d'you see happen?

A guy pointed a g*n at the clerk, I freaked, screamed, he turned, he pointed the g*n right at me, and before I know it, this man calls out, "Freeze," and jumped in front of me, pushed me out of the store.

He's a cop?

The best.

The guy told me to open the register. I didn't want any trouble, so, you know I started to.

But then all of a sudden this customer decides he's a hero, and all hell breaks loose.

That customer is a hero.

If it weren't for him, it could be you in a surgery or in a body bag.

So, how about you just give me something useful?

There've been a bunch of stores hit on the block.

Maybe it's the same guy.

Sorry to interrupt.

I can't seem to locate any of the security cameras.

Yeah. We don't have any.

What planet do you live on? Every store has cameras.

Never needed any.

My family's owned this place 12 years.

First time we've been robbed.

Okay. Thank you.

Markets going 12 months without a robbery is noteworthy.

But twelve years!

Heck of a streak.

There's been a bunch of robberies in the neighborhood, maybe those reports will turn up something useful.

Okay. We'll jump into it.

Jake is gonna be just fine.

Okay? I know he will.


Good hug.


You should be at the hospital.

We've got your back, go.


Okay. Cell phone charger, slippers, Xanax, uh, tissues, junk food, and...

Yeah, extra Xanax.

Okay. What else might she need?



Hospitals are bacterial death traps.

I would not phrase it that way with Laura.

That's a good point.

Hey, on my way.

Okay. The clerk wasn't kidding, over the last month there have been three strong-arm holdups within a six-block radius of that market.

Liquor store, bodega, sneaker shop.

Who would hold up a sneaker shop?

We're probably not talking Keds here, Wisconsin.

Nothing under five bills when it's limited edition kicks.

All the previous stores were rolled by a Caucasian male wearing something over his face.

Could be our perp. So, how do we find this guy?

Oh! May have just found him.

Or honed in on him at least.

Talk to me.

Couple of hours ago, a stolen iPhone from the most recent robbery was tracked to a warehouse in Astoria.


MC: Yeah, girl, that's what's up!

Luici in the house!

Killin' it! Skinny boo, flexing, turfing and juking...

Looks like both of them came to sweat, yo!

I like your hair.

May I?

Alcohol, yum.

They serve minors here?

Get out of my face, Barbie.


She prefers Detective Barbie!

Who runs this place?

MC Firm.

MC Firm.

MC: She showed up to show out!

Okay. If we could pause the color commentary.

We understand you're the proprietor of this establishment.

That's right. Got a final round going here.

Not anymore.

Five minute freestyle, everybody.

We've heard about stolen goods in here. Thoughts?

I don't know nothing about it.

Let me guess. You also know nothing about the underage drinking going on in here?

I'm afraid that's grounds to arrest your ass.

Stolen goods, thoughts, take two.

Okay, okay.

Check the alley out back. Sometimes they throw dice out there.

Can I get back to my gig, pretty please?

All right, peoples!

Turnin' it up!

Damn! Are those the Z Force kicks, platinum edition?

You know it.

Wow! They're not even available until next week.

You're under arrest for possession of stolen goods and suspicion of m*rder.

You picked the wrong off-duty cop to plug.

Yo, I didn't plug nobody.

Okay. That right there, that's just bad grammar.

It's, "I didn't plug anybody."

And secondly, you're a lying son of a bitch and you might want to change that attitude before Detective Diamond gets here.

Whoever that is can blow...

Laura: Right through the door.

Don't mind if I do.

How's Jake?


Ballistics report on your g*n, not good, Mr. Firm.

Hey, you ain't pinning this on me.

Listen, you match the description.

We know you robbed that sneaker store plus three other stores down on the Lower East Side.

And your van was filled wall to wall with stolen merchandise.

All right, so I popped a couple of stores. That don't mean I shot a cop.

You didn't mean to, you were just being your normal low-life self, knocking over a mom and pop market.

Someone interrupted and one thing led to another.

Why would I waste my time hitting that crap market?

There's nothing worth stealing.

They don't even have any cash 'cause they let you EBT for smokes and booze.

Wait, EBT food stamp debit cards?


Did a lot of people know that?

The whole neighborhood knows it.

That's why they've never been robbed in all these years.

Which means we are probably looking for an outsider rather than a local.

What about the ballistics report?

Oh, ballistics said that the g*n wasn't a match.

Then what are you throwing it in my face for, yo?

Because I was trying to get you to confess to other crimes.

Thanks for that.

Tough luck, yo.

Jake should be coming out of surgery, I need to be there.

I need a new suspect. Hopefully Jake saw something the witnesses missed.

And hopefully he's able to tell us about it.

Not to tell you how to do your job, but you're doing that wrong.

I mean, at least for him.

I'm sure that there are many people who enjoy the pillow under the neck thing, but he has to have his head slightly tilted.

Or else his sinuses clog and then, you know, it's just... Well, let's just say it...

Just gets ugly.

Oh, and the blanket.

The blanket cannot touch his skin.

Sheet only.

That's a huge, huge bugaboo for him.

And also...

Oh, my God, enough.


Try living with her.

Mr. Broderick, my name is Rebecca.

Do you know where you are?

Yeah, I'm guessing in a hospital.

Unless, that's a costume and this is my birthday party.

It's nice to see you smile.

I should get shot more often.

You remember?

Yeah. That's going to stick with me for a while.

Excuse me?

I'll let the doctor know he's lucid.

Let him rest quietly until he's assessed.

Of course.

(WHISPERING) Okay. Everything that happened. Go.

Did anyone ever tell you that you're not very good at following directions?

You'll relax.

When we find the scumbag who did this.


It just seemed like a routine holdup.

Guy in a stocking mask.



We had witnesses, so we know all that.

Can you tell me anything else?


9:00 a.m. Wednesday.

What about 9:00 a.m. Wednesday?

That's what the sh**t said to the cashier after I went down.

That's not something you say in a routine holdup.

Sounds like they knew each other.



What about 9:00 a.m. Wednesday?

Because that's tomorrow morning.

Was it a meet-up?

Was it a deadline for something?

I don't know. I was a little busy trying not to bleed to death.

You have to make it all about you.


Well, that's a clue.

Nice work, Detective.

It's still Captain.


g*ng squad sent down a couple of names, but none match up physically with our sh**t.

Steak house in Rosedale got hit after hours last night, but the g*n was a .45.


No, nothing.

Just thinking.



Doing what we do, how easy it is to lose somebody you really care about.

Well, we're not gonna lose the Captain.

He just gave us a lead.


Excuse me. I'm looking for Joseph.

Me too.

He didn't come in to work today?

I was calling him all morning.

Of all my grandchildren, he's the responsible one. So, where is he?

Ma'am, we have reason to believe the sh**ting yesterday wasn't a robbery.

That your grandson might know the perpetrator.

Knowing a criminal?

Joseph is a good boy.

A genius.

What makes him such a genius?

He can build anything.

I'm always breaking my glasses. So, he makes this for me himself.

No breaking.

Only reason he's not in college is any money we make has to go to the bank for the loan.

Respectfully, ma'am, if there are money problems, maybe Joseph got involved with some illegal activity trying to help.

Are there are any friends or girlfriend that we should be speaking to?

No girlfriend.

No anything.

Joseph lives with you?

I'd like permission to search your apartment.

And I'm gonna need your keys.

My ass is k*lling me.

Maybe they missed a second b*llet.

No, it's this bed.

I need my chair cushion from the office.

I will bring you your chair cushion.


All the way.

There you go.


You know what this will be a good time for?

Better health insurance?

For you to forgive me.

Forgive you for what?

For everything.

For betraying you, for ruining our marriage.

Only you would use a brush with death to emoonally manipulate me.

How am I doing?

Eat your ice.

Alicia's on the way with the boys.

Let's at least try and get you unparched.

Any word from the clerk?

Mmm-mmm, still working on it.

Didn't show up at work, he's not at home.

Meredith and Billy are searching the apartment right now.

He's hiding, or he's running.

Question is why.

My guess, he's either planning something for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, or he's trying to get as far away as possible by then.

Okay, come on. One more.

Come on. Open up.

Jake, come on.



Help! Help! I need a doctor!

Oh, my God.

I forgive you. You bastard.


Just live.


Detective, he's stable.

He was fine.

What happened?

When Jake went down with the g*nsh*t wound, he suffered a blow to the back of his head.

That's now caused an intracranial hematoma.

It's basically an internal hemorrhage.

We've put him in a medically-induced coma to try and slow the swelling in his brain.

Oh, my God.

We'll hope for a positive outcome, but you should be prepared.

It's possible he may have suffered some neurological damage.

Well, you don't sugarcoat it, do you?

Go get some sleep.

I assure you, we'll do everything we can.

Me too.

PB and extra J, lightly toasted.

Chamomile, two bags, splash of honey.

Thanks for taking care of me.


Where are we at?

We're at 10,000 bucks.

Where from?

Our boy Joseph had a bag of cash tucked away in his closet.

That's not suspicious.


And leaving all that green behind while he disappeared to who knows where, also not suspicious.

I tell you, he's behind whatever it is that got Jake shot.

Oh, agreed.

So, what're we doing to find him?

APB is out, patrols combing the neighborhood, Frankie and Meredith are knocking door to door.

Somebody had to have seen this kid today.

The money was in this bag?

Not exactly a bank vault.

Any women living with him?


She says no girlfriend.

I'm guessing Joseph's into all sorts of stuff that grandma doesn't know about.

That store sells booty shorts and sparkle tops.

So, either Joseph has a highly progressive fashion sense, or he put the money in his girlfriend's bag.

Find the girlfriend, maybe we find Joseph.

I've dug into all his social media postings, no help there.

Girlfriend leaves the receipt in the bag, just like I do.

Makes it easier to return after you wear it once.

And the winner is...

F Hillman.

I know that last name.

And I know the first name.

Faren, she was at the market.

She wasn't just a customer, she was there to see Joseph Kwon.

A fact she hid from us.


You need to get some sleep before you collapse.

All right.

I'm gonna go back to the hospital.

I'm gonna close my eyes in the waiting room.

Find Faren Hillman.

I didn't do anything, okay?

I just happened to be in the store.

She's lying through her baby teeth.

You were at that store because Joseph Kwon is your boyfriend.

We hang out.


You didn't tell us that in the market, Faren.

That's obstruction of justice.

Look he's not supposed date non-Korean girls.

So, we keep it on the DL.

And also you keep on the DL the fact that you are running money between him and some very bad people.

In your stupid little Diva In Trend bag.

I have no idea what you're even talking about.

Would you swear to that under oath?

Maybe I left a bag at his place, but I don't know anything about money.

So you say.

Where's Joseph now?

I haven't hearfromim since last night.

So, he just picks up and runs, so freak out that he leaves 10 grand behind and never checks in with his girlfriend?

I find that very hard to believe.

Well, it's the truth.


Maybe we missed something.

Sorry to waste your time.

It's okay.

It's getting late. I'll take you home.

You will?

Oh, yeah.

Just got to make one stop.


Remember him?

This man threw himself in front of a b*llet for you.

But in addition to being the man who saved your life, he's also the father of my children.

Is your dad still alive, Faren?


Good. Mine is too. Lucky for us.

But my boys, their dad is lying comatose in a hospital bed because someone shot him in the chest.

And it would...

Look at me!

It was no coincidence that the sh**t walked into that store with a loaded w*apon.

Joseph was involved in something, and you know what it is.

Where is Joseph, and who is he mixed up with?

Answer me.

Answer me!

Joseph's this computer engineerin prodigy, and he's gotten a 3D printer, and he can make anything.

Like glasses for Grandma. We know.

Glasses, headphones, robotic stuff.

Word got around the neighborhood, and this guy, this really scary man, hired him.

Forced him, really, and Joseph didn't have a choice.

To make what?

A g*n.

We had briefings on 3D-printed g*ns. They don't work.

This one does.

Joseph said that he cracked a code on his synthetic plastic g*n with plastic b*ll*ts, and he said at close range it's as dangerous as the real thing.

But unlike the real thing, it can pass right through a metal detector.

That was the idea.

What was? At were they planning?

Joseph never knew.

He only did it because he said his family needed the money so bad.


Down payment.

Another 10,000 when it was supposed to be delivered.

Which was supposed to be tomorrow.

9:00 a.m.

Yeah. That's right.

But Joseph got scared that something awful was gonna happen and so he tried to back out.

Which is why the sh**t showed up last night, to thr*aten Joseph, to make sure he stuck with the deadline.


Where is Joseph now?

I swear to you, I don't know.

He left me a message saying that he's in a safe place, and that he's got to finish what he started.

But no matter how many times I text or call he doesn't answer.

I need your phone.

The officer took it from me when they brought me in. I didn't get it back.

I'll track it down.

Faren: I'm so sorry.

But you have to believe me, it wasn't Joseph's fault.

Yes, it was.

And if his undetectable g*n is handed off to a criminal or t*rror1st, it'll be his fault too.

Let's just hope we find it in time.
All right, I wanna thank everybody for gathering so fast.

Given the nature of the potential threat, this has now become a multi-agency investigation, between the NYPD, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and Homeland Security.

I'm gonna turn it over to Special Agent Lewis.

Thank you, Detective.

JTTF has anticipated the emergence of a 3D-printed synthetic w*apon that could bypass magnetometers and other traditional security check points.

Didn't expect it to come off the street, but if it has, we've compiled a list of potential targets where a w*apon like this would be a game changer.

Everything from commercial airports, United Nations, presidential fund raisers.

If I may?

You may.

Whoever's inndg to use this w*apon, has commissioned it from a college dropout doing the graveyard shift at his family's minimart.

It's not exactly the auspices of an act oferrorism.

Maybe not, but until we rule it out, any place that's considered secured by a metal detector is a wide open target.

We need to find this g*n.

Our best bet for locating this w*apon is to first find its alleged creator, Mr. Joseph Kwon.

He left a voice mail for a Faren Hillman that bore some fruit in regards to isolating him for possible coordinates.

Roll it, please.


Joseph: Hey, baby. I'm safe, I just got to lay low, finish what I started. Don't worry, this is almost over.



Lewis: Exactly.

What you're hearing is a 757, it's about 1,000 feet up.

That places our suspect within a half mile of a runaway.

And that message was left within two hours of when Joseph was last seen in his neighborhood.

That puts him in either Newark, JFK, or LaGuardia.

We've stationed agents at each of those in case Kwon tries to flee.

Oh, he's not fleeing.

He said so himself. He's gonna finish what he started.

And he's supposed do that drop in less than four hours.

Probably holed up somewhere so he can plug in his printer, work in private.

Uh, airport motel makes sense, but it's a needle in a haystack considering all major airports are in play.

Joseph: Hey, baby.

I'm safe, I just got to lay low, finish what I started.


What, now you have some kind of psychic airplane detector?

Ice cream truck detector.

There's an ice cream truck?

Not just any ice cream truck, Senor Softie.

Unfortunate name, worse ice cream.

Joseph: Hey, baby. I'm safe.

I just got to...

Barely even hear that.

But that La Cucaracha is emblazoned in my brain so I can turn around and run the other way before my boys start screaming for soft serve.

Okay, the music is the same level the entire message, that truck was parked.

I should go in case the doctor's looking for me.

There are three or four of the same truck all roaming Brooklyn, and lower Queens, so that rules out LaGuardia and Newark.



So, all we have to do is find out where each was at the time of the call, cross-checked with the proximity to JFK, and I bet we locate Joseph.

All right. Thanks.





All right. So, Senor Softie truck number three was parked right here, when our boy Joseph called in to Faren.

Meredith: That's right in the flight path.

And hello!

Motel adjacent.



NYPD! Freeze!

Hands on your head.

Don't sh**t.

Turn around.


Is this your low-rent g*n factory?

It's not like that.

It sure looks like it is. Talk!

I made a prototype just to try 'cause no one had pulled it off.

Nerd badge of honor?

When it worked I told some people.


We don't need to hear about your life story. Where's the g*n?

I already made the drop.

What happened to 9:00 a.m.?

I thought they'd hurt me or worse if I waited too long.

So, I went earlier.

Where? To who?

I've never known who these people are or what their deal is.

The man who shot the cop is all I know, and I've never even seen his face.

Where'd you drop the g*n, Joseph?

First Street and Fourth Avenue in Brooklyn, it's a car wash.

Who'd you give the w*apon to?

They told me to put in the trunk and get the car washed.

When it came out the other side, the g*n was gone.

V is for Visigoth.

Major biker g*ng.

Not upstanding citizens.


Oh, hey, let me help you with that.

I've been there.

Aw, boy or girl?

Uh... Girl. Sleeping.


A blanket over a stroller means keep it down.

My bad.

You want rainbow wax?

I want the boss.

Sorry, sweetie. We don't bother the boss unless the sky is falling.


Sky just fell.


Who's in charge here?

Oh, hey!

Is it you, big guy?

None of your business.

Tell me something, I ought bikers hate regular-people cars, so why is it that a gaggle of Visigoths would be washing and drying hybrid Sedans all day long?

Back off, lady.

I have an idea why.

I think this place is a money laundry for something much dirtier than my Volvo.

You wanna weigh in on that, pal?

Or have you run out of your big boy words?

I'm talking to you.

Time to call for backup?

All good.


Oh, look at you.

You look so tough.

Mr. Prius cleaner.

Real tough!

It's time.

You what... You're just gonna stand there, wuss?

Thank you.

All right. I'm guessing that makes you in charge. Up against the wall.

Laura: Oh, really?


Put your hands behind your back!

Concealed w*apon.

Which is a felony, unless, of course, you have a permit.

I'm not getting the permit vibe.

9 millimeter.

Same caliber pulled out of the Captain.

Did you sh**t a cop in a Korean market yesterday?

Did you sh**t my husband?



Go down to the courthouse.

Get my lawyer.

So, ballistics confirm the g*n's a match.

That's the guy.


sh**t Jake point blank and acts like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Did you see his rap sheet?

Kyle Dunley, manslaughter, arson, as*ault.

He's a lifer who just happens to be on the outside.

He doesn't care about anyone or anything.

Special place in hell.

Excuse me. I'm looking for my client Kyle Dunley.

He's in the box.

A unit will let you in.

Kyle must be a pretty important client for you to drop everything and just come down.

What is it? Casual day at the courthouse?

(SCOFFING) I'm just coming from my office.

I haven't been in court all week.

The target's the courthouse.

Based on what evidence?

When we picked this guy up, the very first thing he did was turn to another biker and say, "Go to the courthouse.

"Get my lawyer."

And therefore...

We assumed it was one instruction.

Go to the courthouse to get my lawyer.

But Kyle's lawyer hasn't been in court all week.

Yeah. Why would a person go get someone when they could just call or text them?

Exactly. It was two instructions.

Get the lawyer.

And go to the courthouse.

For another reason.

Namely to sneak in a plastic g*n and k*ll someone.

Lewis: Hell of a lead.

Maybe not.

Lewis: And you are?

Max Carnegie. I work here.

I have a desk and everything.

He does.

One Butch O'Banion, an Angels of Darkness motorcycle g*ng member, is currently on trial for the m*rder of a Visigoth deputy.

The Angels of Darkness and the Visigoths are arch rivals.

Maybe this is the Visigoth's attempt to take O'Banion out.

And you know what time most criminal trials start each morning?

9:00 a.m.

We better get the hell down there.

Six twenty-five is O'Banion.

It's empty.

Excuse me, they moved the O'Banion trial?

It was on recess this morning.

The judge had a conference or something.

It's in session after lunch.

Was the recess a last-minute thing?

No, it was on the books.

Lawyers knew about it last week.

So, that means our would-be sh**t probably knew about it.

(SIGHING) So, where is he?

I'll check security.

Come on, people. You know the drill.

Stop, put your bag in the microwave thing.

There you go.

Let the guard wand you.

Move on.

This is not rocket science.

Billy: Any luck down there?

Not yet.

Good news is security records the surveillance feed at the main lobby which, unless you're a judge or a cockroach, is the only way inside.

If our sh**t entered the courthouse this morning, I'm gonna see it.

Roger that. Standing by.

But the building opened at 7:30 a.m.

I'm not even halfway through the tape, and they only have one playback monitor.

You should probably start a sweep.

Sweeping now.

I just swept.

Is that supposed to mean something?

It's him.

Billy: All right, stand behind me. Don't let him make you out.

Hey, Bubba.

No, I'm still at the courthouse.

I think I'm getting out of here soon.

What time are you getting home?

I can't wait to see you.

Smooches, baby.

Police! Freeze! On the ground!

Spread your hands and legs.

Me again.


Laura: That doesn't make sense.

You're sure it was the same guy from the car wash?

Big boy, all tatted up.

Lots of teeth.

Frankie's positive. They took him in and he was clean.

No w*apon on him, let alone a plastic one.

Maybe he's just the side man.


He could just have been here to make the hand-off or create a distraction or somehow run interference for the sh**t.

Okay, so who's the sh**t?

Oh, my God.


Excuse me. Hey!

The woman with the stroller.

This is our suspect.

We need to find out who she is and where she went.

Really? That's Pamela Baker.

And you know that because...

She's here every day.

Sad story, her 19-year-old daughter was kidnapped and m*rder*d.

This has nothing to do with O'Banion. We had the wrong defendant.

That trial's up on six also?

Sentencing. Scum bag pled out for reduced time.

Never seen her with a baby before.

There is no baby.

Then why's she pushing the stroller?

The mobile.

It's plastic shapes. Son of a bitch.


It's the g*n in pieces.

I think it's three down from here.


NYPD! Nobody move!

What the hell is this?

Mrs. Baker, is that a toy?

It's not a toy, Your Honor. It just looks like one.

Put it down! There's no escape.

I don't wanna escape.

Stay back!


Remember me?

"Been there."

Believe it or not, I've been here too.

Not as bad.

I can't even begin to imagine your suffering.

But earlier today, I was face to face with the man who shot the father of my children in the chest.

And I wanted so desperately to sh**t him.

But I didn't.

Because it wouldn't make anything better.

Oh, yes it will.

It will make the world better.

My beautiful girl is dead and this monster is alive.

He needs to die too. He needs to.

I know you believe that in your heart, but I am here to tell you, mother to mother, the cost is too high.

There is no cost.

Nobody will miss him.

And if I die too, that is a price I am happy to pay.

The cost has already been enormous.

The boy who made the g*n that is in your hand, he's going to jail.

And the biker who you bought the g*n from, he was the one who shot my husband who is now fighting for his life in the hospital.

I'm so sorry.

I know that you didn't intend any of this.

Enough people have suffered.

Your daughter would not want this, Pamela.

So, I'm gonna count to three, and then you're gonna give me the g*n.





Hands behind your back!



Listen, uh, I've been meaning to apologize to you.

For what?

Ah, for the way I handled the whole Jake thing.

I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time about leaving the guy.

Thanks, Dad.

It's sort of a weird time for that.



All this got me to thinking...

I suppose I was worried about you getting stuck raising kids on your own, but when I see how strong you are...


I... I realize I never should have doubted you.

Ah, you'll be fine no matter what. I mean...

You got this single mom thing down, you'll get the widow thing down too...

Jake isn't dead yet.

I'm just saying...


We brought him out of the sleep state.

He's conscious.

Ah, terrific.

Is he... Is he okay?

Time will tell.

We're monitoring him closely.

He's asking for you.

Okay, um...

Alicia's across the street in the park with the boys. I should probably...

I'll call. Get in there.


I warmed it up for you.

Oh, you're a good woman.


A good woman who caught your sh**t.

Who was he? What did he want?

A woman hired him to get a 3D-printed plastic g*n that she could sneak into court.

He bought the g*n from an engineering prodigy who moonlighted at a Korean grocery where a certain Captain decided that he wanted to play hero.

You know me.

I do.

I do?

I thought I'd never hear you say that again.

What? No witty retort?


Laura, I want you back.


One last chance, I swear on the lives of our children I won't let you down.

I love you, and I think even though you don't want to, you still love me.

What, are we really doing this emotional manipulation thing now, again?


We're doing the truth.

Do you...

Or do you not...

Still love me?


Maybe a little.

Leo: Is it safe?


Boy, you look like crap.

Uh, good to see you, Leo.

You too, tough guy.

Uh, can I pee in your toilet?


I'm gonna see if the boys are here.

Tony: Hey, lady.


I hope I'm not intruding. It's just that you've been on my mind every minute, and the boys, uh...

I brought you some protein.


Thank you.



We should probably talk.



What's up with the chocolates?

They said no flowers in the ICU.

So, you brought our comatose Captain chocolates?

It's comfort food for all of us.

Excuse me, we work for Captain Broderick.

Not to infringe on doctor-patient privilege, but if we could just inquire as to his well...

Is he okay?

Yes. Actually, he's alert, seems to be doing quite well.

Oh, my gosh. Thank you.



Deal with it.

These look really, really good.

Did you guys see that?

Yeah, we did.

Sort of impossible not to.

Okay, question.


Do you think Meredith is into me?

Do we think?

Detective. (LAUGHING)



What you've been through, you don't have to explain anything.

Of course, I do.

You are amazing.

You're the best thing that's happened to me in God knows how long.

I don't want this to end.

I just might need a little time.

So, take it.

I'm not going anywhere.

See, you're amazing.


Well, you didn't hear me argue with that, did ya?

Yo, Raggedy.

Patient wants his chair cushion, I thought you brought it to him.

I just gave it to him.

Yeah, I thought so.

Well, he also called me Doctor.

I guess it's the dr*gs talking.

Go do what you need to do.

We'll figure this out later.

Yeah, later. Later is good.


You know, whatever happens between us, I love you, Laura Diamond.

Alicia: Last warning, boys.

Touch that IV drip again, and don't even think about stopping at Senor Softie.



Jake: Ah.

Look who's finally here, the mama.

Mama's been here.

Don't you remember I brought you your cushion?

You did?


You're sitting on it.

(LAUGHING) That I am.

Do you not remember any of the conversation we had five minutes ago?

'Cause you had a lot to say.



Hmm. That's weird.

I'm sure it'll come back to me.

Doctor said this might happen.

It could be a few weeks before you know what's going on in his head.

Good to know.

Partner, can I ask you a question?


So, after all of this, I just would like to know where do you stand on the whole precinct romance thing?

Not the right time to ask?

You have no idea.
