02x03 - Heart's Desire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "When Calls the Heart". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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"When Calls the Heart" follows a young school teacher from a wealthy Eastern family, who migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town in the west.
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02x03 - Heart's Desire

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on When Calls the Heart...

Jack! Welcome back.

No Elizabeth?

I promise I'll write.

I hope you do.

Miss Leveaux here was just about to tell me what brought her to Hope Valley.

You've been spending quite a bit of time with Bill Avery.

Are you a friend of his?

I'm his wife.


Well, good morning, Jack.

Morning, Abigail.

Mrs. Graves.

"Mrs. Graves."

Hearing that will never get old.

I'm gonna go check on the breakfast loaf.

I didn't know Mary was working here.

She's watching over the cafe while I'm away.



Hamilton. I haven't heard from Clara since she left town after the trial.

I'm worried, Jack.

I feel like I owe it to Peter to make sure she's all right.

Have you been in touch with Elizabeth?

She knows the city, maybe she can help.

I sent her a telegram this morning.


It's funny.

I barely know Clara, but I feel like she's family.

She is family.

Well, I better pack if I'm gonna make the next stage.

Oh, Abigail?

When you see Elizabeth, tell her I...



Tell her I send my best.



Forward one, side two, back three, and four, cross left, over right, back six, side seven, and to...



You're just in time.

In time for what?

The tango!

It's all the rage right now.

Charles, come! Dance with me.

Um... if you insist.

It's simple. Just follow me.

Like this?



I'm sorry, am I doing it wrong?

Charles, when did you learn how to tango?

Can't I have my secrets?

It's much easier than it looks.

Shall we?









Oh, it's so good to see you!

How was your trip?

Long. I had no idea we lived in such a big country.

Well, you're here now, and that's what matters.

I so appreciate you letting me stay with you.

As long as you're in Hamilton, my home is your home.

Are you sure there's enough room?

I don't want to impose.

Oh, it's really no imposition.

And we'll find Clara together.

I'm just glad you've had Bill Avery to lean on through all this.

He must have been such a comfort.

Oh, dear, we have a lot to catch up on.

[Patrons chatting, indistinct]

May I?


So... you're the new Mayor of Hope Valley.

I am.

I told you you'd want me as your friend, Mr. Coulter.

Well, let's get down to business, then, shall we?

You're going to need a license to do business in my town.

Actually, you're going to need two.

One for your mill, and one for your office out there on Main Street.

How much?

$200 apiece.

Some people might call that extortion.

I call it the price of free enterprise.

I'd like a check on my desk tomorrow afternoon.

It would be a shame to shut you down for something so trivial.

Uh, should I make the check out to the city, or will you be depositing it directly into your personal account?



Elizabeth, you amaze me.

You're so down-to-Earth and you come from all of this.

You had to have missed it.

Sometimes, I did.

But... [sighs]

I don't know.

Sometimes, I feel like Hamilton just lacks that... something.

Or someone?


Look what just arrived for you!

They're from Charles!

He said he enjoyed having dinner with you last night and hopes to have the pleasure of your company again soon.

Wait! You read the card?

Well, of course, I did.

Who's Charles?


Mrs. Stanton! How wonderful to see you.

You too, Julie.

Julie: Mother and Father can't wait to meet you!

There's just enough time to change before dinner.

I'm happy to lend you one of my gowns.


Thank you, but I'll be fine in what I brought.


[Indistinct chatter]

Well, this is cause for celebration.

Might I buy you two gentlemen a drink?

Miss Leveaux?

I'll buy the next round if you tell me what you're celebrating.

Oh, Mr. Coulter, it is a dream come true.

I'm going to be starring in a musical at the Curran Theater in San Francisco!

I-I guess congratulations are in order.

Mr. Garvey and Mr. Seidler work for Wallace Zellman.

The Wallace Zellman.

Is this a name I should be familiar with?

He produces the biggest shows in the country!

Mr. Zellman saw Miss Leveaux onstage in New York.

We went to quite a bit of trouble to track her down.

He thinks she's going to be a star.


Rehearsals begin in three days, so I'll be leaving tomorrow.


Uh, whe... When will you be back?

Well, if the show's a hit, Mr. Zellman will want to take it on the road for a trial run, and then... [Laughing]


It could run for years.

Uh, I'm...

I'm... I'm very happy for you, Rosemary. I...

Now tell me more about this part!

Oh, you're going to love this part.

Perfect for you.

You're going to love the Curran Theater.

Did you hear the news about...

Rosemary starring in a show in San Francisco?

Yeah, I think everyone this side of the Rockies has heard about that.

She really is something, isn't she?

She's a lot like you.

Like me?

How so?

Rosemary knows how to dream big, and nothing ever stands in her way.

Like you.


I knew there was something I liked about her.

[Birds singing]

Well, we're so glad you've come to stay with us.

Well, I know you've been under the weather, Mrs. Thatcher.

I do hope it's not a burden for you to have a house guest.

Oh, nonsense!

I'm practically back to my old self again, thanks to Charles' friend, Dr. Lyden.

I hear you've come in search of your daughter-in-law.

Yes, I know she works in Hamilton, but I'm afraid that's all I know.

It's not much to go on.

Abigail is worried that Clara might've found herself in some kind of trouble.

I have connections with the Mounties.

I'll give them a ring and have them put their best man on the case right away.

Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that.

You didn't ask. I'm volunteering.

Hamilton's a big city, and it's no place for a woman to go about searching for someone on her own.

Thank you.

I do have a photograph, if you think that would help.

It would, indeed.

Let me go get it.

I just can't imagine what the poor dear is going through.

Viola: I'm so sorry we're running late.

Oh! No need to apologize, darling.

Dinner isn't for another hour.

Good. Because Lionel and I have something we'd like to tell you.

[Julie gasps]

You're engaged?

Oh, my goodness, that's so exciting!

Julie! You've ruined the surprise.

It wasn't a surprise at all!

We all knew it was going to happen!


Oh, my goodness, this is wonderful news, darling.


Welcome to the family.

Thank you.

I hope to make your daughter very happy.

Would you like to see my ring?

Oh... It's so beautiful.

It belonged to my grandmother.

We must have a little party to celebrate Just a few close friends. Perhaps a luncheon tomorrow.

Are you sure you're up to it?

If you take away my parties, William, you take away my raison d'etre.



Thank you.


I could use a few more men to help this week if you can spare them.

Yeah, of course.

Something wrong?

Sorry, what?

Everything okay?

Oh, yeah, everything's fine.

Nothing I can't handle.


There you go.


You know... you're pretty handy with a saw.

If you're ever looking for another line of work, you let me know.


All right, I've got to get some stuff done.

[Thunder rumbles in distance]

Hey, Travis?

You mind throwing a tarp over that lumber tonight?

Yeah, you bet.


Looks like you fellas are making some progress.

I know the man upstairs will be mighty appreciative of that.

Well, I don't think he'd recognize me.

It's been a long time since I've been in a church.

Well, since you haven't been struck by lightning yet, you might want to come by Sunday.


Yeah, I'll think about it.

I was wondering.

Do you think you could build that?

That a pulpit?

That's right. Uh, nothing too fancy.

Maybe out of oak?

Oh, what's that?

That's the cabinet door.

What, you want a cabinet in a pulpit?

Well, it might come in handy, and, uh, it's gonna need a lock on it.


Ah! I suppose that's it.


I'm ready to leave.

We're going to miss you.

Things certainly haven't been the same around here since you arrived.

Well, thank you for welcoming me into your town, and into your hearts.

You've been very kind.

I won't forget you.

Safe travels.

Well, Rosemary...

Finally gotten what you've wished for.

It's the start of a new life for me.

I hope it brings you everything you want.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'll even miss you, you big old dog.




Take care of yourself.

You too.

[Engine chugging]

Well... there she goes.

[Rip howls]


Rosemary: I do wish you'd brought a script so I could begin learning my lines and my songs.

You know, I once was in a production of The Warbling Wren, in which I had 11 songs, and I had to hit high "F" three times, just like this...

sustaining high note: ♪ Ahh... ♪

Cutting her off: Miss Leveaux!


There is no play.

And we're not working for Mr. Zellman.

We've been hired by Cliff Conley.

Cliff Conley?

No. There must be some mistake.

He was the producer of The Warbling Wren.

The man whose money you stole.

That's a lie! I never stole any money.

Then what happened to the box office receipts?

I can explain that!

You can explain it to him.

And enough with the singing.

Ooh! You...

Turn this car around and take me back right now!

Afraid we can't do that.

Well, then I am just going to scream!

As long as you don't sing.


[Door opens]



Bill Avery is the Mountie who's come to help find Clara.

I thought you were on an investigation.

I was...

But when I heard it was the Thatchers that needed an investigator, I volunteered for the assignment.

I'll leave you two alone.

It certainly is good to see you.

I just wish it was under happier circumstances.

This is awkward.

I don't understand.

Does the name "Nora Avery" help you understand?

Because she showed up at my door.


Oh, please.

Don't bother trying to explain.

What did she tell you?


You lied to me.

Abigail, please! You don't know the whole story.

I don't want to hear any more of your stories.

I understand that you're angry, and you don't want to hear what I have to say.

Will you please allow me to help you find Clara?

I don't want your help!

Well, you're going to need it.

I don't need anything from you.

I'm going to find her.

And once I do, I promise you, you'll never see me again.

I will ask Mr. Thatcher to contact the Mounties and have someone else assigned to the case.


Can you find your own way out, or should I have the butler escort you?


Mr. Duncan.

How was your trip?

Well, I got Mr. Coulter's permits for the sawmill signed off on.

What happened?

A couple of lugs...

In a big, fancy car nearly ran me off the road.

And Miss Leveaux looked fit to be tied!

Rosemary was in the car?

Bouncing around in the back while this madman behind the wheel...

But you were coming in from Benson Hills, weren't you?

Yeah. Why?

Well, that's east of here.

Rosemary was heading west, to San Francisco.

Not on that road, she wasn't.


[Horse whinnies]


You look as tired as a dog.

Ugh, you don't want to hear about it.

Well, listening is my job.

All right. [Sighs]

The sawmill's ready to go.

We just can't get the engine up and running.

What, your millwright can't figure it out?

Yeah, he's trying his best, but he's never worked on a diesel before.

Maybe it's time we asked for a favor.

No disrespect, Pastor, but I think the big guy has better things to do than to fix my mill.

Anyway, I've been in tighter jams than this before.

I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Well, suit yourself.

Uh... though, that being said, you know, if you'd like to give it a... a try, I'm sure it couldn't hurt, right?


So you're the Charles I've heard so much about?

I hope some of it's been good.

Well, I've only heard wonderful things.

And I've heard wonderful things about you as well.

I'm glad our darling Elizabeth has you as a friend.

We worry about her being so far away.

[Footsteps approaching]

Mrs. Stanton?

You have a visitor.

Uh, forgive the intrusion.

I think I have a lead on Clara.

Someone recognized her picture.

Where is she?

East side of town. Across the railroad tracks.

Now, I can take you there if you want, or I can get her and bring her back here.

No. I'll go myself, if you'll give me the address.

That part of town's not suitable for a woman to travel alone.

Then I'll come as well.

Me too! This is exciting.

You have obligations of your own, I couldn't impose.

Well, if there's anything you need, Abigail.

Thank you.

[Sighs] Shall we go?


"Obligations" is right.

Remind me why we're all gathering here yet again?

For a champagne toast to Viola and Sir Lionel.

Toasts... luncheons... dinners... so much fuss.

When I get engaged, I'm not gonna tell anyone, I'll just elope.


But, Julie, you love parties and dances and balls and luncheons.

That was the old me.

Now I find them deadly dull.

Well, we'd better not keep Mother and Father waiting.

What's your hurry?

Something else on your afternoon social calendar?

Don't be a goose, Charles.

I'm just trying to be punctual.


[Local dogs barking]

Is this where she lives?

This is her last-known address.

No wonder why she didn't want to talk about it.

Mrs. Stanton.


What are you doing here?

Is there someplace we can go to talk?

You shouldn't be here.

Mrs. Stanton came all the way from Hope Valley to see you.

I've been very worried about you.

[Birds squawking]

[Engine hissing]

I'm telling you, I did not take Mr. Conley's money.

It's my director, Mike Ryan, that you want.

He's the one who stole your boss' money.

Yeah, but Ryan's done a good job of hiding, and Mr. Conley believes that when word gets out we have his precious girlfriend, he'll have a change of heart.

Afraid I'm not Mike Ryan's "precious" anything.

He dropped me like a hot stone as soon as he got his hands on that cash.

I swear, I am of no value to you.

[Sobs] Absolutely none.

Oh, I find that hard to believe.

A man would have to be crazy not to, uh, come to your rescue.


I think we might've got off on the wrong foot.

You're very sweet... and cute, too.



Let go of me!

[Gasps] Jack!

[Blows landing]

Jack: You okay?

Come on! Get in.

Jack, I was so scared!

It's okay.

You're safe now, okay?

But what about my bags?

[Rosemary whimpers]


How long have you been under the employment of this "Mr. Fletcher"?

A little over a year.

I work seven days a week.

Sometimes, I don't finish till midnight, and I start at five.

How did you get in this man's debt?

My father was sick for a long time before he died.

When I couldn't pay his doctor bills, Mr. Fletcher loaned me $500.

I couldn't pay it back.

He told me I'd have to work as his servant until we were even.

If I didn't, he said he would have me arrested and put in jail.

You have my word, you won't be going to jail.

Why didn't you come to me for help?

How could I?

I had just met you. I didn't want to be a burden.

Clara, you could never be a burden.

I'm going to take care of this, don't you worry.


Mr. Fletcher is a powerful man.

I have seen what he can do.


If this Mr. Fletcher is exploiting you in any way, there are things that I can do to remedy the situation.

I don't want your help.

I can take care of this myself.


You need to leave now.

I have to get to work.

Abigail: Clara, please let us help you.

You can help me by leaving me alone.


The poor girl is terrified.

I've got to do something.

If you'll allow me...

I can handle it myself.

And just how are you going to do that?

With all due respect, Abigail, I know how to deal with men like Mr. Fletcher.

Let me handle this.

Julie: You're so wicked. What if we get caught?

No one's gonna be here for hours.

They won't even know we were here.

[Gasps] Look!

Just what we need.


[volume increases]


Are you ready?

I'm all yours.


Except I don't really know why I need to learn how to dance.

So we can cut a rug in all the clubs.

Well, I'm starting to like this now.

Now just follow me.

Back, right... forward, forward, cross over, forward, right, together.

That's it!

You're a natural.

You're a good teacher.



Sorry I couldn't get us back to Hope Valley in time.

Sergeant needs a night's rest.

Oh, I don't mind spending the evening with my Mountie hero.

But you might have brought a tent, some sleeping bags, and a pot of hot coffee.

I would've, but I left in a bit of a hurry.

[Laughs] No complaints.

You saved my life.


Why didn't things work out between us?

Because of things like this.

Like what?

You, running off with men you don't even know, for the promise of fame.

What were you thinking?

They had business cards.

See, that's where you go wrong.

Whatever you have is never good enough.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

I left you because I was too blind to see what a precious thing I had.

I'll never make that mistake again.


Where are you going?

To see if I can find us something to eat.

Then I'll have the poached salmon and some of those little white potatoes.




I wanted to return these.

Thank you.


I know we've never been very... close, but I just wanted to say that I'm so happy for you.

You and Lionel really make a lovely couple.

That's nice of you to say.

I can't believe one of us is getting married.

It all seems so sudden and grown-up.

That's because you live in a different world.

In my world, it's natural to find a proper consort, to marry, and take one's place in society.

But there's more to life than that, isn't there?


You'll never guess where I've...

Trails off: been.

Where, exactly?


Please, Julie.

I saw you sneak in the side door.

I have a very good view from the window in my room.

You're always spying on me!

Because you seem determined to bring shame to our family.

And you seem determined to make sure I die an old maid!

All right.

Let me.

Please talk some sense into her.

[Mouths words]

Where were you?

I went dancing with Tom Thornton!

Julie! That is completely inappropriate, and you know it.

There's nothing inappropriate about being in love.

Well, at least tell me that you had a chaperone, then.

Why would I need a chaperone?

Because you're a young lady and you barely know him.

I know him better than you think.

This is our second secret rendezvous.

You mustn't tell Mother and Father.

If they don't approve of Jack, imagine what they'll say about Tom.

What have they said about Jack?

It's not what they said, it's just obvious how they feel.

But they don't matter, what matters is how you feel.

[Fire crackling]

Bon appetit.

[Gasps] Berries!

How... wonderful.

And light!


You know, you never told me how things went in Hamilton.

Jack... you came back and Elizabeth didn't.

Is she ever?

Of course she is.

Have you heard from her since you've been home?

I'm not worried, Rosie.

Of course not.

I'm sure her mother is on the mend and she's enjoying home and family.

I wonder if that prestigious teaching position was offered to her again.

Well, she turned that job down once.

But a woman can always change her mind.

She won't.

I just think you should consider the possibility, unlikely as it may seem...

That Elizabeth might not come back.

And if, God forbid, that should happen, do remember that you have friends that deeply care about you.

Friends you can rely upon.

[Exhales and shivers]


No! What about you? You'll freeze.

I'll stay close to the fire.

Always the gentleman.





Just for a moment.


We should get some sleep.

Goodnight, Jack.

'Night, Rosie.


Frank: These are good men and they ask that you bless this enterprise and allow them to do the good, honest work that brought them to this beautiful valley.

In the Lord's name...


Men, overlapping: Amen.

[Indistinct chatter]

You don't look convinced.

In my experience, I find that when I encounter a problem, the only one I can rely on to fix it is me.

You're a self-made man, Mr. Coulter, and you should be proud of that.

But no one does it alone.

We all need help at times.

How long has she been seeing him?

About a week.

But for Julie, it's always love at first sight.

There's nothing wrong with being a romantic.

Except it's always with someone disastrous.

And this Tom fellow is a disaster?

Let's just say he's had his fair share of troubles.

But you know his brother quite well.

They're nothing alike.

It can be hard to tell someone else whom to fall in love with.

I just don't want her to make a mistake.

If you care about her, you might have to let her find these things out on her own.

I'm not so sure about that.

Sometimes, it takes making a mistake or two in order for us to learn.

What if she gets hurt?

As long as she has people around her who love her, she'll be all right.


Have you heard anything new about Clara?

Nothing yet.

Constable Avery has assured me he's doing everything he can.

I'm sure he is, but if there's anything I can do to help, don't ever hesitate to ask.

Thank you, Charles.

I hate to run... but duty calls.

Of course.

Thank you for the advice.

And for lunch.

[Door opens]

He's certainly a charming young man.

He's one of my favorite people.

You make a very handsome couple.

Gosh... you sound just like my mother.

I understand how she feels.

About what?

You have... so much life here, Elizabeth.

So much opportunity.

Now you sound just like my father.

You can't tell me you haven't enjoyed being back in Hamilton, with your family and friends.

I have!

To tell you the truth, I've enjoyed every moment.

I'm so glad I was here for Viola's engagement.

And seeing Julie again... just makes me realize me how much I miss her when I'm gone.

I can see how close you are.


It's strange.

I came here to take care of my mother, and... now it feels like there's part of me that's so comfortable...

It feels like it's almost wrong to be having a good time.

I should be serious, I should be thinking about my students...

You should be missing Jack?

Voice breaks: I do miss Jack.

I miss him very much.


Calls out: Mr. Fletcher?

Who wants to know?

Constable William Avery.

I need to have a word with you.

About what?

It's about a young woman in your employment, one Clara Stanton.

I spoke with her, and I'm concerned that you might be breaking the law.

And what law would that be, Constable?

Forcing an employee to work for sl*ve wages is a...

It's a blatant violation of the labor statutes.

I loaned that young woman $500, and she agreed to work for me until her debt was settled.

Well, Mr. Fletcher, I would think working seven days a week for more than a year would have paid you back by now, with interest.

Sadly, it hasn't. Is that all?

No, sir. One more thing.

I'll be at your residence in two hours to take Miss Stanton from your property, at which point, you're going to give me a signed document releasing her of any financial obligation to you.

And if I don't?

Well, then, sir, you can have your day in court.

And you can try to convince a jury why a man of your standing in the community would take advantage of such a poor young widow.

My friends at the paper would love a story like that.





[Gasps] Clara!

I spoke with her employer.

The issue's been resolved.

Resolved? How?

He no further has a hold on her.

Constable Avery was wonderful.

I owe him everything.


I'm sorry I've been such a burden, Mrs. Stanton.

I won't trouble you any further.

Clara, you're free now.

You can do whatever you want...

But the truth is, you're all the family I have left, and the only living connection I have to my son.

I would like it very much if you came home with me.

[Sob catches]


With all my heart.



Rosemary, grandly: Hello, Hope Valley!

Yes, I have returned, safe and sound, none the worse from my harrowing ordeal...

Thanks to this brave, steadfast, rugged, handsome Mountie!


Do my eyes deceive me?

Was she wearing his clothes?

Well, his jacket anyway.


[Footsteps approaching]


You're leaving, aren't you?

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I know your search isn't over.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for, no matter where it takes you.


[Background chatter]


Pretty good shot, Jack.


But you're gonna have to do a lot better than that.

Aw, take it easy on him, Pastor.

Jack's a hero.

No, I'm not.

Well, you rescued Miss Leveaux.

Makes you a hero in my book.

And to show you how grateful I am, I'm gonna donate the rest of the lumber you need to finish the church, just as soon as the mill is up and running, that is.

You still having trouble with that engine?

Ah, well, the pastor here laid a blessing on the mill, but unless the good lord knows how to fix a diesel...

Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways.

[Footsteps receding]

So there's nothing we can say to change your mind?

Mother's recovered, and school recess is almost over.

I want to get back to my students.

Is it the children you're going back to, or the Mountie?

I suppose if I'm being truthful...

It's both.

Elizabeth, my dear, you know we don't like to interfere, but maybe it's time for you to consider...

A change.

Please, Father.

The teaching assignment at Hope Valley was never meant to be permanent.

Could be time to think of moving on to something better.

This is what's best for me.

Maybe I'll feel differently once I'm there, but I have to go back and find out for myself.

But can you at least respect that this is what I need to do?

Yes, of course we can.

You have our blessing and our support, no matter where you are or what you do.


It's so hard to leave.

I love you both so much.


I better start packing.

[Background chatter]

You're having a rough day, my friend.

Next round's on me.


[Rain pounding]

Looks rough out there.

Chuckles: You bet.

Animals are lining up two by two.

I was on my way to Buxton, but all this rain washed out the bridge.

Had to take the long way around.

What takes you to Buxton?

One of the engines at the textile factory is down.

I was supposed to be there yesterday.

You're a mechanic?

Yes, sir. Diesel mechanic.

Um... [Chuckles]

Having some trouble at the mill, getting the diesel engine up and running.

I could take a look at it in the morning, if you'd like.

Yes! Yes! I would like that very much.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Guess this means we'll be seeing you in church on Sunday?


[Train bell clanging]

Charles, it was very sweet of you to drive us to the station.

I wouldn't miss the chance of saying one last goodbye.

I promise I'll be back soon.

I'm going to hold you to it.

Clara's running late.

Do you think she's changed her mind?

Not at all.

Conductor: All aboard!

Abigail, that's our train.

She'll be here.

Here she is.


I hope I didn't keep you waiting.

Not at all, but we have to hurry.

Do I need to tell you how much...


Some things are better left unspoken.


[piano playing in saloon]

Elizabeth: It's so good to see everyone.

I'm so happy to be back.

Oh, we're very happy that you're back.

And you must tell us everything about Hamilton.

Oh! Well...

It was so wonderful catching up with my sisters and parents, and friends.

I understand your mother was quite ill.

How is she?

Much better. Thank you for asking.

Well, I'm just glad you're back in time for school to begin.

I know the children are looking forward to it.

[Laughs] Are they?

I've missed all of them so much.

And all of you.

Though I presume you've missed someone in particular the most.


Well, I believe Miss Thatcher will be occupied for the remainder of the evening.

Shall we?

I've been looking for you.

Yeah. I just got back in from Rock Creek.

It's good to see you.

You too.


One more dance.

No! You said that three dances ago, and now I am thirsty.

May I please have something to drink?

Me too, please. Thank you.

[Exhales deeply]

Hey, who is the woman that Jack is talking to?

Oh, well, that's Elizabeth.

The woman of the hour.

Our dear little school teacher.

Mm. Do I detect a note of jealousy?

[Chuckles] Now, don't be silly.

I've never been jealous of another woman.

Never in my whole life.

Really? I don't know...

You and Jack seem pretty chummy to me.

Now who's jealous?

Mm. I've never been jealous a day in my life, either.

I'm just interested in the history.

Well, that's exactly what it is... history.



The town must just love Elizabeth, to welcome her like this.

This is your home now, too, Clara.

I'm glad you agreed to come back with me.

It's a fresh, new start.

I hope so.

And thank you so much for giving me a job at the cafe.

Oh! There isn't anyone I would rather work side-by-side with every day.

[both chuckling]


Here you go.

Thank you!

Mr. Coulter was just telling me that his sawmill will be opening tomorrow.

"Our" sawmill.

As far as I'm concerned, the mill belongs to everyone in this town.

Including me?

Especially you.

In fact, tomorrow, the first board we cut is gonna be yours.

Well, how about that?

My very own board!

I'm so honored!

Oh, I love this song.

Lee, ask me to dance.

Rosemary, would you like to dance?

Hmm... Let me see.

[laughs] Yes!

Okay! It's nice to meet you.

You too.

[Both chuckling]

Oh... he seems like an interesting character.

Yeah. He's a good man.

Elizabeth: And apparently sweet on Rosemary?


He couldn't have been too pleased when our "brave Mountie" swooped in to save the town's "cherished actress."

Yeah, look, Elizabeth, about that...

I'm teasing you.

I've learned to take everything that woman says with a shaker full of salt.


Aren't you going to ask me to dance?


Come for a walk with me.


Keep them closed.

They are!



Oh, Jack...

It needs a few finishing touches, but it'll be ready by the time school starts.

What do you think?

Do you like it?

You did that?

I had help.


Utensils on the left, napkins on the right.

I set the tables a half-an-hour before we open.

That shouldn't be a problem.


Today's menu is simple...

Roast chicken and ham steak.

No sweet potatoes.

Jason Campbell will ask, and you'll have to remind him that the ground froze this year, and the crop is late.

No sweet potatoes.

Now, we will be busy the first hour we're open...

Keep the coffee cups filled, and they won't squawk.

No potatoes. Keep their coffee filled.

Great. I'm gonna leave this in your capable hands.

Oh! And, uh, Friday is pay day.

Oh! You don't have to pay me.

You have done so much for me already.

Clara... no matter where you go, or what you do, you mustn't let people take advantage of you.

Always remember that.


One down... thousands to go.

All right, take it to the saloon, boys.

Make sure everyone signs it, all right?

Gowen. You're just in time.

In time for what?

Despite your best efforts, the mill is up and running.

That there is our first board.


Don't pretend you're happy for us.

You've been gouging me with fees and drowning me in paperwork since I got here.

I only have the best interest of this town in mind.

I always have.

The only interest you have in mind is your own.

But that doesn't concern me.

Because I'm gonna do more for this town than you ever did.

The mill... it's just the beginning.

Good morning.

I assume Constable Thornton showed you the new school?

He's done such a wonderful job.

You have no idea.

That man was pounding nails like he was Noah bracing for the flood.


He wanted to get it finished before you came home.

[Door opens]

[Door shuts]

Good morning, ladies.

Overlapping: Good morning...


Chilly day today, isn't it?

It is.

Oh! Mr. Harper.

What brings you to town?

Ladies, uh, sorry to disturb, um... ahem.

I'm in a bind.

Uh, Mrs. Blakeley, I was hoping maybe you could help me.

Of course. As long as I can.

You see, my brother's fallen ill, and he has a ranch just south of Jameson and I need to go lend a hand for a day.

I was hoping maybe you could look in on the kids while I was gone.

Nellie can do most of the chores, and Patrick, he tries his best, but I'd really just feel more comfortable if there was somebody there to watch over them.

I'm sorry, I would, if I could, but I have to take my youngest to the doctor in Buxton.

Of course. Thank you.

I could do it!

Are you sure, Miss Thatcher?

I mean... it's an awful lot to take on all by yourself.

Mr. Harper, I may have been raised in the city, but I am a Hope Valley woman now.

Besides, I'll have Nellie and Patrick there to help me.

Well... I mean, it is only a day.

Thank you. I do appreciate it.

It's my pleasure.

Hushed: Maybe you could look in on her?

I don't need anyone to look in on me!

And Constable Thornton is far too busy to look after me.

Pointedly: Isn't he?


[Door opens and closes]

The grade and the geological look good.

Prime location for a railway spur.

That's what I like to hear.

Taking orders left right, and center.

I guarantee I can fill three rail cars a week.

Railway makes money, I avoid having to truck my lumber all the way over to the mainline.

And you can guarantee those orders?

Better believe I can.

And business aside, imagine what the spur line's gonna mean for the people of Hope Valley.

Trains in and out every week... it's exactly what this town's been waiting for.

I'll have to speak to the chief engineer first, but I can't imagine what would get in our way.

Ahh. Good news is my favorite kind.

Can I buy you a drink?

We've got some work to finish up.

Track me down this afternoon.

Okay. Deal.

Oh, and Ken?

Let's just we keep this between you and me for now.

I understand.

Okay. Excellent. Thank you!

Oh, what else... Oh!

Watch the door on the chicken pen.

The latch tends to falls open if you don't pin it shut.

And believe me, you do not want to wake up with chickens scattered all over hell's half-acre.

No. Of course not!

Just keep the animals fed, and you'll be fine.

The kids'll fill you in on anything else.

The indoor chores, Dad?

Oh. Yeah. It's gonna get real cold at night, so I'd get the fire going first thing in the morning.

At about what time?

4:00 would be good.

4:00 a.m.?

Mm-hmm. And remember to secure the door when you go to bed.

We have a couple coyotes around here who think they're house pets.


Mm-hmm. - Yeah, but... they're not strong enough to break down the door.

If it's locked.

And... you might want to wear something a little less dear to your heart.

Oh, this will be fine, I'm sure.

Suit yourself.

All right, kids, you be good, you hear?

Thank you, Miss Thatcher. I do appreciate it.

Have a safe trip.

Thank you. Hyah!


[Both stifling their chuckles]

[Indignant gasp]

Miss Thatcher?

Miss Thatcher!


Are you okay?

What are you doing up at this hour?

It's 4:00. We always get up at this time.


[Weary grunt]

Shall we have some breakfast?

Well, we have to do the chores first.

Oh. All right.

What are they?

We start with mucking the stalls.

dozily: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

What's that?

We clean up after the cows and horses.

Clean up what?

You know... the muck.

Realizing: Oh...


There. That wasn't so bad, now, was it?

[Nellie groans wearily]

You all right, Patrick?

[Whines faintly]

I didn't sleep too well.

Why not?

I'm not used to my dad being away.


Well, maybe a nice hot breakfast will make you feel better.


There's two more stalls to do.




Wait! Where are you going?

Well, I've got to go get the biscuits ready.

And I have to collect eggs from the chickens so we have something to eat.


[Horse huffs]

I told him I had experience.

I wrote my own one-woman show.

It was called "Everything's Coming Up Rosie."

[Giggles proudly]

Well, it was a commentary on being a successful woman in the theater.

And I must say, I was wonderful.

I received rave reviews!

Well, what kind of things will you be writing for the newspaper?

Oh, it's all terribly exciting.

Mr. Bolt has given me the coveted assignment of writing the advice column.

It's all the rage in London and New York.

What kind of advice?

Oh... personal appearance.

Affairs of the heart. Entertaining!

That sort of thing.

I'm going to write one column each week, and I'm calling it...



Oh, it's a pseudonym.

All the well-known advice columnists use one.




Now, tell me what you think.

Of course, I'll need a quiet place to write, but my readers will need somewhere to deliver their letters.

I was thinking a box set outside...

And you think the women of Hope Valley are going to take your advice?

Of course.

Why wouldn't they?

My life is about glamor and romance!

I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.

Clara: Oh, no! The pie!

Oh, dear...

Oh! Hmm.

Well, the last time there was talk of a railroad coming this way, Mayor Ramsey said the depot would be east of town.

Well, I showed the advance man what I had in mind.

He seemed pretty impressed.

Jack: Good. Any idea when they start laying track?

Well, I'll be meeting with him later on.

Well, good luck.

Thank you.

Can I warm that cup of coffee up for you, Mr. Coulter?

Yes, please!

So how's the new job going, Clara?

It's going quite well, thank you.

Let me get that. It's fine.



I'm so sorry.

No. It's... fine.

Is there a problem?

I poured coffee in Constable Thornton's hat.

Would you like cream and sugar with that?

I think it's fine just the way it is.

[Both chuckling]

Excuse me.

Thank you, Abigail.

I'm sorry I made such a mess.

Oh, Clara! Accidents happen.

Don't give it a second thought.

I've ruined your apron.

Okay, well, so you're not very good at waiting tables.

We'll find something else for you to do.

Like what?

Can you cook?

I've had some experience.

Okay, we'll give that a try.

And this way, you don't have to worry about dealing with the customers.

All right.


Well, why don't you get cleaned up and we'll get started?



Mr. Gowen? Might I have a word?

Mrs. Ramsey, of course.

I understand your husband is out of town.

Selling... stoves, is it?

Ice boxes, yes.

Good for him.

Must be a less stressful line of work.

I'm not here to talk about my husband, Mr. Gowen.

I overheard Mr. Coulter talking in the cafe.

I may have some information you might find useful.

What kind of information?

If there's one thing I learned as the mayor's wife, it's never give something without receiving something in return.

Well, I don't know what I can offer you, but if your information is useful... perhaps we can help each other.


Come on...

[Pump clunking]

You're doing it wrong.

I said you didn't have to look in on me.

Let me help.

I think it's broken.

Just... grab the handle.

Is this really necessary?


Bend your knees.

And when you're ready, lift all the way up.

You mean all the way down?


All the way.

And all the way down.

There you go.


And you're priming the well head.

There you go. One more.



Oh... This is a new low point.

I couldn't even figure out how to pump water!

Well, no one said life on a homestead would be easy.

I didn't expect it to be easy, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

Then this probably isn't the best time to tell you that I just got a telegram from Mr. Harper.

He's been delayed a day.

Another day?

That's why I'm here to help.

Jack, I can't ask you to help.


That's better.

Why don't you go inside and start dinner, and I'll take care of things out here?

Thank you, Jack.

You're welcome.


Mr. MacLean.

Mr. Gowen.

Long time.

What brings you to Hope Valley?

Well, I had some railroad business to attend to.

I hear you're the new mayor in town.

You heard right.


Thank you.

Well, we have a lot to talk about.

Why don't we get a drink?

I would... but I'm expected in Buxton later this afternoon.

One drink.

After all, I practically got you your first job with the railroad, remember?

All right.

What is this, Miss Thatcher?

It's hearty vegetable stew. Do you like it?



Well, it hardly compares to your chicken-fried steak.

Very funny.

I suppose I could have a little more.

[fork clatters]


What are you doing here?

Surprised to see me, Bill?

I went looking for you at Mountie Headquarters, and a constable told me you were dining here.

We need to talk.

I met Abigail Stanton.

So I heard.

She had the audacity to say that you weren't wearing your wedding ring when you met her.

She claims she didn't know you were married.


Obviously was lying...

But she didn't fool me, not for one moment.

Everything she told you was true.

Please don't protect her, Bill.

I'm sure it was very hard to resist her charms.

She's a very attractive woman.

This isn't about her! It's about us!

[Sighs wearily]

Why are you making such an issue of this now?

What do you mean?

After Martin died, things between us changed.

Did you forget that?

That was a very difficult time for me.

Yes! For both of us.

But you left!

For nearly two years, I didn't know where you were.

I never thought I'd see you again.

When I finally found you, where were you, Nora?

I had to go back to my father.

Yes. With him. Not me.

You didn't even want to see me.

And why was that?

Because you know, as well as I do, once we lost Martin, there was no reason for us to be together.

I understand that my leaving upset you, but I'm better now.

And I think we can try again.

Nora, I tried to be a good husband, I really did.

But without Martin...

I just can't live the pretense any longer.


My father is asking about you.

How is Jonas?

He was quite sick.

So I heard.

But he's better now, and I know he'd like very much to see you.

Tell him...


Tell him I'll come for a visit when I'm finished with the case I'm working on.

That would be wonderful. We can have dinner together.

Nora, I won't be...

He's going to be...

So excited when I tell him!


It's getting late.

I'd better get going, and father's waiting for me.

Nora, I'm not going to be having dinner.

Just to visit Jonas.

It'll be wonderful to have you at the house.

And we'll be able to talk more about the future.

Thank you, Bill.


Clara: Thank you very much. Have a lovely evening.

"Dear Mary-Rose... My husband and I have been happily married for two wonderful years. He works very hard to provide for our family, but sometimes, he seems distant. I don't know what to do. How can I be more attentive to his needs? I just want him to be happy. Please help."

[Sighs] Oh, Margaret Burns.

For heaven's sakes, I thought better of you.

Aren't these supposed to be anonymous?

Oh, please!

Who else would write a question like that?

"Dear... loyal reader... Thank you for the letter. Marriage requires equal participation on both sides. When was the last time your husband attended to your needs?"

[Ladies stifling scoffs]


You disagree?

Not at all, but...

Perhaps your readership isn't ready for such... progressive thought.

This isn't New York City, Miss Leveaux.

If you print that advice, you'll cause a mighty fine ruckus.

Well, good!

Maybe this town needs a little ruckus.

I would like to see a man spend one day trying to do what a woman does.

I couldn't agree more, but perhaps you should ease into your column.

Mrs. Ramsey.

When was the last time Mr. Ramsey took you in his arms and told you that he loved you?

[Mrs. Ramsey gasps quietly]

When was the last time he kissed you so deeply, that your body tingled all over?

I beg your pardon!

[Florence coughing]

How can you say such a thing?

Of course, we should be talking about it.

We all should!

There are enough taboo subjects in the world.

Romance between a woman and her husband shouldn't be one of them.

Now let's see...

"Dear Mary-Rose.

"My husband snores so loud, "that I can barely sleep at night.

"I am so tired that, the other day, "I fell asleep while feeding the pigs.

"I'm at my wit's end.

What should I do?"

Oh, Myra Jensen...

You poor dear.

[Rosemary sighs]

[Coyote howls in distance]

Miss Thatcher?

Miss Thatcher!

Yes, Patrick?

I can't sleep.

[coyote howls]

You didn't sleep very well last night.

You must be very tired.

Are you worried about something?

I-I'm afraid of the dark.


You know...

I used to be scared of the dark, too.

No, you weren't!

Yes, I was!

When I was a girl, just about your age, I used to make my father check in the closets, and behind the door, and under the bed.

Did he ever find anything?

No. And do you know why?

Because it was all right here.

My father used to say that I had a wonderful imagination, and that must mean that you have a wonderful imagination, too.

So... the next time you get scared, I want you to use your imagination and think of something that makes you happy.


I used to imagine that... the stars in the sky were the eyes of all the people in heaven... watching over me and keeping me safe.

I think they're watching over you, too...


I have never been... quite so exhausted... in all of my life.


You were great in there with Patrick.

Oh. You heard that, did you?


From Hamilton to Hope Valley, to the homestead... if they could see you now.

I thought I managed quite well today Thank you very much.

You did.

You seemed rather at ease.


Where'd you learn to be so handy?

My uncle had a ranch back east, and when my father died, he took us in.

Gave my ma time to grieve.

And for two young boys, there's no better place to find trouble.

It was hard work, though, but we loved it.

My uncle even offered me the ranch.

Why didn't you take it?

It wasn't my calling.

How did you know?

I just knew.

I love this kind of work, though.

It gives me perspective, which is hard to come by these days.

I don't know. Maybe...

Maybe one day, I'll get a farm of my own.

An old house... dew on the grass, waking up to the rooster in the morning.

Children running up and down the stairs.

Curling up by a warm fire with someone I love.





So, you're the new man?

That's right.

What have you got?


I hear you've been very helpful.

I could be more helpful.

You work for the Crenshaw brothers.

I know of some... opportunities they may be interested in.

There's some risk involved, but, as they say, the greater the risk...

The greater the reward.

This isn't the amount we agreed to.

You'll get the rest, if these are what you say they are.


[Engine starts]

I promise, most days will not be that busy.

I promise that I will pay you back for the dishes that I broke.

That's not necessary.

It is.

I don't want to be a burden to you.

You have been so generous.

Can I show you something?

What is it?

This belonged to Peter.

He loved baseball.

Used to play in the street with his friends every day.

Broke three windows with this ball.


And I would scold him and take it away from him.

Looking back, I should've let him break as many windows as he wanted.

He was my family... and now he's gone.

So you can break as many dishes as you want, Clara.

Because you are my family now.



I missed chores?

I'm sorry.

Oh, that's all right.

Why don't you sit down? I made you some breakfast.

Here you go.

I know you needed rest.

How did you sleep?

Really good.

Thanks for helping me.

You're welcome, Patrick.

[Door creaks] Good morning.


Someone's been busy this morning.

Yeah, I wanted to make sure you had enough firewood before I left to do my rounds.

That looks like more than enough.

Did you sleep all right?

The floor in the barn is softer than my bed at the jail.

I'm sorry about that.

Was there another option?



I'll be back this afternoon to check on you.

You don't have to do that.

I know.

It's okay. I can help her with whatever she needs.

I'll keep that in mind.

Thank you, Jack.

You're welcome.

For everything.


Here they come.

The great thing about lumberjacks?

They eat a lot.


I wanted to say thank you, for last night.

Oh, Clara, you don't have to thank me.

I made this for you.

Oh, Clara...

Clara, it's gorgeous.

When did you make this?

Last night.

I felt bad about the apron that I ruined.

Oh... this is excellent stitching.

Where did you learn to sew like this?

Oh, it's just a hobby.

Oh, I think it's more than that.

Clara, have you ever considered dressmaking?

[Chuckles] Oh...


You and I need to talk.

How can I help you?

I just got a telegram from Ken MacLean.

It seems the railroad company wants to build the spur line 300 yards east of where he and I surveyed.

Is that a problem?

I don't own that right-of-way.

Well, that is a problem.

It's gonna be a much bigger problem, if I find out you own that land.

I don't own the railway company, Mr. Coulter.

They decide where they're gonna put their spur line.

My land was perfect, and you know it.

Someone got Ken to change his mind.

You may remember that I said one day you might need my help?

Perhaps that day has arrived.

Should you wish to discuss it further, you can make an appointment with Mrs. Ramsey.

Mrs. Ramsey? She works for you?

I've hired her as the mayor's personal secretary.

She has been very helpful.

Even knows how to type!


[Groans wearily]

Are you two finished already?

Yeah, kitchen's all clean.

And the pigs are all fed.

Very good!

[Cock crows]

Looks like you didn't get much milk.

Gertrude wasn't very... cooperative.

Well, did you hold her tail down, like I told you to?


Did you warm up your hands first?

Didn't know I was supposed to do that.

Yeah, she doesn't really like cold hands.

I'll remember that.

[wagon rumbling over gravel]

[horse neighs]

Nellie: Look! It's Dad!

[Elizabeth laughs]


Welcome home, Mr. Harper.

How were the kids?

They were wonderful.

Helped with all the chores.

And you would be very proud of Patrick... he slept quite well last night.

Good to hear.

Well, I hope there's some breakfast left.




Patrick: Uh-oh.

[All laughing]


He looked me right in the eye and he said he had nothing to do with it, but I know... I know he did.

You know, there are some people in town that think Gowen had a hand in getting rid of the old mayor.

You one of them?

Why else would Mayor Ramsey resign so suddenly, then go on the road to sell ice boxes?

Okay, so, how do we get rid of him?


Well, you don't really think he's the right guy to be running things in Hope Valley, do you?

It won't be easy.


Well, he's gonna make life difficult for you.

Well, not any more than he already has.

You're gonna need evidence, people who are willing to testify against him, or you'll have to start a petition, get enough signatures to force a recall vote.

Well, I'll do whatever it takes.


[words catch]

Are you prepared to lose everything you've worked so hard for?

I'm not gonna lose anything... as long as you're watching my back.


[hooves pounding]

Come on.


Thank you.

To be honest, I'm a little disappointed.


I don't think you need riding lessons anymore.

Doesn't mean I won't ask for them.

I'm proud of you.

You really stepped up for Mr. Harper and his kids.


Thank you.

If I'm honest, I feel a little bit guilty about it.


I think there's a part of me that volunteered for selfish reasons.

It's hard to explain.

No, I think I understand.

From the time we're young, people assume we're not capable of certain things.

Sometimes, we just need to prove them wrong.


I think, sometimes, I spend so much time focused on my future...

I lose sight of the most important things... right in front of me.


And finally, let me say, as a new school term begins, I want to remind every one of you to keep your eyes on your books and not out the window.

[Light chuckling]

This may be God's house on Sunday, but it's Miss Thatcher's house during the week.

And I've heard that no one messes with Miss Thatcher.

[Children giggling]

So be good... and welcome back.

Lovely tribute, Pastor.

Maybe not my finest work, but thanks, Abigail.

Welcome back to you.

Thank you.

I was glad to hear that things worked out with your daughter-in-law.

Yes, it's been such a comfort having her here with me.

Well, I'd better get back to the cafe.

I have a lot of work to catch up on.

I understand you put out excellent food.

I'll have to come by and try some.

Please do.

Morning, Pastor.


Here to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Actually, I brought you a gift.

You're so sweet.

Hi, Miss Thatcher!

Nellie, Patrick! So good to see you both.

Everything back to normal on the homestead?

Yup. But we changed Gertrude's name.

Your cow?

We're calling her "Lizzy" now.


We thought since she was the first cow you ever milked, we should name her after you.

[Stifles his laugh]

Come on, Patrick!

"Lizzy." It's got a nice ring to it.


[Laughs] Open your gift.

Now, I ordered you a teacher's bell, but it hasn't arrived yet, so I thought this would do in the meantime.

[bell clangs]

A cow bell?


To honor your accomplishments on the homestead.

Well, Miss Thatcher, school's about to start.

Shouldn't you...


Welcome back!

Good morning, Miss Thatcher!

Good morning, Miss Thatcher!

[Elizabeth chuckles and sighs]
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