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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 05/17/15 18:19
by bunniefuu
Lara is only an undercover police officer.

You know there's nothing you couldn't tell me, yeah?

Like what? Pearl smuggling perhaps?

Is that all of it? Yeah.

Turns out he's clean.

He reckons it's going to happen on Aumea's wedding day.

How do you know all this?

Calcott thinks I'm part of some sort of day of judgment.

There needs to be a reckoning.

She's going to die.

Which is why you must win the challenge to save her.

Matikutu, I did it!


Meitaki Maata kia koe e Kyle. Manea tikai, i te kite.

Aumea, he has earned their respect and honour with this deed.

And the Ta'unga's, too.


Help me!

Hey, easy, it's me.

What are you doing down here?

Peckham said you took that from the bar and stormed off. What's wrong?

Maui, talk to me.

Please don't tell me you're getting trashed cos Kyle won.

He beat Koringo?

They're going to let that papa'a stay?!

Maui! Wait! Maui!

I was getting worried. Where have you been?

Just needed some down time, find my sense of perspective and a big, fake smile.

Congratulations. This means you will be here for our wedding.

To watch my moment of glory.

Soon you will be ready.

I'm ready now.

If I can change the future and make sure none of this happens, why wait?

Because you don't yet know how.

Then teach me quicker.

Come on, Budge. The clock's ticking.

Where the hell are ya?

Please, Mum. My phone got bust in the accident.

One call.

The doctor said you shouldn't talk.

Kyle's in trouble. I've got to warn him.

Kyle is trouble. Always has been.

He's the reason you've ended up in here.

You don't understand.

They're on the island, those bikers, they're going to k*ll him.

Now ask me if I care.

I've got your loan sharks back home still threatening me, wanting the money you owe them or else.

Yeah, so running away didn't solve anything - funny that.

You're lucky your father's still in jail, he'd have pulled out those plugs as soon as he got here.

I'd have pulled them out myself if you'd just taken out some travel insurance, like any normal person.

Sorry, Mum.

I'll get you the money back.

I promise.

One text.

Needs charging. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow.

It'll be too late by then.

He left you for dead, didn't he? Serves him right.

I thought you said he was here?!

I said maybe, OK? Now, you need to calm down.

What else have you been lying to me about?

If you fight Kyle in this state, you could k*ll him.

So call the police.

So, it's official, right?

I can stay? Only I'm thinking we should go.


I'll meet you at the harbour.

We'll take your uncle Marshall's boat and just sail away.

I'm getting married!

According to Calcott, that's when everything kicks off.

I have guests arriving, all my friends.

Do you love him? Enough to risk your life for him?

Cos that's what you're doing. He's my future.

Futures change. You have to believe that.

Why can't you stop?

Because I belong here.

With you.


Maui! Stay here!

This ain't over. It's my challenge now.

He's drunk, I can't talk him down. You should go. No way.

We'll handle this. Go!

Stay here. No, no, no, no!

Don't leave her with him That's what he wants.

Maui, give me the bottle.

How the hell could you lose?

It was a fair contest, Maui. Kyle has proven himself.

Na, na, na, na, na, na! Not to me.


Ka tapu taua iaia. Ko'ia te tumu manamanata.

Kare ai nei koe, e kite ana?

Don't provoke him.

Kyle? Dries.

It's Dries! Look!

He's coming closer.

There's no-one's there.

He's right beside you! Maui!

What are you trying to pull?

He's getting away. Come on, help me.


Kyle, stop.

You must go back. Why?


You have left your body.

But, what? How? Go!

It's OK, relax.

No, don't move, don't.

You just fainted. Give your blood time to settle.

He's just faking it, like his visions.

Nice trick to get out of an arse kicking.

Dries was there. I saw him.


He was coming straight for you, or something did, a spirit, I don't know, but it looked just like him.

And which way did the spirit go?

To the peninsula. It's all rocks there, we can still find him.

Well those rocks, that peninsula is the pathway to Avaiki, the underworld.

If what you saw was his spirit, it means Dries is dead.

No. No, Dries left days ago. He escaped.

Or he must've done otherwise they would have found his body by now.

I think all that remains of poor Dries is his body to be discovered.

Well, good luck digging up this island trying to find it.

Or wherever the hell it is.

Ask your fake shaman here.

He already told us where your dead body's going to end up.

And you're letting him stay? You're even crazier than he is.

So, Kyle thinks he's got powers?

I was a bit sceptical myself at first.

Until he 'summoned' you from your coma.

Look, don't fixate on the weird stuff.

It's the endgame that matters.

If we can save Aumea, her family's bound to reward us and we're sorted.

This is the same family whose pearls you've just stolen?

Why do you always do that?

Kyle's the one they'll reward, obviously, then he'll share it with me later.

Well, that's one version of the future, do you want to hear mine?

Not really, no.

The police arrest you for pearl smuggling.

You rot in jail on your own while Kyle spends the reward money on himself, that's assuming he does actually save this girl and isn't planning to k*ll her like he did his kid.

Where'd that come from?

He didn't want to marry Mia.

They got engaged cos she was pregnant.

So he was doing the right thing.

He wanted a way out.

And why not just wait for an ambulance?

Why drive her himself, that fast?

Losing his kid nearly k*lled him.

That wasn't grief, just remorse and relief.

That he's not trapped any more, wasting his life.

That's not Kyle.


He needs help. I wanted to go to him.

But I didn't.

Just observe. And report.

Is it true, do you think, what they're saying? Is Dries dead?

Did Kyle really see his spirit?

Everything is in place.

Soon the truth will be revealed.

And God's judgment known.

She's going to choose Kyle.

Is that what you want?

Aumea is the one that has been chosen.

Kyle has his part to play, as do we all.

But it is in Aumea's soul that our salvation lies.

Oh, come on!

What are you doing?

I'm trying to leave my body.

How the hell did I do that?

It is a great power.

Many shaman can see spirits but few walk with them also.

Yes, but what triggers it? Can I learn how to control it?

Eventually, yes, as with all your marks. Even those still unseen.

You must learn their nature before you can bring them forth.

I can still see a glow from where Dries was moving.

I didn't notice that with Budge.

It appears only in death. It marks Dries' final journey to Avaiki.

So Budgie is still alive then?

Whatever he's up to...

Hang on. Dries' spirit leaves a trail?



I swear I wanted to help him. I wanted to help him!

Oh, no, he...

Why me?

Why come for me?


All right, all right! Hold on.


Kyle, what do you want?

Is Maui in there with you? No, why?

I know where Dries' body is. I can show you.

There's a trace but it's fading fast so we need to go now.

Wait, slow down. Why are you telling me this?

Because you're a cop.


You're spying on the Vaipitis, investigating pearl smuggling.

Are you on tavi or something?

Dries and Maui are involved but there's someone else too.

I think it's Koringo but I need you to help me to prove that to Aumea.

You should go. Sober up.

Hauraki is your contact.

You spoke to him yesterday about midday, about 8:30 in that room, he said he's coming to the island to review all the evidence, which if you've got then for Christ's sake use it now.

Unless you're part of all this too?

How the hell do you know about Hauraki?

Budgie told me. I'll explain as we go.

Bring a shovel.

So Budgie was in my room, but as a spirit?

OK. Is he here now?

No. I keep calling him.

It's the same with Matikutu.

The old man with the centipede tattoo? You still see him?

More and more.

He's the key to all of this, I'm sure of it.

Are you sure you don't want the torch?

No. I can barely see the trace as it is.

We need to hurry.

Where's the smelly?

God Bless the Kyle.

Are we lost?

That's it.

The spirit's gone.

We're here. This is the place.

Now you can use your torch.


Visiting hours are over.

I'm trying to call a cab, find my way out, only, er, no coins.

Rules still apply, even if you are a Pom.

What are you doing here?

Er, I'm visiting my friend, Pete Griffiths. He's in a coma.

Got hit by a car.

I'm not lying, we can go and check if you like.

Let's do that, shall we?

Looks freshly dug, it's coming up way too easy.

Not that easy.

If he is there, then this is a crime scene.

So, step back, let me.

Peter Griffiths, yes, he's in a private room in the South Wing.

Road traffic accident - comatose.


No offence but we get a lot of tweakers in here, looking for dr*gs.

Let him call a cab.

Come on, Kyle, come on, answer.

'The number you have dialled...'


' unavailable, please try again later.'

How much? 20 bucks?

No, forget it, I'll walk.

That's taking the piss. Thanks anyway.
So now what?

I call it in.

Although explaining things could be an issue given that Hauraki will think what I do.

That your visions are a pile of shit.

That if you knew where Dries was buried, you were involved, just like Budgie.

And now that you know I'm a cop, he should lock you up until he finds out what else you know. You can't do that.

Do you know who k*lled Dries?

Did his 'spirit' tell you that too? Was it Maui?

I don't know.

But I can't help you find out if I'm arrested.

You need me.

I thought that was the deal?

I go running every morning.

Been using it as cover to search for places Dries might be hiding out.

I heard dogs fighting, I came down to check.

Luckily I chased them away before they started eating.

Well, we won't get any forensics in for a while.

We can't risk Maui running off once the news gets out, if it hasn't already.

Well, we don't know Maui's responsible.

You think this was a su1c1de?

Somebody's closing down the pipeline and right now Maui's all we've got.

What about Koringo? We break Maui, then we'll find out.

I want you to bring him in.

Yes. You. Personally.

Why? Why blow my cover now?

Your judgment is flawed. You're too close.

You bring your boundaries back in line. Sir!

You go to his house with your badge and you bring him in.

I want him humiliated and for his family to understand just how badly they've been duped and betrayed.


Make sure it's secured exactly where I said.

And tell the florist to come and see me before she starts dressing it, I've changed my mind about those bird of paradise flowers.

Maui, help him.

He can manage.

Is Lara here with you? The lace tablecloths haven't arrived yet.

I need someone to chase up the suppliers.

We're hiding from the storm, come shelter with us. Coffee?

You can help us decide on the napkins.

Should they be er, fan-shaped or flowers?

And you thought you had problems.

Oh, Dad, not the big arch, she promised.

Blame Koringo, he's the one that encouraged your mother.

I might have said that I loved it.

A liar and a coward. Is that really what I'm marrying?

Till death do you part.

We should go, the Ta'unga will be waiting. How's it feeling?

Fine, although I think it needs something more. Another symbol.

It's perfect as it is. You can't change it now.

You'll alter its meaning.

Its potency. It's my tattoo.

It's ours. Like mine is yours.

They're a bond between us you cannot break. Promise me that, Aumea, please. It's important.

Thank you.

He don't know you at all if he thinks that's the end of it.

You'll learn, soon enough.

What kind of a person are you, Maui?

Really. Let's talk about that.

Lara, finally, thank goodness. No-one else is helping. Come in.

Good morning Dan, ignore the chaos, please. What can I do for you?

We need to see Maui.

Is he here?

He's in the garden. What's wrong? Why are you dressed like that?

Lara? I didn't know.

I thought the smuggling was rock bottom but how much further have you sunk in your pathetic attempt to prove yourself?

That's enough. What did happen to Dries, Maui?

He's dead.

We found his body buried on the island. Kyle was right.

Maui Vaipiti.

Detective-Constable Lara Morgan.

I'm arresting you on suspicion of pearl smuggling and m*rder.

You have the right to remain silent.

You do not have to make a statement.

Anything you say will be recorded and may be used in evidence in court.

You have the right to speak to a lawyer...

That's me. I'll represent you.

..without delay and in private before deciding whether to answer any questions.

Say nothing. Not one word.

I'll follow in my car.

The police have a list of lawyers you may speak to for free.

Which I would recommend, since there's every chance your current representation may be answering our questions himself.

What? Do you understand your rights?

Let's go. Come on, move.


I'm sorry. You will be.

Every partner in my law firm is arriving here tomorrow.

I think as a wedding gift I'll ask them to sue you for wrongful arrest and defamation of character.

I'd want a toaster myself. Or the truth.

This is nonsense, on all counts.

Don't worry, we'll be back soon. You have my word.

Might have known I'd find you here. Still stalking her, then?

Budge. Where have you been?

Never mind, just get to the police station.

I need you to sit in on Maui and Koringo and find out what they are saying when the cops aren't around.

I can't.

Course you can, just zap in like...

Mate, I'm alive. I came out the coma.

Flew in from New Zealand this morning. See?

I'm back, baby!

What? Nothing.

It's just that whole spirit thing was really useful.

I was kind of banking on it.

I'll just go and find another car to head-butt, shall I?

No, no way, I can't lose you again, mate.

It's just the timing thing but this is way better.

Plus, I'm kind of working on the whole spirit thing myself so it's all good.

You ain't heard my other news yet.

You saw Koringo with the bikers? Here, on the island?

Last night, yeah. I followed him after the challenge.

Weren't you in a coma?

He recovered, flew back here in secret.

We kept it quiet so he could do exactly this.

To spy on my fiance?

I kept telling you Koringo was involved! This confirms it.

Yeah, if I believed him. You'd do anything for Kyle, wouldn't you?

Yeah, of course.

But I'm not lying, that is what I saw. I promise.

Then Dries was found dead. This morning. That's not a coincidence.

The bikers came here for a reason, maybe Maui's innocent after all.

You've told the police this?

He's going there now, to make a statement with Lara.

So don't expect to see Koringo back any time soon.

What did Lara mean? That they want to ask you questions too?

She's slinging mud to sow mistrust.

Because my firm represents members of a certain Maori biker g*ng.

One of whom sent me this.

I don't care what you've done. I just care about Aumea and the fact that your stupidity might endanger my wedding.

I'm sure the police don't have this, what evidence do they have?

And until we find out, you are to say nothing, is that understood?

This is it, Koringo's house.

Stay in the car.

Whoa. I knew lawyers earned a lot, but this much?

It'll be faster with two of us. Come on.

I can't believe we're doing this. What are we even looking for?

We'll know when we find it.

Oh, my God.

We got word from the mainland you'd recovered and done a runner from the hospital.

Discharged myself, that's not illegal.

No, but smuggling pearls is, you're still wanted for questioning.

I'm going to have to arrest you.

What? But I've got information.

Great, you can tell me on the way to the cell, come on.

These are Vaipiti pearls. They're from our farms.

That's your proof right there then.

Dries was siphoning off all your best ones, every harvest - those are black market pearls.

This is a wedding gift. For me.

Why would he steal them just to give them back?

I don't know, maybe it's guilt?

No, this means something.

The point is, once you're married you can't testify against him.

It doesn't work like that here.

If he's guilty, I would.

Then he'd shut you up in some other way.

Like he did Dries.

Get your uncle's boat and go. With or without me.

Just pack a bag and leave. You can change the future.

What I saw doesn't have to happen. Just do it. Please.

Eight months ago, this man took over the smuggling of pearls into the mainland and k*lled all of his competitors in the process.

We have eye witness reports that he's been seen on the island along with another member of his chapter.

While we have more than enough evidence to charge you with pearl smuggling...

Then let's see it.

..we don't think that you k*lled Dries.

We think that this man, Ihaka Ngata, did.

Either to protect himself or because the man he's working for ordered it.

And that's who we really want.

The man behind Ihaka, who's been running things from the start.

Give us his name and we'll stop assuming that that man is you.

Follow me.

This is the wrong path. It is not as I have foreseen it.

Me neither, but isn't that kind of the point?

You brought me here to save her.

If you go on that boat you will do the opposite.

No way. I'm not that guy.

You don't yet know who you are, or what you are capable of.

And you're not telling me so I'm making up my own mind and so is she.

We don't need you any more. I can do this on my own.

We don't have enough evidence to charge either of them.

And I doubt we will.

I'm just hoping to have Maui released in time for your wedding.

'If he's guilty, don't bother. Lara, please.'

Tell me the truth. Am I marrying a criminal?

It's Aumea, she wants to know if Koringo is a part of this?

Is she in danger, too?

Maui, if you know something, say it.

Help us.


Maui says no. It was neither of them. It was all Dries.

Do you think he's telling the truth?

Yes. I believe him.


Just thought I'd pack my case for the honeymoon. No time tomorrow.

No. I must do the same.

Just wanted to give you this.

For you to wear at the wedding. Here. Open it.

Oh. Koringo. They're wonderful.

Thank you. It's beautiful.

And so are you.

You didn't see the Ta'unga, your final session, because of Maui.

I will have him released, trust me, they've got nothing, no evidence.

I know. Then why isn't it done? Because of Kyle?

What, you think if you alter it, or don't finish it then his ridiculous prophecy won't come true?

No. You have to complete it.

If you want to change something, fine, but not that. What else did he see?

It wasn't just the tattoo.

No. My dress. My red dress.

He said he saw me in that.

So get rid of it. Just burn it then everything's fine. What?

It's gone. It was here.

I was wearing it when I arrived, last week. Kyle saw me in that...

We'll find it. The maid probably took it to be washed.

No, they've done that already.

Someone's taken it.

Kyle was here, in your room, alone, waiting for you.

It's his obsession. His vision.

Did he ever tell you what he saw back in New Zealand, when he pushed you away?

Yeah, he said he k*lled you.

Makes sense. Because I am the one person in his way.

If I'm gone, he can take you away.

Have you all for himself.


Make sure his vision really did come true.

Two minutes.

Mate, I'm sorry... You should be.

I got a visit from Koringo earlier, he said he's going to bail me out by tomorrow.

What's that about? So he can deliver me back to those bikers?

It's OK, he'll be too busy looking for Aumea by then.

I'm heading out with her, tonight.

What? On her uncle's boat, it's all decided. She's packing right now.


Well, if Koringo is the one that kills her, maybe this is why?

You stealing his fiancee.

What if he finds you on that boat and dumps you both in the water?

It's not going to end that way.

Soon as you get released, you go straight to the airport, I'll meet you in Oz, that bar in Sydney.

We're going to make it, Budge. It's all going to plan.

Trust me.

No, please stay. I'll do it.

Meitaki Maata. Ssh!



Hey. Hey, what's up? Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm, great. I just wanted to see you again, that's all.

Hey, hey, come here. Don't worry. It's nearly over.

I'll take care of you. I promise.

Come here.

You are seeking redemption, like all lost souls.

I'm not working for God!

Stop them!

Budgie, stop, stop, I'm on your side.

You can lock me back up again when this is all over, I can help!

She's my sister!


You said you'd save me.

Help me.

Trust me.