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01x21 - The Mystery of the Deceased Documentarian

Posted: 05/14/15 01:17
by bunniefuu
(g*n COCKS)

(g*nsh*t FIRING)

Laura: Not a good day to be this guy.

What do we know?

Bike messenger, single g*n shot through the chest, no eye witnesses.

(SIGHS) The store's vacant.

Looks like it has been by the look of the place.

Not much foot traffic.

No security cams.

He got shot at close range.

We've got blood splattered here and on the ground here.


The sh**t would've been here.



Say hello to my little friend.

I'll hook up ballistics.


So do we have any ID on this guy?

Maybe it's in his murse.


Man purse.

You need to get yourself one of these, Soto, change your life.

Thanks for the tip.


(SIGHS) No wallet, no ID.

Keychain with no key.

"G", maybe his initial.

I don't know of any pharmacies that give pills in an envelope.

ADHD meds.

America's favorite amphetamine.

Maybe our bike messenger was a drug courier.

Yeah, but who would k*ll the messenger and leave the dr*gs?

I think we need to talk to Quinn.

So Meredith's on with the phone company trying to trace the signal for Quinn, the amphetamine addict.

Alleged amphetamine addict.

Of course.

Okay, where are we on operation "Find Me an Affordable Beach Rental"?

Okay, so we've got a few opportunities here, including this little gem on Front Street.

I guarantee you the boys would love that one.

Well, it's not just the boys.

I hope you don't mind. I...

Oh, you invited Tony.

Yeah, following your lead.

You know, getting the kids to know the significant other.

That's not weird for you, is it?

No, it's fine.

Yeah? So, are you and Angela going somewhere?

Oh, I don't know her plans.

I'm gonna stick around here, make sure the wheels don't fall off the bus.

Strange seeing you eat that.

Yeah, decided to start a health kick.

Hal's got donuts.

Kick's over.

All right there, Captain?

Just thinking about vacation.

What about you, Pulaski? Any plans?

Well, I'm thinking about going on this single's adventure to Costa Rica.

Kind of like The Bachelor, but with zip-lines and monkeys.

Oh, I never took you for the deep jungle type.

I still need to come up with 500 bucks, so...

I'm thinking of selling this sucker online.

Doesn't really go with my apartment.

It doesn't really go with anywhere.

I've got Quinn's location!

That's him.

Billy: He's booking up 8th Avenue.

Let's grab him before he causes more trouble.


Back off! I'll cut you. I mean it!

I'll cut every one of you!

Now stay back.

He must be on something.

Doesn't even know he stabbed himself in the leg.

Back up, everyone! Just back the hell up!

Okay. Okay. They're backed up, it's all good.

You too, crazy lady. Move it!

You've played rock, paper, scissors.

You know how rock beats scissors?

Yeah, so?

So g*n beats knife every time.


You got him?

Yeah, we're good.

You want to do the honors?


Hey, Quinn, you're under arrest.

EMTs and cops are on the same side, dude.

What's this about, huh?

This is what this is about, "dude".

Now where were you at 9:00 a.m. this morning?

Pushing a straw into a guy's trachea.

But it wasn't that guy.

Never seen him before in my life.


Because he had an envelope with your name and phone number on him when he was k*lled.

You think I had something to do with this?

Just because the guy had my contact info on him?

No, because he had your dr*gs on him.

Hang on a second.

I only take these pills so I can do my job, saving lives.

This is your first offense.

I can recommend a diversion program for you, but I need to know where these came from.

I just call a number with my order.

Then a different delivery guy comes every time.

The phone number Quinn gave us is a burner phone.

But he's cooperating with narcotics.

Patrol canvassed the area where the body was found.

But the corner store's been closed for years.

The whole block is kind of desolate.

So, we have no fingerprints, no DNA, no photo recognition.

Okay, so, we have nothing.

How are we gonna ID this guy?

Well, we don't have nothing.

We have a murse.

Okay, murse, talk to me.

This has already been run for prints, hair, fibers.

Yeah, but it's like tea leaves.

We just can't see what it means yet.

Okay. Well, here's all the contents, next in line ticket.

List of traffic school websites.

Allen wrench.

Cloth for polishing silver.

Oh, I got it.

It's crap.


No, it's all the crap that I hate to deal with.

Like this. This means I waited an eternity for, say, sliced pastrami.

This means three hours of hell in traffic school.


This means my mother-in-law's coming over to judge me.


And this is eight hours of my life constructing an IKEA bookcase.

Pretty sure that was eight hours of Billy's life.

I helped. Now, this is the kind of crap that you want to pawn off or pay someone to do.

Our victim was some kind of personal assistant.

Wait a minute.

No idea what that is.

I think I do. It's a key fob.

Meredith: He was a gopher.

Jake: A what?

I just got off the phone with the founder of Gopher Star.

It's a website where people post odd jobs and freelance employees, or gophers, accept the tasks.

They're trying to set themselves apart from the herd with these GPS devices.

Customers use those to track their gophers.


So, our victim veered off at 8:56, and his fob stopped moving at 9:06, which was 10 minutes before his body was found.

Now we have a pretty specific time of death.

How about an ID?

Thomas Colvin, Gopher Star emailed us his personnel file as well as information on the dealer that hired him to make the delivery.

Dr. Milton Fisk. He's...

87-year-old pharmacist from Stuy Town?

He was selling product on the side to fund a retirement condo in Boca.

Really? (GROANS)

Narcotics picked him up, but he can hardly walk and he alibied out of the m*rder.

Hmm. So clearly, this isn't about dr*gs.

I'll send Billy and Laura to the victim's apartment.

Somebody wanted him dead. We need a theory as to why.

Thanks, buddy.

So, besides a passion for gophering, what do we have on this guy?

No record, good student. He's pretty squeaky clean.

How does a guy like that get himself k*lled?


Looks like our squeaky clean gopher had a hobby.

Being a psychopath.

Raquel Rivera, found strangled outside her high school prom in 2001.


Honor roll student, star athlete, volleyball team.

And according to this article from last year, it's still a cold case.

Well, maybe it's heating up. Some K*llers become obsessed with their own crimes.

I don't know, he's got question marks all over the place, possible timelines.

I think he was obsessed with solving the crime.

Oh, look at this.

Camera equipment, sound rental, travel...

He was documenting his obsession.

To the tune of $17,000?

(SCOFFS) No wonder he was working all those Gopher Star jobs.

Here we go.

Rejection letters for a film called Prom m*rder.


From Tribeca Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival.

You know, all these photos were printed out from the same website, (SIGHS) Armchair detectives.

Wannabe PIs who think watching a couple of episodes of SVU makes them an expert.


Computer's gone.

Okay, so, no forced entry.

The k*ller took the keys right off of Thomas' body, waltzed in here and stole the computer? Why?

"The truth will be revealed."


Check it out.

Apparently Thomas was going to screen <iProm m*rder[/i] himself today.

Just started 10 minutes ago.

Okay. You secure the scene till the techs come.

I'm going to the movies.

It's just like old times.

Movie date night.

You, hogging the candy.

You're not getting any of the licorice.

Or any anything.

Thomas: I've upset a lot of people in making this movie.

And I presented a lot of theories, but in the end, I can only make one conclusion.

Raquel Rivera was k*lled by her own brother, Oliver.

Pursuit of justice must continue.

Please join me.

He just said Oliver was the k*ller, we got to start there.

According to the RSVP list he's a no-show.

All right, I'll text Meredith and Frankie to pick him up.

We can't assume anything.


The odds are very high that most of the people in this room are connected to or especially interested in this crime.

We have to interview all of them.

The k*ller could be here.


Divide and conquer.

Thank you so much for watching.

I'd like to invite you all to stay for a Q&A with the NYPD.

My name's Ethan Skinner.

So, Mr. Skinner, did you know the filmmaker, Thomas Colvin?

Not really. He wanted to interview me because I was Raquel's boyfriend, but it was too painful.

You must've spent a lot of time with Raquel.

I used to help out at her mom's flower store.

Every day. We were always together.

Except at the prom?

She had to close up the store that night, so she insisted I go on ahead and she'd meet me.

She never made it.

Did the police interview you?

The police questioned all of us, incessantly.

But we were all at prom, none of us could've done it.

All these years, we'd all thought that Raquel had been k*lled by a robber because her earrings had been yanked from her ears.

And what's your connection to Raquel?

I was Ethan's best friend.

So he and Raquel were always together and I got to know her really well.

She was amazing.

Sounds like you remember that day pretty well.

My best friend was k*lled, I remember everything about it.

Even though it was 15 years ago?

It was gonna be a big night for us.

More than just the prom?

Raquel and I made a pact to lose our virginity to our boyfriends after the dance.

Of course, that never happened.

Did you see her at all that night?

No, uh, the last time I saw her was that morning.

She gave me this.

She made a set. The earrings for her and the necklace for me.

Now I see...

Excuse me. Councilman Danvers?

Councilman? Fancy.

I'd love a word with you. I'm KC Moss.

I have a radio show on dedicated to the Raquel Rivera m*rder.

I would love a quick interview with you.

You're from

I'm from

Seems like we have jurisdictional issue here.

So why don't you have your people call my people and then my people will lock you up for impeding a m*rder investigation.

Well, just call me when you need my help.


How was the movie?

No explosions, no car crashes, not a movie.

Yeah, but it did give us a possible suspect, Oliver Rivera, Raquel's brother.

Are we picking him up?

Meredith and Frankie are staking out the house now.

Oh, here's the, uh, form you requested.

Oh, perfect.

Wait, what's that?

A request for transfer of file for the prom m*rder.

You do know you need my signature on this, right?

Can I have your signature?


And why not?

Because I don't want this case transferred to us.

We don't need a 15-year-old unsolved m*rder on the books.

The cases connect.

Well, then review the case. Make some photocopies.

But don't take on a cold case squad's old baggage.

If you say so.

I say so.



No one's home, we're gonna have to come back with a warrant.



Oh, Lord.

Oh, sorry, it's just that I got my seventh bid on a lamp.

It's already at 350 bucks!


Yes, it's just that if I get to 500, then it'll cover the whole cost of my trip.

Hopefully our suspect has an ugly lamp.

Oliver's in major financial doo-doo.

So we've got a double m*rder*r with nothing to lose?


Who just came home.

NYPD, freeze! Don't do it!

Meredith: He has a g*n!


Meredith: Do you have the w*apon?

Frankie: Yeah.

Only it's a microphone.


Can I have my mic back?

You were almost k*lled.

(SIGHS) I know.

I can't believe I didn't get any of that on tape!

Who are you?

And what are you doing here?

The same thing you're doing.

Trying to solve a m*rder. Okay?

My name is KC Moss, I already gave one of these to NYPD, but you could have one too.

So, have you arrested Oliver?

No, but we almost shot a trespasser.

Take a hike.

Or I'll lock your fanny up for obstruction!

This is starting to sound a lot like a police cover-up.

Any comment?

Leave. Now!

Fanny, seriously?

Okay, I'm sorry about the blue language, but I really needed to get rid of her because I need to show you something.



That paver.

Hmm, one of these pavers is not like the other.


Meredith: Ooh!

Glock 19, 9mm.

Same caliber that k*lled Thomas.

We seriously need to find Oliver.

Ballistics came in.

The g*n at Oliver's house was the one used to k*ll Thomas.

Where are we on finding him?

Hasn't turned up yet.

His car's in his garage, no hits on plane, bus, or train tickets, he must be hiding out somewhere in town.

What's that? And do not tell me it's the cold case files.

It's the cold case files.

I wanted you looking over the files, not taking over the case.

I didn't sign the form.

See, that's weird. It looked signed.

Well, it wasn't, because I don't want you pouring over a 15-year-old case file, I want you out looking for Oliver.

We looked! We checked his house, his office, his gym, his bagel place.

Well, keep looking.

I am!

I can assure you he's not in the conference room.

But the key to finding him is.

Another "getting ready for prom" shot.

This one featuring a heavy hand on eyeliner.

Frankie: Except the earrings she has on are beautiful.

We got Thomas' cell phone records.

He got a call right before he veered into the alley, but it's untraceable.

Oliver must've used a pay-as-you-go phone.

Okay, so we struck out there.

But I think this is a home run, if I'm understanding my sports metaphors correctly.

Beach rental, adorable, still avail, perfect location, and two bedrooms.

How much?

Check it out, you're gonna die.





Get it!

I already did.



Oh, God, I can't wait to tell the boys!

I already did.

There's such a thing as being too helpful.

Copy that.

Oh, here's something.

Oliver was never considered a suspect because he had an alibi, but the alibi was his mom.


She said that he was working at the flower shop.

Okay, except she can't verify that, because she passed away a few years back.

Okay, well, there must be timecards.

Is there anything here from the flower shop?

The store's vacant.

Looks like it has been for a while by the look of the place.

Oh, my God.


The flower shop.

The flower shop?

The flower shop.

Be careful, Oliver knows this place like the back of his hand.

Call out if you see something.

I see something.

Billy: Whoa!

Laura: It's Oliver. We better get Reynaldo over here.

Ice cold, rigor's setting in.

We don't need a medical examiner to tell us this guy's been dead for hours.

So, Oliver k*lled Thomas to prevent the film from being screened, he didn't know that the film had already been delivered.

The screening went ahead, Oliver couldn't hide anymore, so he k*lled himself.

In the place where he and Raquel had the most memories.

(SIGHS) So, where is the su1c1de note?

Let's see what we got.

Ah, nothing.

What have we here?

Wait a minute.

It's Raquel's earring.

He tore it out of her ear after he k*lled her, kept them all these years and now here they are.

Hey, that's as good as a confession, right?


Case closed?

Three cases closed!

Raquel, Thomas, Oliver!



Yup, done and done.


Okay, I'm gonna go home, play some LEGOs, make some pasta, because we are all done here.

Done, done, done.

We're not done, are we?

His feet are too high.

Billy: And here we go.

How did Oliver kick the stool out from under his feet if his toes barely grazed the top of it?

Laura: Somebody staged this.

You were right, Detective Diamond.

Notice the ligature mark?

It's consistent with the noose.

But if you look closer, you've got two small marks here and here where we see deeper bruising.

Thumb prints.

And a fractured hyoid bone.

Cause of death, manual strangulation.

So, someone strangled him, then staged it to look like a su1c1de.

Then, maybe, new theory, they put the earrings in his pocket to frame him for Raquel's m*rder?

And put the g*n in his place to frame him for Thomas' m*rder.

Well, we're getting good fingerprints, hopefully the perp's in the system.

Well, there have been two murders in two days on this property.

We have to find out who that new owner is.

Why didn't you tell us you bought the flower store?

I didn't think it was relevant.

Thomas' body was found outside the store yesterday.

It's relevant.

I bought the store because it was undervalued.

It was just business.

It wasn't just business.

The Riverlake High School yearbook.

In every single photograph you are standing next to Raquel.

Now, why is that?

It's not alphabetical, you're not the same height.

This photo explains it.

That's you, right? And Raquel?

Check out the way you're looking at her.

You were in love with your best friend's girlfriend.

How very Rick Springfield of you.

Okay, fine.

Maybe I was in love with her, so what?

So, you couldn't handle the fact that she was losing her virginity to Ethan that night.

So you k*lled her.

That's ridiculous!

And, years later, when Thomas started poking around about this case, you got nervous.

And so you used your vacant flower shop to set up Thomas' m*rder and stage Oliver's su1c1de.

You tried to pin it on him.

You knew all three victims. You had access to the shop.

All right, this is out of control.

I should call my lawyer.


But I'm not going to, because I have nothing to hide.

Can you account for your whereabouts yesterday?

City council meeting.

And that is a matter of public record.

Crime lab results.

The prints that we found at the flower shop weren't yours.

And unfortunately, they don't match anyone else in the system, either.

Okay, Councilman, who else had access to your store?

Back window was unlatched.

Anyone could get in, but no one in our group had a reason to k*ll.

Councilman, do you know who this is?

No idea.

I think I do.

Pretty much as close as you can get to a real radio newsroom, you know?

AP wire, police scanner, old school fax machine for anonymous tips.

You get a lot of those?

You never know.

But the real magic happens in the booth.

Oh, excuse the mess, I'm switching equalizers.

Got to have everything running smooth before my show later today.

That's the hard part about streaming live, no room for error.

Well, I'm glad you've finally come to me for help.

Well, you know just about everything there is to know about Raquel's m*rder, right?


Sorry, I forgot to ask, would you mind turning your ringer off and putting your phone in the bin? I'm kind of a stickler.

Yes, I mind.

Okay, well, I'm sure it'll be fine since I'm not live right now.

Anyway, um, about the case?

Well, we found some fingerprints at one of the crime scenes.

And have you identified the prints?

Yes, and get this, they came from a former Riverlake student who the police hadn't interviewed after Raquel's m*rder.

A student who also knew Thomas.

Can you tell me who this person is?

Why, yes, I can.

Katherine Claire Mossler.

She's since dropped the freaky goth look, good move, although I did love The Cure.

And now she uses a new name, KC Moss.


See, it's right here on the business card we used to match prints.

See, the funny thing is, she's not just obsessed with the case, she's been obsessed with Raquel for years.

"Dear Raquel, I just wanted you to know that you are everything I want to be. Heart, heart, heart, Katherine."

Strangely, no one remembers her.

I guess she was kind of a nobody.

I wasn't a nobody!

And I didn't k*ll Raquel, she was the only one who protected me against the EOs.

The who?


The EOs, the evil ones. That was my codename for bullies.

I was kind of a weird kid, in case you didn't notice. You know, I didn't exactly hang out with Raquel's crowd. And, yet, she still stood up for me. I never forgot her. So, years later, when I came across her Sleuth It Out page I started posting stuff.

What kind of stuff?

Uh, I said that I had a secret source that revealed that Raquel had been mixed up with dr*gs.

Let me guess, you're the secret source.

Between you and me, yes.

But it was true. The day before prom I walked into the girls' room and saw Raquel and some of the other seniors, and they were doing some sort of a drug deal.

And no one ever had posted that about her before.

And since you had never mentioned that you had gone to Riverlake, all of your fellow web-sleuthers thought you were this amazing detective who was able to suss out things no one else could.

It was the first time that anyone thought what I had to say was important.

So I became KC Moss and started my online radio show.

Can you explain why your fingerprints are at the flower shop?

Episode six.

Last week I went down there, poked around, tried to find some clues.

Of course you did.

I don't suppose you have an alibi for yesterday morning, 9:00 a.m.?

I was interviewing people all over town, from 8:30 a.m. until the screening started.

I can give you my list. They can all verify.

My fans know I am not gonna stop digging until I find the k*ller.

KC, the k*ller does not want you to keep digging.

This isn't a game. This is real.

Look what happened to Thomas.

I've been researching this case for over a year.

I'm not just gonna let it all go to waste.

Well, then give it to me.

If anything jumps out at us we'll look into it.

But you have got to promise that you will let the real detectives do the detective work from now on.


Minutes from the city council meeting, people.

Oh, I see the offending light fixture hasn't sold.

I cannot say I'm surprised.

There's actually a bidding w*r, but Frankie won't sell.

Well, one man's lamp is another man's "Please God, get it out of here."

Alibi checks out for both the councilperson and the web-sleuth. We are back to square one.

Maybe square two.

This is an email that Thomas sent to KC the night before he was k*lled.

"Screening starts at 6:00 sharp, and by 7:31 everyone will know who k*lled Raquel."


I'm assuming this is important information because you said, "Boom".

The film that I've watched three times in the last day and a half isn't an hour and 31 minutes.

Look, it's only an hour and 29 minutes.

Maybe Thomas was bad at math.

Or maybe there's two minutes of the film missing.

Let's find out.


Meredith: Last edited yesterday, 12:47.

More than three hours after Thomas was k*lled.

He wasn't k*lled to prevent the screening.

He was k*lled so someone could edit out two minutes of incriminating footage from the stolen computer.

If you're right, whatever's in that missing footage is the key to solving this case.

We have to find an older version of the film.

How? Thomas' computer was stolen and we have the only other copy.

Not the only other.

Where are you going?

Tribeca Film Festival.

I thought Thomas didn't get into that festival.

He submitted.

So at this moment I'm considering that a red carpet invitation.

Woman: Can I take your photo?

Man: Right over here, sir.

Excuse me, are you on the list?

All-access pass.

We need a DVD of a film. Prom m*rder?

I'm not sure I remember that on the schedule.

That's 'cause you rejected it.

Ah, then it would be in the storage room.

Come back on Monday morning and I'll be sure to have it waiting.

Monday isn't as now as I was hoping.

Do you have a warrant?

Billy: Not exactly.

I'm so sorry, but this is the most important evening of the entire festival.

We are oversubscribed as it is.

And as you can see, we are guest-list only.

But come Monday morning and I'll be more than happy to help, okay?

No problem at all. Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Hold this, please.

NYPD, I need to commandeer this bad boy.

Woman: Wait, what are you doing? Excuse...

It's faux-fur, no blood baths!

Man 1: Thanks, guys. Two "Ts" when you spell it, okay?

G-U, double T... Yeah.

Laura: Hi.

Steve Guttenberg.


I'm Detective Laura Diamond.

You know, the Police Academy movies inspired me to go into law enforcement.



But, uh, I am a cop on a job and I need you to walk me inside.

Let me see your badge.

Feel my boob.

I'm sorry, what?

Feel my boob.

My badge is in my bra.


The other boob.

Oh, it usually takes me a couple of drinks to get to second base.

Okay, this is my private security.

All right, back off!

No direct eye contact!

So, where do you keep your g*n?

Don't push it.

Excuse me, NYPD.

Oh, hey.

Here you go, man. You deserve this more than me.


Hey, look, can you show me to the storage room?

Yeah, sure, what do you need?

Okay, I'm looking for a copy of a rejected movie.

That's where it'll be, right?

Yup, alongside about 10,000 of its loser friends.

You can start in this room here. If it's not in there, I got two other rooms you can check.

Bottoms up.


The tox screen is back.

The only dr*gs in Raquel's system were Lovirax and Accutane for cold sores and pimples.

Common pre-prom cocktail.

So, KC was wrong about Raquel using dr*gs, but I was right.

Prom m*rder.

Says right on the case an hour and 31 minutes.

Hmm, a full two minutes longer.

Nice work.

So, now all we have to do is just sync them up and find the two minutes we haven't seen.

Show time.

Thomas: Ethan Skinner, excuse me.

Can I speak to you about the m*rder of your high school girlfriend?

I'm sick of you people trying to glamorize a tragedy.

Have some respect.

Leanne, get in the car.

Did that tell us anything we don't know?

Just who k*lled Raquel.

Go back.

Now slow it down. Not that slow. Just...

You can't backseat drive my remote technique.

We're not married anymore.

Okay, there. Stop. - Have some respect.

You see how mad Ethan looks right there?

He just realized that the camera caught something.

Something that would give him away as a k*ller.

Stop. Okay, now zoom in.

More. More.

Okay, it's a little hard to see here, but Raquel's friends would have easily spotted that on the big screen.

Raquel's handmade prom earrings on Ethan's wife.


Yes! These are mine!

They were stolen from our house about three months ago.

Well, I am so glad we recovered them.

They really are unique, where did you get them?

It's a funny story, actually.

So, last year I was putting away the laundry and I got this wild hair to reorganize my husband's sock drawer.

And there they were, hidden way in the back.

Oh, that is a funny story.

It gets better.


We're still two weeks from my birthday.

You should have seen the look on his face when he walks in and I'm wearing them.

I bet.

Poor guy!

I mean, I know I shouldn't have ruined the surprise, but I just loved them so much.


Now, unfortunately I have to make you go through each page and sign these forms to register a claim to have the property returned to you.

I'll just, uh, have our assistant, Mr. Carnegie, stay with you while you fill all these out, okay?


The wife confirmed that before Raquel's earrings wound up in Oliver's pocket, they were hidden away in Ethan's drawer.

Well, that's good enough for me.

I'll have Laura and Billy pick him up.



"F" to the "I", newbie, you gave earring-girl the wrong form.

She only needed the A-210.

No, no, no, Max, I was trying to stall her!

I was doing a thang!

You don't do thangs!

Well, I am learning.

Leanne wasn't under arrest so I couldn't take her phone, but I wanted to make sure that she was too occupied to call her husband.

Oh! Okay.

Um, I'll get Laura, she'll fix it, right?


I just called my husband to give him the good news.

Oh, did you? What did he say?

It went straight to voice-mail, I forgot his phone was off.


But I texted him a picture instead.

As soon as he turns it on, he'll see me with the earrings.


Excuse me.

You knew that your husband's phone was off, any particular reason?

He's doing some interview with some obsessed reporter.

Anyway, thanks for finding these.


Gotta find Ethan before he turns his phone on.

We know that he's with KC.

That could be anywhere. She was all over the city interviewing this week.

I can narrow it down from anywhere to...


KC's apartment.

I "accidentally" dropped Thomas' fob into KC's bag.

I knew that she would snoop again.

And I knew that she would get herself into danger.

Ethan: it was hard on all of us.

Frankie: She's livestreaming the interview!

I was right!

KC is alone with a serial m*rder*r.

You and Billy get over there.


And hurry!

Otherwise KC could be his next victim.


Billy: We're seven minutes out, Laura, do your thing.

I'm KC Moss, and we're winding up today's episode with my guest, Ethan Skinner, who was Raquel's boyfriend.

Uh, we have time for one more call.

Go ahead, caller.

Laura: My question is for Ethan.

I hope he can stay for just a minute.

Wait, is this...

Uh, this is Anonymous from Brooklyn.

Long-time listener, first-time caller.

Hi, Anonymous.

Uh, what's your question?

Actually, I have a special message for you, KC.

Your guest is a real-life EO.

What's an EO?

The EOs, the evil ones.

An exceptional one.

Ethan, you are so brave to talk about all of this.

My question is a two-parter.

In fact, KC, I just faxed in the second part of it 'cause it's kind of a visual thing.

If you want to go and grab it while I ask the first part.

Sure thing.

I've got her out of the booth, how close are you?

Six blocks away.


Anonymous, you have a question?

Laura: Yes. Yes.

You have been such an inspiration through all of this.

What's your inspiration?

My family, you know.

My wife, my kids, they're everything to me.

Beautiful. You've been able to create a meaningful life after such a tragedy.

Ethan: It hasn't been easy, but, yes, I'm very lucky.

Oh, my God!


Come on!

I never thought I'd love again after what happened with Raquel.

Your wife is so lucky.

I always knew in my gut that you were just the nicest guy around.

You're a m*rder*r!

KC, no.

You k*lled Raquel!

These are her earrings.

You've had them all these years?

Billy, I need you there now.


You're gonna pay for this.

Shut up. You have no idea what you're doing.

I'm doing what I set out to do.

I'm solving this m*rder.

Raquel was my friend and you k*lled her!

You don't understand.

Laura: No, but I do.

Ethan, I understand everything.

Raquel was your first love and she cheated on you!

Yes, you made a mistake.

But it was her fault, she betrayed you.

Hell yes, she did!

I never meant for any of this to happen.

I know. And that is why you were able to move on and create a beautiful life all these years.

Laura: And then Thomas shows up and threatens to ruin everything. You couldn't let that happen. You have a family! They love you.

And they trust me.


I understand all of it, Ethan.

And the jury will, too.

You told Thomas to stop and he wouldn't.

You're the victim here.

It's not your fault.

What about Oliver?

KC, stop talking.

He did nothing to you!

He was innocent and you k*lled him!

Ethan, Eth... What's going on?


Ethan, talk to me.



NYPD, hands up!

Hands up!

Show's over, let her go.


Step outside.

Look at me.

Look at me. Breathe.


Laura: How is she?

She's gonna be okay, Laura.

Not after I deal with her.



I am so sorry.

I... I just couldn't resist.


So, how did you figure it out?

Raquel had Lovirax in her system.

It's a common cold sore medication.

But in 2001, it wasn't FDA approved for cold sore herpes, just downstairs herpes.

She wasn't a virgin.

So, before she had sex with Ethan on prom night...

She had to tell him that she had cheated on him.

He snapped.

But Ethan had an alibi that night.

Well, not for every second of the entire night.

I mean, he could have slipped out for a few minutes.

After all, it doesn't take very long to k*ll someone.

So I almost learned.

You learn anything else tonight?

Yes, I'm done with web-sleuthing.

For good.

You better be.

Next time your fax may be out of toner.

And then who knows what happens.

You believe her?

Not for a hot minute.

Did you take the, uh, tracking fob out of her purse?

Hell, no.

Girl can't help herself.

Congratulations, Detective.

You've closed three cases, including one very cold case.

Really? I hadn't noticed.



The boys drew a picture of us.

Ha! Man, they really got my hair wrong.

And my name.

They're just excited about the beach.

That's... That's all this is.

Nah, I understand. I...

You're moving on with your life.

I encouraged it.

Not easy to see him here.

It used to be me.

It's still you. It always will be.


O Captain! My Captain!


Bad day?

I've had better.

Waiter: What can I get you?

Oh, uh, I'll have one of those.

You, uh... You selling it?

Uh, about to.


Let me guess, wedding present?

(STAMMERING) How did you know?

Well, you twirl your finger whenever you get nervous, particularly your ring finger.


Hey, listen, I couldn't even imagine losing a spouse in the line of duty.

I am so, so sorry.

So, uh, Laura outed me?

Mmm, no, it was in your personnel file.

As boss, I promise you, I know way too much about everybody.





You know, that would get me all the way to Costa Rica.

You know, I also know a thing or two about holding on to the past.

It's not healthy.

Do it.

Do it!

Plus, it's a really ugly lamp.


Jesus! Okay.

It's sold! Ah!

Yeah, there you go.

I am going zip-lining with monkeys.

You might want to re-read that brochure.

Mmm. Whoo!

Yeah, these make me almost as happy as Zingers.

I'm afraid to ask.


They're like if a Twinkie and a Sno Ball had a baby.

Yeah, they're magic.

Thank you for the insight.

(LAUGHS) And I thank you.

I... really needed someone to talk to tonight.

You know Wisconsin?


So did I.

Need any help?


I can't believe I'm asking this, but do you have something called Zingers?

End of that aisle at the bottom.


No, please. I'll give you what you want!



I want to report a sh**ting.