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03x10 - Purgatory

Posted: 05/11/15 02:46
by bunniefuu
Angie: So Montgomery just gets away with m*rder?

Robert: She hauled Henry Guenther in for questioning, accused him of arranging a m*rder.

Now dad thinks that there's another mole working in the company.

What's he going to do about it?

Tear the building apart until he finds the source of the leak.

You want to know how I got from Janet Wong to Henry Guenther?

The audio recordings between Guenther and Neville Montgomery.

Cross told me not to base my investigation on those recordings.

Why not?

Anything Deputy Chief Halford hears, Neville Montgomery hears.

Can I help you?

A month ago, I got diagnosed with Grave's disease.

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

[Big band music plays]

How's everything over here?

You okay? Good.

This is her club?



She runs front of house, he handles the cash, security...

All they need is you.

You've got it all figured out, Charles.

Charles: Which is why I get 10% off the top.

They're talking about us.

They're talking about you.

Look, all I'm saying is, what do we know about this guy?

We don't know anything.

That's why it's called a meeting.

Charles trusts him.

I don't think it's a good idea.

I love how you think this is a democracy.

Charles tells me you're having a little bit of trouble with your supplier.

Oh, well...

Easy, tiger. Lots of ears around.

Call me.

We'll meet some place quiet.

That's it?

For now.

Man: Everything is ready and waiting, Dr. Osgood.

Oh, and please don't...

I won't forget to lock up again.

Thank you, Paul.

Good night.

Good night.

[Inhales] Mm...

This smells wonderful.


Would you put that down, please?

Why are you here?

I have news.

Leave a note.

Don't be petulant, Garrison.

You'll want to hear this.

Do we have a deal?

I'm willing to concede on your final points...

As long as...

You make one concession of your own.

What do you want?

Don't worry.

I just need you to lie to my husband.


Then here's to a bright new future.

I mean, at first, I didn't think anything of it.

It's just a guy nosing around my car.

Then I started thinking about it, and I have seen him in front of my house.

So you had a sketch done.

You think I'm being paranoid?

Listen, you have better instincts than most of the cops in this building.

Yeah, but I think I'm being paranoid.

Doesn't mean you're wrong.

All right, look, leave this with me.

I'll get in touch with threat assessment unit.

I don't need protection.

Relax. Relax.

This isn't about a security detail.

Just want to get them in the loop.


Lucas: Hey, Betty.


Betty: Yeah, watch your step.

Someone tangoed through my crime scene.

Is that...?

Uh, vomit?

Is that what you're looking at? Yeah, it's vomit.

Someone said that you I.D. the body?


Dr. Lucy Everhill.

She owns this plastic surgery clinic with her partner, Dr. Garrison Osgood.

What the hell happened in here?

Looks like she came to party.

Or she brought the party with her.

She scuffed up her stilettos thrashing about on the table.

But there's no evidence of any restraints.

She was conscious?

Yeah, well...

That's not even the weirdest part.

You see these lacerations? The angle of them?

Some of them might have been self-inflicted.

[Radio crackles] We have a suspect on the fifth floor.

I'll check it out.

No one in or out.

Have Detective Flynn meet me on five.


We think he's got a knife.

Hey there. Hi.

Is everything all right? I just want to talk.

No! No, no.


Dr. Garrison Osgood?

It was her purgatory.

Her purgatory. Why can't I fix it?

I know I can fix it.

Yeah, I know you can, too, but you need to put the knife down.



Someone get the paramedics up here right away!


News reporter: Details are scarce and police are refusing to comment, but we have unconfirmed reports that two people have been found dead inside the Metro Medical services complex.

The police aren't releasing names...


Hey, miss. Miss!

You all right?

Why don't I get you...

It's all right.

I'm a detective. I just want to help.

Go ahead, grab my arm.

Thank you.

There you go.

Just, uh... Just try to breathe.

You want to tell me your name?

Um, Anne.

Anne with an e. Anne Miller.

All right.

Are you a patient here?

Oh, because of...?


No. No, I wasn't.

This is, uh... permanent.

No, I was just heading out to get a coffee.

I don't even know why I stopped. I hate crowds.

I barely even leave my apartment.

I guess I just got curious.

Well, I mean, that's good, right?

Your curiosity is stronger than your fear.

Listen, you, uh, you sure you're okay?




Thank you, detective.

You take care.

I talked to deputy chief Halford.


Detective Flynn's motivation seems to be nothing more than a case of professional curiosity.

And you don't agree with that assessment.

I believe she's protecting someone...

A source inside the company.

I have to tell you, Henry...

In this particular case, I hope Halford's right.

Is that a chance you want to take?

Someone tried to implicate you in a m*rder, Neville.

This isn't about damaging your reputation.

Then who is it?

You've already looked at every possible source in the company, and you couldn't find a leak.

Almost everyone.


Or Maria.

How would you like me to proceed?


Vega: Well, that was a hell of a night.

Angie: Oh...

That crime scene was... grim.

But there was champagne!

And a half-smoked cigar.

'Cause I think they were celebrating.

Or on a date.

Any idea what turned it into a m*rder?

No, no, not yet.

But Osgood might not have acted alone.

Forensics found, uh... two separate sets of footprints at the crime scene.

The first ones belonged to Osgood, but the second belonged to Paul Murphy, their assistant.

He found the body.

Or he assisted.

We found your footprints at the m*rder scene, Paul.

I know. And I, um...

The vomit?

It's not like I haven't seen blood before, but seeing Everhill, I...

So she was dead when you arrived?

I dialled 911, and then...

Well, I hurled.

And are you always here this late?

No, the security company called me to tell me the doors weren't locked.

Dr. Osgood forgets sometimes.

He couldn't have k*lled her.

He was a good man.

And his relationship with Dr. Everhill...?

Partners. Nothing more.

Did anything happen yesterday, anything out of the ordinary?

Business as usual.

I bought Osgood's cigar that morning...

He smoked? He's a doctor.

His only vice.

It was strange that Everhill was here.

They never socialize.

Is there any chance that they were having an affair?

You're going to make me sick again.

Vega: Mr Everhill, you were out of town yesterday?


And someone can confirm where you were?

Of course...

You don't think...?

It wasn't me.

It was Osgood.

Osgood k*lled your wife? Why would you say that?

Work was tearing Lucy apart.

Every decision about the clinic had to be mediated through their lawyer.

What was the issue?

I don't know.

She didn't want to burden me with it.

Okay, think maybe she confided in a friend?


Lately, she'd grab a bottle of wine and disappear in the bedroom.

I could tell she'd cry sometimes, but she insisted she was fine.

The lawyer that you mentioned?

Charles Castella...

Ashley: Charles told me you were cautious.

I like cautious people.

Why did you want to go into business with little old me?

Well, I was still a surgical intern at the hospital when I lost my first patient.

That's not something they teach you about at school.

I tried to comfort the family, and I said some things.


They just need someone to blame sometimes.

They said that I admitted fault.

And I was just trying to help.

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Well, Charles helped me keep my license.

But I wanted to open my own clinic, help people.

But I'm persona non grata.

No one will back me.

Count took longer than I thought.


Is this everything we made this month?

No. That's... that's just your cut.

And it's going to become a problem.

Look, we can't have this type of cash floating around out there.

Ashley: Look, Garrison, this money...

People are going to have questions, so we need to come up with some answers.

What are you proposing?

Something mutually beneficial.


[Buzzes in]

Paul Murphy has been cleared by forensics.

He's no longer a suspect.

You make any sense out of all of this?

I can tell you what happened, but I'm not sure that it will ever make any sense.

Both doctors were high on PCP when they decided it would be a good idea to operate on Dr. Everhill.

They? So she did help.

Drug overdose.

Why use PCP?

You're sure this was a homicide?


The cigar was the m*rder w*apon.

Laced with PCP.


Smoked in a contained room.

He got a direct hit from the cigar.

She inhaled a cloud of second-hand smoke.

Vega: You've got two clients dead in one day.

You seem unmoved, Mr. Castella.

They were clients, not friends.

How would you define Dr. Osgood and Dr. Everhill's relationship?

Colleagues, as far as I know.

We know that there was an issue with the business so bad, that Dr. Everhill was crying herself to sleep.

Now, can you tell us about that?

No, I can't.

Okay, so you repped their interests.

Right? So if you tell me that you don't know their business, I'm sure that you, as a lawyer, can understand why I might be suspicious.

And they're both dead, so please let's spare the client attorney privilege speech.

I need you to help me out here, Charles.

The crying? Everhill?

It wasn't work.

She was leaving her husband.

Liam didn't know?

Poor schmuck.

Osgood and Everhill, they were hashing out an expansion agreement to open up more clinics.

They were going to make millions.

All right, so the champagne at the clinic...

They reached a verbal agreement on the deal...

Provided Osgood lied to the husband.

They were going to make it official after Dr. Everhill's divorce went through.

She didn't want to give a cut to her husband.

Bingo, detective.




Vega: So forensics hasn't found any more cigars laced with PCP anywhere in the city.

Well, assuming it's an isolated incident, that means the k*ller had to know about Osgood's little Friday night ritual.

Paul purchased the cigar the morning of the m*rder.

The husband was out of town all day, so he's clear.

And it sat on Paul's desk all day, so anybody that was at the clinic had access to it, right?

What about the lawyer? Anything?

Oh, Charles Castella? Open book.

You know, very honest, very forthcoming...

So you don't believe him.

He's a lawyer.

Six years ago, a malpractice suit almost ruined Osgood's career.

Castella negotiated a no-fault settlement that saved his license, but it cost him.

This guy should have been blackballed.

Instead, he's opening up a clinic a few months later?

Fresh out of med school, not a nickel to his name.

How did he get the start-up money?

I can't believe you kept all this.


I wasn't thinking.

I'm an idiot.


No, you're sweet.

It's just hard...

Trying to put the past in the past.

Ash, Osgood...

I know. I heard on the news.

The police... They questioned me.

They think someone k*lled him.


"Poor Osgood." Is that what you want me to say?

You've changed.

I've changed?

Have you spent five years in prison, Charles?

Have you been sent to solitary because you wouldn't sleep with a guard?

Ash, I'm sorry.

I don't want your pity. I want your help.


He's dodging me. I need to see him.

So will you help me or not?

Of course.

Whatever you need.

Osgood: Ashley, do you think it was a cop, or you know?

Look, I don't know for sure.

It's not like I saw a badge or anything.

We shouldn't risk it. If she was a police officer...

What makes you think you even get a vote?

This blows up... We all get hurt.

Osgood: If I can't make my down payment, I lose the clinic, I lose my partner.

It's everything I've been working to build.

What's a few more months, Ashley?

Just quiet, Jason.

Ashley, please...

You paid for my retainer to keep you out of jail.

This is how we stay out of jail.

We go to ground until the police back off.

I should go.



Is my cut enough cash to cover what you need for your clinic?

Ashley, I can't just take your money.

No, you're right.

That's why it's an investment.

Of course, we need to discuss the terms.

Of course.

Lucas: Couldn't find the files on the computer, so we have to go through the hard copies.

No, no. Please, stop.

I'll help you find whatever you want.

Just stop.

Why don't you give us a second, guys?

The patient files we need.

Osgood has dozens of suspicious patients.

All of their personal information is missing from the files.

All that's in there is records of their invoices and payments.

Cross: Well, all these bills are paid by the same numbered company.

Let's take a look.


Cross: Holding company registered to Jason Irwin.

Owns a strip club downtown called the Blu Lounge.

Sorry, I just... I thought I saw someone I knew.

Then let's go. Let's go to the Blu Lounge.

All right.

Look, honestly, guys? I don't know where Jason is.

I don't want any trouble.

Jason: I got this, tam. Tidy up.

I'm Jason Irwin. I'm the owner.

What's this about?

Dr. Garrison Osgood.

We understand you guys have done a lot of business together over the years.


This is a strip bar, and he's one of the best plastic surgeons around.

I mean, even you cops can do that math, right?


So you paid for these dancers to get surgery?

Very generous.

It's smart business.

They work off the cost of the procedures, and I get the best-looking dancers in the city.

We're going to need to see their employment records.

Oh, yeah, okay.

Then I'm going to have to see a warrant.


We'll see you soon.

Oh, you bet.

[Techno music]

Hey, Tammy?

You dropped that on the floor.

Looked important.

Jason: The cops just questioned me.

Questioned you about what?


The girls. The patients.

We have to keep calm. They're not after us.

They're after whoever k*lled Osgood.

Wait, Osgood's dead?

And you didn't tell me?

All right, look, don't say anything else.

We shouldn't talk on the phone.

We have to meet in person.


All right. Meet me at pacific and cambie.

All right, I know the place.


What are you going to do?

Ashley? Ashley!

Vega: All right, so here's what we know.

Jason pays Osgood for medical procedures with cash.


Those patients, they're missing, they're untraceable.

Prostitution? Human trafficking?

Guy owns a strip club.

Yeah, could be money laundering, though, right?

I mean, he's up to something criminal, pays Osgood off...

On paper, it's legitimate revenue from the patients.


We don't know what, but we do know when.


So if Jason starts paying for patients a couple months after Osgood opened his clinic, that's five years ago.

So what was going on five years ago with these guys?

Dramatic design, but what they're asking in rent...

Don't worry. We can afford it.

You can?

I pulled together some gap financing.

[Ashley laughs]

Are we expecting someone else?

I'll catch up with you.

Garrison tells me that we might have a space that works.

Charles: We?

This is a bad idea.

A very bad idea.


I'll come find you.


It's okay.

There's no paper trail.

You think I care about that?

Hey, come on, Charles.

Talk to me.

You have no idea, do you?

One day, you'll realize this is a mistake, and it'll be too late.

Oh... damn it!

Ashley: Nobody pays attention to car alarms anymore.

You owe me.

What do I owe you?

My club.

You bought it out from under me.

Got a good deal, too.

Proceeds of a criminal enterprise.

Hell, no one would touch that.

How long were you planning that?

Aw, come on, Ash.

Now you're hurting my feelings.

You're going to make it right.

You know, the cops came by my club.

Did you k*ll Osgood?

I'm just saying, I mean...

He drops dead, and you show up.

Maybe that's something those cops ought to know about.

You're living in the past, Ash.

You don't get to tell me what to do anymore.

Lose something?


Jason, screaming: My leg!

Ashley: I'm going to ask you some questions, and I need your full attention.

So no red flags on Osgood from five years ago?

Not really...

Not really, or no?

I found a detail, followed it down the rabbit hole...

Let's hear it.

According to his credit card details from five years ago, Osgood rented several panel vans, but he never changed addresses during that time.

Maybe they were for the clinic?

Wasn't open yet.

We have four charges, four different rental companies.

Yeah, we got a different van every weekend for a month.

Sounds like a smart guy trying to cover his tracks.

Tammy: Jason can't know I was here.

He's got a temper.

Did he thr*aten you?


But he caught one of waitresses once, skimming from the till.

It was nothing. Like, 40 bucks.

He put her in the hospital.

Well, I'm not going to let him hurt you.

That list of dancers that you were asking about, the ones who got the surgeries?

Are they in danger?

The girls on that list don't exist.

After you left, Jason flipped out, and I heard him call someone.

You know who?


But I heard where they arranged to meet.

Well, that's Jason's plates.


Jason Irwin, get out of the car, please.

Vega: Ah...

Angie: Whoa.

Vega: So Jason dies before we tie him to the first homicide.

Someone cleaning up a loose end?

Betts said the sh**t was in the back seat, so they reach around the front, there's one shot to the knee, and one shot to the head.

The b*llet goes through the roof.

The shot to the knee sounds like coercion.

Right, so maybe not a loose end.

And he had his wallet, so the k*ller was after something else.

A uniform fished a g*n out of a trash can a few streets over.

I mean, I doubt they'd find any fingerprints, but I bet you ballistics would match.

Also, the uniforms, they canvassed the area, found a resident who said she heard firecrackers.

g*nshots, yeah.


She takes a peek out her window, catches a glimpse of the k*ller.

How good of a glimpse?

And I quote... "It looked like a woman."

Is that it?

That's all we got.

Well, Jason Irwin knew a lot of women.

[Elmer Fudd accent] Ah. The wabbit hole?

Yeah, rental agreements from Osgood's van rentals five years back.

What do you got?

Well, they list the start and end mileage for each van, so I can figure out an approximate range for each trip...


Which is giving me a common ground for the rentals.

It's the warehouse district.

I'll pull incident reports from that area.

Nice job.

[Buzzes in]

Hey, Betty.


I take it you were expecting somebody else?

I just thought Angie was coming down.

Yeah, well, she's got her hands full.

I offered to come down.

Did you find anything?

Not me. F.I.U.

And they found nothing... A big, fat, glaring nothing.

They used ninhydrin to pull a print off of Jason's car.

And they asked me to pull a print for analysis.

So I did, and, uh...

It's not Jason's hand.

Left hand.

Yeah, but notice there's no swirling or ridges?

Latex gloves?

No, ninhydrin needs amino acids to react.

Okay, so this is real skin, then.

Yes, but whoever was in Jason's car doesn't have any fingerprints on their left hand.

Now, that could be from a disease like adermatoglyphia, but that's highly unlikely.

What's way more likely...

Trauma... like a burn victim?



No, there was this woman at the crime scene that I met, and she had a burn scar... Left side of her face, so...

If she was in a fire...

Ah! Every fire causes a burn, but not every burn is from a fire.


It could be a splash burn, like from water or a chemical.

Um, left side of her face?

Left hand...

Could be like a defensive wound.

Thank you, Betty.

Uh, any time?


What are you doing?

What happened with Jason?

People surprise you sometimes.

Just when you think you know them, everything changes.

Jason has a stash of money at his club.

Will you take me to pick it up?


Is it a problem, Charles?

Jason called Charles Castella a couple hours before he was shot.

Thought you said the sh**t was a woman.

Ah, well, there was one witness, and it was a maybe.

Charles links to all three of the victims.

Let's get a warrant.

All right, lock it down.

I don't want anyone in or out. Get F.I.U. down here asap.

Maybe he saw us coming.

Someone could have tipped him off?

No, I don't think so.

Otherwise, he would have done a better job cleaning up.


Vega: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Lucas: Fishing trip?

Got my own rabbit hole. How's yours going?

Back-burner. Angie wants me to try to I.D. someone for her.

Where did Angie find this?

Lucas: Charles Castella's condo.

Oh, God, are you kidding me?

We've got to send this out right now.

Every database.

Make sure that you flag it before you send it.

She's got a facial scar on her left side here.

Said her name was "Anne with an e" Miller.

How do you know that?

I saw her. I, uh, talked to her at the clinic the night of Osgood's m*rder.



I need a minute.

She's the k*ller, Angie.

We don't know that.

No, no, she's the k*ller, and I met her at the clinic.

Didn't follow up, I didn't run her name...

Listen, if we followed up every single person we met at a crime scene, we'd never finish an investigation.

We could have caught her by now. Jason could still be alive.

I don't accept that!

You don't get to do this.

You don't get to start second guessing yourself.

We've known each other a long time, and I did what you asked.

I've given you space.

You don't want to talk to me, that's fine.

That's your choice.

But I think you should talk to someone.

I do, 'cause this doubting yourself and second guessing, that's not you.

So if you want to deal with it, then let's deal with it.

Otherwise, I need you on the case, okay?

Oh, he wrecked it.


You ever see someone beg for their life?

They will do a lot of things.

But you know...

One thing they won't do?

They won't lie.

No, they will tell you everything.

You know, Jason, he had a lot to say about you.

Yeah, he told me what you did.

I never did anything to you.

Well, Osgood wasn't around that night, so...

What are you talking about?

Jason lied to you.

No, he didn't.

You see, Jason did a lot of bad things, but he never lied to me. Not once.

And now you, on the other hand, you lie all the time.

You know, for a guy who lies for a living...

[Grunts, thud]

You think you'd be good at it.


You got anything?

Not on the photo, but I did find something that might link to the vans Osgood rented.

A chemical supplier filed a robbery report.

Yeah, dimethylformaldehyde, muriatic acid, sodium hydroxide...

Lab guys say those are the ingredients for E.

Right, so Jason and Osgood were laundering drug money.

He got his start-up money for the clinic by making E.

That's a drug lab...

That scar...

I mean, Betty had said that the k*ller may have had a chemical burn.

We're gonna follow up with the fire department, see if they have any reports that tie to our victims.

Guenther, recording: Is that a chance you want to take?

Someone tried to implicate you in a m*rder, Neville.

This isn't about damaging your reputation.

Neville, recording: Then who is it?

You've already looked

at every possible source in the company,

and you couldn't find a leak.

I have no idea where that came from.

Then why was this USB recorder found in your office?

What are you doing going through my office?

Answer the question.

I don't know why!

There are audio recordings on your laptop going back for months.

That's impossible.

What you're saying is impossible.

Your letter of resignation, Robert.

Effective immediately.

I'm not signing anything.

Dad, listen to me...

Sign it...

Or leave here with nothing.

So I ran the address with the fire department.

There is a report from that address five years ago.

Back then, it was called "purgatory."



I've heard that.

Yeah. Osgood.

Just before he died, he said, "it was her purgatory."

Got a hit on the suspect's photo when I ran it against known drug offenders.

Ashley Kirkwell.

Parolee from central women's pen.

Been out a week.

Five-year bid for manufacture and distribution of Ecstasy.

Yeah, so Jason, Osgood, and Ashley were in on it together.

Yeah, when I called Jason's bar, they were closed due to his untimely death, but I think you and I should take a trip to purgatory.

This is a mistake.

It was. But I'm going to fix it.

Vega: Yeah.

Charles: No, no, no, no...





[Charles yells and grunts, muffled]

I love you! I've always loved you!

Ashley: Did you think I was beautiful, Charles?

Charles: You knew Osgood five minutes, and you were head over heels.

Ashley: Jason told me everything.

He told me everything.



Put the lighter away!

Ashley, put the lighter down!

If you insist.

[Charles screams and shrieks in agony]

[Charles continues screaming]

[Fire extinguisher hisses]

Charles is going to pull through.

I'm sorry to hear.


We know about the Ecstasy.

We know that Osgood was manufacturing it at your club.

You and Jason sold it.

[Rock music playing]

♪ And it's all right... ♪

♪ And it's all right ♪

♪ and it's all right... ♪

♪ And it's all right ♪

Ashley: I handled the business, Osgood made the product, Jason cleaned the money, and Charles made sure we didn't get caught.

But Charles let his feelings get in the way.


I always thought it was an accident until Jason told me the truth.

[Banging] Help!

I made sure that he was telling me the truth.

Someone let me out!

He saw Charles leave the club that night.

Open the door!



[Loud expl*si*n]

[Crying out]



[Loud expl*si*n]

Osgood, he...

We were together, and Charles was jealous.

He locked me in there and left me to die.

On your distribution charge, you walked right in there, and you signed a full confession.

Jason, Osgood, Charles, you didn't mention any of them.


Are you okay?

Whoever did that dressing was a hack.

I don't know what happened.

What are we going to do?

Jason said the cops are already asking questions.

We'll work it out.

We'll work it out?

We're screwed. It's only a matter of time before they figure out what we're up to.

You'll lose the clinic. It's all over. Everything.

Oh, God...

I have to fix this. I have to fix this.

Ashley. Ashley. Please, just slow down.

I'll say that I was working alone.

You can't do that.

If you confess, you'll lose everything.

No, if I confess, you'll be safe.

The money I put into the clinic will be safe.

I can't let you do that for me.

I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for us.

I can't lose you.

You protected them?

All of them.

And they all betrayed me.

Jason was going to rat me out. Charles wanted me dead.

Osgood? You were in love with him.

Five years.

That was my sentence.

I used to think about the day I would get out...

Seeing him again.

Sometimes, it was the only thing that kept me going.

Oh, I missed you.

It's good to see you.

So, five years.

No phone call. Not even a letter.

Well, we agreed. I was keeping you safe.

Yeah, it's just a long time is all.

You're still into cigars, I see.

Once a week.

Old habits die hard.

Hey... it's okay.

Let me take a look.


We may be able to operate.

The scarring is...

Quite extensive.

Hey, I didn't come here to get fixed.

Hey, did you even think of me, Garrison?

Did you think of us?

I'm not really proud of who I was, Ashley, and what happened to you. I think it was all one big mistake.

I wish that I could take it back.

But I'm willing to pay you back the money that you loaned me, plus interest.

You think I want money?

Look, you can lie to yourself, but don't stand here and tell me that we were a mistake.

I didn't say we were a mistake.

No, all of this, everything you have is because of me.

Come on, baby, we were supposed to be partners!

Well, things change.

Only if you let them.

There's no place for you here.

What about Lucy Everhill? Why'd you k*ll her?

That was a regrettable accident.

Yeah, well, you can call it whatever you want.

You k*lled an innocent woman.

You wouldn't understand.

Angie: Oh, no, I think we do.

You wanted Osgood dead, and...

Now three people are dead.

You can take me back to my cage now.

What's this?

My resignation. Effective immediately.

I failed you.

Your own son was conspiring against you, and I didn't see it.

You must be furious.

To tell the truth, I'm a little surprised.

I didn't think he had that much ambition.

Is this what you really want?

Of course not.

I need a new vice president.

Someone I can trust.


I don't know what to say.

Say yes.


I'd be honored.

Then it's settled. You'll start Monday morning.

As for this...

Destroy it.

Thank you, Neville.

Vega: You get the file I left you?

No, I didn't.

In your drawer.

No, I don't have a file. There's no file in here.

In the drawer.

What are you talking... oh.

That file.

There's no time like the present.




Just cheers.


Ah... So, how was your day?
