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08x08 - Week 8 (Season 8)

Posted: 07/05/12 18:14
by bunniefuu
Tonight on...


Emily: This week is hometown dates, and I am so excited.

Oh, this is so much fun!

You ready?

Jef: This is a dream come true to share this part of my life with Emily.


Arie: I've never felt this way about any other woman.

You make me feel really good.

Me, too.

Like, crazy good.

Emily: It feels perfect inside my heart, and that's what really matters to me.

That was the sweetest thing anybody has ever, ever said to me.

So what is it about Chris?

Emily: I'm kinda going into this blind today.

I have a 6-year-old.

Do you think that's something that he's ready for?


If you really love this woman, then you have to get out there and you gotta kick ass and you gotta fight.

I know that Jef puts a lot of stock into how his family feels.

You know, is your life built on, you know, sound principles, and do you have the same goals?

Jef: Today was like an eye-opener for me.

Are you working towards the same things?

Are you ready to be a Dad?


Does she want to have more kids, and...

I don't know how to say this, but I've never--

I've never seen you want those things.

She is seriously looking for a father for Ricki and a husband for her.

So she needs to know.

There is something that you probably need to know.


Emily: I'm, like, rethinking everything.


It's all coming up on...

And go on these great dates with these incredible guys.

This week is hometown dates, and I am so excited.

But first I get to spend a little bit of time with my sweet Ricki.






Hey, sweet girl!


Oh, I missed you so, so much.

Walking in after being gone for so long and seeing Ricki-- my heart is so happy.

Oh, my goodness!

I missed you so much. (Exhales)

I get so much out of every minute I get to spend with Ricki.

Oh, my goodness.

I'm so happy that I'm able to just regroup and remind myself, like, what's important.

Give me the biggest hug.

I am here to find not only the perfect guy for me, but also the perfect Dad for Ricki.


I'm gonna take you to school in the morning.

Yeah. And you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?

Yeah! That's what I was gonna say!

I knew you were gonna say that.

How did I know you were gonna say that?

I don't know. (Giggles)

(Both laughing)

Being back home, I'm able to really picture each of the guys I have left in my everyday life.

And it makes me realize, like, how different my life would be with each of these four guys, especially Chris.

I feel like the luckiest man in the world.


Yes. Absolutely.

Thank you!


Chris and I, from day one, had a really strong connection.


I'm here for one thing, and that--and that-- that is you, and I believe there's nowhere else that I'm supposed to be than-- than right here and right now.

He is so sweet and always makes me feel so great... Yay!

And is very open about how he feels about me.



I'm sorry, but, uh, I real--I really need to talk to you.

Emily: I learned last week that he can admit when he's wrong.

I feel like yesterday I should have been more respectful, and, uh, I apologize for that.



I'd be lying if I said I-I wasn't falling in love with you.

He's always doing really sweet little thoughtful things to show me that he cares.

You've taken me on some wild adventures, that's for sure. I know, right?

As long you're there, it's-- aw, that's really sweet.


Thank you.


I really do feel like Chris is so many things that I would want in someone that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with.

But then there's Jef.

I can look back to the very first night and know that...


I saw something so special in Jef.

I like you.


It makes me, like, want to be with you.

I have always said that I want a guy with a little bit of an edge.

(Crowd cheering)

And Jef has that.

(Both laughing)

I have so much fun with him.

I really feel like he gets me, and I get him. (Popping)

Whoa! Whoa!


Good to see you. Hi. Good to see you.

Good to see you, too.

I just love how comfortable I feel with him, and I really can trust him.

No, this is crazy.

Just so unique and special...

(Emily chuckling) Nice!

Thank you.

You're good at that.

And really unlike anybody else.

Jef: That's me, that's you.


When I'm with Jef, I really do feel like there's no else around.


I feel like my life with Jef would be full of adventure and fun.


Couldn't leave Ricki hanging.

I feel like he would be a great husband.

She has to have one, too.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I feel like he would make the best Dad.

Thank you.

It's way past your bedtime.

I want the stability that you get with a great guy-- good father, good husband, everything-- but I also want the fun and, like, excitement.

And I always have so much fun with Arie.


From my very first date with Arie, I had an immediate connection.

This is so cute and country.

Instantly, we were just drawn to each other and just feel like we've known each other forever.

I am so attracted to him.


Arie definitely has that bad-boy edge.

You're trouble.

No, I'm not.


Why am I trouble?

I love that he has this youthful spirit.

He brings out that youthfulness in me.

I-I don't want to get caught up in the moment.

I want to get caught up in you.

My first kiss with Arie could not have been more perfect.

...find you.

This is a nice surprise!


Guys like Arie are really, really hard to find.

I think I realized that I love you.

I think that my future with Arie would be wonderful.

I feel totally confident, and I know that I would be with someone that would adore me forever.

(Fireworks popping)

But then there's Sean.


When Sean first stepped out of the limo, I thought, "wow.

Like, if he's the first guy, how are the rest even gonna compare?"

This is awesome. This is the best surprise ever.

Sean makes me feel safe and very taken care of and very confident.

If we were to ever get married, you know, Ricki would be my child.


No doubt about it.

I feel like I know who Sean is in his heart, and that's the person that I am falling in love with.

...see you.

So good to see you.

He's such a gentleman.

He has such a great heart.

I think loving someone is giving yourself completely to them.

I've never experienced the type of love I'm talking to you about.

I haven't found it yet, but I'm hopeful that I will.

I mean, my life with Sean would be great.

It would be that perfect life that I have always said I wanted.

Oh, I love you so, so much.

I love you so much.

I know I've found four great guys that I could fall in love with.


See you in the morning.


I'm pretty confident that at the end of this week, after meeting all these families, I'm at a point in my relationship with each of these guys that, if it all goes well, I could be really in love with one of them.

Hometown dates are really important, because it's a turning point in every relationship.

The romantic side of me really does hope that this entire journey will lead me to the man that's meant for me.

Coming up...


Chris: My family's such a big part of my life, so I hope that everything goes well.

It worries me. He might come out of it heartbroken.

Emily: Renee was skeptical of me and my relationship with her brother.

End it sooner rather than later.

Emily: Jef puts a lot of stock into how his family feels.

Are we fundamentally the same?

Jef: Steve's approval is a big deal.

I've never seen you want those things.

Emily: It could be the end of Jef and Emily.

Chris: So I'm back in Chicago.

Today is probably one of the most important days of my life.

It was very important for me to get to this stage with Emily, because my family's such a big part of my life, and I feel like I'm in my element here-- very comfortable, so it's good to, uh, be able to experience it with her.


(Laughs) How are you?!

You can't scare me like that.

Good to see you!

You, too.

What's been going on?

You know, just hanging out in Chicago.

How are ya?

Good. How are you?

It is so pretty here.

I'm so excited!

I figured since you brought me to, like, I don't know, like ten castles...


(Chuckles) Since we started this whole thing...

This is the closest thing we have to a castle in Chicago.

Well, thank you for bringing me here.


It's really pretty.


I'm happy that you're planning it, and I don't have to do anything anymore.

All right.

I just sit back and go.

You'll see a nice little theme of the day.



Cool. Well, I'm ready.


I'm excited to be here.

I'm really happy.

I'm glad you're excited.

I'm glad you're happy. Yeah.

(Laughing) I'm very, very, very happy, so... Yeah?

Chris shared some pretty big news with me at the last rose ceremony.

He told me that he was falling in love with me.

And of course that made me feel so great.

I could totally see myself falling in love with Chris, and so I want to see how things progress after meeting his family.

Knowing I'm in Chicago...


I'm a lot more comfortable.

My family's close.

Yeah. We get to see 'em today, right?


Well, it's gonna be very, very interesting.

They're gonna love it.

They're gonna love you.

Cool. I hope so.

I know so.

It's great have Emily here in Chicago.

I think we would have a fantastic life here if, uh, if things work out.

Emily: Wow.


This is really pretty. Aw!


You know, Emily's definitely gonna see what my life's like.

You know, I'm a first-generation, you know, Polish-American.

My Dad, uh, was born and raised in Poland, and, uh, everyone in my family is fluent in Polish.

So, uh, on a scale of 1 to Polish, we're Polish.

(Polka music playing)

So is this where we're going?


We're going to a Polish restaurant.

(Speaks indistinctly)

Cool. Thank you.

Go right in.

Oh, this is so cute.

I am loving Chicago.

When I was little, my parents used to take me to, like, Polish places like this.

He is from here, so he knows all the cool places to take me and cool things to show me.

Yeah, I love this.

I'm just lovin' it.

Well... would you like to do a toast? Sure.

Since I'm in your hometown...


It's all you.

All right.

Most importantly, I'm really excited, you know, for you to meet my family, 'cause you know, obviously, how important they are to me... Mm-hmm.

Since I've been talking about them since day one.

So I'm looking forward just to having a great day.

Me, too. Cheers.


Thank you for having me.


I'm really excited.

So, last time I saw you...


Was the rose ceremony...


In Prague, and it made me so sad.

I was a mess. (Laughs)

No, it made me so sad.

I felt so bad for you.

I didn't mean to-- no, it's like, I was just worried, because I really wanted you to come home and, you know...

I know.

Meet my family and stuff.

The last time I saw Emily was--was very tense, it was--it was very emotional.

I guess I was visibly upset, so it's very important to get our relationship back on track.

Just so you know...


Like, you pulling me aside, like, was so sweet. Mm-hmm.

And I wasn't expecting it at all.


See, I just--I don't like that unsure feeling.

You know? Yeah.

Obviously. Um...


And I want to tell you something.

No. It was really sweet.

(Chuckling) You know, I wanted to say I was sorry.

No. Because I did-- I felt like a (Bleep)...

(Laughs) After that.

But I liked it, to be honest.

I liked to see that you cared...


Enough to even show any kind of emotion about it. Right.

But the way I looked at it, it was-- it was kinda tough, I guess, but...

No, I know.

It's like, you know, you were ready to go see this other's guy's family instead of my family. No! No.

It's like, oh, jeez. You know?

I know, and that was like--

I-I didn't know how to say it.


I-I mean, I still don't know how I could have said it any differently.

You couldn't.

And so it was just like...

I know.

I didn't know what to do.

So I'm sorry. I understand.

And that's why I-I wanted to apologize for being like...


A little baby.

I love that Chris is so sweet.

He is so open with his feelings.

He doesn't-- he's not scared of it.

He's not scared of falling in love, and he can admit when he's wrong, which is huge.

I mean, I think that he would be a great husband.

Yeah, I'm excited to meet your family.

Shall I prep you a little bit?


All right.

So let's start with my Dad. Okay.

John. He's got an accent.

Polish accent. Okay.

He's gonna be-- he's gonna be really easy. Mm-hmm.

'Cause, you know, I think you're pretty similar to, actually, my sisters.

My mom--overly emotional.

Aw, that's sweet.

I like that. (Laughs) Yeah.

Yeah, but, like, the most loving, nurturing mother possible.


We have an unbelievable relationship, so...

You were a mama's boy.

Oh, definitely a mama's boy.

I like that.

We'll talk, like, for an hour on the phone.

That's cute.


And, like, Renee, my little sister, she's gonna be the toughest one, I think. Really?

She might throw you some--some curveballs.

I deserve it.

Yeah. She might.

She should.

And I'm gonna tell them, like, all the stuff you've been doing to me, too, before--yeah. (Laughs)

I dare ya.

I will.

I dare ya.

I will. All right, so... let's go meet 'em.

Let's do it.

All right.

Thank you.


I feel very strongly about Emily.

She could be the one.

So I'd be devastated if my family didn't think Emily was right for me.

Thank you, sir.

But at the same time, if it goes very well, I absolutely would tell her that I love her.

If you'd like to date the next bachelor or bachelorette, go to and click apply."

Gosh, I'm so excited.


My parents are gonna be pumped to meet their future daughter-in-law.

I take my family's opinion very strongly, so I hope that everything goes well.

Are you nervous?

Yeah. Are you?

A little bit.

I haven't met a whole lot of parents of guys that I've gone out with in the past, so I'm kind of going into this blind today, not really knowing what to expect, and...

Just a little bit nervous.

A lot nervous.


Women: Hi!

(Clapping) Hi.

Great to see ya.


This is Emily.

Hi, Emily!

Hi! I'm Renee. Good to meet you!

Welcome to our home.

My family's such a big part of my life, and I feel like she wouldn't get to know me unless she met my family.


Hello, son.

My Dad John.


...Chris' mom.

(Speaks indistinctly)

My mom, rose, my sister Renee, and my other sister Teresa.

I'd be devastated if today goes badly, but it's important to see how Emily's gonna be able to interact with my family, and how they're gonna interact with her.

(Polish accent) I would like to make a toast.

To having us here together, and to welcoming Emily.

Cheers, everybody.

Thank you.

Woman: Cheers.

That's beautiful.

That was very sweet.

That's beautiful.

I've really been looking forward to this day, so thank y'all.

It's honor to have you, Emily, in our home.

(Women speak indistinctly)

Thank you.

We are so happy to have you here.

Thank you.

Emily: I could tell how much Chris' family loved each other immediately.

They were just the sweetest people ever.

I mean, I totally see why Chris is the way he is.

Literally, from the moment he was out of the limo, I kept on telling him, like, how comfortable I felt around him, and....


I mean, okay, strap in, put on this harness...

(Laughter) That doesn't go with your outfit, and a helmet, and I'm like--I didn't even feel stupid, you know?

I was just, like, very comfortable. I don't know.

And just the conversation and everything was so easy.

It was like we had known each other for longer, I felt like.

We're--we're very proud of him.

You should be.

We really are, and-- and I hope he makes you happy.

He does. And I try, like, to let him know all the time how I feel.

I try to. (Speaks indistinctly) She keeps me on my toes, that's for sure.


Christopher is a great, great guy.

He's--he's a great guy.

Emily, can I have a little talk with you?

And Emily looks like she's, um, has the character that Chris is looking for.

But it, uh, concerns me a little bit.

I don't want to see my son heartbroken.

We are a very close-knit family.

Chris is one of those kids that texts me every day... Mm.

Or a phone call or whatever, and, uh, he's just great.

You're right. There are not many guys like him at all.

He is, I mean...

(Speaks indistinctly)

Few and far between.

Um, can I ask you a question?


(Laughs) Um, so...

You're his Dad, and I just wonder sometimes, like, I have a 6-year-old.

And she is the center of everything.

I mean, my whole world revolves around her.

And should be. And should be.

Mm-hmm. And it's a lot to take on.

Do you think that that's something that he's ready for?

It's a huge responsibility.

It is.

Uh... he loves kids.


So I'm not afraid of him being able to, uh, be there for you and...


And Ricki.

He will do his best.


What's more--most important about a relationship and family and marriage is not what you have, but the love that you have for each other.


Support for each other.

And Christopher's got that.


So if you're looking for something like that, somebody who loves you and supports you no matter what, then you're gonna find that in him. Mm-hmm.

If you're looking for something else, then Chris might not be what you're looking for.

No, I mean, that is all I'm looking for.

I mean, that's it.

So... (Sighs)

Yeah-- do I sense some love?



I mean, I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

I'm happy to hear that.

Happy to hear that.

Emily is the kind of girl that Chris is looking for.

I think she's just a wonderful, stunning young lady.

And if Chris loves Emily, and Emily loves Chris, God bless them, and I am 100% behind them.

You know, before she gave me the rose to get the hometown, I was--I was a hot mess, ma.

(Laughs) I was a disaster.


Is she someone that you could see your l-- spending your life with?


She's great.

I know that this is your type of woman...


That you have been searching for and looking for...


To be a part of your life.

You may get hurt, and...

If you really love this woman, then you have to get out there and you gotta kick ass and you gotta fight.

Hmm-hmm. I know.

Chris means the world to me, and whatever makes him happy makes me happy.

I really do think he's in love with her.

(Speaks Polish)

You know what that means, right?

I love you with my whole heart.


Chris: My mom's opinion means everything to me, 'cause she's such a great woman herself.

She's the best mom in the world.

So, I have to ask you...


What is it about Chris?

I feel like he is just so open and, um, not afraid of putting himself out there and being vulnerable, and I just love that about him.

I see that he has done that, and it worries me.

And it's a tough situation...


Because there is a chance that he might come out of it heartbroken.


I just ask, moving forward, if he's not gonna be the one...


To, like, end it sooner rather than later, instead of, like, dragging it out.

Renee was a little bit skeptical of me and this whole experience and my--my relationship with her brother.

That makes me feel terrible, because I have a brother, and just the-- the thought of him getting his heart broken by a girl...

Breaks my heart.

And, um, I hate that she feels that way.

So what's going on?

Well, I got to meet Emily some more, and I got to talk to her.

She's very, uh, very easy to talk to.


Just a wonderful girl.

And, uh, she did mention that she's falling in love with you, a-and, uh...


So I just wanted to let you know just in case you didn't, uh, believe it.

There's been a lot of time I've doubted how she felt about me.

It's a lot easy-- a lot easier to talk about how you feel about someone, but the hardest part is knowing, uh, how the other person feels about you.

Hearing it from you, uh, really confirms it.

My Dad tells me that she's falling in love with me.

And, uh, being able to tell her how I feel now is gonna be...

The best thing I've ever told her in this whole journey.

Your family was, I mean, everything I thought they would be plus a million times more.




Thank you.

You make me feel really good.

You, too.

Like, crazy good.



I-I don't--

I really never even said this before, to be honest with you.


Um, I told you in Prague that I felt like I was falling in love with you, but, after today, it makes it easy for me to say that-- that I am in love with you.


And I do love you, and it's easy saying that.

Chris: We had the most amazing first kiss, and this kiss was kind of like a completeness.

Everything is kind of piecing together, and a kiss like that is perfection.

I love her, and I told her I love her, and I have no question about it.


And I'm excited about it.

I felt like today was gonna be amazing, and it was amazing, plus a little bit more.

And, uh, tonight I have one more surprise that's gonna blow her away.

(Cheers and applause)

(Traditional Polish music playing)

Did you know this was happening?


Ohh! (Laughs)

(Singing and rhythmic clapping)

Oh, and thank you so much!

My family approves and loves Emily, and it's an awesome feeling to see how perfect she just fits right in with my family.

(Singing and clapping continue)

I knew that Chris' family was gonna be so sweet, but I didn't expect to see such a different side to Chris.

He tells me that he has fallen in love with me.

What a perfect ending to, like, the perfect day.

If all the hometowns go as well as today's went, I am in big trouble.

(Man singing indistinctly, clapping continues)

I am in love with Emily.

To be able to say that is amazing.

After tonight, I believe that Emily and I could be together forever.

(Singing and clapping continues)

Coming up...

Hey, guys.

Emily: I am beyond nervous.

My biggest fear is he's not ready for a 6-year-old.

Are you ready to be a Dad?

I don't know how to say this, but I've never--I've never seen you want those things.

Arie: This is a dream come true to share this part of my life with Emily.

Little bit nervous about my parents.

I'm nervous.

I think tonight the person I have to win over is my mother.

Do you think that she's gonna be accepting of all of this?

Jef: We're in St. George, Utah.

We're up at my family's ranch just a little bit outside the city.

(Bird screeches)

It's, like, a few hundred acres surrounded by national forest.

I'm excited for this hometown because I don't usually bring girls around to meet my family unless they mean the world to me.

And, uh, so I wanted to show Emily this because she means the world to me.

(Singsongy) Hello!

How are ya?

Good. How are you?



I'm so excited to see you!

Mmm! I missed you.

I missed you, too.


How've you been?

I'm so nervous. Don't be nervous.

You look amazing.

Thank you. You look nice.

You look really, really cute.

Thank you. You look, like, perfect for what we're doing today.



What are we doing today?

You'll find out.

I'm really excited to see Jef.

You ready for a fun day?

Yeah, I am. I love it here.

My first thought coming through here is like, "oh, my gosh. Holmstead ranch?"

He didn't tell me anything about his ranch.

Jef surprises me all the time.

I just had no idea what to expect, and this is all way more beautiful than anything I had in my mind.

I mean, it's just huge and almost overwhelming.

We're in this.

All right. I'm gonna try to do this as ladylike as possible.

Eh, we're over that.

Yeah. We're over that.

Jef: In the future, we could be coming here together... Okay.

With our family, and so I'm about to take her on a wild ride, and, you know, show her around.

Got it?

This is scary.

I'm so nervous. You don't have to be nervous at all. Not one bit.

(Beep) You can just hang out.


Thank you.


Drive slow.

This slow. I'll go this slow the whole time.

(Engine revs) (Gasps)

You better drive safe!

Whoo! No!

I love that this is where Jef and his family spend their free time.

I always kinda wondered, like, "is he all city?"

'Cause I am not.

I can't say I ever would have pictured Jef here.

I mean, I don't know what I expected Jef's hometown date to be like, but this was not it.

He's a little bit more country than he wants people to know.

You better do good today.


Yeah. I'm done if you don't.


Yeah, I'm done with this whole thing.

This is a test?

This is a test.

I have you on my turf now.

I know. I'm nervous.

I have sh*t a g*n before, but I feel really nervous.

Okay, you wanna go first?

You go first.


Yeah. Yeah.

(g*nsh*t) Good job!

(Clay pigeon releases)


(Pumps shotgun, g*nsh*t) I mean, who knew Jef and his skinny jeans...

You're good at this!

Had such a good sh*t?


He looked so hot doing it.

(g*nsh*t, pumps shotgun)

You're good at that!

I mean, what a way to impress Emily, you know?

Hit every single one of the Clay pigeons.

All right, your turn.

Is there, like, a kick?

I mean, maybe a little bit.


I'm nervous.

Are you worried about it?

I'm nervous, 'cause I don't want to totally suck and, like, you know, drop the g*n or something and look absolutely ridiculous.

Um, you might have the safety on.

There you go.

Like pull it back?

I think it's ready to go, the first one, and then you'll have to cock it for the next time.

I aim like a tiny bit above it.


Ideally, I would like to hit one, or maybe come close to one.


(g*nsh*t) (Laughs) Yeah!

Oh, I did it!

That was amazing!

(Clay pigeon releases)


Were you messing with me the whole time?

No! (Laughs)

'Cause I... (Laughs)

(g*nsh*t) That was amazing.


You got every one of 'em.

I may or may not have pretended to have no idea how to hold a shotgun.

I take g*n lessons at home.

Holy (Bleep).

Emily looked so hot with a g*n.


I just want her to... (Laughing)

Hold a g*n all day long.

You are ridiculous.

You sh*t off the middle of it.


That was amazing!

That was really cool!

That was so good.


(Singsongy) Uh, nailed it.


Thank you. That was fun!

Just being around Jef makes me feel so confident and comfortable, but I'm really extra nervous to meet his family, because Jef told me in Prague that he broke up with a girl because his family wasn't a huge fan of her.

I mean, that stresses me out.

That makes my stomach hurt.

I'm so nervous to meet your family.

Are you?

(Inhales) Yeah.

Don't be. You really don't need to be nervous.

You know it's not my parents that are gonna be here, right?

Mm-hmm. So it's just my oldest brother Steve, his wife, and they have a few kids.


And then my brother Mike...


Melissa, and Julie.

So there's a crew.

Golly! I got a lot of people.

This is, uh, this is like everyone-- most everyone who's, like, really close and really important to me.

No pressure.

I'm introducing Emily today to possibly her future family.

But my parents aren't gonna make it today.

Uh, they're in south Carolina doing, like, charity work, and so it's just gonna be my siblings.

And I can't wait for her to meet them.

So you told me that one-- you had to break up with a girlfriend.


Or you did break up with a girlfriend.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Who didn't like her?

Probably... my parents.

So when it came time for me to, like, think about proposing, I, like, talked a lot to my siblings.

They didn't necessarily like us that much together.

They know I'm, like, free-spirited and kinda do my own thing.

They just kinda wanted me to be, like, happy, you know? Mm-hmm.


All right, are you ready to go meet 'em?


All right.

I think so.

Family, here we come.

Emily: I am beyond nervous.

I mean, honestly, parents usually love me.

Unfortunately, I'm not meeting Jef's parents today.

So I'm gonna have to work my charm on a lot of brothers and sisters, and it's gonna be tough.

Hey, guys!


Woman: Jef!


Man: Emily!

Hey, man. How you doing?



(Speaking indistinctly)

This is Emily.

So nice to meet you!

So nice to meet you! Jef!

This is my little sister Melissa. Hi.



Wow. There's a lot of people in here...

This is my--yeah, my brother Steve, my brother-- my brother Mike.

And they're all related to Jef.

I am, like...

Just really intimidated.

(Laughter) There's a lot of us, and there's one not even here.

Yeah, there's a few missing still.

(Emily and Jef) Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I'm just so grateful I get to meet y'all.

Thank you.

I know that Jef puts a lot of stock into how his family feels about the girls he dates, and I'm fearful that something might go wrong.

Man: Let's go, buddy. (Woman) Let's go--let's go over there and sit down.

You ready?

If Jef's family doesn't like me, that means it could be the end of Jef and Emily.

Julie's mean.

Watch out for her.

Don't--don't talk to her.

Yeah. I'm Kina mean sometimes.

I am intimidated by Jef's family, just because he was dating a girl, and his family did not like her, and so he broke up with her.

That's a lot--a whole lot of pressure to put on me.

Well, we just want to welcome you here.

We hope you feel comfortable.

Thank you.

We want to have a fun time, you know, and--and... Yeah.

You know, hopefully you get to know us, you know?

Cheers to having you here.

Thank you.

(Chuckles) L-lemonade cheers.


Lemonade cheers.

Lemonade cheers.


With my parents not being here, you know, I-I've had to kind of assume the older brother role.

If this happens and Jef jumps into, uh, to being a father right away, it--it makes me nervous if Jef is ready for that.

Do you wanna...

Go chat for a minute?


So I really want to ask her some questions and--and, uh, get to know her a little bit.

You know, it'll be interesting to see if there's really something there.

You know, I don't--I don't doubt the process that you can fall in love really fast.

Like, I don't doubt that at all.


It's just, you know, are-- is your life built on, you know, sound principles, and--and do you have the same goals, and-- mm-hmm.

You know, I-I-- with Jamie and I, I think that's what makes us work and makes us click, is because of that.


And so, from your point of view, what's gonna make that different this time?

You know what I mean?


I... made mistakes last time.


I didn't ask, like, enough questions about, like... Yeah.

"Are we fundamentally the same?" Yeah.

And, um, this time--I mean, you can ask him. I've--

(chuckles) You've put him through the ringer?

I have, I have.

And, um, he's passed.


So, here's a question I wanted to ask you.

Situation like this can put you in love, obviously... Mm-hmm.

But--but what do you feel like it takes to stay in love, you know?

Um, I mean, I think that you have to go into it knowing that there are gonna be times that you really don't like each other.

(Laughs) Sure, yeah.

But you still love each other.


And, um, just knowing that, like, this is it.

I think that's awesome that you said that.

You know what I mean?

'Cause I-- mm-hmm.

I honestly feel like that, too.

I feel like that you have to have the fundamentals, and--and love is-- it's not an investment, it's an adventure.

I mean, honestly, I hope it works out with you guys.

I think you would be the perfect type of person to complement Jef.

Like, I really, really do feel that way.

I feel like my conversation with Steve went really well.

I think he was a little skeptical at first, but I hope that I was able to kind of let him see how serious I take all of this.

Emily, y-you wanna sit right there?

It's the hot seat. Uh-oh.

Hot seat.



But sitting down with Jef's sisters-- it was a little bit intimidating.

We have to admit, we're skeptical, and then hearing you talk-- and we don't want Jef to get his heart broken, and then like...


I don't know, and we can see that he likes you.

Yeah. He really does.

He's such a hopeless...

He's a hopeless romantic.


Mm-hmm. I don't want to get my heart broken either.

Mm. So my biggest fear in all of this is, say Jef and I end up together.

He realizes that...

He's not ready to be married, and he's not ready for a 6-year-old, and-- do you think that that... would be an issue?

(Child crying in distance)

No, I think Jef wants a family.

I know he totally wants a family.


And I know--we always say, like, if he fi-- if he finds the right girl, he will be totally in love and be ready to settle down...


If it's the right one.

Well, that's another question, too, though.

Like, would you--if you guys did end up together, would you want Jef to move there to north Carolina with you, or are you willing to, like, uproot Ricki and move with Jef, or, you know...

The thing I want more, um, than anything is to have a-- like a true family for my daughter, and brothers and sisters and, you know, a Dad, a stepdad, whatever, and, um, I would go anywhere... Mm-hmm.

If that meant that I could give those things to her.


Yeah. Yeah.

So that being said, it's like, you want to have, like, the same goals and, like, values... Yeah.

With someone, just because it's how you're gonna raise your daughter and your other children, you know?


Do you feel like you guys mesh in that way?

Do you feel--

I do.

I feel like we have so much in common-- just the basics-- like the foundation is there.

Well, then I-I kind of have one final question then for you. Mm-hmm.

Do you feel like you are falling in love with Jef then?

On the hot spot.

(Chuckles) Honestly, um...

I--honestly, like I...

I-I do. I do.

(Chuckling) But, like, at the same time, I am a little bit slow to throw that word out.


For sure.

Just as a girl, you're trying to be protective.

And we respect that.

And a mom, too.

Yeah, I just-- you can't take it lightly.


(Child speaking indistinctly)

But, um, he--I just--

I-I learn something new about him every time we hang out.


And... uh-oh.

Hold me. You have another question for Emily.

Got it? Ooh!

Do you want her to hold you?

Ohh! Ohh!


Oh, my goodness.

Don't get her dress all dirty.

Oh, my goodness.

Emily's beautiful, and she's so sweet.

And you can tell that she's such a good mom, and she's so nice, and I feel like she's genuine.

She's a genuine person.

Is your Uncle Jef-- is he fun?


Oh, my goodness!

(Speaks indistinctly)

This is probably the pregnant in me, but I, like, want to cry, 'cause I'm, like, so happy for Jef. (Laughter)

Really, I'm like tearing up.

Emily was really, really down to earth.

She fit right in with us.

I feel like Emily was just like us, and just laughing and talking, and I think that my parents would love her.

I mean, I'm totally, like, falling for her, dude.

She's like-- that's cool.

She's, like, the coolest girl in the world.

Mm-hmm. I mean, like, I-I don't doubt that you can meet someone and, like, fall in love really fast.

That-- yeah.

You know, I totally think you can.


I think it's just when the dust settles, you know, are you working towards the same things, and are you ready to be a Dad?

Does she want to have more kids? And...

I don't know how to say this, but I've never--

I've never seen you want those things yet.

I've never seen that in you with these other girls, I mean.

I mean, there's times I've, like, wanted it with them, but I haven't, like, seen it, like-- and with her, it's so clear.

It's seems, like, so easy, like that's what we would do.


You know? And it would be, like, our whole lives.

It'd be awesome.

Emily is a good balance to Jef, because he's a little more wild and is constantly moving and shaking, and she's a little more mellow and--and relaxed, and--and I can see them fitting well together.

They--they look great together.

I just had so much fun, so thank you so much.

(Giggles) We--we enjoyed having you here, really.


Thank you.

Yep, we-- well, I hope we get to hang out again.

Yeah, me, too. Jef's--Jef's a winner.

Jef's a winner, so...

I think so, too.

(Woman laughing) Jef's a winner.

Today was like an eye-opener for me, to have Emily with my family.

See you guys.

Okay, so you guys later.

Take care.


Have fun.

And just to experience what I experienced with her today definitely changed my life.

I fell more in love with Emily.

(Giggles) There's one more place for us to go.

(Chuckling) And I'm really excited about that.

Me, too.

I think Emily has learned a lot about me today, and I think there's a lot more she needs to learn about me.

On the plane from Prague back home, I wrote down a bunch of stuff.


And I want to read it to you.

I would love that.

Can I?

I would love that.


"You and I have one of those relationships that just comes easily. From the first time I met you, there was a unique connection, that the only words I can use to describe it is 'meant to be.' As we have spent the last little while traveling all over the world together, I've gotten to know so much about you. I have realized I'm completely in love with everything about you. I love the way you smile. I love the way you grab my hand and hold it. I love how good of a person you are. I love how passionate you are about helping others. I love how good of a mom you are. I love that you want a cute little family, hopefully with me. I love how you chase your dreams, and I love how you want to make the world a better place. I love how funny you are and how funny we are together. I love how you fit in my arms. I love the thought of going to sleep next to you and waking up to those big brown eyes every morning. I'm so excited to meet Ricki. I'll teach her how to play sports, and I'll cheer her up when she's sad and laugh with her when she's funny. And I'll be there for her. I want to show her how to fall in love and have a love story that lasts forever, because I'll love you forever. Most of all, I'm completely and hopelessly in love with you."

(Paper rustles)

That was honestly, like...

The sweetest thing anybody has ever--ever said to me.

I mean it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I love so many things about Jef.

I love that he is so humble, and--but still, like, confident and kind of cocky, which is such a contradiction.

But... it feels perfect inside my heart, and that's what really matters to me.


I had the best day.

(Giggles) (Chuckles)

Coming up...


Arie: This is a huge step for us.

I think tonight the person I have to win over is my mother.

She's gonna be the least open-minded.

(Speaking Dutch)

They're talking about you.

Emily: It was really awkward.

What am I supposed to do?

Everybody, this is Emily.

Sean: It's been a long time since my family has met a girl that I've been seeing.

She is seriously looking for a father for Ricki, so she needs to know.

There is something you probably need to know.

I am in scottsdale, Arizona, and I am just so excited to see Arie.

I feel like what I have with Arie is awesome.

Every time I hang out with him, we move forward, and even though we've had like a couple setbacks, like, we always recover, and it makes us that much better, which I think is, like, the real test of a great relationship.

I'm just so excited to see him today.

(Engines revving)

(Engines roaring)

Pulling in to the racetrack and seeing Arie going around the track--

I mean, I just was so excited.

I have been going to the racetrack for years, and it's a place I have a lot of really great memories.

I know the racing world, but I don't know anything about Indycar.

(Engine revs) I love that Arie planned this date to show me something that's a huge part of his everyday life.

I love that.


Hey! You look beautiful.

Good job.


This is my first time ever seeing an Indycar.

I just wanted him to park the car so I could kiss him and tell him how much I missed him.

How are you?

I'm good.

I missed you.

I missed you.

And he looked so hot.

Arie definitely looks...

Stupid hot.

All right, so we're gonna go for a ride.


And this is your seat.

And there's a lot of trust involved here. There is.

Do you trust me?


Are you gonna drive slow?


I'll drive safely. How about that?

Are you gonna drive slow?

You didn't answer.

No, but I'll drive safely.

Honestly, like, if it was anybody other than Arie, I would not do it.

Why don't we get you suited up, and we'll go?


But because I trust him so much, like, I'm just excited.

Every time I anticipate seeing her, I picture her in my mind, and I see her, and she's always more beautiful than I imagined.

Hey, beautiful.


Hopefully she trusts me enough...

Better be careful.

I will.

And we can do it together, and I think that she's gonna enjoy it.

(Engine roaring)

Emily: At first I was a little bit scared...

But then once we started going, it was very smooth.

Like, he's a very smooth driver.

I am so excited to get to experience seeing Arie, like, so passionate about racing.

(Engine roaring)

If that's Arie's passion, and we work out, it'll become one of mine, too.

(Engine rumbles and stops)

That was a lot of fun!


This is a dream come true, to share this part of my life with Emily...

(Speaks indistinctly)

That was cool, right?

And for her to trust me enough and take a ride, and it made me realize that she embraces my career, and that makes me happy.

I'd love to go somewhere else with you and spend some quality time.

I'm going where you're going.


I had fun with you today.

You did really well, by the way.

The last date I had with Emily, I told her I loved her.

Grab a side.

Thank you.

And now she's in my hometown, and this is a huge step for us.

She's gonna meet my family, and I'm nervous but excited.

A little bit nervous about my parents.

I'm nervous.

I mean, like, you're like the all-American, you know what I mean?

And my parents are so European that I'm just, like, still, like, a little bit concerned.

But it should be fine.

About what?


What's like worst-case scenario?

(Clicks tongue) You know, they just have, like, different values, and they're very, like, open, and they'll say what's on their mind.

I'm fine with that. I like that.

Wait until you see my parents.

Arie's telling me that his parents are way different than other people's parents, and how nervous he is for me to meet them, and...

I don't know what it could be.

I don't know what he could be so worried about.

So, my Dad, he's very laid-back and he's very funny and he's very charming, so I think-- he sounds like you.

(Laughs) I-I'd like--

I'd hope to think so.

I think he's-- he's a very cool guy.

You know, my Dad raced Indycar for 18 years.

He won the indy 500 in '90 and '97, and we share that racing...


Pa-passion for racing, so that, like, bonds us.

My mom and him are very happy, and--and it's--it's nice.

You know, you hope for that.

On our very first date, you talked about your mom and your relationship with her.

Do you think that she's gonna be accepting of all of this?

She's gonna be probably the, like, least open-minded, I would say.

Well, on that note, let's have a drink.

(Laughs) On that-- let's start drinking.

Yeah, exactly.


I think the person I have to win over is my mother.

And it'll be important for me to really express how I feel, and--and let her know, you know, what Emily and I have.

We'll have to approach that one well, I think.

So do you think that-- maybe as a team, we need to work on that.

Okay. Okay.

I think it's gonna be important for me to let her know exactly how I feel about you.

And I think once I do that, I think she'll open up to everything.


So-- so--but don't be too nervous.

(Bottle rattling)


So cheers to that.

(Clink) Cheers.

Thank you for having me here.

Thank you.

I've been looking forward to this.

Yeah? Mm-hmm. A lot.

Just seeing you.

Oh, check it out. Look.

Oh, cool.

This is so, so pretty.

Arie is one of my favorite guys, and I would be crushed if his parents didn't absolutely adore me.

I know that his parents and his whole family means a lot to him.


Let's do it.


My goal for today is gonna be to win Arie's mom over and get her approval.

I don't know how to say anything in Dutch.

If they say bad things, I'll just translate them...



(Slaps lightly)

(Laughs) I'm just joking.

We're looking for our next bachelor.

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Do you have some good advice?

Just be yourself.

I love you, so they're gonna love you.

Arie: Today was the perfect day, and tonight really has to go well.

Walking up to the front door, I can tell Emily's nervous, and I'm a little nervous, too.


(All) Hey!

(Laughter) Hi.

Emily's gonna meet my Dad Arie, my mom Mieke...


My twin brothers Luca and Alec...


And my sister Maida.


It's a lot to take in, but I'm hopeful that my parents will accept her and see how much I care about her.

(Dutch accent) Have a seat, guys, over there. Thank you.

I've been looking forward to meeting y'all for a while now.

Arie's said such great things.

Arie: I know.

Yeah, there's a lot of us to meet, too.


I know.

Emily, I love your accent.

(Maida) Oh, yeah.

Oh. I was asking him earlier--

I'm like, "are they gonna be able to understand me?"

(Laughter) Scottsdale is a long way from north Carolina.

(Dutch accent) Yes, we do.


Coming into this, Arie made me feel a little bit nervous, just because he was so nervous about how his mom was gonna be.

Hey, are you guys a little bit hungry? Yeah.

All right, let's do it.

I feel like there was a little bit of, you know, skepticism.

Hopefully, I'll let her see that I really do care about her son.

But Charlotte--

I've been to Charlotte.

Of course, we raced there, uh, in the '90s.

That--that was my first time ever coming to the United States, uh, married to you.

(Speaks indistinctly)

Actually was our honeymoon.


Wow, I didn't know that.

Not a very sexy honeymoon.

It was a couple of races. Oh, really?

(Laughs) It was my first time in the United States ever.

Wow. Where-- I-I didn't know that.

That's cool.


I didn't know it was Charlotte.

So... (Speaking Dutch)

(Speaking Dutch)

Arie's mom says something in Dutch, and, like, I don't know what to do.

(Slaps hands)


Arie: Yeah.

We're talking about you.


I'm a guest in their home.

What am I supposed to do?

(Speaking Dutch)

It's like there's an invisible wall.

It was really awkward.

Arie: And, uh...

(Speaking Dutch)

(Speaking Dutch)

(Speaking Dutch)

(Continues in Dutch)


Arie: It's gotta be awkward when everyone's speaking Dutch in front of Emily.

I wouldn't want that.

I would want to know what's being said, so I kinda cut everybody off.

Arie: I hate-- I hate that, because I hate speaking Dutch in front of people.

Well, do you want me to translate then?

No, I can translate.

My mom just asked me how it was going, and I was like, "it couldn't be going better.

Everything is perfect."

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So do you want to have a chat with me and talk to me?

Of course. I'd love that.

Emily: I definitely felt like there was a different dynamic in Arie's family than the others.

I'm usually a pretty good people reader-- like, a pretty good judge of character.

But Arie's mom--no clue.

No clue what she's thinking, having a hard time understanding what she's saying.

I have no clue what's going on in her mind.

I was just, like, wondering about, like, a few things.


I-I happened to watch you, uh, a few times at the show.


And I saw the last episode when...


You, uh, um...

When he proposed to you.


What happened?

Mm-hmm. You know, what happened with that--that?

Because normally I-I think when you are the--the one who...

Be proposed to, you're not being the bachelorette," so something must have been totally wrong, and-- (Clicks tongue)

I-I was kind of surprised to--to see you there.

(Speaks indistinctly) Me, too.

Me, too. I'm surprised, too.

(Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah.

But... with Brad and I, going through everything, I really did fall in love.

I have nothing bad to say about him. He's great, but, um, I didn't ask the questions that I should have...


As far as, like, fundamental, basic questions, like, are we the same...


You know what I mean?

Like, that foundation. Yeah. Yeah.

And we didn't have that.

That's kind of what I'm trying to do a better job of this time.

Like, if I were to make a list of my, like, top three things I look for in a guy, someone who--to make me laugh would be at the top.

Of--yeah, of course. Yeah.

And that's part of the reason I love being around Arie so much is 'cause he makes me laugh more than I have laughed in... forever.

Yeah, he's very funny.


So funny, and just, like, so down to earth...


And just so sweet, so incredibly sweet, and that's one of the million things I just love about him.

Um, I just wonder, I mean, y-you know better than anybody what it's like to be married to a race car driver, and--because they travel so much...


And are gone a lot and-- with the-- when you guys-- yeah, he's still traveling a lot, yeah.

Do you think that Arie's in a place that he could balance that?

That's hard to answer, really, because it's-- it's really hard.


It's a very difficult life.

It really is.

But I... I love this life.

Mm-hmm. I don't know another life than this.

And his Dad and me are married for 31 years. Mm-hmm.

And you--well, I think we are the proof that...

It can work.

You--it can work.


Our son totally has a connection with Emily.

I know that.

He really has fallen for you, and I know that.

You do?

I just can see it. Yes.

Well, thank you for telling me that.

I know that for a fact.

I can read that in his... You know.

(Laughs) You know? (Laughs)

And mom knows.

That's my--that's my baby.

I can't wait for her to choose him and, you know, be together...

Great. (Laughs)

(Laughs) Okay.

Because they would make an awesome couple.

I just want you to know that right now I could definitely propose to Emily.

You know? I-I have that feeling, and I'm so confident in us that I feel like I'm ready.

So I hope that doesn't shake you at all.

No. I mean, she's, uh, not only pretty, but she just seems to be generally really nice, and, uh, I like her little southern accent, too.

(Both laugh)

No, I know, but seriously.

There's really not that much to talk about it, because she pretty much got all the great qualities...

Yeah. She really does.

And it's just been, like, I don't know.

It's been almost like a dream, really.

Yeah. Everything's, like, working out so well.

Well, that's great.


I hope you make it to the end, buddy.


Yeah. I hope so, too.

(Laughs) (Glasses clink)

All right. Love you.

Good luck.

I love you.

Arie: Okay.

(Maida laughs)



See you.

So nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

My entire day, night, everything with Arie, I feel like went great.


So, so, so nice to meet you!

Everything I felt was just confirmed.

I thought it went well.

(Kisses) Aw, don't make me leave.

Did you have a good night?

Yeah, I had a great night.

Today was a huge step in Emily and I's relationship, and I feel so good to have my parents' approval.

I had an amazing day.

I've never felt this way about any other woman, and today has definitely changed my life.

I'm ready, and I'm ready to ask her hand in marriage.

I'm ready to propose.

(Door closes)

I am definitely going to marry Emily, and I don't think of it any other way.

Coming up...

You're like the perfect guy.

That comes from the perfect family.

Sean: Everybody, this is Emily.

I don't normally give myself to girls.

Yeah. I'm not always the most open guy.

I know in her head she was thinking, "all right, I knew there was something about this guy that wasn't right."

This is it.


I think I have to tell her.

(Cattle lowing)

Sean: I'm at white rock lake today here in Dallas, and it feels great to be back in Dallas.

It's where I was born and raised.

This is me.

This is my simple life.

And today is huge.

Emily gets to see me in my environment, and then later tonight meet my family.

It's been a long time since my family has met a girl that I've been seeing-- uh, years, so today's a big day.

(Singsongy) Hey!

Hi, puppies! Hey, honey!

How are you?

I missed you!

I am so excited to see Sean.

He has every quality that any girl would want in a husband and a Dad and everything.

So, these are my little girls.

Who's this?

Where's the other one?

Lola and Ellie.

Hey, puppies!

So you said you wanted to see what I do kind of on a typical Saturday.

Yeah, I did. Yeah.

This is it. My house is just a couple minutes that way, so I come out here quite a bit.


And I like to just hang out with the dogs...

Hey, puppies!

And enjoy my time, so that's kinda what we're gonna do today.

Look at your dogs.

Even they're-- your dogs are perfectly behaved.


(Dogs panting)


I'm sure you've been doing exciting, crazy things all week.

I like this.

This really is kind of like what I do in my everyday life.

I love all these flowers.

These are pretty over here.

I feel like I could see Ricki here picking flowers, running around, playing with his dogs.

There it is! Good job!

Your dogs are so good!

Our lives could blend together very easily.

Here's to you being in Dallas...


And hopefully you loving my family today.


I know they're gonna love you.

I hope so. I hope so.

So how many girls have you introduced to your parents?

Not a whole lot.


It's been a long time.

Like, I've had one really serious relationship.

Mm-hmm. And we were together for three years, and, like, she was the sweetest girl ever.

And there's always been a little sense of guilt with me because I couldn't really reciprocate.

Um... What do you think it was about her that-- it's funny you ask that, because I can't really pinpoint one thing in particular, and I think what I've come up with is, like, I just knew in my heart, you know, I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life with her.


I made myself a promise.

Like, I will never, ever allow a girl to give herself to me if I can't reciprocate.


Never again.

And so the next time it happens...

I mean, she's gonna know that...

I will love her and-- for eternity.

You know?

Do you see that coming from all of this?

At this point now.

I'm very excited about where this is going.


I could definitely see it.

Good. Me, too.

I feel like Sean--when he says the things that he says, that they're genuine, and they're-- they're because of me and my heart, and not because of anything else.

He really is so perfect that I don't feel like there's anything--like, huge b*mb that needs to be dropped or any huge skeletons in his closet that I need to dig around and find.

One of the things I love about you most is, like, you talk about your family all the time and what a great example they've been, and--

I don't know.

I just picture you having this, like, perfect little life, you know?

It's a simple life that my parents lead, but it's a beautiful life.

It's a life that I want. I love that.

I love that.

I'm nervous, though.

You should be anxious and excited but definitely not nervous.

In my mind, like, the perfect guy that comes from the perfect family, and I picture your parents' house to be, like, perfect.

Perfect dog.

(Chuckles) You know?

But, like, it's, like, intimidating for me.

My parents know me really well.

They both trust my judgment, so, like, if I say, "Emily's the greatest thing ever," like, they're gonna believe me 100%.

Are you gonna put in a good word for me?




I think one of the things I love most about Sean is, like, what a wholesome, well-rounded guy he is.

And then going to meet his family and, like, seeing, the reason he is that way, it's a little bit scary because I'm not perfect, and I don't want them to, like, expect perfection.

What if they hate me?



This is so pretty.

Let's go meet these crazy people.

Any last minute tips?

Be yourself.


I think a life with Sean would be perfect.

Here we go.

Going into today to meet his family, my game plan is just to be myself.

Sean might say it works for Sean, so hopefully it'll work for his family, too.


You know what?

Woman: I think he's here.

Aah! Aah!



Yes! Whoa!

There's Sean.



Everybody, this is Emily.

Hi. So nice to meet you.

I missed you, sweet girl.

Tonight Emily will be meeting my mom sherrie, my Dad Jay, my sister shea, my brother-in-law andrew, my niece Kensington, and my nephew Smith.

Kensington is supposed to show Emily something.

(Sherrie) You wanna take Emily?

You wanna show Emily your house?

Emily: I would love that.

You wanna go show her?

Go show her your playhouse.

I think one of the things I love most about Sean is, like, his passion and love for his family.

And of course, he has, like, the world's most perfect family.

This is so beautiful.

Oh, my goodness.

This is so cute.

I would have d*ed to have something like this.

This is her spot.

This backyard--it's like any kid's dreamland.

Like, just the world's most perfect family.

Sean, in my mind, is, like, the perfect all-around man.

Well, hey, now that we're all here, there is something that you probably need to know.




I'm a little anxious telling you this.

Everybody looks so serious.


Oh, no!

I'm nervous--I just don't know how you're gonna react.


I still live here.

You do? Oh, cool.

He lives at home.


I don't need to live here, but I just feel more comfortable here, and I told you family's important to me.

I don't blame you.

I wanna move in here, too.

It's so beautiful.

I don't blame you.

Let me show you the house real fast.


I am trying my best to be the sweet, polite southern girl that I am, when in reality, I'm, like, rethinking everything. I'm going back, like, every conversation that we've had.

No this is my room. I wish my mom would've picked up a little bit.

This is it.

That's whiskers.


That's buddy.

That's moomoo.

(Laughs nervously)

And that's froggy.


I'm sorry this place is a mess.

Well, that's all right.

As soon as we walk in, I just notice a mess.

And in that moment, it was like, every amazing thing I had thought about Sean completely shattered.

That's all right.

I-I can clean.

I know how to clean.

He's a mess, and he's really into stuffed animals.

The look on Emily's face is pure horror and disgust.

I know in her head, she was thinking, "all right, I knew there was something about this guy that wasn't right."

This is it.

I think I have to tell her.

Obviously, I don't live at home.

It's a joke. Oh.

Really, what was... (Laughs) I didn't know.

We never talked about that.

What was going on in your head, though?

I don't know. I don't care.

This--this worried me more. No, it would've-- it would have been something to worry about.

Well, see? Now you know I still would have been crazy about you even if you did. (Chuckles)

I love to see that Sean has a sense of humor and can, like, make fun of himself.

I'm so sorry, Emily!

I thought it was funny.

Oh, my. Well...


Tell us now. Aren't you glad it's not true?

Actually, I'm kinda sad, 'cause I'm like, I would love to come over here.

Yeah, well, you're welcome anytime.

I love that Sean's family is, like, lighthearted and just has a fun energy.

I really feel like I could see myself living here.

Man, I'll tell ya, I kinda teared up when I saw you, 'cause it's been-- this is the longest I've ever been without talking to you.

I know it.

My Dad wants to chat with me, and whatever my Dad says to me, it carries a lot of weight.

I respect the man fully.

My Dad has shown me how to be a man, and I could work the rest of my life trying to repay him, and it wouldn't be long enough.

I was just wondering if there was something about her personality, her background, something that just, you just thought, "I really like that.

I really like that about her."

The thing that I'm most attracted to is you can just tell she is a sweet, sweet woman.

You guys have seen that I don't normally give myself to girls.

I just don't.

Yeah. I'm not always the most open guy with them, and I'm not always vulnerable, and that's why I'm 28 and still single.

But, um, she's changed that a little bit. Has she?

Actually a lot a bit.

This has been a learning process.

I've learned a ton about myself through this whole journey of ours.

But, uh, no, it's...

There's some real feelings there.

Well, I'll tell you what.

That--that--that's real when it happens that fast and when it comes across that easy, and even around us, you could tell.

When Sean said to me that this has been a life-changing experience, I was sitting there thinking, this is--this is my son...

(Chuckles) Pouring out to me?

Yes, I-I believe there was a switch clicked in his heart and mind, and I really see that you can have love at first sight, and, uh, I realize now that there's something magical going on here.

We are so glad to have you in our home.

Well, thank you so much.

I'm grateful to be here.

Well, in the short time you've been here, I gotta say, we hope you come a whole bunch.

Well, thank you.

So do I.

Well, I have a question for you.

When was it or what was said or what happened...

Mm-hmm. When you really felt that first connection?

I love--one of the things I love about Sean the most is how much he loves you guys, and that was one of the things that attracted me to him, first conversation.

He doesn't always open up to us.


But... my conversation with him--

I've never seen him open up like that before.

Really? He told me that he's-- he's, um, proud of himself for being more open through all of this, and it's good to hear you say that.

I-I-I guess it's okay to say this...


But he told me more about you and his feelings towards you than he's ever told me about anyone.

Well, that makes me feel good.

Well, yeah, and I kept thinking, gosh, this is great.

I'm loving this, you know?

You know, we had a good 28 years, and we couldn't get it done.

Oh. (Laughs)

You did it in, what, three or four weeks?

No. No, I mean, this whole experience-- it really does change you, and every time I hang out with him, you know, I see something else that I think is so wonderful.


And it's just been the best.

Emily--I've only known her for a day, and I somehow feel like I've known her for a long time, and so if that's the one he chooses and she chooses him, oh, yeah, I think--I think it's just, uh, gonna--I don't know if my heart can take it all.

I'm kinda surprised.

I kinda think you like her.

I'm surprised, too.

She's amazing, you know?

Yeah, she is amazing, and you would be blessed having her, so I just want you to be true to yourself, and I just know that if what you say to her is what you mean.

'Cause she is seriously looking for a father for Ricki and a husband for her, and she's looking for long-term, so she needs to know, you know, upfront...


How serious you are about it.

If you pull out that ring in three weeks, I'm gonna know in my heart that you mean it.

You know, I was really skeptical when this process started, but after seeing them together, I could definitely tell that, um, she was special to him and he had feelings for her.

Did you have fun today?

It's been a good day.

So maybe next time you'll bring Ricki, so we can-- oh, she'd come and never wanna leave.

She'd wanna live in Sean's room.


I feel like today went really well.

I see my life and Ricki's life blending perfectly with Sean's family.

Well, thank y'all again.

I had just the best time. Oh.

I can't say thank you" enough.

Thank you...

Sean: Today went just as good as I thought it would.

It actually probably went better, and I can't realistically look at spending the rest of my life with someone unless they've met the people that are most important to me, and so it feels much more real that marriage is a possibility here.

To know that they-- they loved her.

You know, I think everybody said, "you know, we can really see her as a part of this family."

That's a great feeling.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.


(Speaks indistinctly)

All right, thank you.

I had the most perfect day.

(Sniffles) Me, too.

Thank you.


All right. Tell them I said thank you again.

(Sighs) I will.

I'll miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Bye, honey.

Okay. Looking forward to it.


(Engine starts)

You never want that moment to end.

Um, when she drives off, it's just-- it means that moment is ending.

And I wanted another kiss tonight.


You know, when you want something in life, you gotta go get it.


And that's exactly what I did.

That last kiss with Emily-- it feels like she understands exactly how I'm feeling.

(Kiss) Thank you.

And if the day comes when I don't have to say good-bye...

It would make my life complete.

No doubt about it.

My life would be complete.

Coming up...

Emily: This week is the hardest rose ceremony.

I am, uh...


It's okay.

It breaks my heart to think that any of them would feel like they weren't good enough.

I truly could see my life going in four different directions.

I don't know what to do.



(Car door closes)


How are you?

Good to see you.

You, too.

Welcome to the peninsula hotel here in Beverly hills. Thank you.

Come on in.

Emily: Everything was so perfect this week.

I loved each and every one of the families, and that really puts me in a hard position, because I truly could see my life going in four different directions.

I don't know what to do.

Well, welcome to Los Angeles.

Thank you.

Obviously, serious business you have tonight.

Such a huge step meeting the families.

How was your week?

My week...

Could not have been better.

I had so much fun with each of the guys and really did fall in love with each of their families.

Let's go through the hometowns, and you started with Chris.


I was really excited to just get the whole week started and see Chris.


Get outta here.

(Laughs) You can't scare me like that.

How are you?

Welcome home, son.

Then we met his family, who could not have been nicer.

Welcome to our home.

When Chris was saying good-bye to you, what did he say?

I am in love with you.


He told me that he loves me.

That's gotta feel amazing after all this.

It does. It really does.

I feel like he's the type of the guy that wouldn't say it unless he really meant it.

So you had an incredible date Chicago.

Then you go to Utah to see Jef.

Drive slow.

This slow.

I'll go this slow the whole time.

I've never been to Utah in my whole life, but immediately, I felt at home.

(g*nsh*t) Good job.

And apparently, he likes you a lot. What did he say?

He read me
the sweetest letter...


That I think I've ever gotten in my whole life.

"From the first time I met you, there was a unique connection, "that the only words I can use to describe it is 'meant to be.'

"most of all, I'm completely and hopelessly in love with you."

Okay, so two great hometowns.

Mm-hmm. Then you sh**t down to scottsdale...


Arizona, to see Arie. Did he drive you in the, uh, Indycar?

He did. It was so different than nascar.

Obviously, you trust this guy.

That was cool, right?

There's nobody else I would have gotten in a car with other than Arie.

Arie was the first to tell you he loves you.


I had an amazing day.

I mean, he's been so open with me from day one.

Those words mean a lot to me,
and they're not things that I just throw around.

All three guys leading up to this point have told you they love you.

And then you go to Dallas to see Sean.

I obviously know by the smile on your face, apparently that went well.

It did!

I'm very excited about where this is going.


I can definitely see it.

It went perfect.

Out of all of these guys, he's the one guy that isn't telling you he loves you.

I know how I feel about him, and that makes me feel confident, and I know where I think things could go.

As you were pulling away, he ran down, like, two blocks to chase you down. I love that.

It's little things like that that Sean does that shows me
that he really does care about me.

You just told me about four phenomenal hometown dates...

Mm-hmm. Guys that are falling in love with you.

Do you have any idea what you're gonna do here tonight? No.

I am, uh...


It's okay.

What's getting you tonight?


I don't know. I just think about my own family.


And, um, how I would feel if I had just introduced the person that I feel like I'm falling in love with to my family and how I would feel if, um...

I got sent home this week...


And how it would be, um, hard to not feel like that was a reflection on my family and, um...

Each of the-- each of the families that I met this week were so--I mean, wonderful--

I mean, so kind to me and so welcoming-- that it's, um, it's hard for me.

Yeah. But I also feel really confident in the way I feel about these guys tonight.

You know, I think that says a lot about where I am in my life...


And also where my relationships are with each of these guys.

Well, four guys, families are involved now.

One of them will be going home.

You get your thoughts together, and when you're ready, I'll see you in the rose ceremony. All right?

All right.

Thank you.

This week is by far the hardest rose ceremony because it's not just me and that person.

It's me, that person, and their entire family, and it breaks my heart to think that any of them would feel like they weren't good enough.

I loved meeting all of the families, but at the same time, I'm ready get down to the three guys that I really have super strong feelings for.

I have faith that I'm gonna see what I need to see and I'm gonna feel what I need to feel, and I'm gonna end up where I need to end up.

Chris Harrison: Well, gentlemen, good evening.

Men: Evening.

These nights are always rough.

I just talked to Emily, and as much as she appreciates each of you taking her back to your hometowns and opening up your lives like you did, it just makes tonight's decision that much more difficult.

Three roses to hand out.

One of you will be going home tonight.

I wish you all the best, and if you're ready, here's Emily.

Emily: Thank you.

I missed y'all very much this week.

Um, I can also say that this has been by far the hardest rose ceremony to come into so far because there wasn't an obvious choice this week, and I really had to go off of how I feel just about our relationships and where I see our future going.

That is what I'm basing my decision on tonight.


Arie, would you accept this rose?

Of course.

Thank you. (Kiss)

Thank you.


Jef, would you accept this rose?


Thank you.

Emily, gentlemen, it's the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.


Sean, would you accept this rose?

Of course.

Chris, I'm sorry. Take a moment.

Say your good-byes.

(Speaking indistinctly)

Oh, my God.

It's tough, man.


I don't know what to say.

I'm actually shocked, to be honest with you.

Yeah, I mean, is there-- do you have an explanation or--

I-I--you know what? I honestly--

I don't have an explanation.

But it was me.

No, it wasn't you.

Then what was it?

No, it wasn't.

There was no denying that on our first date there was, like, something really strong between us. Mm-hmm.

I mean, I thought about you all the time.

But so many more of my relationships grew so much faster and deeper, and--

I don't understand.

How much faster could it possibly move?

It's not even just--

I told you I loved you.

Well, um...

I wish you could see, um...

How hard it's been for me, and you know what?

Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and think I made a mistake.

Like, I just have to follow my heart.



It's all right.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I wish you the best.

Thank you.

I wouldn't have changed anything.

Thank you.


(Sighs heavily) (Bleep)

It's definitely hard to say good-bye to somebody you love.

And I haven't felt the way I have in a long time.

And, you know, until I met Emily.

She made me a believer again in, you know, falling in love.

Everything seemed like it was perfect.

You know, I loved the girl.

I thought she loved me back.

It sucks.

(Exhales deeply)

(Chuckles) Hi.

(Sean and Arie) Hey.

It's gonna be weird, you know, waking up tomorrow and knowing there's no future with this girl.

As hard as tonight was, I really don't even want to think about how hard next week will be.


Next week we are headed to the Caribbean island of Curaçao.

(Laughs) Cheers.



I'm ten times the man than (Bleep) All those dudes that are still there right now.

Chris: She did break my heart.

I just don't understand.

No clue...

At all.

Next week on the bachelorette"...

Emily: This whole experience has been such a whirlwind.

(Both) Whoo!

And to get to finish it up in Curaçao is so perfect.

(Dolphin chirps)

Arie: Emily is the love of my life.

I can't stop thinking about you, and I can't picture my life without you.

I have fallen in love with you.

Sean: I could easily spend the rest of my life with Emily.

I've never met two people who are more perfect for each other.

I think so, too.

Jef: I'm more in love with this woman than ever.

I love you.

You really have been, like, that light at the end of tunnel for me.

Arie: All I can think about is that moment when I can propose to her.

Emily: I've fallen in love with more than one person, and that is really scary.

They could really get their heart broken...

(Voice breaking)

And it tears my heart up inside to think that I could do that to them.


I just feel really guilty.


I'm scared of everything.


I don't wanna hurt anybody, and I don't wanna...

Make the wrong choice.

It's all coming up next week on...

We're glad to have you in our home.

Thank you.

And I'm the cook around here, Emily, sometimes, especially this dish.

Wow. Thank you.

Well, you are worth it.

Woman: It better be good.

It will be. Emily, when we heard that you were, uh, coming, we wanted to do something original, and this is kind of a Texas thing.

And actually, it's one of Sean's favorites.

It's, uh, steamed armadillo.

It kinda tastes like chicken.

If that's Sean's favorite...

No, we're not gonna serve you armadillo.

Well, thank you. Oh, my gosh.

You are, like, the nicest girl ever.

Where in the world do you buy that?

At our deli.


Actually, in Texas, you run over your dinner.


Well, I'm from west Virginia, so...

So you know, don'tcha?

This little guy bit the dust this morning. (Laughter)