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07x12 - After the Final Rose

Posted: 08/04/11 05:15
by bunniefuu

That's right. J.P. Got down on one knee and proposed marriage To ashley, and of course, she said yes."


But what has happened to the engaged couple

Since that magical day in fiji?

What are their plans for a future together?

A wedding, perhaps?

I'm sure everybody has a lot of questions.

But first, there was somebody who wasn't so lucky that day and left fiji with a broken heart, and that, of course, was ben.

(audience) aw.

Yeah. How has he been since that fateful day, and how does he feel about ashley now?

Well, let's find out.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ben.


What's up, brother?

What's up, man? How are ya?


(cheering continues)


(cheering continues)

That's too much.

Oh, it's too much.

It's like being on a construction site here With all the catcalls.

I know, right?

Um, I know it's hard to, uh, put it in perspective When you walk out and there's women screaming at you, but millions of people just watched a heartbreaking scene Where you got down on one knee and proposed to ashley.

She obviously turned that proposal down.


I wanna get your thoughts on everything, but first t t's take a look back at what just happened.

(ben) today is gonna change my life forever.

Today is the day that I am going to propose to ashley, and she is gonna say yes.""

All right, sir.

Thanks, man.

Good luck.

All right.

She's waiting for you.

I always think about my Dad.

Today especially, he'd be so proud of me.

He would. It's a big moment, and it doesn't really sink in Until you think about, you know, the ones that you've lost, How life goes on and...

This is the next step, but it's a new addititn to the family.

I lost one, you know, four and a half years ago and gain another one today.

Well, you don't have a ring on your finger.



Before you say anyththg...

I'm totally confident in how I feel, in us.

Every second that I spend with you, Uh, makes me feel deeper in love with you.

I wanna thank you for allowing me to feel Completely andndtterly vulnerable and open with you.

(exhales deeply)

Will you marry me?

And make me the happiest man on earth?

I'm sorry.


I didn't see this one coming.

It's like I want you to know that this is not easy, and this wasn't easy.

I know it's not easy.

I guess that's it, right?



You are...

One of the most interesting, smart--

I don't--I don't-- funny...

What I don't need you to do is sugarcoat it.

That's what I...

That's what I don't need.

All right.


I never thought that I was gonna--

Like, we were gonna say good-bye like this, Like on terms like this.


Um... (chuckles) what kind of-- what kind of terms?

I mean, you can't--you can't leave something like this on--

On good terms.

It's not possible.

So... Good things don't end unless they enenbadly.


(audience groans)

What's it like watching that again?


I mean, , 's tough to watch.

You know, you put yourself out there, and you're so confident in everything that you felt Up to that point, and I really--I...

I didn't see that one coming.

And, you know, and in watching it, there was, You know, some anger there.

It was... It's tough to watch.

Well, to me, it spoke to how real your love was and that proposal was, because That was one of the most genuine displays I've seen Since we've been doing the show.

I mean, that was a very genuine reaction.

(cheering) yeah, well...

(clears throat)

I-I think it--I mean, Like I said, it's difficult to watch, and--

And when you're actually going Through the whole proposal portion of it, You're almlmt kind of blacked out, and you're just...


You're doing this, you know?

And instinct takes over.

And then you watch it, and I-- the only thing I remember back From that day is being down on one knee and her saying, you know, ultimately, "no," And then having like the strength and courage To, like, stand up.

That was the hardest part.

It was like getting back up.

Clearly, this is an emotional day for you.

Watching this for the first time, I can see it in your eyes, this is tough to do because You were in love with her.

I was in love with her.

I was, and it takes a lot For me to put myself out there and to fall in love.

It's not easy, and...


To be vulnerable, I mean, I've been kind of shut off Because of my father's passing...


And I've always wanted him to, you know, to be proud of me and to, you know, live-- live my life The way he would be proud, and I think that, you know, Ultimately after going through something like that and putting myself out there is an accomplishment.

It's a phenomenal thing to say.

And I couldn't have done it without ashley, you know?



You said something, Uh, the overnight dates that really stuck out to me--

Is that you said-- ananit was very simple--

You said, "I'm available today."

Yeah, and that-- that was true.

That was the appropriate word, too. That was the first time I've been mentally, emotionally available in a very long time.

And now taking all this into consideration, Do you think that's why you had such a strong reaction? Is...


You got to the point--

I mean, anybody getting to the point Where they're ready to propose is, you know, magnificent.

It's huge.


But the fact that you went Throughh this life-changing experience To get to this point...


I think doubles, triples the effect it had on you.

Yeah. (chuckles)

I would agree completely.

I think that that-- that journey made it all That much more memorable.

I think that she opened me up to, you know, a new experience and--and to feel that-- that love again, and...

And to get down on one knee and propose to someone, You know, it still kind of blows my mind.

What were the days like that-- that followed?

Those were tough.

That was a long flight home.

(woman in audience) aw.

And I did multiple stops on the way.

You know, it wasn't just like a direct.

It was like one to the next to the next, and I'm...


You know, stewing in my head on these layovers, 'cause I was, In fact, on my way, to one of my best friend's weddings.

(audience groans) wow.

Yeah, it was, like, literally from fuji To my best friend's wedding.

Holy cow.

That's just cruel and unusual.

So that was...

It was cruel. So, like, I showed up Six hours before the wedding started, and...

I'm just scratching my head, You know, looking at all these people Having no idea what just went down.

That had to be rough.


That was difficult.

That was very difficult.

Where are you now?

Are you over her?

Are you over the whole relationship?

W-well... (sighs)

I-I think about ashley, Obviously she's impacted my life greatly.

I'm a more complete person because of her and--and this whole journey, and I will...


I will never take that away.

I won't.

(cheers and whistles)

You know that ashley's here tonight.

I do know that ashley's here tonight.

And you know you're about to talk to her.


Um, is there anything in particular you wanna say to her?

I think... You know, what did J.P. And her have That we didn't?


Uh, I really wanna know when she made that decision.

Well, we're gonna get that answer...

(laughs) yeah, right.

In just a minute.

(laughter) are you ready to see her again?

Yeah, I am.

All right.

Coming up, ben and ashley Will see each other for the first time Since ashley rejected his marriage proposal Back in fiji.

That's next when the bachelorette: After the final rose" continues.

(cheers and applause)

Welcome back to the bachelorette: After the final rose."

We are here with ben, who thought he might have found The love of his life but instead was left heartbroken in fiji.

You haven't seen ashley since that day.

You ready to see her?


Ladies and gentlemen, let's bring her out--ashley.


(mouths words)

How are you?

How are you?

It's good to see you.

You, too.


I know you haven't seen each other since that day...

I know.

In fiji.

What would you like to say?


Um... (sighs) nice ring. (chuckles)

(audience gasps and groans)

I'm kidding.


No, I mean, I have, you know, a few questions.

You know, I understand it's not an easy decision for you To go through something like that, but...

Um, I think my biggest question is When did you make your decision?

At, like, what point did you know?

You knowowthere was a period of time where I thought, You know, you were the one that I was gonna be leaving with.


Um, but in the end, It gets to a point where you just have to follow your heart, and that's what I did.

Got you.

That day, how hard was that for you?

(sighs) I mean, I cannot even tell you.

I never thought that the day that I would get engaged Would also be a day that would be so gut-wrenching.

Like, especially for ben, 'cause everybody knows ben, and everyone knows how great he is.

To have to say good-bye to a relationship and even, I thought, a friendship because, Like you said...


It can never end on great terms in that kind of situation.

That was hard, and to know that I was the onene That was causing that type of pain To somebody, it really, really hit me hard.

I still get the impression you're a bit angry.

I'm not. N n I'm not angry.

I'm not angry.

I mean, it's something that did catch me by surprise, Is in that moment, I didn't understand how, You know, he walked away and how there was--

I felt anger, and I never felt that.

Well, there was anger.

There was anger.


I will tell you that.

I mean, Like I was telling Chris, when you put yourself out there, and you kind of are hoping for this, and it doesn't come true and...


Um, it's like being told no." um...

Were you surprised by that?

In the moment, I was surprised, and I didn't know how It was all gonna unfold, but watching it back...

Yeah. You get it.

I completely understand.

So there'll always be this, like, huge amount of respect I have for him and how you handled everything.

I left with a little bit of dignity, I think.


I think that's really what it was.


I think so.

I was telling, you know, Chris earlier That I couldn't have got to where I was If it weren't for you, so for that, I thank you.

For that, I thank you.

Um... Because, I mean, that--that experience, It really--it opened me up to everything, to love.

I did love you.

I was in love with you.

And so I have no regrets.


I'm glad I went through it.

I cared about you so much, and I think you're great, and I think that hopefully we'll always have that.

You know?

Yeah, I... Yeah.

You know.

The friend thing, and it's like, This whole season, we started as friends, so...

Yeah, the friendship thing, I think, will be there.


Then obviously, you've had time to think about all of this and think about what you might say, So do you have any questions before moving on with your life?

Um... (sighs)

I suppose it's kind of a moot point, but, uh, anything I could've done differently Along the-- along the way?

I really don't think so.

I mean, you were open.

You were always honest.


You put yourself out there.

You were vulnerable.

I really don't think-- it was just something that No matter what happened, It was-- it was that magnet for me.


It was a tough blow, but you're ready to move on?

You're ready to find love?


You know, having gone through something like that, Something so special, Everybody wants to feel it, and I'd like to feel it again.

So... Only time will tell.


I know that this is always An incredibly difficult conversation and meeting.

I appreciate you coming out here and facing ben again, and, ben, obviously, We appreciate you being here as well, So a lot of fans out here to help you.


Appreciate it, buddy.

Coming up, we'll hear more from our bachelorette, and then it's our happy couple, J.P. And ashley, back together In public for the first time since their engagement in fiji.

That's all coming up next On the bachelorette: After the final rose."



Welcome back to the bachelorette: After the final rose."

Here with our bachelorette, ashley, but is now happily engaged to the man of her dreams, J.P.

You got that ring goin'.


Um, before we talk about, uh, how great he is and you start gushing...


Uh, I wanna talk about how difficult that was Facing ben for the first time.

What was that like?

I knew he was gonna be a gentleman, and he was, 'cause that's just him.

And that day--that day, he was angry, and you were upset.

(sighs) I think I-I didn't expect him--

I didn't expect anger to be one of his main emotions.


You never know how somebody feels, How somebody's really feeling and how they're gonna handle it.

Did you worry at all that that breakup and how upset he was and upset you got afterwards, Did you think that would affect The way you were with J.P.


I--there was definitely a point where I thought that...


And I-I made a conscious effort to--

Okay, I really need to separate These two things because I wanna look back on this...


And be h hpy about it.

Yeah, it's one of the greatest days of your life.


After I finally got over, you know, Saying good-bye to ben, Saying, "I just can't wait for J.P. To get here."

You know? To--to make everything better, and thth's always what he did for me.

He was just always that...

(sighs) he's just great.

I'm his biggest fan.

And you know what? He's a really great kisser, Chris.

(woman screaming)

Throwing it out there!


I'm so happy to see the big smile on your face.

Thanks, Chris.

I'm so glad to see that you're happy and see that big, fat rock on your finger. Um...

(cheers and applause) a lot more with ashley and J.P.

Their first public appearance since that magical day in fiji, and ashley's family is here.

What does ashley's sister chrystie Have to say about J.P. Now?

But first, it's a sneak peek at abc's exciting new series, "take the money and run," Premiering tomorrow night at 9:00.

That sneak peek is coming up right now.

(man) imagine this is your hometown.

A stranger hands you a briefcase With $100,000 in it and gives you one hour To hide it anywhere.

If it's still there 48 hours later, It's yours to keep.

Listen, I have the case.

Meet me at fort point pier.

It's the phone call.

You ready?

That's right, baby.

Do it. Yeah!

Brothers raul and paul bustamante Are about to take that challenge.

What excites me most about this is being the thief, Being the bad guy, and getting away with the perfect crime Would be awesome if I can do that.

To have the tools to do it and get away with it, Pfft, I'd probably do it all the time. (laughs)

I'm very competitive.

Paul doesn't necessarily have the same competitive spirit That I have.

I'm more athletic.

He's a little more, you know...

As you can tell.

"loungey," we'll call it.

He's kind of stuck in a rut in regards to where he works In his life, and he kinda-- he knows it, Um, so I figured the mototation for me getting him to do this Was originally get my brother off the couch and do something.

When I found out how much money we were making, I figured we could definitely help my mother out After she's gone through so much.

(paul) my mom, uh, got breast cancer a few years ago and went in remission, but, you know, I always worry about her.

The money we'd make I would love To give her a fat chunk of it to have her either go on vacation, You know, take a break from work in general.

But standing in their way are police detectives...

If they find the money within 48 hours, They get the 100 grand.

My name is dean taylor.

I am a member of The san francisco police department for 31 years, Currently assigned to the hit-and-run detail.

Inspector clifford cook, san francisco police department, 19-year veteran.

Also assigned to the hit-and-run detail.

There's a lot of knowledge and years between the two of us.

We matched the d.N.A.

And I brought him back in, and he eventually confessed, and off to state prison he went.

My oldest son just graduated from college.

I've got one that's a sophomore in college.

My youngest is a senior in high school, So I've got to take care of my boys.

The money is important for my family.

The money is gonna be used for my grandsons For them to go to college.

Aiding the investigation are interrogators...

The detectives will be given the brothers'...

All receipts, as well as g.P.S. Coordinates.

The rest will be learned Through grueling interrogations.

All paul and raul have to do is...

Hold this.


Push this button for recording instructions.

Here's the key.

Good luck.

(both) thanks.


(man) the contents of this briefcase are worth...

You have exactly one hour to hide this case Anywhere you choose.

There's a vehicle waiting for you At the entrancncof the pier.

When your one hour is up, You'll be taken into custody by investigators.

Choose your hiding place carefully, Because in 48 hours, it will determine Whether or not you get to keep the $100,000.

Your time... Starts...

Let's go.


Come on, dude.

A little more running, dude.

Get it, buddy.

We get in the car after this.

So what are you thinking, hiding-wise?

Bury it.

Did I tell you my idea?

No, go ahead.

I got a buddy, Owns a restaurant right up the road.

But no one else knows I go to that restaurant.

Sounds better than my plan.

(raul) call carl marino.

(paul) here's the thing about calling carl marino.


You call carl marino, people are gonna check our calls.

Yeah, I know, but we tell carl not to say anything.

What's carl gonna say?

Carl's good. Carl's a--carl's actually a private investigator.

Okay, cool.

Hopefully they won't be able to reverse-search it to his address Or something like that.

Hey, carl, it's raul, and I know you're probably busy, but just give me a call As soon as you can. Thanks.

Do you know where the restaurant carl has is?

Yeah, we can go straight there.

And if he's not there...

Okay, cool.

It's right on the way, so if he's not there, We just go somewhere else. Do me a favor. Call robert right now.

'cause we have to--what I want to do is, we need to Make phone calls, 'cause they're gonna check the call log.


And we just gotta, like, decoy 'em.

Rob, it's paul. Give me a call back as soon as you get this.

Thank you. You know anybody else who lives in the city?

Yeah, call burns.

So that's one more person.

'cause what I want to do is then just drive near their house.

'cause if we go to golden gate park, we can still drive By their place. It'll still throw them off to think, "well, maybe it's hidden here." burnsy. We got this case.

It's full of, uh, $100,000.

We need somewhere to hide it.

Can we use your place just in case?

We're not gonna really use it, burns.

We're just using you as a decoy. Okay.

Oh, you're the man, burnsy.

We're gonna do this, dude.

We're gonna do this.

We're gonna win this money.

We're gonna win it?

Okay, la barca's right there.

That's the restaurant.

Let's do this. All right, the guy's name's vance.

If he's not there, we just bounce.

Gotcha. It's good.

Come on, dude! We got it.

I'm trying.

We're almost there, man.

We got it.

I'm trying, bro. Go.

I'm going.


Oh, they're closed.

I know. (bleep).





We can't waste too much time.

No, we can't.

But if I call it, they're gonna know.

They will.

We can't do it, dude.

Let's go.

Okay. sh**t!

All right.

All right, dude, we're running out of time.

Bury--bury the bad boy?


That was, like, "putting all my eggs in one basket"

Type thing, you know, and it really screwed me up.

Biggest concern right now is we gotta find this place.

I know, man.

We gotta find a spot.

We'll find a spot.

We--we'll find a spot.

(phone ringing) oh, man.

No one is picking up.

I'm burying that bad boy somewhere.

We could do that.

You want to bury it up here and then just drive to golden gate after that?


Okay, well, this is what we'll do, dude.

We're gonna do it here, then.

This is gonnnnbe the spot, but, uh, let's just kinda-- see if we can park Just a little bit further away from it, okay?

I just don't want them to scour this park, you know?

How much time we got left?

Maybe 30 minutes. All right, dude. Let's do this.

We're going uphill, dude.

(groans) I wasn't built for this.

Come on, dude!

I'm trying. Start digging.

I'm going!


A little more hill.


Come on, paul!

I'm trying.

Jog a littleleit?


Just a little, man!

I'll puke my guts out.

Got it?

Hold on.

Unlock yourself from that bad boy.

Just gotta get it ououof my nails, otherwise I'm screwed.

Okay, yeah. Hold that.

(raul) there you go.

There you go. Dig. Dig. Dig.

Dig. Dig.

Dig like you've never dug before, paul.

Get in there, you stupid box.

Oh, look at that.

Look at that.

That looks good, man.

We're good.

Let's go wash our hands.

Let's go wash 'em.

(pinging sound)

Hold that down for me.

Just keep it down.

I'll hold it down for you.

Worry about the hands first.

We'll get the nails in the car or something.

All right.

(raul) we gotta go.

Back to the car. Come on.

Work on your nails as you run.

Home free, baby!

Oh, my gosh. (grunts)

I'll get the car going!

Oh, no! Hold on. Fudge!

You got it, dude.

Proud of you, bro.

(panting) oh. Oh.

Attaboy. Attaboy.

Oh. Oh, mymy you're the man, bro.

You're the man.


I'm never... Running again.

Slowed you down with the weight.

It's all right, dude.

We got there.
No, you know what?

Call carl back again.

(phone rings) carl?

I need you to say that you saw me, uh, over near your sp--

Over near your house where the--

You saw me over near your house With a briefcase around my brother's wrist.

Cool. Thank you, brother.

I appreciate it. (sighs)

We gotta remember all this stuff.

Yeah, just try and remember that. Carl--we saw carl marino, Asked him about private investigator stuff 'cause he's a private investigator.

(cell phone rings)

Oh, rob's cell, rob's cell, rob's cell.



It's pablo.

We're not gonna do it.

You're just the decoy, but I need you to say it's okay for us to hide a briefcase In your apartment.

You're the man, brother.

You helped us out.

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday tomorrow!



All right.

We're heading by burnsy's house now.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

So it's all perfect, dude.

Hopefully, just that little u-turn thing Doesn't mess with us, but it was just a u-turn, though, So hopefully it looks like that on the map, Like, oh, they went the wrong way. They had to make a u-turn.

(exhales deeply) man, this might just all work out.

(cell phone rings)


Man: attention, driver.

There are 2 minutes remaining in the hide period.

Please find a safe and legal place to pull over.

Wait for the officers to arrive.

(paul) all right.


How are your nails?

I got my nails, bro.

They're clean. How about yours?

Good. Good.

(siren whoops)

(cliff) out of the car.

(pinging sound)

Hey there. Yeah.

Why don't you step out of the car? Why don't we go back...

(cliff) come back here this way with me.

We're just gonna take you down to our little holding facility.

We got some questions we gotta ask you guys.

All right.


(dean) okay.

Game on, gentlemen.

Game on!

Here we go.

Welcome back to the bachelorette: After the final rose."

I'm Chris harrison.

Well, it's the moment we've all been waiting for--

J.P. And ashley together at last.


You guys have been apart far too long.

You ready to see this guy?

I'm ready.

Are you so looking forward to finally being in public and not having to keep this secret?

You don't even know.

Now we're really gonna enjoy every moment That we actually have together.

Well, should we bring 'em back together?


All right, together, for the first time in public Since that beautiful proposal in fiji, Ladies and gentlemen, ashley, her fiance J.P.!



Hi, baby.


Good to see you, man.

Good to see you, too.


It's been a while.

Uh, how good is it to see each other again?

How good is it to see this woman?

(sighs) this is just such a weight off my shououers.

Like, we've been dying for this moment. Dying for it, and now that it's finally out there, and we're out in the open in front of people, It's... (sighs) it's just such a relief.

I just talked to ashley out this.

How tough has it been for you to be apart From the woman you love?


It's nothing like I've ever experienced before in my life, and to be separated when you are in love with somebody, All you wanna do is tell your friends about everything and be in public, Be with the one you love, and you have to keep it secret.

I've been living a double life for--for months.

Well, what do you love so much about this woman?

I... When I'm with her, nothing else matters.

I am just...

(audience) aw.

So, so in love with this girl.

She's just...

She's the best thing that ever happened to me.


Thanks, baby.

You're welcome.

(cheers and applause)

I know, um, you guys have talked about this, ashley, but, uh, to share it with the world, What is it about this guy you love so much?

Why is he the one?

To be honest, he's just-- and even throughout all of this, He's been there for me, like, When I have really low moments, he's the one picking me up, Like, we are just a team, and that's how we're--

We're always on each other's side.

There's just so much about our relationship That makes me believe that this is--this is it for me.

You know?


Like, it's not just about him.

It's about us and what we have together, and it's the strongest relationship I've ever had.

J.P., I've talked to ashley, and I know how tough It's been for her to go through all this.

How tough has it been for you to watch her go through this, Be hurt by tabloid reports?

You know, how tough has it been For you to sit on the sidelines, Not really be able to protect her Like the guy you are.

I know you would like to.

That is the hardest part of all this, Is seeing just--

I mean, people can get mean.


Really, really mean, and they only know what they see, and to not know the whole story and to judge someone Just based on that and to just--

I mean, rip into her, it breaks your heart.

It absolutely broke my heart, and I have to sit there, Can't say anything.

The only thing I have to do is be there for her, and I have done everything in my power to do that.

But that's the hardest part, 'cause you see her getting hurt, and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'll tell you the same thing I I ld her.

This moment right here is when you don't have to care about it anymore.


There's something about him that makes me feel like--

Oh, gosh, this is really gonna be cheesy.

But it makes me feel like I'm complete, and it really brings this, like, sense of calmness to me.

He makes everything okay.

It's true.


Thanks, babe.

I have a ton of questions for you, So you're not done yet.

When we return, We're gonna find out what the future has in store For these two lovebirds, huh?


And then ashley's sister chrystie Didn't think J.P. And ashley were right for each other.

What did she have to say to J.P. Now?

It's all coming up when the bachelorette: After the final rose" continues.


If you'd like to date The next bachelor or bachelorette, Go to bachelor.Abc.Com and click apply."


Welcome back to the bachelorette: After the final rose."

Here with our happy, newly engaged couple, Ashley and J.P., Out in public for the first time together.

You never get tired of saying that.


One moment that everybody would probably like to relive is that proposal back in fiji, but you haven't seen it yourselves.


So for the first time, let's take a look back...

Oh, man.

Oh, my goodness.

At your proposal in fiji.

Here it is.

All the time that we've spent together--

It's been the happiest time of my life, and d u always say to me, "you're smiling all the time.

You're gonna have wrinkles when you're older."


Well, I smile because of you.

You bring that out.

What I do know for absolute certain is that I am madly in love with you.

I love everything about you.

(audience cheering)

Today is the reason why I went through all the good times and the bad times, and I've been wanting to tell you How much I loved you for so long now.

Yoyomean the world to me, and I do not want to be with anyone else but you forever.

I'm so in love with you.

You're the one. You're it.

(cheers and applause)



Will you marry me?


(cheering contntues)

You could not have pictured Anything more beautiful than that.

Complete fairy tale.


Being a sports fan, I know you are, Let's break down the game tape.

How do you think you did?

Give yourself a grade.

I think I, uh...

I pretty much nailed it.



I think you should have her grade me.


How do you think he did?

He nailed it.

He definitely nailed it.

Well, obviously it worked well, Because you got the girl.

Um, this ended well, and you guys are so happy, but towards the end, that final weekend in fiji, Right before the proposal, You meet ashley's family.

In particular, you meet her sister chrystie, Who is here.

Um, she didn't exactly give you a ringing endorsement.

(chuckles) no, she didn't.

What was that like?

I was just... I was shocked at that's how it all went down.

In my mind, I pictured something totally, totally different.

Um, all I was thinking was that her sister hates me.

Her sister hates me.

And even now looking back, I still don't--

I don't get it.


I probably never will.

What's not to love?

Exactly. No.




But I take my brother's opinion, and I mean, he means everything to me, and so I was--I was worried thay After talking to her sister.

I really, really was worried.

All right, it was an interesesng time, and we've mentioned your family's here.

They did surprise you. You had no idea they were coming today.

No idea.

Your sister chrystie is here.

Chrystie, come up and join us.

Come on over.

Have a seat.

So what was it about this guy?

Why were you so hard on him?

You know, my sister and I are ridiculously close.

You know, I wanna save her from all the wrongs of the world.

I wanna save her from getting her heart broken.

And I was really coming from a place where I didn't want her to be so caught up in the process That she was just thinking, "I'm gonna pick someone, and it's gonna be this guy."

And so, J.P., it had less to do with you and more about the fact that I was trying to protect ashley.

I know you were kind of being the protective sister, and I get that, but was there anything ininarticular about J.P.?

'cause ben you kinda got along great with.


And J.P.P.Ust not so much.

Was there something in particular that Set off warning bells for you?

Yeah, I think it's something that ben seems like The lifestyle, you know, the lifestyle that she wanted, You know, she wanted to live, and I just wanted to make sure She wasn't so caught up in the process That she was forgetting, you know, the things That she's always said that she wanted.


But clearly, I will tell you I feel like the biggest jerk ever, and I can't even apologize enough.


As I'm watching this season, it is clear--

It's clear to me because I know her so well...

You get it now.

That you're the one.

It's clear to everyone.

Team cupcake! Right?


Team cupcake!

So... You know, shame on me.

Shame on mee for being so quick to judge.

J.P., what do you have to say to chrystie?

It is completely water under the bridge.

I mean, I knew that she was just being protective of her sister, and now looking back, it was-- it was probably maybe Not the right way to go about it, but the right thing to be doing, 'cause I'd been looking out for my brother.

He would be looking out for me.

So no--no awkward, like, thanksgiving dinners?

(laughs) no.

I'm so excited to introduce him to my kids and have him in our family.

It's gonna be amazing Christmases, thanksgivings to come.





Let's hug this out.

And hanukkah.

I know!


I meant it. I meant everything I said.

I know you did. I know.

Thanks, babe.

Well, coming up, ashley and J.P.

Are gonna fill us in On their future plans as a couple.

I'm sure that's something Your family would like to know about.

Where will they live?

Philadelphia? New york?

Fiji, perhaps?

What's the next step in their romantic life?

We'll get some answers next When the bachelorette: After the final rose" returns.



Welcome back to the bachelorette: After the final rose."

We are back here with our happy couple, Ashley andnd.P.

As millions just saw, An amazing proposal in fiji.

Now let's talk about future.

What are the plans?

Um, I'm actually finishing school right now, and I should be done in about a month, and I'm moving to new york city, Which I'm very excited about.

(cheers and applause)

And... We're getting a place together.



What do you think about this, young man?

I think it's great. I can't wait for her to get there.

We wanna enjoy our relationship and our engagement Out in the public.

We've talked about a wedding, but we have, You know, nothing really set in stone.

Once things are a little more stable, Then we'll start talking about wedding plans.

Start--start living this life a little bit in public?

Yeah, definitely.


You know what's ahead.

It's gonna be tough, Living in the public eye.

There will be tabloid reports.

There will be media coverage, I can guarantee you that.

How do you guys avoid the trappings That some of our other couples have fallen into?

I mean, I almost feel like We've already been through the hardest part.

We just want a humble, normal life.

Going to a quiet little city like new york will help.P.

(laughter) who will ever see you there?

We'll blend right in.

Yeah, exactly.

I think, you know, the hardest part is behind you guys.


And I can see the love between you.

Everybody can see how amazing you are together, and it is fantastic to see the smile on both of your faces.

Thank you.

We all just lived one of the most beautiful proposals, and we don't want you to leaveveere empty-handed.


I'm not.


(audience) aw!


Prince charming over here.


Um, but we'd like to send you guys out With a little parting gift.

On behalf of tourism fiji, air pacific, and vomo island resort & spa, They're sending you back to the place Where you guys got engaged.


(applause) oh, my goodness!

You guys are heading back to fiji.



So, J.P. And ashley, we wish you guys the best of luck, and on behalf of all of us that work so hard on this show, It's great to see the happiness between the two of you, and great ththgs are to come, and the future, wedding, moving to new york, Continued success, guys.

Thank you, Chris.

Thank you so much.

Thanks, Chris.

Thanks, everyone.

J.P. And ashley, everybody.

(cheers and applause)

A perfect end to this season of the bachelorette."

Be sure to join us next Monday night For the exciting season premiere of bachelor pad."


And let me tell you, that show is unbelievable.

Big thanks to our studio audience tonight.

Thank you, guys, very much.

And thank you so much for watching this season Of the bachelorette" at home.

For everyone who's been a part of this one, I'm Chris harrison.

So long, everybody.


Next Monday night, It's a special event you won't want to miss--

The season prereere of bachelor pad."

Kasey: you're not a good person, jake.

Nobody in n at room likes me.

You don't know how a person really is Until the doors are closed.

You guys all had a preconceived notion of who I was.

Honest to god, I really think it's (bleep).

Are you trying to screw things up with me?

Because I will punch you in the facee Over and over r d over again till I break your frickin' nose.

I swswr to god, all hell's gonna break loose.


Graham backstabbed me, but I'm not losing my friend Because of something I did.

(crying) oh, god, I can't take it anymore.

Come here. Come here.

I just can't.

(bleep) this place.

Okay, hold on, hold on.

No, this is (bleep), this game.

It's worth much more than 250 grand, you know?

So... (crying)

"bachelor pad" is back.


The hottest, sexiest, most outrageous Bachelors and bachelorettes have returned For a second chance at love.

Woman: I cannot believe how hot these men look.

(graham) there's definitely some crazy sexual chemistry Going on between the guys and the girls.

Plus a chance to win a quarter of a million dollars.

Woman: oh, you guys look so hot over there.

They're all moving back into the mansion and sleeping under one roof.

Jake, the bachelor, is back.

The game has now changed.

This season, there will be backstabbing betrayals.

Someone needs to go down there and tell him what an (bleep) he is besides me for once.

Someone needs to stick up for me for once.

Dark secrets...

(gia) vienna is very manipulative, and vienna can fool people.

Love triangles...

Woman: she wants to feel that passion.

She wants to find out what's missing in her life.

There will be passionate romance.

Oh, my god!

That is awesome!

Devastating breakups.

(voice breaking) she didn't think about my feelings.

I'm an emotional wreck right now.

Of course there will be tears...


And more tears.


(voice breaking) this is not for me.


I feel guilty for that.


This is crazy.


I feel so hurt by everybody.

Welcome back to a brand-new season Of bachelor pad."

It all starts next Monday night on abc.

How you feeling, babe?

Couldn't have been more perfect.

It felt exactly how I hoped it would feel, and, I mean, I wasn't disappointed. It was-- it couldn't have gone better.


Not there again.

Better be warm.

Oh, god.

I just can't believe that it's all over, you know?

And you were finally able to tell me.

I know.

I've been waiting for that for so long.

It's just--it's been brutal.

You're so funny, babe.

It was your sweet dance moves.

They were like...

That was you doing all that.

Oh, yeah. (laughs) those were my sweet dance moves.


The first time you kissed me back, Like really kissed me back, was in phuket--

Was on the beach in the rain.

Oh, god, that was romantic.

We have been to phuket.

We have been to chiang mai.

We have been to hong kong.

We've been to taipei.

We've been to roslyn.


We've now been to fiji-- several islands.

What's next?

My bed.

