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01x12 - In Blue

Posted: 09/13/10 16:42
by bunniefuu
This is your rookie evaluation for... your report card.

He says your trainer office thinks you are a good cop.

He says one day that he thinks you are gonna be a great cop.

This is an excellent evaluation, McNally.

Let me talk you through the categories...

Problem solving, report writing, uniform...

You get very high marks across the board.

You're not smiling.

I'm sorry. Um...

I'm glad it's a good evaluation.

It's just that...

What happened tonight really scared the hell out of me.

It should. You had a rough shift.

No, it's not just this one shift, sir.

It's every single shift.

It's like it's all adding up.

It's creeping up on me, and it just took today for me to finally see it.

See what?

The cost of doing this job.

Any more intel yet?

Negative, and we still don't know if it's happening before or after shift.

Uh, your tie is on crooked.

I can't get this thing to sit right.

Relax. They can't fire us for not knowing how to tie a tie, right?

The uniform makes the cop, okay? Plus it's a clip-on.

I don't know why you guys are so worried.

They're just evaluations.

Of course she's not worried.

No, like, worst-case scenario you won't get cut loose.

You'll still have to ride with your TO, or big deal... you'll get transferred to another division.

I cannot get transferred, okay?

I mean, this is my family.

3 o'clock. Don't look.

I said don't look. He's holding yellow forms.

What, you think those are them?

Can you honestly, can you relax?

You're gonna know what he says soon enough.

Those are definitely them.

Hey, I think he forgot some.

Well, we should probably take those back to him right away.

I mean, before somebody else accidentally finds 'em.

Okay, but we're not looking at them.

"Diaz is great at following the rules, but he has to step up, learn to think for himself."

There's no way they're cutting me loose!

See, I told you we shouldn't have read this.

At least yours doesn't say, "I'm concerned about Epstein's level of professionalism.

He needs to take the job more seriously."

I can't believe Oliver wrote this about me.

Hey, there you guys are. Everything all right?

Yes, sir.

Uh, yes, sir.

Good. Listen, evaluations after shift tonight.

So, uh, go ahead and spread the word.

So what do we do now?

We got one last shift to serve, protect, prove everybody else wrong.

So then he says that he broke up with the yoga instructor, and he wants to clean up his act.

He wants to try again, and... I mean, I don't know.

Having him around would make this job easier.

But then there's Jerry, right?


Do I look like Oprah to you?

You said you wanted me to distract you.

Yeah, with something that I'm interested in hearing.

Well, you want to give me a heads-up on my evaluation?

Does it say that, uh, you know, my childcare situation has made me unreliable?

Or that you question my priorities?

Uh, would I be asking you to stick a needle in my ass if I thought that a woman couldn't be a single mom and a good cop?


Hey, sunshine.

Can I talk to you for a second?

I see "Sunshine" was a little off the mark.

Look, you got nothing to worry about. You're gonna get cut loose.

Yeah, well, it's actually about my Dad.

Is he okay?

You know how he's been going to those meetings every night this week?

I went to go meet him there tonight, and he didn't show up.

I mean, what if something happened?

Maybe he just went to another meeting.

Detective Callaghan, HQ on line four.

Look, Andy, I'm sorry. I have to take this, okay?

I'm sure he's fine.

It's a door, McNally. You knock, it opens.

You all right?

Yeah. Nothing a solid ten hours on the job can't fix.

Yeah, be careful with that.

Putting on the uniform to get away from your life makes it harder and harder to take it off.

Well, thank you for your concern, but I have no problem taking it off.

I mean... you know what I mean.

Dad, where are you?

I'm kind of freaking out a little.

All right, please just call me.

I've never seen you do a proper radio check before, Epstein.

Did you and Diaz switch bodies or something?

I'm just trying to focus on the job.

Oh. Did, uh...

Uh, I sleep with you and I forgot to call?

I just want to do the job right, sir.

Mm. All right, well, let's get right on to the food.

You get to choose today.

Yes, sir.

Falafel, burrito... you want to go for a burger?

I'm not really hungry.

And you call yourself a copper?

It's quiet tonight.

Yeah. I'm just thinking.

I meant the streets.

It's Friday night. Should be busier.

You're not worried about jinxing us?

Listen, you wear this uniform long enough, you'll see.

The calls come when they come.

No one's calling 911 just 'cause I said it was quiet.

All available units, we've got a Code-1. 911.

My bad.

Code-1 for a 911 call.

Possible sudden death at 216 Hillstreet Avenue.

Victim is a teenage girl.

Witnesses are fleeing the scene.

This is 15-15. Show us en route.

Do you have any more info on the call?

No call back. Stand by for the 911 patch.

Oh, my God. We need an ambulance.

This girl... oh, my God! It looks like she's dead!

I think she's dead!

EMS has arrived on scene.

We need you to clear this area!

Everybody, into the living room!

Come on. Let's go. Let's go.

All cell phones in your pockets! If I see 'em, I take 'em. Yes, let's go, please.

Girls, I'm sorry. You gotta go.

Thank you. Whose party is this?

Come on. Somebody help him up.

You know this girl?

I've never seen her before in my life.

So what's she doing at your party?

Uh, having a good time like everybody else.

Do your parents know that you're having this party?

They're in London. It's in England.

Oh, well, then guess there'll be no one around to bail your funny ass out of jail.

I really don't know who she is, Ma'am.

That's what I thought. In the living room.

She's ice cold. We've already pronounced her.

Looks like she broke her neck when she hit the ground.

Jumped or pushed?

That's your job.


This is McNally. We need CIB here.

The victim's been pronounced.

Hey, did you get her name?

No. Anybody who's sober enough to remember ran off when they heard the sirens.

Hey! Put that beer down!

Here we go.

All of you, take a step back.

Her name's Ashley Kennedy.

Hey, hey, stand inside the living room.

This is not her ID.

Keep it down in there!

Tonight's not our night, McNally.

Yeah, there's gotta be some reason why she has this ID in her back pocket.

I say we go to this address and see who opens the door.

Uh, I say we let the D's chase that.

We gotta help lock this place down.

Yeah, but there's more than enough guys here.

Karpenko, Day, you're on the body.

You got it.

All right, rookie, you take the lead.

According to the logbook, Mr. Joseph signed in at 09:00 this morning.

Breach of conditions so far.

Okay, thanks.

Is Leo all right?

You said you were gonna stay with him all night.

Yeah, I know. I'm gonna visit someone special.

I'm at work, Dex.

For you... lilies, your favorite.

Now come on. People get flowers at work all the time.

Not cops.

I wanted to see you in your uniform.

Rob a bank.

Look, Trace, the more I hang out with Leo, the more I realize what we're missing not being a family.

And don't we owe it to him to see if we can make this work?

How about we start with breakfast?

After your shift, just the three of us.

Please get outta here. Take your flowers.

Ruiz, can you get everybody into the dining room, please?

Everybody, we need you to move into the dining room!

Into the dining room, please! Follow Officer Ruiz.

You heard the man! Right through here!

Oh, that's encouraging.

These kids are graduating, and they still can't spell.

Maybe they go to spanish school.

VoilĂ !

Tell them to get back here.

You guys, over here. You two, over on the wall.

Ma'am, over on the wall. Put that beer down.

You, hair, let's go.

Sir, you should see this.

Okay, I want to see your IDs.

If your IDs belong to your older brother or sister...

What do you got?

Go in the living room.

This leads up to the roof.

Okay, well, she must have fallen from here, 'cause it's right over the backyard.

So she's up here because she wants a smoke, She needs some fresh air, what?

You really think she came out here by herself?

I mean, you're at a party full of people, and you climb out onto the roof alone?

Well, teenagers are idiots. Anything's possible.

Maybe she jumped.

Maybe. All right, there's too many people coming and going down there. I want you in charge of that body until the coroner comes.

Well, I mean, I can take statements and brief the detectives when they get here.

You got a problem babysitting a body?

No. Dead bodies are part of the job.


I mean, look at us... putting up party decorations while he deals with the witnesses.

Well, maybe if I took my job more seriously, he'd let me question them.

I'm the one who needs to step up. Remember?

Not if I step up first.

Everybody, against the wall. Everybody, line up.

Make a line. I got questions, all right?

Sir, I'd like to question the witnesses.

Me, too.

Look at 'em. They're drunk, and they're freaked out.

What makes you think they're gonna talk to the two of you?

I speak their language.

Um, I could seize their cell phones, you know, as evidence, and not give 'em back to them until they start talking.

All right, well, the two of you better make good on this.

All right? We need these little knobs to start talking right now.

McNally, are you here to borrow a cup of sugar or do some investigating?

I'm just trying to look friendly.

Well, you look like a weirdo.

Ashley Kennedy?


I'm Officer Williams. This is Officer McNally.

Can we come in, please?


Are your parents home?

Uh, it's just my Mom, but I shouldn't wake her unless it's important.

Can you have a seat, please?

Is there any reason why someone else would be in possession of your identification?

What do you mean?

May I see your license, please?

Okay, but I don't understand why.

It should be here.

Could anyone have taken it?


Well, actually, my little sister Julia asked if she could borrow it a few days ago, but I didn't give it to her, obviously.

And where's Julia tonight?

She's sleeping. She doesn't really go out when Mom's back.


Go wake her up, please.


This is exactly why I didn't want to chase that ID here.

What are you doing?

If that girl isn't in her room, this is gonna turn into a death notification, and you're gonna do it.

What? Me?

Look, they taught you how to do it in the Academy, right?

Yeah, in a classroom.

All right, look, you... you sit 'em down, and you be sympathetic, but don't drag it out.

I think this is what y're looking for.

This is the hardest thing that we do in our job.

All right? No matter how it goes, you're gonna feel like you didn't do it right, that you didn't do enough.

You can do this, McNally.

Julia's not in her room.

What's going on?

Um, Ma'am, I'm Officer McNally, and this is Officer Williams.

Please have a seat.


Is this Julia?


I'm really sorry I have to tell you this, but there's been an accident.

Julia was at a party, and she had a fall.

Is she okay?

Actually, she's... she's not.

I'm sorry, but she's dead.

Excuse me, folks. Excuse me.

So, uh, they're almost done here.

You can go in and help with the witnesses.

I should stay with her... um, with the body...

Un... until they take it away.

Okay. Fine with me.

I think that's it.

Yeah, yeah. The coroner's already here.

Yeah, we'll be right down.

What was the cause of the fall?

We're still investigating the incident.

It's really early.

I want to see her.

Well, you can see her as soon as the investigation is complete.

I want to see her now.

I'm sorry, but we need to wait.

You can't just come into our house and tell us this crap!

Shut up, Ashley! If the Officer says we have to wait to see the body, then we wait.

"The body"? Mom, we're talking about Julia.

How do you expect me to believe she's dead if you won't let me see her?

I saw her. It's definitely the girl in the photo.

I'm sorry.

Look, is... is there anybody that we can call... you know, some family or maybe a pastor or something?

No, there's no one to call. There's no family, and my platoon's still over there.

I'm the only one that got leave this time because I've got kids.

Hey. How are the prisoners this evening?

More sleepy than hungry. You want one?

Mmm. Anything from you.

Hey, just hang on.

I just have to touch...

Just... Jerry.

What's wrong?


Who'd throw away fresh flowers?

Allergies, something?

Lilies, huh?

A lot of people like lilies.

Mm-hmm. There's no... there's no card.

They're from Leo's Dad.

He just came by to talk about Leo's day care, so...

Yeah, but... he came here... and he brought you a... a bouquet?

I'm trying to be civil to him, Jerry, for Leo's sake.

He's Leo's Dad.

Yeah, but these aren't child support checks, Traci.

These are... these are flowers.

Which is why they were in the trash.

All right.

You know, the guy couldn't even take ten seconds to sign a card.

We need to separate them, find out all that we can about Julia...

Who her friends were, if she had a boyfriend, if she was depressed.

Wait. Depressed? Do you think it was a su1c1de?

I have no idea, McNally. That's why we need to ask.

Do you want to take the mother?

What do I even say?

She obviously doesn't want to talk to me.

All right, take the sister. Find out what she knows.

Um, did Julia have a lot of friends?

Please don't do that.

Don't talk about her in the past tense.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure you probably just want me to go away so that you and your mother can grieve in peace.

My Mom's not waiting to grieve. She's just like that now.

Well, it was probably really hard for her to be away from you guys so often.

She wasn't always like this.

When Julia and me were little, and she'd come back from her tour, She'd want us to sleep in her bed.

It was the only way she could sleep, knowing we were close and safe.

And now?

Since she reenlisted, it's been different.

She sleeps on lock now.

Stays locked in her room.


Totally Checked Out.

That's what Julia and me call it.

I don't really know how to ask you this.

Do you think Julia would ever hurt herself?


Ashley, if we're gonna find out exactly what happened, I'm gonna need you to help me.

She would never have done that to Mom.

She just wouldn't have.
Who is it?

Uh, it's... it's just a personal call.

Is that how it's gonna be from now on?

Every time the phone rings... hoping it's someone calling to say you made a mistake?

You guys came to the party together?

No. She went to get us some booze first with her sister's ID.

Which we realize is totally illegal, and we swear, we've never done it before.

Did she do that a lot... drink?


She used to think getting crunked was lame.

But lately...

She's been drinking and... stuff.

All right. I know you guys are scared.

You know that other officer, the one who took your phones?

He's my BFF.

Now if something happened to him, no matter how scared I was, I'd want his parents to know the truth.

There's this guy, Adam.

Julia been dating him for a couple months.

He's a total wheel show.

He dates everyone.

Anyway, they broke up.

He's a complete douche nozzle.

Was he here tonight?

He took her upstairs.

He said he needed to talk to her.

The next thing we knew, they were screaming at each other...

Like they were gonna k*ll each other.

You've done this before, so you know the drill.

Yeah, you take the lead. I'm gonna ride shotgun.

Yeah. This is just a warm-up. If he coughs up anything relevant, we gotta call in the D's.

Doesn't look good, Adam.

Please, I didn't do anything.

What were you doing up there?


On the roof?

Upstairs in the... in the bedroom.

She was super drunk, and, you know, she...

I told her she shouldn't be drinking, and... and she said she felt sick, and so she needed some fresh air.

So she's super drunk, but you let her go out on the roof?

She was being all dramatic, and she was yelling at me and saying that, you know, she didn't care if she fell and, you know, she didn't care if it was over.

Look, I know I... I shouldn't have let her go out there, but I swear she fell.

And you just ran?

I didn't know what else to do. I was freaked out.

You could have called 911, tried to get help, tried to save her life.

I saw what she looked like down there, and there was nothing to save.

Nothing to save?

You know that's a human being that you're talking about?

That's not what... what I meant.

No, it's not like she's a nobody.

You can't just push a girl off a roof, walk away and forget about it.

I didn't push her! It's not my fault!

Calm down. Calm down.

She shouldn't have been drinking in the first place.

Why not? Why shouldn't she have been drinking? Huh? Hmm?

She's a girl. You know what I mean.

No, I don't know what you mean.

Whatever it is you're not telling us, Adam, it's time you came clean, okay? Adam?

Got it.

Things just got worse.


Boyfriend told Swarek that Julia was pregnant.

He was on the roof with her. Says she fell.

Yeah, or she was pushed.

Yeah, or maybe she doesn't want to be pregnant, so she jumps.

No, I don't think she jumped.

Even Ashley said her sister would never hurt herself.

Okay, so that's what Ashley says.

But maybe her mom knows different.

No, I think she's right. Look, a parent like that... stressed out and head somewhere else...

Julia would have never wanted to hurt her.

I know.

All right. Well, now I gotta hurt her.

How can we possibly tell those poor people more bad news?

'cause that's our job.

Are you all right?

Yeah. I just want to be alone.

These kids are gonna be grounded for life.

Yeah, that's getting off easy. There's a dead girl outside.

Man, and none of these kids saw her fall?

Dude, are you still working on the cell phones?

Yeah. Manual says you should do a full inventory of personal property.

Relax with the manual.

Didn't you learn anything from your evaluation? Come on.

Don't tell me to relax, I mean, it's not my fault I don't think following procedure is a joke, okay?

I mean, at least I do that instead of goofing off.

Right, 'cause being a mindless grunt is so much better.

Better than being a child.

I mean, "hey, dude, how's the washing machine work when's garbage day?"

Garbage day?

You have a machine that crushes up your pop cans.


So real men use their hands.

Yeah, well, I guess real men also date strippers.

Real coppers put their skills to use.

I found out about that boyfriend. What have you done?

Oh, my God!

Whoa, wait, Dov. I think I found something.

She fell! She fell! Oh, my God!


Hey, Dad. I saw that you called.

Just give me a call back.



Is everything okay?

Oh, my God.

What kind of mother have I become?

Dana, don't move.

Okay, let's just talk about this.

You know, one minute you're digging out I.E.D.S and picking up body parts, and the next, your little girl's standing at the bedroom door wanting to say good night.

How do you go from one to the other?

I don't know.

And there's a part of you that knows you should open up to her because she needs you.

But you can't do it... because if you cr*ck that armor long enough to let her in, then you have to go back over there with it cracked.

I understand.

You don't understand.

Can you possibly understand?

You wait.

You wait another ten years.

You just wait until this job has ruined every relationship you've ever tried to have.

You wait until some stranger knocks on your door to tell you that your baby's dead.

And the worst thing is... you aren't even surprised because everyone you've ever loved, everyone who's gotten close to you, eventually turns to dust.

This is not your fault.

Oh, my God.

It is my fault...

Don't. Don't.

Because she needed me, and I wasn't there for her.

Put the g*n down!

Mom, please!

No, don't. Get back. Stop.

Put it down now!

If you pull that trigger, all you'll be is a selfish woman who forced her 21-year-old daughter to bury her whole family in one day.

Are you gonna do that to her?

Are you gonna make her scrub your blood off these walls?

Are you gonna do that to us... force us to take down one of our own?

What kind of soldier are you?

What kind of mother are you?

Drop the g*n, Dana.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Ohh.

You get the body. I'll get the g*n. Okay.

Ohh. I tried to be a good mother.

I know. I know you did. I know you did.

What... what are you doing?

It's for her own safety.


Oh, my God.

Oh, baby.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Wait. No. Come, I'll make you a drink!

You see?

The boyfriend wasn't anywhere near her when she slipped and fell.

Hey! Hey! She fell!

She fell! Oh, my God!

All right, so that's the kid who taped it.

He was outside when the fight started.

I guess he thought it was funny or something.

And donkey here doesn't think to bring it to us right away?

Actually, sir, he doesn't remember taking the video.

Well, how did you find it?

It was Chris' idea to search the phones.

Oh? Good work, Diaz.

Thank you, sir.

Don't know how to turn this off.

Oh, uh...

And, you, with the two girls.

Whatever those are, wipe 'em off your faces.

You gotta get back for your evaluations.

Hup two, hup, hup.

It's not like I was expecting a hug or anything, but...

I know, but not even a hair tousle or a high five?


Hey, for the record, I do know when garbage day is.

Yeah, man, I... I was being a jerk.

Me, too.

And the pop can crusher you have... it's totally awesome.

Thanks, man.

You ready?


If you hadn't have come in, she would have k*lled herself.

You don't know that.

Come on. Boss is waiting for you.

It's like it's all adding up.

It's creeping up on me, and it just took today for me to finally see it.

See what?

The cost of doing this job.

Sit down.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying I'm scared of what happens when you wear your uniform too long, like that woman tonight.

That woman lost a child.

That woman screwed up her life because she couldn't take her uniform off.

You think that's gonna happen to you?

It already is happening to me.

Every night, I lie in bed weighing my decisions.

That family tonight... the pain that I brought into their home... how am I supposed to just take my uniform off and forget about that?

You don't.

You've had a heavy year, Andy.

It's okay to be affected by it.

No one expects you to be able to just brush it off.

Every bad call is... is like a ghost... and I know firsthand what shoving all those ghosts into a closet can do to a cop.

You mean your old man?

I'm sorry.

What if that happens to me?

Listen... the uniform does not make the cop.

Andy, listen to me. The uniform does not make the cop.

You... the cop... makes the uniform.

There are as many ways to do this job as there are cops who do it.

Give me the badge.

You've been carrying around your father's badge.

It's a nice gesture, keeping it in the family.

But you need a new one... your own badge, a fresh start.

But it's up to you.

Hey. How'd you guys do?

Flying colors, all of us.

Wasn't worried.

Now it's official. We're all part of the family.

What about you?

Yeah, me, too.

Yeah? Yeah? Yeah! All right!

Um, am I the only one that's terrified?

Oh! You've all been judged... and you've been found... capable... resourceful... loyal... dedicated... courageous.

So it's with great pleasure that I cut you loose today.

And in the great tradition of 15 Division, I say to your training officers... coppers, cut those ties.

You're sure you want to be here?

Yes, sir. I am.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen... the new and improved Rookies of 15 Division!

All right, Trace.

All right, I... I can't watch anymore.

I'm gonna get another round.


Anybody want?

No, thank you.

Hate to dominate and dash.

What... Leo?

Um, sorta.

Oh, nice to see that, uh, you got your appetite back.

Yes, sir. Cut loose, ready to get... crunked.

Ah, that's what the kids are saying these days.

Right. Well, it's a good thing you speak idiot.

Kind of came in handy today.

You know, sir, for the record, I do take my job very seriously.

You know, I actually know that.

You know? And the big, uh, the big secret to policing is just you are what you are.

You just gotta make the most of it.

Yeah, think about that while you're getting crunked.

And by the way, Epstein, The boss doesn't just leave paperwork around unless he wants you to read it.

Did you want me to give you your sh*t before I go?

Mm, this is the only sh*t that I need for now.

Um, to finally being free of our rookies.

Look, I know that I could do it by myself, but I'm... I'm just not sure I should.

Are you sure?

Look, you have Dex.

All right, he may not be perfect, but he's there.

Good night.

Good night. Congrats.

Three more?

Officer Nash?

An apple martini... your favorite.

I was just heading out.

Mm. You want some company?

Actually, I'm going to see Leo.

Oh, I thought he... Dex had him all weekend.

He does, but we're having breakfast together.

I want to be there when he wakes up.


I'm sorry, Jerry.


Um, you give, uh, you give Leo a little... a little kiss for me.

Okay, so any preferences?

Oh, lady's choice.


That's what I'm talkin' about!

Hey! Congratulations.


What did I say? No sweat, huh?

Oh, very cute even when you're being patronizing.

Let's get a drink.

Thank you.

So have you, uh, heard from your father yet?

Yeah, he called me when I was in with Sarge.

He just left a message saying he decided to go to a different meeting. So you were right.

Hmm. Well, at least now you can relax and celebrate.

Yeah, except I have no idea how I'm gonna tell him I'm not gonna use his badge anymore.

Oh, come on. He'll understand.

He'll be too proud of you to be upset.

I hope so.

Are you okay?

Yep. Great. You?

Can we get some air?

Sure. Sure.