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02x11 - Kin

Posted: 05/09/15 19:12
by bunniefuu
Jason is no longer the man we knew, his heart has blackened.

He is drawn to us. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Pythagoras: I fear that without you, Jason cannot resist Pasiphae.

You're the only one who can save him.

Who is this?

He is Jason's father.

What is it?

It's nothing.

Plum. Look around you.

There are no fruit trees in this wood.

Not a plum tree within a day's walk.

So... how did this get here?

Soldier: General!

We've found remains of a fire.

The embers are still warm. They cannot have got far.


Any news?

Three days and still no sign of the fugitives.

We found a camp.

It's strange...

When Goran gave me the news...

I felt no anger.

Just relief.

He is your son.

I found myself thinking things I'd never thought before.

That he was my ally. That we could rule Atlantis side by side, as one.

What you desire is not strange. He is your true heir.


I cannot give in to such weakness.

I believe he feels the same.

The forces that bind him to us grow stronger by the day.

I can feel it in my heart.

Be patient - he will come to us.

Pasiphae's hatred knows no end.

She will hunt her own son like a wild animal.

It's a good thing.

It means they haven't found him.

If an army can't find him, what chance do we stand?

We should split into two groups. Be more methodical.

You two go east, follow the river.

We'll follow it west and meet you back here at dusk.

It is a waste of time!

If Jason's not already dead, he soon will be.


What is wrong with you?

In his hour of need, I deserted him.

What is done is done, we cannot change the past, but we can change what is to come.

I'm useless. I failed Medusa.

Now I've failed Jason.

That is not true.

The times he's saved me...

We all make mistakes.

You're angry, you're hurt.

Forget that.

As long as there is a chance that Jason is still alive, we must do everything in our power to save him.

You're right.

We'll follow the river west.

(Applause, roars, cheering)

It is a necessary evil.

It allows the people to forget their troubles.

It is a palliative - to placate and distract them from dissent.

(Roars, cheering)

They are like children.

They must learn that those that behave will be rewarded.


(Roars, cheering)

And those that don't... will be punished.

Looks like footprints.

But they're not Jason's.

You can be that sure?

I know everything about him. At least, I thought I did.

Jason's actions are not his own.

Knowing that Pasiphae is his mother has changed him.

Perhaps that has changed how you feel about him, too.

Not since the moment I laid eyes upon him.

You are fortunate.

I do not have that bond with my son.

It's not too late.

All the moments I have missed.

You've lost much.

We live so long before we understand what really matters.

The only thing of any true value is love.

It rules even the Gods.

They are withdrawing.

Something has happened.

(Jason groans)


I came here certain in the knowledge of what I would say, but I...

I look at you...

I see so much of myself.

Do you not feel it?

The bond that binds us.

We are tethered, Jason.

It is a cord that can never be broken.

Perhaps the Gods have brought us together now for a reason.

To mend this wound...

Would you not let that be so?

I would.


I came here...

My sole desire was to k*ll you.

How could I?

You are my only child.

I gave you life - I will not take it from you.

Shall I set a date for the execution, Majesty?


Jason has been found guilty of k*lling the Oracle.

What reason is there to delay?

The people are enjoying the games.

The people want justice.

Are you doubting my actions?

No, Majesty.

Then why these incessant questions?

Jason's death would ease tension in the city more than the games ever could.

How much longer must they wait for retribution?

He has m*rder*d Poseidon's holy servant.

Then it is for the Gods to decide.

We should consult the Oracle.

Why? There is no need.

His fate is sealed.

At the moment of Jason's capture, I saw a flight of ravens go east across the moon.

I took it as a sign that the Gods were not happy.

Are you are prepared to wager everything on some feeling of foreboding?

Only a fool ignores a warning from the Gods.

I wish to know if the boy's sacrifice will please the Gods.


(Whimpers, breathes rapidly, gasps)

What is it, my child? Tell us.

Their voices spoke with fire... with tribulation... They...

They cried out as one...

Demanding his salvation.

This makes no sense.

It is as I thought. They have passed judgment.

Their wishes are plain.

Why would the Gods intervene in such a matter?!

You imagine yourself powerful enough to question their will?

Majesty, I am not certain that you understand - the people demand justice.

They want Jason punished for his crime.

You are weighing too much on this.

What you've said is true - if the Gods wish to intervene, who am I to question them?

Their answer will not sit easy with the people.

Well, that is for you to deal with.

To calm them, I also need answers.

They must know the reason the Gods have spared him.

Very well.

Majesty, Cassandra is capable of telling only the truth.

Are you sure this is what you wish to ask?

Enough of this - your Queen has given you an order.

Their reason was plain - for they warned that there is no greater crime than a mother putting her own flesh to death.

Please, Majesty, she is not responsible for her words.

You have no need to protect her.

Jason is your son?

The Gods have spoken.

There will be no sacrifice.

He is a blasphemer. If you take no action against him, what will the people think?

The people are preoccupied with the games.

His crime is forged in their minds.

It will take more than a petty games for them to forget about this!

You cannot let him walk free!

That is not what I intend!

Let him face the arena. Let the Gods decide his fate.

Very well.

Now, be gone - all of you.

You are meddling in affairs that are not of your concern.

I have the Queen's best interests at heart.

Do you? Are you sure it is her interests?

Do not challenge me, for if Pasiphae were forced to choose, she would choose me every time.


I cannot lie here any longer.

What are you doing?

Going back to Atlantis.

Are you mad? We can't.

What has happened to Jason? We must find out.

He's right. But it is I that should travel to Atlantis.

But it's too dangerous.

The Oracle has spoken - her words are clear.

I am his father... only I can unlock his heart.
(Bell rings)

What do you want?

Please... It is from Pythagoras.

There's an alley where the tanners meet, off the Sacred Way.

Be there when the moon is at its height.

Pasiphae does not want you to die.

She is doing everything in her power to save you.

You are no longer sentenced to death.

Then what?

You must be strong.

Tell me.

You are to fight in the arena.

Your life is now in the hands of the Gods.

Did you find anything?

Jason is a condemned man - Pasiphae is holding games.

He will be lucky to survive more than a day in the arena.

Can you take me to him?

The amphitheatre is heavily guarded. No-one can get in there.

There must be a way.

You will not get to him.

Please, I beg you.

It is impossible.

The unclean. Do they still aid the corpse bearers?

They do.

Good. There is something I need you to do.

(Crowd cheers in distance, door creaks and locks, water splashes)

That's my corner.

I sit there.

(Cheering and applause, whistles)


(Blade slinks, roars)

What are you doing?


Are you going to help?!

(Crowd cheers, cheering dies down)

You're not as useless as you look, then.

I thought I'd let you soften him up.

(Crowd gasps, part of crowd cheers, applause, applause)

Look out!


(Crowd gasps, crowd falls silent, cheering and applause)

It seems the Gods really do smile on him.

(Jason gasps)

Calm yourself. Calm, you're safe.

You are lucky, Jason. It is just a flesh wound.

Who are you?

I know you.

You saved my life... in the silver mines.

You remember.


Look beyond the scars.

You still do not know who I am?

Search deeper in your heart, beyond the darkness, and you will know it to be true.

I am your father.

My father is dead.

Do not believe what you have been told.

Look at me. Jason.

Tell me you recognise me.

(Footsteps approach)

Guard: Get away from him.

But he's wounded.

Your job is to look after the dead! Go!

(Door creaks, keys jangle)


All will be well.

That's supposed to comfort me, is it?

I'm not a child.

I didn't mean...

I'm sorry.

Pay me no heed.

I'm not used to sitting idle while others risk their lives.

We want the same thing, Hercules.

I know.

I fear I have lost him.


My heart cannot bear the thought of life without him.

To think of it...

I don't know what I'd do.

I understand that only too well.

I promise Jason will return safe and well.

I will do all I can to that end.

I know.

Thank you.


I am your father.

This charm you have about your neck.

When you were but a child, I gave you this... as a token of my love. For you to remember me by.

Jason, it is me.

I know who you are, but I don't care.

You are dead to me.

I refuse to believe you mean that.

The knowledge of who you are... of what is contained within you...

It has... opened a door. It is tempting you... drawing you.

You must resist, you must fight it.

You must not be drawn into Pasiphae's world.

Do not give in to that side of yourself.

You are not like her.




I beg you... Think on what I have said.

Do not turn your back on who you are.

Do not close your heart on those who love you.

(Door clangs shut)

Guard: Up!

Diocles: Here.

If you get through this, you can have my corner.

You saved my life. I won't forget that.

You saved mine.

And I've never seen anyone fight like you.

(Door creaks, cheering and applause, crowd laughs, cheering and applause, jason groans)

Kai esso.

(Bones crack)


(Crowd gasps, crowd cheers)

Jason! Jason.

Talk to me, please.


I remember you... in your mother's arms.

You are so like her.

She was so beautiful.

I loved her more than life itself.

As a woman of Colchis, I knew she had powers mere mortals could never comprehend.

But when I realised the source of those powers was darkness... it terrified me.

I... saw her change.

Watched her... give in to temptation.

She slipped further and further from me, and... all trace of the woman I had loved was lost.

Please... please...

I cannot lose you too, Jason.

Do not go the same way as her.

Turn toward the light, turn your back on the darkness.

In this world, there are many who love you.

If I have learnt anything, it is that this is the only thing of true worth.

Look at me.

Feel my love.

Please, I beg you.

Oh, Jason!

I will not abandon you again. I will not leave here without you.

Jason. Here. Take this.

What is it?

Tonight, when the moon sets, drink it.

It will slow your heartbeat until no-one can feel it.

You must trust me.

I will keep you safe - as I have always, always tried to do.

I've looked everywhere.

I think I know where he's gone.

Icarus? Is it you?

Yes, Father.

How are you here?

It is no matter.

They told me I wouldn't see you again.

Father... I brought you this.

No. It's too late for food.

Then you will die.

Why am I not dead already? I was due to be hanged.

Stop worrying about such things. They are not going to k*ll you.

I will not let them.

What have you done?

It is of no concern.

Tell me.

You must eat. Please, Father.

You must do all you can to keep your strength.

You must leave the city.

Go. It's not safe here.

I will not leave without you. I will get you out.

I have kept my side of the bargain, now you must keep yours.



(Door creaks open)

Do something!

Corpse bearer!


Where are you going?

These corpses need to be buried.

There's a curfew.

I have Royal permission. Here, let me show you.

(Blade slinks, guard grunts)


(Voices in distance)


GASPS Where are we?

Lie still. We're not yet safe.

(Guard roars)



It is over.


Quickly, let's go!

Leave me!

(Aeson groans groans)


I'm all right.

How did Goran know we'd be there?

I k*lled a guard. They must have found him and followed us.

Try to take deep breaths.

Thank you.

Whatever passed between us...

It was me.

It was my fault.

No. I don't blame you.

I understand.

Forgive me.

You, and Pythagoras... You're my only friends now.

We must keep moving.


He needs water.

(Aeron gasps)

Here. Drink.


I've forgotten everything I wanted to say to you.

Don't speak.

All the times I should've been with you...

I was wrong.

You were just trying to keep me safe.

I failed you.


Everything in me that's good... comes from you.

You are the reason I am the man I am.

You must know... You are more than anything I could have wished for.

You have your mother's beauty, but not her heart.

Do not be like her.

I won't.

You are stronger than that.

Look towards the sun... not the darkness.

Promise me. Promise me.

I promise.


Jason has escaped.


A corpse bearer helped him.

One of the unclean from the silver mines.


He saved the boy.

He took a blade that was meant for Jason.

And what happened?

The man was wounded.

To the heart.

Resume the search. I want Jason found.

He chose his father over me!

Where is this "bond" you spoke of?

You witnessed it.

I let him touch my heart! I listened to you.

All is not lost.

Get out of here!



Before you burn with him.

Cilix: Jason must be caught and he must be k*lled.

Medea: You would really see him die?

Pasiphae: This night, it ends.