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10x17 - The Lost in the Found

Posted: 05/08/15 12:37
by bunniefuu
Nah, my grandmother...

(indistinct radio transmission)

(indistinct chatter)

Central, this is Tyler O'Brian.

Woman: Do you need a response team?

That's negatory.

I found absolutely nada.

Tyler, quit calling in saying you haven't found anything!

Or you saw a pretty rock or a bug.

I just wanted to be thorough.

Oh, my God!

(indistinct chatter)

Man: Hey, over here!

Woman: We found something!

Man 2: Come on!

Woman 2: By the stream!

Look at that!

Man: Oh, my God!


Based on the amount of blood absorption in the nearby soil, I'd say the victim was k*lled here.

Yeah, so is this Molly Delson?

Could very well be.

"Could very well be" isn't enough to inform her parents.

Did you take a tone with me?

What-What's with the tone?

He's hungry.

So, uh, she was last seen a couple miles from here at a prep school.

These braces on her teeth could help with the I.D.

Molly Delson wore braces.

Both of the parents are orthodontists.

Hair color matches.

Well, Dr. Brennan should be able to give us age based on the teeth.

Okay, look. How long's the body been out here?

Well, this is Hermetia illuc...

Stop, bug boy. I don't need the Latin.

Fresh from hatching.

They just ate for exactly four days.

Four days. Why can't you just say four days?

You gonna tell the parents?

Not until we're 100% here.

I want, uh, Bones to take a look at the teeth.

Instructor: Good.

Breathe naturally.

And as you breathe out, squeeze your bottom and suck your belly button in and up to touch your beating heart.

A belly button can't touch a heart.

That's an impossible instruction.

Sweetie, it's for visualization purposes.

Well, I can't visualize it.

I can't do it. Before I had the baby, I could put both my ankles behind my head.

Are you sure you don't want to go to the crime scene?

No. I'm taking it easier this pregnancy.

Perhaps when I'm further along.

You are further along.

Further than what?

Than whatever you think you are.

Instructor: Now pull your abdominals back to touch your backbone.

(phone rings)

Again, not possible.

Brennan: The lack of eruption of the third molars suggests that the victim is between the ages of 14 and 18.

Huh. Pretty exact with teeth and age, but when it comes to your belly...

I have more than three months to go, Angela.

I've been pregnant before--

I know this.

Now round your back, put your feet on the floor, and proceed to roll up slowly, letting your spine lift tall bit... by bit.

And that's it.

Good class, everybody.

Well done.

Thank you.


I-I said, hey.

Oh. To me?

It seems they've found Molly Delson's remains.

Cam said it was definitely m*rder.

I... I spent the last 20 minutes of class trying to find a good opening line, and...

(sighs): well...

You went with "hey."


Which... was clearly neither direct nor particularly witty.

So I'm gonna just skip over the rest of my poorly planned small talk and get right to the point here.

Maybe I could get your number?

My number?

You'll have to do a facial reconstruction to confirm.

Hey, that guy is totally hitting on Daisy.

Is that strange?

I'm... I'm just not sure that she's ready so soon after Sweets died.

Well, it's been nearly six months.

I remember being quite excited after my first pregnancy to return to normal sexual activity.

Uh, you... you were very excited.

Yeah. Because it was with the man I loved, who got me pregnant, who stayed alive.

What difference does any of that make?

Yeah, maybe... maybe not that much.

I think we might want to talk to the guy who fled after finding the body.

You mean the pot brownie guy?


Name: Tyler O'Brian. Age: 24. Guy's a convicted sex offender. He did three years for having sex with a minor-- 15-year-old girl.

Wait a second, you think that he, uh, positioned himself to find his own m*rder victim?

Fits the profile: highly intelligent, narcissistic, like he wanted us to see his work.

So then he drops the pot brownie and runs?

That throws doubt in your "highly intelligent" theory.

"High" part works, though.

Look, you ever hear of a person, a really smart person, you know, who, uh, denies something that's obvious to everyone but not to them?

You mean like Dr. B and her belly?

I didn't say that.

Okay, if I couldn't see through that attempt at subtlety, I don't think I'd be much of an investigator.

Just bring in the pot brownie guy.


Bring him in, we'll talk, all right?


Thank you.

♪ Bones 10x17 ♪
The Lost in the Found
Original Air Date on May 7, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

♪ ♪

You had no right to search my place.

Except for the warrant that gives us the right to search your place.

We have witnesses who say when you saw the body, you dropped your pot brownie and your walkie and you ran away.

It's not illegal to run away from a dead body.

You guys watch Walking Dead?

How about the r*pe and the m*rder of a 16-year-old girl, huh, is that illegal?

Pretty sure that's against the law, yeah.

Good, I'm glad we cleared that up, because this girl, she seems like she's your type, Tyler.

Mm-hmm, underaged.

Hey, what I got convicted of was statutory r*pe.

From the word "statue," meaning "not real."

That is not what it means.

I was 19, she was 15, and she told the court it was consensual.

I didn't k*ll her. I swear to you guys.

Gonna hold you on possession charges.

Well, at least that's better than m*rder.

Definitely a school uniform.

Molly Delson attended Pemberley Academy.

They wear uniforms.

There are large numbers of remodeled microfractures to the distal and proximal ends of the femurs. Also on the tibia and ulna.

Let's take a closer look, Ms. Wick, to confirm my suspicions that these fractures date from seven to ten years ago.

Beaten as a child?

Saroyan: Is that a thing?

A child being beaten until puberty at which point the abuse just stops?

You know who was good at those kind of questions? Lance.

Brennan: I suspect Dr. Sweets would say that the abuse continued until the child was capable to explain her injuries to an outsider.

(chuckles): It's common sense, not... psychology.

Still, I miss him.

We all miss Sweets.

So I shouldn't go out on a date?


Of course you should go on a date, Ms. Wick.

But it hasn't even been a year.

What is the importance of an arbitrary period of time?

It correlates to nothing.

Okay, but at what point in the relationship do I tell the man that I have a baby at home?

Now the date is a "relationship"?

Saroyan: Can we get back to this m*rder*d girl, please?

Hodgins: All right, so I found some fibers around the victim, as well as some beads.

Fancy. From a necklace?

Could be an indication of a struggle.

The k*ller could have torn the necklace off of her.

I finished the facial reconstruction.

This is definitely Molly Delson.


What happened?

How did Molly die?

We don't have cause of death yet, Mrs. Delson.


Do you have any idea who did this to her?

No, but, uh, my partner and her team have come up with evidence that suggests that Molly was physically abused as a child.

No. I-I don't...

I don't understand.

We would have known.

Booth: Yes, you would have.

Mr. Delson: Wait, are you accusing us of abusing our own child?

That's absurd.

Mrs. Delson: You're gonna have a baby in a couple months, right?

How would you feel if someone accused you of something like that?

Well, I'm about... six months away, actually, but I... it seems I might have been wrong about the abuse.

(quietly): What?

Is this Molly?


The type of fracture patterns I identified on the X rays could very well have resulted from her apparent childhood obesity.

Being overweight broke her bones?

Yes. A child carrying that much weight could cause developing growth plates to fracture and spiral out into the long bones.

I apologize for my erroneous conclusion about abuse.

Though you should have been more attentive to her weight.

(scoffs) Look who's talking.


If she's three months pregnant, she's pretty damn obese herself.

Right, look, you must have done something right, both of you, since... Molly did lose all that weight.

It was all her own willpower.

Molly was an overachiever.

She... always had been.

She couldn't stand to disappoint anyone.

Especially us.

You know, she was number one in her school class.

Molly was...


We couldn't have hoped for a better child.


Hey. Tox screen came back negative.

Well, the fiber I tested is from the generic carpeting inside a car trunk, and...

Saroyan: Duct tape.


It sloughed off the body.


Pardon me.

Epithelial cells.

Saroyan: Tinted.

From a tattoo?

Lip gloss.

Someone duct-taped her mouth.

She was kidnapped before she was k*lled.

Wow. A beautiful campus.

Should be for the tuition they charge.

I agree, but 90% of our girls make it into Ivy League schools, so it's worth it.

Do you two have a child who'd like to attend Pemberley?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, you-you think that we're...?

No. What? Stop.

FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here is Agent Aubrey.


You're here about Molly.

I'm the headmistress, Amelia Minchin.

Uh, I'm sorry.

No, that's no problem, because, hey, if we were a couple...

Stop. Can we see Molly's room, please?

Of course.

Thank you.

If we decided we wanted to adopt a child...

I understand what you're saying, but we're not looking into it.

This is Molly's dorm.

Is it possible that Molly was kidnapped from her dorm room?

Unlikely, though it is an all-girls school, so sneaking off campus is not unheard of.

Was she, um...?

r*pe kit came back negative.

Booth: Molly's parents said she was number one in her class.

In all of her classes-- everything but music.

Being the best in music demands more than willpower.

It requires real talent.

So, she was driven to succeed. Okay.

And-and socially, did Molly fit in?

Other than the normal teenage problems, I wasn't aware of any issues she had socially.

The police sealed off Molly's room after she disappeared so nothing would be disturbed.

Has anyone had access to the room since the police?

No, Agent Booth.

I and the students have been very careful to follow the instructions the police gave us.

Respect is paramount here at Pemberley.


I guess not for everybody.

You lose something?

This would be Cayla Seligman and Arianna Donas.

I expect you have an exceptionally compelling reason for being in this room?

Booth: Ladies, I'm with the FBI, so start talking.

We were looking for Molly's diary.


(scoffs) Why do you think?


Diaries get turned over to parents.

We were trying to protect her if there was anything embarrassing in it.

Molly kept a diary?

Handwritten? In a book?

That's weirdly archaic.

You can hide a book a lot easier than you can hide a computer.

Plus, no one can hack a book off the cloud.

Right. So, did you find it?

Arianna: No.

I did.

Booth: Oh.

That's a new one.

Not my first boarding school case.

Look at that, huh?

So, you guys weren't friends with Molly?

We're all friends.

You just wanted her diary because you care so much about her?


Where were you four nights ago?

Agent Booth, if you wish to question the girls, you must proceed through channels.

Channels. Right.

These girls weren't friends with Molly.

Check it out. Got the college level textbooks, the impersonality of the room.

Booth: Nothing suggests a social life.

Ah, it's a good one, Aubrey.

I told you, we're a good couple.

Right. Stop. Okay.

So, if Molly was taken from the room, she left without a fight.


We have very good security.

Oh, right, because, you know, everybody respects the rules.

So, ladies, why don't you tell us what you were really looking for in the diary? Hmm?

Ms. Wick?


m*rder investigation?

Oh! Yes. That's what I was thinking about-- m*rder.

Not dating again.

And what has not thinking about dating given us?

Note the s*ab wound to the right sternal third rib.

Okay, a s*ab to that region would probably not be fatal.

There are at least 11 other similar wounds-- ribs, femurs, right ulna, pelvis.

That would explain the amount of blood at the crime scene.

If you could Mikrosil...

I already did.

'Cause I was not thinking about dating.

See the double blade at the point?

Yeah. Scissors?

I found oodles of particulates here.

Look at. Glue, glitter, blue and green construction paper.

Blue and green are Pemberley's colors.

Man, everything leads back to that school.

Cayla Seligman and Arianna Donas are a college admissions officer's dream.

Okay, Cayla is the captain of the field hockey, basketball and lacrosse team.

Arianna builds houses in Haiti on her summer vacations. I mean, somebody get these girls some wings to go with their halos.

Right. I don't like 'em.

They said that they were friends with Molly, but according to her cell records, she never texted or called them.

Who did Molly call or text?

Her parents.

But three days before the m*rder, there's a huge spike in her cell data activity.

Angela's looking into that to see what it's all about.

Now, this... is interesting.

A shoebox?

"Someone do the world a favor and get brace face some deodorant."

Shoebox of insults.

These are Post-its, photos of scrawls on bathroom stalls, notes passed in class. I mean, this girl was being persecuted.

Why would she hold on to these?

I'd say it's a hate-box.

I mean, Molly kept them as psychological verification of all the terrible things that she thought about herself.


I wasn't expecting an answer there, Aubrey.

Yeah, I know.

I called one of the department's profilers.

Then this diary makes sense.

"I hate them!

I hate them! I hate them!

Why won't they let me be happy?

I wish I were dead"?

"Kathryn says I'll wind up alone, a miserable joke."

She was tormented.

Yeah, she was.

"They're going to be so disappointed in me.

"I don't blame them.

"I know it's my fault that no one wants to be my friend.

There's just something wrong with me."

This poor kid.

Who-Who's "they"?

Her parents, but I'm more interested in who this Kathryn is.

Look at that.

Huh. Looks like Molly was gonna turn in our friend Kathryn for having a drinking party in her dorm room every Thursday.

Molly was m*rder*d Thursday night.


Well, look at this.

The woman who is definitely not six months pregnant needs to sit.

I'd prefer to focus on the case.


You doing okay?

The victim owned every book I ever wrote.

Your m*rder mysteries?

No. The real ones.

The textbooks and technical manuals.

And the notes she wrote in the margins are exceptionally astute.

Well, according to Booth, she had a lot of free time to study.

I assume you mean because she didn't have many friends.


Intellectually, she was probably bored by frivolous adolescent concerns.

Yeah. Poor girl.

She must have been really lonely.

The other girls ostracized her because she was different, and they felt threatened.

Making conclusions without all the facts is not like you.

I'm using my own life as a reference.

Now I have perspective, but... then, when I was isolated like Molly... was difficult to imagine that I would ever find a life that I would enjoy living.

You never tried to cozy up to the popular kids?

I could accurately predict what their response would be, so, no.


I'm sorry, Brennan.

I have a wonderful life.

I'm sorry for Molly that she never got the chance to realize that she could have one, too.

Well, Booth and Aubrey said that she did try to fit in, but that she was rejected every time.

It was mostly by this girl named Kathryn.

Now, there were three Kathryns at Pemberley, but look at this one.

(computer chirps)

Kathryn Walling.

Those beads.

They look like a match for the ones found at the crime scene.


You're right.

The necklace wasn't Molly's.

It was Kathryn Walling's.


"I wish Ms. Minchin

"knew what an evil bitch Kathryn really is.

"But all she sees is the perfect young lady,

"the athlete and perfect student.

"If only she knew that Kathryn breaks every single rule in the Honor Code."

(scoffs) That is totally a gross exaggeration.

You're all through this diary. You tormented her.

She says, "I wish I was dead" over a dozen times in here.

We have witnesses who say that you and Molly got into a fight on Thursday.

The day Molly was m*rder*d.

Look, Molly was weird.

Everyone thought so.

But I did not k*ll her.

Aubrey: Okay.

Did you and Molly get into a fight on Thursday afternoon?

Yes. I came home from classes and found her snooping in my room.

Why didn't you report that to the headmistress?

If I reported every single thing Molly Delson did...

She might still be alive.

Minchin: Okay, okay, Agent Booth, I will remind you we are dealing with a 16-year-old girl.

Are we referring to Kathryn here, or the 16-year-old girl who was m*rder*d?

What was Molly doing in your room?

Well, obviously, she was stealing my necklace.

Molly was planning on telling Ms. Minchin about your drinking parties.

Wha...? What?

Okay, I'm more than willing to take responsibility for my actions, even if admitting it could get me suspended.

But I won't admit to something that I didn't do.

And I certainly didn't k*ll Molly.

Who was in your room drinking with you Thursday night?

Cayla Seligman and Arianna Donas.
You wanted to see me, Dr. Hodgins?

Yeah, so, I ran samples of Molly's clothes through the GC Mass Spec, and I found traces of Celastrus scandens, wall-climbing ivy.

From where her body was found?


The only place that we could find any was... Molly's dorm.



And I found a couple of white paint chips that match the type of paint used on the trellises.

She climbed out the window on her own.

Which means she wasn't kidnapped.

So where was she going?

And who did she meet?

She probably snuck out to meet a boy, could be the k*ller, so Aubrey's going through the diary to make a list of names.

Well, everything will help.

I want you to know that I remember every single time we've made love.


W... w, right, yeah.

That, uh, came out of nowhere.

I guess I'm flattered.

No, I have an exceptional memory.

Yeah. That.


I believe that I got pregnant the night you made ravioli.

No, no. It definitely was the Brunello night.

The baked eggplant was just perfect.

Impossible. Booth, no, that was way too long ago.

No, long enough to make you look this, um...


This... beautiful thing here.

Beautiful person.

I'm this size because I've been pregnant before and I have an appropriately healthy appetite.

Right, yeah, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. (stammers)

Usually you're so focused on the-the science and the facts about the case...

Am I missing something here?

No. Nothing.

Okay, I just thought that...

Can we talk about the case, please?

(phone chimes)


(keys beeping)

We got...

Oh. FBI techs have a bag of stuff that they pulled from the stream where Molly's body was found.

They're dropping it off at the lab. How about that?

♪ ♪

Thank you.


Daisy: That looks about the size that would've caused the s*ab wounds.

Hodgins: Yeah, seriously.

All right, I'm going to swab the blade for particulates.

I wish there was another way to tie the scissors to the case.

Uh, fingerprints?


They've been in water for days.

Please, and I thought that you were the optimist.

Because I've been anticipating Jake wanting to sleep with me?


That was a leap.

(chuckles): No.

I was just going to suggest that we run the scissors through a little cyanoacrylate fumigation.

Of course. Sorry.

No, no need to apologize.

That's good.

Well, let's wait until they've been fumigated before celebrating.

No, I meant about Jake, not the scissors.

It must feel nice to be wanted.

It does.

And terrible.

Like I'm being unfaithful.

Well, yeah, it's got to be complicated and confusing.

Yes, and I don't like either of those things.

I'm a single, widowed mother.

I don't know if I'm ready to just move on.

No matter how sweet and attractive Jake is.

Listen, Daisy...

No, thank you.

Let's start fumigating.

(quietly): Okay.


This influx of data on Molly's cell bill was caused by a ton of text messages.

Between Molly and her parents?

No. Hardly any of these were outgoing.

She was receiving texts?


She's supposed to be lonely and isolated.

Yeah. Here's why.

These are awful texts.

Aubrey: "Where you been hiding, Double-D?

"Thanks to those, I've now "coined the term motor-yachting.

How about a free ride?"

Oh, my God.


These texts came from all over the country.

So, why the sudden influx?

A nude photo of Molly was posted on the Web, with her phone number.

Oh, God, no, no, but we're not gonna have to look at that, though, are we?

No, no, we'll save that for the prosecutor.

But it is degrading.

Molly doesn't really seem like the sexting kind of girl.

It's not a selfie.

So, someone snapped a photo of Molly, put it on the Internet?

Okay, is there any way to trace who took the picture?

Well, I checked every copy I could find for the original metadata.

Now, does this name mean anything to you?

I'll be damned.

It's not a big deal.

She was underage.

You took that photo of her and you distributed it, okay?

That is child pornography, Tyler.

She told me she was 18.

Did you have sex with her, too?

What? No!

I only met her that one time.

Time you k*lled her?


A few days before she disappeared.

She offered to pose for me, I said yes.

Oh, really?

And why did she offer to do that, huh?

Your charm? Your good looks?



Those private school girls, they all want Ritalin or Adderall to study.

Oh, so you're a drug dealer.

I consider myself more of an academic coach.

Here's what I think happened.

I think Molly saw you selling to the other girls, she called it cheating, threatened to turn you in for the dealing, so you k*lled her.

No, no.

I'm telling you, she did it for the pills.


So why isn't there any sign of benzodiazepine in her tissue?

I don't know.

Science is not my thing.

Yeah, making up a story isn't your thing either.

Benzodiazepine is not an upper like Ritalin, Tyler, it's a sedative.

Well, then she needed to relax, I guess.

I don't know, she was high-strung.

Why did you post her photo?

I don't know.

I do.

So you could share it with all the other pervs.

I am really going to enjoy locking you up.

(door opens, closes)

Brennan: You're right.

Daisy: It's a puncture wound, right?

I believe so.

I'm sorry I didn't see it the first time.

You caught it, Ms. Wick, even though it was obfuscated by remodeled fractures from the victim's childhood obesity.

If Agent Booth were k*lled in the line of duty, would you go to bed with another man six months later?

Booth will not be k*lled.

Lance was a psychologist and he got k*lled.

Booth is an actual agent.

You have to admit, that's a high-risk job.

Actually, you both have high-risk jobs.

This conversation is not pertinent to the case.

I know, but would you?

Uh, sex is a need like hunger or sleep, Ms. Wick.

Why won't you just answer?



I wouldn't.

Then why would I?

I should, if the situation arose.

It makes no logical sense, but I wouldn't.

This is getting us nowhere.

The puncture wound to the lateral aspect of the femoral neck suggests the victim was injected.

But the tox screen came back negative.

We should check again because I'm obviously seeing things incorrectly or not seeing them at all.

You mean the situation with me and Jake and Lance and you and your baby and Booth and love and death?


It's possible the victim was injected with something that has an extremely fast metabolic breakdown.

Have Dr. Hodgins swab the puncture wound.

There may be residue on the bone.

Tyler's car came up negative for any signs of Molly.

Well, that guy's a freak and a perv but he's definitely not a m*rder*r.

He sure seemed like a m*rder*r to me.

But I guess guilt is in the eye of the beholder.

Everything's in the eye of the beholder.


It doesn't make any sense.

Why... why would Molly degrade herself for dr*gs and not take them?

Maybe she was saving them for later?

Nah, we would've found them-- we didn't find them anywhere.

So, she got them for a friend?

Right. No friends.

Okay, so maybe she got them to make friends?

Or because she was bullied into getting them?

Whose trunk was she in?

I mean, where was she going?

Who was she going to see?

We got more questions than answers here and we're definitely missing something.

Yeah, but what?

I don't know. Why don't you take a look at this diary again, see if you can find anything.

Hodgins: This is definitely the m*rder w*apon.

I found matching particulates for the glue, construction paper and glitter.

Any luck with the fingerprints?

We're about to find out.

So, you add a little bit of superglue, right.

Then you put it in an airtight heated chamber.

Now, once the actual superglue boils, the vapors will reveal any fingerprints that survived submersion in the stream.

Did you get the results back from the puncture wound swab?

Uh, no, it's still in the Mass Spec.

Well, I did a localized fat tox screen on the corresponding tissue.

As I expected, it came back negative, but I took another look at the tendons and I'm pretty sure they weren't torn by predation.

They happened before death?

During the struggle?

Which would indicate that either her assailant was extremely strong or there was more than one.


Okay, all right.

So... because the chemical deposits are white and the handles are white, we're going to need to dust in order to find contrast.

Saroyan: That's not a fingerprint.

Hodgins: No.

Cyanoacrylate fuming also reacts with other latent chemicals.

So I'm guessing this is some kind of resin.

Saroyan: It looks like letters-- is it a word?

It's a name.


These are her scissors.

Cayla isn't big or strong enough to k*ll her alone.

Someone had to help her k*ll Molly Delson.

So, squints put Cayla Seligman at the crime scene.

Which means that Kathryn Walling's alibi is shot.

And since all three used each other as alibis and the squints think that there were multiple K*llers...

One of those girls must have a car.

All right, get a warrant and search the trunk.

Me and Bones will talk to the girls.

You got it.


I'm going to set some ground rules here.

If I feel the questioning becomes too aggressive, I will stop and call in the girls' parents.

Well, there's no need to get aggressive if everybody tells the truth.

The truth isn't always easy to accept.

Sometimes it's hard to open our eyes to it.

Which is why we brought scientific evidence.

Isn't that right, Bones?

Yes, but I'm just saying that Ms. Minchin might have to question her own instincts and beliefs.

Which are what?

Brennan: To protect these girls and your institution.

Is there something wrong with that?

Only if it helps three murderers go free.

Oh, my God, do you mean us?

We have forensic evidence that ties all three of you to Molly's m*rder.

Those your scissors, Cayla?


So... those scissors were found where Molly was m*rder*d.

You're looking at the m*rder w*apon.

Somebody stabbed Molly with my scissors?

And guess whose car was used to move Molly to the woods, Arianna.

My car? That's impossible.

I haven't taken it out in, like, a week.

The text Agent Booth received a moment ago confirmed that traces of Molly's hair and blood were found in the trunk of your car.

Ms. Minchin, this is crazy.

Kathryn: Okay, can I ask a question?

I already told you Molly was a jealous little klepto sneak.

She stole my necklace, why not Cayla's scissors?

What about Arianna's car?


As captain of Pemberley's mock trial team, I can tell you your argument is both specious and circumstantial.

You have no proof that her hair or blood was there because of us.

Not to mention that it is permissible for police to lie to suspects during interrogations.

Two of you held her down. She fought back.

You kicked her, fracturing her ribs.

You yanked her arm out of its socket.

But that wasn't enough.

No, one of you picked up those scissors and stabbed her not once, not twice, but 12 times before she died.

Dr. Brennan.

No, that's not true, because we were all in Kathryn's room, drinking.

What? Uh...

Okay, "we"?

Molly brought some booze.

One of those half bottles of vodka.

She said she wanted to be friends.

What happened next?



We all woke up the next morning at 8:00 a.m.

Except... Molly wasn't there.

You all passed out?

They're 16-year-old girls, they aren't used to drinking.

There isn't enough alcohol in a pint bottle of vodka for all of you to black out.

Look, I'm sorry I was mean to Molly.

I'm sorry I bullied her and I wish I could take it back.

But I'm not a k*ller.

I'm sorry, that's not enough. You're all under arrest for the m*rder of Molly Delson.


All right. All right, I got it.

No, I... I've been reading the same page for 15 minutes.

I just...

I just keep thinking about those girls.

Their story made no sense at all.

That's the one thing that bugs me.

What, that their story was stupid?



Because they aren't stupid.

You think they're innocent?

I think that they're mean.

I think that they're bullies, but I don't think that they, uh, m*rder*d Molly.

That's one of those gut things I have that you're gonna laugh at me for.

I'm not laughing at you.

Why not?

Because evidence can always be explained by more than one story.

Hmm. Okay, so then what do we do now?

We look at the evidence again, we... we search for another story, we find the truth.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wai-wait a second-- now?

We... Of course, why not?

This is the best time.

I'm gonna go to the lab and look at everything again.

No, no, it's... this is not the best time.

Love you.

(door opens, closes)

Hi. Is everything all right?

It's almost 10:00 at night.

Thank you for meeting me.

Yeah. Well, you called Hodgins in, so I didn't have anything else to do.



Honey, I was joking.

You're really important to me, obviously.

What's... What's wrong?

My size.

Oh. Well, you'll lose the weight after the baby's born.

Not... Not that.

Activity in the amygdala has been shown to increase with hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Oh. So... you're saying I was right.

Essentially, yes.

I-I... I'm six months pregnant.

I have to be.

I just didn't... just didn't want to be.

Well, I'm not gonna argue with that.

I tried to convince myself that maybe I was having twins.

But the doctor would know if I were having twins.

Yes, she would.

Then why do I keep trying to insist that I am less pregnant than I am?

It makes no sense.

Sweets would say it's because you're trying to control something that you can't control.

But what do you say?

I agree. I think it makes you question whether having another child is the right thing to do.

No, we-we're both very happy about having another child.

I'm sure.

But you're smart, Brennan.


Right, so you must have thought about your work.

About what you and Booth do.

I love what I do.

So does Booth.

Yeah, we all do, but we don't like being shot at or seeing somebody we love die or seeing them locked up.

In one second, everything can just change.

Your children could be left with no one.

And not being able to control that... is really scary.

But... that's just the price we pay for the things that we love.

Hey. So Booth's gut may have been right.

Yes. I should have this baby in about three months.

And I'm not sleeping with Jake. Not yet.

Okay... good to know.

Anyway, I got the results back from the puncture wound swab.

It's positive for Lidocaine.

But the victim bought benzodiazepine.

Lidocaine is a nerve blocker.

Meaning when Molly was k*lled, she was numb to the pain?


Does that seem like something 16-year-old bully girls would do?

No. Way too creepy.


Because even though the victim wouldn't feel the attack, she would've been conscious, watching her own death.

That is freak territory.

It would be unusually cruel.

What? What spark just went off in your big brain?

We've been deluding ourselves.

I noticed earlier there's a distinct lack of injuries to the victim's left arm.

There are no corresponding fractures to those on the right scapula and glenohumeral joint, which I would expect to see.

And why is that delusional?

Based on the handwriting in Molly's diary, we know she was left-handed.

W... Wait, you say that as though it explains everything, but it...

I guess we should be used to this by now.

(door opens, closes)


Booth, Booth, wake up. I know what happened to Molly Delson.

All right, okay, what time is it?

Oh, and also, I'm-I'm very pregnant, I'm at least six months.

Whoa, you're having the baby now?


Did you hear what I said?

I know what happened to Molly Delson.

I should have seen it right from the beginning, but I've recently learned that many issues can cloud the truth.

Just relax, all right?

I'm listening now.

It was there right from the beginning.

The directionality of the puncture wound, the stabbings, the fractures, I-I just didn't want to see it.

See what?

Molls parents are dentists, that's where she got the Lidocaine.

The benzodiazepines, they weren't for her, they were for the mean girls, to put in the vodka to knock them out.

Bones, who k*lled Molly Delson?

Molly Delson k*lled herself.

We know she was depressed and suicidal from her diary, but we also know that she couldn't stand the thought of disappointing her parents.

Kathryn, Cayla and Arianna-- they didn't k*ll Molly.

Booth: But they pushed her over the edge.

Brennan: She tried to get revenge on them by framing them for her own m*rder.

Booth: She wanted them to suffer for what they did to her.


Yes. She was lost and in pain.

But she was also brilliant.

She knew exactly what injuries to inflict on herself, exactly what clues she should leave with her body.

It's why she stole a nerve blocker from her parents' office--

So she could harm herself and stay cogent to finish the job.

She got the benzodiazepines from Tyler to put in the girls' alcohol so they couldn't account for their time.

She was meticulous.

And now... that beautiful, brilliant mind is gone because she couldn't see a way out.

People delude themselves.

Y... I didn't want to see the reality of Molly's death because I couldn't imagine someone that intelligent deciding to k*ll themselves.

You know, kids delude themselves all the time.

Molly's parents deluded themselves into thinking that she was happy.

I know what she went through.

I just wish that... instead of convincing herself that su1c1de was the only option... if she had someone to talk to, if she felt safe enough to...


I know.

I have you now.


I can tell you how scared I am.

Scared? You?



The reason I convinced myself I wasn't as pregnant as I am is...

I just kept thinking... the more our family grows, the more we have to lose.

Yeah. On the flip side, we have more to gain.

Hey. We're gonna be fine, Bones.

What, faith?



Lots of love.

(softly chuckles)

Okay? Come on.

Come on over here.

I'll take love.

All right. I'll give you love.

Got love in here.

I can feel it.