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01x08 - Season 1, Episode 8

Posted: 04/09/14 03:26
by bunniefuu
(cover of Doris Troy's "Just One Look" plays)

(SINGS) ♪ Just one look And I fell so hard-ard-ard ♪
♪ In love ♪
♪ With you ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ I found out... ♪

Eiffel Tower.


You might be familiar with this one.

(SINGS) ♪ Rock-a-bye baby On the treetops... ♪

Annie: ♪ Your love ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Say you will ♪
♪ Will be mine-ine-ine ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ And always ♪
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Just one look ♪
♪ That's all it took ♪
♪ Just one look ♪
♪ That's all it took ♪
♪ Just one look ♪
♪ That's all it took ♪
♪ Just one look ♪
♪ That's all it took. ♪

Patrick. My appointment's been brought forward to this morning.

Can you watch her?

What appointment?

My, gynaecologist.


Uh, how long will you be?

An hour, no more.



Oh, thank you.

Hi, Mrs McNaughton.


Doctor, I was just wondering if I could ask you a favour.

My baby's been put up for adoption. I'm planning on getting her back.

I was just wondering whether you wouldn't mind maybe writing me a reference, saying that you think I'd be a good mother, just in case it goes to court.



I know you've helped me in the past and I really, really appreciate that.

If you could just help me with this one thing...

I'm really very busy.

It wouldn't have to be today.

I don't think I can, Annie.

Sorry, Annie.

Why don't you, uh... why don't you come see me tomorrow and then we can...


Come see me tomorrow and we'll talk about it then, alright?


Joan! Joan!

I think Dr McNaughton's got my baby.


You already knew.

("Love Child" theme plays)

Song: ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ahh ♪
♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪
♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪
♪ In others' eyes I see reflected ♪
♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected ♪
♪ Love child ♪
♪ Never meant to be ♪
♪ A love child Scorned by society... ♪

Is there a single person in my daughter's life that hasn't lied to me?

Annie, I didn't lie...

You're sleeping with him.

I've seen him here!


That's why you didn't say anything to me.

No, Annie, that's...

You're having an affair with him!

That is not true.

Oh, you're so full of bullshit!

I swear that is not what is happening.

Then prove it to me!

Get me my daughter back!

I've been trying to do that!


Hi. Phillip, this is Annie.

Annie, this is the lawyer friend I've been trying to tell you about.

You tell me, then.

Can I get my daughter back or not?

Yes, but it won't be easy.

So I might not.

But you might.

It's the law. It's slow.

We've got to jump through a few hoops first.


How much does she know?


Pattie: Have you said goodbye to your baby?

Yep. He's going to a good home.

How can you be sure?

I'm sure.

Ooh! (WEEPS)

I knew you'd do this, Pattie.

Do what?

Set me off.

You two are priceless.

You'll write to me, won't you?

I'm coming back to work here tomorrow.

No, I mean when I'm in Melbourne with Robert.

What? He's coming!

Pattie, you haven't heard from him for months.

You might want a plan B just in case.


You can always come live with me.

It's like hugging a couple of beach balls.



Martha, all set?

Accommodation lined up?


Got a place, view of the city.


I'll walk you out.

Come on.

Hey, Martha.

It really hurt, didn't it, having your baby?

Nah, piece of cake.


Shirley, hey.


I got you a cuppa.

Oh, I've got an appointment at 10:30 with the doctor about Ben's operation.

Plenty of time. I'll go with you.

No, you don't have to.

My insurance is paying.

I should know what's going on.


I meant what I said, Shirl.

I'll look after the boy as if he was my own.

I spoke with Personnel.

They're gonna give me a six-month posting down here.

I'll get a desk job for six months.

We'll make this work.

You'll never raise a hand to him.



Or you.

There's a very good paediatric cardiac surgeon here tomorrow.

I think the baby's operation should be done then.

If you think he'll be strong enough.

Open heart surgery on a sick baby.

I think he's up to it and it'll help his lungs. That's important.

I want to understand a bit more...

I want it done.

Do I have to sign anything?

The costs will be covered under your insurance, Mr Ryan?


And you're his legal guardian?


Then yours is the only signature that's required.

McNaughton's adoption order has to be revoked by the attorney-general and then we have to launch a custody suit.

But the brief's in order. I think we've got a pretty solid case.

Well, why didn't you tell Annie that?

Because it could take up to four years to get a judgement.


No judge is going to take a 4-year-old girl away from her parents and just hand her over to a single mother.

Oh, she's not gonna get her back, is she?

Never say never.

I'm in the optimism business.

(SIGHS)'re screwing McNaughton.

I know you were hoping I didn't hear.

No, not screwing.

Screwed - past tense.

Big mistake.

You don't owe me an explanation.

Do you love him?

I don't know.

Well, that's a bastard.

Look, I can jump whichever way you want on this, but once I make an application to the attorney-general I can't take it back.

So just make sure you're doing this for Annie's sake and not to deal with your own guilty conscience.

Joan: I've written a letter to the medical superintendent informing him that your adoption was illegal.

Well, that could ruin you.

Why are you telling me this?

Because I am giving you the chance to be a good person.

And do what? Hand the child back?

You and Eva can adopt again, but while Annie wants her baby back, it will always be hers.

You know that.





Eva: Patrick, do you want coffee?

Yes, please.

Patrick, Patrick!

Patrick! Where's Rose? She's gone!

None of the neighbours saw anything.

Did you call the police?


When are they coming?

They didn't say.

Well, it's an emergency!

She could have been gone for hours.

Who would do this?


The girl who gave birth to Rose.

You saw her yesterday.

Annie Carmichael.

She's changed her mind about adopting the baby out.

How would she know we adopted Rose?

I don't know.

This is confidential information.

I mean, what if she hurts her?

She won't.

How do you know what she'll do?

She broke into our house!

We will get Rose back.

We will. I promise.

Annie: It's alright. Mummy's here.

It's OK. It's OK.


It's OK. It's OK.



Hey, it's OK. It's alright.



It's OK. Shh, shh, shh. It's OK.

Shh, shh, shh.




Hey, what are you doing?!

She's taken Rose.

She broke into my house and stole her.

What? When?

I don't know. Some time last night.

Did you put her up to this?

Are you kidding me?

No, of course not!

Where is she?

I don't know. I haven't seen her.




Hey, I told you, she's not in here.

Get out of my room! Get out.

If anything happens to that child, I will not forgive you.


Oh, please pick up.

Robert, pick up.

Martha's right, Pattie.

You need a plan B.

Matron: While you are living here there will be no male visitors outside of immediate family and no correspondence with anyone other than immediate family.

Vivian, this is Alice.

Show her upstairs, please.

Hi. I'm Viv. Good to meet you.

Do you need a hand?

Oh! What have you got in this thing? Rocks?

Yes, mostly quartzite and garnets.

Great. They'll come in handy.

Laundry, Patricia.

And here are your adoption consent forms.


Hey, Pattie.


Just come back to get my glory box.

I don't want Matron chucking it in the lost and found.

No. Is it nice, your new place?

Um, no, I lied about that.


But it'll do.

Do you think it would fit the two of us and my baby?

You bet.

Colin: I thought about you every night for 18 months.

Did you think about how much we used to fight?

Well, I tried not to.

I was already doing plenty of fighting.

I'd like us to have our own kids one day, Shirl, like we talked about before I went away.

It's too soon.

Oh, of course. Not right away. No.

When things are back to normal.

Things were never normal between us.

They will be.

I promise.

We have to go to the hospital.

Well, her bags are all still in her room and her clothes.

She didn't think about this, did she?

She just did it.

Eventually she'll have to come back here.

Where's her family?


If we're quick, we could make it to Central before the 9 o'clock train and we can check the bus stations.

Look, if she gets charged with kidnapping, it's game over.

Oh, what have I done?


Dr McNaughton, if she was here, I would know about it!

Dr McNaughton, Annie's not here!

Have you called the police?

No. The police will charge her.

She doesn't deserve that.

Stop being so lily-livered.

She's kidnapped your child.

Do you want her back or not?

Sister Millar has made a written complaint about private adoptions here.

Yes, I know.

Oh, thank you for the warning.

I assume if a head has to roll, it will be mine.

That's not gonna happen.

Call the police, for God's sake.

Shh, it's OK.

It's OK, baby.

Mummy's here, Mummy's here.

Shh, it's OK, it's OK.

It's OK. Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Shh, it's OK.


Shh, it's OK. It's alright.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's OK.


Any news?


But Rose will be safe.

I know she will.

Didn't this girl go to Stanton House to relinquish her child?

How can she think she has any entitlement at all?

I organised Rose's adoption privately.

That's how we got her the night she was born.

Did you break the law?

(SIGHS) I wanted us to be a family.





Police, please.

Hey, there you go.

Hey, you were just hungry. Hey?

You were just hungry.

(SINGS) ♪ Twinkle, twinkle ♪
♪ Little star... ♪

Matron's gonna be so cross.

It's about the 50th time.

She can't make you sign those papers.

Hey, if you want your baby, you stick to your g*ns.

We'll be alright, won't we?

We'll be great! I'll help.

Will you really, Martha?

Oh, course.

I've still got plenty of milk coming.


Oh, my God. That's Robert!



Oh, hey.



I called you a million times.

Where have you been?

Mum and Dad sent me to America.


Yeah, but, um, I had to come back...for you.

Oh, my goodness!

Boy, you got big.

What did you expect?


This is Cynthia and Linda and Maggie and that's Vikki and this is Viv.

I hope you're not gonna test me on these later.

(LAUGHS) He's so funny.

You took your time getting here.

Oh, his parents, they sent him to America.

Tied you up and forced you on the plane?

Look, he's here now.

That's the main thing.

Ooh, Martha, this is Robert.


Thought you people had your own places.

Uh, you should... you should see our dormitory.



When the sheets come out of the dryer we fold them and we stack them over here.

Other linens go there and towels go down there.



She needs nappies and bottles, some changes of clothes for herself and the baby.

She'll get found out if she stays there.

Well, we'll have to be quick.

I'll get some stuff from the dorm.

Can you get into the maternity ward?


Matron lied to her about the baby being dead.

I know. It's horrible.


Joan: Viv, have you seen Annie?

No. Why?

If you see her, ask her to contact me.


Matron, I'm looking for Annie Carmichael.

I've already told Dr McNaughton - she's not here.

Well, she didn't get on a train home or a bus.

The girl is unhinged.

Pity the poor child.

Annie's not thinking clearly.

She feels cornered.

Well, whose fault is that?

Yours. You're the one who lied to her in the first place.

You told her the baby was dead.

I have only ever acted in that child's best interests.

Bullshit! You run this place like a farm.

You don't care where the babies end up, so long as it's not with their mothers.

Get out of here.

You're morally bankrupt.

Get out of here!

How many? What? 100? 200?

You hypocrite!

When you've laid waste to everybody's reputation and Annie Carmichael is in prison and welfare have taken that poor child from the McNaughtons, how many lives will you have ruined?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

I've, um, done all the paperwork and I've booked a church for New Year's Eve.

Why did you book a church?

Our parents aren't coming.

Uh, mine are.

It's a...Catholic Church.

With me like this?

I thought we were going to elope.

Yeah, but it's not that simple.

There's...there's still a lot of stuff to do, so...


So why didn't you write to me from America?


After you went away... Mum and Dad started setting me up with Catholic girls.

And, uh, to get them off my back... I started going around with Maureen O'Leary.

Oh, Maureen?

And did you, um... did you have, uh, relations with her?

It wasn't serious.


Pat, I'm sorry.

Don't touch me.


If you could just get away from me.

Viv: Pattie, Pattie!

Give us a hand here?

What's going on?

Annie's baby's alive.


Shh, shh, shh.

Patricia, I met your fiance on his way out.

You had a male visitor upstairs.

I'm very sorry, Matron.

I don't care what your plans are.

While you remain under this roof, the rules are the rules.

Well, don't worry 'cause he won't be coming back.

Perhaps you'll finally consider those adoption papers, then.

Yes, Matron.

Where are you going with that?

Um, well, just...

One of the nurses asked us to donate some stuff for the hospital fete.

Very generous.



I won't be doing my shift.

I'm sorry.

Where am I supposed to find a replacement?

I'm sorry.

I'll get that back to you, Viv, as soon as I get my own stuff.

No worries. It's not as if I'm going anywhere anytime soon.

Give us your room key. We'll get all your belongings for you.

Oh, yeah. Thank you.

Thanks so much, all of you.

She's a beautiful girl, Annie.

Annie: Yeah.

I think she knows me already. Oh!

Where will you go?

I've got a friend in Newcastle.

She'll put us up for a little while.

We've got money.

We're gonna be fine, aren't we?

Annie, this isn't going to work.

I don't want to listen to you anymore.

Annie, if you run, the police will find you and charge you and then you'll never gain custody of her.

So don't tell them where she is.

I'm not the only one looking for her.

The McNaughtons have half the police force out after you.

I'm her mother!

And this is not the best way.

Whose side are you on?

I'm on Annie's side, Vivian.

It's not as simple as you...

Miss! Miss!

You need to come with us.

No, please.

Annie: No, please.

Pattie: It's OK, It's OK!

Please don't!

No, you can't. Please.

Please! No, you can't!


You can't! Give her back to me! Don't take her!

You have to be careful with her!

(SCREAMS) Give her back to me!

Give her back!


Look what you've done!

Look what you've done!

I didn't do this!

I didn't do this, Annie!

Give her back!

Give her back to me!


Hello, somebody?

I'm Dr McNaughton.

This is my wife, Eva.

You have our daughter.

Yeah, yeah.

She's just sleeping out back.

Do you want...

Can I go get her?

You go. I'll wait here.


Tell them Annie was your babysitter.

Tell them anything.

I already told them the truth when I rang.

Well, change it! Change the truth.

It wouldn't be the first time.

Your complaint to the hospital board makes that harder.

Well, I will withdraw it.

You can do anything you want here, Patrick, and you know it.

How is she?

She's tired. She had a big day.

She was never in danger.

I don't believe she would have been found in a laundry if that were true.

What are you doing in here?

What do you want from me?

Just some answers.

Why did it take you so long to change your mind about wanting her?

I didn't.

But you were in Stanton House for eight months.

You knew she was gonna be adopted.

No-one in that place ever told me I had a choice and then they told me she was dead.

Do you have any idea what that feels like?

Yes. Some.

Did you have a name for her?


I told the police it was a misunderstanding.

They're going to let you go.

Can you please... can you please make sure that she knows I never stopped loving her?

Professor Flannery called me today.

I said I'll withdraw the complaint.

That's not why he rang.

You topped the state in your obstetrics exam.

Congratulations... Dr Millar.

In another universe, maybe things would have been different for us.


Shall we?

Shirley: Please don't let him die.

Did you find the canteen?

Man: No.


I joined up.

They said they'd waive my sentence if I put in two years of nasho.

What if they send you to Vietnam?


I'll try not to sh**t straight.

Everything you believed in...

You and Ben are more important.

I can't leave you to both fend for yourselves.

Colin: Jeez, you could die wondering in that bloody...canteen.

You're a bit late, digger.

I'm already paying for your boy's operation.

He's having it now.

I had to say yes, Johnny.

I had to fix him.

I'll wait downstairs.

Let me know when he comes out.


I love you.

Don't get on that bus!

Where the hell are you going?


So that's it?

She's been waiting for months and after one false start, you turn and run?

She doesn't want me around.

I cheated on her.

OK, you're a disappointment.

Life isn't perfect.

Pattie can work that out.

Do you love her?


So...maybe you need to fight a bit harder.

Is she down?


Patrick, how many lies did you have to tell for us to adopt Rose?

I've only ever done what was right, for her and for us.

And how much have you lied to me?

I haven't.

About Joan Millar.

Have you lied to me about her?


Let's drive up to Surfers Paradise next week, get away from all of this.

I can take leave.


(cover of "You On My Mind" by "Russell Morris" plays)

(SINGS) ♪ Yes, I've got ♪
♪ You on my mind ♪
♪ Help me to seize ♪
♪ The thoughts of your kisses ♪
♪ I've got you ♪
♪ On my mind ♪
♪ You're in my head ♪
♪ Your laughter sings in the air ♪
♪ Oh-ho, wherever I'll be wandering free ♪
♪ Oh, babe, I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ Ba-ba-ba-ba ♪
♪ Take my hand ♪
♪ And we'll fly ♪
♪ The country air tastes green ♪
♪ Between our toes the grass is the cool and clean ♪
♪ So high, let's fly ♪
♪ Between the trees and dreams ♪
♪ You on my mind ♪
♪ Yes, I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪
♪ Help me to seize the thoughts of your kisses ♪
♪ Babe, I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ You on my mind ♪
♪ Yes, I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪
♪ Help me to seize the thought of your kisses ♪
♪ Babe, I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ Take my hand ♪
♪ And we'll fly ♪
♪ The country air tastes green ♪
♪ Between our toes the grass is cool and clean ♪
♪ So high, let's fly ♪
♪ Between the trees and dreams ♪
♪ You're in my head... ♪


I got dinner!


I got us, uh, combination chicken chow mein...




She's your baby.




Thank you.